cassiecasluciluce · 3 months
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MDNI, puppy hybrid!leon kennedy x fem hybrid!reader
word count. 4.5k
cws. puppy hybrids, p in v, unprotected, knotting, creampie, breeding, rebecca n billy are married because i push that agenda 25/8, humping, heat cycles, marking/biting, mentions of spaying/experimentation, slight age gap,
note. this is the first fic without dark content that i’ve written in a minute so pls bear with me if it’s mid lmao. not proofread but we ball!!
tags. @argreion , @d10nyx , @sqiim , @shiawaseorii , @valslullaby , @dollita-fawn , @arminsbf , @fairry1 , @localkiss , @angelstargel , @littlemissloser
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You weren’t an old girl. Really. Jaded, sure, but that came with your time in the force. Rose-tinted glasses tend to fall off when head scratches are replaced by police drills. On paper, you were in the prime of your life — this was the strongest you’d be, the healthiest you’d be. You couldn’t help being a homebody after so many years in the RPD.
You were a police dog, born and bred. Hybrids today were as much of a craze as they were a controversy, but in your time, your use was strictly professional. Private experimentation and sacrilege surrounded your birth in the absence of loving fervor — your embryo was lab-crafted, perfectly manufactured to give you a canine’s senses and a human’s mind. You’d joined the force while you were still a pup, ate from the chief’s hand and slept in one of the locker rooms. And you were a damn good cop. The best of ‘em. You had to be — until a gunshot wound to the knee rendered you achy and less mobile than required for the force.
There were thousands of embryos that perished before you, but you were amongst the first to survive — to prevail — and now, you spent your days barking at people outside and napping with your cheek on Billy’s thigh. It wasn’t a bad life, far from it. But it wasn’t your life. That left you somewhere between puppy and midlife, suddenly purposeless and painfully awkward when you tried.
Still, you hadn’t processed it as a bad thing. That’s just how you were. It had been two years since your discharge — two years of sleeping in on the foot of your owners’ bed and cushy vet visits. Comfort was still largely foreign to you, and the affection often advertised with modern hybrids had seemed to wedge itself out of your DNA. Perhaps intentionally. No point in a coddling police dog. You weren’t manufactured to cuddle up to criminals. But it didn’t really occur to you that Rebecca wanted you to feel like you were natural until your second annual checkup.
She’d chatted away with the vet as you’d zoned out, about the circumstances of your adoption and the sharpness of your canines. You’d heard it a million times over – first flattered, then offended, now indifferent. Your floppy ears didn’t perk up till you heard the word puppies, suddenly tilting your head to the side in confusion. The vet raised an eyebrow, chuckling at your abrupt interest. 
“Yeah, puppies. You’re not pregnant, are you?”
You had to resist curling your lip into a snarl at the idea, wrinkling your nose instead – shaking your head out of sheer pettiness. You saved your voice for people who didn’t ask you questions like that. For people who didn’t look dumbfounded by your reaction.
“Is something wrong?” Rebecca chimed in, instinctively shifting closer to you – as if you needed protection from the vet, and as if you weren’t more capable of protecting her. You locked eyes with the vet as she shook her head, folding her arms like you were a disease. 
“Just never seen that from a hybrid before,” she chuckled – albeit manually. “You’ve not been spayed, have you?”
Rebecca shook her head instantly, face soured in fervent distaste. “Goodness, never,” she said, drawing out the never as long as she could without starting a fight. You huffed in relief when the vet took the information in stride – for as long as she’d known you, she’d advocated for rights you’d never really considered having. She’d threatened to quit a few years back when some of the higher-ups had insisted on sterilization. They’d accepted that they’d needed a medic more than you’d needed surgery, so she’d gotten her way. Heat cycles were annoying, but you’d ultimately appreciated the gesture enough to come home with her a couple years later without a fight. She still got real stubborn when she fought – but now, any sign of her distress made the fur on your back stand up straight. That included spats at the vet’s office.
“Suppose I’m just surprised. Hybrids this young normally jump at the opportunity,” she shrugged, reaching to rub behind one of your ears. You allowed it for a couple of seconds, overtaken by thought. She had a point; canine hybrids were natural sluts. Especially puppies. Males would pop a knot half the time just by looking at you – back when you were around hybrids enough to see males, anyway. Puppies in heat fucked worse than the bunnies you’d seen on occasion. You’d never known if it was intentional – if they’d intended for you to breed like a bitch, or if heats were just a side effect they couldn’t quite weed out, but you did know that you weren’t quite exempt. You’d just gotten good at self-control – a pillow between your thighs was your lifeline, and you kept yourself pent-up enough for it to work.
“Well, she’s at the age where it would be best for her to have puppies – hybrids just typically wind up pregnant before then. Does she have any friends with them?” the vet continued, and Rebecca shook her head immediately. Not like she had to count; you didn’t have any friends.
“No, she’s always been more interested in my husband and I. She usually growls at other hybrids,” Rebecca laughed, and you nodded in affirmation. Other hybrids were threats before they were friends – and you’d not found one to be a viable friend. But the vet hadn’t shared your amusement.
The vet went on that day, about social delays and anxiety and some other bullshit you’d angrily ignored. You’d tried to dismiss it. Puppies were ridiculous. Friends were ridiculous. You would look ridiculous, inserted into that life. You’d assumed that she’d dismissed it, too, out of courtesy – if nothing else. But she hadn’t, and that’s what led to him.
In the middle of your foyer sat a floppy-eared puppy hybrid, tail thumping against the carpet at the sight of you. You growled when Rebecca crouched beside him, waiting to lunge if he got any closer to your owner – and luckily, he’d cowered immediately, knowing his place before you had to spell it out for him. You straightened up in pride, brow furrowing when you were scolded rather than praised.
“Calm down, alright? This is Leon – he’s here to live with us,” Rebecca introduced him, drawing her words out as she coaxed him to come closer. And he did, albeit a little slower than before – eyeing you with caution. You growled again at the prospect; he flinched like clockwork.
You sat on your haunches, completely dumbfounded – jaw slightly agape as you looked from him, to her, to him again. “Why?” you asked, throat dry, words hoarser than you’d anticipated – weaker than you’d ever be comfortable with. Shock was seldom felt by you, and you were less than pleased to waste it on a stray.
(The stray in question was well-groomed, freshly collared, and wet behind the ears — but you wanted him to be a stray enough to disregard that.)
“He’s your friend,” she said, as if your distaste was absurd. You might’ve insulted him in response if glaring at him hadn’t preoccupied you. As if your efforts would compel him to turn and run away forever. He was cute enough. Probably could get by batting those pretty blues and whining on welcome mats. That’s likely what had lured Rebecca in to begin with – she was never very good at avoiding something that needed to be taken care of. You leaned in close enough to make him back away on instinct – except, his instincts didn’t work quite right, and he stayed right in place, ears perking up like you were trying to play. Either he had an IQ of 5 or a memory span of 5 seconds. Bottom of the food chain. Maybe he was beyond Rebecca’s help.
