#sanda mel.
compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 21, 2023
The geometry of representational drift in natural and artificial neural networks. Aitken, K., Garrett, M., Olsen, S., & Mihalas, S. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010716.
A Common Neural Account for Social and Nonsocial Decisions. Arabadzhiyska, D. H., Garrod, O. G. B., Fouragnan, E., De Luca, E., Schyns, P. G., & Philiastides, M. G. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(48), 9030–9044.
Statistical perspective on functional and causal neural connectomics: The Time-Aware PC algorithm. Biswas, R., & Shlizerman, E. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010653.
Weakly Correlated Local Cortical State Switches under Anesthesia Lead to Strongly Correlated Global States. Blackwood, E. B., Shortal, B. P., & Proekt, A. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(48), 8980–8996.
Dendrocentric learning for synthetic intelligence. Boahen, K. (2022). Nature, 612(7938), 43–50.
Nonequilibrium dynamics of adaptation in sensory systems. Conti, D., & Mora, T. (2022). Physical Review E, 106(5), 054404.
Brain connectivity meets reservoir computing. Damicelli, F., Hilgetag, C. C., & Goulas, A. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010639.
Adaptive multi-objective control explains how humans make lateral maneuvers while walking. Desmet, D. M., Cusumano, J. P., & Dingwell, J. B. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010035.
Deaf individuals use compensatory strategies to estimate visual time events. Domenici, N., Tonelli, A., & Gori, M. (2023). Brain Research, 1798, 148148.
Binary and analog variation of synapses between cortical pyramidal neurons. Dorkenwald, S., Turner, N. L., Macrina, T., Lee, K., Lu, R., Wu, J., … Seung, H. S. (2022). eLife, 11, e76120.
Sleep prevents catastrophic forgetting in spiking neural networks by forming a joint synaptic weight representation. Golden, R., Delanois, J. E., Sanda, P., & Bazhenov, M. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010628.
Coordinated multiplexing of information about separate objects in visual cortex. Jun, N. Y., Ruff, D. A., Kramer, L. E., Bowes, B., Tokdar, S. T., Cohen, M. R., & Groh, J. M. (2022). eLife, 11, e76452.
Synaptic reshaping of plastic neuronal networks by periodic multichannel stimulation with single-pulse and burst stimuli. Kromer, J. A., & Tass, P. A. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010568.
Perceptual confidence of visual stimulus features is associated with duration perception. Liu, B.-H., Mao, L.-H., & Zhou, B. (2022). Perception, 51(12), 859–870.
Object Boundary Detection in Natural Images May Depend on “Incitatory” Cell–Cell Interactions. Mel, G. C., Ramachandra, C. A., & Mel, B. W. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(48), 8960–8979.
Temporal Dynamics of Competition between Statistical Learning and Episodic Memory in Intracranial Recordings of Human Visual Cortex. Sherman, B. E., Graves, K. N., Huberdeau, D. M., Quraishi, I. H., Damisah, E. C., & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(48), 9053–9068.
Training diversity promotes absolute-value-guided choice. Solomyak, L., Sharp, P. B., & Eldar, E. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010664.
Predictive steering: integration of artificial motor signals in self-motion estimation. van Helvert, M. J. L., Selen, L. P. J., van Beers, R. J., & Medendorp, W. P. (2022). Journal of Neurophysiology, 128(6), 1395–1408.
Look twice: A generalist computational model predicts return fixations across tasks and species. Zhang, M., Armendariz, M., Xiao, W., Rose, O., Bendtz, K., Livingstone, M., … Kreiman, G. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010654.
A neurocomputational theory of action regulation predicts motor behavior in neurotypical individuals and patients with Parkinson’s disease. Zhong, S., Choi, J. W., Hashoush, N. G., Babayan, D., Malekmohammadi, M., Pouratian, N., & Christopoulos, V. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(11), e1010111.
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Aurelius had been ever so grateful to see his old friend, he didn’t really have many of those anymore it would seem, if he ever did to be honest in the first place. Although it wasn’t as if he activity tried to make them, not that he disliked people by any means but there was just always so much to do, or perhaps he was just afraid of getting close to others. Afraid he might let them down or say something stupid, his father did always say to keep his mouth shut did he not? It had never been that way with Sybil however, she had always treated him with nothing but reverement and kindness. @sybeaumont​
She was younger than him, yes; but to be fair the lap dog had been a rather stunted youth emotionally in his younger years, still was. He could recall times she’d stuck up for him as if he’d been the younger one and he could also recall the times she’d run up and jump in his arms, of course he’d been a rather gangly young man but he’d hoist her up all the same into a warm embrace. He would always catch her, he thinks even now it is the same. He wonders what happened somewhere down the line, she is now to be married and he with his own life, it saddens him to think they’d lost touch all the time, he tries not to dwell on it too much, to think of the here and now; that she is tangible yet again in his life. He’d been out looking for Theodore a Sanda Mel gift when something caught his eye, stowed away in a small box of trinkets on a street side stand had been a small sundial necklace and while his thoughts had been on the healer seeing this necklace couldn’t help but remind him of the not so young girl he’d seen again recently. Aurelius wants to keep in touch with Sybil, he wants to hold her dear to him again, to not lose track of someone once so important, she still was of course and it had been as if time hadn’t skipped a beat; except it very much had. He scoops up the pendant in his hands, inspecting it as if he could already see the look in her eyes when she’d receive it. He hoped giving her the gift didn’t seem too odd or forward and he’d simply thought of her and couldn’t help himself, besides what were the chances he’d find something like this right before the holiday and right after seeing her?! He thinks for once the gods had smiled upon him as of late.
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levilaroux · 7 years
Upon his return he had to wonder where everyone had left to, it had seemed as though Bearoria was more barren than when he left it, though realization quickly settles in and he can only realize that it is the day of the Sanda Mel ball. Gods how silly of him, for a moment he’d almost been worried, his heart dropping in his stomach. Fear would always bubble in the pits of brave men’s stomachs when they had to leave the people they cared about, it was no different for Levi. @ofemeline
He’d gotten the traitor stowed away in the Bearorian dungeons as soon as possible, for his queen to decide what to do with him another day, the hour was drawing later and he barely had any time to get ready, he changes of course, into something more formal than he’s used to; he almost feels stuffy in such clothing; it’s red and black of course because he’ll forever be proud of his homeland. Levi tugs at the collar of the outfit, he thinks he might die of heat stroke and that’s saying something coming from a man so warm blooded like him, at any rate it is then he realizes he didn’t prepare any gifts...although he didn’t have many people to give gifts to did he? There was Cesar or course, and Bryn, but somehow he figured that would be more strange then kind to give them gifts on a holiday that seemed more effeminate than anything. Not that he didn’t care for them all the same, what could he get them this late anyway...there was the matter of Emeline though and the thought had crossed his mind before he’d left. Would it be too forward to get her a gift, how would she take the gesture, she was a queen after all, she had anything and everything she could want or need; including a dragon. His eyes fall upon the bed before him, resting there had been the traitors blade, Oathkeeper. It is then that Levi get’s probably either the worst or best idea he’s ever had, why the queen surely had everything but what he thinks she could always use more is loyalty, giving her the blade (regardless of if she had use for it) of a man who sought ill towards her was about as loyal of a gesture as Levi could think up. Still he wasn’t sure how it would be taken, at any rate he’d find out later. On his way to the ball he makes sure to stop by her room, asking the guards standing at the door to deliver it too her once she returns.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Of Earth and Sea: 8/9
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My fic for the 2019 @cssns will drop this Friday, so to celebrate, I’m re-posting my fic from last year (and also because I was a tumblr newbie back then and didn’t post the chapters here, just the link to Ao3)
Gorgeous art by @shipsxahoy!
Also check out the additional art that @cocohook38 made for this chapter here. I flailed like crazy when I saw it the first time! Our Captain Swan family dressed in elvish clothing is brought perfectly to life in her drawing.
Summary: Five years after their wedding, Emma and Killian are ready to start a family. But Emma discovers that raising a family isn't that simple when your husband is a Dunedin (half-elf) and your mother-in-law is neither dead nor alive.
Rated T
Also on Ao3
Tagging:(let me know if you want to be added or removed from this list) @welllpthisishappening @kday426 @jennjenn615 @let-it-raines @snowbellewells @profdanglaisstuff @wellhellotragic @mythologicalmango @xhookswenchx @resident-of-storybrooke @thislassishooked @lovepurplepumpkins
Chapter Seven:
“Lend dreams nin mel
  Glenn-nai i even lands
  Lend songs bo i thul
  Im tur-feel ha in i nen,
  Im tur-feel in i coe,
  Im tur-smel ha in i gwilith”
Tauriel ran her hands soothingly through her little boy’s dark brown hair as he drifted off to sleep in her lap. Every year his hair got a shade darker. When he became a man he would mostly likely have black hair like his father’s. His eyes were already that stunning shade of blue. He still had Tauriel’s freckles, but those seemed to fade as the years went by. She sighed as she watched the eight year old’s eyelashes flutter against his cheeks. Oh, how she hoped her son would choose a different path than that of his father!
It worried her that he had fallen asleep like this. He was so thin and hungry. Life as a slave boy on that ship was much too cruel. A tear slipped down her cheek as she stroked her precious boy’s face. This wasn’t the life she wanted for him. Her heart broke at how she couldn’t even care for her own child. She couldn’t even pass any of her elven strength on to him, since she wasn’t fully alive. She found berries in the forest for him to eat, but what he really needed was lambas bread. Hopefully he would dream deeply enough tonight to find himself in the elven lands, and her people could give him better nourishment. She waved her hand over him and muttered in elvish.
“I polod im-gar, im on-na cin.”
Tauriel let out a relieved breath when some color came back into her son’s cheeks. Using magic in her condition was always a guessing game. One thing was for sure; it wasn’t enough to change her son’s circumstances.
Tauriel heard course words and laughter coming from the clearing on the other side of the trees. She eased Killian gently and swiftly from her lap and into a pile of soft moss. She waved her hand over the child once again.
“Taur, coe; beri-hi hen. Lore, nin red, lore tovon a lor.”
The moss and earth obeyed her command, wrapping Killian like a blanket. The roots of the tree nearby rose up and arched over him. No passerby would guess that a child slept there. Tauriel turned and moved on her soft and soundless feet towards the voices. She almost gasped at what she saw through the cover of leaves.
A man, of dark hair and strong, slender build, had a petite, buxom maiden against a large tree. She was laughing merrily, her head tipped back as the man trailed passionate kisses along her neck. His hand cupped her bosom.
The man was Brennan Jones.
Memories assaulted Tauriel of that painful day when she had found him with another woman. His hands caressing another in the same way he had caressed Tauriel just the day before. His lips drinking in the taste of someone else. It was a jarring image that no one should have to endure. The woman Brennan was with now wasn’t the same one she had caught him with that fateful day. Seemed he was faithful to no one.
Brennan moved to loosen the woman’s laces as she buried her fingers in his hair. He began gasping out, “Loreena! Oh, Loreena!”
Tauriel rolled her eyes as she turned to slip back to get Killian. The last thing the boy needed was to see the wretched man again. Not after the year of misery the poor child had endured. All because Brennan Jones knew nothing of faithfulness and commitment. But before she could take even a step, Brennan’s female companion corrected him.
“My name is not Loreena.”
The coldness of the woman’s voice gave Tauriel pause.
“Sure it is,” Brennan chuckled, flashing the woman that charming smile of his. Only someone who knew him well, like Tauriel, would be able to see the slight nervousness in his eyes. Tauriel bit her lip to keep from chuckling. The man had known so many women, he was bound to have difficulty keeping them all straight.
“No. It is not.” Then the woman transformed right before his eyes. Gone was the head of light brown curls, gone were the petite curves, gone was the upturned, freckled nose. Instead stood a woman of regal bearing, tall, with long, straight raven tresses and milky white skin. Tauriel clapped a hand to her mouth to keep from gasping.
“Carabosse!” Brennan cried. It was the mistress he had taken when wed to Tauriel!
“Yes, it’s me,” the woman replied coldly. “I’m surprised you remembered my name. What was it . . . Margeurite? The blonde you left me for? And you were married to the redheaded elf when you took me as a lover.” She chuckled wryly. “You like a sampling, don’t you?”
Brennan sauntered close to the woman, reaching out to stroke her shiny ebony hair. “Yet none were as exotic as you, Carabosse.”
“Your flattery will get you nowhere, Brennan Jones,” the woman told him, taking a step back. “You should know better than to become entangled with a witch. Especially if you do not plan on being faithful. What is that expression? Ah yes, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
Brennan’s eyes widened and he went suddenly pale. “Come now, Carabosse, surely we can – “ His words were cut off suddenly as he clutched his throat and gasped for breath. He lifted a trembling hand towards the witch for a moment, but then collapsed to the ground.
Carabosse knelt beside him, brushing a lock of hair from his face. “Sleep well, my former lover. Sleep long and fitfully. For I do not think there are any upon this earth who feel any kind of love, much less true love for a despicable man like you.”
She leaned forward and brushed her blood red lips across Brennan’s forehead, then stood. Still looking at the still form at her feet, she called out, “I know you are there, elf.”
Tauriel startled, and quickly began to head back to where Killian lay.
“Show yourself,” Carabosse called after her. As if Tauriel had any intention of doing her bidding. Until the witch added, “I know your son is with you.”
Tauriel froze in her tracks. She shut her eyes tight and pressed her lips together. She couldn’t risk the witch hurting Killian, so she squared her shoulders and stepped out from the copse of trees. Carabosse smiled serenely at her.
“You can thank me,” she told Tauriel, gesturing at the man sprawled upon the forest floor.
“You knew I was here the whole time.”
Carabosse shrugged. “I could have put him down in the room at the tavern. But I sensed your magic in the woods, and I thought to myself, now that would be awfully poetic.”
“So you’re just going to leave him here.”
Carabosse’s eyes widened in surprise. “You worry for his well -being? After the pain he put you through?” The witch gestured at Tauriel’s body, which had begun to fade slightly. “This whole wasting away thing you elves do. Surely you hate him.”
Tauriel looked down at Brennan’s handsome face. He had a way of charming a woman, of making her believe she was the only one so beautiful, so desirable. Looking back, Tauriel realized his praise was always for her beauty: her hair, her eyes, her figure. He never really knew her heart, her soul, or her mind.
“I gave myself to one who was not deserving. I should have opened my eyes before it was too late. And now I pay the price.”
