categorieltpff · 7 years
Chapter 19 - Moving
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Chapter 19 – Moving
A couple of days have passed since I've been out of hospital. Everything still hurts even with the painkillers. Louis also told me that I will be pressing charges against Matt before I could have told him. Ben reassured us that Louis has a high chance of winning the case. I need him to win the case. I couldn't watch him lose his dreams over me.
I was sitting at home with Niall and Theo. Everyone was helping Louis and his family, “why didn't you go today?” I asked Niall. He looked at Theo, “his been in a grump all morning and someone has to stay with you,” he replied I shook my head and it hurt, “don't tell me you don’t need anyone,” he added. I sighed, “it sucks,” I whispered. Niall nodded his head, “I'm in the same boat as you. Harry going to call every hour to see if we're both alright. If I don't answer his coming home to check,” he tells me. I laughed a little bit, “that’s going to be no help, He’ll be too late if anything happens to us,” I pointed out.
“I know. His not staying long. I think his just helping, because everyone else is,” Niall says. I nodded my head and the pain went through me, “have you taken your pills?” Niall questioned. I shook my head slowly, “they don’t work. They just make me go to sleep,” I mumbled. Niall sighed, “you got to take them. It’s ok to go to sleep,” he reassured me. I shook my head slowly again, “I got things to do,” I say. Niall raised an eyebrow, “and you’re not going to be able to them if you’re in pain. Just take some and go to sleep,” he tells me. I hated to be told to take them, “I don’t want to and you can’t make me,” I snapped. I got off the lounge and went into my room.
About an hour later laying on my bed trying to stop the pain my door opened and it was Louis, “fuck sake Niall!” I yelled. Louis sat down next to me, “so what Niall been telling me is true,” he says. I turned away from Louis, “babe. You know when you go to sleep? Your body heals faster. So, going to sleep is not a bad thing,” he pointed out. I nodded my head, “I have nightmares about what happened,” I whispered. I felt Louis hand on my hip before he kissed my shoulder, “do you want to talk about that night?” he wondered.
“No. I’m done talking about that night, but I see it everywhere I go. Every time I see Niall’s face. I feel like crying. Why can’t we just have a normal life?” I questioned. Louis kissed my shoulder again, “I don’t think we’ve ever been normal. Our first night together you punched a guy in the face and broke his nose,” he reminded me. I rolled onto my back, “great. We’re doomed to live a life of violence,” I say sarcastically. Louis shook his head before he kissed me lightly, “it will stop eventually. I don’t want a life of violence. I just can’t tell you when it will stop,” he tells me.
“At least your being honest. Everyone would tell me that it’s over. Don’t worry about it,” I mocked. Louis laid down next to me, “I can’t lie to you, because no one knows what the future holds for all of us,” he says. I put my head on his chest. It hurt, but hearing his heartbeat makes it better, “you know you can come stay with me and mum for a couple of days. I know the girls be full on, but you don’t have to see Niall,” he suggested. I looked at him, “I just feel bad. That I can’t look at Niall and mum wants to look after me,” I tell him. Louis kissed the top of my head, “no offence. Your mum works too much to look after you. Harry got Theo and Niall to look after. I can look after you and I know the girls will help,” he pointed out.
“I don’t want to become their problem and I’m sick of people worrying about me. Plus, school starts tomorrow,” I say. Louis ran his fingers up and down my arm, “then you can keep mum company,” he smiled. My fingers played with his chin, “when she due?” I asked. Louis grabbed my hand, “about four weeks, but really anytime now,” he tells me. Louis kissed my fingers, “so you both can look after each other,” he added. I shook my head, “what if I collapse on her and I send her into early labour?” I questioned.
“I’ll be home early tomorrow. I’ll skip music. Then Tuesday I’ll be home after P.E. Then Wednesday I don’t have lesson until the afternoon. Thursday is a half day and Friday I won’t be home until after football. I think with the amount of people in the house you hardly be there alone with mum,” he explained. I slowly nodded my head, “what about Daniel?” I wondered. Louis talks like he doesn’t live there anymore, “he’ll be at work most of the time,” he replied. Louis kissed the top of my head, “so is that a yes?” he asked. I looked at him, “only if it’s alright with mum and your mum. You can’t make plans and not ask them,” I tell him. Louis kissed me lightly, “I call her. To make sure,” he smiled.
After Louis called his mum and she said yes. I called my mum to explain about me staying at Louis. She was alright with it, but I could tell that she was a little bit upset. Louis was helping me pack my bag as Harry came in, “where are you going?” he wondered. I pointed at Louis, “going to stay with him for a little bit,” I say. Harry shook his head, “who going to look after you?” Harry questioned. I took in a deep breath, “my mum is. Well actually their going to look after each other,” Louis tells him. Harry was still looking at me, “Harry who was going to look after me here? Mum got work, you and Niall get to go back to school tomorrow. Gemma gone back to Uni,” I pointed out.
“I get your point, but what if something happens?” he questioned. I hugged Harry, “we will be fine. I need to get away from Niall. I’m trying to get over what happened, but every time I see his face. I think back to that night. I just need space. I love him and I love you, mum and Theo too. I just need a new environment for a little bit,” I admitted. Harry hugged me tight, “I get it, but you are coming back home. I’m not letting you live with him,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “I’ll be back. I have to tell Niall your leaving now,” he added. Harry ran out of my room to go tell Niall, “do you think Niall will understand?” I wondered.
“Niall should understand,” Louis reassured me. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, “I'm just worried that he will blame himself. He already does,” I mumbled. Louis kissed my forehead, “you also need to stop blaming yourself,” he started. I went to say something, but Louis kissed me lightly, “it not your fault. It's not Niall’s fault. It's that fuckheads fault. You two need to learn that,” he tells me. I looked at him, “I can't help it. Matt was my bad memory. Now his everyone's,” I say.
“He turned into my bad memory when I first saw your nightmares. I wanted to save you from it, but I couldn't,” Louis confessed. I placed my forehead against his chest, “he shouldn't be,” I whispered. Louis kissed the top of my head, “we're in this together,” he promised. He placed his chin on top of my head, “what this about you leaving?” We heard Niall shout before entering my room. Harry followed after him with Theo, “she just staying with me at my mums for a little bit. We all go back to school tomorrow part for Lilly. Mum and her going to look after each other. I already have a plan to be home most of the time. My sisters are going to be there too,” Louis explained.
“It's just this is her home,” Niall says. Niall looked upset, “and I will be back. I just need to get away for a little bit,” I reassured him. Niall still looked upset, “it’s just what if something happens to the both of them?” he questioned. I knew nothing would help Niall’s mind right now, “I’m going to be fine Niall. Nothing going to happen to us,” I reassured him again. Niall looked down at the floor, “and there is nothing stopping you visiting,” Louis tells him. Niall looked at us, “if anything happens to her Louis. I will hurt you, so you can never play football again,” Niall warned him. Louis nodded his head, “I’ll make sure nothing happens,” he promised.
After I finished packing my bag for the week and said goodbye to the boys. Louis and I were heading to his mum’s house, “I think Niall be around all week, but I'll make sure he goes to school,” Louis smiled. I grabbed Louis hand, “why does he make it so hard to leave?” I wondered. When we left, Niall look so sad, “I think Niall wants to protect you from everything, so you won’t get hurt again. I think when he looks at your face. He reminds himself that it’s his fault. It be a long-time before Niall learns that it’s not,” Louis tells me. I played with Louis fingers as I felt my emotions start to pile up, “maybe it be the best for both of us to get away for a little bit,” I say. Louis nodded his head, “it's going to be ok baby,” he reassured me.
“Is it tho Louis? Zayn still in hospital, Liam in rehab, Niall blames himself and he is the victim and I don't know if I can keep going. I feel so drained all the time,” I admitted. I knew I was crying, so Louis pulled the car over. He got out and came over to my door. He opened, “baby I will take you to the hospital if you feel like this,” he started. I shook my head, “that's one option or I can skip school for the week and we can go to completely new place. Because I don't want to leave you alone now. The last option is we still go to mum’s, but now I’ll be staying home,” he finished.
“I don’t want to go too far away. I’ll be alright with you at your mum’s. I won’t do anything stupid with them,” I tell him. Louis carefully wiped my eyes with the back of his hands, “do you want to go somewhere and talk before we get to mum’s? I know the girls going to attack you,” he asked. I grabbed his hands, “I’m not in the mood to talk yet. Maybe before bed,” I replied. Louis kissed me lightly, “we will stay here for a little bit,” he says. I undid my seatbelt and turned to face him. Louis put his hands on my thighs, “do you know what I want?” I questioned. Louis shook his head, “my face not to hurt, so you can kiss me properly,” I smiled a little.
“So, do I,” he whispered. He kissed me lightly, but I moved in closer. It hurt my lip, “that hurt, didn’t it?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “so does everything else that I do with my face. Yawning really hurts, touching it, sleeping and other things. I’m learning to overcome the pain,” I say. Louis kissed my forehead, “you’re taking a pain pill when you get to mine. I’m not taking a no,” he tells me. I grabbed his hands, “when I take them I feel all sleepy and still feel the pain,” I mumbled. Louis squeezed my hands, “are you sure their pain pills then?” he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “they discharged me with them. I have my prescription in my bag. I went through my handbag to find it. I gave it to Louis, “these aren’t painkillers. These are sleeping pills. I was on them for a little bit,” he admitted.
“Why would they give me sleeping pills?” I asked. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “but these ones can give you depression. If you take more than one a day and you’ve been taking them for pain,” he says. Louis looked pissed, “I’m taking you back to the hospital. To get this shit sorted,” he added. Louis stepped away from me, “Louis take a deep breath first,” I tell him. Louis took in a couple of deep breaths, “I’m still pissed,” he whispered. He walked around to the other side of the car and got in. I shut my door after I moved, “Louis what you going to do when we get there?” I wondered. Louis started driving his car, “ask why you’re on these,” he replied.
We got to the hospital and Louis jumped straight out after parked his car. I slowly got out, “Louis you need me,” I say. Louis looked at me, “I know. I’m sorry,” he apologized. He held his hand out to me and I took it. We started walking into the hospital, “we should see Zayn while we’re here,” I tell him. Louis nodded his head, “I think he would like that,” he smiled. We went to the front counter at the emergency room, “I would like to see a doctor about my partner pills that you gave her when she was discharged,” he asked nicely. I was amazed how calm Louis was as he handed her my prescription.
As she was trying to get a doctor to look over my stuff. Louis pulled me close and kissed my forehead. Louis look scared to be standing in the hospital, “you ok babe?” I asked. Louis nodded his head, “truth” I ordered. Louis kissed my forehead again, “this place has bad memories,” he whispered. I nodded my head, “we will get a good one soon,” I reassured him. Louis nodded his head, “Miss Underwood?” The nurse behind that desk wondered. I looked at her, “the doctor said they are the right pills,” she tells me. Louis shook his head, “there sleeping pills. She not having trouble sleeping. She in pain,” Louis slightly snapped. The nurse nodded her head, “if you would like to wait. I'll get another doctor to look at her,” she suggested. Louis nodded his head, “we would like that please,” Louis says.
We sat down and wait for over an hour to be seen by another doctor. He made us wait in a cubicle as he went through my file. Louis was getting restless as he sat next to me on the bed, “you don't have to be here,” I suggested. Louis nodded his head, “you’re going to have to tell him that you’re getting suicidal thoughts. So, he can check if there the tablets or if it's you,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “what if he wants to keep me in?” I wondered. Louis grabbed my hand, “then you’re going to have to even tho you don't want to. It's better to get help now before something happens,” he reassured me.
“I know. It's just I don't want to stay in a place like this. The last time I stayed I wasn't even allowed to have a pen,” I admitted. Louis played with my fingers, “when I stayed. I had to be in a hospital gown and Harry had to leave his shoes and belt at the door when he came to see me. I was under constant watch,” he confessed. I leant into Louis, “it sucked,” I mumbled. Louis agreed with me as the doctor came in.
After we told the doctor what's been going on with me. He seemed alright with me staying with Louis and his family. He also took me off the sleeping tablets and gave me proper medication. We went to see Zayn.  His mum and Perrie where there, “nice to see you two,” he smiled. He looked better than last time I saw him. He could see out of both eyes now, “was in the area,” Louis says. Zayn looked confused, “had to get Lilly’s Belle medication fixed up,” Louis added. Zayn slowly nodded his head, “I was on sleeping pills instead of pain pills,” I tell him. Zayn looked shocked, “dickhead,” he whispered.
“But enough of that. How have you been?” I asked. We sat down on a couple of chairs near his bed, “much better. Might to get to go home tomorrow,” he says. Zayn mum was glaring at me, so I grabbed Louis hand, “what about you?” Zayn wondered. I squeezed Louis hand, “staying at Louis’s house for the week since no one going to be home at mine,” I tell him. Zayn raised an eyebrow, “how does Harry and Niall feel about it?” He questioned. I played with Louis fingers, “upset, but alright with it. They go back to school tomorrow and Louis’s house I've got his mum,” I say. Zayn’s mum was still glaring at me, “why do you get a week off and Niall has to go back?” Perrie asked.
“Because I blacked out and really couldn't stay awake,” I replied. Perrie nodded her head, “and Niall really only got a cut on his head and couple of bruises,” Louis pointed out. Louis squeezed my hand to stop me from playing with his fingers, “has Harry been fussing over him?” Perrie wondered. I nodded my head, “last night Theo tried to grab Niall’s stitches, so Harry didn't let Theo anywhere near Niall,” I smiled. Zayn and Perrie laughed, “but Harry did leave me and Niall at home today with Theo. Until Niall rang Louis, because I didn’t want to take my pills,” I added.
“It was a good thing tho or you wouldn't have found out that they were sleeping pills,” Zayn pointed out. I nodded my head as a nurse came in, “sorry to say visiting hours are over,” she tells us. Perrie and his mum hugged him before Louis and I did, “hey don't worry about me or anything right now. Just get better,” Zayn tells me. I gave him a small nod, “the same goes for you,” I say. Zayn smiled a little bit, “I'm trying, but I am worried about Liam tho. His going through hell right now. But in the end, it's for the better,” he admitted.
When we went out into the hall Zayn mum was waiting for us. She didn't look happy, “this is all your fault,” she spat at me. Louis pulled me behind him, “it’s not her fault,” Louis tells her. Louis was trying to stay calm, “then how did my son get hurt?” she questioned. I grabbed Louis hand, “by the same guy that attacked her and Niall,” Louis says. Louis squeezed my hand, “Zayn tells me that it was the same guy that attacked her all those years ago. He wanted to finish the job,” she sneered. Louis looked pissed, “so it’s her fault that she got attacked in the first place? That’s sick,” Louis snapped. Zayn’s mum was staring hard at us, “you know your life would be easy without her,” she whispered.
“Shut up!” Louis shouted. I held onto his hand tight, “that’s were your wrong. My life would be worst off without her,” Louis admitted. I ran my hand up and down his forearm, “what is going on out here?” Zayn wondered. He stood in the doorway of his room, “your mum blaming Lilly for you getting hurt. She also said our lives would be better without her,” Louis tells him. Zayn looked at his mum, “I've told you over and over again that it not her fault. The one should be blaming is the one that attacked us. Lilly was trying to save Niall. It's not her fault that it was the same guy from her past,” Zayn snapped. Zayn looked pissed at his mum, “if I didn’t help. I fear that they would have be worse and something that they couldn’t recover from,” he added.
“It’s ok Zayn. Just go back to bed. Lilly and I are going home,” Louis reassured him. Zayn looked upset, so I hugged him, “thank you,” I whispered. Zayn wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, “I really didn’t do much,” he says. I rubbed his back, “but you still tried,” I smiled a little. Zayn kissed the top of my head again, “go and get some rest,” he tells me. I hugged him tight before I let go. Louis hugged and they whispered something in each other’s ears.
When Louis and I finally got to his mum’s house. Louis looked happy, “now remember the girls are going to hang around you, but I can tell them to go away,” he says. I shook my head, “I think people that want me around is all I need,” I smiled. Louis laughed a little bit as he shook his head, “I want you,” he whispered. I kissed his cheek, “you always want me,” I tell him. Louis kissed me lightly, “hey. Don’t worry about Zayn’s mum. She just looking at someone to blame that she can see,” he reassured me. I kissed his nose, “but we better get in there. I know that they know we’re here,” he added.
Louis and I got inside to his mum house and the Daisy and Phoebe hugged me straight away. Louis pulled them back once he saw the pain in my face, “remember what I said about Lilly Belle?” Louis asked them. Both girls nodded their heads and said sorry to me. Fizzy and Lottie hugged me carefully, “I can’t believe you saying for a week. I thought it was bad enough with Louis living here,” Fizzy smiled. I looked at Louis since he never told me that he moved back in, “we will talk about that later,” he says. I gave him a small nod, “come see mum,” Daisy tells me.
Louis mum was sitting in the lounge room. Her belly was huge, “I would get up, but I finally got comfy,” she smiled. I sat down next to her and hugged her, “thanks for letting me stay,” I tell her. Daisy sat next to me before Louis could sit down, “it’s alright, but according to Louis. We both need to be baby sat,” she teased. Louis was smiling at us, “well since Daisy took my spot. I’m going to grab your bag and put it in my room,” he tells us. He left the room, “Lilly Belle can you colour with me?” the twins asked.
“Girls she just got here. Let her rest and then maybe,” Johanna tells them. The twins started pouting, “Lottie, Fizzy. Can you help the girls set up?” Johanna asked. All the girls left us, “sorry to say, but your week going to be like that when they are home,” she smiled. I shrugged my shoulders, “I really don’t mind. It might be a nice change,” I smiled. Johanna laughed a little bit, “do you know the only reason that your sleeping in Louis room? Is because your injured,” she informed me. I laughed a little bit, “if I put you in with the girls. He would be checking on you every hour and he knows the rules about sex in my house,” she added. I nodded my head, “do you want to know them?” she wondered. I kept nodding my head, so she told me the rules.
When she was finished, Louis came back, “where are the girls?’ he questioned. he sat down next to me, “setting up to colour in,” I say. Louis gave me a small nod, “oh I just told Lilly the rules about sex in this house,” Johanna tells him. Louis grabbed my hand, “they don’t mean anything since your injured,” he smiled. Johanna just looked at him, “still nothing,” Johanna warned him. Louis nodded his head, “Lilly Belle we’re ready!” Daisy shouted. I went to get up, but my back really hurt. Louis noticed straight away, “what hurt?” he wondered. I pointed to my back, “it feels like my cuts just opened up,” I tell him.
“Daisy can you grab the first aid kit? please,” Johanna asked. Daisy ran off, “when the last time you changed it?” Johanna wondered. I started thinking, “when I left hospital. They just told me to wrap it up when I go in the shower,” I replied. Johanna shook her head, “it should be changed every two days,” she says. Louis mumbled something under his breath, “Louis get a clean towel,” she ordered. Louis ran off, “I’m sorry to be a pain in the arse already,” I apologized. Johanna hugged me, “it’s ok,” she reassured me.
When Louis came back with the towel and the first aid kid. He sat back down next to me, “I told the girls to stay out,” he tells us. He put everything down on the coffee table, “you’re going to have to do this Lou. I can’t reach her,” Johanna says. Louis took a deep breath, “Lilly hunny. Take your pants off and sit on the foot rest,” Johanna added. I felt embarrassed taking my pants off in front of her, however I did what I was told. Louis lifted my top up to my shoulders, “is this from the glass on the floor?” Johanna questioned.
“Yeah it is. Harry tells me they were pulling pieces out in the hospital,” I say. I felt the back of Louis hand down my back, “mum you’re going to have to tell me what to do,” Louis tells her. I could hear worry on Louis voice, “start by carefully removing the old gauze. It looks like it attached to the wound, so it’s going to hurt,” she informed the both of us. I felt Louis fingers trembling on my back as he grabbed the top of the gauze. He slowly pulled it down and I felt it tear at my cut. It hurt, “breathe Lilly,” Johanna tells me. I shook my head and Louis stopped, “Lilly hunny,” Johanna started. I looked at her, “grab the towel and scream into it. Because if we don’t do this now. It’s going to get worse,” she finished.
“I know,” I whispered. I grabbed the towel and put my face in it. As soon as Louis started pulling it off again I screamed into the towel. Louis stopped, “mum I can’t do this,” he tells her. I looked at him and he looked stressed, “I’m alright. Just keep going,” I reassured him. Louis took in a deep breath, “ok let’s keep going,” he says.
It took Louis over ten minutes to take off the gauze, “mum there a lot of blood,” Louis said in a panic. It felt like Louis opened most of my cuts, “grab the towel and push it against her cuts. Yes, it’s going to hurt, but do it,” Johanna ordered. Louis took the towel from me and pushed it against my back. It hurt, so I bit my lip not trying to scream.
After a while Louis moved the towel away, “now you’re going to have to clean them,” Johanna started. She moved in closer to us and gave me a pillow, “sorry it’s going to hurt again,” she apologized. I don’t know who she was telling more, so I hid my face into the pillow. Louis carefully started cleaning my cuts and it stung. I tried not to scream this time, but I was getting tired. I just wanted it to stop, “nearly done baby,” Louis cooed. Johanna grabbed my hand, “tell me something,” she says. I looked at her, “when did Louis move in?” I wondered.
“Today. We were putting in his furniture when Niall called him about you,” she tells me. Johanna looked happy to have her son back home, “plus I know his girlfriend with kill him if he screws up,” she added. I nodded my head, “dam right I will,” I groaned. Johanna squeezed my hand, “how far has he gotten with his room?” I asked. I need this conversation to keep going. It was distracting me from the pain, “I think his bed been built, but I think that’s it. You should have seen him and Harry put it together. They were both arguing and doing it wrong. If it weren’t for Josh, Louis bed still be in pieces,” Johanna smiled.
“And it’s now a double bed. My room is smaller here, but it’s worth it,” Louis tells me. I laughed a little bit, “great you’re going to be right next to me,” I teased. Louis laughed a little bit, “but we would have more room than your old single bed,” he pointed out. I nodded my head, “do you realize that I’m sitting here?” Johanna questioned. Both Louis and I nodded our heads, “you do realize that I got Lilly Belle pregnant?” Louis says. Louis straight away realize what he said, “sorry,” he whispered.
“It's ok,” I reassured him. Johanna squeezed my hand, “that's why there is no sex in my house,” she tells us. I nodded my head, “well I'm done. Now what?” Louis wondered. Louis put his hands on my hips, “Lilly can have a shower while you make your bed,” Johanna tells us. Louis groaned, “I hate making my bed,” he whined. Louis put his forehead on my back, “well your girlfriend looks tired after all that and could probably use a nap. I think it would be nice to have clean sheets on the bed,” Johanna pointed out. I grabbed Louis hand, “ok,” he whispered. I stood up slowly, “I don't know where the bathroom is,” I say.
“Louis will show you and then he is going to make his bed,” Johanna tells me. Louis stood up, “when your done in the shower came back and see me. I’ll cover your cuts,” she added. I gave her a small nod before I looked down at the mess. The old gauze was gross covered in blood and gunk. Then I noticed the bloody towel, “it's ok babe. I'll clean it up,” Louis says. He carefully pushed me out of the lounge room and into the hallway, “you can use whatever in the bathroom. It’s just mine and the girls, but Lottie would kill you if you use her shampoo,” Louis tells me. I nodded my head as we walked into the bathroom. It was a big family bathroom with a long bath, “can you lay down in that bath?” I wondered.
“I haven't tried, but the twins fit in it with room,” he replied. Louis grabbed a couple of towels, “don't spend too long. You can't really get you stitches wet,” he informs me. He started walking out of the bathroom, so I pouted. He back over to me a kissed me lightly, “not having a shower with you. Got to keep to mum's rules. Even tho I really want to,” he says. I kissed him, “I just wanted a kiss. I know all the rules,” I tell him. Louis kissed my nose, “but can you unclip my bra? It hurts to reach,” I asked. Louis slowly unclipped my bra without looking, “that's unfair,” he whispered. He kissed me before he left.
After I was done in the shower I went into the lounge room. Johanna fixed me up and then told me to get some rest. When I found Louis’s room he was just finished making the bed, “you do look tiered,” he says as he looked at me. His room was really small compared to his other one. His double bed takes up most of the room, “can you help me get dress? I just need help putting my bra and top on,” I wondered. Louis nodded his head, “you don’t have to put a bra on. It’s a house full of girls and me,” he tells me. So, what about when Daniel comes home? No one mentioned him, “aww Louis lives with girls,” I teased.
“At least I get to come home to someone now,” he pointed out. I acted offended, but it hurt a little, “don’t give me that face. Ever since you moved in with your mum. I hardly see you. I miss us going home together,” he says. I kissed his cheek, “soon it just be me and mum,” I whispered. Louis got a top out of my bag, “they be around all the time. I just think they want to walk around naked and fuck anywhere,” he smiled. Louis carefully put my top over my head, “how are they going to do it? Is mum going to pay for everything?” I questioned.
“I don’t think they have thought that far ahead. I think Harry just got excited to have house. Maybe you should see how they’re going to do it,” Louis suggested. I nodded my head as Louis grabbed a pair of knickers, “I can finish dressing myself,” I tell him. I take my knickers off of him and slowly bent down. It hurt a little, but it was something I was going to have to get used to, “I’m putting on your pants,” Louis laughed a little bit. I glared at him as he got my track pants out, “now be good. I don’t want to hurt you or break mum’s rules,” he smirked.
“Why would you be breaking your mum’s rules?” I wondered. Louis knelt down on the floor, “because,” he started. He kissed one of my thighs, “I can’t help myself,” he whispered against my skin. He kissed my other thigh, “Lou,” I mumbled. He looked up at me, “rules,” I reminded him. Louis sighed as he let me step into my track pants. He pulled them up for me, “now don’t start breaking the rules, because your horny. Plus, it hurts me at the moment. You just going to learn how to wait again,” I tell him.
“It was hard enough waiting twenty-four hours to kiss you. You know the first day I met you. I wanked in the boy’s bathroom after physics,” he admitted. I shook my head, “how do you survive when I’m on my period?” I questioned. Louis looked at the floor, “wanking and you have blown me off a couple times. Like Christmas night,” he replied. He smiled at me, “you not getting a blowjob. My face hurts for that shit,” I snapped. I sat on the bed, “I’m going to sleep,” I added. I got under the covers, “and I will be back,” Louis says.