Seeing that you weren’t going to respond, she sighed, patting down one of the blond cowlicks on his head. He was cute, sure, but even that pissed you off. Your owners weren’t supposed to be the type to adopt puppies sat nicely in pet store windows. Straight from the breeding mill – one of the hybrid ones that had faced the scorn of local news lately. You assumed that Leon’s idea of hardship was being weaned too early. He didn’t belong in the same room as you, as Rebecca, or as Billy as he stepped in – to your relief.
Billy took in the sight of Leon, blinking in disbelief – mouthing something to Rebecca. You couldn’t really make it out, but you doubted that he could, either. Something akin to ‘Why is there another one in my foyer?’ with a dash of ‘We’ve talked about this.’ She bit her lip, looking at him to avoid looking at Leon.
“He was picked to fill her old position in the RPD a few months ago,” she explained, nodding to him, then to you – like she was trying to connect you two already. “But they got rid of the program. It’s banned to use hybrids in the workplace.”
Admittedly, you knew that was a good thing, but you still visibly scowled. You hadn’t been paid, hadn’t been allowed rest during the day, and worked longer shifts than everyone – without being recognized as an employee. Shit was exhausting. First thing you did when you were adopted was curl up and sleep for thirty hours straight. You couldn’t tell if you were jealous that Leon had gotten out young and unscathed, or if you just wanted him out of your house. 
“So why is he here?” Billy asked, voice laden with the judgment that made you smile. Not for too long – Leon smiled when you smiled, so forced your brow to furrow and your canines to reveal themselves. As if you’d actually bite him – you’d get scolded, and he’d probably taste like the RPD.
You’d hoped he’d still put his foot down, that he’d send him back to whatever section of the RPD he’d been kicked from with a note and five bucks tied to his collar, but he didn’t. Even though you’d been a hard sell when Rebecca first brought you home. Owning a hybrid meant sharing your space with something between a puppy and a coworker. Said a lot about a person, he used to say – before you’d shown up with a limp and nowhere to go. You were a special case, he still justified. You weren’t the sort of hybrid that pissed in the house and played with rubber balls. You lazed next to him when he turned on the television and could hold a discussion about the military.
But Rebecca had real pretty eyes. So did Leon, but Billy could’ve cared less about that. So they fluffed up a bed for him, right next to yours – even though yours had fallen out of use when they’d allowed you to curl up at the foot of theirs – and ordered a collar with their address. His address, now.
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For the first time in months, you were kicked to your actual bed for the night. Not that you stayed. You sulked over by the door — beyond whining and pawing for their attention, but not above eavesdropping. You knew them well enough to know that when they laid down, Billy would say something about how you should be at the end of the bed, and Rebecca would sigh and turn on the light. And you were right — a soft glow in the crack of the door was your cue to spy.
You ended up zoning out most of their conversation. Bad habit. Your hearing had dulled a little after a lifetime of bullets whirring past your ears, and it was too late to bother with the mumbled parts behind the door. But after the initial excuses of Leon’s need for shelter, you caught the underlying reason behind his adoption: you.
“She’s fine,” Billy argued — and you would’ve argued with him, if not for the door. And your exclusion. “We hang out every night. Seems socialized to me.”
“Hybrids are supposed to play, Billy, not follow the lottery,” Rebecca sighed. “She’s still here, I just don’t want her missing out. Wouldn’t it be lonely, not knowing how to socialize with people like you?”
You had to step away when you heard that, irritated beyond belief. Back to square one. You’d thought they’d moved past taking pity on you. You didn’t take pity on yourself. All socializing with other hybrids led to was puppies and chase. You made the viewpoint apparent when Leon padded down the hall to follow you – turning away before he could get a word in.
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The days passed, and your schedule reconstructed itself to fit him. Not that you welcomed the flexibility.
You used to get up at your leisure; now, Leon pawed at you till you opened your eyes around nine. The second you sat up, he moved to lick your cheek or nip at your ear or some other puppy bullshit, and you’d snap your jaws, forcing him back long enough to blink the sleep out of your eyes. He’d glue himself back to your side at breakfast, wave goodbye to your owners alongside you as they left, try to nestle up to you during naps, and paw at you when you spaced out, and tug at your ears in some halfhearted attempt to get you to play with him. It never worked, just like his jokes never made you laugh, but Leon had a thing for trying the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. He probably had a thing for you, too, but the thought of that made your nose wrinkle in revulsion – even if most of it was an exaggeration.
He liked Rebecca enough, and reciprocated the indifference Billy managed to offer him – but you were the primary object of his affection. He looked at you with a strange, unrequited fondness behind his pupils, and you couldn’t bring yourself to gaze back. Something to do with irritation. Pride, maybe. Rebecca condoned it readily – he’d not been around other hybrids before. (Neither had you, and you weren’t acting like that.) He was still a puppy, albeit an older one. (You didn’t act like that when you were a puppy.) Well, you were brought up differently. (You couldn’t retaliate that.)
Leon never really knew when to shut up, so you ended up learning just about everything there was to know about him. Granted, if you had your way, he’d never speak again, but you’d always take an occasional anecdote over his daily oversharing. He wasn’t brought up in a lab like you were – most of those puppies had gone off to actual homes, and most of those scientists now littered the spectrum between retirement and prison. Leon had a mama, at some point, but his dad made himself scarce shortly after he was born – sort of like how you wanted to. But his mama belonged to somebody who still didn’t want to admit their hybrid had been defiled, so he bounced between homes till he ended up in the RPD’s clutches, over a year after your injury and a couple months after the last hybrid’s retirement. 
You knew it was hardly a life to envy, but you still did. He’d been acquainted with the concepts of mamas and breastfeeding and friends. Even if it was brief. It wasn’t the sort of envy you felt comfortable admitting to yourself. It was the sort you forced your mind to redirect from. It hurt to think of the motherhood you were robbed of, just like it hurt imagine providing it. 
You didn’t recognize the underlying fondness you’d developed for Leon’s awkward clinginess until it suddenly stopped. Like the faucet had been switched off. You noticed it the morning you finally got to sleep in, not taking the opportunity without suspicion – following his scent to the hall closet.
“Leon?” you asked, after a moment of consideration – not wanting to disrupt your own peace. “You alright?”
“M’fine,” he answered quickly, like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You’d never cared for that tone. Heard it too many times during your days on the force. So you opened the door without knocking – because what the hell could he be doing in a hall closet?
Your hand froze against the knob as you stared at him, tears beaded at his waterline, pretty thighs settled on either side of one of your bed’s pillows as his fat cock rutted into the fabric. Your jaw fell agape as his did – though his was likely out of ecstasy rather than shock. You bit into your bottom lip, involuntarily wetting it with your tongue – noticing the way you were abruptly salivating. Even as your brain urged you to scold him for fucking your property, your body disallowed it, the words disintegrating in your throat. Heat pooled at the pit of your stomach as he tried to prevent the way his hips stuttered forward, muffling his leaky tip uselessly into the fabric.
Salivating over one cock didn’t make you a whore, you justified. And really, you weren’t. You’d only gotten dicked down once, some years before your adoption – and it’d been so underwhelming, you squirmed away before the knot could swell. It didn’t mean you stopped craving it – just meant you forced yourself to forget it. You weren’t pent-up, you’d repeat during heats, thighs squeezed around your aching cunt. You could control yourself better than that.