Carabosse spoke with surprising tenderness. “A grieving heart can make desperate decisions.”
Tauriel’s gaze snapped up to the woman’s face, so cold, so seemingly indifferent. Yet there was a tiny bit of softness in her eyes. “H-how did you know?”
Carabosse shrugged. “Word gets around. Especially when it’s an elf and a dwarf. Two races who are supposed to hate each other. Besides,” she inclined her head towards the trees, “you named your son after him.”
This wasn’t a topic Tauriel wished to discuss with a stranger, so she lowered her gaze back to Brennan. “We can’t just leave him here. Between the wild life and the elements, he’ll be killed.”
“You elves,” Carabosse scoffed as she turned to go, “always helping. Always caring too much.”
“It is against our nature to turn our backs on the weak and suffering.”
“You can’t undo my magic.”
Tauriel tilted her head, “I can change it.”
Carabosse rolled her eyes, “Fine, suit yourself. As long as he spends many long years in that red, burning room of torture, it will be enough for me.” And with that, the witch disappeared in a cloud of blood red smoke.
Tauriel worked quickly once the witch had disappeared. Killian’s presence helped her stay corporeal for much longer than normal, but her time, even with her son, was coming to a close. She didn’t have much time left, and she still wanted to see her child back to his ship. So she first erected a protective coffin of sorts from roots and moss. Then she put a protection spell around it, so at least Brennan wouldn’t be eaten by wolves or freeze to death. Then she spoke a spell over him.
“Lore tenna sanda mel hir cin, lore mal an i lumenns-o tindu, lore.”
Essentially, the spell allowed Brennan to awaken during the brief time between twilight and midnight. Most likely, he would only be partially awake, for Carabosse’s magic was powerful. To most, he would appear like a bedridden, sick man, but at least he would be freed from the torture of that horrible red burning room. Tauriel’s counter-spell also allowed the sleeping curse to be broken if Brennan could find a true love. Tauriel rested her hand upon the twisted branches of the make-shift coffin.
“May you find a woman with a heart so pure that she can make yours finally faithful.”
Then she turned to walk back to their son.
The journey from the land of the woodland elves to Rivendell was normally one of many long weeks, so Emma was thankful for the pouch of beans that Anton had given them. She was ready to go immediately, but Killian insisted they stay the night so she could rest.
“Killian, I can’t possibly sleep with Elien still so far away,” she argued.
Killian reached out his hand and cupped her cheek, his expression a mixture of tenderness and concern. “You died earlier, love.”
Emma chuckled wryly as she grasped his hand and kissed his palm. “Only with us is that a normal occurrence.”
“And you will sleep, I can promise you that,” Galadriel told her, “many have come here to be refreshed on their journeys. You will feed on lambas bread and drink of sweet, refreshing springs of water. And by the time you have finished, we will have a bower ready for you.”
Emma pressed her lips together. She had to admit, she was starving and her legs felt like rubber. “Okay,” she finally relented, “but we leave first thing in the morning.”
“With you, that may mean eleven o’clock,” Killian quipped.
Emma smacked him, “So wake me up, sailor!”
He laughed lightly as he pulled her close. “I won’t let you sleep the day away, Swan, I promise. But I will make sure you rest.”
The elven meal they were brought didn’t seem like much: two squares of lambas bread, a wedge of cheese, and a small bowl of wild berries. Yet it satisfied Emma’s hunger completely, and every bite of the lambas bread sent a pleasant warmth all through her. Then she and Killian were escorted up the winding staircase of one of the enormous trees. One of Galadriel’s maidservants opened a door made of birch branches and thick opaque glass. It lead into a room that reminded Emma of both a giant bird’s nest and a domed hut. The bed was sunken into the bowl shaped floor, padded with the softest moss Emma had ever felt and piled high with blankets of soft deer skin. There were also piles of down stuffed pillows woven of silk. Killian told her the elves harvested the silk from the husks of the cocoons that hung in the trees.
Even though they had complete privacy inside their woven bower, the songs of the elves still filtered through.
“Lend dreams nin mel
  Glenn-nai i even lands
  Lend songs bo i thul
  Im tur-feel ha in i nen,
  Im tur-feel in i coe,
  Im tur-smel ha in i gwilith”
“It’s the same song you sing to Elien,” Emma said with a yawn as she curled up beneath the blankets.
“Aye, love,” Killian replied as he lay down behind her, wrapping her in his arms and pulling her close until she was tucked under his chin, “elvish lullabies. It’s why we know you will sleep long and deep.”
“You said we,” Emma said drowsily, her words beginning to slur, “I thought you didn’t like being called an elf.”
“Sometimes I don’t mind,” he answered, his own voice fading into sleep.
Emma turned in his arms to rest her cheek against his chest. Between his warmth, the rise and fall of his chest, and the song of the elves, fighting the pull of sleep was impossible. I feel almost like the bower is rocking gently, was her last thought before she drifted off, like sleeping on the Jolly Roger . . .
Elien Jones sat at the edge of the pool of water, gathering sticks and smooth, colorful pebbles. The mist from the waterfall that spilled into the pool dampened her strawberry blonde hair, curling the wisps that framed her face. She gnawed on her lower lip in concentration the way her mother often did.
“Is that a fairy house you’re building?” Elrond asked her kindly.
“No,” Elien answered simply, shaking her head. She picked up a waxy leaf and carefully stuck the largest stick through its center. Then she flipped over the sticks she had woven together and pushed the tall stick with the leaf through the center. “It’s a pirate ship,” she explained.
Tauriel pressed her fingers to her lips to suppress a smile as Elrond frowned. She schooled her features then turned to the eldest council member imploringly. “I beg of you to reconsider this plan. Elien is a special little girl. She doesn’t belong here.”
“Of course she’s special!” Elrond exclaimed. “The daughter of the savior, a product of true love, and a Dunedin? She is the perfect match for my grandson in every way. And one day, they will rule our people. United and strong once again.”
Tauriel shook her head wearily. “That’s not what I meant. Her magic is bigger than the elves, bigger even than her mother’s destiny. I have seen it. To keep her here would be like . . . trapping a majestic Eagle in a cage.”
Elrond gazed at her with furrowed brow, “They would rule more than just the elves then, a united kingdom of men and elves. A mighty force for good, for peace.”
Tauriel scowled openly. “Her destiny is more than preserving bloodlines. More than who she will wed.”
Tauriel turned away from the elf to go to her granddaughter. She watched as Elien pushed the little boat gently into the water. It promptly sank. She tilted her golden head for a moment, then lifted both hands towards the water. Her magic pulsed forth, the water bubbled, and the little boat popped back up on the surface. A shimmer swirled around it, and then it bobbed merrily along until it disappeared in the mist at the base of the waterfall.
“What a lovely ship,” Tauriel told the girl as she knelt next to her and wrapped an arm over her shoulder.
Elien smiled as she gazed into the mist, dimples appearing in both cheeks. Tauriel brushed the child’s hair back from her face, her heart aching at how much the child looked like Killian at times. He argued that she looked like her and Emma. But Tauriel often felt she was looking far into the past as she gazed into the little girl’s face.
“Effie,” Elien said, turning to her grandmother with a furrowed brow and a serious expression, “I knew you would come.”
Tauriel smiled as she cupped the child’s face in her hands. “Of course I did. And your mama and papa are coming too. We came to save you.”
Elien’s gaze drifted to the ground, the long lashes she had inherited from Killian brushing the tops of her cheeks. “No. You didn’t. I’m the one who will save you.”
Tauriel’s eyes widened in confusion. “Why do you say that, child?”
Elien’s mossy green eyes looked full of wisdom beyond her years as she held her grandmother’s gaze. “I have seen it in my dreams.”
Killian’s suggestive grin as he helped Emma up after they crashed through the portal was more irritating than attractive. Since she was more focused on dusting herself off and picking leaves out of her hair.
“What?” she snapped, then immediately sighed as she rubbed at a bruise on her elbow, “I’m sorry, babe. I’m just on edge and, you know, slightly battered.”
Killian’s gaze softened as he rubbed her arms gently. “I know, my love, no offense taken. I was merely admiring this look on you.” He then pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek.
Emma smiled and blushed even as she shrugged. “Guess I’d make a good elf, huh?”
Killian’s eyes took in the dress of rich burgundy velvet with gold trim. Emma’s fair skin was milky white in contrast, and the gold brought out the honey-colored hues in her hair. Lambas bread always made skin and hair brighter, but Emma’s seemed to positively radiate light. Her hair was held back from her face in the traditional elven way, braided in loose knots. Emma lifted her hand to pat the braids gingerly.
“These aren’t literally knots are they?” she asked hesitantly, “Cause that would be a pain in the ass to comb out.”
Killian blinked, not really sure what she was saying, more distracted at the shape of her arms as the wide sleeves of the dress slipped down to her elbow. The movement also gave him a peek of her cleavage against the scooped neckline. Emma just laughed and shook her head.
“You can take this dress off me later, pirate, let’s go get our little girl.”
The portal had deposited them only a half hour’s walk away from the borders of Rivendell, so they didn’t have far to go. Killian’s elven senses directed them, and they walked in silence for a few moments. Emma glanced his way, admiring the soft leather breeches he wore beneath the green tunic cinched at his waist. Over that he wore a cloak of lighter brown, edged in bright green thread. He had grumbled when the elves brought the garments to him, but in the end he had to admit that his jeans and leather jacket were not only worse for wear after the run in with the spiders, but weren’t warm enough for the woods they would be traveling through. Emma liked him in the outfit; she swore it made those ears she loved so much seem more pointed, made the flecks of green in his eyes more pronounced. Of course, she honestly liked him in just about anything. Captain Hook, “Prince Charles,” Killian Jones of Storybrooke, or Killian the Dunedin, he was all of those things to her. And she loved every part of him. He glanced her way and arched a brow.
“Admiring something, love?” he teased.
“Always,” she told him, grasping his hook in her hand. She didn’t let go as they made their way along, and finally worked up the courage to ask him something she had been wondering for quite some time. “Killian? Why did your mother stay away so long?”
He stopped abruptly. “What do you mean?”
Emma wet her lips nervously. “When she showed up right before our wedding, you said you hadn’t seen her since right before the curse was cast. That was a long time, and I thought she was cursed to wander after the one she loves most. So . . . “
Killian clenched his jaw, his eyes darting, landing anywhere but on Emma’s face. “I’m sure she was around, but . . . “ he finally met Emma’s eyes, releasing a long breath, “I told her I never wanted to see her again.”
Emma’s brow furrowed. “But why? What did she do?”
Killian lowered his head as shame washed over his face. “She did nothing. It’s what I did. The last time I saw her . . . it was also . . . the last time I saw my father.”
Emma’s eyes widened as she put it all together. “Oh.”
Killian ran his hand wearily over his face. “I was leaving that hut, leaving my father there cold on the ground, and there she was. She looked so . . . distraught. She begged me not to leave my little brother alone. Said she knew it would haunt me.”
Emma stepped closer, cupping his face in her hands. “Hey. Look at me. I’ve heard this story, remember? It didn’t change how I felt about you then, and it still doesn’t now.”
Killian nodded, blinking away shameful tears, and turned his face to kiss her palm. Then he grasped one of her hands with his and laced their fingers together. “I responded to my mother in the only way I could at the time – with anger and rage. I already was ashamed of what I had done, but I wasn’t about to let her know that. So I told her I had finally done what she never had courage to – I made our father pay for all of his crimes. I never saw my mother weep like that. How could I ever look her in the eye again? After what I had done? After I had become so dark?”
“And that’s why you told her you never wanted to see her again.”
Killian nodded. “And she honored my request. But I’ve always wondered. If it was because she – stopped loving me. That I had become such a villain that even she couldn’t love me.”
Emma shook her head as she drew closer. “I have heard your mother talk about you enough to know that could never happen.”
“My father’s love had its limits. Why not hers?”
Emma kissed him softly, first on the lips then on his nose, then each cheek. She then wrapped her arms around him, pressing her lips to his collar bone. “Because she’s your mother,” Emma whispered against his skin, “nothing could ever make me stop loving Henry or Elien.” She pulled back to look into his eyes again. “And she’s so much like you. You could never stop loving any of us either. It just isn’t in your nature; and it isn’t in hers.”
Killian stroked her cheek, a peace settling over his features. “In my heart, I know you’re right. That’s why I just can’t believe that she would take the Arkenstone.”
Emma took a step back, tugging lightly on his hook. “When have we ever let fate determine our future? This family fights for each other, sees the best in each other. I really don’t give a shit what you’re grandmother’s pool says.”
Killian chuckled as he walked alongside his wife. “That’s the Emma I love.”
Emma had to admit that the towering waterfalls of Rivendell were a sight to behold. And she understood now what Killian meant about the air here. It strengthened her as she breathed it in, and the light seemed . . . not brighter, but more rich, making every color more vibrant.
Yet she cared little about her surroundings once a familiar voice cut through the air. “Mama! Papa!”
She and Killian’s elven escorts, though armed, were no match for their determination to go to their daughter. They both shoved the guards aside heedlessly as they dashed through the doorway into Elrond’s throne room. They then fell to their knees as they gathered Elien into their arms, peppering her with kisses. Killian had been right; the elves had taken good care of their little girl. She was well fed, and even seemed happy. And Emma had to admit she looked adorable in her tiny elven dress of lavender and silver.
“Can we go home?” Elien asked with a frown as she pulled away.
“Of course we can, cygnet,” Killian told her as he scooped her up.
“This should be her home,” Elrond spoke up, “with her people.”
Emma marched right up to the elf and without hesitation punched him in the jaw. “That’s for kidnapping my child. And for the record, her people are in Storybrooke.”
“But elven blood runs through her veins.”
“Well, so does human blood,” Emma snapped back.
“The fate of her people hang in the balance!” Elrond shouted. “We’re talking about the greater good!”
“And I’m talking about what’s best for Elien!” Emma was in the elf’s face now. “I know what it’s like to sacrifice having a family for the greater good. My daughter won’t suffer the same thing.”
“Then you and your husband can stay here,” Elrond argued, more calmly now.
“I don’t think your listening,” Emma seethed, “we’re taking her back to Storybrooke where she has grandparents and an uncle and godparents and friends.”
“I’m afraid it isn’t your decision.”
“Says who? I’m her mother.”
“Enough!” Tauriel shouted. It was the loudest Emma had ever heard her speak. “Elien is my granddaughter, not a pawn.”