Ten minutes later Louis came back with a glass of water and my pain killers, “you can take them now or when we wake up,” he informs me. Louis got in right next to me after he took his pants off. He carefully wrapped his arm around me as I face him. He kissed my forehead, “sorry about before, but in my defence. I was only going to give you oral,” he apologized. I kissed him lightly, “still would have hurt me,” I pointed out. I pointed to my face, “it hurts to yawn,” I added.
“But also, you can't make any nose, so you would be bitting the pillow,” he smirked. I shook my head as Louis moved his hand to my bottom, “still no,” I tell him. Louis pushed me closer to him, “I'm going to sleep Louis,” I reminded him. Louis moved so I was under his chin, “go to sleep babe,” he whispered.
When I woke up Louis was gone, but his bedroom door was open a little bit. I slowly got out to bed to find him. It was weird staying with him this time. The house was actually full of people, “good to see your awake,” I heard Fizzy say. I saw her standing in the doorway of the dining room, “dinner ready,” she added. I followed her to the dining room to see my mum sitting at the table, “mum,” I smiled. I quickly went over to her and hug her, “how are you?” She smiled back.
“Alright now,” I replied. I sat down next to her, “Jo told me what happened with your back. I'm sorry I should have changed it,” Mum apologized. I shook my head, “don't worry about it. Plus, I think Lou was more traumatised by it,” I reassured her. Louis sat down on the other side of me and he smelt like smoke, “when you going to give that up?” I asked him. Louis looked down at his lap, “soon,” he promised. Lottie and Fizzy started coming in with dinner, “we cooked so you better eat it,” Lottie says. She put a bowl of spaghetti down in front of me and mum. We look at it before we tried some and it was good, but it felt like it was missing something. Mum looked like she was thinking, “girls did you put any garlic in it?” she questioned.
“Um no,” Fizzy mumbled. Louis got up and went into the kitchen, “still not bad girls tho,” Mum reassured them. Louis came back out holding garlic powder, “just put some on the top and mix it in,” Louis tells us.
After we all added garlic to our spaghetti. We started eating, “now everyone got everything for school tomorrow? Louis will be dropping you off, so I want you ready. I don’t want him to be late,” Johanna asked. All the girls nodded their heads, but I stopped Louis from saying something, “you’re going tomorrow. I’ll be alright now,” I whispered. Louis slowly nodded his head, “I’ll make that decision after we talk,” he whispered back. He smiled big at me and I rolled my eyes. Louis put his hand on my thigh, “you’re lucky there's rules,” he smirked. I laughed a bit, “and you’re going to keep to them?” I questioned. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “what you and Lilly Belle talking about?” Daisy asked.
“Just random stuff,” Louis replied. Johanna was looking at me, “which is code for adult stuff,” Fizzy pointed out. I shook my head, “Louis doesn’t like been told what to do,” I say. The girls laughed at him, “Louis can you came here for a minute?” Johanna asked. Louis looked confused as he stood up before he went over to her. She whispered something in his ear and Louis shook his head. He said something back which made Johanna smile at him. Louis sat back down next to me, “it’s ok,” he whispered.
When dinner was finished Louis and I were doing the dishes, “did they use every single dish in the kitchen?” Louis wondered. I shook my head, “at least they cooked. I’ll like to see you try,” I tell him. Louis wrapped his arms around me from behind as I was washing the dishes, “you know we have a dishwasher?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “and that’s full,” I say. I felt Louis shake his head, “but that is also breakfast and lunch dishes,” I added.
“It was Lottie turn to do the breakfast dishes and I was meant to do the lunch dishes, but had to see someone,” he says. I turned around in his arms, “then you can dry,” I smiled. Louis kissed me lightly, “what if I don't want too?” He smirked. I pushed him away and turned around, “then get out of the kitchen,” I tell him. Louis picked up a tea towel, “good boy,” I whispered. Louis kissed my neck, “you’re lucky that I love you,” he whispered in my ear.
“Or what?” I wondered. Louis grabbed my hips, “I would have smacked your arse,” he says. I shook my head as I looked at him, “the only thing that stopped you is that your family home,” I pointed out. Louis shook his head, “I don’t want to hurt you,” he admitted. Louis kissed my shoulder, “you wanna know what mum said to me during dinner?” he asked. I slowly nodded my head, “she asked me if I wanted to hurt you, because you rolled your eyes at me. I told her that I don’t care about that anymore. All because of you,” he tells me. I turned to look at him before I kissed him, “it is a little bit upsetting that she asked, but I get why,” he added. I kissed him again, “you’re not that person anymore,” I reassured him.
Once Louis and I finished all the dishes. I sat at the dining room table with the girls. I was drawing the view of the lake from Louis’s spot. It’s a task for art that I was meant to finish during the holidays. However, as I was drawing I felt eyes on me, “where that’s place?” Lottie asked. I looked at her, “it’s the lake me, Louis and the others went to,” I replied. Mum came in with Johanna, “oh wow that’s beautiful,” Johanna says. I felt my cheeks get hot, “thanks,” I mumbled.
“She doesn’t like compliments,” Mum tells her. Johanna and mum sat at the table, “what's Louis doing?” Johanna wondered. I stopped drawing, “finishing his room hopefully,” I smiled. They laughed, “most likely his sitting on his bed,” Johanna says. I went back to drawing, so I could finish the outline before tomorrow. Louis told me that it wasn’t a good idea to use my watercolours around the twins. Because the most likely want to use them, “so you going to be alright here for the week?” mum asked. I nodded my head, “we have rules,” I smiled.
“What kind of rules?” mum questioned. I looked at the girls, “rules about adult stuff,” Johanna says. Mum slowly nodded her head, “it’s only, because of the girls. It’s not like they haven’t done it before. However, I will give them the safe talk again,” Johanna added. Mum nodded her head, “it’s not like we can stop them now,” mum smiled. I just looked at them, “it’s not nice when they talk about you. When you’re in the room,” Fizzy says. I nodded my head, “what adult rules are they talking about?” Lottie asked
“Ask them,” I smiled. Lottie was confused, “mum? What are these adult rules?” she questioned. We all looked at her, “just some rules that Lilly and Louis have to follow,” Johanna replied. Lottie looked more confused, but the she realized what she was talking about, “that's just gross,” she says. I laughed at her as Louis walked in, “your gross Louis,” Lottie tells him. Louis was confused, “what did I do?” He wondered.
“Have sex,” Lottie replied. Louis just smiled at her, “you think that now,” he says. Louis stood behind me, “no she going to think that forever,” Johanna says. Louis put his hands on my shoulders, “how are you meant to get grand babies?” Louis questioned. I grabbed Louis hands, “from the sky,” Phoebe smiled. Johanna and Louis both nodded their heads, “anyway I’m going to have a smoke and getting ready for bed,” Louis tells us. I know he was telling me more, so we could have that talk. He kissed the top of my head before he went outside.
I packed up my art stuff before saying goodnight to everyone. I sat on Louis bed waiting for him. When he came in he smelt like smoke, “go have a shower and brush your teeth before you think about coming to bed,” I tell him. Louis looked shocked, “what's with the attitude about me smoking?” He asked. Louis got some clothes out of his bag, “I don't smoke anymore, so I don't want smell or taste it,” I replied. Louis kissed my forehead and I pushed him away, “I mean it,” I added. Louis sighed as he walked out of his room.
Louis was back in ten minutes all freshly showered. He was just wearing a pair of grey track pants, “better?” He questioned. I nodded my head as I opened my arms to him. He came straight over to me on the bed. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. He fell onto the bed next to me, “so babe if I keep smoking. You’re not going to kiss me?” He wondered. I nodded my head since this was the only way I could think of, “it's just so hard. I wish I could be like you and stop, but I can't,” he admitted. I rubbed his back, “I know it is, but I could make it better for you,” I tell him.
“How?” He asked. Louis moved, so he could put his head in my lap, “every month that you don't smoke. We could do anything you want,” I tell him. A smirk came on Louis face, “anything?” He asked. I nodded my head, “but if you smoke once in that month you start at the beginning,” I warned him. I leant down and kissed him, “I reward you for a month soon,” he smiled. I kissed him again, “I better start thinking then,” I smiled back.
“Well we see Hunter around that time. Maybe we can stay the night out,” he suggested. I laughed a little, “who said I wanted sex?” I wondered. Louis shook his head, “I didn't. You just did tho,” he pointed out. I ran my fingers through his wet hair, “you know I thought I was going to get New Year’s sex, but I ended up in hospital and you ended up in jail,” I confessed. Louis just looked at me, “we also haven't had sex this year,” I added.
“I thought our relationship wasn't all about sex,” Louis reminded me. I kissed him, “I know, but I do get horny too,” I tell him. Louis smirked at me, “are you horny now?” He asked. I bit my bottom lip, “a little. You all wet turns me on,” I admitted. Louis sat up slowly, “you all wet turns me on,” he says. Louis ran his fingers slowly up my arm, “babe I'm scared to hurt you,” he whispered.
“Face stopped hurting after my nap,” I tell him. Louis shook his head, “I’m talking about your back,” he pointed out. The only reason why I’m offering sex to Louis was because I didn’t want to talk about that night. I just hope he doesn’t remember, “why can’t we just have that talk?” he questioned. I sighed as I moved away from him, “there is no point in that talk. We found out that it was the sleeping pills giving me those bad thoughts,” I tell him.
“But you still had them. It worries me that you still had them,” he confessed. I shook my head, “and you were about to use sex to distract me. So, there must be a problem,” he added. I shook my head again, “why do we got to keep talking about that night? I want to move pass that,” I wondered. Louis put his hands on my thighs, “then tell me why you felt like giving up. There is more to your life then that day,” he tells me.
“It was everyone day. So much damage by one guy,” I started. Louis stopped me, “and that’s not your fault,” he interrupted. I grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers, “what if it was a different guy? Would you still feel like this?” Louis questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “personally I don’t think you would. It’s just because it’s the same guy from your past. You feel like it’s your fault. You keep forgetting that Niall was the victim first and you went to save him. You had no clue that it was him,” he reassured me. He kissed me lightly, “I think you’re the bravest person that I have ever met,” he added.
“Or the most stupid person,” I say. Louis kissed me, “that too sometimes,” he teased. I know Louis has a point about not being my fault. It's just Matt just gets under my skin, “you know every night this week we will be talking before bed,” he tells me. I put his face between my hands, “better go home with mum then,” I joked. I kissed him, “are you going to school tomorrow?” I asked. Louis kissed my nose, “you going to do art tomorrow?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “nearly finished the outline, but our mums decided to talk about us and the rules,” I tell him.
“Oh, that now explains Lottie comment,” he says. I straddled Louis lap, “don’t think about it babe,” he warned me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I’m doing nothing,” I smirked. Louis ran his hands from my thighs to my bottom, “I should go to bed. I have school in the morning,” he smiled. I played with the back of his hair, “maybe you should, but it is only nine o’clock,” I whispered. Louis laid down and I went with him, “you’re lucky that I locked the door,” he says.
“Oh really?” I questioned. I pushed myself up, so I was sitting up straight. I ran my hands down his chest to the tops of his track pants, “you know you’re going to hurt yourself if we do something,” he pointed out.  I shrugged my shoulders, “we’re also breaking mum’s rules,” he added. I nodded my head, “but I haven't done anything yet. So, we haven't broken any rules and she did leave out dry humping,” I smirked. Louis smirked back at me, “oh loop holes,” he says. I started grinding down on him, but Louis sat up, “keep going babe. I just want to kiss you,” he groaned.
“Just remember my back. I know how you like to get grabby,” I tell him. I started grinding down on him again as he kissed me. I could feel Louis member against me, “stand up babe,” Louis whispered in my ear. I stood up carefully and Louis slowly pulled my track pants down. He kissed up both of my thighs, “we’re breaking the rules,” he says. Louis grabbed the sides of my knickers and pulled them straight down. Louis moved my legs, so I would step out of my pant and knickers. I just looked at him as he looked up at me, “baby get on all fours,” he ordered.
“Lou,” I whispered. Louis gently pulled me down by my hands. I knelt in front of him, “just don't make any noise and nobody would know,” he tells me. He kissed me as I felt his hands under my top. He squeezed my breast gently and I gave him a small moan into his mouth. Louis slowly pulled my top over my head before throwing it onto the floor. I looked down at him and his member was sticking out of the top of his track pants. I ran my fingers over it, “oh baby,” he whispered. I started pulling down his track pants until he got the hint. He moved me, so he could take them off. He kissed me, “on all fours,” he says.
“Why?” I questioned. Louis kissed me again, “trust me,” he tells me. Louis moved, so I could get on all fours. What surprised me was Louis laid right between my legs, “bend your knees, so you’re practically sitting on my face,” he ordered. I looked at him, “just do it,” he ordered. Louis wrapped his arms around my thighs as I lowered myself down. Louis started licking around my button and I bit my bottom lip. I let myself fall to the bed, so I could muffle my moans with the blanket.
Louis kept going until I stopped him, “I want more,” I puffed. Louis moved, so he was behind me, “this is not hurting you?” He asked. I shook my head, “I want words baby,” he demanded. Louis ran his hand over my bottom, “no it's not,” I tell him. Louis helped me sit up, “you got to be on top,” he says. I nodded my head as Louis went into his bag. He grabbed a condom out be for laying down completely. I grabbed the condom from him and put it on him. I straddled his thighs, “if it starts to hurt. We stop,” he ordered. I nodded my head as I slowly sunk down onto him until there was nothing left. I let the feeling take over before I started moving up and down on him, “fuck,” I swore.
“No noise baby,” he reminded me. I bit my bottom lip trying to make no noise, but it was hard for me. It felt like it's been months since me and Louis did this. Louis ran his hands up my thighs, “come here baby,” Louis whispered.  I leant over to him and he kissed me, “your bitting your lip too hard,” he smiled. Louis kissed me again as we sat up. I started moving up and down on him again as we kept kissing.
We kept going at the same pace until Louis wanted to go faster. He grabbed my hips and started thrusting in and out of me fast. I hid my face into his neck trying to hide my moans. I ended up bitting his shoulder to keep quiet. I dug my nails into his sides as I felt myself cum. Louis kept going until he came also. We just sat there catching our breath, “fuck you’re a bad girl,” Louis puffed. I smiled as I kissed him, “no. I was just going to dry hump. You’re the one who took my clothes off,” I pointed out.
“You didn't stop me,” he smirked. I kissed him, “well we should put our clothes back on and go to bed now. You have to get up early to go school,” I teased. Louis pouted as he nodded his head. I slowly got off of him and put my clothes back on. Louis stopped me from putting on my track pants, “you can put them on when you wake up,” he tells me. He kissed my neck as he lifted the back of my top up. I felt him move my gauze, “no damage,” he says. He made sure to put it back after he kissed my back.
After Louis got dressed we laid in bed. I was looking at him as he was looking at the ceiling. I put my hand on his chest, “what are you thinking about?” I wondered. He looked at me, “wondering if I can do school without you this week. School getting harder now,” he admitted. I ran my fingers backwards and forwards on his chest, “just take a lot of notes and don't forget to get to get my schoolwork. So, when you come home we can work on it together,” I reassured him. I kissed his shoulder, “so my school day doesn't finish when I get home?” He questioned.
“Sorry to say. Not anymore,” I tell him. Louis grabbed my hand on his chest, “at least I got you as a study buddy,” he smiled. I nodded my head, “but go to sleep or we aren’t breaking any more rules this week,” I ordered. Louis looked surprised, “well goodnight then teacher,” he says. He kissed me, “goodnight my very hot student,” I tell him.
**** A couple days pass and I was still at Louis mum’s house. Louis and his family went out and I decided to stay home. I just didn't feel like doing anything. Louis was alright leaving me alone for a couple of hours, but he was constantly messaging me. I understand why he was doing it, however it was every five minutes.
As they were gone I was doing the schoolwork that Louis brought home for me. I made myself comfy on the dining room table since I knew when they got home the girls were straight to bed. I was working on some physics stuff and messaging Louis at the same time. However, my computer decided to crash and didn't want to turn back on. Louis said I could use his, so I did.
When I started writing my assignment up, I heard a knock at the front door. My heart started beating fast as I slowly worked my way there. As I got to the front door I couldn't breathe, “Lilly it's just me Niall!” He shouted. I open the door quickly and Niall straight away hug, “deep breath,” he started. I took in a deep breath, “now follow my breathing,” he continued. Niall was breathing deep and slow and I tried to mimic him, “that’s it,” he cooed.
Niall and I stayed there until I was calm, “feeling better now?” He asked. I nodded my head, “thank you,” I whispered. Niall kissed the top of my head, “how about I make us a cuppa?” He suggested. I nodded my head again as Niall stepped back. He kept an arm around me as he shut the front door.
Niall and I sat next to each other in the dining room table. I noticed that Niall cut on his forehead was healing nicely and that his stitches were gone. His bruises were also fading. He was looking at my school work, “how much schoolwork you've done?” He wondered. I knew he was thinking that Louis takes up most of my time, “doing my physics assignment now on Louis computer,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head as he looked at Louis computer, “what's wrong with your computer?” He wondered. He grabbed my computer, “it crashed and now won't turn on,” I tell him. Niall tried to turn it on, “how long have you had it?” He asked.
“A while now,” I say. Niall looked like he was thinking, “I think you need a new one,” he smiled. I shrugged my shoulders, “I don't want to ask mum. She does a lot for me,” I admitted. Niall nodded his head, “but how are you meant to do schoolwork?” He questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “you’re going to have to ask or you’re not going to be able do anything,” he pointed out. I sighed as I nodded my head, “I'll ask when I see her next,” I say.
“Your coming home this weekend,” he tells me. I smiled at him, “what if I want to stay another week,” I started. Niall shook his head, “it's fun here. I do arts and crafts with the girls every night,” I continued. Niall stopped me, “you have to come home. I need you. I sat in your room after I found kitchen plans in Harry stuff. Do you know why he is looking at the shit?” He wondered.
“Nope,” I lied. Niall knew I was lying, “has he got your mum’s house? The one you grew up in. He always talked about doing it up and living there,” Niall questioned. I knew I couldn't say anything, but I gave him a small nod, “you’re not meant to know. He wants you, him and Theo to live there when he turns eighteen,” I blurted out. Niall looked shocked, “How? We have no jobs and I can’t have Anne pay for everything. I also really like having you around. We talk about anything,” he rambled. I grabbed his hand, “your scared to raise Theo by yourself,” I pointed out.
“Of course, I am. I still don’t know what I’m doing with him. Anne helps without getting in the way. She tells me what to do. Unless I’m emotionally drained. I understand that if I was older that it would just be me and Harry, but I would have learnt more about life. Like how to look after myself better, so I can look after him. We were just surviving before we moved in with Harry. I used to forget to get nappies and formula, so we would run out,” he confessed. Niall looked upset, so I hugged him, “I’m just a kid still. Making mistakes,” he mumbled. I rubbed his back, “even adults make mistakes still,” I reassured him. I rubbed his back, “but when a child’s life in your hand. One of those mistakes could cost a lot,” he says.
“Yes, but you are going to try and not make one,” I tell him. Niall moved back from me and his eyes were red, “Niall we’re not going to fail like our parents, because we know better than that,” I added. Niall nodded his head, “we’re better than them,” he smiled. Niall kissed my cheek, “can we talk about something different?” he asked. I nodded my head, “so you and Louis been breaking any rules? He told me that you have rules,” Niall questioned. I looked away, “I’ll take that as a yes,” he smirked.
“Just Sunday night. We haven’t since then. Louis been tired,” I say. Niall gave me the sad face, “just jump him. We all know he can’t say no to you,” he smirked. I slowly nodded my head, “it’s just I can’t be on my back still and I make too much noise on top,” I tell him. Niall laughed a little, “what about doggy? Simple, but effective,” he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “or reverse cowgirl. There also one where you both lay on your sides facing each other,” he added.
“How do you do the face to face one?” I wondered. Niall thought for a second, “just make sure your both naked and his hard. Throw your leg over his hip and push him in,” Niall explained. I slowly nodded my head, “I think I can do that tonight,” I smiled. Niall quickly nodded his head, “I’ve done it. Part from my leg has to go higher. Got to get it in the hole,” he says. I laughed a little bit, “have you blown him yet?” Niall asked. I shook my head, “he doesn't want to hurt my face. Even tho it stopped hurting yesterday,” I tell him.
“Harry the same,” Niall smiled. I looked at my schoolwork, “Maybe I could reward him when he does schoolwork, but we have a high chance of getting caught here. I actually miss Louis living on his own. We had the whole house to ourselves. I remember Louis fingering me against the front door. If we did that here or at home someone be there,” I admitted. Niall laughed a little, “sounds like your sex deprived and need to get laid,” he teased.
“When the last time you got laid?” I questioned. Niall smiled big at me, “this afternoon when Theo went for his afternoon nap,” he replied. I rolled my eyes, “I was top too,” he added. I pushed him a little, “Louis ruined me,” I whispered. Niall nodded his head, “he made you all sex crazy, but I don’t blame you. I’ve seen Louis naked,” he smirked. I bit my lip as nodded my head, “you’re so breaking the rules tonight,” Niall says.
Niall and I talked while I tried to do some schoolwork. Everyone got back just after nine and the girls went straight to bed. Niall left not long after that, so Louis and I decided to go in his room. I made sure that I locked the door, “did you have fun?” I asked. Louis nodded his head, “it was nice to get out and drive a van full of girls. They were fighting,” he replied. Louis looked stressed, “what happened?” I wondered. Louis was getting his school bag ready, “Lottie bumped into some people from school and wanted to hang out with them while mum took the other girls shopping. Fizzy told Lottie that's not fair since it was meant to be a family outing. However, while this was going on one of Lottie’s friends was trying to crack onto me. I told her that I had a girlfriend and don't date little girls. Then the bitch took it out on Lottie and now it's my fault. Lottie hates me, Fizzy told her to fuck off and the twins cried. Then mum cried and then I nearly had a shit fit, but didn't. I didn't want to put mum under stress,” Louis explained.
“Oh baby,” I cooed. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his back, “I don't want Lottie to hang out with those people. They will send her down the wrong road and she'll end up like me before you,” he confessed. It sounds like they all had a bad night, “let's just go to bed,” I tell him. Louis shook his head, “I need a shower and brush my teeth. I was smoking a lot tonight and I have to keep to your rules,” he snapped slightly. I turned him around and kissed him hard, “don't you dare start taking it out on me,” I warned him. Louis looked shocked, “kiss me again baby,” he begged. I kissed him again and Louis pushed me into him, “I taste like smoke,” he smiled against my lips.
“That you do,” I say. Louis kissed my nose, “you taste like tea,” he pointed out. I nodded my head, “now what taste better?” I asked. Louis kissed me again, “tea, but I know a lot of other things that taste better,” he smirked. I kissed his chin, “if you’re talking about yourself. It tastes salty,” I tell him. I kissed down his throat, “you know since I take those painkillers? My face doesn’t hurt,” I tell him.  Louis laughed a little, but shook his head, “your face is still healing, so my dick in your mouth can make it worse,” he informed me. I kissed the start of his chest, “you’re the only guy that I know that says no to a blowjob,” I whispered.
“I just want my girlfriend face to heal, so she doesn't hurt when she gives me a blowjob,” he smiled. Louis gently lifted my face, so he could kiss me, “but I do want my girlfriend tonight,” he added. I played with the bottom of his shirt, “I want you too,” I say. Louis kissed my forehead, “but I am having a shower first and sorry it's without you,” he tells me. Louis kissed me, “so I’ll sit here and play with myself until you get back,” I teased. Louis shook his head, “do I have to tie you up?” He flirted. I shrugged my shoulders, but we heard a crashing sound. Louis and I quickly left the room to go find the sound.
We found Lottie and Fizzy in the kitchen throwing glasses around. Louis stood between them, “what the fuck is going on!” He yelled. They just glared at one another, “Lottie doesn't want to be a part of this family anymore,” Fizzy snapped. Louis looked at Lottie, “you have no right to say anything Louis. You left us when we needed you,” Lottie snapped at him. Louis shook his head, “mum kicked me out, because I had a drug problem. She was protecting you from me,” Louis tells her. Lottie rolled her eyes and I waiting for Louis to snap. However, he just took a deep breath in, “Lottie those people are bad news. They will send you down a bad path,” he added.
“Like you? What about Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn? Weren't they bad boys,” Lottie questioned. Louis shook his head, “all we did was drink and smoke. We sometimes smoked dope. Liam and me where the only ones that did hard drugs,” Louis says. Lottie looked like she didn't believe him, “how long you've been smoking for Lottie?” I asked. Louis looked surprised, “I don't know what you’re talking about,” she mumbled.
“I don't smoke anymore, so I can smell it. When you came home yesterday I could smell it. I knew it wasn't Louis since he was at football practice and wasn't home yet,” I say. Lottie was looking at the floor, “please tell me that it's not true,” Louis begged. Lottie never looked up, “hand them over,” Louis demanded. Lottie shook her head and Louis left the room.
Lottie and I followed him to her room. Louis straight away grabbed her bag and empty it out onto the floor. There was a packet of smokes, “fuck sake Lottie!” Louis yelled. He picked up the smokes, “you can die from this shit!” He added. Louis stormed out of the room to the bathroom. Lottie and I watched him destroy the smoke into the toilet, “what the fuck Louis?” Lottie snapped. Louis didn't answer her, “Lilly can you get my smokes? There in my bag,” he asked.
When I came back with Louis smoked. He also destroyed them into the toilet, “no smokes in this house or anywhere else. We are done,” Louis tells her. I was so proud of Louis, but I hate the reason why he had to do it. Louis flushed the toilet and Lottie watched, “clean up the mess and go to bed. I'm done with you tonight,” he ordered. Lottie ran out crying as Louis looked at the floor. I hugged him tight, “this night is just fucked up. I better check on mum and the twins,” he sighed. I kissed, “I'll check on the twins,” I tell him.
I went into the twin’s room and they were both up sitting next to each other on the bed. They looked scared, “what's happing? Why is Louis yelling?” They both wondered. I sat down next to them, “Lottie been a bad girl and Louis told her off,” I explained. They both still looked scared, so I hugged them tight, “Lilly!” I heard Louis yelled. I reassured the girls that everything was before I left them.
I went to Johanna room to see Louis in a panic, “mum in labour,” he tells me. I looked at Johanna and she looked in pain, “it will pass. It just stress labour, but can you call your mum? Just in case,” she groaned. I nodded my head before I left the room to call mum.
When I got back to Louis’s room, I called mum, “hi,” she says. I took in a deep breath, “can you come here. Louis, Lottie and Fizzy were fighting and now Johanna in labour. She wants you here,” I rambled. I heard mum move around, “does she want to go to the hospital?” Mum asked. I heard voices in the background, “I don't think so. She said it's stress labour and it should pass. She just wants you here in case,” I tell her. I could hear Harry and Niall talking in the background, “I'll be there soon. Just make sure Louis doesn't stress her out more,” she says.
