catastrophizinglife · 4 months
Talking To Myself Out Loud. Crazy???
i talk to myself. I talk to myself out loud. Daily. All day long, every day. It's always negative in nature. It's always when I have something on my mind. Say, boss called just after work. I, of course, don't answer, but I have a nagging suspicion what it is about. My mind begins it's turbo-charged obsession. I can't think about anything else. It's all that's on my mind despite the fact that I'd rather not be thinking about it at all. Why am I thinking about it? Why? So then, out loud, I begin defending myself to this imaginary supervisor who's not standing in front of me. For hours. Hours and hours. I defend and defend and defend, like he's just not seeing it my way, but there's no one really there, and I'm really just talking out loud to myself, alone in my house. What is this? Why do I do this? What's happening to me? What sort of mental condition is this? I would like it to stop now, thank you very much! Please! If anyone has answers, please, I'm all ears! But I am kinda horse at this point!
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catastrophizinglife · 6 months
Medical Anxiety.
I was already suffering from health anxiety before the dreaded years of 2020-2022, but since then, the simple worries about health are nothing. I think everyone has health anxiety to an extent, which explains most trips to urgent care and the ER, but when you factor in the pandemic, you can no longer call it health anxiety. You now have to call it medical anxiety... Because in 2020 my security disappeared. Now there was a deadly virus out and about in my world, and that terrified me 1000xmore than any (usually) illogical fear that came before it. And in 2021, in addition to already feeling unsafe in public, I became distrustful of the entire world as a whole. Here were all of these health organizations telling us we needed to get the vax to remain safe, and to keep our loved ones safe. The world took every word these clowns said, and made it their own. I'm talking media, social networks, and just regular people entirely. Everyone knew best. Everyone knew what they were talking about, and everyone was suddenly an expert. Yes, what a scary time it was to be alive. People guilted people, shamed people, threatened people, and so on. It was so enlightening to see just how ugly the world could be. Places like GoogleTube decided (and most others followed) to take away your right to oppose the vax. They'd blatantly tell you after removing your content that it was being removed because it opposed the vax, and that was simply that. How bothersome, because then the rest of the world would get the poison because they felt forced to, and it appeared no one else opposed it. The only way they would know that this was even going on was if they were like me and wanted to be vocal about it to see if anyone shared their thoughts. So yes, when them vaxes began rolling out, I completely lost my entire faith in humanity, and also, the medical world specifically. People lost jobs, lost shopping privileges, and so much more, over this. Anyway...
Coronavid aside, ever since then things have only progressed for me. I got it into my head, because of chest/back pain, that I had lung cancer, despite seeing X-ray after X-ray. I convinced myself that the X-rays simply weren't seeing the SCLC, and I instead needed a CTscan or MRI. Never happened though, but I'm not really thinking much about it lately, but boy was that one rabbithole I couldn't climb out of for the life of me for a very long, long time!
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On break at work. People all around me whispering like I'm not someone to be trusted with their words. Like we don't talk when we're inside on the clock. Kinda sad. It's sad and lonely being me. What can ya do, ya know?
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Realty. Yikes.
3:39 p.m.
Wow, the nerve of some people. The way that guy was just talking to me was ungodly. And he’s supposed to be my realtor. He was obviously drunk as fuc%. This is clearly what happens when you have a gay guy being your realtor. I mean it’s insane. We were talking about how the insurance company told me they wouldn’t insure a home with a detached garage that has a wood-stove as a heating source, and while we were on the subject of insurance companies and what they will and will not allow, I inquired about a swimming pool and a hot tub, and suddenly he’s flying off the handle talking about “if the bank doesn’t want to lend you money, they will win! If the insurance company doesn’t want to insure you, they will win! And I’m talking, yelling at the top of his lungs very drunk-like. It’s insane… And now my phone is blowing up. I’m not even looking yet, because it’s insane! Wow. This gay realtor guy has real issues. I should have known he was drunk AF because I had texted him a picture of the email the mortgage broker sent me where it showed all the steps through the home-buying process, and where we were at in the process, and I held up my finger between two of the steps and said “wonder what goes on between these 2 steps. Is this where the bank approves me only if I do this, and that, and this, and that” or something to that effect. When my phone began ringing (it was him) I was expecting him to either correct me, or agree with me (didn’t know why that would take a phone call, but whatevz) but that wasn’t it at all. Far from it. It was actually just him beginning by saying “you’re fine! Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about it. It just takes time.” Like literally, that was his greeting. Yikes.  