“Besides,” Killian interjected, “it isn’t the elven way to keep a child against her will.”
Elrond’s brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed before he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. His royal guard rushed into the room on their silent elven feet, their arrows making a soft, yet eerie swishing sound as they pulled them from their quivers in perfect synchronization and notched them to their bows.
“I stand corrected,” Killian muttered. He set Elien down gently. “Get behind me, little love.”
Emma inched her way over and she and Killian kept their daughter safely sandwiched between them.
“I don’t want to threaten you,” Elrond said.
“Could have fooled me,” Emma replied sarcastically.
“Elrond, you can’t seriously be considering forcibly removing a child from her parents,” Tauriel argued, “this isn’t the elven way!”
“Not the elven way?” Elrond snapped. “Soon the ways of our people will die out. More and more of our youth are leaving these lands, intermarrying with the race of men. Our magic is weakening, our lands dying.”
Tauriel laid a gentle hand on his arm. “Then perhaps it’s time we joined the race of men instead of keeping ourselves apart.”
Elrond’s face contorted with grief and sadness. “You sound like my daughter. My precious Arwen who will suffer your fate when her true love dies.”
“That’s what this is really about, isn’t it?” Tauriel asked gently. “Giving her a bloodline that will help her hold on as I have done.”
Killian exchanged a look with Emma, and then he stepped forward slowly, pulling the Arkenstone from the satchel at his hip. “If I may, my Lord, offer an alternative?”
“The Arkenstone!” Elrond breathed, reaching for it with a trembling hand.
Killian pulled it back against his chest. “Aye. The stone that will take away your daughter’s immortality. In exchange for my little girl, of course.”
Elrond’s eyes flashed. “Or my army takes it by force.”
“Or I take it!”
Every eye in the room turned in shock at the sound of the small voice. Elien Jones stood in the middle of the throne room, her green eyes flashing fire, magic tingling between her fingertips. She raised her hand towards her father, and the Arkenstone flew into her hand.
“What are you doing!” Elrond screamed, racing forward. Elien flung her hand, and Elrond was frozen in place.
Emma and Killian shouted their daughter’s name, but they found they were frozen in place as well. The stone pulsed an even brighter red in the little girl’s hand. Emma lifted frantic eyes to her husband, but he looked just as frightened as she did.
“Elien, honey,” Tauriel said gently, easing down on her knees in front of her granddaughter, “you need to put the stone down.”
“No, Effie,” Elien said in her little girl voice, “it’s meant for you.”
Elien placed the stone into Tauriel’s palm, then she placed her tiny hands over her grandmother’s. Magic sparked, and snaking red lines poured forth from the stone, enveloping Tauriel. When it cleared, she collapsed to the ground, and the stone rolled across the floor. It was no longer red, but a dull glassy color. Elien released her hold on the others, and Killian and Emma raced to Tauriel��s side.
“Mother,” Killian said gently, helping her up to a seated position.
She moaned and held her head, and Killian grasped her arms, half laughing in disbelief as he squeezed her shoulders, then her hands between his. She hadn’t felt so solid since he was a tiny lad.
“You’re . . . you’re . . . “
Tauriel put her chest to her heart. “I’m mortal.” She reached up and cupped Killian’s face in her hands, marveling at the stubble beneath her palms. Her little boy, all grown up, and she could finally really, truly feel him. “Oh my precious, precious boy.”
Killian embraced his mother then, holding her tightly as he hadn’t been able to in so many long centuries. Tears filled Emma’s eyes as she watched them. Elien flung her arms around both her papa and her Effie. Tauriel turned to her granddaughter and peppered her face with kisses. Then they yanked Emma in for a group hug.
“The stone chose you.”
The Jones family looked up to see Elrond standing over them. Emma smiled at Killian.
“Galadriel didn’t see your mother taking the stone, she saw Elien giving it to her.”
Tauriel shook her head. “But why? Why me?”
Elrond reached out and took Tauriel’s hand, helping her to her feet. “Because of the many long years of sacrifice for your son. You have earned your rest, Tauriel of the Woodland Elves.”
She turned to her son, her daughter-in-law, and her granddaughter. “And I know just where I’ll spend my final years.”
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casscl · 7 years
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Dear Anya,
May your child be as sweet as his or her mother. It would be terrible of me to not think of your bundle of joy on this day. 
Princess Eleanor
suddenly, she feels awfully horrible for not getting the princess a gift at all. how could she forget ?? she decides then that she will send buckets of rice to the princess, hoping it sums up for an apology. the last thing she needed was to be on the princess’ bad side right after making friends with her. but still, she clutches the bonnet to her chest and squeals with happiness. this baby, she thinks, will be a lucky one.
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ofemeline · 7 years
to my best friend, happy sanda mel. i hope you find the day filled with gifts and love. i saw the cup and with both dracborough colors and a dragon engraved on it i had to get it for you. the hair piece is ruby encrusted as i felt a goblet was not good enough for you. your dear friend, nathaniel.
her eyes sparkle at the goblet, loving the intricate design and especially the dragon portrayed on the side of it. perhaps, she will only choose to drink from this from now on. but then her eyes drift over to the pin with rubies and she fawns even harder. oh, how she loved that man. 
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Pabrik Sandal High Mel, Pusat Sandal High Mel, Agen Sandal High Mel merupakan pabrik yang memproduksikan berbagai macam sandal wanita yang berkualitas. Sandal memang sudah menjadi item model alas kaki yang terbuka pada bagian jari kaki sampai tumit pemakaiannya. Pada bagian ini berfungsi untuk penjepit atau penahan pada bagian jari, pergelangan kaki atau punggung kaki supaya sandal tidak terlepas dari kaki pemakainya. Sandal pun memiliki penutup pada bagian punggung dan juga jemari, namun terbuka pada bagian tumit dan pergelangan kaki yang bisa disebut juga dengan selop. Bahan yang terdapat pada sandal yang ada di agen sandal high mel ini berasal dari alam yang sudah diolah dari bahan sintetis atau tiruan, macam-macam sandal pun sangatlah banyak salah satunya ada yang sudah tinggal pasang saja atau juga ada yang harus dibentuk atau dibuat terlebih dahulu, namun pada umumnya yang sudah tersedia di toko-toko adalah bahan sandal yang sudah siap digunakan dengan harga yang bermacam-macam. Berikut ini ada beberapa bahan sandal yang sering digunakan para pengrajin sandal yang terdapat pada pusat sandal high mel ini adalah sebagai berikut :
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Benang Sol
Benang Sol ini benang jahit yang memiliki ukuran besar, cara menjahitnya pun dapat digunakan di bagian sol atau bagian bawah sandal supaya menjadi kuat dan tahan lama, yaitu salah satunya menggunakan sebuah jarum ukuran besar yang dapat dijahit secara manual bahkan menggunakan tangan saja bisa. Sandal yang dijahit ini pun dapat menggunakan benang sol yang disebut dengan sandal tarumpah.
Benang Jahit
Benang Jahit ini sudah pasti ada disetiap pembuatan sandal sebab benang jahit ini gunanya untuk menjahit sisi-sisi bahan sandal yang perlu sekirannya dijahit pada umumnya pun digunakan pada bagian atas (muka) bagian sandal supaya terlihat rapi dan anggun ketika digunakan.
Fiber ini pun biasanya digunakan sebagai alas pada bagian dalam sandal yang berupa lembaran agak keras tujuannya supaya dalaman sandal lebih enak digunakan dan tentunya nyaman.
Cat ini digunakan untuk menghias atau mewarnai bagian luar sandal apalagi yang sandal utamanya adalah kelom geulis, cat ini sangat perlu digunakan untuk menghias, melukis atau dapat membuat gambar tertentu lebih menarik lagi.
Kain Pelapis
Kain Pelapis ini merupakan kain tipis yang dapat digunakan sebagai pelapis pada bagian dalam sandal jika dipakai terasa lembut tujuannya sebagai penyerap keringat kaki.
Imitasi dalam bahasa sandal pun ada ya namun bedanya imitasi ini untuk pembuatan sandal yang pada umumnya dapat digunakan pada bagian atas muka sandal dan juga terkadang dapat digunakan jika dipakai akan terasa lembut dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai pelapis bagian dalam.
Salah satu bahan yang paling sering digunakan terutama pada bagian bawah sandal supaya sandal yang kita pakai ini tidak terasa keras dan nyaman digunakan sepertinya hampir semua sandal pada bagian bawahnya menggunakan karet. Karet pada umumnya berbentuk lembaran.
Bahan Kulit
Kulit ini merupakan bahan sandal yang sangat populer dan disukai sebab mempunyai kualitas yang sangat bagus di antara bahan lainnya dan paling banyak digunakan serta banyak diminati para pengguna sandal sebab pada umumnya kulit yang dipakai pada bagian atas ini sebuah sandal namun pada bagian sandal tarumpah ini beda lagi dengan sandal yang lainnya, sandal tarumpah di pakai pada bagian atas dan alasnya.
Latek ini merupakan sejenis lem yang terbuat dari bahan cairan karet alam yang masih mentah yang sudah diolah dan diproses terlebih dahulu sehingga berfungsi sebagai perekat pada bahan yang akan digunakan untuk pembuatan sandal. Latek ini berbentuk cairan yang memiliki warna putih dengan bau yang khas dan menyengat di hidung.
Lem merupakan bahan harus ada atau penting sebab jika tidak ada lem maka bahan sandal tersebut tidak menempel pada tempatnya untuk itu lem sangat penting pada sebuah sandal namun lem juga ada bermacam-macam jenisnya jadi tidak sembarangan memilih lem tersebut.
Sol Cetak
Sol cetak ini merupakan badan sandal atau sol yang sudah berbentuk alas sandal, biasanya terbuat dari bahan karet atau sejenisnya. Cara pembuatannya sendiri pun di press menggunakan cetakan mesin khusus.
Spon Sandal
Spon sandal ini merupakan salah satu jenis bahan yang digunakan terutama pada pelapis atau alas sebuah sandal sebab permukaannya lembut dan lentur, namun jika digunakan tidak keras dan lentur namun untuk spon yang berukuran tebal ini sering digunakan tidak keras dan lentur dan juga spon ini berukuran tebal yang sering digunakan untuk pembuatan sol atau bahan sandal yang terutama untuk sandal yang terbuat dari bahan spon.
Cat Vernis
Cat vernis ini digunakan ketika pada jenis sandal kelom geulis ini digunakan pada proses finishing untuk melindungi cat asli sehingga membuat warna lebih menarik dan mengkilat.
Skrup ini sering digunakan pada sandal jenis kelom geulis ini yang berguna untuk menempelkan atau merekatkan pada bagian atas sandal atau muka supaya pada badan sandal atau yang sudah dilem sebelumnya menjadi lebih menempel kembali.
Paku merupakan bahan yang biasanya digunakan untuk bahan dari kulit seperti sandal tarumpah dari kulit, yang mungkin sama hal nya untuk memperkuat daya tahan dan daya rekat pada bagian yang telah di lem. Paku yang dapat digunakan adalah paku yang berukuran sangat kecil.
Tekson atau Duplek
Tekson atau Duplek ini sudah diolah menjadi sebuah lembaran dan lentur yang sering dipakai sebagai bahan sandal yang berguna sebagai pelapis alas atau bagian dalam sandal. Namun bisa juga sebagai pengganti bahan lain supaya lebih hemat dan murah.
Gesper atau Asesoris
Gesper ini memiliki fungsi untuk variasi atau hiasan pada sandal yang pada umumnya terbuat dari besi campuran atau kaleng yang ditempel pada bagian atas atau luar sandal.
Demikian berbagai macam bahan yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan sandal pada umumnya dan menjadi salah satu bahan yang dipakai untuk pembuatan sandal di pabrik sandal high mel, pusat sandal high mel dan agen sandal high mel.
Pabrik Sandal High Mel, Pusat Sandal High Mel, Agen Sandal High Mel menyediakan berbagai macam sandal wanita yang pasti berkualitas dan nyaman digunakan seperti sandal teplek wanita, sandal kelom geulis, sandal kulit wanita yang pastinya khas buatan Tasikmalaya. Jika ingin pesan atau order bisa hubungi no wa admin kami ya wa.me/6281391873703 atau bisa juga kunjungi akun sosial media kami ya.