After I said bye to mum, I went back up to Johanna room, “mum on her way,” I tell her. Louis looked more worried than he did before, “Louis hunny why don't you make a cup of tea for us,” I suggested. Louis looked at Johanna and she nodded her head. Louis left slowly as he kept looking back, “thanks for getting rid of him,” Johanna smiled. I sat down next to her, “how are you feeling?” I asked.
“Well it hurts, but I can tell there not real ones. I feel nothing expanding. When women experience these, they panic more which causes them to go in actual labour. I did it with Louis,” she tells me. I grabbed Johanna hand, “good to know, but how do you know so much?” I wondered. Johanna squeezed my hand a little, “I'm a midwife and gave birth four times,” she says. I rubbed her back, “has my son changed you that much?” She questioned. I was confused, “when Louis came back into our lives. I made a point to talk to him more and he likes talking about you,” she admitted.
“I don't really believe that he changed me. I believe he let me come who I really wanted to be. You know that first time I met you? The reason me and Louis got into a fight was because I was scared of love. I thought if I hurt him that I could go back to being alone, but deep down I really didn't want to. I realized that when I walked away that I wanted him and my new way of life. I’m really happy with it,” I confessed. Johanna hugged me, “Mark the girl’s dad made me feel like that. He loved me and Louis so much. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him, but things changed. Stress got to us when Mark lost his job and then the love went. We're friends for the sake of the kids,” she tells me.
“You still love him?” I asked before I could stop myself. Johanna nodded her head, “I think I always will, but my kids are my life now,” she says. I nodded my head, “maybe one day love will happen again,” I smiled. Johanna laughed a little, “don't laugh it could,” I added. Johanna laughed harder, “good to hear laughter,” Louis says as he walked in. He was holding two cups of tea, “ours are in the kitchen still,” he tells me. I raised an eyebrow at him, but mum walked into the room, “how are you feeling?” She asked Johanna. Louis motioned me to go with him, so I did.
We stood in the kitchen and Louis smiled at me, “what?” I questioned. Louis didn't say anything he just kissed me, “shit. You heard what I said to your mum,” I whispered. Louis nodded his head as he kissed me again, “so did yours. She had this proud look on her face,” he smiled. I shook my head, “stop saying nice things and I should check on the twins,” I tell him.  Louis kissed my nose, “Fizzy with them. To give Lottie some space. I was pretty harsh on her, but I had to be. I saw myself in her tonight and I didn't want her to do the things I did,” he admitted. I kissed him, “it be alright. She has you now,” I reassured him. I kissed him again, “can we shower together? I know both our mums are here, but there’re busy,” he asked. I didn't say a word, I just pulled him out of the kitchen.
Once Louis and I finished in the shower, we found out Johanna’s contractions stopped. Mum was going to stay just in case her contractions came back. I told Louis that he was still going to school tomorrow. He protested that he wasn't since he won't be back until late. I convinced him after I said that my mum would be here all day.
Louis took the girls to school and went himself. I messaged Harry to make sure that he stays at school all day and to go football practice. Louis messaged me all morning asking how his mum was. I kept reassuring him that she was alright with me and mum. Harry messaged me saying that Louis wasn't really focusing on his schoolwork and was wondering if he could send home. I asked about football practice and Harry told that he could come back for that. I agreed with Harry after I made Louis promise Harry that he will be back football.
Louis got home just in time for lunch, “so Lilly tells me you've been worrying about me,” Johanna teased. Louis didn't get embarrassed. He just nodded his head, “you went into labour last night. I have a right to be worried,” he admitted. Johanna shook her head, “false labour. The twins are not due for another month,” she pointed out. I could never believe Louis and his mum had trouble between them. It's like their best friends. Maybe one day me and mum could be like this, “you have always told me. When you hit the third trimester it could happen any day,” Louis mocked.
“True, but not for me. You were the only early one. You were due in January,” Johanna smiled. Louis laughed a little, “Anne were the twins early?” Johanna asked. Mum shook her head, “right on time. Gemma was overdue and Lilly was early. I remember it like it was yesterday. Pushing one baby out is enough, but two. I was shouting that I was done and wanted to sleep. However, when I held my boys I was happy,” mum smiled. Johanna smiled back, “how is Marcel going?” Johanna asked. I was frozen and Louis tensed up. We haven't spoken about Marcel after what he did to me, “his actually getting the help he need,” mum replied.
“He doesn’t deserve it,” Louis whispered. We all heard him, “Marcel had a brain tumour in the spot that controls anger. He had it removed and now is in recovery,” mum explained to us. Why wasn't I told about this? Louis still didn't look happy, “so his getting away with what he did to Lilly and our baby? I can't accept or forgive him for that,” Louis snapped. I understand what Louis was saying, but if it can be medically proven. I don't see why he can't come back into my life, “I want to see him,” I say.
“No, you don't,” Louis tells me. I ignored him as I looked at mum, “soon. He still need to be processed to see if his recovered from it,” mum informs me. I nodded my head, “you’re not seeing him,” Louis ordered. I looked Louis right in the eyes, “he is my brother and I will see him,” I told Louis. I could see Johanna watching Louis carefully, “he killed our baby!” Louis shouted. I grabbed Louis hand, “I know he did, but what mum saying it wasn't his fault. I can't give up on him if his sick,” I tell him.
“So, if a drunk driver kills someone. It's not their fault. It’s the alcohol,” Louis said sarcastically. I sighed, “you don't have to see him,” I snapped. Louis stood up, “I'm going for a walk,” he says. Louis left and I just sat there, “Lilly. I know you don't want to hear this, but I do get where Louis is coming from. Remember I told you what he told me. A little bit of his heart gone. I still think Louis believes that was his only chance of becoming a dad. He still has doubts about you two,” Johanna confessed. My heart broke as I ran out of there.
I went to find Louis and I found him at the end of the street. I straight away kissed him, “I love you,” I whispered on his lips. Louis kissed me hard, “I love you,” he whispered back. I placed his face between my hands, “I want to have a serious talk,” I tell him. Louis slowly nodded his head, “so do I,” he says. Louis grabbed my hands from his face, “follow me,” he added.
Louis took me to a little park not that far away. We sat under a tree facing each other, “Lou do you believe that our baby was the only chance that you would come a dad?” I asked. Louis looked down into his lap, “sometimes. I heard mum last night. She thought Mark was the one, but it all went to shit. I just think it's all going to go shit with us one day,” he admitted. He looked upset, “but he still got the girls and you. It's just. Maybe they didn’t fight as hard as we do,” I tell him.
“I don't remember them fighting at all. It was one day we were all happy and then the next day Mark was gone,” he says. I moved in closer to him, “we’re not them. We’ve been together for under six months and we have dealt with shit. We are still here,” I pointed out. Louis smiled a little, “but I'm starting to think you're stubborn,” he teased. I shook my head, “you’re the stubborn one. You can't see that I love you. You can't see that I want to marry you. You can't see that I want a family with you. I don't give a crap what anyone says anymore. Louis, I love you that much. If you want a baby. We better start making one,” I confessed.
“We’re getting married?” He questioned. I nodded my head as I straddled his lap. I kissed him, “I don't want a baby until your finished Uni, but if one happens before that. I'll be happy,” he smiled. I kissed him again, “Lilly,” Louis started. I looked at him, “if you want to see Marcel. I'll go with you. I just need to see guilt in his eyes. If he doesn't have any we are out of there,” Louis tells me. I kissed him again, “thank you,” I say.
Louis and I made out for ten minutes until we had enough. I laid against Louis between his legs as I looked at him, “tonight can we practice on making a baby? I have a position I want to use,” I wondered. Louis raised an eyebrow, “what position?” He questioned. I played with his chin, “side by side, but facing each other. Or doggy, or reverse cowgirl,” I smirked. Louis bit his lip, “reverse cowgirl sounds fun, but I know you want side by side. So, you can bite me when you make too much noise,” he teased.
“You love it when I bite you,” I pointed out. Louis nodded his head as he kissed me, “I would love to hear you. It's been too long since I've heard you,” Louis rambled.  Louis ran his hand up my thigh, “I could hear you right now,” he says. I shook my head, “not now. People are here and we gave them a show already,” I tell him. Louis kissed my forehead, “when can we be loud again?” I asked. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “when no one home or when I take you back to my spot,” he replied.
“What if I got the keys to Harry’s place? We could go there,” I suggested. Louis seemed to like that idea, “oh yes baby. We could have so much fun there,” he smirked. I nodded my head, “Niall knows about it and he don't want to go. His scared to raise Theo by himself. He wants mum help. He also doesn't want her to pay for everything,” I tell him. Louis thought for a minute, “I'm going to have to talk to Harry about a lot of things now,” he whispered. I kissed his chin, “we can wait to tell harry about us getting married. It would make him happy that you asked him when he said you could,” I pointed out. Louis nodded my head, “Niall knows tho,” I added. Louis smiled at me, “he really is your best friend,” he says.
Louis and I decided to head back to his house, so our mums don't worry about us.  They were sitting in the lounge room when we walked in, “Lilly my baby shower tomorrow,” Johanna smiled.  I smiled back, “and I was wondering if you could do the shopping for me?” Mum wondered. I nodded my head, but Louis looked like he was waiting to a lecture. Mum handed me the shopping list, “Louis can take you tonight after football practice,” Johanna says. I looked at Louis as he nodded his head, “can I go to football practice?” I wondered.
“I don't see why not. It might be fun to watch them,” mum tells me. I didn't want to watch I wanted to practice with my team, “I think she can join in. If she doesn't push herself,” Johanna pointed out. I smiled big, but Louis had a worried look on his face, “I’ll just do basic drills since I can't play tomorrow still,” I reassured Louis. He didn't relax and I wondered what he was worrying about, “well me and Louis going to catch up on some schoolwork,” I tell them.
We sat on Louis bed in his room, “what's wrong?” I wondered. Louis didn't say anything as he laid on his back. I straddled his waist, “what's wrong?” I repeated. Louis ran his hands up my thighs, “I thought I was going to get in trouble for snapping, but they haven't said anything. Am I in trouble?” He asked. I shook my head, “they left it up to me,” I smiled.
“So, are you going to punish me?” He smirked. I shrugged my shoulders, “well you do have to go shopping with me for baby stuff,” I started. Before I could say anything else. Louis pulled me down to kiss him, “you could take Harry. It might be good to catch up,” he suggested. I kissed Louis, “baby,” I teased.  Louis nodded his head, “plus your mum throwing the shower,” he reminded me.
“I get it. You just don't want to be seen with me. At least I know Harry can be a man,” I say. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “that don't work with me baby, because you know I am a man,” he smirked. I shook my head, “your dick doesn’t make you a man. It’s other stuff you do,” I tell him. I pushed myself off of him and laid down next to him, “like with my tongue?” He asked. I laughed as I shook my head, “like going shopping for things you don't want or rub my belly when it hurts,” I admitted.
“So, all the lovey-Dover crap?” He wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “not really. Just don't bitch if you ever have to get me feminine products and chocolate,” I tell him. Louis smiled at me, “I won’t,” he promised. I rolled over and put my arms and leg over him. Louis carefully wrapped his arm around my back, “I’ll go shopping with you tonight and I won’t bitch about anything,” he added. I kissed him, “I will ride you in the car if you don’t bitch tonight, but I mean I want to hear nothing from you,” I tell him.
“I won’t say anything tonight,” he smiled. I ran my hand down his chest, “you still have to talk to me or the deal off the table,” I informed him. Louis slowly nodded his head, “can I talk dirty to you?” He asked. I nodded my head, “but I don't know how. We’re shopping for baby shower stuff. There's nothing sexual about that,” I say. Louis moved in close to my ear, “I own this pretty little pussy,” he whispered. I felt Louis hand between my legs, “do you really?” I teased. Louis started to rub me through my pants, “I know I do,” he smirked. I bit my bottom lip, “Lilly!” My mum yelled. I kissed Louis before I got up.
I went out into the lounge room to see Niall and Harry there as well, “hi,” I smiled. They smiled back, “Niall tells me that you were meant to ask me something?” She questioned. I know Niall told her that I needed a new computer, “yes, but I can wait,” I tell her. Mum shook her head, “you need one for school, so I’ve already got you one,” she says. Mum had a box next to her, “it’s the same one as Gemma’s and it’s you early birthday present,” she added.
“Thank you,” I whispered. She pushed it over to me and I picked it up, “now your porn won’t freeze,” Niall joked. However, it really wasn’t a joke. I told Niall that it’s hard to look up porn to learn anything when it keeps stopping. Harry hit him, “you know you got to stop hitting me. I’m not your punching bag,” Niall pouted.  Harry kissed him, “then stop saying stuff like that in front of the mums,” Harry pointed out.
“Stop saying what?” Louis wondered as he walked. He waved at Harry and Niall, “Lilly got a new computer and Niall said something about porn,” Johanna explained. Louis nodded my head, “she might stop looking at it on my computer now,” Louis smirked. I shook my head as I sat down on the floor. I was looking at my new computer, “is there a way to get my files off my computer?” I asked. Niall handed me a little black box, “already done,” he smiled.
When Niall and Harry went back to school for their last lesson. I sat on Louis bed setting up my new computer, “babe you better get ready for football practice,” Louis tells me. Louis was getting changed as I closed my new laptop, “Louis how do I pay mum back for what she done for me?” I wondered. I started going through my clothes, “just keep being you and calling her mum. Maybe let her give you away when we get married,” he says I nodded my head, but realized that I have nothing to wear to football practice. I wrapped my arms around Louis before he could put his top on, “can I borrow some clothes?” I asked. Louis laughed a little bit as he nodded his head.
Once Louis and I were dressed. We were on are way to school, “so you nervous? You haven't been back to school for nearly three weeks,” he wondered. I shook my head, “just hope Soph knows what she is doing,” I smiled. Louis nodded his head, “well in training yes, but don't know about the game. I don't think she has a game plan,” Louis tells me.  I grabbed Louis hand, “she has me back, but I just can't play,” I pointed out.
**** A week past and I was fully healed, but I had a scar on my lower back. Louis kept reassuring me that it was nothing to worry about. I just didn't like how that night left something on me. I also know Louis thinks about that night when he sees it.
Zayn’s birthday went since he was in Caribbean with his family to celebrate it. He said we could have a party when he gets back for his birthday. My eighteenth birthday was in two days. The girls wanted to throw me a big birthday party, but I really didn’t want one. I knew the people that would come didn’t know a thing about me. I wouldn’t mind the football teams or some people in my classes. However, Perrie kept saying big.
Tonight, Louis and I were heading into London to see Hunter Hayes. Louis got us hotel room near the venue, so we could get ready and walk there. I was excited to see Hunter and I think Louis was too. I got dressing in a white pleated ribbed-knit dress. Over my cream bra with light pin lace over the top of the cups. I was being brave and wearing thong tonight. It matched the bra, however the lace was on the sides to the front. I put on a pair of sheer skin colour stockings since it was cold outside. I had my light brown ankle boots on, so I could walk through the little bit of snow we had. Over the top I put on my light distressed denim jacket. I did my makeup light with a little bit of white eyeshadow under my eyes. I curled my hair light as I pinned the sides back.
As I was packing my little suede fringe bag. I noticed that Louis was wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with a sketch on it and a very light denim jacket. He had his hair to one side with the top a little bit messy. I knew it wasn’t that much different to what he normally wears, but it felt different to me.    
We walked down to the venue and I was surprised to see so many people. I thought I was the only one in England that liked him, “he sold out by the way. So, you’re not the only fan,” he tells me. I gave him a small nod that I heard him, but I was nervous for some reason. This was the first concert I've been to, “have you been to a concert before?” I asked Louis. He nodded his head, “went to the music festival last year with the guys,” he says. Louis wrapped his arms around me, “this is your first concert. Isn't it?” He questioned. I nodded my head, “well at least it's someone you really wanted to see,” he smiled.  
Once we were in Louis managed to get us near the stage. He was looking around, “most of the people in here are female,” he pointed out. I nodded my head, “have you seen what he looks like?” I teased. Louis smiled, “his cute,” Louis says like a girl. I kissed him, “but it's all about the music with me,” I admitted. Louis kissed me, “your allowed to look babe. I not the jealous guy anymore,” he tells me. He kissed me again, “but only musicians and movie stars,” he added.
“Is that because I never get a chance with them?” I questioned. Louis nodded his head, “but you are pretty, so there might be a chance,” he says. I smiled at him, “let's see if I can get a date with Hunter,” I joked. Louis shook his head, “you’re on a date now,” he says. I kissed him to reassure him, “I love you,” I whispered. Louis kissed me, “I love you,” he whispered back.
Hunter was amazing and when he sang Wanted. Louis sang along as he swayed us to the music. It was just magical and I fell in love with him more. He looked like enjoyed himself. I enjoyed myself and Louis said we were going to walk around. He also said that we could go to bar, but I had to remind him that I was still seventeen. He reassured me that we can go until midnight and he get me my drinks.
We found a little pub near our hotel and it was packed. Louis and I managed to get a table next to the window. Louis also managed to get me beer as he got himself one, “I don’t know if I like beer,” I say. I took a sip of it and it reminded me of kissing Louis at parties, “it alright,” I smiled. Louis laughed a little bit, “it reminded you of something. You had your thinking face,” he pointed out. I nodded my head, “kissing you at parties,” I admitted. Louis laughed a bit harder, “that reminds me your birthday this Sunday. What do you want to do?” he asked.
“Nothing. Perrie wants to throw a party tomorrow night. I don’t know where, but all I know she kept saying big,” I rambled. I took a drink of my beer, “then let’s stay in London until Sunday morning,” Louis says. I nodded my head, “but I don't think she can throw one. Your house is a no, my house is a no, Liam house is a no and Zayn out of the country. So, I actually think your safe,” Louis added.
“I have a funny feeling that she'd find somewhere. I'm not a party person. I would like to do what we did up the cabin the first time I went there,” I admitted. Louis started thinking, “the no knickers part or playing truth or dare?” He smirked. I laughed a little bit, “the truth or dare as we sat around the campfire. It also the time I learnt a lot about you guys,” I tell him.
“Well we could do that at your house or I could ask Aunt Fey if we could use the cabin,” he suggested. I shook my head, “too cold to go up to the cabin and I would like to be home for mum. It's my first birthday in years with her,” I say. Louis started thinking, “leave your party up to me. I promise it be what you want,” he tells me.
We left the pub after our second drink and headed back to the hotel, “so you going to be alright planning my birthday party?” I wondered. Louis grabbed my hand, “I have to start when we get back to the hotel. Sorry to say I’ll have to entertain you later,” he says. Louis was trying to hide his smile, but he couldn't, “that's alright. I can do that myself,” I teased. Louis shook his head, “if you do that. I can't pay attention to planning your party and it be ruined,” he pouted.
“I don’t mind if I get what I want tonight,” I smirked. Louis pulled me closer to him, “so what do you want tonight?” He questioned. I played with his fingers, “to show you my undies. I really think you’ll like the bottoms,” I say. Louis bit his bottom lip, “are they what I think they are?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, “maybe,” I smiled. Louis stopped and pulled me to the front of him. He looked around before he kissed me, “we don't have to wait until the hotel,” he whispered.
“Yes, we do. It's cold and I'm wearing stockings,” I tell him. Louis kissed me again, “I could rip those off of you,” he smirked. I shook my head, “you can wait. We're not far from the hotel and you really can't see my undies in this light,” I say. I pushed Louis away from me before I started walking again. Louis came up straight behind me and wrapped his arms around me, “sorry,” he apologized.
“Don't worry about it,” I started. Louis kissed my neck, “If it wasn't so cold. I would have said yes,” I finished. Louis kissed my neck again, “that's not the only reason you said no. So, what's the other reason?” He questioned. I stopped walking, “I want to be loud. We haven't been loud since last year since we never did it in the car. I also don't want a quickie. I want to take my time tonight. It's been so long since we've done both,” I confessed. Louis nibbled my earlobe, “then what are we waiting for,” he whispered.
Louis practically dragged me back to the hotel. Once in our room, Louis took my jacket off. I did the same to him before he had the chance of taking my dress off. I took his top off and undid his pants. Louis kicked his shoes off and I pushed him to the bed. I made him sit down on the edge. I slowly unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. Louis opened his mouth slightly as he motioned for me to come to him. I stood in front of him, “can I rip these stockings off?” He asked.
“Yes, but remember I'm in them,” I replied. I took my boots off before I threw them somewhere. Louis ripped my stockings off and threw them on the floor. He run his hands up my thighs to my hips, “now turn around,” he says. I slowly turned around as he kept his hands on my hips. I felt his fingers run down my bottom before he pulled me down onto his lap. I felt his hard on, so I grinned down onto him. Louis stopped me, “baby at least let me take my jeans off first,” he tells me.
“What if I say no?” I wondered. Louis rubbed his hands up and down my thighs, “then tonight's over,” he whispered in my ear. I stood up, so Louis could take his jeans off. However, when I sat back down he was completely naked. I started grinding down on him again as Louis ran his hands up my stomach. He pushed my bra up, so he could squeeze my breasts. He kissed up my back to my neck, “I think it's about time these undies ended up on the floor. Even tho I love them on you,” he groaned.
“Then undo me,” I smiled. Louis quickly undid my bra and I threw it across the room. I stood up as I turned around. I knelt on the floor between his legs, “but the knickers can wait. I have something else in mind,” I tell him. I grabbed Louis member in my hand and gave him a couple of pumps. I licked the tip as I looked at him. I continued to look at him as I put the tip in my mouth. Louis threw his head back as I ran my tongue around him.  
I played with the tip for a while until Louis wanted more. So, I put more of him in my mouth and start going up and down. Louis put his fingers through my hair, “baby you need to stop and get on that bed,” he moaned. I took him out of my mouth and licked the tip. Louis stopped me and picked me up. He threw me into the middle of the bed. Louis quickly hovered over the top of me before I could move, “stay still,” he ordered.
“Yes sir,” I smirked. Louis kissed me hard, “such a turn on,” he mumbled. Louis kissed down my body to the tops of my knickers, “baby your arse looks fantastic in these, but they still have to go,” he tells me. He kissed along both hips as he slowly pulled my knickers down. He kissed up one of my thighs, “remember you don't have to be quiet,” he says against my skin. He kissed right between my legs a couple of times. I started to moan a little bit as he nibbled on my button. He inserted two of his fingers into me as he started sucking on my button.
He kept going as he fingers kept coming in and out of me. I was so close, but he stopped. He had a smirk on his face, “do you want to cum now and cum again? Or do you want to cum with me?” He questioned. I bit my lip as he was moving his fingers slowly, “with you,” I groaned. Louis removed his finger from me before kissing up my body. He kissed me lightly over and over again.
Louis kept kissing me until he got a condom on. He hovered over me, “wanna be on top?” He asked. I shook my head, “I want you to be on top,” I say. Louis ran his hands down my body as he sat up. He pushed my thighs apart before entering me. We both moaned at the same time. Louis didn't waste any time as he slowly moved in and out of me. I gripped onto his forearms as he kissed me.
The next morning after the wonderful night Louis and I had. We decided to walk around London for the day. I didn't want to rush home to find out Perrie managed to throw me a big birthday party. Louis reassured me again that she has nowhere to throw me a party, but I don't think that could stop her.
Louis and I were sitting down eating lunch, “is there anything you want to do while we're in the city?” Louis asked. I nodded my head, “can we go to an art shop? I really want to get something,” I wondered. Louis smiled at me, “going to spend the money your mum gave you,” he pointed out. Mum gave me money for my birthday, so I can buy something I really want. She only told me that my new laptop was an early birthday present at Johanna’s. So, I wouldn't protest in front of everyone, “well she not taking it back,” I say.
“Do you know what you want to get?” Louis questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “I want to look at inks, markers and pens. I want to try new ways of drawing,” I replied. Louis looked a little bit confused, “well I did like your major with the female warriors, but what you going to do for your next one?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, “I'm trying to finish my last written assignment for art,” I say. Louis laughed a little, “you have a lot of time for that,” he pointed out.
“Not really. I want it out of the way, so I can focus on my other lessons. With art, out of the way. I can,” I tell him. Louis looked a bit worried, “can't believe we only got under five months to finish school. Then we go into the real world,” he says. I nodded my head, “but we can do it,” I reassured him. Louis smiled a little, “I think you can,” he whispered. Louis still had so much doubt when it came to school, but his top of his classes. I grabbed his hand, “hunny. You need stop worrying. You’re a perfect student,” I tell him. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “it just I feel like I'm going to be behind soon. Especially when the twins come. I got to juggle school, home, you and friends,” he admitted.
“Well I can look after myself,” I say. Louis shook his head, “I need you. You make everything better,” he smiled. I laughed a little bit, “well we can study together. So that's two problems down and I don't mind helping with your family. You also can study with the boys. You and Ni can do geography together,” I tell him. Louis smiled bigger, “I think the girls would love having you around,” he admitted.
After we did some shopping Louis took me the long way home and it was already dark outside. However, when we got there I noticed no one was home. All the lights were off and there were no cars in the driveway. I looked at Louis trying to hide my disappointment, “just looks like us tonight,” he says. I slowly nodded my head, “we can order anything you like and we can watch movies,” he continued. I actually would like everyone around tonight. It’s the first birthday that I could have people over, “you alright babe?” Louis wondered.
“Yep,” I faked smiled. Louis kissed me before opening his door, “I want you to decide what you for dinner before we get to the door,” he tells me. I nodded my head as I got out of the car. As I was walking to the door. I realised that if no one was here at least I had Louis with me.
Once inside I was hoping someone would yell surprise, but nothing. Louis ran up to my room to put our bags away. I went to sit down in the lounge and checked my phone. I had no messages, “well it’s not my birthday until tomorrow,” I whispered. I put my phone on the coffee table and sat there. I still had to decide what I wanted for dinner.
Louis scared me when he finally showed up. I was in my own head thinking what I wanted tonight now since it was just Louis and I. Louis sat down next to me, “picked dinner yet?” he asked. I shook my head, “not really hungry,” I replied. Louis wrapped his arms around me, “well we can go on a walk. That normally makes you hungry,” he suggested. I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t feel like doing anything,” I mumbled.