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No One Likes Me Ho-Hum (Pt 2)
Something like 15 entries ago I posted “No One Like Me Ho Hum” or something like that, and this is my followup:
Every time I write one of these things it becomes less relevant. I feel like my human parts keep disappearing chunk after chunk. I mean when you reside more in your head than not in your head, and the things in your head are inhumane, and the only way to combat this is being around people, then I’m just fucked, because no one seems to connect with me anymore on any sort of a level. It’s becoming more and more bleak being me.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Just a Couple Rants
My child doesn’t make her own doctor’s appointments. My sister does it for her. She’s probably never asked me to do it for her because I’d tell her lazy ass to do it herself. She can’t say why she’s never done it, and she gets very stubborn about it too. Talking about “I’ll let myself deteriorate first.” Like, um, get a fucking clue! That’s just laziness, and until I hear another reason – a valid one- that’s all I’ll be referring to that as. Can’t be a nerves, un-social type of thing or anything like that (although she does have documented mental health issues) because she’s able to work in the customer service field. So WTF!
 This ridiculous guy I know from work is such a fucking liar, and frankly, a jackass. I mean he lies about everything. He must own a book of excuses. When he didn’t return my 2 texts last night with texts back I thought, “typical of him,” and went on about my business. (Which was laying down for bed.) This morning he wrote “sorry fell asleep took a nap when I woke up (LOL smiley) getting ready to leave. And honestly that’s a good question I want to know the answer to” (sic) “Took a nap when I woke up?” I was gonna sarcastically respond during my anger, but I’d have only told him off and said something snark like “was this nap a subdivision of your actual sleep, or completely separate?” but I didn’t say anything at all. I, in fact, believe that mine and his correspondence is over. Fucking asshat!
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Tumblr media
What’s this post about? See here: https://catastrophizinglife.tumblr.com/post/160990275482/anxiety-aka-sleep-jerk
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Humans & Algorithms
The human experience is cheapened by the internet. The internet is cheapened by speaks of algorithms. What the hell is an algorithm anyway? Are they really automated based on various factors that were programmed by humans, or are they humans doing all the ‘behind the curtain’ work? Are algorithms something that can be put in place and still have human tweaks going on behind them? This seems to be the case on platforms such as TikTok. Say you upload a video with the hashtag “bread” on it. Perhaps the algorithm is programmed to move those videos to the forefront, but then perhaps a moderator comes along and sees your video, or someone who’s suggested your video watches it, and they realize there isn’t even a loaf of bread in sight, well then the original algorithm that brought you there could have a human altering it behind the scenes that would stop showing your video to virtually anybody. Meanwhile, the maker of that video has no idea what’s really going on. One minute they’re popular and getting all this attention, and then next, they’re nothing to anyone. This, I believe cheapens their life, because they become depressed, and they become depressed for no good reason, and who wants to live depressedly? Not many. And this is what life’s become in 2023. This is all life is now, sadly. We need to stop living our lives this way. There needs to be some sort of, perhaps, thermal event, that knocks the power grid off the chart, and be thrown back into the age of life before power, if we are to save humanity. Throw us back to a time where face-to-face interaction was the only way to go. Where you had to rely on visual and audio cues to read the moods and states of each other. Where you couldn’t be mean for the sake of being mean and not have to worry about the consequences. To a time where your friends couldn’t pull out their phones just to prove you wrong when the 2 of you disagree. Back to a time of civility and integrity. Being humane to each other was ever perfected, but currently we are the 1800s amplified by a thousand.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Monsters Amongst Humans