pusatsandal #agensandal #pabriksandal #produsensandal #tokosandal #pengrajinsandal #sandalindonesia #sandaltasikmalaya #sandalteplekwanita #sandalkelomgeulis #sandalkulitwanita
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mothman-dan · 6 years
since im bored, heres a list of every one of my characters (under the cut bc i have ALOT of characters)
[Respawn] 1 Kris verdego 2 Calvin Verdego 3 Blackjack 4 Sho 5 Duska 6 Topaz 7 David 8 Candy 9 Suroh 10 Cosmic 11Toxic 12 Mich 13 Volts 14WJack 15 Arin James 16 Delilah Staddleman 17 Vince Echols - 18 Frog 19 Horus 20 Chaoul 21 Sabre 22 Bandit 23 Mashpotato 24 Miter 25 The Executioneer 26 Tim 27 Star 28 Sam 29 Jimmy 30 Flo 31 Nightmere
[Cameraman] 32 Gil Foster 33 Ione Josephs 34 Mel Hammond 35 Ares Matthewson 36 Randy Fisherson 37 Randy Foster 38 John Parkers 39 Anna Bowers 40 Vinnie Ivan 41 Camilla Ivan 42 Alex Ivan [Elements] 43 Cleo Blackheart 44 Alyxis Keyoko 45 Max Phinox 46 Kiko Powell 47 Akaruxti Fang 48 Zeris Fang 49 Jackson Blackheart 50 Oliver Tozaku 51 Nathan Tozaku 52 Yato 53 Zero
[Other] 54 Fuck King 55 Alexander 56 Mothball 57 ZipZap 58 THE WIZARD (shouta nakamura) 59 JimJom 60 Bukimina 61 Sanda 62 MegaMegaDuck 63 Minoknight 64 Zesio 65 The Ram 66 The Bee Man 67 Mark 68 Ahdmond redvire 69 Jhonny Bad 70 okail 71 Honoka Yuuka 72 shiori Saito 73 Yuudai Itou 74 Yukiko Satou 75 Yori Kimura 76 Ergi Nadeshiko 77 Issua Kane
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socionikaspieraksti · 3 years
Socionikas tipi* - 4.kvadra
(Zemāk par 3., 2., 1.kvadru) * Socionikas tipu pārstāvji ir varbūtēji minējumi, reizēm dažādi socionikas speciālisti tipus personām piedēvē atšķirīgi     4.kvadra - vērtībās darījumu loģika, vērtējošā attiecību ētika, komforta sensorika, iespēju intuīcija Štirlics vai Holmss - ESTJ, Administrators, "Администратор", ЛСЭ  Reiņina pazīmes: ekstraverts, darba loģisks, komforta sensorisks, dinamisks, negatīvs, kvestims, taktiķis, emotīvists, racionāls, process, piekāpīgs, piesardzīgs, neizlēmīgs, objektīvs, aristokrāts Mazās grupas: holeriķis, gādīgais, lietišķais darījumu komunikācijas stils, statuss kā stimulu grupa Anna Lieckalniņa, Evija Skulte, Inese Vaidere, Jūlija Timošenko, Maija Rozīte Krištopāne, Marija Bērziņa, Šārona Stouna, Viola Lāzo, Liene Skulme, Zanda Zariņa Rešetina, Barbara Briļska (ir vesrija - Maksims), Laima Vaikule (?), Grēta Garbo, Marlēna Dītriha, Džiliana Andersone (?), Mila Janoviča, Helēna Hanta, Sofija Lorēna (?), “Mērija Popinsa”, Sjuzena Sarandona (?), Andžela Lanberija, Vjačeslavs Tihonovs, Ērihs Marija Remarks, Arnolds Švarcnegers, Ēriks Hānbergs (rakstnieks), Ivars Puga, Mareks Segliņš, Mārtiņš Šics, Rolands Tjarve, Voldemārs Šoriņš, Boriss Pasternaks, Rihards Zorge, Daniels Kreigs (?) Dostojevskis - INFJ, Attīstītājs, Humānists, ЭИИ Reiņina pazīmes: introverts, attiecību vērtējoši ētisks, iespēju intuitīvs, statisks, pozitīvs, deklamitīvs, stratēģis, konstruktīvists, racionāls, process, piekāpīgs, piesardzīgs, neizlēmīgs, objektīvs, aristokrāts Mazās grupas: flegmatiķis, infantils, dvēseliskais komunikācijas stils, pašnoteikšanās jeb pašpietiekamības stimulu grupa Akvelīna Līvmane, Arta Andersone, Esmeralda Ermale, Ieva Akuratere, Kristīne Želve, Sonora Vaice, Zane Peneze, Miša Bārtone, Kalistra Flokkārta (?) (seriāls “Alija Makbīla”), Alfreds Nobelis, Andrea Bočelli, Eštons Kačers, Armands Puče, Arno Jundze, Gustavs Terzens, Gints Grūbe, Intars Rešetins, Ingus Baušķenieks, Ivars ījabs, Jānis Dripe, Jānis Ikstens, Jānis Paukštello, Jānis Stībelis, Jānis Šipkevičš, Jānis vanags (mācītājs), Māris Zanders, Roberts Ķīlis, Uldis Marhilēvičš, Uldis Stabulnieks, Valters Frīdenbergs, Vestards Šimkus, Viesturs Kairišs, Džeremijs Aironss, Deivids Duhovnijs (seriāls “X Faili”), “Doktors Vatsons”, Aleksandrs Solženicins, Vinsents van Gogs, Stefans (serālā “Vampīra dienasgrāmatas”), viens no brāļiem seriālā “Supernatural” (Dīns - Štirlics), Pjērs Rišārs Hakslijs - ENFP, Izdibinātājs, Padomdevējs, Dons Žuans, ИЭЭ  Reiņina Pazīmes: ekstraverts, atiecību vērtējoši ētisks, iespēju intuitīvs, statisks, negatīvs, deklamitīvs, taktiķis, emocitīvists, iracionāls, rezultāts, ietiepīgs, bezrūpīgs, neizlēmīgs, objektīvs, aristokrāts Mazās grupas: sangviniķis, infantils, kaislīgais komunikācijas stils, unikalitātes stimulu grupa Alla Petropavlovska (žurnāliste), Anda Čakša, Aurēlija Lauciņa, Daina Jāņkalne, Ilze vazdika, Inga Alsiņa (aktrise), Maija Doveika, Regīna Devīte, Fanija Ardāna, Džūlija Lamberte, Vūpija Goldberga, Dainis Īvāns, Māris Olte, Ojārs Rubenis, Pauls Timrots, Renārs Kaupers, Viesturs Dūle, Marks Tvens un “Toms Sojers”, Mihails Bojarskis, Robins Viljamss, Henrihs Heine Gabēns - ISTP, Amatnieks, Meistars, СЛИ Reiņina pazīmes: introverts, darba loģisks, komforta sensorisks, dinamisks, pozitīvs, kvestims, stratēģis, konstruktīvists, iracionāls, rezultāts, ietiepīgs, bezrūpīgs, neizlēmīgs, objektīvs, aristokrāts Mazās grupas: melanholiķis, gādīgais, augstasinīgais komunikācijas stils, materiālā nodrošinājuma stimulu grupa Baiba Strautmane, Elīna Šimkus, Ieva Kerēvica, Jolanta (Gulbe) Paškeviča, Žanete Jaunzeme Grende, Andželina Džolī (?), Renē Zelvēgere, Merila Strīpa, Fransuāza Sagāna, Žorža Sanda, Ludmila Ulickaja, Tatjana Tolstaja, Agata Kristi, Egils Zariņš, Raimonds Pauls, Uldis Vazdiks, Žans Gabēns, Vladimirs Visockijs, Mels Gibsons, Adriano Čelentano, Somersets Moems, Žans Pols Sartrs, Žoržs Simenons un “Mēgrē”
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N E K H B E T | he isn't used to not being clad in a cloak to be fair, he feels /almost exposed/ in a way. it is odd to mix and mingle at this sort of thing, he preferred to stick to the shadows; but it was never bad to garner connections, so he rightfully couldn't complain. still the thought of sanda mel much less a ball made him want to roll his eyes, he doesn't of course because kael wouldn't but the thought is there all the same. idly he finds himself observing everyone pooling into the ball room before he even tries to interject himself into any groups or conversations. A U R E L I U S | the invite did say one /needed/ a date did they not, to think he doesn't have one...unless one counted the healer perhaps but in the company of others this was simply not viable. still he is here and he is at least ever the happy (if a bit nervous) sort to be around his friends and fellow countrymen. this ball gives him hope that all will be well after everything, he tries to shake off any foreboding feelings otherwise as he enters, looking around to see if he spots anyone he knows. to be honest though when had he ever really converse at these events, he quite felt like a ghost that haunted them more than anything else, he is fine with this though never the less. K H A I L E E | Khai looked only slightly less put together than she usually did for these events. She hadn't had the money to have a new dress commissioned for the ball like she normally would have, so she wore an old one. She also no longer had servants to help with getting her ready, so instead of some elaborate up-do she'd left her hair down. But if anything had survived the invasion and the fire, it was her need for a good glass of wine before the night's festivities could begin. As she was making her way over to get herself some, she brushed shoulders with someone, and upon looking up and realizing who it was she couldn't help but smile a bit. "N--" Remembering his new cover identity, Khai cleared her throat and started over. "Kael. I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight. Do you not have a date?" N A T H A N I E L | his own event, one he figured would be best as the holiday approached and yet he wished to be elsewhere. wasn't that how recent events would go in his position? after being bedridden for so long he'd been granted permission to roam the halls and attend his own festivities. with his cane in one hand, the one that had been gifted to him long ago by a certain ironhaven knight, he gently stepped into his ballroom. he nodded to those who gave him a glance, forcing himself to keep a smile on his face. nathaniel was sure he still appeared quite fragile and bruised but he needed everyone in the kingdom to understand he would not let it kill him. M A G N U S | He really didn't want to go to a ball even less a Sanda mel one, last year he would have found some girl to bring and surely sneak away before the end to go to his room but now he was the king and he couldn't do that, not that he had any desire to do that anyway, but he should go and seem to enjoy it for at least a few hours V I O L A | it is becoming, as the weeks pass and the days slip by, quite harder for the queen to balance upon her feet. but the months have been hard for them all---not least of all for their family, she thinks, fingers tightening around nathaniel’s own---& now is not the time to cower in their rooms, covers pulled up to hide her head. sanda mel is a time for JOY, a time to show all the world that their family has stayed strong. an arm looped through her husband ( to support him, as much as herself ) & her head held high, viola smiles serenely as they walk inside the ballroom. “it looks lovely, does it not?” C L E O | Cleo couldn't believe a whole year had passed already, last year they were in the middle of the war against the pirates and now here they were, everything seemed to finally be able to go right, and everything looked lovely as well L U C R E Z I A  | the moment the night's festivities were announced, there was no doubt in the girl's mind that she would attend. sanda mel was one of her favorite holidays and she wanted to enjoy her time in the bearorian kingdom. she had always dreamed a charming man would sweep her off her feet one sanda mel but as she grew, she had become more accustom to how silly her dreams were. dressed in a beautiful teal with her hair in light curls, lucrezia made her way into the room. A V E R Y | he didn’t see her at first – he was, once again, in it for the free food and not necessarily the company, or so he told himself – but then a casual sweep of the room revealed her, and he stopped to stare for a minute. he had to admit it. she looked damn good. and just the person he wanted to talk to, too. he walked over, offering her a pastry he’d grabbed off a platter. “you’re here.” N E K H B E T | the vulture doesn't see anything wrong with khai, she is as pretty as a picture still and ever effervescent looking in the way she holds herself. had anyone else brushed shoulders into him and he might of found himself slightly annoyed, yet it is her and can't help but offer her a cheeky smile in return when she speaks to him. "I wasn't expecting to be here my lady, yet how could I miss such an event to mingle with the likes of you." He cooed, as if he'd only came there for her, it isn't a complete lie, he had thought she might be here and while he never would hate to see her it hadn't been his complete intentions truthfully. "i don't believe i do, unless someone snares me away that i don't know of." it was entirely possible, he'd probably slept with enough people he figures. N A T H A N I E L | he held onto his wife tightly, the overwhelming feeling of danger filling his chest. big rooms had always made him a bit nervous but his suspicion had grown. as much as he knew he shouldn't have been worried, to have so many ironhaven men in the same room as him bothered him. how many of them had been the ones to bruise and beat him weeks ago? doing his best to pay no mind to the past, nathaniel turned to his wife and smiled. " yes, it does. " a simple response, feeling ease in her company. " if you believe this is lovely, wait until i show you my gifts. " it would be hard to beat the year before, yes, though it hadn't stopped him from trying. K H A I L E E | She rolled her eyes at his cooing, swatting him gently in the arm. But even in the midst of their usual playful banter, she couldn't help the anxiety that clogged her throat. She'd slipped a letter under Matt's door earlier that day and hadn't seen him since, and she couldn't help but be a tad antsy as she awaited his reaction. But Nekhbet of all people could help distract her a bit till he showed up, so she nodded toward the wine and responded, "I'll snare you away, even if it's only for a little while. Come, take a drink with me." L U C R E Z I A | " oh, avery! " she gasped, skipping forward and taking his gift with a bright smile. " sanda mel is my favorite holiday, i wouldn't miss this for the world! if it is a shock for either of us to be here, it is you. " lucrezia takes a bite into the pastry, jam covering her lips. she swallows and clears her throat before defending her words, not wanting for him to take them incorrectly. " oh, but i am glad you're here! a pleasant surprise. " A V E R Y | once upon a time he might have jerked his hand out of her grasp immediately. resistance, however, was something he’d come to know as futile, and not at all necessary, either. “i wasn’t going to stay,” he said, almost defensively. he had the feeling that now he would be. staying, that was. “but you’re fucking right. i’m not here for the holiday side of things, that’s for fucking certain.” P A N D O R A | Before passing through the doors, Pandora smooths down the front of her dress. The dark green hue compliments her skin tone nicely, but the simplicity of the number makes her wants to snub her nose at it. Truly, it's a fine dress that suits her well enough, but it's simply not her taste. Still, despite her unhappiness with her outfit, as she scans the room carefully, she is please to see King Magnus already present. With practiced grace, Pandora nearly glides over to where he stands and offers him a curtsy. " Good evening, your majesty. " N E K H B E T | of course he would get that reaction from her and he quite enjoyed it, he snorts in amusement when she swats at him. something still did seem off though, she hadn't told him and he hadn't yet asked; as usual he was happy to offer her a life distraction at least. his thoughts go back to the notion of a date though, briefly picturing a perfect world where perhaps he could have formally invited hadrian with him. he is happy to be equally distracted from that thought with the presence of khai. he offers an arm to her, nodding his head softly. "Oh it would be a pleasure," He replies back his eyes adverting towards the wine as they head that way. "Now tell me, do you have a date or are all the men in Zenan too cowardly to extend an offer." K H A I L E E | She loops her arm through his, the action as familiar as breathing. It was a routine they'd been following for years now. Her heels clicked as she walked across the stone floors, the sound drifting up into the air and getting swallowed by the chatter and noise surrounding them. "I usually attend these things with Lord Matthias, but..." A quick glance around the room. "I haven't yet seen him." Khai snorted then and added, "And of course, I always have to turn a few unwanted suitors down each year." As they came upon the table with the wine, Khailee released his arm and moved to fill two glasses. Handing one to him, she turned her amused gaze back on his and added, "Oh, and I do believe I haven't said it yet: Happy Sanda Mel." L U C R E Z I A | her face falls slightly at his confession and the nurse struggles to keep somewhat of a smile on her face, not wanting her reaction to be too obvious. of course she would want him to stay, but did /he/ want to? her hand gripped his and her fingers interlocked with his, wondering for a moment if he was disgusted by her actions. " you don't have to be here if you don't want to be. " she reminded him, almost a bit hurt. lucrezia knew how he was and yet, for some reason, she thought he would want to stay. for her, out of all things. how ridiculous was that? maybe it was the holiday or her feelings high on love, but the way she looked at avery in that moment was different from how she usually did. " one of my patients gave me flowers today, maybe i could find him if you'd like to leave. " M A G N U S | Magnus smiled faintly at the girl, "Hello Pandora." He said and really by the tone of his voice it would seem that he was actually having a good time, and maybe he wasn't having a bad night, everything looked great and it was nice that things were returning to a normalcy,but things would never feel the same to him "Are you having fun?" V I O L A | there is a TENSION in his grip, a sort of anxiety in his gaze that makes her press closer, & her fingers squeeze his own. it’s alright, she wishes she could tell him, nothing will happen. if only she could believe it herself. she had /trusted/ octavius. or---she had tried to. who else could there be, lurking in the shadows for a chance to strike. she settles---as she must, for a reassuring smile, lips brushing across his cheek. “you spoil me,” she says, instead, opting for the easier conversation. “you did not need to get me anything, nate. you’ve already given me so much. ---i do have a gift for you, as well.” A V E R Y | she seemed a bit disappointed, and he frowned. "don’t mind stay now. just didn’t much fancy it without–” he nearly said he wouldn’t have fancied staying if lou hadn’t been there. “there’s no good food left. all we’ve got’s conversation. and i don’t know if you knew this, but i don’t want to fucking talk to anyone here ‘cept you. so there’s that.” he’d sort of said it anyway, he supposed, by why not? it was the truth. there was nothing more to it. “not the same patient that