“I’m sorry. I know you were excepting something tonight for your birthday, because I promised you. However, Harry and Niall had to go visit Gemma. Zayn still out the country and Liam still in rehab. Soph had something to do with her family and I didn’t want Perrie to feel awkward with us,” he explained. I sighed as I nodded my head, “well it’s actually not my birthday until tomorrow,” I pointed out. Louis kissed the side of my head, “but I can make it fun for us tonight and I’m not talking about sex. I would do anything you want,” he smiled.
“How about we start with that walk,” I tell him. Louis stood up and held his hands out to me. I put mine in his before he pulled me up, “but maybe we should wear something warmer,” he says. I nodded my head, “we could also get dinner while we are out,” he added. I nodded my head again as I started walking to my room.
After we got changed into some warmer clothes. We off on our walk. Louis held my hand, “did you enjoy your time in London?” Louis wondered. I nodded my head, “saw Hunter, got to be loud and went to an art shop,” I smiled. Louis laughed a little bit, “and you spent three hundred pounds on markers,” he reminded me.
“I know, but they are the best. I never dreamed of getting them,” I protested. Louis slowly nodded his head, “well to me they are just markers, but I spent a lot of money on video games. So, I can’t judge you,” he reassured me. I kissed his cheek and it started snowing, “better hurry up and find some food,” I say.
Louis found a small pub to have dinner in. It was actually quite nice place to eat in and it was warm, “anything you want. I’m paying tonight,” Louis tells me. I looked over the menu, “I think I’ll just get the burger,” I say. Louis nodded before he took my menu. He left to go order our food and get us drinks.
When he came back he had two beers with him, “you do realize that I’m not eighteen until tomorrow?” I questioned. Louis nodded his head, “but I won’t tell them if you won’t,” he smiled. I laughed a little, “well I can only say that for another five hours,” I pointed. Louis nodded his head, “then you’re an adult like me,” he says.
Once Louis and I finished eating. We headed back to my house, “what do you want to do when we get home?” he asked. I thought for a minute, “play a board game or play that dance game we got. The one we played on Christmas,” I tell him. Louis looked surprised, “wanna party babe?” he questioned.
“Just with you. We could dance in our underwear, make-out on the lounge, have sex in the kitchen or even in the backyard,” I suggested. Louis bit his bottom lip, “we could do it all,” he puffed. Louis took a deep breath in, “and so much more,” I smirked. Louis slowly nodded his head, “I love you babe,” he whispered.
Once we were home, Louis quickly got out of the car. I got out as well as I watched him, “you ok honey?” I wondered. Louis nodded his head, “just really want to get inside,” he replied. Louis grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. I shook my head as I took my jacket off, “you really want sex, don’t you?” I questioned.
“I actually want to make you feel good,” he smiled. He grabbed my hands as he started walking backwards. I smiled at him, “I think I want to start with sex at the back,” he added. I smiled as I shook my head, “I thought that could happen after some drinks,” I tell him. Louis shook his head and opened the backdoor. I looked passed him to see the backyard all done up. There were fairy lights hanging in the tree. There was also a fire in the middle of lounges, “surprise!” I heard people yell. I turned around to see Harry, Niall, Sophia, Perrie, Josh, Gemma, Zayn and Liam. I started crying, so Louis wrapped his arms around me, “you knew,” I mumbled.
“Of course, I did baby. I told you to leave your party to me,” he says. Louis kissed the top of my head, “now go say hi to everyone,” he added. I hugged everyone, but I left Liam last, “your meant to be in the hospital,” I pointed. Liam smiled as he shrugged his shoulders, “I got out on a weekend pass,” he tells me. I hugged him tight, “plus if I broke out. A night with my friends is worth it,” he teased.
After we got a drink we all sat on the lounges around the fire, “this is perfect,” I whispered to Louis. He kissed the top of my head, “for my perfect girl,” he whispered back. I looked at him to kiss him, “thank you for everything,” I smiled. Louis kissed my nose, “but I bet you are really disappointed in that fact that we can’t have sex anywhere now,” I added. Louis laughed a little bit as he nodded his head a little bit, “but so are you,” he pointed out. I bit my bottom lip, “the kitchen did sound fun,” I pouted.
“There are other times for that. Right now, we should be celebrating your birthday with friends,” he tells me. I nodded my head as I looked at all my friends. I never thought that I would get through another year of my life, but I’m still here. I have all these people that I love around me. We’ve been through hell together and we are all still here. I don’t think I would have it any other way. Those memories are how we grew together and we are still growing, “his to another year older!” I yelled. Everyone raised their drinks, “to many more,” Gemma smiled.  
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categorieltpff · 7 years
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Niall is the best 705/?
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categorieltpff · 7 years
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categorieltpff · 7 years
The last couple of One Direction records we made on the road and that was amazing and a lot of fun, and I think for me, I just wanted to kind of, more so than be different from that, I just wanted to get out of somewhere where I had all my friends and where I’d want to go for dinner at a certain time. I just didn’t want to get distracted. I kind of just wanted to very much immerse myself in doing it. I wanted to see what would come out if I just focused on that for a few months. I really enjoyed doing it that way.
- Harry talking about writing and recording the new material in Jamaica (via bromanceshmomance)
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categorieltpff · 7 years
This is a song that leaves an impact, and not just on its listeners, but on the industry as a whole. It’s going to go down in history as one of the most talked about songs in music – and not just because it’s the first single from boy-bander Harry Styles, but because it’s art put to music – it’s an experience.
Celebmix about Sign Of The Times (via tmlnsn)
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categorieltpff · 8 years
reblog if you have less then 20k followers
mbf: @banginghoranbang & @legendharrystyles
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we will be promoting a ton of you to over 40k :)
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categorieltpff · 8 years
Chapter 10 - Nearly Lost It
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The next morning, I got up to clean the kitchen up. Our clothes were everywhere and you could tell what Lilly and I did on the kitchen counter. I then made Lilly and I a simple lunch before Liam and Sophia got there. What surprised me was Lilly. Couple minutes after we finished our food. She dropped to her knees and gave me a head job. I wasn’t going to stop her. I like it too much.
After I came Lilly and I got dressed. I just put on a pair of track pants not caring that I wasn’t wearing any boxers. I didn’t want anything constricting down there for a little bit. I could still feel Lilly’s tongue on me. I also put my piercings back in and Lilly look disappointed for some reason. Lilly got dressed in my t-shirt and track pants. She was still wearing my boxers from last night.
When Liam and Sophia got to my house. The girls started on the cake. Liam and I went out the back to have a smoke, “did you and Lilly have a good night?” Liam questioned. I smiled as I nodded my head, “it was fantastic,” I say. Liam looked at me for more information, “and that’s all you’re going to know,” I added. Liam nodded his head slowly, “so you went to second base,” he teased. I rolled my eyes, “still got more than you last night,” I pointed out.
“But Sophia not just another girl I want to bang,” he tells me. I smiled as I nodded my head, “but maybe tonight. I get more than one kiss,” he added. We watched the girls as they started to bake, “maybe we should leave them, so they can talk about us,” I suggested. Liam nodded his head, “I think Harry and Zayn might like help setting up,” Liam says.
As we were going back inside. I grabbed a clean top from the laundry. I felt like I should cover up around Sophia. Maybe because she Liam girl. When we walked into the kitchen the girls were laughing, “need any help ladies?” I asked. They both shook their heads no, “so can Liam and I go help Harry and Zayn set up?” I wondered.
“You can go when you find me the baking tins,” Lilly smiled. I smiled back before I started going through the cupboards. I know we had some since Troy kept say his kitchen comes with everything. I found them in the last cupboard. There was all different shapes and sizes, “there all in there in all shapes and sizes. They even still have the labels on them,” I tell her. Lilly smiled as I came over to her, “now don’t burn the house down when we’re gone. If you need anything just call me,” I say. I kissed her lightly, but really wanted to kiss her over and over again. Liam kissed Sophia cheek, “have fun,” I added. I kissed her nose before I left with Liam.
Once we were in the car and Liam driving us to Zayn’s. My mind was on Lilly and if she was going to be alright. I started laughing at myself at how stupid I sound, “you ok Lou?” Liam questioned. I nodded my head, “just laughing at myself,” I smiled. Liam shook his head, “are you wondering if Lil going to be alright?” he teased. I nodded my head, “it’s sad. I know,” I say.
“It crossed my mind with Soph, but they should be fine,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “so did Lil drop to her knees for you?” he wondered. I playfully punched him in arm, “not telling you,” I say. Liam looked at me as we stop at some lights, “oh she so did,” he smirked. I pointed to the road, so he could start driving again, “not telling you,” I repeated.
The whole way to Zayn’s Liam kept saying that Lilly gave me a blowjob. It’s not a lie, but I don’t want Harry to find out. Because he will kill me and if he doesn’t kill me. Lilly would, “Liam buddy,” I started as I stopped him. He looked at me, “don’t tell Harry what you know or I might not see Niall’s birthday,” I begged. Liam smirked at me which was not a good sign, “if I keep my mouth shut. I want you to do a favour for me,” he says.
“What kind of favour?” I questioned. Liam started thinking, “I want you to get rid of my ex. She meant to be coming tonight and she wants to talk to me,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “but what if she wants to tell you something serious?” I wondered. Liam laughed, “like what?” he asked. I just looked at him, “what about if she is carrying a little Liam,” I pointed out. Liam shook his head quickly, “she can’t be. We broke up five months ago. I think she would have told me before tonight. I think she just wants to get back together,” Liam says. Liam looked worried, “that’s probably it,” I reassured him.
As soon as we walked into Zayn’s house Harry came straight up to us. He looked like his been running around, “ok I’ve done the lounge room while Zayn has sat on his ass. I need to run out and get more stuff. I also need to do something with mum, so I’ll be a while,” he tells us. He quickly hugged me and Liam, “I promise I’ll be back,” he added. He ran out the front door, “Harry just lied to us. He has a booty call and she must be great,” I say.
“What make you say that?” Liam questioned. I started walking to find Zayn, “because Harry said that his mum was going away this weekend with Marcel,” I remembered. Liam nodded his head, “does Lilly know about Gemma?” Liam wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “she hasn’t mentioned it to me,” I say. Liam nodded his head, “I don’t think so or I can’t remember,” I admitted. Liam laughed a little bit, “just don’t say anything about and you should be fine,” Liam tells me.
We found Zayn having a smoke in the backyard, “so according to Harry. You sat on your ass while he did all the work,” I smiled. Zayn nodded his head, “he was panicking. Like everything must be perfect tonight. Niall not going to notice,” Zayn says. Harry probably wants everything perfect for Niall since they are fighting, “just give Harry a break he has a lot on his mind right now and maybe he needs this,” I tell him. Zayn slowly nodded his head, “plus his about to get some,” I added.
“Who the lucky girl? She must have Harry wrapped around her little finger,” Zayn wondered. Both Liam and I shrugged our shoulders, “maybe she going to be here tonight,” Zayn added. Liam and I shrugged our shoulders again, “we will have to wait and see, but right now we have things to do,” I smiled. Zayn sighed, “do we have too?” he whined. I nodded my head, “got to keep the girls and Harry happy,” I say. Zayn nodded his head, “but first. I have to drop Perrie off at your place,” Zayn smiled.
After I put most of the birthday decorations up around the house. Liam came into me, “Perrie called Zayn. Something about girl trouble,” he started. Why would Perrie call Zayn? She was with the girls, “so I thought we could message our girls. I don’t think we need to call them,” he tells me. I quickly got my phone out of my pocket and messaged Lilly:
Hi :) it girlfriend break. Zayn talking to Perrie on the phone. So, Liam and me decided to message you girl’s xo
I purposely put girlfriend just to see what she would say:
Beautiful Lilly Belle Hi :* what Harry doing? Xo
I noticed the kissy face:
Don’t you wanna know what I’m doing? :( Harry gone out to get more stuff xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
What you doing? Xoxo
Liam was smiling at his phone, “what could you and Sophia be talking about?” I asked. Liam looked at me, “everything and anything,” he smiled. I just looked at him, “she told me that Perrie had a dig at Lil for drinking,” he tells me. I know what he was talking about:
Nothing. Just talking to you. Is everything alright there? Xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
Yeah it just Pear said something about regretting things we do when were drunk. So Soph told her not all the time and Pear didn’t like that. I think Pear wants us to be like her and Zayn xo
Not this shit again:
But we’re not them. We are us and doing things how we want. I will admit we shouldn’t done what we did that night, because we were drunk. I just thought when we did that for the first time it would have been like Sunday night. You just had the confidence that night and you wanted it. By the way it was so hot when you did that ;) what does Soph think about us? Xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
She alright with it. She says were stuck between relationship and fuck buddies. She also says it up to us what we do together since you’re a nice guy and I’m a smart girl. She asked me if she was easy since she already wants to suck Liam off. P.S she wants you. She said something about swapping ;) xoxo
“Li-Li I know something about Sophia,” I smirked. He looked confused at me, “you going to tell me?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “she already wants to give you a headjob,” I say. Liam looked shocked, so I messaged Lilly back:  
Lol for now no. Liam would tear you into two ;) (He has a big dick) but I like how she knows it’s up to us two and she alright with it. Did you learn from her on how to give a blow job? Xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
Yes. She wouldn’t tell me if she didn’t think I was ready. Oh I’m a giver not a receiver ;)
Zayn came inside as he was still on the phone. He grabbed his keys, “I know. Hey babe I have another call, so you need to hang on,” he says into the phone. He muted his call, “we need to get to your house Lou. I know it’s really nothing, but our girls tend to overreact,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “well Louis done most of the decorations. So, we can go,” Liam says.
“Cool,” Zayn smiled. He went back talking to Perrie, “if the girls start fighting. I’m going to throw water on them,” Liam says. I laughed as I nodded my head, “they need to be wearing tight white t-shits with no bra on underneath,” he added. I nodded my head as I remembered Lilly messaged me. So, I reread her message:
Good and you’re not a receiver yet. When I go down on you and I will. You’ll beg me to do it all the time ;) because for you baby I’m a giver xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
Really? Because I heard that you like getting head, but don’t like to go down xo
We all got in my car and I made Liam drive, so I could keep messaging Lilly:
But for you I will baby. I want to taste you so bad. I want my tongue deep inside you. I want you to squirm under my mouth. I want you to cum into my mouth as you scream my name ;) xoxo
I knew I was turning Lilly on:
Are you turned on babe? ;) xo
We were nearly there when Lilly messaged me back:
Beautiful Lilly Belle
I’m so turned on that I can’t calm down. P.S I’m in your room and going to have a cold shower xo
Please don’t do that:
Don’t have a cold shower babe. Just get on my bed and have fun ;)
Beautiful Lilly Belle
I don’t know if I can. This feels wrong xo
I jumped out of the car as soon as Liam parked. I quickly grabbed my keys and opened the front door. I ran passed the girls straight up the stairs to my room:
That because your meant to be spending time with girls. It just adds to the hype what you’re about to do ;)
I quietly opened my door to see Lilly knelt on it facing away from me:
Beautiful Lilly Belle
How do you know I’m still going to do it?
I shut my door after I moved into my room. I moved in closer to Lilly without her knowing:  
I moved behind her, “because I’m behind you,” I whispered in her ear. I quickly put my hand over her mouth, so she wouldn’t scream, “no noise babe,” I added. I left my hand over her mouth as my other hand went down her pants. I moved her legs apart, so I could stick my hand down her boxers. She was wet as I ran my fingers up and down her slit, “one message got you this wet babe,” I growled in her ear. Lilly took in a sharp breath as I rub her clit, “I bet you want me to go down on you right now,” I continued. I pushed her closer to me, so I could feel her body response to my touch. Lilly nodded her head, “but I’m not. I want to hear you scream,” I tell her. I got faster with her clit. Lilly grabbed both of my thighs desperately. I slowly entered two fingers into her and she moaned into my hand. I moved them in and out of her making sure that I was getting the right spot. Lilly started grinding against my member, “fuck babe,” I puffed. Lilly moved to the side a little, so she could stick her hand down my track pants. She wrapped her hand around me before she started moving up and down, “fuck babe,” I repeated.
After a little bit, Lilly moved her hand back to my thigh as she tightened around my fingers. I thrust my fingers deep inside her and she came on my fingers. I could feel her screaming into my hand as she rode out her high, “that it babe,” I whispered in her ear. I moved my hand away so she could catch her breath.
When Lilly finally caught her breath, she pushed me down on the bed. She quickly took my track pants off and threw them somewhere. Lilly moved to the place I need her the most as I took my top off. I leant on my elbows and I could see what she was about to do, “remember your deal babe,” I reminded her.
“No noise,” she ordered. A smirked played on my face at her trying to be all bossy. Lilly took my member into her hand. She gave me a couple pumps before she put the tip in her mouth. I bit my lip trying to stop me from moaning, “babe you only came once,” I groaned. Lilly just looked at me as she put more of me in her mouth. I swear from the look in her eye, I could have easily cum then.
Soon as Lilly started going up and down on me, I closed my eyes, “I’m going to make you pay babe,” I moaned. Lilly took me out of her mouth, “I said no noise,” she tells me strictly. I was loving this new side of Lilly. I could get used to it. I felt Lilly move around the bed before she stuffed something in my mouth. I opened my eyes to see it was her top. I was so shocked, but so turned on at the same time. Lilly kissed my nose as I was still in shock. She moved back down me and put my member in her mouth. I quickly sat up to take off her bra before she could do anything. I ran my hand down her bare back after I threw her bra on the floor.
As she was going up and down. I stuck my hand down her pants and undies to grab her arse. I squeezed it tight and Lilly moaned around me. I couldn’t help, but moan at the feeling that it sent through me. Lilly pushed me back down, however I got straight back up. I ran my fingers through her hair as she got faster. I was moaning uncontrollably now and I was lucky I had Lilly top in my mouth. Because I swear everyone downstairs could hear me and that might not be a good thing. I let go of Lilly’s hair after griped it tight and grabbed her hand. I squeezed her hand as I came into her mouth. I would have warned her, but I couldn’t speak.
I laid back down trying to catch my breath through my nose. Lilly licked me clean before she moved up the bed to take her top out of my mouth. I took a couple of deep breaths as I looked at her. She just looks so beautiful with her cheeks red. I pulled her down and kissed her, “I should send you more dirty messages,” I smirked against her lips. Lilly shook her head as I kissed her again, “why are you back?” she wondered as she rested her chin on my chest.
“I can’t wear track pants to a party and you need a ride,” I pointed out. Lilly fingers played with my chin in a cute way. I wrapped my arm around her as I moved some of her hair out of her face, “sorry if I was a bit rough with you. Especially your hair,” I apologized. Lilly smiled at me, “I’m alright,” she tells me. I leant forward to kiss her forehead, “but babe I didn’t know you could be kinky with gagging me. It made me hope that you were going to spank me next,” I smiled. Lilly laughed a little bit, “don’t laugh. I’m telling the truth,” I pouted. Lilly raised an eyebrow at me, “I’m a kinky bastard babe,” I admitted.
“What other kinky stuff you like?” she wondered. I shook my head since I didn’t want to get into it, but Lilly gave me a stern look. However, I kept shaking my head no until she bit my chest. That was another one of my kinks, “ok I tell you, because if you keep biting me were staying in tonight. So, I can make sure you don’t walk tomorrow,” I warned her.  She kissed the bite mark, “ok I have done none of these, but I do want to try them. First is tied up for me and you,” I started. she stopped me, “me?” she questioned. I bit my bottom lip as I nodded my head. I knew she would questioned it, “why me?” she wondered.
“You’re the first person that comes to my mind. You’re also the only one I can trust too,” I confessed. She smiled as she kissed me, “I’m not saying we will do them. It just fantasies I have,” I added. I didn’t need to scare her just yet. Lilly nodded her head, “well I said tied up. Then there gagging which you just did and I kinda did to you, but next time use your knickers. Especially after I made you cum in them,” I tell her. Lilly face looked it didn’t know if it should be disgusted or shocked. I started laughing, “babe one day soon I’m going to go down on you. So really you putting your knickers in my mouth is no different,” I pointed out. Lilly nodded her head before I continued with my sex fantasies.
I told her that I wanted to try gagging again, slave and master, tied up, blind folding, sex toys and spanking. I didn’t want to tell her about my fantasy that I had at the cabin. I made sure that she knew that we would never do any. Unless she wanted to.
We laid there for a bit after the conversation we had. My mind was thinking about doing them with her. I know they might never happen, but that won’t stop the images in my head, “well I better get in the shower, so I can finish getting ready,” Lilly says as I came out of my day dream. I kissed her nose, “yeah we should,” I smirked. Lilly shook her head, “I need to hurry up, so no round two,” she tells me.
“But you gave me a blowjob and I only made you cum once,” I pouted. Lilly kissed my forehead before she got up, “another time,” she says. I ignored he as I wrapped my arm around her to bring her back to me. I started sucking on her nipple, “god Lou. You need to stop,” she begged. I smirked at her begging me to stop. I took her nipple out of my mouth before she pushed me. She got off the bed, “come back babe. I was not finished,” I smiled as I sat up. Lilly ran into the bathroom and I heard her lock the door. I laughed a little bit as I heard the shower come on. I got off the bed and picked up my keys, but as I was walking to the bathroom. I thought maybe I was pushing it with her. She said no and I ignored it. I sighed as I unlocked the bathroom door.
When I got in there Lilly was already in the shower standing under the water. I wrapped my arms around her, “I’m pushing it aren’t I?” I asked. Lilly nodded her head, “sorry,” I apologized. I kissed her cheek, “I’m alright,” she says. I pushed her into me to reassure her, “but do you have keys or something to get into your bedroom and bathroom? Because I swear I locked them both,” she wondered. I smile, “I have keys,” I replied. Lilly looked at me, “so last week after your party when you told me that I could lock the door. You could have still came in?” she remembered.
“Yeah. I said it more so you’ll feel safe. I won’t lie that I wanted to join you, but that the first day I met you. I didn’t want you to scream the house down,” I admitted. Lilly smiled at me, “you need to learn to control yourself and learn personal space,” she joked. I laughed, but it felt like she was telling the truth, “do you want personal space right now?” I wondered. Lilly bit her lip, “well I do want to shave my legs,” she says. I ran my hands down her legs and I could feel a little bit, but nothing to worry about. I also knew she was going to worry about it, “I feel nothing, but I’ll let you have your personal time,” I tell her. Lilly raised an eyebrow, “if you couldn’t feel anything. Then why are you letting me have personal time?” she pointed out.
“Because you want personal time. I just quickly wash myself and I’ll get out,” I smiled. I moved away from Lilly and started washing myself, “Lou what if I told you that I wanted you to fuck me against the wall right now?” she asked. I looked at her as my mind was going hundred miles an hour. What’s going on with her, “I would tell you no. Babe why do you keep asking me?” I questioned.
“Because like you I have fantasies too,” she tells me. I turned all my attention on to her, “well don’t voice them just yet. I’m going to wash my hair and get out,” I slightly snapped. I was angry at her right this second. I can’t keep up when she does this shit. I was being playful before and I pushed it with her. However, she thinks it’s fun about me fucking her, “Lou did I just push it with you?” Lilly wondered. I gave her a small nod, “I’m sorry,” she apologized. I kissed her forehead, “don’t be. It just you been talking about sex a lot with me lately. I’m a bit worried since it makes you worry and brings bad stuff back. I’m just wondering what going through your head when you say stuff like this?” I questioned.
“I promised myself what happened with me won’t affect us. I really can’t help that I want you like that. I trust you Lou,” she confessed as she looked down. I was so shocked that she trusted me so much already, “but babe you just have to wait six weeks for that. I not going to do it any sooner. I promised you. I really want you ready physical and mental. I understand that what happened to you is going to cause trouble for us, but I told you that we get through it together,” I confessed. Lilly kissed me, “ok,” she whispered. I ran my thumb over her cheek. I could tell that she was thinking about it, “just don’t worry about it babe,” I reassured her.
When I got out of the shower, Lilly went into my room to grab her bag. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that I needed a shave. I got my shaver out as Lilly came back in with her shaver. She got straight back into the shower without saying anything to me. As I was shaving, I watched Lilly wash her hair. She looked like she was thinking about something, “babe you’re over thinking about what I just said. Don’t babe. I’m alright. We’re alright. Just finish you shower and then we can join the others,” I rambled. I just need her to know that everything going to be alright. She gave me a small nod before she went back to washing her hair.
When I got out of the bathroom and put on a pair of boxers. I paced around my room thinking about tonight. What if she tries something? I can’t believe I’m thinking like this. I should have my own self-control, but if she runs into someone else’s arms tonight? I think that would kill me. No. Lilly would never do that to me. I trust her.
As soon as Lilly came out of the bathroom. I hugged her, “I have decided we’re not going tonight,” I tell her. Lilly shook her head no as she hugged me back, “yes we are. It’s Niall’s eighteenth birthday. Not all the money in the world would stop me going,” she tells me. I smile, “not even if I said I wanted to do naughty things to you all night?” I questioned. Lilly stepped away from and I wondered if I just pushed her again, “that makes me want to go more,” she joked. I pouted to continue this playfully mood she was in. She walked over to her bag, “that’s mean babe, but then again you might like to walk,” I smirked.
“That what it is,” she teased. I noticed that she was holding a very sexy pair of undies. So, I went over to her and smack her arse, “attitude,” I say. Lilly stuck her arse out, “oh please again babe,” she smirked. I shook my head as I walked away from her, but really wanted to do it again. I was just worried that I was going to push her, “get dressed babe,” I tell her. Lilly shook her head, “I’m not going to spank you again, so just get dressed,” I ordered.
“But I like it when you spank me,” Lilly says. I ignored her as I went into my wardrobe, “just get ready babe,” I tell her again. I put on a pair of boxers before I started going through my clothes. Lilly came in the wardrobe already in her undies. She grabbed a pair of track pants, “babe track pants to a party?” I questioned. Lilly put them on before she started going through her tops, “Soph got a dress for me and I still need to get my hair and make-up done,” she replied. I picked up a button up shit and threw it at her, “thanks,” she smiled. Lilly put it on, “don’t want the girl’s hard work to be ruined,” I smiled back. I got out a pair of black skinny jeans. I noticed my dark blue with little white polka dot short sleeved button up shirt, “babe do you know how to iron?” I asked as I put on my jeans. I grabbed it, “yeah,” she replied.
When we went downstairs we only found Liam, “took your time you two,” Liam smirked. Lilly hugged him, “oh the cake looks amazing Lil,” he added. Lilly kissed his cheek and it didn’t upset me, “Soph helped,” she reminded him. Liam smiled at her and still didn’t care, “Lou put a shirt on. Don’t want you to scare my girlfriend off,” Liam joked.
