carriagetovolterra · 13 hours
Yeah, I'm fine
*Types "<character name> x reader" into tumblr search bar*
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"if i was orpheus i would simply not turn around" yes you would. if you were orpheus and you loved eurydice, you would. to love someone is to turn around. to love someone is to look at them. whichever version of the myth — he hears her stumble, he can't hear her at all, he thinks he's been tricked — he turns around because he loves her. that's why it's a tragedy. because he loves her enough to save her. because he loves her so much he can't save her. because he will always, always turn around. "if i was orpheus i would simply —" you wouldn't be orpheus. you wouldn't be brave enough to walk into the underworld and save the person you love. be serious
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carriagetovolterra · 1 month
The human did interrupt.
Caius Volturi x human!reader
Summary: The reader is sitting with Caius when Valentina interrupts.
Author's note: This is so short but it just came to me when I remembered that scene lmao.
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A knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.
Aro stood, greeting whomever had dared to enter without announcement.
"Ah, Valentina has brought us something!"
Caius grimaced. His hand came up to rest on the leg of the pretty little human mate of his that currently resided in his lap. "She should not have interrupted."
Aro turned with a gracious look, "She's new."
Marcus' head turned, "Aren't they all?"
Caius smiled wickedly, pulling the girl in his arms closer.
Valentina simply stood at the base of the stairs, nervous and unsure of what to do.
Aro looked rather annoyed at this, motioning for her to step forward to meet him.
As she does, she presents a silver platter with an envelope on it.
Aro opens it, gazing at the handwriting within. "Ah!  L'amore ci mantiene giovani (Love keeps us young). Edward and Bella are to be married."
The girl in Caius' lap turns slightly to see his reaction. He watched his eyebrows furrow carefully in thought, anger beginning to take over his features.
Marcus simply turned his head, his expression anything but an emotion, "What. Joy."
Caius finally spoke up, "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation. They mock us with their delays…"
Aro looked over his shoulder, his attention now away from Valentina, "Patience, brother." Aro then set the envelope back on the platter. "Though, you do have a point," he gently caressed Valentina's face as his voice lost its kindness, "the human did interrupt."
Caius pulled his pretty mate to her feet, pulling her with him as the three Volturi kings began to exit. 
Felix and Demetri appeared on either side of the secretary as Aro walked on, "I do love weddings."
Caius' mate turned to look over her shoulder to see what would become of the girl, but Caius gently caught her jaw, keeping her from looking back. "…C…Caius?" She asked hesitantly.
"Shh. Come, Bella Amora," he leaned to whisper in her ear, "Let the human learn her mistake."
Caius pulled his mate from the throne room, the sound of Valentina's screams being heard throughout the entire castle.
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carriagetovolterra · 1 month
migraines [aro volturi]
request: Hello!! I read some of your fics here and I really like them!! If you're still taking requests, could I ask for one with Aro and a human reader who suffers from bad migranes? Maybe where she finds his cold touch helps ease the pain?
requested by: anon
warnings: none
just a short one, thanks for requesting!
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the lights were off, a glass of ice water sitting beside you on your bedside table. aro’s chambers were silent, though the silence didn’t make a single difference to your pounding head.
the ice cap on your head wasn’t helping either and you wanted to cry. migraines were terrible and yours always felt like they were on another level. you had gotten them for years and no matter what you did or tried, nothing ever seemed to help.
you lifted your hands to your covered eyes and pressed into them, hoping to get a bit of relief from the pressure points above your eyes. this always seemed to help a little bit, but never enough to bring full relief. your head felt full, the aching pain pressed firmly against all sides of your skull. you could feel it in your eyes and it was radiating down through your ears.
you would think after dealing with these for years, you would have found some relief but you could not be so lucky.
“mia cara?” aro’s soft voice murmured and you groaned quietly. even the quietness of his voice had your head aching. “another migraine?”
you lifted your hand from under your blanket to give him a thumbs up. you could hear his amused chuckle from your spot and felt the bed dip down as he laid beside you. “i know one simple solution for this.”
“no.” you told him, already knowing what he was going to say. while your migraines were miserable, you still wanted a few more human years. “not yet.”
aro hummed, his own cold hands moving under your ice cap to peel it off. you moaned in protest, the pounding instantly getting worse before aro’s hands replaced the cap.
his fingers pressed into those same pressure points and gently rubbed, his palms covering the rest of your face easily as his own chill began to slightly ebb away at the pain.
“oh.” you moaned quietly, finding much needed relief through his fingers. “that’s a little better.”
he did this everything but for some reason, you always forgot that he was the only one to bring you any relief. aro smiled at you softly and leaned down to place a kiss on your hairline. “sleep now, cara mia. the pain will be gone when you awake.”
with how gently he was massaging your skin and how quickly the pain was lessening, you believed him easily and quickly fell into a painless sleep.
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carriagetovolterra · 2 months
Constant Complications
fem!reader x caius volturi
Summary : a short lil conversation <3
Warning : a few words of Google translated Italian
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"Can you believe him !"
Y/n had to force herself to not let out a small laugh as she watched as her husband pace up and down the length of their bedroom, poision lacing his words as he ranted about Aro's decicions of that day's court.
"No darling, i can't."
“I mean, the Cullens have broke our main law, and he just lets them get away with it."
The blonde king paused his pacing, turning to watch Y/n calmly removing her makeup before reapplying it so it would be fresh for the next court opening in a few hours. She sat on her vanity stool, now applying mascara as he waited for her attention to be on him. It did remind her slightly of looking after a toddler.
Y/n placed the wand back in its tube and into the makeup bag before turning to him, waiting for his impacient self to start the questioning.
"Yes ?"
