casscl · 7 years
“ah,” he replied, at once a sound of pain and of recognition of her words, “no, i can’t say i do. seen plenty horses in my time, don’t see why there’d be more of them just with…” he lost his train of thought for a moment, eyes closing. “with a bloody horn, or whatever it is what makes them special.” he narrowed his eyes at her, wondering if she was simply trying to distract him. “are you being serious?”
he sighed again. “please. do not… do not speak so highly. it was what i am trained to do.” it was the truth: the praise almost made him feel as though that was what he had acted in order to receive. “wouldn’t you put your life on the line for your people?”
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            “it’s their blood,” she corrects him softly, bandaging his wound up correctly. her eyes following the path she was making with the gauze. “my mother used to tell me tales of their blood, how miraculous they could be. --said to heal any injury.” but realization dawned on her that she was rambling to a nonbeliever-- perhaps now she seemed foolish.
            his modesty-- or well, lack of wanting to talk about it is what shuts her up. she knows what it means to just do your duty. it’s what she’s been doing for the past couple minutes, tending to his body. but his question pulls her attention almost completely away from his injury. “no,” she finally answers. “they’re not my people. i would die for the people i love though. and they-- they’re my people. i suppose that makes me an awful person, doesn’t it ?” 
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casscl · 7 years
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          he was angry, livid and it boiled just beneath the surface of his skin and he sort of wondered if he could explode from just a feeling. somehow, these people (lucien, anya, nico) had always managed to keep him in that teetering edge of happy beyond compare and angry without a reason. he let her shout, what was the reason of shutting her up if everyone knew who he was and what his people had done. driven away their own citizens to the point of buy their way out. it’s probably, the mention of his failure and of his blind loyalty along with her shoving at him that cause him to snap. his hand shoots out before he really process it. “stop it, i only wanted to know you were safe that you cared enough about me,” he hisses as his hand grabs her on the more rough side.
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            perhaps pushing him was going a bit too far. she had the tendency to get physical when her anger won and yet-- it was no excuse for her actions. as soon as she pushed him, she regretted it. but it seemed an apology wouldn’t emit from her lips anytime soon. the way he grabs her causes her to quiet down, staring at him with-- not fear, no, never fear, derrek would never harm her-- but something relatively close to it. she shrugs him off as hard as she can, taking a step back. “do not touch me !! i’m with child !” probably not the best ways to tell one of her closest people of the news. 
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casscl · 7 years
he couldn’t help himself but panic when she ran: were his injuries worse than he thought? well, he’d made it this far, how deadly could the incisions have been? or had he landed himself an inexperienced, anxious nurse? “gods,” he mumbled out loud, before finishing the thought in his head. i should have gone to cassia. but then she reappeared. “yeah, giant fuckin’ spiders.” he grunted, “in the forest. terrifying. didn’t believe in them, not till now.“
his eyes drifted towards the ointment, and his body tensed. he knew the pain he was about to experience, but that hardly eased it. he nodded, sucking in air. “i think so. they didn’t get there, i stopped th-” the ointment pressed into him, and he hissed outwards. “i stopped them.” he coughed away the bile-taste of pain. “i did my duty. doesn’t make me brave, or heroic. that’s not something i care about.”
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            “i suppose you don’t believe in the unicorns either ?” she brings up another subject in order to bring his mind away from the pain he’s feeling. this was the worst part of her job-- dealing with peoples’ pain. she always wanted to take it for them, take the pain. and yet, she was helpless. “i swear by all the gods, i’ve seen one.” although, it was a bit of a stretch, nicolette claiming it was just a horse with a branch behind it. 
            “it may not be something you care about but ‘tis a fact. you were very brave, not many would rush to their death.” her fingers pull away from his wound, letting the ointment settle on his skin. she grabs some gauze, prepared to wrap it around him. “your kingdom is very lucky to have you. and i thought ironhaven had the bravest of fellows.”
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casscl · 7 years
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“what the fuck, anya?!” he draws back a foot to escape and throws the handful of blueberries he’d just finished picking at her to deter her. without skipping a beat, he goes back to picking berries, looking entirely unconcerned with her presence. “the fuck is good about it? here.” he hands her a berry. “breakfast.”
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             she lets out a giggle, not bothering to hide it from avery. but her laughter increases as she’s being bombarded with blueberries. “breakfast ?? oh, ave ! you’re so kind to me !!” she plops the berry into her mouth, taking his hand. “i’ve news. i’m with child.”