“I will when my girl… irons it for me,” I says. Shit I nearly said girlfriend. Liam laughed a little bit and he knew what I really was going to say, “do it yourself, because when Perrie, May and my girlfriend see her. There taking her,” Liam smiled. I knew Liam said girlfriend on purpose. Harry walked in, “I do it for you hunny,” Harry smiled. Lilly hugged Harry and Harry whispered something in her ear. Lilly nodded her head, “there she is,” we heard May say. We all turned to see the girls, “hi,” Lilly smiled. I saw Sophia smirk at her, “where the birthday boy?” Lilly wondered. She looked around for him, “he’s hanging out with his family,” Liam tells her. Perrie grabbed Lilly from Harry, “Lou were using your room,” Perrie tells me.
“Ok,” I whispered. Harry was looking straight at me, “so what happened on your date last night?” Harry asked. I started walking with Harry behind me, “we went into town to eat and see a movie,” I tell him. I walked into the laundry as I threw Harry my shirt. He caught it, “is that all you’re going to tell me?” he questioned. I nodded my head and Harry threw my shirt back at me, “then iron your shirt yourself,” he says. I grabbed him before he could leave, “what do you want to know?” I wondered.
“If you and Lilly enjoyed yourself,” he tells me. He took my shirt off of me, “yeah we did. We never done anything like it, so it was new for the both of us,” I started. Harry helped me get out the iron and the ironing board, “we went to that restaurant that Troy likes. You know the one that cost fifty pounds for a bit of steak,” I continued. Harry nodded his head as he started ironing, “so I actually think I lost points there. I think Lilly would have liked to eat somewhere cheaper,” I kept going.
“Flower the type of girl. That would love to stay home and you cook for her. And she wouldn’t mind helping,” Harry interrupted. I nodded my head, “I thought so. Anyway, after we ate we saw a movie and we came back here,” I tell him. Harry raised an eyebrow at me, “and what did you do when you came back here?” he questioned. I rubbed the back of my neck, “made out,” I say. Harry kept looking at me, “and things we already done,” I added. I hoped Harry would get what I’m saying, “oh ok,” he mumbled.
“But she wanted to,” I tell him. Harry gave me nod as he went back to ironing my shirt, “so who did you just fuck tho?” I wondered. Harry was confused as he looked at me, but his cheeks were turning red, “what are you talking about?” he questioned. I crossed my arms over my chest, “Harry your mum and Marcel went out of town,” I smiled. Harry cheeks went a deeper red, “but that doesn’t mean I got laid. I could be doing something else,” he pointed out.
“Like what?” I asked. Harry ignored me as he kept ironing my shirt, “who is it Harry?” I wondered. Harry shook his head, “it’s no one. I just thought I meant something to them, but I don’t,” he says. I could hear the sadness in his voice, “you going to be alright?” I questioned. He nodded his head, “not the first time they broke me,” he admitted. He held my shirt up, “I think that’s done,” he faked smiled. I hugged him, “have fun tonight. Go wild. Let lose,” I tell him.
After I put my shirt on, I was in the kitchen making everyone a cup of tea, “so Ashton messaged me. He’ll be here soon,” Zayn informs us. We all gave him a small nod, “Lou do you think he the one that Lilly talks about?” Liam wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “what if he is? What you going to do?” Harry questioned. I shrugged my shoulders again, “breathe,” Zayn tells me. I took in a deep breath, “I’m fine guys,” I say. They all nodded their heads, “well his here,” Zayn smirked.
After we let Ashton in we sat outside to have a smoke, “so what’s up with the cups of tea?” he asked. What does he have that I don’t? Why would Lilly fall for such a dickhead, “we don’t drink without Niall,” Harry replied. Ashton rolled his eyes, but I couldn’t be bothered doing anything about it, “plus we all got to drive. The party not here. It’s at my house,” Zayn tells him. Ashton gave him a small nod, but he really didn’t care, “so what have you been doing since the last time we seen you?” Harry asked. I zoned out when he started talking and it wasn’t because of Lilly. This guy was always a tosser. He travels the world with his dad and fucks a chick where ever he goes. Well that’s what he says, “Lou do you still have my black jacket?” Harry asked me.
“Yeah. I think it’s in the laundry,” I say. Harry got up and went inside, “you still with Perrie?” Ashton asked Zayn. He nodded his head, “Louis and Liam have girlfriends now,” Zayn tells him. Ashton looked straight at me before he started laughing, “bullshit,” he swore. Liam shook his head, “you can meet them. They should be done by now,” he suggested. Ashton nodded his head, “I need to see if their real,” he smirked. I rolled my eyes as I went inside, but my eyes straight away landed on Lilly. She was just so beautiful in a green off the shoulder dress with back high heels. Her green eyes were sticking out due to thick eye-liner. Her hair was curly and her fringe was pin back. I wanted to do so many things to her, but we had somewhere to go and people were around, “why did you stop Lou?” Liam asked me. Liam moved next to me and he looked at Sophia, “yes she beautiful, but you need to stop drooling. Ashton behind us,” Liam whispered in my ear. We both turned around to look at him and Zayn laughing at something. They stood next to us and looked at the girls, “wow these must be your beautiful girlfriends,” Ashton smiled. I could tell by Lilly face that it was the Ashton that he had a crush on. I then found my shoes interesting to look out, “are you going to introduce me?” Ashton wondered.
“You know my girlfriend Perrie,” I heard Zayn say. I zoned out lost in my own thoughts, “Lou are you going to introduce your girl to Ash?” Harry asked me. I walked over to Lilly, “Ash you should already know my girl Lilly. You went to school together,” I reminded him. Ashton looked over Lilly and that voice came into my head. Would Lilly leave me for Ashton, “Lilly you were my science partner back when we were fourteen. I didn’t recognize you. So, your Louis girlfriend?” he asked. Lilly smiled as she nodded her head and she looked happy to be call my girlfriend, “so Lou is tied down. I bet you miss the single life and all the girls going after you. Having them do what you asked,” Ashton rambled. I wrapped my arm around Lilly, “nope. I’m really happy with Lilly Belle,” I tell him. Ashton seemed surprised, but it felt like he was up to something, “well we better be going. Got some finishing touches to do on the house before Niall gets there,” Harry says.
Liam and Zayn put Niall’s birthday cake in Liam’s car. I was making sure the whole house was locked up as everyone left part from Lilly, “do we have to go now?” Lilly asked me. I wondered what changed her mind, “what happened to all the money in the world wouldn’t stop me going?” I questioned. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “is it because your crush Ashton back?” I wondered. I quickly made sure the backdoor was locked, “it was a stupid crush. I don’t even know why I had one. He was mean to me,” she mumbled. The last bit was quiet, but I heard it, “he was mean to you?” I questioned. Lilly sighed as she nodded her head, “he was nice to me in science, because I did most of the work. But when he was around other people he was mean,” she explained. I went over to her, “if he says anything to night. I will kill him,” I reassured her. I pushed her against the was as I kissed her, “because no one hurts my Lilly Belle,” I added. I kissed her again as I pulled her thigh up to my waist. My hand went up higher on her thigh and her dress rod up. I could already feel myself getting hard, “you know your legs feel the same as before,” I smiled against her lips.
“I don’t like it when you shave. Your stubble drives me crazy,” she smirked against my lips. I laughed a little bit since I already knew that, “guys what are you… oh god,” we heard Ashton say. I let go of Lilly’s leg, but kept her close. Lilly pulled her dress down, “I live here and what do you want Ash?” I snapped. Ashton just stared at me which worried me a little bit, “left my phone outside,” he smiled. Ashton ran outside, “he going to tell Harry and he is going to say we were fucking,” I say. Lilly shook her head as Ashton came back in, “would you two hurry up with your quickie and get to the party,” Ashton smirked.
As soon as he left it felt like I could relax. I took a deep breath in and stepped away from Lilly. I knew by Lilly’s face she noticed the bulge in my pants, “fuck we have no time for anything now,” I groaned. I ran off to check the back door to see if Ashton locked it, but he didn’t. I was telling myself gross things to get rid of my hard on, “babe tell me something gross,” I begged as I stood in front of her. Lilly was confused until I pointed to the bulge in my pants, “my mother naked and all over you,” she smiled. I straight away screwed my face up and felt myself get soft, “it worked, but don’t ever say that again. I don’t want to picture it,” I smiled back.
When we got to Zayn’s house Lilly was looking at it, “he has a pool too. Wanna go for a swim later?” I teased. Lilly smiled as we started walking in. Well that wasn’t a no. I could finally kiss her in the pool and no one was going to stop me for once. Maybe we should have had the party at my house. We could have gone in the treehouse after having fun in the pool.
Once we were inside Lilly was looking at all the decorations that we put up. I grabbed her hand, “did we do alright?” I asked. Lilly nodded her head as she kissed me, “you seem happy when I do things for Niall,” I pointed out. I noticed it more than once. Lilly kissed me again, “because Niall like me. He is a category three,” she tells me. I smiled as I kissed her.
When we joined everyone in the lounger room no one looked happy, “Ashton tells me that you two were having a quickie before you got here,” Liam says. I knew he would say that, “we were just making out. Have you seen how beautiful she looks tonight? I would have jumped her in front of you guys,” I smiled. Lilly left with the girls suddenly. I don’t blame them, “so what is she like in bed?” Ashton asked. I shook my head, “I don’t talk about that,” I tell him. Ashton rolled his eyes and it took a lot of will power not to hit him, “Lou don’t talk about Lil in front of Harry,” Zayn says.
“Why? Was she Harry’s girl?” Ashton questioned. He was loving this, “no. She my sister and there are somethings I don’t need to know,” Harry slightly snapped. I knew Harry couldn’t keep his cool much longer. I think what happened today is catching up to him, “so I would like you to stop talking about her,” he added. Harry walked out of the room, “so since his gone. You can tell me,” Ashton tells me. I shook my head at him, “Lou the girls need help,” Liam lied. I knew he was trying to get me away from Ashton. I nodded my head since it was a good idea, “well I’ll be back with my mates that I have to pick up from the airport. Let me know when the real party starts. I don’t fit in with the lovey dovey group,” he says. Zayn showed him out.
We found all the girls in the kitchen and they just had a shot of vodka, “pour us one,” Liam tells Sophia. Lilly gave Sophia her shot glass for me. Sophia poured us one and Lilly gave me my shot, “Ash is pissing me off,” I mumbled before I took my shot. Lilly rubbed my back and I started relaxing, “he going to the airport to pick up his mates. He said he be back later for the real party,” Liam tells them. I kissed the side of Lilly’s head, “his gone for now,” Zayn tells us as him and Harry walked in. They both filled up a shot glass and drank it. Harry looked at Lilly and I, “you two were just making out right?” Harry questioned. We both nodded our heads, “good. Was Ashton ever mean to you Flower? Because he called you Godzilla. Well he tried to tell us that it was everyone else,” Harry wondered. As soon as Lilly cringed at that name. I knew it was true, “yeah. They used to call me it when I was bigger,” she confessed. I kissed the side of her head again to reassure her, “well I’m not letting Ashton back in,” Sophia says. I wish we could, “We can’t his Niall’s friend and we can’t tell him what Ashton used to do to Lil on his birthday. We just got to stay away from him,” Zayn tells us. We all nodded before we finished getting the house ready.
We all sat around waiting for Niall to show up. I looked at the time, “it eight. The party starts at ten and I feel bad if we start without him,” I say. I just need for this party to start before my head gets to me. Everyone nodded in agreement until we heard a car out the front. All of us boys got up and ran to the door. The girls were laughing at us as we were hugging him and wishing him a happy birthday. The girls also hugged him and wished him a happy birthday. Niall was looking the girls up and down, “you’re all pretty for me and you look like the Irish flag,” he smiled. He had a good look at May, “get over your tantrum?” Niall smirked. May shook her head, “I’m here with the girls,” she tells him. Niall looked around, “feels like home,” he says.
The girls dragged him the kitchen, so we could get this party started, “Ni check out the cake the girls made you,” Liam beamed. Niall looked at the cake and he looked really happy at all of this. I noticed Lilly was also really happy about all of this, “you girls are amazing. I know the guys could never come up with this. There the muscle not the beauty and the brains,” Niall says as he wrapped an arm around Lilly and Perrie. I took in a deep breath since I sometimes forget to breath. Niall looked at the girl’s hands, “is that my name?” he asked in shock. The girls nodded their heads, “all us girls have it,” Perrie tells him. Niall got excited, “so does that mean your all mine tonight?” he smirked.
“Maybe buddy since you didn’t tell us what you wanted for your birthday,” Zayn smiled. Niall kissed Lilly’s and Perrie’s cheeks, “where are my other two beautiful girls?” Niall asked. Sophia walked over to Niall so he could kiss her cheek, “you not going to upset the birthday boy are you May?” Niall teased. May rolled her eyes before she walked over to Niall. He kissed her cheek before he whispered something in her ear. And that was my breaking point. I pulled Lilly closer to me and wrapped my arm around her, “Lil not yours tonight. She is mine. My name on her,” Niall smiled. I knew Niall was trying to get to me. I shook my head, “I never agreed to it. Zayn did, so Perrie yours. But Lilly Belle still mine,” I pointed out. Niall pouted as he hugged Perrie, “Lou won’t give me my birthday present” Niall faked cried. I just hoped Lilly wouldn’t give in to him. I shook my head again, “I got you something else,” I tell him. I ran off to get his present out of my car.
When I came back I handed him a small gift box, “here mate. You’ll love it more than my girl,” Louis smiled. I grabbed a beer that was on the side as Niall opened the box, “no way. You got me season tickets to Derby County. Oh, my god Lou you’re the best,” Niall rambled. Niall hugged me tight, “but I still get your girl,” Niall smirked. He quickly kissed Lilly’s lips before he ran off. I put my beer down and ran after him. I think I was actually going to kill the birthday boy.
I chased Niall around the house, “Louis William Tomlinson will you stop chasing after Niall!” Harry shouted. I ignored him as I kept chasing after him, “every hit you give me. That how many times I’m going to kiss Lil,” Niall teased. Niall ran passed Harry and Lilly and Harry grabbed him. Lilly stopped me going anywhere near Niall, “Louis don’t and Niall apologize to Flower for kissing her without her permission. Then let’s party,” Harry tells us. Niall apologized to Lilly before him and Harry went back into the kitchen, “just kiss me,” Lilly tells me. I kissed her, “feel better?” she wondered. I smiled as I nodded my head. I feel so much better.
When we got back into that kitchen. I straight away picked up my beer, “game of beer pong with a twist again?” Zayn suggested. We all agreed before explained to Sophia and May the rules of the game. We changed it to, when the ball lands in you cup you’re out after you answered your question. We didn’t want to get drunk straight away.
After we made sure we all had a full cup. We all went into the dining room to play. It was girl’s verses boys. I was liking the team set up since whoever won got control over the other team. Zayn went first and got it in Sophia cup, “how long have you wanted Liam?” he questioned as Sophia drank her drink. Sophia looked at Liam, “since I started at Eden,” she admitted. Sophia stepped back as May had her turn and missed. Niall tried to get it into May’s cup, but also missed. Perrie got it into Harry cup, “is it true that you fucked Mrs. Baker our home ec teacher?” Perrie asked. Harry smirked as he drank his drink, “no, but she did give me a blowjob,” Harry tells us. I think most of us were shocked, “Niall is that why you joined creative writing?” Lilly asked him.
“Hey, you didn’t get the ball in my drink, so I don’t have to answer,” Niall tells her. Lilly raised an eyebrow at him and I knew he was going to give into her, “but no. I didn’t know about it until Perrie asked,” he added. Niall didn’t look happy to find out about Harry and Mrs. Baker. I threw the ball and tried to get it’s in Lilly’s cup. It missed, “what do you want to know?” she asked mer. I just smiled at her as I shook my head. I really didn’t want to know anything. Lilly threw the ball and it landed in Liam’s cups, “would you ever swap Soph for me. Just for one night to do anything to me?” she wondered. Sophia hit her and Lilly just smiled at her. What do these girls talk about, “only if I get my girlfriend back in one piece,” Liam says after his drank his drink. Everyone was looking at me, “not going to say anything,” I say. Lilly smiled at me, so I smiled back at her. I knew she was happy that I didn’t get jealous. Zayn and May threw the ball, but they both missed. Niall got it into Perrie cup and I could tell that is was an accident, “have you and Zayn ever done it at school?” he asked
“Yep in the equipment room in the gym,” she smiled. Lilly threw the ball and it landed in my drink. It felt like she wanted someone else, “two in a row,” Zayn points out. Lilly looked at the girls for a question to ask me. May whispered something in her ear, “what the most sexual thing you want to do to me?” She asked. Lilly already knew the answer, “I don’t want to hear,” Harry says as he put his fingers in his ears.
“At the moment is to go down on her. Like she goes down on me,” I winked at Lilly. Everyone was looking at us to see if I was telling the truth, “is she any good?” Liam wondered. I nodded my head, “she learnt from your girlfriend,” I inform him. Liam looked at Sophia, “fucken hell,” he mumbled. I stood next to Harry and took his finger out of his ears. He looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders, “kinda clean,” I whispered to him. He gave me a small nod as Zayn missed. May also missed, but Niall got it into May cup, “does your boyfriend know you’re not a virgin?” Niall questioned. May shook her head as she drank her drink. I noticed Harry rolled his eyes, “he doesn’t believe in sex before marriage,” she confessed.
“Do you miss it?” Perrie asked her. May nodded her head, “he doesn’t even touch me and when I touch myself he says it wrong,” she rambled. Perrie hugged her tight and I actually felt sorry for her, “I hate you. If we didn’t do what we did. I wouldn’t have these urges,” May snapped at Niall. We were all looking at May, “I’m fine now. I finally got over my tantrum,” she says.
After May kept saying that she was alright and we should continue the game. Lilly threw the ball and it went into Zayn cup. He drank it, “what your most kinky fantasy?” Lilly asked. Zayn raised an eyebrow out of surprised, but I wasn’t. I think Lilly would like to see if I’m a freak or not, “I don’t know if I can answer that question,” Zayn mumbled. All us boys looked at him since we already knew most of them. However, if he doesn’t answer we lose, “you have to or we lose. It just Lil left,” Niall begged. Zayn looked at Perrie, “um her tied up,” Zayn says. Lilly knew that wasn’t what he really wanted to do, but she let it go, Niall picked up the ball, “now Ni. Lil hasn’t missed yet. You need to get this in or you could be out,” Liam tells him.  Niall threw the ball and it bounced off Lilly’s cup. When Lilly threw the ball, she missed on purpose. Why would she do that, “come on Ni,” Zayn encouraged him. Niall took a deep breath before he threw the ball. It landed right in Lilly’s cup. She just smiled as she drank her drink. I knew she was up to something, “if you weren’t with Louis. Who would you pick out of us to take your virginity? You can leave Harry out,” Niall asked.
“You Ni,” Lilly says. I’m kinda glad that it was Niall that she picked, but it still doesn’t help my fucked-up mind, “really? You’re not just saying that because it my birthday,” Niall questioned. Lilly shook her head, “I told you last week that I wanted to keep you,” she smiled. Niall smiled a little bit and I could tell he was getting embarrassed, “she says you’re cute and cuddly,” I added. Niall blushed a deep red, “I think she right,” Sophia says. Niall went into the kitchen, “aw did we embarrass him,” Perrie teased. Niall mumble something, “so ladies you have to do what we say tonight,” Liam smirked. Everyone started walking into kitchen, but I stopped Lilly, “really Niall babe?” I questioned. She nodded her head, “but that if I weren’t with you,” she reminded me. I kissed her, “you also lost on purpose. Why?” I wondered. Lilly smiled as she placed her hands on my chest, “because I know you boys will make it fun,” she flirted. My fingers traced the outline of her knickers on her arse. My mind had load of dirty thoughts, but I would have to wait until we were alone. I squeezed her arse to bring my attention back to her, “a lot things just came to my mind,” I smirked.
When we got into the kitchen May straight away handed us a shot of vodka. We all then wished Niall a happy birthday and clinked our shot glasses together. I downed my quickly, “I think I’m going to be drunk tonight,” Lilly whispered to me. I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit, “means no fun later,” I whispered back. Lilly kissed my cheek, “I already gave you two blowjobs today,” she says. I placed my hand on her arse, “but I can never have enough of you,” I smiled. Lilly shook her head and I knew she was being playful, “ok we still have an hour. So, truth or dare?” Niall suggested. We all agreed, but I really could stay in the kitchen with Lilly and have some fun with her. We all got new drinks before we went into the lounge room.
I sat down on the floor near Niall while Lilly took her shoes off. She bent over and I could nearly see her knickers. I stopped looking when Zayn sat down next to me with Perrie. He was smiling at me, but I ignored him. Lilly sat down between Niall and I as May sat down on the other side of Niall. Sophia sat down next to May with Liam at her side. Harry just sat down between Liam and Perrie looking at Niall. I could feel sadness coming from Harry, “ok I’ll start. Liam truth or dare?” Perrie asked him.
“Dare,” he smiled. Perrie smirked at him and I knew she was up to something, “I dare you to strip off completely,” she tells him. Liam groaned as he stood up. I wondered why Perrie dared him to do that, “um can I girls? I don’t feel like three shots,” Liam asked. All the girls nodded their heads before Liam started to take his clothes off, “don’t cover my eyes,” Lilly tells me. She looked at me, “you will ruin my make-up,” she added. I laughed a little and now I really wanted to cover her eyes, “but you know I hate make-up on you,” I smiled. I noticed that Liam was completely naked, so I pointed to him for Lilly. She was looking him up and down, “told you he tear you into two,” I whispered in her ear. Lilly looked scared as she was looking at Liam’s member, “ok Soph truth or dare?” Niall asked her. Sophia picked truth as she was still looking at Liam, “do you like what you see on Liam?” Niall wondered. Sophia nodded, but her eyes still never leaving Liam’s body, “um May truth or dare?” Sophia says. Sophia final looked away as Liam sat down. I noticed that Sophia started moving in her spot as May also picked truth, “was Niall any good?” Zayn asked her. May blushed a deep red, but Harry rolled his eyes, “um yeah, but I got nothing to compare him too,” she tells us. Niall smiled big as he chose dare, “I dare you to make out with Louis,” Harry smirked.
“God you’re as bad as Lil. I can see where she gets it from,” Zayn laughed. But why does it have to be me? Why can’t it be Zayn or Liam? Niall was glaring at Harry, but Harry looked happy with his dare, “I’m in. I don’t want to be drunk yet,” I say. I really didn’t want to be drunk yet. Lilly is being all flirty with me. Niall was looking at me to see if I was joking, “I’m in if no one speaks about it,” Niall tells us. We all agreed with him, but who were we going to tell? Lilly leant back on her hand, so Niall and I could reach each other. I kissed Niall right in front of Lilly and by the looks of it she was enjoying it. Niall and I sat back down and Lilly was still in a daze, “your turn babe,” I tell her. Lilly sat back up, “dare, but I’m giving no one a lap dance,” she says.
“I dare you to kiss Zayn,” Liam smiled. Now that was to push my buttons, but I gave Lilly the ok to do it “just remember his mine,” Perrie says. Lilly just smiled at Perrie as Zayn came over to her. Zayn pushed his lips to Lilly’s and I nearly lost my shit. This wasn’t right to me, so I pulled Lilly back to me. I kissed her as I held her face in my hands. I noticed that Zayn kissed Perrie so, he must have felt the same as me, “dose he kiss better than me?” I asked me as I ran my thumb over her cheek. Lilly shook her head no, “you two done with your moment? Because it your turn Lou,” May interrupted. I knew everyone just watched me and Lilly and I felt my cheek heat up a little bit, “truth,” I say.
“What do you like about Lil?” Sophia asked. I couldn’t hide my smile, so I looked down. Why did Sophia ask this question, “truthfully everything. I can’t find anything wrong,” I confessed. I noticed Lilly smiling at me and I really wanted to kiss her again and again, “but something’s that come out of her mouth is dirty,” I added. I winked at her and she pushed me, “I learnt that from you,” she says. I wrapped my arm around her and she leant into me. Zayn chose dare, “I dare you to sit on Liam’s lap,” Lilly smiled. Without a word, Zayn got and sat down on Liam’s lap, “god this reminds me of the other night,” Liam joked. We all laughed at them as Perrie picked dare, “suck Soph nipple,” I tell her. Perrie gave me you’re a bitch face. I guess she doesn’t want the girls knowing about her other side. Perrie crawled all the way over to Sophia, “we’re really dirty tonight,” Lilly says. Niall and I agreed with her as we all watched Perrie suck Sophia nipple, but it wasn’t doing anything for me. Perrie moved back, “Harold your turn,” Lilly tells him. Harry glared at her, “truth,” he says.
“Man, I have two questions,” May sighed. Harry faked laughed a little bit. He really must not like her, “then ask them both,” he tells her. May smiled at him, “have you ever tasted you own cum?” she asked. Harry slowly nodded his head, “not purpose tho. It went too far one time,” he tells us. We all laughed, but Niall laughed really hard, “when you’re playing with yourself?” Niall asked, but it really didn’t sound like a question. It sounded like he already knew about it. Harry nodded his head again, “ok my second question is have you ever had anal sex?” May wondered. I pulled Lilly closer to me. Just in case she had questions on the matter, “yes, I have given anal sex, but never received it. It was that not long ago actually. She was scared to get pregnant,” Harry explained. Oh, that’s what he did today. Lilly phone started ringing, so she got up and grabbed it, “hello,” she says as she answered it. I couldn’t hear who she was talking to, but I knew who it was, “mother,” Lilly faked smiled. I quickly got up and rushed to her side. I placed my hand on her back, “out with my boyfriend Lou,” Lilly tells her. Well she isn’t lying to her, “ok, yep, bye,” Lilly says. When Lilly looked at her eye looked worried, “is everything alright?” I asked. She gave me another fake smile as she nodded her head, “I think this calls for a smoke break,” Zayn says as he stood up.
We all went outside after Liam put his clothes on and Lilly put her shoes back on. Lilly was looking around Zayn’s big backyard as I got my smokes out. I lit up two smokes and gave one to Lilly, “I’m disappointed there no treehouse,” she tells me. I smiled as all the memories from my treehouse came to mind. I took a drag of my smoke, “so Ni enjoying your birthday?” May asked him. Niall nodded his head, “and the night still young,” he says. Harry came over to Lilly and I, “can I talk to you for a minute Flower?” he wondered. I knew Harry could tell something was wrong with that phone call. Lilly nodded her head and left with Harry.