But it was a little harder to forget a cock as it wept for your attention, displayed prettily just beneath you. You came to the realization that he’d decided to isolate himself in heat, and blamed that for your shallow breaths and racing heart.
“Don’t be mad, m’sorry,” he started, forcing back a whine as his dick throbbed under your gaze. “Didn’t mean to, please–”
“Leon,” you sighed, as if you were a disappointed mother and not an abruptly cock-crazed whore, “I’m not mad…” Your words trailed off as you refused to commit yourself to the bit, skin hot. “Have you… dealt with this before? Being in heat, I mean.”
He nodded, ears going flat against his head as he made some attempt to cover himself, albeit with the same pillow. “Yeah, uh… yeah,” he cleared his throat, skin flushed. “They explained it to me when it happened at the station, ‘cause it was my first heat… just wasn’t this bad.”
“First one usually isn’t…” you muttered, more sympathetic of his circumstances than you’d been since his arrival. “It’s kind of silent, right? Inconvenient at worst. Doesn’t make you dizzy and sticky.”
Leon nodded, brow furrowed in slight confusion. Wasn’t like you to converse back. Wasn’t like you to get out of bed on your own, either – evidently, he’d relied on that a little too much, expecting you to stay asleep till his cock went soft. “Sorry,” he said again, words breathy and tone verging on a whine. “I couldn’t take it, didn’t wanna bother you, but your pillow smells like you, s’good–”
You raised a hand to cut him off, unsure what to do. On one hand, this most certainly wasn’t how Rebecca would want you to socialize with the new hybrid. New-ish. He’d been here long enough to map the rooms and the quickest ways to get treats. On the other hand, you were horny beyond belief. Horny enough for your clit to pulse faster than your heart. If that was possible. Your cunt stuck to the thin panties beneath your shirt, slick gathering between your thighs as you stood. Wasn’t this as good of a chance as any? Wasn’t it beneficial to help a puppy out during his first real heat? 
You came to the entirely unbiased decision that yes, it would be beneficial to him, slowly running your hand from his thinly-clothed abdomen to his v-line. Through the fabric, his skin remained hot to the touch, glued haphazardly to his stomach by a thinner layer of sweat. He yelped when your thumb grazed his hip, the pads of your fingers nearing his cock – staring up at you with wide eyes.
“Are you sure you wanna help me?” he asked tentatively, still unadjusted to your sudden tolerance. You nodded a little too eagerly, a little too much like him, a little too desperate to put much thought into it. He smiled, albeit briefly, and for once, you thought he looked prettier like that – half-lidded and blissed. 
So you let your hand fall flush against the pillow, fingers grazing his cock – watching another bead of precum dribble down the tip. You slid the pillow away, palming the base as the length slapped against his abdomen, leaking uselessly into his skin. You bit your lip as he whined, hips bucking forward as your grip solidified, desperate for the friction you’d briefly deprived him of as you considered your next course of action. You figured a handjob wouldn’t be enough to cool him off, and you didn’t particularly want to find out what cum tasted like – but it wasn’t a good idea to let him fuck you, as much as you wanted it. As much as he wanted it. 
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t almost fuck you.
“Stay still,” you muttered, tugging your panties down your thighs, stifling a grin when you heard his tail thump emphatically on the carpet behind him. At least your cunt was pretty. As much as puppy horniness vexed you, it was flattering, in its own right. So you parted your thighs a little wider, easing the plush of your ass onto his thighs, facing him as you sandwiched his throbbing cock between your folds. You had to pause with him for a moment, breath stilling in your lungs, thighs trembling against his.
“Fuck, just… just move,” you panted. “Don’t fuck me, just move.”
If you couldn’t give him credit for anything else, you could give him credit for being obedient – even when it was brief. If you told him to sit, he’d stay till you said it was okay. If you told him to back off in the morning, he’d go bother one of his toys. And when you told him to let his hips stutter upwards, sliding against yours, he obeyed – head tilted back as a groan rose from his chest.
Your cunt pulsed around him, clit throbbing as he rutted between your folds. Every uncontrolled jerk of his cock pressed his leaking head to your clit, slick dripping down from your hole to his balls. You leaned in, tip twitching against your swollen bud, pressing a kiss to his adam's apple – nipping at the skin till you’d imparted enough saliva to feel satisfied. He whined as he rutted harder, fingers twitching – desperate to pull you closer, well aware that you weren’t to be grabbed.
“You like being marked up, huh?” you asked, voice huskier than you’d intended it to be. Like someone else was speaking for you. Someone who was used to taking puppy cock. He opened his mouth to respond, failing – tilting his head back as you sank your canines into the dip between his neck and shoulder, feeling him uselessly roll his hips upward. Like nothing else mattered. Your lips were pressed to his neck – your tongue, your teeth, the marks you left behind. Why should anything else matter?
“G’na cum–” he whimpered as you sucked a bruise into the hollow of his throat, sliding your cunt down his length at an attempt of gaining friction. You nodded, surprised he’d managed to last at all. Surprised you’d managed to last at all. 
“S’okay, just cum for me,” you murmured into his skin – and like a good boy, he did, cumming a line up from your clit to your navel, dick still hard enough to ache as his knot swelled against the underside of your clit. You bit your lip, unwilling to come undone in front of him, grinding involuntarily against the swell – not that it was enough. Not that your pussy stopped throbbing. Not that he went soft.
“Need more,” he whined, to your relief. “Wanna fuck you.”
“Yeah?” you hummed, laughing breathily as he pressed his still-drooling tip between your lips. “Yeah, you wanna knot me? Wanna give me puppies?”
You didn’t really know where that came from. Still felt like a voice foreign to your conscience, but it wasn’t one you protested against as he eased himself into you, needy enough to bottom out within seconds. Your eyes widened at the stretch, humming as he pawed at your chest. He whined till you tugged up the hem of your shirt to rest at the top of your tits, face immediately pressing flush to them.
“You’ll let me?” he panted, pumping his cock into you as he nipped a visible indentation into one of your tits. “Wan’ me to breed you?”
You found yourself agreeing, enamored by the prospect – languidly rocking your hips with his, feeling his cock twitch desperately inside of you. “Yeah, want it,” you mewled, breath hitching as he bit down on your tit a little harder, quickly mending the pinch with saliva. “S’okay if my tits get swollen for you, Leon.”
Every time you spoke, he had to refrain from nudging his tip into your cervix. Last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. That was no way to treat someone you ached to pump a litter into! The thought alone made him whine, pressing his mouth to your chest again to take the pressure off, heat flaring in his lower belly at the thought of knocking you up. Like his instincts took over any cognition he had left around you. 
“Please, lemme–” he choked out, and you never really got to know what the request was, ‘cause he pumped you full too fast, his knot swelling back up fast enough to make his head fuzzy – like every part of his body was dedicated to you. And he’d allow it to be – as smitten with you as you were smitten with dick.
You didn’t move, for once, allowing yourself to be knotted and bred, cunt clenching around his knot as you came on his cock. You slowly brought your lips to the top of his head, nose resting against one of his ears. More velvety than you’d expected. You’d have to nuzzle into them more often.