I think the reason I spend so much time when I'm not at work (which isn't very often at all) looking back over my previous art, instead of creating new art is that I in fact have nothing human left to say that I haven't said already a thousand times over. In just 13 years I'd released more material than most "real" artists will release in their entire careers. I've said it all... Unfortunately, there is plenty more new stuff I could be singing about, which I hinted on here and there in later albums of mine, but they aren't subjects a normal person could relate to. The things I started singing about had become less and less human-relatable, and more and more devil-relatable, and if you have no human qualities left, and are therefore not able to relate to humans anymore, then why would you sing at/to them? Why would anyone sane wanna hear me singing about losing my humanity? It's not even something to be proud of, let alone sing about. This is why I put forth hardly any promotional effort on the handful of albums I'd last released. The songs on them were so deeply personal in fact, that I didn't even let my family and irl friend's hear them. They're not embarrassing by any means -they're just sad and scary. A mainstream artist in today's controlling entertainment industry would have been put into a mental institution or had their financials handled by a proxy if they'd written and sang about what I have. When your moral compass has become as skewed as mine has, and you still continue living you are a danger to humans, and as sad and unfair as it is, you should not be allowed freedom to roam amongst the humans. This is just how I feel currently, and how I’ve felt for a great number of years now. Perhaps my opinion will change eventually? Maybe? One can only hope.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
The Invisible
It’s the week after Thanksgiving and there’s not much to be thankful for. I am trying oh so hard -desperately even, just to feel visible; loved; needed; wanted; etc., but for some reason I am unable to. The only reason I ever get invited to do anything is because I’ve cornered people into including me.
 Example 1: Was asked by sister if I was doing “the cousins” thing. This is where all the cousins get together in a group chat/text and talk about going to gamble at the casino and grabbing a bite to eat. I guess this was the second (or who knows, maybe more?) time they got together and called it “Cousins Outing” or something. “Well, no. I wasn’t invited to this chat, so I guess no one thought to invite me, so I’m not going.” A week or so later (yesterday) my little cousin messages me asking me “Are you working tonight?” and I didn’t even bother opening the message. Why? Because I think it’ll lead to an invite, an invite that I wouldn’t even be getting had I not told my sister what I told her.
 Example 2: “Frozen Nuts” guy from my last post. Well he tells me “next time you offer me a ride, I’m gonna take it.” Yeah, and the only reason you’ll do that is because I told you how you made me feel by riding to work in the freezing cold instead of getting a ride with me. This is solidified by the fact that the dude shows me the disinterest of a toddler continuing to play with his toys when the parent says it’s time for bed. I mean I have tried connecting to this guy on every possible level. I even went as far as to spend the whole weekend working on something artsy for him, texting him little tidbits along the way as I made progress, and he shows absolutely no interest in it. When he finally does “respond” to me, it’s something completely unrelated. Gotta love it.
 Example 3: Then there’s my mother. She’s the only one out of all the people in my life who literally ever thinks about me, and reaches out to me pretty regularly. The only problem is, the only time she calls me is when she’s on her way to work, and sometimes when she’s on her way back home after work. I mean, is there a Thought Button that goes off in her head that makes her immediately think: “Oh, I have a son. I’m going to fill my time now in calling him, because for the next 20 minutes or so I’ll have nothing to do but drive, and I must fill this time somehow.” Scarcely thinks of me outside of her vehicle, and it’s sad. Now when I see the phone ringing, and it’s her, I look at the clock, and if it’s ringing while she’s on her way too or from work, I rarely answer.
 Side note: I’m sick. Still battling this non-c0v\d cold. For a couple days it seemed like I was getting better, but nope, it was just making its way from my nose/throat areas down into my lungs, and now I’ve got what I equate with “smoker’s cough.” Talk about aggravating. Anyway, being physically ill, I’ve discovered, heightens my mental conditions. I am more anxious sometimes, but am more depressed/OCD by a LOT.  Anyway, this is the cause of the influx in posts here. I only post here when I’m feeling crappy, mentally.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Frozen Nuts
Friday, November 18th, 2022 | 8:00 p.m.
 I couldn’t be more heartbroken. (Okay, in retrospect, yes, even as I’m feeling these feelings I can still think about future me taking a look back at this retrospectively and seeing it for what it is, and how silly it is to be feeling this way, and how it’s not a literal statement, since there are thousands of REAL things that could break my heart more than what I’m about to describe).