They stood on the other side of the yard, “I wonder what that’s about?” Niall questioned. I nodded my head, “probably fighting over you,” I joked. Niall didn’t laugh. He was just staring at them, “Harry actually worried about her. He thinks something going on at home with her. Like she got this big secret,” Niall started. He looked at me, “I told him that you won’t let anything bad happen to her. That you would look after her. Harry has so much stress in his life right now. So, he needs her to be happy, because it makes him happy,” Niall tells me.
“I’m trying my best, but she is a lot like Harry. She doesn’t like asking for help,” I say. Niall patted me on the back, “you’ll find away,” he smiled. I laughed a little as I realized that nothing would come between Harry and Niall. Harry started laughing really loudly, “I’m so sorry Flower, but it is funny tho,” he laughed. Lilly didn’t look happy, “Niall, Louis. Harry has a picture of you kissing!” she shouted. Did she say what I think she said, “she is lying. She trying to get me back for sending Liam a picture of her,” Harry tried to defend himself. Harry started running and I knew that he really did have a picture of me and Niall kissing, “I can’t believe you did that Flower. What happened to family before hoes?” Harry yelled. Niall and I chased after Harry around the backyard, “birthday boy! Picture with the girls!” Liam shouted. Niall ran over to where the girls were to get his picture taken. I still chased after Harry, “boys together,” Perrie says. Harry and I ran over to them and posed for the picture, “your lucky Styles,” I whispered.
“Liam and Soph,” Perrie smiled. We all moved away, so Liam and Sophia could take a photo. I stood next to Lilly, “come on pose bitches,” May tells them. I can see why Niall likes her. Liam smiled as he dipped Sophia. He kissed her, “I dare you to top that Lou and Lil,” May smiled. I dragged Lilly over to Liam and Sophia was. I pushed Lilly into with one hand as my other hand cupped her face. I kissed her and Lilly place her hands on my chest, “simple, but I like it. Zayn lets show them how it done,” Perrie says. Lilly and I stood next to May as Perrie and Zayn took the spotlight. Zayn lifted Perrie up as she kissed him, “May do you think you and Niall can top that?” I smirked. I think Niall and May should kiss and makeup. Lilly was looking at me, “Ni do you think we can top that?” May asked him. May looked drunk as she dragged Niall to where we all been standing, “what going on?” Perrie asked as they stood next to us. Lilly pointed to me and I just smiled, “I think May drunk,” Zayn says. Lilly nodded her head, “well one thing for sure. She still likes Ni,” Perrie says. May wrapped her arms around Niall’s neck as he picked her up. May then wrapped her legs around him and Niall grabbed her arse. They kept making out even after Liam too the photo. Liam took a picture of Harry kissing a tree, “didn’t know you’re into wood,” Liam joked. Harry stuck his middle finger at him, “there still going,” Sophia says as she pointed to May and Niall.
“You two we took the picture a while ago,” I tell them. May quickly got off of Niall and ran inside with Perrie behind her. Niall had a big smile on his face, so Liam took a photo of him, “Ni I think you enjoyed that too much,” Harry tells him. Harry pointed to Niall’s crotch and he had a bulge, “you got that from making out,” Liam teased. That was pretty bad for Niall. It normally takes a lot for him, “she not wearing a bra,” Niall smiled. Liam slowly nodded his head, “well you got ten minutes to get rid of it,” Liam tells him.  Niall ran inside, “reminds me of you earlier,” Lilly says to me. I shook my head, “but Ni gets to toss off. Where I didn’t,” I pouted. Lilly smiled at me, “yeah all by himself. Where you have me,” she reminded me. I kissed her, “we got ten minutes,” I started. Lilly shook her head to stop me, “not right now,” she tells me. I kissed her again, “you’re all mine later then,” I smirked. Perrie and May came back out, “so people be here soon and the party can start,” May smiled.
“I thought the party already started for you,” I teased her. May shook her head, “where is the birthday boy?” Perrie wondered. Zayn whispered in Perrie’s ear, “no way. Really?” Perrie says. Zayn nodded his head, “just remember we got to play nice with Ash. When we don’t want to,” Harry reminds us. Thanks for reminding us. Ashton lucky that I don’t just punch him right in the face. We all nodded our heads, “don’t be alone with him and if you are get away. Ash the type of person that will try to spilt us up,” I warn Lilly. She nodded her head, “just remember what happens tonight. You’re the only one I want,” she promised. I kissed her, “and you’re the only one I want,” I smiled against her lips. Lilly kissed me as she smiled as well, “love birds. You ready to party or go home to have your own private party?” May asked. We look at everyone and they were all smiling at us, “we’re ready to party with everyone,” I say.
As soon as we got a new drink and turned the music on. People started showing up and Sophia took Lilly away from me. So, Liam thought it was a good idea to hang around me for a while, “why haven’t you beaten the crap out of Ashton?” Liam wondered. I sighed as I had some of my drink, “because when Niall happy, Lilly happy and Harry happy that Lilly happy,” I say. Liam nodded his head, “suck up,” he whispered. I nodded my head, “I bet Soph wants to suck something on you. Did you see her face when she saw you naked?” I teased.
“Yes, I did. I think I’m in for a goodnight with her,” Liam smiled. I laughed a little bit, “but since Soph taught Lil. Is there anything I should know?” he questioned. I just smiled at him, “I can’t give away the secret,” I say. Liam shook his head, “but Lilly must have been good. You seemed really happy when we came around today,” Liam tells me. I nodded my head, “well in the past twenty-four hours. I had three blowjobs,” I smiled. Liam laughed a little bit until something caught his eyes, “Ashton back and with his friends. They’re also talking to our girls,” he informs me.
As soon as I noticed them we went straight over there. Michael, Luke and Calum are good guys. It’s just they hang around Ashton, “lads. I’ve see you met our girls,” I smiled. Liam and I hugged the guys, “your lucky boys. Their so beautiful,” Michael says. Luke hit him in the back of the head, “manners,” he tells him. Michael just looked at him since he really did nothing wrong, “I gave them a complement jerk,” Michael snapped. Calum smiled at us, “so where is the birthday boy?” he wondered. We looked around and I couldn’t find Niall anywhere, “somewhere,” I say. I wrapped my arm around Lilly, “well we better find him. See you guys around,” Luke smiled. They all left us, “they seem nice,” Sophia smiled.
As Lilly and I were heading to the kitchen to get another drink. Liam and Sophia went to go dance. Lilly seemed disappointed that we didn’t follow them. I stopped when I heard a slow song come on, “instead of another drink. Do you wanna dance?” I asked.  Lilly smiled big as she nodded her head, so I grabbed her hand and lead her to the dancefloor.
Once we were on the dancefloor, I pulled her close to me. I kept our hand together on my chest as I wrapped my other arm around her hips. Lilly placed her hand on my back under my arm. I swayed us to the music as I sang along to it. Lilly rested her head on my shoulder as she listened to me. I kiss the side of her head before I leant my head against hers. I kept singing as we both were enjoying the music. I knew people were watching us, but the most important thing to me now was Lilly.
When the song finished, and turned into this fast-upbeat song. Lilly and I decided to go get a drink. Once we were in the kitchen we noticed Luke talking to May, “hey guys,” May smiled. I got Lilly and I a new drink, “have you met Luke? His from Australia,” May said quickly. I had to do a double take on May. She seemed really hyper, “May have you taken anything?” I wondered. May shook her head, “too much sugar,” she says. She ran off before I could ask her again, “she is a funny drunk,” Luke smirked. We laughed a little bit, “she taken mate,” I tell him. Luke seemed disappointed, but she is kinda Niall’s girl and I think she might be on something, “by who? Are all you guys taken?” Luke asked. I shook my head, “Niall and Harry are still single. May’s boyfriend at home, because his a good boy,” I say. Luke laughed, “does he know she’s here?” her wondered. Lilly shook her head, “do you think she’ll kiss me?” Luke questioned.
“I wouldn’t try. She kinda Niall’s girl as well,” I tell him. I gave Lilly her drink, “is Niall going after her?” Luke wondered. I nodded my head, “oh Harry getting some. So, don’t look for him,” Luke tells us before he left the kitchen. Lilly shook her head at Luke, “didn’t need to know that,” she mumbled. I put my drink down, so I could put my hands on her waist, “on the subject of Harry. Does he really have a picture of me and Niall kissing?” I asked. Lilly nodded her head as she put her drink down. She put her hands on my chest, “I’m not going to lie. I was turned on by you and Niall kissing,” she admitted.
“Might have to find Niall again since you’re not giving me anything,” I smirked. Lilly shook her head quickly, “you kiss Niall again and I will make sure you don’t get anything for a while,” she threated. I moved my face just centimetres away from hers, “it be worth it to see you jealous,” I say. Lilly kissed me, “I wouldn’t be jealous. I would be turned on,” She whispered in my ear. Lilly stepped away from me and a really naughty thought about me, Lilly and Niall came into my head. I watched Lilly as I grabbed my drink. We both drank it in one go before I quickly went over to her. I pulled her closer to me and she kissed me, “I’m starting to think you don’t want me to go anywhere near Niall,” I say. I think my drink went straight to my head, because it didn’t sound like bad idea. About me, her and Niall, “babe it your choice. You can go find Niall or you can take me somewhere private?” she smirked.
I quickly grabbed her and took her out of the kitchen. We went down a hallway before we went into Zayn’s dad office, “why is there no one in here?” Lilly wondered. I pushed her against the wall, “because it Zayn’s dad office. If Zayn catches you in here. He will kill you,” I explained. I kissed up her neck as one of my hands played with her boob. I felt Lilly undoing my top, so I pulled her dress down a little bit. I pushed her bra away with my chin, so I could suck on her nipple. Lilly pushed my shirt off my shoulders and I let it fall to the floor. I manged to pin both of her arms above her head in one of my hands. I pulled her dress up with my other hand, “make as much noise you want babe. No one can here you,” I smirked. I rubbed her through her knickers, “fuck Lou. No teasing please,” she begged. I unzipped her dress and pulled it down. It fell to her feet and she just looked sexy standing there, “fuck you look so hot in just heels and your underwear. It makes me wanna fuck you against the wall,” I growled.
“Then do it,” she tells me. I kissed her as my mind wasn’t making any sense. Lilly undid my jeans and pulled the down a bit with my boxers. I pulled Lilly’s knickers down and she stepped out of them. I kissed her again as I was about to pick her up the door handle started moving. Lilly and I quickly picked our clothes up and hid in the wardrobe full of filing cabinets. I got the door closed in time before whoever walked in saw us. I pulled my jeans and boxers back up as Lilly put her knickers on, “Niall won’t someone catch us?” we heard May ask. We got closer to the door as Lilly looked at me, “no baby. No one comes in here,” Niall reassured her. We heard a thud, “Ni just hurry up please,” May begged. I quickly covered Lilly’s ears, so she couldn’t hear what comes next. I could hear what’s happing and May really loud. I moved us away from the door to the other side of wardrobe. I moved my hand away from one of her ears, “there having sex,” I whispered in her ear. I cover her ear back up and she covered mine. I smiled at how cute she is, “you don’t need to cover mine babe. I have heard Niall before,” I say in her ear. Lilly moved in closer to me, “so,” she smiled. I moved my hands away, so she could hear May moan. She also moved her hands away from me, “you know this makes me want to continue what we were doing,” she smirked. I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around her. I just realized that we were going to have sex, “babe I think we were about to have sex. So, I don’t want to continue that,” I admitted. Lilly froze, so I grabbed her dress and put that on her, “you alright babe?” I wondered as I zipped up her dress. she shrugged her shoulders as she had a blank look on her face, “it going to be alright. I’m so sorry babe,” I apologized.
After I made sure her dress was alright. I sat down on the floor against a filling cabinet, “come here,” I smiled. Lilly sat down between my legs. I got my phone out of my pocket with my earbuds. I put them in her ears before I plugged them into my phone. I found hunter Hayes in my music and pressed play. Lilly looked at me and she was shocked. I kissed her as she smiled at me. Lilly put her head on my chest as she listened to the music. I ran my fingers up and down her back as I kept listing to Niall and May. It’s not like I wanted to listen, but it’s all I can hear.
I don’t know how much timed passed, but I knew it wasn’t that much. I heard Niall and May stop, “what’s wrong Niall?” May asked him. I knew something went wrong, “I just can’t finish,” Niall snapped. I heard movement, “I’m sorry May, but I have to go,” he apologized. I heard the door open and close. I heard some more movement, but Lilly put an earbud in my ear. It was her favourite song Wanted. Lilly put her head back against my chest. I leant my head into hers, so I could her the song. This song reminds me of us and our relationship. I think her favourite song is our song.
I stayed with her for a couple more songs, before I moved head away from her, “I think there gone,” I say. I knew they left ages ago, but it was nice to just sit with her, “I think your right,” she tells me. Lilly gave me my earbud before I stood up. I put my phone and earbuds in my pocket. I went over the door and opened it to make sure May was gone, “there gone,” I smiled. I helped Lilly up, “Lou can we talk about what just happened later?” she wondered. Lilly gave me my top, “what bit? Niall and May or us?” I questioned. It was meant to be a joke, but it really was a questioned. I put my shirt back on, “both. I just want to go back to the party,” she tells me. I nodded my head since I didn’t want to get into an argument with her. I grabbed her hand as I looked her up and down. Lilly caught me, “just making sure you still look beautiful for everyone,” I smiled. I kissed her before we left and joined the party again.
We were just in time for Niall’s birthday cake. Liam and Harry put on the dining room table in front of Niall. Lilly and I stood close to them, “I want to thank everyone for coming,” Niall started. I wrapped my arms around Lilly from behind, “I really want to thank my best friends which are more like family to me. I also want to thank our girls for putting this together and making the cake,” Niall smiled. Niall smiled at everyone, so we sang happy birthday to him and he blew his candles out.
Not long after that I lost Lilly in the crowd, but I knew she was going to be safe. She would find Sophia or Niall. I picked up a small bottle of vodka from the kitchen side and went outside. I sat down on the grass and got my smokes out. I lit one up before I took a drink. I started think about what just happened between Lilly and me. Why wasn’t I thinking? I took another drink, “so Lou where is Lilly?” I heard Ashton wondered. I looked up to see he had a smug look on his face, “hanging out with her friends,” I tell him.
“And what are you doing?” he questioned. I took another drink, “having a smoke,” I say. Ashton shrugged his shoulders before he walked away. I had some more vodka as Harry came over, “Lou I think you should go find Lilly,” he tells me. I took a drag of my smoke, “why?” I asked. Harry looked worried, “I think Ashton going to do something,” he admitted. I took another drink of vodka, “Lou. I’m being fucken serious,” he snapped. Harry grabbed the bottle out of my hand and threw it away. I looked at him and he was pissed, “what if she wants him?” I mumbled. Harry pulled me up off the ground, “you fucken go find her!” He spat. He pushed me towards the house until I started walking.
I looked around Zayn’s house and didn't find her until I walked down the hallway to Zayn’s dad’s office. I saw Lilly, but Ashton lips were on hers. I just lost it. I ripped Ashton on her, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing with my girlfriend!” I shouted. I started to punch him and I didn't want to stop, “she came onto me,” Ashton lied. Two people pulled me from him, but I wanted more. I noticed that it was Liam and Zayn that had a hold of me, “I don’t believe you for a fucken second. You better fucken run,” I spat. Ashton ran off, so Liam and Zayn followed him out.
I waited for them to disappear, “what did I tell you about being alone with him? I told you to get away!” I yelled. I saw tears in her beautiful green eyes as she stumbled back, “and your fucken drunk too!” I added. I slammed my hand on the wall next to her head. Her tears started falling, “how can you be so stupid after what I told you about him. God, you make my life hard,” I spat. Lilly pushed me away, “then I’ll make it easy for you. We are over Louis,” she snapped.
As soon as Lilly was gone. I collapsed to my knees, “what the fuck have I done?” I swore. She just broke up with me, but it was my fault. Why did I say all those things? Fucken Ashton forced himself onto her and I yelled at her for it. I knew I had to make things right with her any way I can.
I looked for Lilly, but I ran into Liam and Ashton. Liam had Ashton pin against the wall. Ashton had a cut above his eye and on his bottom lip. Liam punched him in the stomach, “you fucken touch her again and I will make sure you never see the light of day again,” Liam threatened. Ashton just stared at him, but then looked at me, “Lilly so easy to get into bed with. I can see why you’re with her,” he smirked.
“You shut the fuck up,” I spat. Before I could launch myself at him someone stopped me, “get rid of him Liam,” Harry tells him. I looked at him and he looked so angry. I was actually scared of how mad he was, “now Louis you shut the fuck up and listen to me,” Harry snapped. I nodded my head slowly, “what the fuck happened between you and Lilly? Why did you fucken say that stuff?” Harry questioned.
“I just saw her and Ashton and I completely lost it,” I admitted. My vision went blurry, “I know I shouldn't have said that stuff to her. I feel like fucken shit talking to her like that. I just need to find her and apologize. I would get on my hands knees and beg her,” I continued. I knew I was crying now, “Lou calm down,” Harry reassured me. I shook my head, but Harry nodded his head, “I'll tell you where she is, but you got promise me something,” he started. I nodded my head, “you get actual help for your mood swings. I'm not talking about seeing Veronica. I'm talking about a doctor. Your moods are changing so quickly and you’re not having healthy thoughts. Did they help you in hospital with that?” He wondered.
“They gave me some pills that I don't take. They make me feel funny and take too long to work,” I tell him. Harry nodded his head, “I'm taking you to the doctors and you can fight me all you like, but you’re going,” Harry demanded. I gave him a small nod, “can you not tell Lilly? I want too when I'm ready, but then again she might not talk to me again,” I asked. Harry smiled as he nodded his head, “she wants you and Perrie took her to Zayn's bedroom,” he says. Harry hugged me tight, “we are going to get you better,” he promised.
As I was on the way to Zayn's room I bumped into to Perrie. She pushed me against the wall, “you fucken stuffed up. She told me what nearly happened tonight. What were you thinking?” Perrie snapped. I looked down, “I wasn’t thinking,” I sighed. I looked at Perrie and she slowly nodded her head, “I’m a dickhead and I could lose the girl that I love,” I continued. Perrie face was shocked, “you love her? But whatever happened to I don’t believe in love?” Perrie questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “I met a girl called Lilly,” I say. Perrie laughed a little bit as she hugged me.
When I pulled myself together and got up to Zayn’s room. Lilly was lying in bed with her back to me. I just got in next to her without taking off my clothes. I noticed that she wasn’t wearing her dress any more, but a big t-shirt. So that meant it was Zayn’s, “took your time Pear,” Lilly mumbled. I wrapped my arm around her, “Louis?” she questioned. I nodded my head against her, “I’ll leave if you want me too,” I tell her. Lilly shook her head and I knew she was crying again. I pulled her closer to me, “hey don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I apologized. I kissed the side of her head, “I’m the stupid one not you. The only stupid thing you have ever done is saying yes to me. I’m the one that keeps hurting you,” I confessed. Lilly turned around to face me and her beautiful green eyes were red from too much crying. I made sure to keep my arm around her, “then we’re stupid together,” she smiled. I kissed her, “no you’re the smart one sometimes,” I smiled back. I sat up, “let’s go to sleep,” I say. Lilly nodded her head as I got undressed until I was down to my boxers. I motioned for Lilly to sit up, so she did. I couldn’t have her wearing Zayn’s t-shirt, “arms up,” I tell her.
“Why?” she wondered. I pulled on her top, “because that Zayn’s top,” I replied. Lilly put her arms up slowly. I took off her top and then her bra. I didn’t look at her boobs. I didn’t want to push her with what has happened tonight. I put my button top on her before we laid back down, “you sure you’re alright with my arse sticking out?” she asked. I placed my hand on her arse, “yeah as long as no one pulls the blanket away,” I smiled. I moved my fingers up and down on her arse as I was thinking to myself, “babe,” I started. Lilly shook her head, “I don’t want to talk about it right now Louis. I just want to go to sleep and get the alcohol out of me. We can talk about later,” she begged. I know what happed to night was going through her head. I pulled her closer as I kissed her head. Lilly buried her face into my chest and closed her eyes, “goodnight my stupid boy,” she smiled against me. I kissed her as I smiled, “goodnight my smart girl,” I say. We both fell asleep not long after that.
I woke-up about five o’clock in the morning to find everyone was in bed. Part from Lilly and Harry. I knew they couldn’t be far, so I got out of bed. I rubbed my face as I walked to the bedroom door, “go easy on them,” I heard Niall whispered. I gave him the thumbs up as I kept walking.
I found them at the backyard talking just dressed in jackets, “but I’m starting to get Louis,” Lilly tells Harry. Harry hugged her, “what about me?” I wondered. They both looked at me, “just how this is the third time that you two broken up and got back together,” Harry smiled. I stuck my finger up at him, “well guys it five in the morning. So, get back into bed,” I ordered. They both smiled at me, “we don’t want to,” Lilly tells me. I shook my head, “you two probably still drunk,” I started. Lilly looked at Harry and he shrugged his shoulders, “I am also older than the both of you, so what I say goes. So, get back into bed,” I ordered again. They walked over to me, “now Louis Flower needs some tender loving care for a bit after what happened tonight,” Harry tells him before he ran inside. I looked at Lilly and I knew what Harry was talking about, “what happened with Ash brought those memories back?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head, so I hugged her tight, “fuck I’m going to New York for a couple of weeks with Troy,” I remembered.
“I’ll be alright. When do you leave?” she asked me. I looked at her trying to work out how to tell her, “Monday morning,” I replied. She tried to put on a smile for me, “why are you going there?” she wondered. I sighed, “Troy trying to get a deal with a business man, but the man loves family. So, Troy wants me to go, so the guy sees that we’re a happy family. I have to go,” I explained. I couldn’t tell her the deal that I made with Troy. Lilly kissed me and it felt like she was telling me that it was going to be alright. I kissed her forehead, but I left my lips against her skin, “Harry will look after me when you’re gone,” she reassured me. I didn’t move, “but are you going to talk to him if something troubling you?” I asked against her forehead. Lilly placed her hands on my waist, “maybe, but I can’t tell him about my mother tho,” she replied. I nodded my head, “I’m going to make sure Zayn and Perrie keep an eye on you too,” I tell her. Lilly looked at me, “Lou you’re going away for two weeks. I’ll be fine,” she reassured me again. I kissed her, “it makes me feel better about leaving you,” I smiled. Lilly nodded her head, but I knew she was going to talk to no one, “just for you tho,” she says.
When we got back up to Zayn’s room to go back to bed. Harry was already asleep, so I got in next to him. I held my arms open for Lilly as she took off the jacket. I think if we were alone. I would have my way with Lilly. She looked so beautiful with only just the moonlight coming in through the window. Lilly got in next to me and I straight away wrapped my arms around her, “now back to sleep,” I ordered. Lilly smiled as she kissed me. She closed her eyes and fell straight to sleep. I kissed her forehead, “I love you,” I whispered.
The next morning, I woke when I felt Lilly moving around. I felt an arm around me and I knew it was Harry. He also had his morning wood in my back. I didn’t want to make a scene since it would have embarrassed him. However, Lilly quickly got off the bed and ran for Zayn’s bathroom. I quickly followed her as she started throwing up, “babe are you alright?” I asked. Lilly shook her head before she threw up. I knelt beside her and held her hair back. I rubbed her back as she kept going. I know she did this to herself, but this is her first hangover and it’s bad. I heard a couple more people run out of the room, “that what you get for doing shots,” Zayn laughed. Lilly must of had shots last night, “Lou can you make it stop please,” she begged. I kissed the side of her head, “I’m sorry babe I can’t,” I cooed.
When Lilly stopped throwing up. She washed her face and she look drained, “spare toothbrushes are in the bottom draw,” Zayn tells us. I grabbed one out and put toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth first before I gave it to Lilly.
After I put Lilly back to bed. I went down to get her a drink of water and some painkillers. I noticed Niall throwing up in the downstairs bathroom, “you ok in there?” I wondered. Niall nodded his head, “your girlfriend can drink,” he mumbled. I laughed as he threw up again. I put down the glass of water and the painkillers next to him, “it be ok,” I say. I rubbed his back before I left.
When I got another glass of water and some painkillers. I went back up to Zayn’s bedroom and gave them to Lilly, “should help the head,” I tell her. Lilly smiled a little, “where mine?” Harry pouted. I Just looked at him, “get it yourself. Lazy git,” I playfully snapped. Lilly took the painkillers as Sophia came back in with Liam. Sophia crawled right next to Lilly, “why did we do shots?” Sophia whined. So how many shot did they do, because Niall can hold his liquor. I sat on the side of the bed near Lilly feet. Lilly was talking to Sophia about something, but I couldn’t hear them. Niall came back in and fell onto the bed, “Lil your evil, but that was the best birthday ever,” Niall mumbled. Lilly laughed at him as Zayn took a picture of Sophia, “you happy now that you got everyone?” Lilly asked Zayn. Zayn must have taken a picture, because they have a hangover. May put her head in Sophia lap, “I’m not moving. My legs are sore,” she says. Niall smirked and Perrie hit him in the back of the head. Does Perrie know what Niall and May got up to, “why does your legs hurt?” I asked. I crossed my legs, so I could put Lilly’s feet in my lap, “party to hard,” she tells me. I played with Lilly’s feet waiting for her to tell me to stop, “or you had something hard in you,” I pointed out. May looked at me before she looked at Niall, “did you tell him?” she questioned Niall.
“No,” Niall replied. May looked at me and I swear she was going to kill me, “did you and Niall fuck last night?” Harry wondered. May hid her face in Sophia lap, “it alright. We all have urges,” Sophia cooed. May shook her head, “but I have a boyfriend,” she says. I shook my head this time, “and his a dick. I’m not saying he don’t have the right to save sex for marriage, but he should at least touch you. Touching someone can bring people closer and it more intimate then sex sometimes,” I admitted. I ran my fingers up Lilly’s leg, “because look at what happened. You just wanted to be touched, but you fucked Niall. You built it up so much that you exploded and Niall gave you what you wanted. If I was you May I would step back from your relationship and have a good look at it. Your boyfriend maybe be a nice guy, but his not giving you what you want or need,” I added.
“You might be right,” May whispered. I knew everyone was looking at me. May laid on her back looking up at the ceiling, “we don’t even do this. I’m closer to Soph physical than I am my own boyfriend. I would love what Lou is doing to Lil right now. She with us girls, but his close and touching her,” May rambled. I actually feel sorry for this girl. I know some people wait until marriage to do anything and there nothing wrong with it. However, May wants something from her boyfriend, “then leave him,” Niall tells her. May sat up, “what and be with you? We all know you can’t commit Niall,” May tells him. Niall sighed, “well clearly you’re not happy with him,” Niall spat. That must have really hurt Niall’s feelings, “forget it. Stay with him, but don’t come to me again,” Niall added. Niall moved away from May to be closer to me.