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casscl · 7 years
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      at the idea of his future children, pollux is immediately distracted. a dumb grin grows on his face. “ i should hope so, ” he says. “ it’s always been a dream of mine to be a father. still, i hope they take after their mother more. i wasn’t the easiest to rear. do you hope your child takes after you ?? ”
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                she lets out a laugh, covering her mouth to muffle the sound in the boisterous dining hall. “i’ve heard. you’ve quite the reputation, your highness.” she takes a sip of her tea once more before placing it down, thinking of an answer. “yes and no. i want my child to be their own person. anyone they want to be.”
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casscl · 7 years
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casscl · 7 years
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             she’d been walking through bearoria, taking some time for herself. her skin was drinking in the sunlight, happy to be under the sun for once. ( in contrast to ironhaven’s usual cloudy skies. ) there’s a set of brown hair that she spots easily and her eyes light up. what was he doing ?? sneaking up behind him, she grabs at his sides in an effort to tickle him. “good morrow, ave !”
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casscl · 7 years
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It was the most… unexpected gift he had ever received, but he already appreciated it and loved it more than almost anything else he owned, and he was determined to make use of it. He was a bard; he’d never held a weapon, never needed to. It felt strange and unfamiliar in his hands, and he couldn’t tell if it was incredibly difficult to draw, or if he was just incredibly weak. Probably the latter. But he was on the outskirts of town; no one was around to laugh at him as he learned. Kael had offered to teach him, but he didn’t want to look like a complete fool in front of him when he took him up on that.
With great effort, he finally stood with his bow fully drawn, and he let it fly, hardly bothering to look at where the arrow pointed. He watched it go, and it went far - past the nearby tree he’d originally aimed for, and… right past a person’s head. “Fuck me, when the fuck did you get there?!” He dropped his precious bow, entirely startled by the fact that he had nearly killed someone.
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            she’d been near the boundary of bearoria, picking at some of the herbs that her fellows have taught her about. anya hadn’t given it much thought that perhaps she wouldn’t be alone. she’s humming a small lullaby, enjoying the time alone as she filled her basket with several medicinal herbs she could use in the infirmary. there’s a gush of wind that breezes passed her head and she stands frozen with fear. her eyes are wide and alert, wondering who had been trying to kill her. her basket drops and the herbs spill out of the weaved bag. her hands immediately wrapping around her belly in a protective manner.
           “i’ve been here !!” she shouts back, her anger consuming her fear. once she realizes it was an accident, she picks up her basket along with the fallen herbs and waltzes over to him. “you could have killed me ! and my baby !!”
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casscl · 7 years
he’s pleased, at least, to recognise the woman’s face. arya, was it? or ana? no, that wasn’t right… his heart thudded and sent a fresh wave of pain through his body - ah, “anya,” he remembered, ignoring her question in favour of gritting his teeth, and allowing her to do what she could to guide him towards a bed. he collapsed downwards the moment the word sit fell from her lips, breath shaking on its way our of his lips. slices from a sword were clean, they never hurt and burned in the same way as these injuries did, in their jagged, torn way. 
“spiders.” was his only answer, and his mind flew backwards. suddenly. he shuddered, his skin crawled. the horror of what had happen had come second to the action, to the protection. “i had to keep them safe. i had to fight those - things. there were so many…” he blinked, shook himself once over, then looked up to the woman. “they were going to eat her. my s- my queen. they went straight for her.”
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            as she watches him quite literally fall on the bed, she wonders the extent of his injuries. her hands hovered over his body, not knowing where to start. there’s blood on him that makes her a bit queasy but she remembers, this is what she does. her hands retrieve gauze, placing it on the nightstand next to him. to be completely honest, she isn’t sure what to do with spider attacks. her training in ironhaven differed than the healers of bearoria, different creatures, different treatments. anya quickly runs over to one of her fellow nurses, quickly telling her the situation and bringing her back to cesar with her. “spiders, you say ?” she keeps her voice even, wanting to distract him. 
            of course, she’s heard of the many legends of the large spiders that resided in the forest but she never figured them to be true. hazel hues watch as the other healer pulls some ointment from her patch. “they were going to eat your queen ?” she murmurs for the sake of the conversation, needing him to remain conscious. the ironhaven native takes a swab of the ointment and gently places it on the the clear bite marks. she does her best to keep her touch soft, hoping not to put too much pressure on his skin. “you were very brave, cesar.”
