card-manor · 3 months
Not seen, the required 400 hour leadership retraining program Carmafe had to complete
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card-manor · 4 months
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See how great artists know how to make your commissions better- I wanted something else on the flag but Boozye also gave me a blank version and now the banner is totally non-ominous. Two friendly faces, give them your organs :)
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card-manor · 5 months
OMRP/ Lamentation covers
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card-manor · 5 months
The girls arriving to the Devildom
|| assuming different timelines
Mad, frustrated and confused, but none of that really mattered in that moment-
“Send me back!”
“We can’t do that, you’ve agreed to join the exchange-“
“No no! I left a fire on!”
Alice is sent back to her study for just long enough to turn off the bunsen burner and shut off all the power from the main breaker, just in case. Before she can throw together a bag, she’s pulled back to the Devildom.
Now without having to worry about her house burning down, Alice can stand still long enough to listen to the welcome speech and simmer in her rage.
She mulls over the injustice of it all for a few days, anger coming to a boiling point when yet again she gets not-so-passive aggressively slammed into her locker between classes.
Fucking isekai ass program
But, despite her better judgement, she finds herself obsessing over her classes- now 4 chapters deep into her alchemy textbook before the first week is over. Entirely new fields of science were hers to explore, undiluted and unregulated chemicals readily available
If nothing else, she was going to have f-u-n this year
Resigned but can’t deny the excitement bubbling underneath. Or maybe it’s hysteria, it’s a little hard to tell.
She listens to the prepared speech, only growing a little reluctant when calling Mammon and hearing him swear up a storm over having to keep watch over her. He comes to lead her back to the dorms, but she hesitantly raises her hand, unsure of the protocol. Amused, Lord Diavolo beckons her to speak.
“If I may be so bold, could I be returned to the human realm for a bit? There are some things I need to handle if I’m going to be away for so long, but I only need 4 hours.”
Lord Diavolo initially denies her request, but Carmafe has experience in diplomacy. She argues her point for a few minutes and it impresses (or amuses) Lord Diavolo enough that he allows her to return for 2 hours. She catches sight of the men with gloves standing next to each other, one indifferent, one irate, and knew this was going to be a one time request so she better make it account.
Having recently completed her final job, and since she hadn’t accepted any new contracts yet, it only took 30 minutes for Carmafe to set up an automated message saying she would be unavailable for the foreseeable future and set up a mailing list for her return.
The next 30 minutes were a mass phone call to her 4 friends, telling them she would be MIA for a while and asking them to take care of her house while she was gone. Since she wasn’t allowed to tell them about the exchange program, 25 of those 30 minutes were spent reassuring them that she wasn’t actually going to just off herself and call it a one year vacation.
She uses the last hour to cram as much as she can into her suitcase. Bottles of body soap, toothbrushes, toothpase, first aid supplies, essentials. Near the end, 3 sets of clothes, hoodies, and her favorite novel for comfort. Right as she zips up the suitcase and straightens up, she’s back in the devildom with her audience of 8.
“Thank you for the honor, I’m excited to start the school year..”
Tries to jump out of the window
LISTEN, she came out of an unexpected sleep only to be surrounded by 7 super tall and buff men in a meeting hall she doesnt recognize? Absolutely not, this is how you lose your organs.
She doesn’t make it far, getting yanked back down to the ground by a dude with gloves and dark red eyes. “Lord Diavolo” gets Lucifer to drop her, and after giving Danny a minute to get oriented, goes through the whole “exchange program” spiel.
The knowledge that everyone and everything here would be capable and willing to kill her was not lost on Danny, but she has to admit, the concept of a demon school and magic was far too enticing to worry over the logistics for too long.
Annoys Mammon on the walk to the House Of Lamentation by openly staring at everything and trying to touch every plant on the walk over, accumulating 10 cuts and scrapes by the time they’re through the gate.
Excitement is quickly shot down when she walks into her room and realizes she only has 2 uniforms, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, and the clothes on her back to her name.
Gaslighting 101 and “Cook and clean for 7 messy guys? No paycheck? No thanks!”
“I never signed the agreement.”
“Yes, you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“You quite literally did.”
“That’s not how I write my signature.”
Honestly unsure what to make of her situation, but ultimately decides to roll with it. Flirts with Asmo, and has to keep the smirk off her face when he’s surprised that his powers don’t work on her.
Super grateful to see that her bedroom door has double locks but already has plans to install a full security system and tinkers with the phone that was given to her.
Pure confusion, but not about to fight her way out of this.
Puts up the least amount of fight but has a sense of wonder and intrigue at the prospect of magic and returning to school.