We all started talking about the party to change the subject on Niall and May, “Lil you kissed Soph twice. You’re only meant to kiss me,” Perrie pouted. Wait when did Lilly kiss Sophia twice? Where was I? Sophia laughed, “Niall kissed Michael,” Sophia tells us. Niall glared at her and it looked he was going to kill her, “we said we weren’t going to talk about that,” he reminded her. Sophia grabbed her phone to show everyone the picture of Niall kissing Michael. Niall grabbed his phone and show everyone Lilly and Sophia kissing. Harry then also grabbed his phone to show the picture of Niall and me kissing, “told you he did,” Lilly smiled. Harry went to push Lilly, but I quickly grabbed him, “now Harold no violence,” I warned him. Harry just smiled at me, “so Niall got lucky last night with a girl and two guys. I think your meant to have more girls mate,” Zayn teased. Niall stuck his finger up, “Zayn turn your TV on,” Liam tells him.
After Zayn turned his TV on. Liam got his phone out and connected to the TV. He started going through the pictures that he took last night. We saw all the pictures of us kissing before the party started. When the picture of Lilly and I kissing. I couldn’t help, but smile at it. I smiled bigger when Liam put on a picture of me and Lilly dancing last night. She looked so happy, “oh my god Louis can dance,” Zayn teased. I ignored him as I laid down on the bed between Lilly’s. I placed my head on her hip, “and it not grinding,” Harry added. The next picture was some random girl grinding on Harry, “Harry you’re making Louis look like a good boy, but I know his not. Because I know what they did last night,” Niall says. I looked at Niall. Then at Lilly and I knew she told him what was about to happen, “well about to anyway, but May and I stopped them,” Niall added.
“What are you on about Ni?” Harry wondered. Niall looked at Harry, “Lou was going to go down on her,” Niall lied. Why did Niall have to say that? Harry hit me, but it wasn’t that hard, “wait we stopped you guys, but we didn’t see you,” May says. I smiled at her, “we were in the wardrobe. Thank god for earphones,” I smirked. May went bright red, “May did Luke come on to you?” Lilly asked. I knew Lilly was changing the subject for May, “yeah. He told me he wanted a kiss before he goes back to Australia. I told him no,” May tells her.
“Lou why did you beat the crap out of Ash?” Niall wondered. I grabbed Lilly’s hand, “he was mean to Lilly Belle and he kissed her forcibly when Lilly Belle tried to get away. He was a jerk to her all night,” I explained to him. Niall nodded his head slowly, “why didn’t you tell me? I pick Lil over him anytime. He also tried with May last night and she kept telling him no. I told him to back off, but as soon as I left May he tried again,” Niall tells us.
“Michael wanted Lil last night too. He kept looking for her,” Zayn tells us. Lilly looked surprised, but I was pissed, “he said something about green makes your eyes stand out,” Zayn added. Lilly shook her head as Liam made us pay attention to the pictures again.
About ten minutes later Lilly and Sophia were asleep again, “last night took a lot out of them,” Liam says. I nodded my head as I slowly sat up, “I’m still up and I did shots with them,” Niall pointed out. I got of the bed and tried to lay Lilly down, but Sophia wrapped her arms around her tight, “but your Niall. You can handle your hangovers. This is Lil first ever one,” Zayn tells him. Liam help me move both Lilly and Sophia, so they would be more comfortable.
We all spent the rest of the day lazy about Zayn’s house until we all decided to go home. I gave Lilly some of my clothes out of my car, so she didn’t have to put Sophia’s dress back on. On the way home, I stopped to get something to eat. We sat in the car in the parking lot eating, “so why did you kiss Sophia twice?” I wondered. Lilly laughed a little bit, “I lost at shots and wasn’t going to kiss Michael. Then Niall told us to kiss since we lost at beer pong,” she explained.
“Dam right you’re not kissing Michael, but do I have to watch Soph with you?” I joked. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “I’m started to feel like I get around with the girls,” she smiled. I laughed a little bit, but last night was still in my head, “we need to talk about last night tho,” I started. Lilly shook her head, “I don’t want to talk about it,” she slightly snapped. I sighed as I shook my head, “I’m not going to drink around you again,” I tell her.
“That’s bullshit,” she says. I shook my head, “how is that bullshit? Do you even remember what nearly happened last night?” I questioned. I knew we were both getting upset, “of course I do Lou,” she snapped. I took in a deep breath, “I can’t control myself around you when I’ve been drinking,” I confessed. Lilly looked at the window, “I know that,” she whispered. I started the car, “I think we should talk about this another time,” I tell her.
I dropped Lilly off home and the went to my house to start packing for my two-week trip with Troy. I made sure that I pack a lot of schoolwork just so I wouldn’t have to talk to him. I also called Zayn to tell him to keep an eye on Lilly. I’m going to be thinking of her this whole trip.
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categorieltpff · 8 years
Chapter 18 - A New Year
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Chapter 18 – A New Year
A couple days has passed since Christmas. I was home hanging out with Gemma, “so you and Louis coming to the New Year’s Eve party?” she asked. I nodded my head, “apparently everyone going to be there. I just don’t know what I’m going to wear. I feel like I want to stand out, but I don’t need to stand out. I have Louis,” I admitted. Gemma laughed a little, “you want to stand out to tell people that you’re with him. You actually want to show off Louis,” Gemma explained.
“It’s not hard for people to noticed Louis,” I say. Gemma nodded her head, “but we are still going shopping,” she tells me. I raised an eyebrow at her, “what? You need a dress and so do I,” she pointed out. I slowly nodded my head, “it’s just I don’t know what I want,” I say. Gemma laughed, “that’s why we are going shopping,” she smiled.
When we got to the shops it was packed, “must be spending their Christmas money,” Gemma says. I nodded my head, “or their like us. Looking for a dress for New Year’s Eve,” I added. Gemma nodded her head, “I’m thinking black dresses,” Gemma started. We started looking around, “I want something different than what I normally wear. I want strapless,” I tell her. Gemma seemed happy with that, “I think I’ve seen the perfect dress for you,” she smiled.
Gemma and I spent all day getting our outfits for New Year’s Eve, but we got them. We decided to have dinner while we were out, “mum said that Christmas night was quiet,” I say. Gemma nodded her head, “last year we had to stop all the boys running down the street naked. It was snowing,” Gemma tells me. I laughed a little bit, “this year it was more family thing. We had Theo and Louis sisters. It was actually great fun. I can’t wait until we all have our own families,” she added.
“I’m not having kids until after Uni. If I can help it, but if it happens before then. I’ll be happy,” I say. Gemma played with her food, “I thought like that until things happened,” she smiled. Did Gemma just tell me that she was pregnant? Gemma was looking at me to say something, “did you just tell me that your pregnant?” I wondered. Gemma smiled as she nodded her head. I hugged her tight, “oh my god. Congrats,” I tell her. I moved back, “how many weeks?” I asked.
“About six weeks. You’re the first person to know. Well part from Josh,” she rambled. Louis party came into my head, “but you were drinking at Louis party,” I remembered. Gemma shook her head, “when we did the shots. I threw mine in the sink. Josh and I didn’t want to tell people yet. So I pretended to drink that night,” she confessed. I slowly nodded my head, “how are you going to tell Harry?” I questioned. Gemma shrugged her shoulders, “do it in front of mum,” I tell her. Gemma nodded her head, “that sounds like an idea. Mum stop Harry killing Josh,” she says.
When we got home Niall, Josh and Harry were in the lounge room. They were watching a football match, “mum home?” I questioned. Harry shook his head, “she with Louis’s mum,” he tells me. I was shocked since Louis was also with his mum. Gemma sat down next to Josh, “I’ll be in my room,” I say. I didn’t feel like sitting around couples right now.
I sat at my desk finishing a drawing for art before Niall came in. He sat down on my bed watching me, “you alright?” he asked. I nodded my head, but never looking at him, “so did you and Gemma have fun today?’ he wondered. I pointed to the shopping bags, “got my outfit for the party,” I say. Niall went through the bags, “it will look better on you and then on the floor of Louis’s bedroom,” he tells me.
“Maybe,” I mumbled. Niall turned my chair around and he was lucky that I wasn’t drawing. I looked at him, “you miss him,” he teased. I nodded my head, “they stayed over Christmas night and they went home together. I’ve only been getting simple messages once in a while. And mum goes around there without me. It feels like their protecting me for something, but what?” I admitted. Niall hugged me, “call him. Don’t message him. Actually call him,” he tells me.
“It’s that easy?” I questioned. Niall nodded his head, “I know shocking,” he smiled. I laughed a little bit, “and if you want to see his face. There this thing called facetime,” he teased. I pushed him, “shouldn’t you be with your fiancé?” I asked. Niall shrugged his shoulders, “I thought my best friend needed me, but she just need to learn how to use a phone,” he smiled. I got my phone out, “actually before you leave. Can you show me how to facetime?” I asked. Niall laughed a little bit, “you would be lost without me,” he says.
After Niall showed me how to facetime Louis. He went back down to Harry. I took in a deep breath before I facetimed Louis. I don’t know why I was nervous calling Louis, but I was, “hey babe,” he smiled when he answered. He looked like he was outside, “hey,” I smiled back. Louis brought a smoke up to his lips before he lit it up. I just watched him without saying anything, “babe you alright?” he wondered. I bit my bottom lip, “I haven’t seen you for days and you only been send simple messages. I’m worried,” I admitted.
“Don’t be worried babe. Everything fine,” he reassured me. I shook my head, “it doesn’t feel like it. It feels like your hiding something from me,” I tell him. Louis took a big drag of his smoke, “and I don’t like how mum going there without me,” I added. Louis was confused, “your mum not here,” he says. I swear Harry said that she was there, “but Harry said,” I whispered. Louis shook his head, “she was here hours ago, but left. Mum had to do her hair for something,” Louis tells me. Louis started think before his eyes went wide, “I think she was going on a date,” he says.
“With who?” I wondered. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “you alright with it?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “she is a grown woman and I understand why she didn’t tell us. She afraid of us saying no. Like Gemma afraid to tell them that she pregnant,” I blurted out. Louis was shocked, “with Josh?” he asked. I nodded, “who else?” I pointed out. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “she happy Lou,” I say. Louis smiled at me, “I think she really loves him,” I added. Louis nodded his head, “I do too,” he whispered. Louis looked away from the screen, “babe do you want to go out right now?” he asked.
“Where too?” I questioned. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “anywhere,” he replied. I bit my lip as I nodded my head, “I’ll be there soon, so get dressed in black warm clothes,” he tells me. I raised an eyebrow at him, “are we going to be bad?” I wondered. Louis gave me one of his evil smirks, “maybe,” he says. I laughed a little bit, “can I have a hint?” I asked. Louis shook his head as he stood up, “just get ready and I’ll be there soon,” he tells me.
I quickly put on my skinny jeans, a t-shirt and my shoes all in black. I put my hair up in a messy bun before I put on my think black jacket. I was so happy to be going out with Louis even if were up to no good. I was actually excited to be doing something bad with my bad boy.
When I went downstairs everyone was watching TV still. They all looked at me, “and where do you think you’re going at this time of night?” Harry questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “Louis didn’t say. He just told me to get ready,” I replied. Harry slowly nodded his head, “did he ask for you to wear black?” he questioned. I shook my head, “tell me the truth, so I know if I have to save you later,” Harry says.
“Yes he told me to wear black,” I admitted. Harry nodded his head, “do you know what we are up too?” I asked. Harry shrugged his shoulders, “most likely breaking into somewhere,” he says. Was Harry really ok with me doing this? He didn’t seem fazed by it, “just don’t get caught, because I don’t want to explain to mum,” he added. I nodded my head, “she on a date by the way,” I tell him.
“What? What makes you think that?” Harry wondered. Harry and Gemma looked confused, “Louis told me. Mum was around there and Johanna did her hair. Then mum went out,” I explained. Harry shook his head, “don’t mean she went on a date. She could have gone to a meeting,” Harry pointed out. I shrugged my shoulders, “Louis said she looked like she was going on a date,” I say.  Harry was thinking, “I’ll ask her when she gets home,” he mumbled. He didn’t look happy as I sat on the arm of the lounge next to him, “Harry we should be happy if mum going on a date,” I tell him.
“I am. It’s just why keep it from us?” he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “maybe because of me,” I say. Everyone looked at me, “I’m kinda new to the family still. Maybe she thinks I’ll be upset that she not giving me attention. Where I want her happy. I want us all happy,” I admitted. Gemma smiled at me as my phone went off. It was a message from Louis saying his out the front, “I’m off,” I smiled. Harry grabbed my arm, “tell him to come in,” Harry ordered. I messaged Louis that he had to come in first.
When Louis came in he was dressed in all black, “hi,” he says. Harry looked him up and down, “look after her and don’t get caught. I really don’t want to tell mum,” Harry tells him. Louis nodded his head, “we won’t,” Louis smiled. Harry finally let me go, “and that used to be out thing,” Harry pouted. Everyone looked at him, “you can come if you want,” Louis suggested. Harry looked at Niall, “I can’t go, but you can,” Niall tells him.
“We got Theo for the night,” Gemma says. Niall looked at her to ask if she was sure, “yes. Go have fun,” she smiled. Niall and Harry quickly left the room to go get ready, “on congratulations,” Louis smirked. Josh and Gemma were confused, “she told me,” Louis added. Gemma looked at me, “I didn’t mean too. It just slipped,” I rambled. Louis laughed a little, “I won’t tell anyone,” Louis promised. Louis put his hand on Josh’s shoulder, “I can’t believe you found the hole,” Louis teased.
“I can’t believe I haven’t kill you yet,” Josh smiled. Louis stepped back, “but I make Lilly happy,” Louis smiled back. Josh nodded his head, “but I’m starting to think that might not be enough anymore,” Josh joked. Gemma shook her head as she smiled, “I’ll tell Harry if you lay a finger on him,” I warned Josh. He looked at me, “you wouldn’t,” Josh tried. I nodded my head, “it’s not my secret,” I smiled.
“Your evil,” Louis smirked. Josh glared at me, “we’re ready,” Harry says as he walked in. He looked between Josh and I, “what did I miss?” Harry questioned. I shook my head, “nothing really,” I tell him. Harry slowly nodded his head as he looked at Josh, “I threaten Louis and Lilly threaten me,” Josh mumbled. Harry laughed, “you don’t threaten Louis in front of Lilly. You wait until she gone,” Harry smiled.
“See Harry knows the rules,” I say. Niall came in with Theo, “I went to check on him and he was awake. He should go back to sleep in about an hour. If not just give him half a bottle and he should after that,” Niall tells me. Gemma took Theo off of Niall, “we got him Niall. Just go have fun,” Gemma reassured him. Niall kissed Theo forehead, “be good. Papa loves you,” Niall whispered. Niall kissed Theo, “I’ll miss you,” he added. Harry stood behind Niall smiling at him and Theo. Niall moved to the side, so Harry could say goodbye. Harry smiled as he kissed Theo forehead, “daddy loves you,” he says.
“Can we get going?” Louis whined. I stood next to Louis, “stop it,” I tell him. Louis smiled as he wrapped his arm me, “been waiting for to come to me,” he says. I shook my head before Louis kissed me. Harry and Niall was still saying goodbye to Theo, “ok. Can we get going or we will never leave?” I questioned. Harry and Niall looked at me, “we have things to do,” Louis pointed out. Niall and Harry both kissed Theo again before I did. Louis grabbed Theo hand and smiled at him. Louis whispered something to him before he kissed his cheek. I smiled at them, “you lot better be going before Lilly pulls Louis up to her bedroom,” Gemma teased.
“Fuck no,” Harry half shouted. He grabbed Louis and pulled him out the house, “looks like we’re going,” Niall says. I nodded my head, “have fun while we’re gone and keep it in your pants,” I winked. Josh pushed me into Niall, “go before I tell Anne what you guys are doing,” Josh warned. Niall and I quickly left the house after he grabbed his jacket.
We were all in the car heading to where Louis wanted to go, “so where we going?” Niall asked. Him and Harry were sitting in the backseat together, “we are going to the school. I have something that I want to do,” he tells us. I looked at him and he just smiled as he grabbed my hand, “you do know they changed the security guards since the last time we broke in?” Harry questioned. Louis nodded his head, “wait when was the last time you broke into the school?” I wondered.
“The Sunday before we went to school last month,” Louis says. I started thinking about the date until I realized that was the night Louis and I had fight about sex. Him and Harry went out to talk and came home late. When Louis stopped at a set of traffic lights I started hitting him, “what the fuck?” he swore.
“You broke into the school while I was at home worried about you,” I pointed out. Louis turned his full body to me not caring that the light turned green. He grabbed my hands, so I would stop hitting him, “yes,” he started. I calmed down, “I know we had a fight and I went out with Harry, but it was Harry idea. We used to do it all the time,” Louis explained. I looked at Harry, “we just like seeing what we can do. We also find it a great stress relief,” Harry says.
“You could have told us that you were going to be late. Lil and I stayed up waiting for you until we fell asleep on the lounge together,” Niall complained. Louis let go of my hands, so he could start driving again, “what time did you guys get home? I just remember Louis carrying me to bed,” I asked. Louis smiled a little, “about one thirty,” Harry says.
“No wonder you two were tired at school. I’m surprised that you stayed awake,” I remembered. I placed my hand on Louis’s thigh, “I’ve had less sleep and been alright,” Louis tells me. Harry and Niall laughed a little bit, “I still remember when we thought it was a good idea to stay up all night drinking. We went to school pissed just so we could go to P.E. That was a terrible idea. Mr McKain made us do laps until we were sick,” Harry reminded the boys. I loved to hear how the boys used to hang out, “and Zayn was trying to impress Perrie. He didn’t look to flash hot throwing up,” Niall laughed.
The boys kept talking about old times they used to share until we got near the school. Louis parked two blocks away from it, “how we going to do this?” Niall questioned. Louis and Harry started thinking, “I need to get to B block,” Louis says. Harry gave him a small nod, “I want to show Niall something,” Harry tells us. Niall looked confused, but Louis just smirked at Harry, “so once inside the gates. We split,” Harry added. Louis agreed with him, “we met up by my car in an hour,” Louis says.
When we got to the school Harry and Niall quickly jumped the fence. Louis had to help me over the fence since I was too small. Niall and Harry made sure that I didn’t hurt myself when I came down the other side. Louis jumped over the fence and he made it look easy, “so we will see you in an hour?” Niall questioned. We all nodded our heads at him, “if we get in trouble. Run and get to the car,” Louis tells us. We all nodded, “so let’s get going,” Harry smiled.
Louis and I got to the end of B block without seeing a security guards. It was strange being at school at night, but I was so excited. Louis was looking around for a way in, “why do you want to break into B block?” I wondered. Louis smiled as he looked at me, “what lesson do we have in B block?” he asked. I started to think, “well we have English, but I also have history,” I replied. Louis kept smiling at me, “Louis hunny. What do you want to do with Mr Dew?” I questioned.
“Maybe some payback for calling my girlfriend a waste of space,” he says. I laughed as I shook my head, “that was a long-time ago,” I pointed out. Louis nodded his head as he jumped on the window ledge. He opened the window before he jumped back down, “found a way in,” he smiled. I nodded my head, “and why did you come back down?” I wondered. Louis wrapped his arms around me, “because my girlfriend needs a boost,” he teased. I pushed him away before I tried to jump onto the window ledge. I missed and I missed by a lot, “please let me help you baby,” he begged.
“Ok,” I sighed. Louis smiled as he put his hands on my hips, “don’t be upset that you need help. I love that your small,” he admitted. I kissed his chin, “because you fit nicely next to me,” he added. Louis lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him, “babe we need to get going,” he tells me. I kissed him, “then lift me,” I smiled. I unwrapped my legs from around him before he lifted me up. I grabbed the window ledge and pulled myself on it. Louis jumped and grabbed the window ledge. He pulled himself up with easy, “show off,” I mumbled.
“I’ll go in first to look around and to help you,” he smiled. Louis went through the window and I joined him when he called me. We walked down the hallway, “so what you going to do when we get there?” I questioned. Louis stopped as he covered my mouth. I heard footsteps coming our way. Louis pushed me into an empty classroom before we hid under a teacher’s desk. I gripped onto Louis’s jacket tight as I closed my eyes. Louis rubbed my back as he kissed the top of my head.
After a little bit Louis told me that we could keep going or go back to the car. I told him that I wanted to keep going. Louis held my hand as we went farther down the hall, but I didn’t say another word. I was afraid to get caught, but I also felt the adrenaline in my body. I still couldn’t believe that I broke into the school.
When we made it to our English classroom and Louis straight away went for his Mr Dew desk, “so what is your plan?” I asked again. Louis quickly smiled at me before going through the desk draws, “are you going to tell me baby?” I questioned. Louis looked at me, but he looked embarrassed, “promise not to laugh?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “I want to know what I got on my essay for Wuthering Heights,” he confessed. I bit my bottom lip, “you don’t know?” I questioned. I got mine back ages ago, “Mr Dew keeping it from me since he thinks I cheated. Veronica told me that I was cleared since my other lessons are the same. I like Veronica,” Louis tells me.
“It better stay at like, because not only you’ll have me to deal with. But you’ll have Ben to deal with,” I warned him. Louis was still going through the draws, “I know,” he says. I sat on the desk as I watched him. I ran my fingers through his hair as he kept searching. I can’t believe that Louis put in the effort into his essay and Mr Dew said that he cheated. I know Louis had a bad year last year, but the rest of his teachers noticed the difference in him. I smiled fondly at him as he was still looking for his essay, “found it,” Louis says.
“So what did you get?” I wondered. Louis shook his head, “remind me what you got,” Louis smiled. I was loving this side of Louis, “B plus and it was my first ever one,” I tell him. Louis looked at his essay, “I got an A minus,” he smiled. I jumped on him before I kissed him, “so proud of you,” I tell him. I kissed him again and again, “can we have sex on the desk?” Louis smirked. My period finished last night, but I was worried about getting caught, “do you have a condom?” I asked. Louis nodded his head as he kissed me, “then get me on that desk,” I tell him.
“Yes baby,” he smiled. Louis picked me up and put me on the desk. He kissed me deeply as he ran his hand down the side of my body. I wrapped my legs around him to bring him closer to me. He stood up as he smirked at me. He slowly unzipped my jacket, “Lou we don’t have time foreplay,” I whined.  Louis quickly kissed me before he undid my jeans, “I’m going have to flip you over. Unless you want to get naked for me,” he tells me.
“Flip me,” I say. Louis laughed as he helped me flip over. He leant over me and sucked on my earlobe, “Lou,” I groaned. I pushed my bottom into him, “please,” I added. Louis lightly bit my neck as he pushed my jeans and knickers down my legs. He stood back and ran his hands over my bottom, “Louis you better hurry up or I will walk out of here,” I warned.
“I’m sorry, but your arse looks fantastic,” he says. I tried to stand up, but Louis kept me down, “stay baby,” he ordered. I braced myself on my arms as I watched him undo his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers. After he took a condom out of his pocket, “you ready?” he asked. I nodded my head, “I’m always ready for you,” I smirked.
“Good to know,” he smiled. He rolled the condom onto himself after he took it out of the package. I rested my forehead on my arms and closed my eyes. I felt the tip of Louis member at my entrance before I felt his hands on my hips. He purposely was teasing me and it just made me want him more. I bit my jacket as Louis slowly entered me. I looked at Louis and he had his eyes closed as he bit his bottom lip. He just looked hot to me, “why are you still so fucken tight?” he whispered.
“Just start moving,” I begged. Louis started thrusting in and out of me fast and hard. I bit my jacket again to stop me from making noise. This felt so naughty that it was making me more excited. I dug my nails into the desk as Louis hit the right spot. He dug his fingers into my hips and I knew he was going to leave bruises. I already felt close and I think it was because we were doing it at school. I felt Louis hand under my top running up my back, “no holding back babe,” he moaned. Louis voice sent me over the edge and I bit my jacket hard as I came. Louis kept going until he also came.
As we were catching our breaths Louis rested his head on my back, “that was fantastic babe,” he puffed. I nodded my head as I stood up. Louis wrapped his arms around me as he also stood up, “we better get out of here,” I say. Louis nodded his head as he kissed my neck. He pulled my knickers and jeans back up for me. Louis stepped away from me, so he could get rid of the condom. He pulled his jeans and boxers back up. Louis put back his essay, so no one would know it was him. He pulled me to him, but I heard footsteps in the hallway. Louis quickly looked at the door as the steps got closer, “fuck. The window,” Louis says.
“Is there someone there?” someone asked. Louis pulled me over to the window, but they were locked. Louis looked panicked, “we can make a run for it,” I tell him. Louis nodded his head, “go up the stairs. There’s a fire escape,” Louis says. I nodded my head as I grabbed Louis hand tight. He gave me a quick kiss before we went over the door.
After a couple of breaths Louis and I ran out of the classroom. We ran up the stairs and I could hear the security guard running after us. Louis pulled me to a window and he opened it. We both jumped on the ledge, but I looked down. We were high up and I was scared. I gripped onto Louis tight, “it’s ok. He should go past,” Louis whispered. I hid my face into his chest. I didn’t want to look down, “we’re going to jump across,” Louis tells me. I shook my head, “babe I’m not going to let you fall,” he added.
“You better, because I will die,” I say. Louis laughed a little bit before he moved away from me. Louis jumped to the next window ledge. He looked at me for do the same, so I took a deep breath and jumped. Louis wrapped his arms around me, “now we got to do that four more times,” he tells me. I nodded my head as I calmed my nerves.
We jumped across four more window ledges before we got to the end of the building. The fire escape was a little bit farther then the window ledges. Louis jumped across with easy, but I was just making the window ledges. I looked at Louis as I shook my head, “you can do it babe. I will catch you,” he reassured me. I took in a deep breath, “maybe you should go. I won’t be in that much trouble,” I tell him.
“I’m not leaving you,” he promised. I took another deep breath before I stepped back. I ran and jumped, but I just caught the railing. Louis grabbed my arms quickly, “I got you,” he tells me. He pulled me up with ease. Louis hugged me tight and I knew I was crying, “let’s just get out of here,” he whispered. Louis kissed me before he went down the ladder first. When I went down the ladder I was shaking, “it’s ok baby,” he cooed. Louis grabbed my hips when I was close to him, “just got to get over the fence,” he says. I just nodded my head, but I was still scared at what happened.