 Yesterday, I was at work when I offered a coworker 18 years younger than me a ride to work on my day off because he had to ride a bike over 10 miles to get to work when the temperature would be 31 degrees with a windchill of 21 degrees. I may as well have been wearing my Dahmer glasses and holding a bag of candy when I offered, because he responded with “No, I can’t ask you to do that.”
 In the mind of a rational person; a person who doesn’t have mental illnesses such as OCD, Depression, Anxiety, and so on, this would generally be an okay conversation. Unfortunately, I am not rational, and I do have the aforementioned conditions, and when this sort of thing happens to a person like me, in the immediate aftermath, it destroys you. The aftermath, of course, being finding out that rather than take you up on your offer for a ride, they have done the unimaginable: rode a bicycle to work.
 “It’s no problem really,” I begin. “I have no life, and when I’m working third shift hours, and I’m not at work, I tend to keep the same schedule otherwise it messes me up when I return to work after the weekend.”
 “I can’t ask you to give me a ride when you don’t even need to be here.”
 “But you didn’t ask,” I continue. “I offered, and really, it’d give me something to do. I have no life outside of work. I work 12-hour days Monday through Friday, and right now I’m working 3rd shift hours for the boss, who asked me to do him this favor, so outside of work, I really see no one in my life. You guys are my life during the week. I go to the gym for an hour after work, and then I get something to eat and go home and go to bed. I hate the thought of you riding your bike in subfreezing temperatures when I’m fully capable of driving you to work.”
 I honestly thought I’d gotten him to see reason. I’d even joked with him last night on and off about it, with statements like “I’ll see you at 7. Where should I pick you up at?” or “I’ll do a Facebook Live from the comfort of my warm, toasty home for your ride to work if you don’t let me take you.” But tonight, when I woke up at around 7 p.m. and write “Awake. So just do not hesitate to hop on messenger and say ‘please help come pick me up I’m such an idiot for not telling you to come get me’” I was actually expecting that he hadn’t attempted to leave on a bike at that point, since he hadn’t even signed up to work until like 9 p.m. and it was only 7. When I received the message back “I’m almost to work now” my heart sank. I feel like, to him, I look like a complete desperate, and utter repulsive subhuman being.
 I unfriended him just now, in the midst of my mental agony. The agony that comes along with the mental ailments I have. The problem with this situation is that there are no good solutions to the situations I put myself in. If I put myself out there, I’m opening myself up to rejection. If I feel rejected, then this agony happens. Nobody knows that this happens to me, so I can’t blame them, but it does, alas, happen. The alternative: Don’t ever put myself out there, and in turn, miss connecting with humans on a deeper level than just associates. It gets lonely when you work so much and, in turn, have very little interaction with those outside of work. Neither of these 2 choices are at all desirable.
 So here we are. Another broken heart, another missed connection. Just one more thing to confirm that the negative voices in my head are right about me: No one likes me. No one ever has, and no one ever will. No one likes me, much less loves me. I am unlovable. I am no one. I am a waste of space.
 The ongoing dilemma is that I have no choice but to keep this all to myself and keep on truckin like a trooper. There is no one who could be the audience to something like this. This is what the therapists call “Catastrophizing.” It comes along with the mental ailments I have. Of catastrophize Dictionary.com says: verb (used with or without object), ca·tas·tro·phized, ca·tas·tro·phiz·ing.
to view or talk about (an event or situation) as worse than it actually is, or as if it were a catastrophe: Stop catastrophizing and get on with your life! She tends to catastrophize her symptoms.
 But knowing all of the effects of mental ailments; their terms and definitions, doesn’t help you when you’re in the midst of having an “episode.” So I can sit here and duly feel like shit, and know the pointlessness of feeling like shit simultaneously. My only solace is that I actually have the experience of knowing these harsh feelings are temporary, just as temporary as my “friendship” with this coworker was. Yes, unfortunately, when you’re as far gone as I am, mentally, you don’t make much headway in the way of ongoing healthy relationships with humans. I can’t be someone’s friend if I feel rejected by them, even if I also believe that their rejection of me wasn’t really rejection, but them being polite in not asking me to do what they believe was going out of my way to help them out.