got crushed by a horse, surely.” N E K H B E T | it wasn't often that he'd so /willingly/ allowed somehow else to be as close as he had with her, yet khai had seeped into his cracks for so long that they'd had their routines; their second nature habits for one another like now. it is a familiar comfort that this offers him, one he won't admit to or complain about. "what a shame for him," he comments, adding "and a gain for me, at any rate perhaps he will show up." nekhbet gives a gesture of his hand before taking the offered wine once they get to it. "of course, i can't imagine you coming to an event like this with anyone less than wanted. honestly it reminds me of the events we used to attend together." he could hardly forget the nights they'd annoy her husband, it had been amusing for a time. "only now we lack, what was his name again?" he acts as if he can't recall her late husbands name, a jest they had done before. "ah it doesn't matter now." there's a slight laugh and before he knows it the holiday is being brought up. he takes a long sip of the wine, surely he needs it upon the reminder what this ball was about. "happy sanda mel to you as well, although you may be the only person i perhaps mean that towards." another snort this time it's indifferent, he'd mean it to the bard too he thinks, he just tends to hate anything pertain to the idea of love. A N Y A | anya wasn't quite in the mood to celebrate but figured she didn't have anything else to do with her time. she's wearing a simple gown, the black fabric contrasting with her porcelain skin. perhaps, this was a funeral after all ?? she takes a seat at a nearby table and eyes the wine closely before deciding on grabbing some bread. her fingers began picking apart the bread, leaving the crumbs scattered around her. N A T H A N I E L | the king leans into her, his forehead pressed against hers. there is much he has to thank her for and though all the gifts in zenan will not make up for any of it, he of course must spoil her any way he can. " you deserve the best, " he assures, giving her a genuine smile. " ah, you got me something and thought i would not return the favor? " nathaniel leans back and his smile grows into a chuckle, shaking his head. P A N D O R A | She gives a shake of her head as a smile plays at the corner of her lips, " I think it might be too early to decide if I am enjoying myself. " Her eyes wonder for the briefest of seconds to those in the center of the room, socializing, dancing. How nice it would be to freely indulge in this night. " Did you receive anything of note for Sanda Mel ?? " She asks lightly, wondering what his thoughts were of the rabbit foot. L U C R E Z I A  | just as her expression had faltered, there was suddenly a bashful grin back onto her lips. her cheeks had turned a bright red and she couldn't help but gently squeeze his hand. " then you will talk to only me. " she returned, nodding her head. " oh, no, absolutely not. he's a bearorian native and he's very kind, he even asked to escort me to the event tonight. " her heart sped up, wondering if she should admit she only said no because of avery. still, she remained quiet, eyes scanning the room to take in the atmosphere. E M E L I N E | she's been greeting the people of dracborough ( and who else wanted to greet the queen ) but as she finally got a moment to herself, emeline walks out onto the balcony, admiring the sun that began to set. her arms lean against the railing, a chalice of wine in her hand. there was a pit of loneliness in her heart but how could that be solved ?? she feels the faint heat on her skin as she takes another sip of her drink. H E N R Y | knew good and well he was late. but the previous night had been a hard one, with the wolf taking its sweet time, and even staying an hour after the first glow of daybreak. still, henry wouldn't allow his lateness to hinder him from going to the ball - or the bags under his eyes and the limp in his step, from when he'd woken with a deep gash in his thigh. the first thing he did when he entered the ballroom was look for nate, but upon seeing him... busy, henry quickly turned his attention elsewhere to prevent himself from becoming jealous or angry. looking immediately for cleo, he went to her as quickly as he could with the small limp, and smiled warmly at his daughter. "cleo," he greeted, leaning down to affectionately kiss her forehead. "happy sanda mel." C L E O l Cleo smiled widely at her father, she knew that he was probably tired from last night, after all some nights were harder than others at least on her experience and she could see that he was tired "Happy sanda mel... Did you like your present?" She asked smiling "Have you spent any time with your person today?" she asked in a faintly teasing tone so anyone asking would think she was talking about the queen of norden B R Y N | bryn's cheeks were fiery with anger and embarrassment. he'd all but forced himself to come to the ball, if only to keep up appearances now that he was a duke, but he wasn't happy with being there. he'd schmoozed the minimal amount, and downed maybe a few too many goblets of wine. the words of the letters he'd read in lotte's handwriting, praising and doting on silas, were swimming through his mind. knowing he would have to speak with her again at some point (even though their previous conversation on the matter hadn't gone well), the tipsy duke made his way over to charlotte, interrupting any conversation she was having. but before he could speak, his eyes traveled over the immaculately dressed and gorgeous form of his former betrothed. his anger drained slightly, and bryn closed his mouth and looked up to her face. "lady charlotte," he said, his voice a bit husky. he took a few steps towards her - maybe a little too close to be a friendly stance - and tried not to smile... he /was/ supposed to be angry, right? "you look... look... well, you look ravishing." A V E R Y | avery couldn’t help but feel a bit pleased that lou had turned the bearorian down. and a little resentment towards the man, whoever he was. he told himself it was merely out of concern for lou’s sanity. avery couldn’t think of anything worse than being handed flowers and asked to go to parties. then again, he was pretty damn sure lou didn’t feel the same way. “fine with me. let me know if you ever want me to scare him the fuck off.” K H A I L E E | She smiled again at his flattery but found her mind wandering back to Matt once more. He usually beat her to these events and would find her in the crowd somewhere when she finally walked in, but she hadn't seen him yet and the thought of his not attending because of something she'd said in her letter was almost unbearable. Khai bit her lip for a moment thinking about it but, remembering how observant Nekhbet had always been, forced herself out of the involuntary action and tried to refocus on their conversation. She smiled again as he pretended to forget her old husband's name, remembering all the fun they used to have toying with him when they were younger. "Ah, yes, such a tragedy he couldn't be here tonight. I truly don't know how I've managed to go on without him all this time." Khai raised an eyebrow at his final words. "I'd better be." She took a sip of the wine and after a moment of contemplation found herself saying, "I was going to slip a note into your chambers but I feared someone else finding it first. I didn't want to risk exposing you in any way." Her words were low and quiet, only loud enough for him to hear. "But what I was going to say in that note is that I'm very happy I've had you around all these years." It was a singular moment of affection, one she knew he needed from time to time even if he wouldn't admit it to either of them. N A T H A N I E L | as he breaks away from his wife, he stumbles around the room, nodding his head in the direction of his guests. there are few people he wants to speak to and while one of them is preoccupied, another is standing on his balcony. he makes his way outside, joining queen emeline and he's suddenly disappointed to not be holding a drink. " happy sanda mel, your grace. " he greets, steadying his balance by holding onto the edge of the stone siding. C H A R L O T T E | Charlotte had always loved any type of balls, though her enjoyment of them had dwindled with all the things that had happened recently, but this one felt like old times, well almost, back then she would be around Niamh, Pollux and Silas talking about how silly some people looked. She had arrived with Silas but she moved away as fast as she could. She was now talking to a friend of her mother when they were interrupted by Bryn, and a wide smile formed on her face, she had wanted to see him all day. "Thank you, your grace. You look very handsome yourself.." H E N R Y | Henry smiled easily, the tension left in his shoulders from the day melting away in the presence of Cleo - as it always did. His smile only widened when she mentioned his gift, and he moved the robe from his side to show her the dagger, sheathed on his belt. "Gods, yes. It must be the most beautiful blade I've ever seen - and I've seen quite a few... and maybe a bit too closely." He moved his head enough to show her the now old scar on his cheek, courtesy of the pirates. He chuckled, though, and continued. "Thank you, darling. It means the world to me." His smile faded when she spoke of his person, and while he tried not to steal a glance at Nate, he shook his head. "Not as of yet," he said. "The queen is a very busy woman." M A G N U S | I "Ah well usually this parties are quite fun...is the first time coming to one?" He wasn't surprised since she wasn't nobility and it was only recently that it seemed everyone was invited no matter the rank. "I liked the present by the way thank you...you liked yours?" L U C R E Z I A | she giggled at his offer and while she would never agree to such terms, to have avery offer such a thing warmed her heart. maybe he did it out of jealousy or kindness, or maybe it was an excuse to punch another man in the face. either way, she decided it was best not to think too much into it. then, suddenly, she questioned if turning down the bearorian was a mistake. whenever she was nervous, lucrezia had a habit of rambling and letting her thoughts get the best of her. unfortunately, her nerves were as high as the clouds. " avery, " she began, tilting her head, speaking quickly. " would you have cared if i agreed to his date? " C L E O I Her smile only grew when he said he liked his present "I send it to have it made almost a month ago" She sighed and her smiled faltered when she saw the scar on his face, her father getting kidnapped and hurt by those pirates had been easily the worst moment of her life, she would take getting poisoned again before something like that ever happening again. "Well yes, but I am sure that she is very excited to spend time with you, it is Sanda Mel after all." P A N D O R A | finds herself nodding at his words. " Yes, " she says. " Any advice for a newcomer ?? " Her smile grows wide. For some reason, the comment makes Pandora feel exceptionally pleased with herself. " The flowers were from you ?? Yes, they were lovely. Thank you. " E M E L I N E | she hears a clink on the floor along with labored breathing before she turns her head to greet the stranger. as it turns out, it was no stranger; instead, a dear friend. "aye, i suppose it's meant to be happy ?" perhaps she shouldn't have had a glass of wine before the ball as well. "happy sanda mel, nathaniel. you look brilliant. 'ave you seen henry ?" she was being a bit too loose with her words but there were scattered people on the balcony, especially when the king and queen began talking, many seemed to leave out of courtesy.   N E K H B E T | perhaps she had been thinking of whoever this lord matthias was, he could hardly blame her to be honest; he'd thought of hadrian himself. still she could have merely had a great number of things on her mind, given whatever happened back in her homeland. he wanted to pull the answers out of her still, like pulling strings from a frayed shirt or rather moans from her lips as he had done in the past. there might have been a time when he was more disgusted at himself for feeling fond of her, wanting to help her even; now is not that time, not anymore. "easily i'm sure." he chuckles, he would have killed the man sooner to be fair for her, if it wouldn't have cause problems for his work relationship with her father. "why you're still the only one who knows my name even, who else would i wish such things on this day. " his voice is also a hushed whisper, although this ball is so loud he doubts anyone would hear that anyway, not that it matters without context. "well i thank you, also should i be offended that you think i have people in my chambers?" it's an obvious joke, mostly because she knew as well as he did just how he was. still he grows quite for a moment at her admission, his face slightly flushing crimson for only a second. "i'm," he pauses another sip of his wine being swallowed down. real admissions had always been hard to him, it was easier to hide them is jests. "i'm happy as well, after everything in ironhaven if i hadn't found you, i think my world would have been rather bleak." M A G N U S I "Dancing and drinking seem to be the best things to do do have fun, and there is a lot to drink or so I've heard." Surely she would find someone wanting to dance with her easily, she was very pretty and tonight she looked great "Ah yes, i suppose i should have signed it." B R Y N | Upon hearing her voice, Bryn no longer saw or heard anyone else in the ballroom. There was just them, and even though he had been angry, he couldn't find a reason to continually be mad at someone he loved so much. Lost in the moment and overcome with wine and forgiveness, Bryn all but ignored her compliment. Instead, he took her by the waist and pulled Charlotte against him and pressed his lips down on hers without a thought. N A T H A N I E L | " it is. " he assured, nodding, letting out a breath. " i look terrible, but i do appreciate you trying. i have seen him with his daughter and yet, i have not spoken to him. the less i can be seen with this cane, in my state, the better. " he referred to the balcony, looking out over his kingdom for a moment. " i am sure you've received hundreds of gifts from men, women, and citizens alike. " C H A R L O T T E | She was taken by surprise, of all things she didn't expect him to just take her and kiss her, not that she was complaining but they were surrounded by people. But the moment his lips met hers she forgot about the world around them and she kissed him back her arms around his neck L E V I | he was fashionably late he thinks, although that might have ever been the /only/ thing fashionable about him; not that he looked bad he just really thought he looked better out of such formal clothing, his hair was still messy as ever however and his expression someplace between happiness and trepidation. he'd spotted many familiar faces as well as many not so familiar ones, he didn't know where to start either; they all seemed rather busy either way. A V E R Y | what kind of a question was that? avery felt caught. it seemed lou knew him: he couldn’t imagine the question being that much of a coincidence. trouble was it was difficult to come up with a satisfying answer. no was too final, and definitely a lie. yes carried implications. he wasn’t sure he liked all the implications. there were some, though, that again almost rang true.   “sure. what of it?” P O L L U X | Unlike his usual behavior, Pollux had been minding his own business. On a day like Sanda Mel -- a day of happiness and love -- he found it was always best to allow the world to work as it would. However, as he spoke to an old duke about his land investments, Pollux found his gaze wandering. Almost immediately, he saw Brynjolf and Charlotte together. His interest was piqued. With Silas nowhere to be seen, Pollux knew he had to do something. Giving a hasty goodbye to the duke, Pollux quickly stepped to the center of the ballroom, wanting to put a stop to whatever it seemed was about to happen. Unfortunately, he was paces away when the two of them kissed. Affronted, Pollux put grabbed for Charlotte’s arm to pull the two of them apart. " What the hell are you doing ?? " He demanded, shocked. B R Y N | The kiss was warm and comfortable, and it felt natural; and it was not soon to be forgotten -- by more people then just them. It was only a moment before Charlotte was pulled from Bryn's arms, and he immediately met the gaze of Pollux. Oh, Gods. "Kissing the woman I love," he hissed lowly, taking a step closer to Pollux and attempting to take Lotte's arm from the Prince's grip. "I'll thank you to let go of her, aye?" P A N D O R A | " I'll have to find the refreshments table then. I doubt I'll be doing very much dancing. All the good partners seem to be taken. " Taken, or standing off to the side. " It might've helped. The gesture was kind. In truth, I had not expected to receive anything. Do you send flowers to everyone in your kingdom ?? " L U C R E Z I A | the woman gave a slight shrug, her mind spinning. had she overstepped? should she have left things unspoken? what if she was about to make a fool of herself? " you are saying that if i was to come here tonight with another man, you would care... as in, not want me to be with another man. " she stated, tilting her head and ignoring eye contact as she rambled on. " if you would not have wanted me to attend tonight with /another/ man, then, perhaps... you would want me to attend with you? which, i suppose i did, as we are here, together? yet, not /together/, but we are talking together. i... " lucrezia closed her eyes and let out a sigh, trying to make sense of the scrambled thoughts in her mind. " is it too late to ask you if you would attend the event with me? as in, a sanda mel date? i understand that these events are not a favorite of yours and i do not know if you even consider me a friend, yet my offer still stands. " her cheeks are red as she awkwardly stares at the floor, waiting for a response of any sort. C H A R L O T T E | Charlotte was returned by reality abruptly for a moment she wanted to snap at whomever pulled her away from Bryn, but she intimidatingly remember where she was, not to mention the one grabbing her arm was Pollux and she just knew...this was bad "Pollux...I..." E M E L I N E | "nonsense, nathaniel." a roll of her eyes follows her statement. her hand grasps his, squeezing it tightly. "you may as well be the most handsome man here. viola," her voice drops to a whisper. "and henry are both lucky to have you." at his next assumption, she lets out a boisterous laugh, thank gods for their lack of an audience. "you couldn't have been more wrong." but her head whips around to the commotion going on inside and instantly sees pollux' face. "what is happening ?" she leaves her chalice on the railing before entering the ballroom to where pollux stood. "what is going on here ?" A N Y A | her bread suddenly seems less interesting but still keeps it in her hand as her attention is caught by the tense conversation happening in the middle of the ballroom. there's a certain prince that she spots-- along with silas' soon-to-be wife. with furrowed brows and the bread, she joins them, grabbing the prince's arm gently. "charlotte ? where's-- where's silas?" L E V I | In one fell swoop he spots his friend in what seems to be a sudden heated exchange, he also spots his queen and a few other people he fails to recognize. of course levi approaches the scene, concerned at the louder voices and the crowd gathering. "i could say the same thing," he chimes in with emeline, eyeing the scene. P O L L U X | His eyes narrow as Bryn's words cut over Charlotte's. His grip tightens around her arm. He doesn't want to hurt her, it's more of an involuntary action. " No one was talking to you, you -- " His words cut off as he hears Emeline's voice and her feels someone touching his arm. " Charlotte, " he says sharply, his gaze refocusing, " you are engaged to Silas. " E M E L I N E | despite being ignored-- or perhaps unseen due to pollux' blatant anger-- she understands the situation all too clearly now. and her gaze goes directly to bryn. making her way over to him, her hand comes up to give him a blow behind his head before she can stop it. "brynjolf !" N A T H A N I E L | he lets out a calmed sigh, a feeling of safety and warmth as his friend squeezes his hand. she has always been one of the most important people in his life and he owes her many thanks for the everlasting support she has always showed him. " i am much more lucky myself... i don't know what i'd do without either of them. " he responds, a small smile unable to be hidden. " then by the gods, they have no idea of what beauty they are missing. " to know emeline is still an unmarried woman is shocking to him, yet he knows her kingdom will always come before a man. at the distraction of something happening, nathaniel grips his cane and makes his way back inside, slowly but surely. he is in no position to handle such a situation. " is there something the matter here? " B R Y N | Bryn was seething, and his breath was heavy with anger and wine. He waited for Pollux's insult, but when it didn't come, a smirk formed on his lips. "Just say it, you coward," he spat, taking yet another step towards the prince and making to grab his arm. Just as his hand wrapped around Pollux's arm, however, he feels a smack on the back of his head. His head turns and he meets the gaze of Em, and his cheeks darken immediately. "Your majesty," he said, turning again to notice Nate joining the gathering crowd. He looks back to Pollux, and with great effort, he lets go of his arm and waits for his punishment. C H A R L O T T E | Charlotte's face was growing red, and as more people surrounded them she was even having trouble breathing, she loved Bryn and she wished she could be with him openly but she was still engaged and everyone that knew her was here. "Pollux...your majesties.." P O L L U X | He releases her arm as Nate speaks. Pollux curses under his breath. " Nothing, " he mumbles, sounding like a child who knows he's about to get lectured. He finds himself slowly backing away from the pair, almost hiding behind Anya's skirts. L E V I | just what the hell was going on, levi felt so out of the loop, he was usually so perceptive but this time it took him longer to put two and two together, and when he did...perhaps because he thought the best of bryn; either way he still did. "perhaps there is a better time ta' settle things-" he implores his friend to listen, he'd back him up but...the matter stood there were kings and queens getting involved and this didn't bode well. S I L A S | He had went outside for a moment to talk to his father, when he returned he frowned when he saw a group of people that were obviously having a problem, his frowned deepened when he saw who were there, he approached his best friend and Charlotte "What is going on" Hie finally saw Bryn and he now had an idea still he wanted to know "Charlotte, darling. May you tell me what is going on?" A N Y A | suddenly, there is a king and a queen in front of her. her eyes are widened with shock and she wants to hide the bread-weapon before she can be thrown in the dungeon for the potential harm she was going to cause. she feels the prince shift behind her and she feels all the more exposed. but her gaze softens as silas joins them and her frown deepens. "silas, my lord--" she greets but what is there to say ? how do you tell someone their fiancee is cheating ?? B R Y N | The voice of a friend calmed Bryn only a little. His gaze traveled to Levi, and his words rung true - he would only get thrown in the dungeons for harming the prince. He nodded and gave Levi a look that said 'perhaps you're right,' but just as he began to back up, he saw Silas enter the room. Suddenly, all rational thought was gone, and he rushed over to him with a heavy step. "Let us settle this," he said, his voice quiet but heavy with bitterness and anger. "Once and for all." S I L A S | Silas stared at Charlotte for a moment before looking at Bryn again as he came closer, he knew best as to try and fight someone when the king and a queen were next to them "Settle what? " He looked at Pollux "Would you tell me what is happening and why does he wants to fight?" P O L L U X | " Because, " he said, stepping forward just a tad, " this asshole was kissing your fiancée. " Gods above, he regretted giving Brynjolf the benefit of the doubt. He couldn't believe he almost allowed him at his wedding. E M E L I N E | her arms crossed over her chest in confusion and agitation but her eyes eventually drift to levi who also seemed interested in the commotion. but she doesn't let her gaze dwindle on him for too long, no, because bryn decides to take a threatening step towards a duke she's never seen before. perhaps, the fiance of the woman before them ? "bryn, you need to calm down." she gives levi a look along with a nod to hold the duke back, hoping he understood what she was implying. C H A R L O T T E | "please..." She said weakly the last thing she wanted was to Bryn to get in trouble by trying o fight Pollux and Silas and they were surrounded and people were watching and she knew word of this would get to her parents N A T H A N I E L | in all the nonsense, as his brother talked, it dawned on him that he had no matter in the situation. he would be a hypocrite to say anything about what brynjolf had done. yet, it was public knowledge now and it was something he could not tolerate to escalate anymore. " brynjolf, stop this immediately! " he hissed, slamming his cane onto the ground. A V E R Y | lou startled him out of keeping an even expression; by the time she’d finished speaking he was looking rather shell-shocked. that she was staring at the floor seemed like something of a blessing. it wasn’t as if he’d had no part in the direction the conversation had gone in. the thing was– “the fuck, lou,” he said. it was instantly regretted. “i hadn’t thought about it,” he confessed. “or any shite like that.” he frowned, and tried out an answer: “yeah. i would.” it felt right. “don’t know what a fucking date is supposed to be like. that’s on you.” B R Y N | Fists clenched and jaw grinding his teeth together, Bryn was all but panting with emotion. He's eerily close to throwing a punch when Em's words reach his ears, and she whips his head to look at her. "Your majesty," he said, his voice transforming to a calm tone, though it shook with anger. He nearly said something else, but the sound of Nate's cane slamming onto the stone sent a chill down his spine - he'd never seen the king so angry. He looked back at Charlotte for a moment, his eyes widening slightly in guilt. He shouldn't have started this mess. A N Y A | suddenly, this was all the more overwhelming to witness. the duke was in silas' face and perhaps anya should've thought about her actions before following through. but with a clenched fist full of bread, she gives a blow to the man, coming to silas' defense. L E V I | levi takes a step closer, trailing after his friend, placing a /firm/ hand on his shoulder. "there are other ways ta' handle this, i'll will help you if i can mate, but this has ta' stop, come on mate why don't we take a walk..." he doesn't want to see something happen to bryn, doesn't want his anger to get the better of him. S I L A S | Silas had to take a very deep breath not to lose control and his temper right then and there, he suspected there was something going on, he wasn't stupid but that he kissed Charlotte in front of everyone, that was too much. he blinked when he saw Anya hit Bryn, with a lot of bread in her hand, it was nice to know she was on his side. "I...think this is not the time for this...Charlotte, I think we should go out and talk." He is practically giving an other he looks at Pollux "will you come with us? " He asked as he grabbed Charlotte’s arm
P O L L U X | As Anya threw the bread at Bryn, he found his jaw falling open. The smile wasn't lost on his face, however. She was a force to be reckoned with. Despite the humor of the situation, Pollux kept his eyes on Silas. He was worried for his best friend. At the look from Silas, he grimaced. " If you'd like me to, " Pollux said. He wasn't entirely sure why he was needed, but if Silas needed him, he would go. B R Y N | Bryn was at the point of dizziness from both the wine and constant swiveling. This time, the duke turned to see a woman who had just... hit him with bread? "What in the gods' name ??" He stared at her, flabbergasted and becoming more and more angry. "Who the hell are you?" He asked, before he could stop himself. Then he felt a firm hand on his back, and turned yet again to see Levi. He looked at him skeptically, but upon glancing around at the crowd, he nodded in agreement. When Silas grabbed Lotte's arm, though, he grabbed Silas's. "If you so much as hurt a hair on her head, you will live to regret it - I swear to the gods above us." He let go, hoping he grabbed him hard enough to bruise. With one more glance at Charlotte, he smiled slightly at her and looked back to Levi. E M E L I N E | gods how had this happened ?? but as the tension begins to fade, her eyes catch sight of the woman between this all. her anger dissipates but she sends a deathly glare to the woman for her unladylike actions. of all days, she chose the day of love to cheat ? surely, there was no hope left in the world. but as levi grabs bryn, she gives a nod his way to show her thanks before her interest lacks and she is back off to the balcony to retrieve her wine and continue on with the lonely night. C H A R L O T T E | Charlotte seemed to have lost the ability to talk but as Bryn grabbed Silas she knew that she had to say something before a fight did broke out "Please...just stop." She looked at Nate "I'm sorry your majesty this is my fault." She looked at Anya, Pollux and Bryn's friend before sighing "Fine let's go" At least the distance would make them stop fighting L E V I | he looks towards emeline momentarily, as if to assure her he had the situation under control, he didn't but he was trying. the closer he got to bryn the more he realizes that he'd probably been drinking, nothing ever good from women and alcohol; it was like water and oil and he knew the feeling all too well. bryn yells at him but levi takes it all in stride, he knows it's not bryn, knows he doesn't mean it. he offers a smile in return it's soft and concerned, this is no time for laughter like usual.   "he won't hurt her," levi assures, he doesn't know the situation but he glares daggers at silas all the same. "tha' i am sure o', why don't ya' come with me, alright? fresh air might do ya' some good, ya' can think about this all when there's less people." less assholes he wants to add as he idly looks to silas. L U C R E Z I A | her lips began to tremble and she blinked back tears as the nurse waited for avery's response. she was absolutely terrified. what if she had ruined everything? at his cursing she sucked in a deep breath and glanced up at him with a pout. " i'm sorry. " she apologized quickly, her face bright red. through the whole scene they'd been holding hands and as he spoke, she immediately pulled both of her hands behind her back. it was as if she'd been scolded for doing something she shouldn't have been doing. in truth, she wasn't sure what she was doing. " i... i don't know either. i just, you know, it's sanda mel and... i like you, avery. " her words are quiet and she presses her lips together, nerves at an all time high. K H A I L E E | She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes again at his joke, but in the end she settled for an amused shake of her head. As she took another sip of wine, she noticed the red tint in his skin. She knew this outright affection was as strange to him as it was to her, but still, she couldn’t help but poke fun at him: “Why, Nekhbet, I do believe I’ve made you blush.” As she spoke, she butted her hip into his softly, a hint of laughter on her lips. “Of course it would’ve been bleak. I’m a breath of fresh air, darling.” Khai’s mind went back for a moment, back to a past that was so long ago that it felt like it was another life entirely: nights spent at Kradaecan balls, Nekhbet at her side, her family surrounding her and her husband’s face turning red as they teased and tested him. It all used to be so much simpler, and she’d taken it all for granted. What was worse was that she still hadn’t even told this man whom she trusted so much what had happened to her. She opened her mouth to speak, but just as the words fluttered up into her throat, they got trapped. Her lips shut, reopened as she tried again, and then shut once more. She hadn’t said any of it aloud before and wasn’t sure she’d be able to now. N A T H A N I E L | he lets out a groan, jaw clenched as his gaze goes back and forth between those in the crowd. can not one night be off limits to the dramatics? the king hears charlotte's apology and yet says nothing, disappointed with the way his citizens have acted. he wants to speak to his brother but instead watches him go with charlotte and silas. " you have all had your entertainment for the night, go back to enjoying your sanda mel. " he announced to those that looked on. with an exhausted sigh, he lifted his hand to rub his beard. B R Y N | Bryn's breathing had not swallowed nor slowed. But he followed Levi all the same, glaring at Silas for as long as he could before the three disappeared on the balcony. "Levi," Bryn whispered, walking away from the scene with his friend. "I must hear what they say. I have to know." His eyes widened in question, as if to say 'will you help me?' S I L A S | Silas needed Pollux to be there because he knew if his friend wasn't there he would really lose it and that wasn't a good idea. once they were out side he took a deep breath "So, you decided to put out a show in front of everyone we know, on Sanda mel. How could you Charlotte, if Pollux hadn't stopped it I would have returned to see you kissing him? I get you're infatuated with him but I am your future husband and I would think that after so many years together I would deserve some respect." He took a breath A V E R Y | “well, shit, lou. i like you too.” when she had her hands entangled with his he rarely payed it any mind, but when she pulled them away her absence was always felt. tonight was hardly an exception. he reached out and took them back. “it’s–” if someone had told him, the night before, that all this would happen if he showed his face at the sanda mel celebration, he would have called them bloody mad. “fuck it,” he said, and kissed her. P O L L U X | He leaned against the wall, awkwardly bearing witness to this conversation. He agreed