“They’re gonna be pissed…” he mumbled into your breast, slowly looking up – eyelids still droopy. You couldn’t exactly reassure him – your owners would be pissed, mostly at him. Probably. Hopefully. It’s not like you could do much but lay against him till he wasn’t swollen inside of you. Didn’t you deserve a moment of impulsivity after all you’d been through? Didn’t you deserve to get pumped full of cute puppies?
Besides, you’d brought it up before – all socialization between hybrids leads to puppies or conflict. You’d just given up on the latter when you found a way to tire him out.
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cassiecasluciluce · 3 months
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'Bathed in Wine' 18+ MDNI
Derek Danforth x F!Reader
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You hated it, the façade. It bored you, but for Derek, you'd do anything just to be there to tease him. In the end, you get what you want, or better yet what you need. Even at the cost of making a slight fool of yourself. It was worth it to see him in ruins.
Light Dom/Sub, Power Play, Vaginal Fingering, Grinding, Wet & Messy, Clothed Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Rough Sex, Gagged (but not quite, mouth covering), Choking, Rough Kisses, Neck Kissing, Spanking, Doggy Style, Begging, Quickies, Creampie, Mirror Sex, Bathroom Sex. There are mentions of alcohol, but it is not the focus and there is no heavy intoxication etc. (It is wine with dinner so to speak! Just if alcohol in general is not your thing!)
Words: 2,754
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The hum of music droned and the constant murmuring of people was grating on you. Tapping your heel slightly he grumbled reaching under the dinner table, snaring your knee into his grip.
“Quit…that…” Derek hissed. As frustrated, likely more. You fucking hated these events. You hated the falsity of them. That and them being utterly mind-numbing. Never quite paying attention. Merely sat pretty, lingering on Derek's arm. But since you started ‘dating’ Derek so to speak, or publically letting the world know that you both fuck, these were now a part of your life. His hand lingered against that knee.
“I’m bored… it’s so fucking boring…” You whined. Rolling your eyes back his head snapped to the side. Scoffing some as he watched you. Derek's eyes are roving over your skin. Dancing over your collarbones. On the run-up to the event, you had to warn him: No biting. Love bites were banned, unless he wanted caught out in his desperation for you.
“I know, I fucking know. Okay? but just… a few more hours…” He attempted to pacify.
“Hours?!” you hissed like such a brat. Slumping back into the chair. Feeling the eyes of strangers fall on you both. Derek's brows narrowed. You relished getting under his skin. But seriously, you could not suffer this much longer. Derek let out a gravelled sigh. Outside of fucking, your bratty nature just either frustrated him or turned him on. Shifting in his seat his hand was still dipped down under the tablecloth. Tracing lines over your knee. You felt it, smirking to yourself. Tilting your head to him. Catching his tongue wash over his lip he pressed his chin into his palm. The touch of his rough hand slithered further to grip your thigh. The tips of his fingers brushed beneath the soft hem of the dress.
It was a game you knew all too well. Reaching higher on your soft inner thigh. Your skin was left burning beneath his touch. A flurry of warmth washed over your core as he continued his needy pawing at your skin. It was too busy here for this. You reached to snatch at his wrist in defiance. Fingernails biting at his skin as he had a cocky smirk on his face. Trying to shake free from your grip. Shaking your head as you mouthed 'not here'. A waiter leaned over you both, as the deep red wine softly poured into your glasses. The pair of you halting in his presence for only a moment. Till he wandered off.  
Your eyes dragged over the strangers in the room as you addressed Derek's lingering touch. "Why not? Thought you were bored, babygirl?" He continued. And you let him. Pressing forward you hunched slightly against the table. Hiding his forearm tucked between you and the table edge. Derek snickered catching how you shifted in your seat.
Tracing his lower lip with his thumb as it felt like everyone was melting away. Unable to pull your eyes away from him. He hated it when you said how pretty he was. But god, he was. All you could focus on was how his hand wandered further, and a little smile formed on your lips. Catching as Derek's eyes darted to you coughing on his breath as it hitched in his throat. His callous fingers meeting your bare cunt. Pulling away a moment. As you shifted your hips forward. Mumbling incoherently. Pressing back against his touch.
Derek narrowed his eyes at you. A coy smile curled on his lips as he seemed pinker by the second. Very unlike him. His other hand reached to rub the back of his neck. Looking around for prying eyes. Twisting his face back to you. You loved his stare. So full of fucking need all the time. The way his eyes traced you. Like he owned you.
“Nothing?” That was all Derek seemed to mutter. Batting your eyes at him. You shifted clamping your thighs together, toying with him, so his palm was flush against your bare folds. He shook his head, chewing the inside of his lip. Though, Derek nudged your thighs apart a little. His middle finger slipped and caressed against your slit. Your chest tightened slightly. The rubbing became more deliberate.  
“I don't think I can... too busy.” You faltered slightly. Looking at him as he refused eye contact for a moment.
“Try.” Derek purred. Pressing his lips together. The tips of his fingers traced around your clit. Not quite touching it. Not yet anyway. His breath wavered as he could feel how desperately wet you got for him. So quickly, it happened every time, much to your humiliation. Your hand haphazardly hit the table gently. As you failed to control yourself with his intense little traces. You could hear him snickering. Your chest and face got hot and flustered. Unable to focus on anything other than how good it felt to have him touch you. Your mouth became wet, though your throat was still incredibly dry as you rubbed into his touch. Rocking your hips a little. Practically humping at his hand. You can't help it. Derek knows exactly how to rile you, and it feels so fucking good.
“Stop…laughing…” You plead with him in a mousey whisper. But secretly you enjoyed his little moments of playful torture. It melted you knowing how much he enjoyed just touching you. How Derek craved to satisfy you whenever he could. Peeking at him through your half-lidded eyes. You see how his breaths drag out. The way his tongue flicks over his upper lip. Derek catches that longing stare of yours and nudges his finger over your clit. Finally. But your entire body jolted. A sharp exhale expelled from your lips as your eyes fluttered. The wine glass tumbled over on the white tablecloth. Red stains rolled over the material, splashing down over the edge of the table. Drenching your legs in the sweet scent, staining your skin.
Derek withdrew his hand quickly. Much to your dismay, as the wine continued to trickle over you, cooling your fiery hot skin.
He loudly tutted and mocked you to everyone as you sat burning with a dusting of pink on your cheeks. Not from the stupid fucking wine glass, obviously. But he was basking in that shame across your face. You watched him catch some of the wine in his fingers that had been caressing your wet cunt.
“Such a waste of wine babygirl…” He cooed. Using it as an excuse to lick your wet from his fingers. Watching him do it in front of everyone, his eyes locked on yours. Leaning back against the seat, elbow hanging over the back of the frame. You stood up fumbling to fix your dress back in place, wiping some of the wine from your lap. Searing under the eyes of strangers. As you caught him still sucking his fingers. Shaking with a little laughter. You tried to move away from the table. Glaring at him as he grabbed your wrist.