Doesn’t let Mammon abandon her when levi starts demanding money, she sees his plan coming a mile away and sneaks off to her room before either man can realize she’s gone.
School! School…. School.
In the silence of her room, the reality of her situation threatens to overwhelm her and instead of lingering on her anxiety, Roxie starts to reorganize and take inventory of her borrowed room. Thankfully, they seem to forget she’s in the house and no one calls her down to dinner.
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card-manor · 5 months
Pact Marks- Carmafe
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Lucifer (lower back): Perpetually his hand placement when they're near each other in an official capacity- guiding the 'human ambassador' to safely mingle during Diavolo's parties. The title may have started as a panicked joke, but she's taken it seriously every day there after. It was their secret for a while, but he did love to see his pact peek out from her dress when it was cut low enough to show. After a sufficient rise in status, it was seen as a mutual flex.
Mammon (left side of the waist): He originally wanted it to go on her neck, but reconsidered, wanting the location to be more "us" than "me". It ends up on her waist bevause he's always pulling her close- to dance, away from explosions, out of fights...
Leviathan (back of left ankle): unintentional and he found it super embarassing at first. He thought he didnt care about the placement, but something about an ankle seemed weirdly intimate. But he knew why it was there- he had lost his temper once, even worse than the TSL quiz, and when she had tried to run, his tail had wrapped around her ankle and tripped her, gripping so tightly that it fractured. He hated the memory, but came to love his pact on her ankle, almost like a legitamate tattoo.
Satan (upper left thigh): a natural placement, this is where he would put his hand to pull her closer when they read together. He liked to buy her dresses with high slits, allowing his pact mark to peek when she would cross her legs.
Asmodeous (low on right hip): Asmo has a surprisingly hard time getting her flustered, Carmafe seemingly invulnerable to his advances. While he was kind of happy and intrigued that she didnt flirt back, he wanted to fluster her really well, just once! He found this spot on accident, hand slipping lower than he meant it to. She was stumbling over her words, a blushing mess, and he'd give anything to see it again. And he did! When they found where the pact was placed she was stunned silent for a week.
Beel (tongue): Carmafe couldnt find or feel the mark, and it weirded her out but she ignored it, believing that Beel hadn't wanted a visible one. A week later she's eating sundaes with Mammon and Levi when Mammon started to choke. After he managed to not die, he squeezed her cheeks until she opened her mouth and they all saw the mark on her tongue. Beel didnt make any comment on it, but they could have sworn he was smirking as he walked away.
Belphegor (inside of left thigh): just kind of happened. Carmafe was too busy to indulge his every nap so they fell into a pattern where he would lay in her lap on the couch while she studied so voila- pact mark.
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card-manor · 5 months
Some nicknames given to the brothers
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card-manor · 5 months
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It came to me in a dream
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card-manor · 5 months
The Manor terrorizing the House (H.O.L)
[Old/ repost dump]
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The only 2 ways to handle demon harassment. Use your shapeshifting powers to your fullest extent.
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Danny soon to tie with Mammon in air-suspension punishments
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How to get banned from cooking duties for a month
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From a comment I made in MC san's post
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Danny and Asmo banned from band leadership speed run
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Rescuing Danny mission #257 (also got this redone as a commission, from Boozye this time!)
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card-manor · 5 months
[Old/ repost] Their Sin trend from MoemoeMammon
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(Fun fact, I got Roxanne's redrawn in a commission from dead-ghouls 💕)
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card-manor · 5 months
OLD o.m.r.p photo dump
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Dress shopping for the first dance of the year!
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Danny and Maab recruiting for their new, totally legit, religion/club
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Danny helping Yuuna set up for the cat lover's meeting
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Danny & Toonie's first group assignment
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School merch/pride week
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Not OMRP, but my danny being a shit influence to Boozye's Dani (i lost the original post)
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card-manor · 5 months
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[From Beel's "Say His Name" devilgram.]
Rereadong the old cards really has me feeling some kind of way...
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card-manor · 5 months
“When you’re trying out a new style, maybe don’t go from school snitch to all black overnight. And wait are those piercings real!?”
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card-manor · 5 months
Fun fact; a cute girl can uproot any belief (or something like that)
( b&w sketches at the end were commissioned from dead-ghouls 💖)
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card-manor · 6 months
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His gift is a life lesson: most of Danny’s games involve some degree of injury and pain
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card-manor · 6 months
The first week in the manor was a LOT of boundary learning
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card-manor · 6 months
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Your honor he is very small and has no money
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card-manor · 6 months
Mc was honestly a little too nice, girly you and me are not the same
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