cartoonico · 7 hours
the song that levi sings with azi plays in the score as they die if you even care
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cartoonico · 7 hours
Cosmic dread and cosmic wonder are two sides of the same coin, and Scavengers Reign is spinning that coin so fast it looks like a perfect sphere
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cartoonico · 7 hours
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Please go watch Scavengers Reign immediately.
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cartoonico · 7 hours
so the three main plotlines of scavengers reign seem to be
1. duo consisting of a hardcore pragmatist and an open minded woman take a road trip to a crashed spaceship
2. local lesbian frustrated that her robot has seemingly developed true sentience because it’s inconvenient
3. broken man becomes enthralled to psychic autism creature and starts committing incredible acts of violence for it
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cartoonico · 7 hours
Scavengers Reign finale spoilers ahead:
There's something about the way Levi was the solution to Hollow, like... Kamen and the creature were in this feedback loop, right, making each other worse, isolated and focused only on each other. I was so unclear about Hollow's behavior and possible "motives" as it grew -- it wasn't behaving like an animal filling a niche in an ecosystem, but it didn't seem to have goals that made sentient sense either -- until I realized the extent to which their psychic bond went both ways. And nowhere was that more breathtakingly clear than when it found Fiona's body, looked at her with what seemed to be deep and genuine sorrow, then laid down beside her. Who knows if it would ever have moved again if she hadn't been destroyed. Like. This was a creature initially in tune and connected with its surroundings -- we see how the other members of its species go about their business -- until it enthralled Kamen and the two of them started feeding this circular obsession with themselves and Fiona, to the point that Hollow left its forest and trekked a vast distance to an alien hunk of metal that offered no sustenance, to go sit alone with a corpse. Completely disconnected from its home and the life on this planet.
And then. And then what breaks it, what boils away the monster, is this massive connection. Levi's deep and profound connection with the vast network of living things all over the planet, all intertwined -- it utterly overwhelms Hollow and Kamen, peels the creature down to a version of itself no longer bloated with the completely self-referential miasma it and Kamen had fostered in the closed system of their psyches.
And it gets another chance! That new little creature gets to go back and become a part of things again -- and so does Kamen. When we see him gently releasing that little green animal into the vibrant forest... That's the least selfish thing we've seen him do in the entire show. It's quite possibly the least selfish thing he's done in years. It's a step outside of himself, finally.
And I think it's interesting that the crucial moment was when the creature tried to enthrall Levi; it tried to suck Levi in the same way it did Kamen but Levi utterly RATIO-ED it through the awesome power of already BEING connected to a degree infinitely greater than the link Hollow was offering. Hollow couldn't contain all that; its capacity was too small. just. MAN!!!!
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cartoonico · 7 hours
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I just think Levi's neat
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cartoonico · 7 hours
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this really doesn't make any sense. but at the same time. when we found out that fiona created levi and thats why they share a voice. well. this was all i could think about. whoops.
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cartoonico · 7 hours
scavengers reign will show something like a guy with alien bugs hatching out of his eyeballs then cut to credits with music that sounds like it’s from animal crossing or some shit
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cartoonico · 7 hours
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our experience watching the 8th episode
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cartoonico · 7 hours
What I love about Scavengers Reign so far is that it's not just about people who are exploring a planet they're stranded on. It's not just them observing the xenobiological ecosystem as portrayed in most sci fi. It's about the ecosystem making the people part of itself whether they want it to or not, and in a very brutal and unthinking way.
And yet it's still beautiful somehow, because it's just life doin' it's thing. Why should it care that humans are there?
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cartoonico · 7 hours
the music in scavengers reign:
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the plot of scavengers reign:
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cartoonico · 7 hours
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The conflict coming down to Levi and Hollow is so perfect.
Levi is a creation of humanity altered by Vesta. Hollow is a creature of Vesta altered by humanity.
Levi alters Vesta in turn, giving rise to a new species. Hollow alters Kamen in turn, giving him visions and guiding him.
Levi becomes a part of Vesta's ecosystem through the white lilly fungus, helping it grow. Hollow is torn away from Vesta's ecosystem through Kamen, killing more and growing more than it should be able to.
Hollow destroys Levi, which is the catalyst for Levi's transformation, becoming more than they were before. Levi destroys what Hollow has become, freeing Hollow and Kamen from each other's influence.
Two perfect arcs, coming together beautifully in two perfect confrontations.
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cartoonico · 8 hours
Kamen : Please. I can't take the pain. It's too much. Help me.
Hollow :
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cartoonico · 8 hours
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cartoonico · 8 hours
This show is EVERYTHING people beg mainstream adult animation to be, is deep, emotional, inteligent and FUCKING BEAUTIFUL
I Will forever curse WBDiscovery and HBOMax for not promoting this
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cartoonico · 8 hours
most divorced guy in the world commits unspeakable violence for his psychic frog wife
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cartoonico · 8 hours
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Scavengers Reign is probably the BEST animated TV show ive ever seen. Please go watch it if you havent already
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