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casscl · 7 years
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      pollux gives a low chuckle as he nods, “ aye, i am. ” he elects not to tell her that he’s always been spoke for, really – if not by sybil, then by niamh before her. but, he’s not a stickler for details. pollux finds his eyes narrowing. “ could you please point me in the direction of the child’s father ?? i’d quite like to exchange some words with this character. ”
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          her cheeks flush a deep red before she realizes he’s joking. or at least, she thinks he’s jesting with her. she gives a laugh, taking more of a liking to the prince than she did even before she knew him. “that’s quite unnecessary, your highness. i know he’ll be a good father. –as will you, my prince.”
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casscl · 7 years
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casscl · 7 years
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casscl · 7 years
he stumbled back into the city sweaty, exhausted, and in pain. his sword was coated in a thick layer of whatever it was that made up the insides of the spiders; he didn’t know how many he’d taken out or how many had appeared. he’d been resentful of his lack of armor at first, but now it was a relief. he’d have been slower, too slow perhaps, if he’d been wearing it. the sleeve with his dragon sigil attached had been torn off, and along his bicep was a long red line, bleeding into the fabric. it was not deep, but it still hurt. thankfully he was more than capable of swordsmanship with either hand. it was not his only injury. he inspected himself as he limped towards where he knew the infirmary to be. the first thing he noticed was a graze along his cheekbone: a tree branch, rather than a pincer, luckily. his fresher scars ached, but worse was the gash on his left hip, and the deeper cut just near his knee - the sources of his limp.
by the time he made it to his destination, he was shaking all over, and the dirt that had made its way into his wounds was stinging brutally. it would hurt more to remove. he might’ve gone to cassia, but after everything… this seemed better. his back thudded dully all the way down - one of the creatures had swept his legs out from under him, causing him to crash down onto some sort of boulder - when he burst through the door. he knew it would be black by morning. “hello?” he called out, grabbing out for something to lean on and failling to find it. he wobbled on the spot. “help!” louder this time, “i’m bloody bleeding over here. heavily.”
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            she’d been working particularly late that night-- not having much to do back in her bedchambers, perhaps she could waste time away in the infirmary ?? there were other nurses, yes, but she offered them all a break as she tended to the injured and ill. plus, not many people seemed to stumble into the infirmary late at night. but it seemed this was an exception. the doors to the bearorian infirmary open with a bang that causes her to jump in fright. it takes her quite some time before she recognizes the man, general cesar fitzborough, if she can remember. 
           anya is still frozen with shock until she hears his demand. her instincts kick in, grabbing a gauze and rushing over to him. “what happened ??” it’s her first question but there holds no tremor in her voice, not when a situation as dire as this is upon her. “come, come,” she grabs his arm for support, attempting to pull him towards the nearest bed. “i need you to sit, general, then i can examine you better.” god, there was just so much blood. she gulps her nerves down before trying to figure out where to start. the nurse wants to assume it’s from a bar fight but injuries as such-- along with the fact that cesar doesn’t seem too much like a drink, but what does she know of him ? -- don’t seem like they came from another man.
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casscl · 7 years
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Dear Anya,
May your child be as sweet as his or her mother. It would be terrible of me to not think of your bundle of joy on this day. 
Princess Eleanor
suddenly, she feels awfully horrible for not getting the princess a gift at all. how could she forget ?? she decides then that she will send buckets of rice to the princess, hoping it sums up for an apology. the last thing she needed was to be on the princess’ bad side right after making friends with her. but still, she clutches the bonnet to her chest and squeals with happiness. this baby, she thinks, will be a lucky one.
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casscl · 7 years
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this isn’t meant to be an apology. i just think you will look lovely in it.
she rolls her eyes at the first sentence, knowing it was unlike derrek to apologize at all. but she clutches the cloak all the more so. it’s a gift, nonetheless, from someone she truly cares for. well, at least derrek didn’t forget, is her last bitter thought before she tucks the cloak away in her trunk.
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casscl · 7 years
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for your little one. for you when you grow tired.
your friend, 
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her smile expands and suddenly, she momentarily forgets that she’s yet to receive a gift from lucien. instead, she only focuses on this single gift that the fiery haired woman gave her. gods, to think they were just starting to become friends as well. “at this rate, i suppose the baby will have more things than i will !!” not that she was complaining.
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casscl · 7 years
Our muses split up five years ago and suddenly run into each other. Send me ‘💔’ for my muse’s reaction to seeing yours.
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