with all of Silas' points. The way Charlotte had acted tonight was horrifyingly disrespectful. H A D R I A N | Hadrian was sure that he’d never stop hating himself for how long it took him to finally convince himself to come to the ball. He was /nervous/... he didn’t get nervous. That wasn’t normal. And he usually quite enjoyed the holiday itself - it had never meant much to him, personally, but he was admittedly always interested in other people’s love lives. But the very reason he thought he might be so strangely nervous was also the reason why he /had/ to go. So he arrived, horribly late but he was /there/ (and he hadn’t missed the opportunity to dress up, of course). He didn’t care much for mingling just yet; he wasted no time locating his /friend/... who seemed to have a friend of his own nearby. “Well. Fancy meeting you here,” he said as he came up behind the pair. L E V I | he hadn't expected bryn to ask such a thing from him, he didn't have the heart to tell him now, he did however had the sense to in some form; in the end he decides on a compromise. "listen mate, i'll go listen, ya' don't need ta' be in tha' middle o' that right now, i'll tell you what i hear when things have calmed down tomorrow, tha' sound fair?" he eyes him, he thought bryn might go listen if he didn't stop him; thinking it was better for someone not drinking to handle the situation; gods only know what might happen if bryn heard something he didn't like. C H A R L O T T E | "I did not planned this okay...and honestly is not like I am happy anything of that happened, you think I wanted to create a scene where even the king was there?" Finally she was able to talk. "You know that things changed and you know I have feelings for him and things will be much better if we just stop this. I know that by now the only reason you want to marry me is because you don't want someone else to have what you think is yours because let's be honest Silas we don't love each other anymore...maybe we never did, and I really don't want to marry you. We would just be terribly unhappy." A N Y A | after silas and pollux left, anya suddenly felt silly for intervening. the group dispersed and she was alone once more, on sanda mel. her thoughts drift to lucien and wonder what he's doing ?? had he gotten her gift ?? but as her thoughts take over, her eyes catch a pair of lips that she didn't think would be together, kissing. a large squeal erupts but she doesn't want to ruin their moment. at least someone was having a happy sanda mel. she takes a bite out of her bread, chewing it angrily and with frustration. B R Y N | bryn's fogged mind mulled over levi's offer for a moment. while he wanted to hear what was said himself, he trusted levi to tell him the truth. then again... if he waited to hear it, he might not be able to act as soon as he'd like. but, bryn concluded, if it was something that needed to be acted upon, he would have time to plan. and so bryn nodded, his lips pressing together in cooling anger. "aye," he said, nodding. "you're not wrong." he pulled a smirk onto his lips for a moment, patting levi's shoulder sloppily and making a head motion towards the balcony. "listen close and remember well, aye?” L U C R E Z I A | her blushing was accompanied by a small smile, one she attempted to hide as she bowed her head. for someone who had expected her words to reap awful consequences, the situation had turned out quite nicely. at least avery didn't hate her. she glanced up at him, about to speak, when his lips were quickly pressed against hers. her heart jumped in her chest and her stomach was filled with butterflies. it was something she never felt before and it was incredible. she pulled back, for a moment, to look at him with shock. though, to assure him she was thankful of his actions she took her hands away from his once more, only to cup them against his cheeks and pull him back into another kiss. P Y R O S | His brother-in-law was an idiot, that much was obvious. Starting a fight on Sanda Mel was a stupid ass choice. However, he figured there was enough of a crowd and found himself sitting away, close the the refreshments so he could healthily munch away. He is surprised to see Anya coming out from the dispersing crowd. " What happened there ?? " Pyros asks in amusement as he moves to sit closer to her. S I L A S | He couldn't stop his anger anymore and he went and grabbed her by her arms, he didn't care right now if he hurt her. "Things changed because you wanted them to change, because you can't move on from a stupid mistake that you don't want to remember you were part of it too, as was Pollux and Niamh and still it seems all your issues are directed at me. And now you want to be with that fucking stable boy because it reminds you of how things were when you were young and innocent and dumb." He was yelling at her. "You don't love him Charlotte you'll get bored of him soon enough but we we have been together for years now, and maybe if you stopped acting like you are a saint you would see that too." He laughed "Never? For fucks sake Charlotte, is that what you tell yourself so you feel better about what you have been doing?" N E K H B E T | she hadn't made him blush, nope he wouldn't admit it even if she had, even if he believed her; part of him does. "somehow i don't think that would be the one thing you've ever said to me, to make me blush." he has to stop himself from practically waggling his eyebrows suggestively, instead he gets a very cheeky sort of look; plasters it on his face like a mask. he refuses to blush again, absolutely refuses (as if he can control it). he'd almost forgotten how nice it was to spend time with the women, oh how he'd missed it and the little hip butt doesn't go unnoticed with him. "that you are my dear, that you are." he agrees with her, when doesn't he usually though. she seemed as though she wanted to say something, had he managed to get her to speak of what happened back home? tugged at her memories with ones they once shared, she shuts her lips though as soon as the all too familiar bard arrives. it an instant nekhbet has to compose himself from grinning almost stupidly, the things this man does to him rivals many. he opts for a still devilish smile all the same. "hadrian, i'm glad you decided to come, i was hoping to see you." he's especially glad to see him all dressed up and looking as /delicious/ as ever. it takes him a moment, before he realizes that introductions are probably in order. "hadrian, this is lady fell, khai this is hadrian." he hadn't thought about khai not knowing that hadrian knew of him. A N Y A | anya's eyes widen at the presence of pyros before trying to calm her composure. he knew of the baby, what was she scared of ?? "a cheating whore, i suppose ??" it's not as if she had anything against the woman, other than the fact that she /did/ just cheat on her fiance in front of everyone. "i hit someone with bread," she mumbled, taking another piece to nibble on it. "again." she was relentless, especially with bread. "i received your gift. thank you, pyros." her hand reached out to give his a squeeze along with a smile. P O L L U X | He realizes now, as Silas' voice raises, that his role was meant to be the adjudicator of the fight. " Silas !! " Pollux shouts as he grabs Charlotte. His anger is warranted, but the abuse is not. " That's enough, " he says sternly, a hand on his best friend's shoulder. The words also sting Pollux, a little bit, but he knows the reaction is wrong. P Y R O S | He gives a low whistle. " Was the Charlotte ?? I always thought they deserved each other -- Silas and Charlotte, I mean. They both seems so... shallow. " That was, ignoring the fact that Pyros himself lacked any depth. He gives a loud snort. " Again ?? Who do I need to punch this time ?? " At the mention of his gift, Pyros grins. " I'm glad. I made it myself. The painting is nice. I like it a great deal. " K H A I L E E | Khai knew he picked up on her hesitation and knew she'd probably have to answer for it later, but she was forced to wipe her face clean of all anxiety when another man came up. She recognized him, and as Nekhbet introduced them officially, she pursed her lips. Khai held a hand out in greeting as she said, "I do believe we've met before, but it's a pleasure seeing you again." And then, just to the side of Hadrian's face, she spotted Matt in the distance and her heart leaped into her throat. She swallowed hard and tried to collect herself as she glanced back up at the two men before her and dismissed herself. "I believe my date has just arrived, so if you gentlemen will excuse me." She bowed gracefully and then stepped away from them, her feet carrying her in Matthias's direction. But halfway there, she stopped suddenly, unable to move further. Had he read her letter? What did he think of her now? Would he even want her if she wasn't a Lady anymore? A million troubled thoughts swirled around in her brain as she stood there, motionless, eyes glued to the only man that had ever made her truly feel anything. C H A R L O T T E | she stares at Silas and she can feel her eyes beginning to sting as the tears begin to form. "It wasn't just that... though you know that the one that started all that was you." She takes a deep breath as he keeps talking. “ And is not just that, feelings can change..." Didn't Pollux love Niamh more than anything in his life and now he loved Sybill... though of course Niamh was dead.. "Okay fine maybe we did but can you honestly say we do now?" B R Y N | He was smirking at Levi still when he saw it, in the corner of his eye. All smiles gone, he screamed out before he could stop himself, "SILAS!" With no thought or control, he pushed through the crowd and grabbed Silas by the shoulder, spinning the duke away from Charlotte. He warned him; if he hurt her, he would regret it. Bryn stepped back and balled his fist, putting all of his weight and muscle into a punch that hit Silas square in the jaw. POLLUX | As Bryn comes bursting through, Pollux' jaw drops. Fucking. Drops. What the ever loving shit is happening. C H A R L O T T E | "Bryn!" She screams as she sees him running towards them "Pollux...do something.." L E V I | he'd merely wanted to have a nice evening, he didn't regret helping bryn for a second of course but this was not his idea on how the evening would go. "if anything is ta' happen i'll step in, /i promise./" he assures his friend, but before he can say anything else bryn is already spotting something that sets him off. dear god this wasn't going to end well. levi turns on his heels, spinning around after his friend, catching the tail end of pollux stopping silas from grabbing charlottte. so that's what set him off, greattttt.  S I L A S | He was taken by surprise so after he was hit he truly didn't know what was happening but soon enough he recovers himself and takes out his sword "What the fuck are you doing." A V E R Y | he didn’t know what to do with her expression. he told himself he didn’t care what she did. if she wanted to refuse him, he was alright with that – they could go right back to being friends. but though he would accept it, he didn’t /want/ it. he wanted to kiss her again. when lou took care of that for him, he smiled against her lips. yes, he hadn’t been expecting any of it. he’d been expecting nothing. which was why this was a thousand better than his expectations. "good thing you said no to that bearorian." A N Y A | "i like silas," she answers, coming to his defense softly. he was acting incredibly normal despite the information he knew about her. but her smile grows as pyros threatens to come to her defense once again. he was being awfully sweet and it made her heart ache. pyros was here-- on sanda mel and yet, lucien was nowhere to be found. "you.. made it yourself ?" her heart grows. "i'm sure the baby will like it." anya's smile never fades and she nods happily. "i spent some time on it." P O L L U X | He supposes that he should also pull out his sword. Then again, he has children to consider. You know, Vi and Nate's children. Anya's future child. With a sigh, he also draws his sword. L E V I | "woah, woah, woah now." he sputters out, trying to get between bryn and silas once the latter brandishes a sword, he doesn't yet pull out his own blade, this had all gone too far and he didn't want to see a drunken bryn get caught in the scuffle. HELL of a punch though, he'd have to commend him for it later. C H A R L O T T E | "Gods stop fighting all of you" She screams at them "And put away all of your swords what are you doing. Do you want the king to come here again? and find everyone trying to kill each other?" M A T T H I A S | it is ODD, for once, to find himself at a ball without his clara toddling at his heels. he does not mind her company---far from it, in fact--- but he cannot deny he is glad for a few hours of /adult/ conversation. "---yes, i agree, the queen is quite...” the men about him turn to empty small talk as they walk; after a moment, matthias tunes them out, letting his gaze sweep to their surroundings instead. a handful of candles give the room a cheerful glow that warns away the encroaching night, and he smiles to hear laughter in the air. and then---OH. the lord bites his lip, lost behind his eyes—then his gaze focuses like the strike of lightning and he breathes, “khailee.” his mind is spinning. a letter still sits upon his desk, the parchment worn from worry and streaks of ink left to stain his palm. be careful with my heart, she had asked of him. how could he be anything but? the lady fell has not made this decision lightly, and neither will he; and yet, as he meets her gaze with his own, there is no uncertainty in his heart, no uneasiness to give him pause. he SMILES, face relaxed and open in the gold glow of dying sunlight, and his hand reaches for her. “my---my khailee,” he says, dipping into a bow, lips brushing across her palm, “i---my apologies for being late.” P Y R O S | A smile pulls up the corner of his lips. " That's the first time I've ever heard that. " Then, his eyes narrow. " The baby ?? What baby ?? I made the sweater for Ghost. " B R Y N | bryn was close to pulling his own sword, though he had never done so in a fight before. but the voice of levi slowed his hand, and the furthering words of charlotte stilled it altogether. he backed up a step, and then two, and then three... and soon, he was next to levi, and he gave him an 'oh shit' look that screamed that they should leave. S I L A S | He glanced at Charlotte and Pollux and it was just because of their presence and Charlotte's words that he puts out his sword. "Charlotte...I think is time we leave for the night." They had arrived together after all "Pollux...thank you." L E V I | "bryn you head out i'll be there in a minute," he pauses, eyeing him motioning with a slight nod towards the exit. he steps forward towards silas once he lowers his sword, "i don't know n' i don't care what's going, but if ya' ever, n' i mean ever lay a hand on him." he motions his head once more. "ain't nobody gonna stop me, n' i ain't bryn mate, these fancy clothes ain't me, this sword...this sword is me." he's perhaps never been more serious in his life, glowering at the man before he moves to walk back toward bryn. K H A I L E E | Khai remains frozen as he approaches, worry clear in her eyes. It was so strange, to feel so anxious and out of control all the time, to no longer be the collected, confident woman she once was. But she knew that Matt was the last person in that room that would think any less of her for it. It felt like the weight of the world lifted off her chest as his face broke into a smile, little warm beams of light reflecting off of his skin and making him more captivating than ever. 