“Don’t lock the bathroom door.” Derek's grin grew raising an eyebrow at you. Was this his plan all along? What a dick you thought, but you nodded and snatched your wrist from his grip. Nipping back the smile on your lips.
“Don't keep me waiting too long.” You hummed.
His eyes burned into your back. You couldn’t help it, of course, you couldn’t. Turning your head to look at him. Derek was still leaning into the back of the chair, his chin on his forearm. Sticking his tongue out mouthing again 'leave the door unlocked'.
Pressing into the door to the bathroom, you heard it shut. You listened. Leaning on the wall by the door. A bunch of tissues in hand as you tried to pat some of the damp from your dress, but it was short-lived.
The door quickly swung open you barely had a chance to react as his lips crashed against yours bruisingly so.
“No fucking underwear? Are you fucking kidding me?…” He groaned. Pressing your back against the tiles as you squealed, tossing the soaked tissues to the side, tangling your arms around his neck. A little laughter rumbled from you. Washing over his lips. “You are such a little fucking slut…” He cooed at you. It was affectionate despite this hiss in his voice.
“I didn’t think you’d have your hand under my dress at the dinner table.” You couldn’t help but retort. He groaned as he loosened his belt. You tried to shift to your knees, but Derek shook his head.
“No time.” Gripping the back of your head his tongue slipped in your mouth. The kiss was violent. Desperate to taste you. The taste of wine on his breath. The sound of the belt crashing into the tiles as he pushed you backwards in the small bathroom. Quickly Derek turned you around. Hands slithering down your arms to guide your palms to the edges of the sink. You could only hear his zipper and breaths. Catching your own eyes in the mirror you stared at the smeared kisses on your lips. Watching him behind you. He caught your stare. Leaning over your shoulder to your ear.
“You gotta be quiet. I know that’s hard for you, isn't it?…” Derek teased nipping your earlobe between his teeth. “Look at yourself, not me…” He snapped.
Then he hoisted the hem of your dress upward till it bunched around your waist. Nudging your legs open further with his knee, he couldn't wait. Refused to. You exhaled softly as he sank his hips forward feeling how fucking drenched you were from his groping under the table. Exhaling softly as you bit back moans. Cursing into the air, eyes pressed shut. Derek's hand reached for your hair. Tangling it between his fingers he yanked your head back.
“What did I say? Eyes on the fucking mirror…” He groaned. Rearing back as he fucked forward into you. You clenched as you tried to slow him. His cock was enveloped in your wet heat. "God you... you're so fucking tight..." Grumbling as his hand moved down your hair tracing your spine, forcing your lower back into a slight arch. Derek's eyes darted over the mirror. Watching you. You looked at him briefly. Then back to yourself, obediently. Catching how your lips fell open further with every thrust he pressed into your cunt.
“Do you want everyone to hear me fucking ruin you?” He hissed. Feeling how you gripped and slicked his dick with your soaked hole. Smirking as he breathed down your neck. Hunching against your body. Gasps turned to moans rolling from your lips. His name was like a prayer as it fell from your mouth beggingly. Derek's hand slunk around you, groping your chest, then up your neck, squeezing softly. Dragging his fingers further upward as he pressed them between your lips. The taste of yourself and the wine still lingering on them. "Don't make me cover those pretty lips..." He rasped. Derek fucking loved your noises. It was usually his undoing. Defiantly you let a few more pleas and moans fall from you as he quickened, listening to them. Grunting out for you. The hand on your hip fell forward, giving a soft slap against your pussy. Lingering against it. You cried out not expecting it. But welcoming it. He swatted again before withdrawing his spit-covered fingers from your mouth, pressing his palm over your mouth.
"I warned you." He snapped forward into you. Hips like a piston as he fucked you more roughly. Holding your head in place. You always looked better ragged and bent, at least that is what Derek said. And finally, you could see it, and fuck, you adored it.
“Feels good, huh?" He gasped. As you were nodding with muffled whines."I’ll take that as a yes.” Derek snorted. Thrusting into you like he was uncontrollable. The cold porcelain of the sink presses into your hips. You closed your eyes. Trying to control your pathetic little moans of relief as he stretched you around him. Fucking you senseless. “Open your eyes. Look at yourself... such a beautiful fucking mess.” He scoffed through his panting. You treasured how broken he made you feel. How he tried to act in control. But he was just as desperate. Twitching inside of you. His hand shifted from your spread folds, back to your hip, bruising it under his grip. Derek slid his rough palm over your rear. Spanking sharply as you called out his name in a muffled act of devotion.
“You know they will hear you if you can't control yourself." Derek said with a tinge of excitement. "God look at my needy slut huh, my pathetic little fuckhole…” Moving in and out of you at a maddening pace. You could hardly keep up. His breath washed over the nape of your neck as he peeled his clammy palm from your lips. Stuffing the fingers back in your mouth. You sucked with such lust.
“That’s a good girl…” Derek hadn’t even asked you to. But you knew. You knew what he wanted. You watched yourself. How your lips dripped with drool around his fingers. Clawing at the sink helplessly as he fucked you like a doll. Eyes half-lidded and struggling as he slid his fingers deeper till you gagged. Your eyes watering slightly.
“Close?” He growled. You could only nod. “Say it.” Derek instructed.
“Yes… close… so close baby...” You spluttered on his fingers. You watched him momentarily catching how he pressed his eyes shut hearing you call him that. You became noisy without his hand over your mouth. The slapping of Derek's hips on your ass filled the air. The pair of you quickly became a mess for one another. As you felt him bottom out inside of you. He swapped hands. Dragging his fingers from your lips. Spit strands following. Cascading down your chin and chest. As his other hand returned to smother your noises. Holding your mouth shut as his spit-coated fingers found themselves nestling against your clit. Rubbing firmly over it in circular motions. With that touch, you nearly buckled beneath him. Like a thread ready to snap. The grip of your hands slipped against the sink as your eyes flickered to his in the mirror.
“Don’t… eyes on you…” He was pink-faced. Close. Derek always turned a warm rosey shade when he was fighting it. Resisting his own orgasm. Your pussy throbbed around him. Gazing at yourself, following his demand.
“That’s it…my….m-my slut…” He chimed. “Is my little slut going to cum…? Fuck, cum for me babygirl...” He grunted. It came out like a plea, not a demand. Derek could feel how hard you were tightening against his thrusts. You pressed your hands down hard into the rim of the sink. Cursing sharply as you came. He didn’t slow. Fucking you through the orgasm roughly. Your orgasm pulsating against his dick. You felt his arm reach around gripping your throat. Pressing your head back into his chest, you could see his devilish smile. Derek was licking your neck. Then behind your ear.
“Look how fucking pretty you look when you cum on my cock…” Derek hissed. Pumping faster. Shuddering. “Look at you. Don’t stop…fuck…ugh, yes. Fuck you are such a tight..." Trailing off as his head was thrown back. "Ah…ah I’m gonna…”
“Do it…don't pull out, Derek please...” You gasped.
His forehead pressed into your back hearing you say that.
