carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
4 Understated Benefits Of Helping Your Child Write Well
Writing is a skill that is often neglected amidst Singaporean education’s focus on maths and science. Far more than just scoring well in academics, writing has very tangible benefits in daily living. Here are 4 benefits of helping your child to write well, as well as how writing courses in Singapore assist you in doing so.
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1. It promotes effective communication.
In addition to spoken language, writing is still the main medium of which we communicate with one another. Be it conveying information with work colleagues and clients, or messaging your friends and family about the latest events and happenings, writing is a key part of our lives. A good understanding of the proper grammar and flow of words in writing also helps your kid to speak more effectively too, reducing confusion and convincing others more effectively. .
An important tip on how to motivate your children is to be as patient as possible, giving them the space to make mistakes rather than rushing to correct them. In addition, you can try engaging their creativity in daily settings through a variety of activities, ranging from writing down the lyrics to their favourite songs to involving them in writing down shopping lists.
2. It allows them to express themselves.
Kids who have a broader vocabulary and are comfortable with writing are better equipped to express not only their thoughts, but also their feelings. This enables individuals to utilize writing to persuade their peers, share their expertise, and have an impact on others in their immediate vicinity. Additionally, expression enables children to communicate their feelings to their parents, which is critical for promoting their mental health and well-being in these uncertain times.
Another suggestion on how to motivate your children is to urge them to keep a journal, which can be physical or electronic. They can use it to recollect intriguing happenings from the previous week or to express their emotions in a private and secure space. Additionally, the notebook can act as a remembrance that kids can look back on fondly as they grow older.
3. It improves their confidence.
As with physical activity, kids should strive to develop a habit of writing regularly. They will gradually enhance their fluency and capacity to create lengthier pieces in less time, as well as their ability to polish their mental processes in order to craft their work properly. As a result, their mastery and confidence grow, particularly in timed assessments such as composition writing and freestyle creative writing.
Writing courses in Singapore offer a structured curriculum to build up children’s fundamentals, with nurturing tutors who are committed to their success. As students improve over time and revisit their earlier works, they can see a tangible improvement and remain motivated to continually improve their writing.
4. It improves their future prospects.
Writing is a critical talent that is necessary for a wide variety of disciplines, especially as children progress through secondary school and beyond. Students are obliged to compose organized essays for a variety of purposes, including the General Paper in junior college and many research papers in tertiary school. Having strong writing abilities helps students make their papers more legible and concise, which is likely to earn them a higher grade. Additionally, writing is critical in business contexts, where a well-written email demonstrates professionalism and can make a favorable impression on clients.
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Another area where good writing shines is writing compelling cover letters when applying to universities or jobs. Particularly for coveted universities or jobs where the majority of applicants have exceptional scores and resumes, a well-written cover letter is often what gives applicants the edge and enroll into the university or job of their dreams. Writing courses in Singapore provide students an early foundation to write masterfully and fluidly, honing their craft over time.
Writing from a young age brings about many benefits for a child in the long-run. It takes conscious effort and practice to write. Looking for additional tips on how to best motivate your children? Visit www.careanoh.com to find out more.
By Carean Oh, Writers Studio.
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carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
6 tips to help your child become more self-directed
By Carean Oh 
I am an educator based in Singapore. Known by my students as Ms Carean Oh, I run Writers Studio, a private English language school for children from 7 to 17 years old. Day in and day out, I teach children and work with a team of teachers to help young children embrace language learning positively. 
In a previous article, I have shared that self-directed learning is an invaluable learning technique, empowering children to take ownership of their own learning process and continually refining it by identifying their strengths and optimal learning strategies. As a skill that is nurtured rather than innate, self-directed learning requires the help of both parents and educators to be instilled in children. Here are more helpful parenting tips for Singaporean parents to do so.
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Self-directed learning allows students to control their own education. Being in control can be an important skill. It can involve setting goals, choosing what and how to learn, and monitoring one's own progress. Many of us might think that learning by ourselves is a hard thing to do, not to mention that it will be harder for our children. 
However, there are a host of tools we can now use for self-directed learning. 
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Self-directed learners often use different methods to learn, such as books, the internet, videos, and audio recordings. Independent learning is becoming more popular as technology makes it easier for people to access information. Children as young as four can be self-directed. It is a matter of how the intervention is done, what we use as learning tools and how we prepare our children mentally for it. 
 Here are 6 tips for helping your child become more self-directed:
1. Set a good example. 
If your child sees you taking an active role in your own education or learning, they are more likely to want to do the same. Be an example, by giving your child a sense of autonomy and independence. Don’t be a nag. If your child is not doing something you think they should be doing, don’t ask them to do it. Instead, tell them what you expect from them and ask them to help you with the task instead.
2. Discourage your child from being dependent on others. 
Make sure that your child is not in the habit of always asking for help from you or others. Encourage your child to take the lead.  The child's personality is a combination of all of the genetic predispositions that make up his or her basic characteristics. These characteristics are inherited from both parents and the environment, but can also be enhanced by the experiences that he or she has had in life.
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3. Encourage your child to embrace challenges to gain new skills.
Encourage your child to take on challenges and explore new concepts or to try new things. This will help them develop confidence and problem-solving skills.
4. Provide age-appropriate learning tools for your child. 
Teach your child more about school subjects that interest him/her and help them find resources and materials that appeal to them. Make use of resources available online and at home. (I shall cover more of these in my future post.
5. Harness on the right technology
Make sure your child has the right tools to achieve their goals. Let the child get used to being alone with their technology. If they are new readers, this means books and other reading materials.  A good reader will want to be able to read on their own and not have to rely on others for comprehension.  A good reader will also want to know what the author meant when they wrote something.
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 6. Work out attainable goals with your child
Discuss with your child about their goals, tasks and progress, and how they see themselves achieving their goals and be specific about what steps you will take to help them on that path. Keep them bite-sized, so that your child will be motivated to achieve more. Don’t forget to incentivize your child!
It can be a challenge for parents to get their children to embrace self-directed learning, but with some effort, it can be very rewarding. 
Children who embrace self-directed learning are able to build strong problem-solving skills and confidence. Although this is a time-consuming process as you have to lead your child to learn to be independent, the results are well worth it!
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carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
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carean-oh · 2 years
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