"You agree with me, right ? Even if you were at one time a Cullen, you agree with me ?"
“Of course I do Caius. You do well to remember that my loyalties lie with you and the Volturi, not my brother and his new covern."
His eyes softened as she pulled him closer, leaving a small kiss on his frowning features.
“They broke our laws and they should have been treated accordingly, but if Isabella is Edward's mate then she'll become one of our kind soon. We must maintain power by showing we do not kill irrationally."
"Of course." Caius stood, fixing his suit before moving to the other side of the room, Y/n furrowing her brows at his random leaving before carrying on with her makeup, finalising her look by fixing the ruby necklace which hung between her collarbones.
“Caius ?"
The blonde spun around immediately, placing his rings back into their box and giving his full attention to the woman facing him.
"Carlisle didn't know they were here, i'll be informing him next time we meet, he'll deal with them how he sees fit but i'll make sure it's proper."
"And when will that be ?"
A sour look filled the raging vampires expression, he wasn't a fan of his mate’s brother, after he left the Volteri in pursuit of his own covern, Caius lost what little respect he had for the doctor. If it wasn't for Y/n, the entire Olympic Covern would have been wiped out before it started.
"I'm not sure... but it should be soon, i haven't seen him for just over two decades, twenty three years. "
"That isn't that long."
She just rolled her eyes, pulling her cloak over her dress and giving him a small hug seeing how they needed to leave to the throne room.
"Maybe not for you old man, but i'm only three hundred and fifty eight."
"I'm not old, Cullen."
The use of her maiden name as an insult left them both holding back laughter.
A few months had past since the incident with her brother's covern and to say Y/n was shocked when a letter arrive in their post for her would be a lie.
"Oh what a surprise. A letter, from Forks."
The queen threw door between the chamber entry and her bedroom open, closing it just as quickly.
She found her husband to be layed down on their king sized bed, stareing up at the ceiling and probably deep in thought on new ways to hurt court arrivals. Her voice was heavily dosed in sarcasm which only intrigued Caius, popping his head up from the pillow. He was holding back his smile at the upcoming lecture about how ungrateful her older brother could be.
“What are the chances that it’s a thank you for saving his creations lives ?”
“Non Sunt.”
Her words came out like a growl, adding in the dramatic eye roll, the blonde could tell that his wife’s upcoming rant was going to be spectacular.
Y/n gave a roll of her eyes before dragging one of her long stiletto nails through the envolope top, acting like a knife.
Her eyes flicked over the inked words in less than a second, taking them all in before growling at the paper and throwing it at her husband.
“Fantastic (!)"
Caius took more than a second to read the page, pausing for a moment before looking up in a confused fashion. He flicked his eyes over it again, at least three times.
“I've never come across that language before. What does this say? How can you read that? "
"It's English Darling, doctor's handwriting. I've just become accustom to reading Carlisle's letters every so often."
She placed a kiss onto his forehead before laying him down again so she could lean on his chest, her brother tiring her out with just the letter. Oh if she could sleep so would’ve blacked out from exhaustion.
"Apparently someone is creating a newborn army in order to kill the Isabella girl, since their covern killed this woman, Victoria's, mate the other year to protect Edward's mate. A lot of mortals are becoming suspicious of the deaths and Carlisle asks if we can do anything about it."
The king let out a sound of complaint before muttering an annoyed "can't we just let them kill her ?"
She tried her hardest to push back the slime growing on her lips from his conclusion, lightly shoved his shoulder, a grin meeting her in reply. Y/n adjusting her head so she could look him in the eyes. They were turning black, reminding her that they both needed some food soon before they both ended up starving.
Caius slammed his head back into his pillow.
“I know Darling, but we have to maintain the first law."
She moved so she could run her nails through his hair, knowing he didn't want to be the one to have to go to his brothers to explain the current Seattle situation.
“I'll go inform Marcus of the news, should I ask him to send Jane and Alec ?"
Caius’ tired out eyes opened up from a slow blink, leaning closer to the comforting circles being threaded and swirled into his hair. His voice came out soft, a tone reserved for Y/n and Y/n alone.
“Felix and Demetri would be a better pair to go."
Caius mumbled before squashing his face under a pillow, hiding from his responcibilities.
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carriagetovolterra · 2 months
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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carriagetovolterra · 2 months
my brother works on a boat so when he rants about his job I can’t take it seriously because he keeps angrily referring to his boss as “captain”. like sorry ur having 19th century sailor problems my guy
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carriagetovolterra · 2 months
Me acting surprised when, I become attracted to the most vile unredeemable villain, again.
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carriagetovolterra · 2 months
There's only me and Arthur Shelby against the whole world
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carriagetovolterra · 4 months
Every day I wake up and I’m not a vampire in the Volturi castle in Volterra, Italy-
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carriagetovolterra · 4 months
sorry about my constant depressive episodes. its just that i have issues and also problems
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carriagetovolterra · 4 months
Y/N: Bye Caius ! Bye Marcus! Bye Aro! Bye Caius !
Marcus: You said ‘bye Caius' twice.
Y/N: I like Caius
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carriagetovolterra · 5 months
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carriagetovolterra · 6 months
Most unrealistic part of Fallout New Vegas companions is that they all just disperse from you once the story is complete. Like you fought a war with and/or for me, a REVOLUTION, and you just fuck off after all that???
In my mind they all just sit in the Lucky 38 having Always Sunny-esque conversations with each other and the Courier until they venture out to get shot at for fun.
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carriagetovolterra · 6 months
Happily married, financially stable, 750 credit score, and became a home owner at the age of 18. God is good 🏡
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carriagetovolterra · 8 months
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This is why I read the reddit comments
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carriagetovolterra · 9 months
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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