“N-no! Look at me…please?…” You pleaded. As Derek flicked his eyes up. Peering from over your shoulder. Rasping. Giving into your begging. His brow furrowed as he fought to keep his eyes open. Biting against your shoulder he muffled his own loud and messy climax. Ropes of his cum poured into you. Then a whimper fell from his lips. Freezing a moment, before pulling back. His finish was buried so fucking deep. Only slightly dripping from you. The pair of you buckled over the sink, catching your breath.
"Fucking hell..." He hissed. Tucking himself back into his pants, attempting to not look like he just bent you over and fucked you full of cum. Running his palms over your dress to tug it down and back into place as you stayed pressed over the sink. Failing to compose yourself as he laughed at you softly.
"Hm?..." You purred, looking back at him, scoffing back at him from your lipstick-smeared lips, more than dazed.
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Anyway, if no one has noticed I am feral about Derek Danforth
and no it is not your business
Anyway, enjoy to all the freakies out there 💚(✿◡‿◡)💚
also shout out to @joshfutturman with the new gifs, I butchered the colour editing and squashed the quality more than likely, sorry
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”
(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
Hi! Sorry it took me 11 thousand years to do this
Josh Hutcherson
Clapton Davis
Billiam Bimothy Burn
Tiger from Future Man
My cat
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
Me every single time I see Josh Hutcherson for the first time in a movie I watched specifically to see Josh Hutcherson
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
needy boy
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pairing: mommy! reader x needy bottom! mike schmidt
warnings: mommy kink, crying from pleasure, whimpering, shy mike!!, rimming, fingering (male receiving), oral (male receiving)
a/n: can u tell that i recently found out i had a mommy kink and i love needy and submissive boys too much
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♡ that poor boy is stressed constantly, i feel like he would want to be babied and be so needy for someone
♡ after a day of work he would be sooo stressed, desperately needing to be with his momma
♡ “hi, my pretty boy.” and his heart just melts, especially when you pet his brown curls.
♡ “hi. mommy. i missed you.” he would lean in and cuddle with you, his head on your breasts while you run your fingers through his hair.
♡ if your chest is small, he would listen to your heartbeat. if it’s bigger, he would use them as pillows and fall asleep to your breathing.
♡ honestly, if he’s really stressed he’ll rant about his job to you in the comfort of your arms and warmth.
♡ he would look up at you with his beautiful sad brown eyes, waiting for you to praise him.
♡ “does my darling need something to calm down, especially after your job overworking such a pretty boy. they’re so mean, huh?”
♡ his rosy cheeks!!! him hiding his face into your chest or your tummy, mumbling a small yes.
♡ he would never ask you to pleasure him, he always asks to pleasure you. but when you offered to, he would get so shy. especially during the ACT yes yes yes…
♡ while you’re undressing him, he’s hiding his face in his hands.
♡ your tongue swirls around his hole, as he’s arching his back for you, so needy, grinding his ass against your tongue. “momma… feels so g-good..!” his cock twitching as his hole clenches at the feeling of your tongue.
♡ “mommy.. please don’t tease me… not right now..” most of the time he cannot finish a sentence, but he’s just so needy and his cock is leaking so much pre cum.
♡ slicking your fingers with lube before entering one inside of him, his cock twitching pathetically as you move your finger in and out of him. small whimpers escaping his pretty lips.. “mommy.. momma.. please..” none of you are sure what he’s asking for, but he cannot stop begging for it.
♡ your second finger, both of them scissoring inside his ass, stretching it out. his hand reached down to stroke himself, as he moans your name. pre cum drips down from his pretty pink tip to the bed sheets, tears trickle down his cheek from the pleasure, his tongue hanging out and gasping for air.
♡ when you enter the third finger is when he is the most desperate. bouncing on them, his hand stroking his cock faster - but lazier, his loud moans and whimpers of your name and “mommy”, and omg he’s so beautifully pathetic.
♡ his face is so pink and red, tears run down his cute face, his glossy lips from his drool, parted as whimpers escape from them, cum landing on his chest and the sheets.
♡ after his orgasm, you have him screaming your name. flipping him over so you can taste his cum, sucking his sensitive tip, him trying to pull you off but he’s so weak from his strong orgasm. “m-mommy! stop..!” but he doesn’t want you to stop, he loved when you wore him out.
♡ your long nails dig into him, and he loved it. gripping his hips so hard that it’ll leave a bruise, taking his sensitive cock deep into your mouth, as he cried so hard. he’s such a pretty crier, especially when it’s from pleasure.
♡ after making him cum inside your mouth, swallowing it all, you’ll cuddle him close, and pet his hair again. whispering “you did such a good job” or “my pretty boy… so so pretty..” while wiping his tears away.
♡ “i love you, momma… it was so good.. hmm i love you iloveyou iloveyouiloveyouuu..” he mumbles before falling asleep in your arms <3
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thank you for reading <3 have a lovely day!
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
hii i saw that you were looking for requests and first thing that came to my mind was munch mike, just something about mike being obsessed with reader’s pussy does something to me😭
Also feel free to ignore and don’t forget to drink water <33
you thought i was feeling you?
that — a munch 🤭
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pairings: switch! mike schmidt x switch! reader
warnings: fem genitalia, kinda cnc, sniffing…, asphyxiation, oral (fem receiving), mommy kink, “princess”, drool, hair tugging
a/n: FUN FACT! “needy boy” was supposed to be munch! mike but i got distracted LOL
thank you anon for being so sweet u made my heart warm <3 YOU DRINK WATER AS WELL!!! AND EVERYONE ELSE READING THIS
also i loveeeee ice spice i HADDD to quote her song
so much yapping SORRY but the pics i chose!?? omg one dommy and the other desperate for mommy
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☆ top! mike ☆
♡ mike couldn’t get his hands off of you, he just couldn’t believe you were his and he was your’s. always exploring your body with his hands or his lips, especially in your most sensitive place.
♡ “let me make my princess feel good..” he says between kisses, trailing down your already naked body. he was fully clothed, not bothering with his throbbing cock in his boxers.
♡ i’m sorry but sniffing is hot. he would sniff down there and get completely lost in your scent. he loved it, and it fueled his desire to eat you out even more.
♡ pulling down your panties aggressively, kissing your inner thigh, making you squeal under his touch, he fucking loved it. especially when you begged for it, “mikey.. please.. i need you..”
♡ to be needed is what he desperately wanted, especially by a cute girl like you. but he also loved to tease you, even if he was drooling at the smell and sight of your wet folds.
♡ blowing air onto your sensitive clit before leaning in to kiss your wet cunt, then sucking your swollen clit.
♡ his hands forcing your waist down, your thighs squishing his head, and he melted into it. continuing to lap his tongue into your hole and up to your clit, even when you came he couldn’t stop.
♡ driving you over and over and over the edge, not wanting to stop to breathe. you’re practically screaming for him to stop, but he couldn’t help it. your overstimulated screams made his brain so fuzzy, eagerly eating you out until his face was turning purple.
♡ once he started, he couldn’t stop.
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☆ bottom! mike ☆
♡ kissing his cheek while he babbles about how badly he missed you. “mommy, lemme show you, please..”
♡ whining and sitting on your lap, kissing your face and trailing down your chest to between your legs. licking your clothed cunt as he looks up, making sure you’re okay, his cheeks flushed.