 I said above that there’s no audience that’s capable of hearing this sort of mental BS, but I was wrong: I can share it here with you guys on FaceBook, and just delete it later. After all, no one even cares about me anyway (still catastrophizing I see).
 He would rather freeze his ass off than get a ride from some lonely old man. That’s what I would call this if it were a chapter in the book of my life.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Garden = Life = Death
Alone – Nearing the End
Being alone equals mental illness. Being alone equals mental illness. No, I didn’t studder-type, that statement simply needed repeating.
 When will people wake up and realize this component of mental health?
 Human beings are inherently social creatures. Without the social component, bad things happen in the brain of the human.
 Addiction is a mental illness
Depression is a mental illness
ASPD is a mental illness.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness
Anxiety is a mental illness
OCD is a mental illness
PTSD is a mental illness
Tourette’s Syndrome is a mental illness
and many more:
These are all cogs in a much larger mechanism: The unraveling of the human brain.
 The brain is a human’s garden. Human beings have “friends” over. They’re not inviting them over to their living room, or bedroom. Before they can enter these physical realms, they first must enter through the host’s garden. Just their very presence in their buddy’s garden helps with the garden’s upkeep. The human’s presence can be thought of as some sort of a weed killing acid. This would be something you spray onto unwanted weeds. Although, in a post-Covid pandemic, eye-opening world, I’d like to consider this more of an aerosol. The non-owner of the garden, aka: the host’s guest, has a cloud surrounding him or her, and this cloud somehow leaks all over the weeds in the garden.
 Modern medicine (the psychiatric profession, that is) is getting it right, but they’re just not getting the bigger picture. So they’re setting out to get it right, but only accidentally getting it right. Cognitive therapy or chemical therapy. Chemicals, sure, mix enough of them together and something’s bound to happen in the garden, and to the garden. It’s the cognitive, however, that keeps the troubled garden’s flowers from being completely overtaken with weeds.
 See, they (the profession) think that they’re talking you through your troubles with their cognitive therapy, but in actuality, the very fact that there’s someone in the troubled person’s garden is what is actually helping, and anything they might discuss while they’re in there is the icing on the cake.
 Stop thinking of mental illness as something that happens to a person. Start thinking of mental illness as the weeds in a garden. They’re there, period. They always will grow in a garden. The only thing we can do to get rid of weeds is to have a bunch of human’s helping tend to our gardens. Without human beings our gardens WILL BE overcome with weeds, and we WILL DIE.
 Things like suicide, and addiction, they are the ultimate final destination for anyone whose garden hasn’t been regularly tended to.
We have to be careful as a species, because not only do garden owners end up with so many weeds that they kill their entire gardens, but other, more sinister weeds can end up growing in their gardens too. How many serial killers were lonely? How many mass-murderers were lonely?
 Lonesomeness will completely destroy a garden. When will the world see this?
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Unable to Grow
I say what I say in my previous post (that I just posted 10 minutes or so ago) because of my frustration that, once again, I made a post having to do with my art, and not 1 person responded (until I posted that last post 10 minutes ago - now, 1 person has “liked” my post) and it’s frustrating, because I can’t grow my audience. I can’t grow my audience, because my FB page is private. One has to be my friend to even see that I’ve posted something artst, and so there’s never any room to grow.
Now, I have about 177 unresponded-to friend-requests, but it’s hard for me to accept them for various reasons: 1) I could have been suggested to someone local (which I don’t accept from) and I wouldn’t know if they were local or not unless I had a root around their page and they actually had location shown, or 2) they could be catfishing me, and actually be local and hide that fact from me, or have a completely bogus profile just to see what’s on my page, and 3) I think FB puts you on some sort of a “spam” list, and on said list, only people who seem to add strangers get suggested only people who add strangers so that they’re all just sharing stuff with people who are too self-involved to even care because they’re doing the same thing. I think this because I’ve seen a lot of “me me me” posts. Also, I get friend-requested by a bunch of foreigners.