'My Khailee.' She'd never heard anything more comforting in her life. A small smile of her own graced her lips as he kissed the soft skin on her hand, and instead of releasing him afterward, she stepped closer and held on, fingers curling gently around his as she faced him. "Nevermind that. I'm just glad you could make it." There was a fight breaking out at the opposite end of the room, but Khai barely even noticed the commotion. Her mind was only on one thing: "Did you... Did you read my letter?" L U C R E Z I A | at his words she giggled, biting her bottom lip as she blushed once more. " good thing. " she agreed, giving him a nod. her hands fell back to her sides, one reaching forward to intertwine with avery's. as much as she wanted to question things and get answers, she figured she had done enough blabbering on for the night. lucrezia wanted to stop on a good note. " oh, by the way, did you get my gift? i hope you liked it. " P O L L U X | Following Silas' lead, he also puts away his sword. " It's nothing, my friend. " Still, he throws a weary glance at Charlotte. He doesn't want to see his friend bother with her still. She had once been as close to him as Silas, but she had been making so many stupid choices because of Brynjolf, he was tired of her. B R Y N | bryn was all too quick to take levi up on his offer. nodding at him gratefully, he stole one more apologetic glance at charlotte that lingered for a moment before he turned and left the ballroom, ignoring the countless pairs of eyes on his back. A N Y A | so he didn't know ? anya is flustered that she managed to out her secret and takes the bread. "i--i have to go," she says quickly, attempting to leave the ball as urgently as she can. A V E R Y | “i did.” he supposes he should have gotten her something. then again, he hadn’t been aware they were going to kiss. or really that she would be there – should have seen that one coming, though. he reckoned he could make it up to her in little ways, if things continued the way they’d begun that night. “we can share the wine.” C H A R L O T T E | Charlotte stared at Silas and pollux the people that not that long ago meant the most to her, and it seemed all that happened that night and honestly even before this night she just started to cry, she knew she loved bryn but she guessed he hand't really thought of the consequences and just wished all would be fine, She wiped her eyes quickly though and faintly nodded, she really just wanted to go to her home. M A T T H I A S | “ah---yes.” a pause, he pauses for breath as if he means to continue, but his gaze is drawn again to the smile upon her face, the worry in his eyes, and instead he sighs. carefully, he reaches out to cover her hand with his, reassurance and tenderness and something deeper, something /nameless/ that belongs only to the two of them.  the letter she speaks of is his pocket even now, re-folded along its crisp creases, the words read and read till he is sure he will see them in his sleep. ---they do not matter. they might have, years ago, when his REPUTATION was still foremost on his mind. there are far more important things in the world. clara’s laughter in the morning, the kitten chasing a ball of yarn. khailee, here, a mere few feet in front of him, her heart and soul bared. “i simply---why did you not tell me, when your parents... i could have helped you, khai. i would have, you must now that. i would never---i could never leave you behind.” L U C R E Z I A | "i'm glad." she's too high on adrenaline, on happiness to say much. her head is spinning and her heart is pounding, something she hopes isn't loud enough for avery to hear. "i would love that." she returned, swinging their arms happily by their sides. with a giggle, she glanced back at him. "have your feelings about sanda mel changed?" K H A I L E E | The more he spoke, the more she felt the walls she'd put up around her heart after this tragedy begin to break down. She hadn't let anyone in on it yet and the only time she'd given herself to process things and grieve over her lost family was when she was alone at night -- and half the time, she was too drunk on those nights to be able to feel at all. Her pain had been lurking deep down ever since the attack on her family's estate, and she hadn't dealt with most of it still. So now, as she was faced with the understanding and compassion in Matt's gaze and voice, those emotions were beginning to break free. "Matt..." Khai could feel that familiar shame creeping back in and lowered her gaze. "I'm nothing now. I have nothing. And that isn't anyone's problem but my own. I didn't want to burden you with it and-- and--" A deep breath, eyes still on the floor. "And I didn't know if you would even still want me if everything that had made me a noblewoman was stripped from me. A man like you can't be seen with someone without a title." H A D R I A N | He remembered briefly meeting the woman before, and recalled finding her pleasant to be around and interesting, so he greeted her with a genuine smile and a nod. "Good to see you." He didn't know whether to be relieved or anxious when she left so soon after he'd gotten there. He didn't have to put in the effort to fake a casual attitude towards Kael now that they were alone, but there also was no buffer, no excuse not to talk directly to him. /Gods/, when the /fuck/ had he become that person? He always spoke his mind, usually to a fault, without even the slightest hesitation. It had gotten him into trouble more times than he could count, in fact. /Why/ was this so different? "I, uh..." He scratched his head, visibly cringing at his own awkwardness. "Thank you. For the gift. It's a bit unusual... Not something most people would think of when picking out gifts for me, but I suppose you are unique. I wasn't... expecting anything at all from you, so..." He sighed, finally smiling at the other man. "It's beautiful, but it's wasted on me. I don't know how to use it." N E K H B E T | "i've known her longer than i've known anyone really." he comments, "you don't have to worry about any acts around her, at least concerning me- /she knows/." he doesn't elaborate on what she knew because it being a public place but still. "i used to work for her father, years back." another comment he adds with a shrug. he has to admit though hadrian seemed so, what's the word hesitant? nekhbet wonders if he's done something wrong or said something wrong. he doesn't think he has, should he not have given him a gift on this day? he knew that sanda mel was a bunch of bull shit after all... "i don't think i've ever given any sort of gifts for the occasion before, your expectations would have been usually right." there he'd admitted in one way or another that hadrian was different, he couldn't quite explain why..why had he been? what made him so special, the answer was more like what didn't?! "like i said in the note i can show you sometime...but if you really don't want it then trash it i suppose, or sell it." his heart almost pangs slightly at the thought, eyes advert away briefly but they come back to hadrian's smile and all is well again. "nothing beautiful is wasted on you. /nothing/." nekhbet's voice is low, it's quiet, almost like a prayer set in a hushed whisper. A V E R Y | he grins at her. “fuck nah. it’s not sanda mel. this is all /your/ fault, lou.” though just for the night, his feelings for the holiday have changed. it doesn’t seem likely that the night would have reached the same result if traditions were different. M A T T H I A S | she says his name and he watches her lips shape the word, lingering on the curves and points of each letter. his heart is pounding in his chest. the room is heavy with sorrow and something deeper that he cannot quite breathe through it. instead, he feathers fingertips up her neck, over her jaw, letting them slide into her hair; she calls herself a burden and his heart twists. “khailee---how could you ever burden me? i---i WANT to care for you, to be there to give you aid when you need it. it is not a burden. i just cannot bear to see you hurt,” he says, and his voice is gentle. “look at me." it takes both hands on her shoulders, gentle but steady, and he leans to peer into her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. “of course i want you. that was never in question.” K H A I L E E | She found her eyes fluttering shut as his fingertips traced gently over her skin and into her hair. His touch was warm, and she could feel the heat in his fingertips sinking into her skin, drifting down into her ribcage, and wrapping around her heart. Khai's eyes opened again and reluctantly moved back up to his at his lighthearted command. She could feel them stinging ever so slightly, but she blinked quickly to try to rid them of their pesky tears. "I know, I.... I know. I've just never /needed/ anyone's aid before, and I hate the feeling." Khailee reached a hand up and rested it gently against the side of his neck. She was in heels, so their height difference wasn't as drastic as it usually was, making it easy enough for her to lean in and nuzzle against him, just under his jaw. "Thank you. For everything."
M A T T H I A S |
he does not miss the fluttering of her eyes, and neither does he miss the swift blink she gives, as if at dust—or at tears. uncaring of the people about them---the fight still, a mere few paces away, he pulls her close, cheek brushing against hers.
“everything will alright, khailee. i do not know if i can do much, but i will do my best to see you in safety and comfort. i promise you.”
his hand glides through her hair, in easy, familiar reassurance, and his lips brushes her head.
“there is nothing to thank.”
K H A I L E E | To think she had nearly run from him when she'd first developed feelings for him. Her emotions had terrified her so much that she'd almost idiotically given up one of the best people she'd ever known. Her free hand wrapped around him, fingers twisting around the fabric of his clothing tightly, as he was the only source of stability in her life anymore and she never wanted him to let go of her. But every moment must come to an end, and after this one passed she pulled back.
Khai sniffled once, but with a deep breath and a slight shake of her head, the tears dried up and her face returned to its usual expression, her emotions expertly concealed for the time being.
"Now, My Lord, I do believe you owe me a dance." There was a warmth in her voice that was surprising even to her own ears. It was one that came out only rarely. She realized in that moment that she trusted Matthias as much as she trusted Nekhbet and Nicolette, who had both been in her life for so much longer, than the man standing before her had.
H A D R I A N | "Oh. I see." Hadrian had been curious how he'd known her, but he hadn't thought to ask. He was a little /more/ curious now that he'd said that he'd known her long. "She's pretty," he commented with a grin, and he left it at that. He would have been happy to keep the conversation on her for awhile; the fluttery feeling in his stomach when the topic shifted back to him was absolutely /ridiculous/, and terribly distracting. It made it even harder for him to say what he wanted to say.
"No! No, no, no,"he clarifies almost frantically, resting a reassuring hand on the other man's arm for a brief moment. "I would never. I love nice things, you know that,"he adds with a grin. "The greatest archer in all the world probably doesn't possess as fine a bow, and I've never so much as held one. But I would absolutely love for you to show me. I'll teach you to play the lute, in exchange."
It's a humorous thought, but then, he is certain the thought of him using any sort of weapon was probably humorous to most. He almost can't /believe/ the next words out of Kael's mouth, and the long, silent stare he gives him makes that much obvious. "I..." /Need a drink/, is what he wants to say. Why had he thought it a good idea to come here sober?
"I hope that that's true. You have a certain sort of beauty to you, yourself. I would hope that I'm worthy of that."
N E K H B E T | "that she is, /fiery too/ don't let her fool you." nekhbet couldn't really recall a more stubborn women either when it came down to it, had been on the the qualities about her that he'd always liked though. the assassin takes a long sip of his wine, finishing it off. he'd been more apt to actually drink his alcohol recently, he wonders if that was more hadrian's doing than his own. perhaps he hadn't been the only one wearing off on the other, nekhbet doesn't mind though; the alcohol was always a good way to ease himself from thinking too much...usually. only now he wasn't drunk by any means, he wishes he was. then hadrian is speaking again and it's /practically frantic/, that was...different, amusing even to see such a reaction; hadrian when he wasn't drinking seemed to be more easily flustered. nekhbet could get used to that he thinks, it's better than himself getting flustered. "i do," he nods, hadrian liked nice things and nekhbet liked him is was that simple, or was it- "if he did you know i could just off him so you would." he jests, laughing a bit, he keeps his words back down mostly because although it was intended as a jest, it's really less of one than he intended. "the lute?" eyebrow raise curiously. he'd never held any instruments, he thinks he has about as much talent as hadrian believed he did with the bow, still the thought of the bard teaching him how to use his fingers and blow on anything amuses him more than it probably should.
"it's settled then, we'll make a day of it sometime." he wants to crack a joke, tease the other but there is nothing to be said beyond a long gaze back to hadrian's. nekhbet licks at his lips, he wants to leave but not alone, he wants to get away from the crowd now because it's starting to feel like it should be just them. "i lie about a lot of things..." he admits, shrugging as if it is nothing. "but i'm not lying about that..." it was true and all the while when hadrian tells him he's got a beauty about him he can't stop his face from flushing fast enough, can't cover up his cheeks like some young smitten child.
so he gives a defiant look towards the side instead. he'd been told many things in his lifetime, but they always sounded the most sincere coming from the bard. “ thank you," is all nekhbet can mumble out for a moment, adding; "you are worthy of a lot, in fact can a get you a drink." anything to look away and stop his stupid face from feeling warm.
gods the vulture at a dammed sanda mel ball all flustered, who would have thought.
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he had left at noon, the couple of hours he’d spent sleeping after his shift weighing heavily on him. a ride was what he needed, and had gone to the stables and ordered a stablehand to saddle one of the horses he’d brought from norden. he had ridden hard and fast, using the trails made by other like-minded people, working muscles that had been idle for far too long. returning to the castle at a much slower pace, henry was surprised to see the business of the courtyard. “ seems as though everyone is preparing for sanda mel, ” he said aloud, deftly slipping from the horse and grabbing the reins.
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adcir-blog · 7 years
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     slowly, the ice around the sea prince’s heart had been melting although his situation had yet to improve. a string of good news related to other happenings around zenan plus the unfamiliar ache of longing were to blame for the positive change in his demeanor and it was the motivation for adair’s midnight escape down the hallway and towards his advisor’s room. before the invasion of kradaeca, he and xacry had been bedmates and while it had been endlessly confusing for adair’s crush, it had felt right. he’d slept better than he’d ever done so before and while neither of them put a name to the fluttery feelings that would spark between them waking up entangled in one another, it was something he’d come to need. pushing everyone away had included distancing himself from xacry but it wasn’t until now, with his heart feeling softer and more vulnerable in the aftermath of sanda mel, that he realized how much he had missed a certain pair of crystal blue eyes. there was a high chance that xacry wouldn’t want to see him. he could also be asleep -- it probably wasn’t mutual that being apart revitalized insomnia. still, as he knocked somberly on the door, adair couldn’t quash the surge of hopefulness that flooded his veins. // @xacrys
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ofemeline · 7 years
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my queen,
i am aware more than anything that you wish not to hear from me. in fact, i have not ruled out the possibility that you may exile me, or ask that i remove myself from your service. if that is the case, as it may well be, then i will do as you ask. i wish only for your comfort and safety. this is the shield i was presented with when you first raised me to general. i do not fight with it, for i prefer a smaller shield. it is now - again - yours to do with as you please.
i am sorry for lying to you for so many years, but i could not see another way to go about my life and to be able to know you truly, not as someone you mistrusted.
- cesar
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before even reading the letter, she recognizes the shield. she knows who it’s from, but what does she do ?? she picks it up and gives it to one of her handmaidens. “see fit that this finds where it belongs,” her voice is harsh, despite the harshness not being directed at her servants. she wants not to see anything that belongs to her brother.
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mciri-blog · 7 years
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can you please get married ?
- p
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aeronkcne · 7 years
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turn that frown, upside down.
with a brisk knock on his door, aeron let out a grunt loud enough for the person to acknowledge that it was alright to enter. with droopy eyes and a blurred vision, he watches as a man enters the room holding a bouquet of flowers. “here,” the lack of disrespect doesn’t fly passed aeron but he’s used to it-- being a bastard and all. “i don’t want it!” aeron yelled from his bed but was far too late, as the slam of his door signaled the messenger’s exit. “take it back!” he continued to yell before grabbing the flowers. his eyes strained to read the note, quickly crumbling it when he got the chance to properly read it. looking at the open window adjacent to him, he managed-- in his drunken state-- to toss the flowers out the window. “i hate sanda mel.”
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morrigansilverwind · 7 years
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je t'aime, maman.
With a grin, Morrigan set her daughter’s flowers down lovingly beside the bouquet she had received earlier that day. Oh, how she loved Sanda Mel.
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