♡ him sniffing down there, his eyes rolling back, and his cheeks becoming more flushed. he’s practically drooling, “momma.. can i pleaseeee… please!”
♡ as soon as you give him permission he’s sliding down your panties and licking your dripping cunt like he hasn’t had anything to eat in months. moaning and whimpering, sending vibrations against your clit.
♡ “you’re doing such a good job, mikey..” and he’s grinding against the bed!! his cock is leaking so much pre cum, ESPECIALLY when you get rough!!
♡ your hands in his curls, gripping onto them, and grinding your pussy against his face. he loves that he’s making his mommy feel good, cumming inside his boxers. even louder moans vibrate against your clit, mumbling “m-mommy..”
♡ that doesn’t make him stop grinding against the bed though, causing him to cry from the overstimulation. he looks up at you with his teary but so pretty brown eyes, searching for yours. as you look into them, he’s still eagerly eating you out, causing you to cum on his tongue.
♡ of course he tries to lick every drop of your cum, swallowing it all, and overstimulating your sensitive clit. “baby, s-slow down!”
♡ usually he listened to his mommy but her moans sounded so pretty to him. looking up at his pretty momma and watching your back arch, and your furrowed eyebrows. his heart skipped a beat!!!
♡ when he’s finally done, he’ll look into your eyes and ask, “did i do a good job, mommy?”
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i hope u enjoyed this <3 ily
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
chris deserves more love i'm telling you all........ i hope you do more chris content in the future if you want and can ofc (no pressure okie!!!!!)
love you lippy take care !!! (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ ♡
Hiya 🪽 anon! 👋
Hahaha thank you!! 😊 I’m happy you liked it!! 💜 It kinda came out of nowhere, just inspired by a comment someone left on ao3 lmao
And I might! We’ll just see wherever the brain rot takes me 😜
Thank you! And same to you!! 💜 🥰
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
Skye I am NEVER forgiving you for doing my wife like this
i had to edit billy to karma cus ofc he fucks with jojo siwa, he believes in karma (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
Ik but you’re still baby!
Baby girl
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mm jus a guy :(
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
the cutest baby ever argue with a wall
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mm jus a guy :(
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
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'I Always Knew You Were Needy'
18+ MDNI
Billy (Burn 2019) x F!Reader
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Billy finally succumbs to your convincing, letting you tease him for a change. Reluctant at first, but it doesn't take long for him to start begging...
smut/porn with mild plot, soft dom, sub/dom overstimulation, begging, switch play, orgasm, edging orgasm, denial, face-sitting face-riding, tongue-fucking, sloppy make-outs, wet & messy
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Your fingers rush through his curls as you lean in from behind. 
"Do you trust me?" You tease in his ear. Breath washing hot over his skin. 
Billy tensed slightly, to get him to this point took guts. He sighed softly, feeling the hair on the nape of his neck prick up. 
"Enjoying your little power trip huh? This is a one-off, and don't forget it." Though he was grumbling, the corners of his lips tugged upward. Apprehension yet desire boiled within him. 
"Before you know it you will be begging on your hands and knees.." He grunted. 
You reached round to cover his lips with your palm, gripping tightly. 
"Just be quiet for once, will you? For me?" You teased. As you step to the bed, you watch as he slouches slightly. His legs parted, in those tight jeans. The white tee was loose against his body, his stubble thicker than usual. You weren't quite sure when you'd last seen him shave. Not that you minded. 
A thick silken ribbon in hand you wander back over, sliding it between your fingers as you drag it against his eyes. Tying it against the back of his head. Folding it into a bow.
"Much better..." Kissing his cheek as you said it. Leaving a little red lip mark. 
"You just don't want me to see you blushing and whining, so needy. Isn't that right?..." Billy quipped.
You couldn't help but laugh. He wasn't wrong. Though you stepped around the chair, bending slightly to grip under his chin.
"Does pretty boy need to be muzzled too, shame if so. I can't wait to make you beg, cowboy.." You toyed with him, chewing your inner lip at his words. You snatched the cheap fuzzy handcuffs from his lap. You'd bought them in that little video store in town. 
"Oh, I would love to see you try.." He grinned, gripping the arms of the chair. Leaning forward to you. 
Your fingertips lingered on his thigh, catching him inhaling softly. Biting your tongue you watched him squirm. Your palm shifts to grip a fistful of his shirt and tug him forward off the velvet chair. Letting him feel your breath on his lips as you pressed your body to his. Tilting his head down to you with a coy smile against his lips as he gripped your wrist. Moving with you. 
You guided him towards the motel bed and shoved his back against it. 
His laugh was low, devious even. Leaning on his elbows.
You climbed against him till you perched against his waist.
He couldn't help but rub his rough palms over your smooth thighs, digging his fingers into your supple skin. Holding back your little moan. 
"Uh uh, behave.." You snatched his palms away, pushing them above his head. Soon, the fluff tickled over his wrists, locking the cuffs shut, one then the next. Pinning his wrists as you tangled a rope against the chain of the cuffs. Securing him against the headboard.  
"That's better.." Nestling his face in your palms as you say it. Tilting forward to press your lips into his. His neck craned upwards to feel your tongue on his, as you pulled back. Biting on that lower lip of his. Shifting your weight lower, until your hips met his. You bent your head once more, lower. Peppering his neck with kisses as his chest rose and fell under your palms. He was quiet, for once. Cupping the nape of his neck, you kissed his shirt. Staining it with red glossy lip marks.
"You better not have.." He growled. 
You laughed against his chest. Doing it again as he nudged up at you.
Shifting as you lifted the shirt you wore, only barely. You could still smell his musk against it, having stolen it the night prior. The soft linger of his aftershave and cigarettes. Beneath it, your panties were now showing. Slipping against him, you allowed your hips to buck forward. As if testing him. 
Watching his wrists jerk slightly within the cuffs. You had him where you needed him. Smirking as you continued, rocking your clothed mound against him. Feeling that bulge begin to swell. 
"Good boy.." You sneered, brushing your thumb over his freckles. 
His breath hitched as you said it, tugging the restraints tighter. 
"Don't..you dare.." He said in a husky groan. However, facing him you could see that sharp little stifled gasp. 
"Do you want me to stop?" You tilted your head. 
Hesitating at first, he shook his head. Feeling his hips drive up against you. 
You worked him, grinding deep strokes of your clothed sex slowly. Closing your eyes you let your head lull backward. Feeling your heart begin to race, he was intoxicating. More so, now that you finally had him at your mercy.
The denim causes the friction to rise, the zipper catching against the cotton. Almost fraying the fabric as you quicken your hips. 
"Fuck..don't..d-don't stop..".  He rasped. 
Flicking your eyes down at him, you caught the flushing of his cheeks and neck, still stained with your kisses. Tracing his sharp jaw with your fingertips as you cupped his chin. 
"Is that a beg I hear?.." You moaned, brushing up his cheek till your fingers entangled in his hair. The wetness pooled in the cotton now, lifting away from him softly to catch your breath. 
His hips jerked, thrusting for more. Dragging your nails over his t-shirt you found the buckle of his belt. Loosening it, pushing the denim downwards. Without a second thought, ensuring his boxers shifted with the jeans. Watching as he sprung free. His skin speckled with goosebumps. 