Suffice it to say, in my “adult” working life, I am no longer able to have an illusion online. I am no longer able to express myself creatively. Online life has become solely an extension of real life, which is kinda what “they” want, and that makes me sick to my stomach.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
I miss being able to be limitless online. I can no longer do this because I have a job. Life was more simple when I didn’t work, when all I did was go to school, and otherwise, never leave the house. I, therefore, didn’t have to worry about who saw my “art.” It isn’t just because I’m in the closet at work, it’s because one needs to be politically correct to be safe from things like being fired, not to mention online you can be whoever you wanna be, and in person you are who you are, and often times the 2 don’t align. Ho hum.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Things to Do ALONE Near Me
I googled "things to do near me" and when it brought up family-orientated or group oriented things to do, I quickly correct google by typing "things to do ALONE near me" and it brought up pretty much the same type of stuff, only this time there were articles that suggested that it's okay to do stuff alone, and gave reasons why, like "dine in a restaurant alone, and people watch" and I'm thinking, um, yeah, kinda hard to nonchalantly watch people when all eyes would be on you if you were dining in a fancy restaurant alone lol. I think the only point to this post is to say I'm alone in life, uninspired, and unfulfilled.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
Break from work
taking a break from work for a week. my supervisor crossed a line. i am just mentally, so very, very tired.
PS, better time than ever to note something like this: What I am most affected by appears to get the least attention (gets posted here without much written on it), is it because i’ve talked myself to death about it for the last 2 to 4 days or am I just that affected by it that I’m just closed up somehow? I dunno. I just dunno. Pretty sad tho that this entry’s subject is spoken less of than this little side note.
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catastrophizinglife · 2 years
People & Their Drama
What I think affects me the most is when I think I know someone’s character, and I think someone likes me, and it turns out I was wrong on both fronts. The situation that takes place just hits you like a ton of bricks, right in the face. After the incident, when you’re left to think about WTF just happened on your ride home after work in your car, you’re not left feeling any better. You’re actually left with a sour taste in your mouth about it all. These are the times in my life I wish didn’t exist. It’s unfortunate that they do exist, but it is a sad reality of the reality I call life.
The first instance in recent history happened on 5/5. The day before I had left a simple comedic message (keeping in tone with my witty self that I thought we’d all come to know and love at work (totally wrong 100% about that BTW)) for some coworkers about keeping their area tidy. The next morning (5/5) I came in to find a moderately lengthier note explaining why the concern I had was none of my business. The moderately lengthy note came from someone I thought was a friend, and who was literally a friend on FB.
The second instance that just took place today, 7/15, came after I jokingly raised my voice upon first seeing coworker in question for the night. Bear in mind we work in a factory and voices are automatically raised so that workers can hear one another. Anyway, so as the conversation progressed we were continuing to talk, voices raised. He had left me a note that I found silly. Silly because the note was asking me to do something that I’d just told him the night before that I hadn’t yet been trained on how to do that. “So did ya blah blah blah”
“Um, no? I just literally told you I didn’t get trained on that yet.”
“Yeah, but I figured so and so would help you.”
“At 2 in the morning?” I asked, obviously jokingly.
“Okay, man, you are getting angry. Wow, you’re steaming. Calm down.” This is just some of what I can remember him saying to me. He’s a drama queen, and I’ve seen him act this way with several others in my time working with him. He knows my sense of humor well, we’ve worked together for years. All he’s doing here is trying to drum up some drama so that he has something to talk about, with everyone, of course. Everyone from our coworkers to his supervisor. He is not shy about talking to his supervisor about me. His supervisor is someone I formerly considered an acquaintance at best, but consider him nothing but a hindrance now. Anyway, everyone will see right through his charade, but I’ll still get a talking to from my supervisor via his supervisor. Oh well, just one more nasty person I’ll do my best to avoid from here on out.
None of this makes any sense to me. None of this sits well with me. Not just the “episode” tonight, but in general. Lately. This year specifically (since moving from 2nd to 1st shift) I seem to be getting this sort of unexpected treatment a lot from people. What can I do though? Crawl into a little ball and cry myself to sleep? I just don’t know what really to do about it. Perhaps I should just go to work and do my job, and maybe focus on people at work who I don’t directly work in the same department as. Seems almost everyone I work directly with sees a part of me they dislike, and would appear the more I open up to people the more they turn on me, one by one. Anyway, if you’re reading this, just be glad you’re not me.
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