cashmerenoodle-blog · 8 years
story about me and my old best friend.
So I'm going to come up with a fake name for her. For the sake of her identity, lol. Her name will be Ruby. Ruby and I were really close in middle school. (we're now sophomores in high school) Anyway,in middle school we were always together.We were so close. Well high school started and we started to argue a whole lot more. November 4th, 2015 she got a boyfriend. I was so happy for her.
He started to fill her head with lies. He eventually tore her apart from us. He would talk mess about her to me and then tell her i was talking about her. She hated my boyfriend and he hates her still to this day for the way she started to treat me after Tyler (again, to protect their identity)
asked her out. (we were freshman at this time.)
2nd semester of freshman year started (2016)
we didn't talk for the rest of the semester.
July 2016, Ruby and i decided to try and be friends again. We were good. Got along until September before homecoming.
Tyler texted me and was talking about how he can't stand the fact that Ruby makes him pay for everything. Basically making her sound like a gold digger.
I gave him my opinion on things and he took it out of context and sent it to Ruby. Ruby accused me of being a liar. She said she hated me and that she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.
This was a week before my birthday. It was a really nice birthday present from the both of them.
I finally learned my lesson and realized who my real friends are.
So if you're in the same situation as me or something kind of like it, just know you still have at least one person on your side.
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cashmerenoodle-blog · 8 years
Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth.
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