Moving from above him to your knees at the foot of the bed, you spread his thighs some. Pressing your lips against, working your way upwards, though stopping just before grazing his strained cock. 
Twitching against his stomach.  
"Fuck, please, please just.." Biting his tongue as he hissed. 
"Not yet." 
"I  ne - ..  I need it" He tried to refrain from saying it. You slipped the panties off, caressing over the slick excitement. Dragging your palm against your pleasure, as you playfully bit against his thigh. 
With your drenched fingers, you slipped them against his throbbing tip, dragging them down to the base.
He flinched, your touch so light. Whimpering as he tried to thrust upward for more pressure. 
"Such a needy, pretty boy.." You said without hesitation.
He scoffed, visibly biting his lower lip. 
"God, please, please get back on top.. you little fucking tease." He snapped. A scoff followed, seeing his smile, his pitiful desperation. 
"Oh I do love it when you beg, Billy... go on beg for me.." Letting your tongue flutter against his thigh as the words left your mouth. 
Soon your breath washed over his twitching excitement. Allowing your tongue to drag against the underside of his erection. He was like putty, as he trembled under you. 
You could tase yourself on him. 
Tracing your fingers against your clit, his stifled moan finally rushed from his lips. Kissing against him as he was throbbing. Leaking against his  own  stomach.  
"I..just.." Stuttering as he struggled, craving you. 
"Just what? I know you can do better than that, Billy.." Dragging your tongue further till it flicked over the pinkened tip. Tasting his excitement against your tongue, the salty musk lingered. 
"Please, p-please f-fuck..fuck I want you.." The chain of the shitty cuffs strained as he said it. The headboard shifted forward as he pulled, writhing beneath you. 
"Say it for me..."
"N-no...quit being such...such a little slut.." He snorted. 
Your fingers dragged once more against the beating cock.
"F-fine..I...I'll be a good boy.." Laughing softly. knowing exactly what you wanted to hear.
You slowly crawled over him, your hands padding against the mattress, not stopping at his waist. Resting your knees on either side of his head. He shifted, confused at first. An almost whimper left his mouth as he breathed heavily. Desperation on his quivered lips. 
Then he  realised , you could see him pursing his lips as he lunged his head upwards. You shifted slightly.
"So needy.." You teased him. As he hungered to taste. 
Palm gripping his head forward, as you slid against him. A gasp of relief falls from your lips. Billy's tongue dragging up along your drenched slit. Exhaling softly as you see him ball his fingers into fists. His wrists were marked from pulling on his restraints. 
Your fingers pushed through his hair, feeling his sweat brush over your palm. Fumbling as his tongue hunger for more, you allow your legs to loosen. Leaning your hips deeper, he spread you against the lapping of his tongue. Rippling over you, as he inhaled desperately. 
You felt your chest grow flustered. Tugging on his hair tighter, smothering him with your starved sex. 
Using your free hand you loosened the buttons of the shirt you wore. Pushing your hair back, as you called out his name. Forcing your hips back and forth. Riding his face. His moans cast against you, as you used him like that of a toy. Merciless. 
Hearing the creak of the mattress louden, he was writhing. Fidgeting beneath you. Tongue swirling over your clit, softly dipping inside your clenching cunt.
"Fuck,  Billy ... yes baby...just like that...God you are so pretty under me.." You groan. Pulling your sweat-coated hand from his hair as you lean your palms back into his chest. Letting him support your weight. Leaking against his lips, riding that edge. 
You felt him jolt under you. Peering back at his body over your shoulder. 
Whimpering some, as you see him. So perfectly pathetic. His knees bent, as his hips thrust at the air desperately. Practically begging for your attention, to be touched. The hemline of his t-shirt splattered with sticky excitement, purely from pleasuring you. 
He was fucking the air, longing for relief. He craved  you .
Hearing his whimpering nearly sent you over the edge, huffing against you as he lunged as far as he could, feeling your hesitation. As your hips yanked upwards, close. So very close. 
"Please.. l-let  me.." He whined out, his throat tight. Feeling you tremble over him. 
Slathering against your clit, greedily. Forcefully tugging those flimsy cuffs one last time. Grunting loudly. As the weakened metal links snapped, under the pressure of his flexing forearms. His veins pulsating as he reached around your thighs. Gripping his fingertips into them roughly. Marking against them as he whimpered. 
"I-I'm sorry, I need... you ..  god I fucking need you.." Growling as he groaned against your spread folds. 
Feeling yourself fold forward as the pressure swelled. Gripping his hair in your fingers. Hyperventilating. Your thighs beginning to clench against his red sweaty cheeks. 
Like he was in a frenzy, his hips pounded at the air pervertedly. Crying out your name as his orgasm bubbled, his lips wrapping against your clit. His climax spluttering against his shirt, and your lower back. Dripping against your ass. 
One last pull of his hair as you screamed out. Tensing against him as your eyes press shut. Speckles of star-like patterns flashed across the darkness of your eyelids. Feeling as you drown his lips with your orgasm, your body hunched against the headboard.
The grip of his fingers digging into your thighs softened, slithering his palms to your hips, then waist. Tickles of the furry cuffs grazing your glistening skin. Lips kissing against your folds. 
"G-good boy.." You whined. Shuddering. "Such a good boy."
He softly laughed against you as you leaned back some, shifting. Catching your heavy breaths. 
"You alright baby girl.." He whispered with a coy smirk and wetted lips. Showing off his drowned flushed pink cheeks.
You could only muster a gentle nod, your chest feeling like it could burst as it trembled beneath the unbuttoned shirt. His hands slithered from your waist back to your thighs. Caressing them softly as you made attempts at composing yourself. 
"You got, so... greedy ..  you owe me new ones.." You stammered pointing to the bent and snapped cuffs. He bellowed a deep grumbling laugh as he gripped and rolled you beneath him. Inches from your face, still smeared with your mess on his lips. 
"I will buy you as many as you need, though ..  I can't promise I won't break them again." His mouth pressed to yours, teasing as he let you taste yourself on his lips. 
Flickering your eyes open, you pursed your lips playful-like. 
"Again?.." You questioned, as he covered your mouth jokingly. Reaching to pull his hand away. 
"I knew ..  I knew you were a needy desperate little puppy.." You sneered, pointing in his face. He scoffed, then proceeded to roll off of your body laughing. Pulling you into his embrace, as the warm haze streamed through the dingy curtains. 
────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───────────────
hope anyone who read, enjoyed! cringing at my own smut but was desperate to share anyway lmao ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
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cassiecasluciluce · 4 months
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cassiecasluciluce · 5 months
We all love you very much
The Hutchersluts want to give you this for your gas station robbing attempt
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cassiecasluciluce · 5 months
Holden ily for this
nic brady fluff fic in progress ! <3
i love this man.
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cassiecasluciluce · 5 months
The throne part is just so 🤤
Where tf is that Futturman blog I need to ask him something important
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cassiecasluciluce · 5 months
I need someone to make a Nick from Escobar Rp acct IMMEDIATELY
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