I was still shaking after we got over the fence. So Louis picked me up bridle style and I just cried into his neck. Louis kissed the side of my head as Louis started walking, “I’m sorry babe,” he apologized. I shook my head, “don’t be. It still was fun. Part from the last part,” I mumbled against his neck. Louis kissed the side of my head again and I looked at him, “my baby got an A minus,” I smiled. I kissed him, “my baby a nerd,” I added. I could tell by the streetlights that Louis was blushing, but he was smiling.
When we got to the car Harry and Niall where making out on it. Well Niall was on the hood of the car as he had his legs wrapped around Harry, “guys that’s my fucken car,” Louis says. Harry and Niall looked at us, “well your ten minutes late, so we had to do something,” Niall smirked. I laughed a little bit, “you alright to get down now?” Louis asked to ignore Niall. I nodded my head as Louis put me down, “what happened?” Harry questioned.
“I’m fine,” I tell him. Louis wrapped his arm around me, “just nearly fell from the second floor,” I added. Harry and Niall looked horrified, “What? Why?” Harry questioned. Harry came over to look over me. I stopped him, “I’m fine. The security guard came after us and we jumped out the window. Then we had to jump to the fire escape. Me being small. I just grabbed the railing, but Louis grabbed me,” I explained. Harry nodded his head, but he glared at Louis, “what the fuck were you thinking? She could barely jump the fence. You’re lucky that you caught her or I will be killing you right now,” Harry snapped.
“I know. I’m sorry that I put her life in danger,” Louis apologized. Harry didn’t say anything he just gave Louis a small nod, “but why did you need to break into B block?” Niall wondered. I just smiled at Louis and he cheeks went red, “well Niall knows about the whole accused of cheating thing. I broke into Mr Dew desk and looked at my essay for Wuthering Heights,” Louis started explaining. Niall was getting really excited, “What did you get?” Niall smiled.
“An A minus,” Louis whispered. Harry and Niall jumped on Louis to congratulate him, “that goes with the A from geography,” Niall says. I was shocked to find that out, “stop for a second,” I tell the boys. They all looked at me, “did you get straight A’s for the first half of the school year?” I questioned Louis. He slowly nodded his head, “well English was blank, but the rest were A’s. I have you to thank for physics and P.E,” he tells me.
“Oh my god,” I whispered. I was so proud of Louis right now. I didn’t know Louis last year, but I could tell by the boys. That it was fantastic news, “not jealous are you?” Harry teased. I shook my head, “I got straight A’s too,” I tell them. They smiled as they nodded their heads, “Me and Harry got B’s, but we have a baby under the age of one,” Niall says. I smiled at them, “I think we should have a party to celebrate Louis getting A’s,” Harry suggested.
“No. It’s just A’s,” Louis says. Harry patted him on the back, “I would throw you a party if you got one A,” Harry smiled. Niall and I laughed a bit, “why don’t we get some drinks and head home?” Niall wondered. I looked at Louis, “just a couple. It’s late already,” Harry tells us. Louis bit his bottom lip as he was trying not to smile, “do you two have a bedtime?” Louis teased. Harry nodded his head as Niall shook his, “well I do,” Harry says.
After we got some drinks we went home. The house was dark and quiet, “I guess the kids are asleep,” Niall says. We nodded our heads, so we went outside. We sat around the table with our drinks. I had my knees to my chest with a blanket over me, “to the straight A students,” Harry smiled. We all clinked our drinks together, “to the nerds,” Niall smirked. I shrugged my shoulders, “call us what you want, but we are smarter than you,” I teased.
“I got an A in Spanish” Niall says. I slowly clapped my hands, “still don’t beat Louis,” I smiled. Niall smiled as he nodded his head, “I knew he get A’s, but I didn’t think that he get straight A’s,” Niall admitted. I nodded my head, “I thought he could get one in physics since I helped him,” I tell them. Harry nodded his head, “but Louis tells us the real reason that you put so much effort into your school work,” Harry smiled.
“So I can get into Uni if I don’t get into the football academy,” Louis says. Harry kept smiling as he slowly nodded his head, “I thought it was because you wanted to be better man for a certain girl,” Harry reminded him. I knew Harry was talking about me, “that too,” Louis smiled. He grabbed my hand, “I don’t know what you guys are talking about. I only know this Louis,” I tell them. Louis kissed my hand, “and his the only one you going to know,” Louis says.
We had a couple of drinks until Niall straddled Harry lap. So Louis picked me up and took me to my room. Louis threw me onto my bed before he took off his jacket. He hovered over me and took my jacket off. I placed his face between my hands, “I can’t believe we broke into the school, so you can see what you got on your English essay,” I smiled. I kissed him, “but we also had sex,” he smirked. I pushed him off of me, but he fell onto the floor. He was laughing his head off and I just looked at him. He looked so happy, “it’s not that funny,” I say. Louis nodded his head as he held his arms out. I laid next to him, “I want you on top,” he pouted.
“I think someone had too much to drink,” I tell him. Louis shook his head, “just happy and maybe a little bit tipsy,” he smiled. I kissed him, but Louis started tickling me, “stop,” I cried. Louis kept going until I kneed him stomach, “I’m sorry,” I apologized. Louis started laughing as he held his stomach, “I won’t tickle you again,” he smirked. I knew he was up to no good, “unless I’m on top of you,” he added as he straddled my thighs.
“I can still hurt you,” I tell him. Louis grabbed my wrists and pin them about my hand. He kissed me as he moved my wrists into one of his hands. His free hand ran down my side before he started tickling me again. I tried to get out of his grip as I was laughing, “please stop Lou. I’m going to pee myself,” I say. Louis stopped, “kinky,” he smirked. He kissed me, “I don’t know you into that babe,” he added. He still hasn’t let go of my wrists, “I’m into a lot of things,” I smiled.
“Oh tell me more,” he says. I bit my bottom lip, “me doing you with a strap on,” I joked. Louis eyes went wide, “is this because of the Harry thing?” Louis questioned. I shook my head, “I just thought that I would take your virginity like you took mine,” I smiled. What scared me Louis looked like he was thinking about it, “please tell me your joking, because I started thinking about it. And what scared me like really scared me. If that what you want to do. I’ll try it,” he confessed.
“Oh Baby I’m joking,” I cooed. Louis smiled as he kissed me, “but it’s nice to know that you would try things for me,” I smiled. Louis let go of my wrist and I wrapped them around his neck, “I would do anything for you,” he whispered. I played with the back of his hair, “and I’ll do anything for you,” I promised. Louis kissed my nose, but I felt his hands play with my jeans button. I smiled as I kissed him hard, “don’t be loud,” I tell him.
**** It was New Year’s Eve and we were all getting ready. Gemma and I decided to have a girl’s day to get ready for tonight. We went to aunt Fey’s salon to get waxed and we also got lunch with Perrie and Sophia. Gemma had a hard time keeping her food down, so I asked her if she was going to be alright tonight. She told me should would be alright. She just feels sick when she smells coffee which she said was a good thing.
Once we were home Sophia and Perrie made themselves at home in the lounge room. Gemma and I were in the kitchen making cups of tea, “what you going to do about tonight?” I wondered. Gemma was confused, “Harry might notice you’re not drinking and started questioning,” I explained. Gemma nodded her head, “I thought about telling him when his drunk, so he thinks it’s a joke,” she tells me. I laughed a little bit, “I wouldn’t. I would tell Harry when his sober,” I say.
“Tell me what?” Harry questioned when he walked into the kitchen. He looked like he just got out of the shower, “do you want a cup of tea?” I asked. Harry nodded his head, “but that’s not what you wanted to tell me,” he pointed out. I looked at Gemma and she looked worried, “that Gem not drinking tonight, so she can take us home,” I tell him. Harry laughed a little bit, “we’re getting taxis. You knew that,” Harry says. He looked over Gemma, “where is Josh? I’m going to kill him,” Harry demanded. I grabbed Harry shoulder, “Harry calm down,” I tell him. Harry took in a deep breath, “still going to kill him,” Harry says. I ran off to find Niall before Harry kills someone.
When I found him. I dragged him to the kitchen with Theo, “give Harry Theo,” I ordered. Niall was confused as he handed Harry Theo, “yes Gemma pregnant, but she also in her twenties,” I tell him. Harry started bouncing Theo, “oh congratulations,” Niall smiled. He hugged Gemma, “but what about Uni?” Harry questioned. Gemma sighed, “I finish when you finish school. I’m only six weeks. I’ll be big at graduation, but I’ll make it there,” she pointed out. Harry kissed the side of Theo head, “have you told mum yet?” he wondered.
“Not yet and you only know, because you were eavesdropping,” Gemma says. Harry smiled as he nodded his head, “no I heard my name and worked it out,” Harry pointed out. Gemma rolled her eyes, “anyway. I’m going tonight and I’ll be safe,” Gemma says. Harry nodded his head, “Josh won’t be,” I whispered. Harry laughed a little, “guys don’t tell anyone else,” Gemma tells us. We all nodded out heads, “I’m just happy that Theo going to have a cousin soon,” Niall smiled.
We finally finished making the cups of teas for Perrie and Sophia, “What took you so long?” Perrie questioned. I started painting my nails black, “talking to Niall and Harry about mum taking Theo to Louis mum’s,” I lied. They nodded their heads, “so there’s going to be a lot of people tonight,” Sophia tells us. We nodded our heads, “stay in pairs, don’t put you drink down, don’t get drunk too fast and if it seems like a good idea. It’s not,” I say.
“Where did that come from?” Gemma laughed. I just looked at her, “Harry?” she questioned. I shook my head, “Louis?” Sophia wondered. I shook my head again, “Niall. He told me last night,” I tell them. They laughed little bit, “I think his taking this best friend role seriously,” Gemma smiled. I nodded my head, but Perrie and Sophia were pouting, “I thought I was your best friend,” Perrie mumbled. I looked at Gemma and she was trying not to laugh, “I can have more than one. Niall’s the gay best friend,” I reassured them. Sophia and Perrie looked at each other, “ok, but don’t mean Niall can come to girl’s night,” Perrie tells me.
“But I thought the whole point of girl’s night was to get away from the other half,” I started. Perrie nodded her head, “Niall does need a break from Harry sometimes,” I pointed out. Perrie looked everywhere else part from me, “are you saying, because that he is a boy. That he can’t hang out with us?” Gemma questioned. Perrie nodded her head, “he’ll get bored. When we do girly things,” Perrie says. Sophia shook her head, “what’s your problem with Niall joining girl’s night? He’ll talk about the annoying habits that Harry has and tell us his secrets about blowjobs,” Sophia snapped.
“Nothing. It just I know he’ll get bored while we do our nails,” she snapped back. I shook my head, “that’s bullshit. He can entertain himself while his still talking to us. Maybe he be brave and let us attack him,” Sophia says. I looked at Gemma and she told me to let it go, “so what’s your real reason why?” Sophia questioned. Perrie looked pissed at Sophia, “because his not one of us. He run off and tell the boys,” Perrie spat.
“No he won’t,” I interrupted. Perrie and Sophia looked at me, “Niall’s my best friend, because I tell him everything. I’m not worried that his going to tell the boys. I trust him,” I admitted. I took in a deep breath, “Perrie you need to accept the changes that have been happening. When I first met you. You were this bubbly happy girl and now you’re this. I don’t like this girl,” I tell her. Perrie nodded her head as she looked like she was thinking, “I’m jealous. I want the romance again. I want dates and secret little rendezvous. I want to break into the school and have sex on the teacher’s desk. I want to be in love again,” she confessed.
“Pear are you saying that you don’t love Zayn anymore?” I questioned. She shrugged her shoulders, “I will always love him, but lately it feels like there nothing between us,” she started. Perrie was getting upset, “Zayn and I are on a break. We have been for three weeks,” she says. Perrie started crying, “I’m scared that we’re not getting back together,” she cried. Sophia and I hugged her tight as Gemma knelt in front of her, “if your scared to lose him. That means you still love him,” Gemma reassured her. Perrie gave her a small nod, “but I can’t help what he feels,” she whispered.
We hugged Perrie for a bit, “I’m alright,” she tells us. She stood up, “we should be getting ready, so I’m going to have a shower,” she added. She ran off to the bathroom, “how about I break a rule and join her?” Sophia wondered. I gave her a small nod, “what would Liam say?” I questioned before she left. Sophia shrugged her shoulders, “it’s nothing sexual. It’s more to keep a close eye on her,” Sophia says. I nodded my head, “plus I’m not her type. You are tho,” she teased. I pushed her, “please make sure that she alright,” I tell her.
Five minutes after Sophia left Harry and Niall came in with Theo. They sat down on the lounge, “we heard about Perrie. I can’t believe that they kept this from us,” Harry says. I shook my head, “I’m not. We all in love. We had your engagement party. They didn’t want us to feel like they do,” I explained. Everyone nodded their heads, “but not to sound nasty, but could Perrie be pushing Zayn about marriage? Because if you think about it,” Niall started. He looked like he was trying to think how to say the next part, “Harry and I are engaged, but we didn’t come out until last month. Louis proposing to Lil,” Niall continued. I stopped him, “only you and Harry knew about Louis proposing to me,” I tell him.
“Wait you and Louis getting married?” Gemma questioned. I shook my head, “not yet. Flower told him that he had to ask me, mum and Josh. I told him to ask me in three months,” Harry smiled. Gemma nodded her head, “but continue Niall,” I say.
“Well maybe Zayn got scared. Marriage is a huge step in a relationship. Harry and I getting married, because we have a kid,” Niall started explaining. Harry looked offended, “and that I’m in love with him,” Niall smiled. Harry kissed him, “so what you’re saying is Zayn might be scared to take a big step with Perrie. He might also feel like his boxed in. His also going to look like an arsehole to us if he tells Perrie no, but I’m with Zayn if that’s the case. In a relationship you shouldn’t pressure the other person,” Gemma tells us.
“That’s true. When Louis proposed to me. I told him that I didn’t know and he told me that I could think it about it. But as I’ve been thinking about it. I realized that I want to say yes. I think the only thing that stopped me from saying yes was everyone else. Then someone told me that it’s my life and he’ll support me no matter what,” I confessed. Niall smiled big, “what I’m saying is. If Zayn don’t want to get married yet. He shouldn’t feel like he has too,” I added. Everyone agreed with me, “maybe I should talk to him. See what the real reason is,” Harry suggested.
“That sounds like an idea, but when?” Niall wondered. Harry started thinking, “tonight. I’m meant to be leaving soon to go hang with them,” Harry says. I nodded my head, “I have to stay here until Anne goes out,” Niall reminded us. I knew he was worried what Perrie would say to him, “it be alright,” I reassured him. Harry got up, “well I better get my shit ready,” he says. I held my arms out to Niall, so he would give me Theo. Niall smiled as he handed Theo over to me, “thanks,” he whispered. Niall kissed the top of my head before he left with Harry, “tonight going to be interesting and I’m going to remember all of it,” Gemma smiled.
“It be ok. I might not drink tonight too,” I tell her. Gemma shook her head, “do whatever you want tonight. Josh not drinking tonight. Just in case something goes wrong,” she says. I nodded my head, “I just want to show off my boyfriend,” I pointed out. Gemma laughed a little bit, “I bet when he sees you. That he’ll be showing you off,” she smiled. I shook my head as Theo closed his eyes, “go to sleep baby,” I whispered. I kissed Theo forehead, “it’s scary that in about seven months. I’m going to have a baby. I kinda hope it’s like Theo. His such a good baby with everything he went through,” Gemma says. She started crying a little bit, “I’m going to be a mum,” she mumbled.
“And you’re going to be a great mum,” I tell her. Gemma cried a bit more, so I held my arm open for her. I didn’t want to move since Theo was asleep. Gemma came over to me and sat down. I hugged her tight before we looked at Theo, “when I first looked after Theo with Louis. We made a deal about having kids together, but that was also the day that Louis told me that I should love him. Because he says the right things. If it wasn’t for Theo I’ll still be wondering about Louis and I,” I admitted. Gemma kissed the side of my head, “I don’t think so. I think Louis would have said I love you. I think his meaning to do it for a long time,” she teased.
After a while Niall and Harry came back out, “the girls are still in the shower and I’m off to hang with the boys,” Harry tells us. We all smiled at him, “tell Lou that Lil going to look stunning tonight,” Gemma says. Harry laughed a little bit, “and he will tell me that she always looks stunning,” Harry smiled. I knew my cheeks were red as I shook my head, “just go,” I mumbled. Harry came over and kissed Theo forehead as he whispered that he loved him. He kissed mine and Gemma forehead too, “love you and be good,” he smiled. I smiled back at him, “you be good and make sure that you boys are ready in time,” I tell him. Harry nodded his head, “we will be ready,” he says.
“Come on,” Niall whined. Niall pulled Harry out of the house, “I think Niall wants him gone,” Gemma pointed out. I nodded my head, “or he want to make out with him against the car,” I smiled. Gemma laughed, “they need to learn to keep their hands to themselves,” she sighed. I knew she was joking, “maybe you should have learnt to keep your hands to yourself,” we heard Niall say. He was standing behind us, “and maybe you wouldn’t be with child,” he added. Gemma nodded her head, “or maybe I shouldn’t have jumped Josh in the shower,” she smiled.
“I’ve never done it in the shower,” I say. Niall and Gemma looked surprised, “are you serious?” Niall questioned. Niall sat down near us as I nodded my head, “we’ve done it on the bathroom floor,” I say. Gemma and Niall were still surprised, “but you normally do in the shower before you think about doing it in public,” Gemma tells me. Niall agreed with her, “and you done it public a couple of times already,” Niall added.
“Are we counting the car in the blizzard?” I questioned. Niall nodded his head, “you and Lou need to lock yourself in a bathroom and just have fun,” Gemma smirked. I started to think what Louis and I could do in a bathroom, “can I have it for my birthday?” I asked. Niall shrugged his shoulders, “you’re going to have to ask Lou,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “maybe you can find somewhere with a big bathroom for a weekend. You don’t have to stay in the bathroom for the whole weekend. You can do a lot of things,” Gemma suggested. I nodded my head, “I would love to do that again,” I say.  
Niall, Gemma and I talked for a little bit before Sophia and Perrie came back. They both had dressing gowns on. Perrie looked at Niall, “did you have a good shower?” he asked her. Perrie nodded her head, “that’s good,” I say. Perrie was still looking at Niall, “so what are you wearing Niall?” Sophia asked him. Niall shrugged his shoulders, “I was thinking skinny jeans, white t-shirt, a nice jacket and some boots that Harry got me,” Niall replied.
“So Harry buys your clothes?” Sophia wondered. Niall shook his head, “I buy my own clothes, but Harry said I needed nice shoes to go out in. So he brought me a pair of boots,” Niall explained. Sophia laughed a little bit, “take it from me. He’ll start buying you clothes,” Sophia smiled. Niall shook his head, but he was thinking, “I think he already started,” Gemma pointed out. Niall was thinking hard, “he brought me my jacket,” Niall mumbled.
“It’s normal in a relationship,” Gemma reassured him. I nodded my head, “Louis brought me clothes. Well it was more underwear,” I say. Niall laughed a little bit, “Harry not trying to change you. He just thought you might like it,” Sophia tells him. Perrie was quiet, “true Harry does get me stuff that I wear, but I also get him stuff,” he smiled. We all smiled at him part from Perrie, “maybe I should start buying Louis clothes,” I say. Sophia smirked at me, “maybe you should take him and have some fun in the dressing room,” she suggested.
“Not before she has sex in the shower,” Gemma tells her. Sophia raised an eyebrow, “really?” she questioned. I nodded my head, “she done it at a playground, in the car and at school on Mr Dew desk. But she has never done it in the shower,” Niall says. Sophia just looked at me, “Louis lied that night you caught me and Liam,” Sophia remembered. I smiled as I nodded my head, “it just came down enough,” Niall teased. I pushed him, “behave you two,” Gemma warned us.
We talked a little bit more, but Perrie didn’t say anything. I knew she was slightly annoyed with Niall being there. However, she did laugh at one of Niall’s stories. I really hope that Perrie does have a good time tonight. It’s the last day of the year and it’s the first New Year’s Eve party that I have been to. I remember staying up late with Harry, Marcel and Josh to watch the fireworks. But it would end up Harry, Marcel and me covering our ears up, because of the fireworks.
I had a long shower as I was thinking about tonight. When I got out of the shower I put on my black silk dressing gown that Louis got me. I went down stairs to make myself a cup of tea before I got dress. However, when I was in the kitchen Louis came in, “what are you doing here?” I questioned. Louis smiled as I hugged him, “Harry forgot something,” he replied. Louis ran his hands down my side, “you’re not wearing anything underneath that,” he smirked. I bit my bottom lip, “we better get up to your room,” he mumbled.
“Louis you’re ready to go?” Harry asked as he walked in with Niall. I laughed a little bit as Louis rolled his eyes, “there is always later,” I whispered. Louis kissed me, “but this is so sexy,” he whispered back. He kissed me again, “it’s like you wearing my shirt that time,” he added. I knew he was thinking about his birthday. When I wore his broken shirt, “it be ok. I’ll make it up to you,” I reassured him. Louis shook his head as he kissed me, “I’ll make it up to you,” he tells me.
After Louis and Harry left I went up to my room to get dressed, so I could join everyone. I put on the dress Gemma and I picked out after I put on my undies. The dress that I got was a black strapless dress that came just above my knees. The top had white ribbon with rhinestones shaped as diamonds in a crisscross pattern. It was beautiful, but simple.
I went downstairs after I made sure that I had my shoes and jacket ready on my bed. I found Perrie doing Gemma hair while Sophia was doing her nails. Niall wasn’t there, “oh my god. That dress is cute,” Perrie smiled. Sophia agreed with her as I sat down next to her. I grabbed the black nail polish and started painting my nails again, “told you people would like it,” Gemma says.
“They don’t count,” I tell her. Perrie and Sophia acted hurt, “only one person matters and his not here,” Sophia teased. I bit my bottom lip as I nodded my head, “he was here before, but I was only wearing my dressing gown then,” I smirked. Sophia raised an eyebrow, “only a dressing gown?” she questioned. I nodded my head, “he wanted to kill Harry,” Niall smiled as he walked in with Theo.
“Did not,” I say. Niall nodded his head as he sat down next to me. He put Theo in his lap, “Harry told me that Louis glared at him all the way back to his house,” Niall tells me. I rolled my eyes, “his such a child sometimes,” I whispered. Niall nodded his head, “but lately you and Louis have been seeing less of each other lately. The last time you seen him was the other day and he nearly got you killed,” Niall pointed out. I shrugged my shoulders, “I had fun tho,” I smiled.
“If it’s anything Harry nearly killed me too,” Niall tells me. I laughed a little bit, but I was surprised, “how?” I wondered. Niall shook his head, “another time,” he says. I pushed him, “your no fun,” I pouted. Niall kissed my cheek, “it be alright,” he teased. I wrapped my arms around Niall, “so Louis is alright with you and Niall?” Perrie questioned. I nodded my head, “his fine with it. He knows that I’m Lilly best friend and that I like taking dick up my arse,” Niall smiled. Theo laughed, “Theo didn’t need to know that about his daddy and his papa,” I say.
“I could tell him what his Aunty Lilly and Uncle Louis get up too,” Niall smirked. I glared at him, “I can see why these two are best friends. They get along pretty well and I bet they spend a lot of time together since Niall lives here,” Sophia smiled. Niall and I nodded our heads, “I had to teach her how to facetime her lover boy,” Niall teased. The girls laughed at me, but Niall just smiled at me.                  
When Anne took Theo with her to Johanna’s house to celebrate New Year’s with her and the kids. Niall finally started getting ready to go out. Sophia done my hair into a lose low bun at the back. I did my eyes with thick black eyeliner and my lips with nude lip gloss. All the girls were also wearing black dresses, but they were all different. Niall came out dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, white t-shirt and a jacket with strange hands on it. His brown suede boots had Harry written all over them. I actually think Harry got the same ones in his wardrobe, “do I look alright?” Niall asked.
“You look perfect,” Perrie smiled. We all looked at Perrie with smiles on our faces, “thanks Pez,” Niall tells her. She hugged Niall tight, “ok he can come to girl’s night,” she tells the rest of us. Niall shook his head, “that shit scary,” he joked. I wrapped my arms around him, “it’s not that bad. I get through it,” I say. Niall kissed my forehead, “that don’t help. Your easy to keep,” he teased. Perrie was looking at us funny, “the guys be here soon. Josh messaged me that they left,” Gemma tells us.
Five minutes later in a big taxi the boys showed up, “the party bus is waiting!” Liam shouted. I rolled my eyes as I put my black heels on, “you’re lucky Liam didn’t see that,” I heard Louis say. I looked at him and he was smiling. He looked me up and down, but I already put my black leather jacket on, “I didn’t know Liam was like you,” I say. Louis laughed as he wrapped his arms around me, “did you kiss Niall?” he questioned. I wondered where this question came from, but I remember Perrie look, “I think she don’t understand Niall’s and I relationship. Even after we explained it,” I tell him. Louis nodded his head before he kissed me, “you know how I feel about Niall,” I pointed out. Louis kissed me again, “I know. Plus, he likes dick up his arse,” he says.
After I grabbed my phone I was in the taxi with everyone. Louis sat down next to me, “Harry can I be your New Year’s kiss?” Louis asked. He was pouting at Harry, “Niall promised that he stop kissing Flower, so you can kiss her at midnight,” Harry tells him. Louis smiled, “but after that I get to do it again,” Niall says. Perrie was shocked, “you both know my rules. You keep it above the belt,” Louis smiled. I kissed Louis cheek, “same goes for you and Harry,” I teased.
“What are you guys talking about?” Zayn wondered. I bit my lip, “Louis and I going to swap for a night with these two,” I say. Perrie was looking at Zayn, “I thought you were going to do that with me and Soph,” Liam remembered. I shook my head, “Louis wants to try Harry,” I tell him. Liam pouted, “you can have me,” he mumbled. Sophia hugged him, “but who will top out of you and Liam?” Niall questioned. Louis pointed to himself, “I wouldn’t be able to handle Liam,” Louis says.
“I knew Louis licking salt off of you turned you on,” Sophia teased. Liam nodded his head as he ran his hands down his chest. It reminded me the first time we went to the cabin together, “I thought you were used to Liam,” I remembered.  Everyone was confused part from Perrie. She was laughing, “that’s right Louis is a bottom bitch. He takes it from everyone,” Perrie smiled. The boys looked like they remembered what we were on about. Part from Harry, Sophia, Josh and Gemma, “if you’re wondering. My boyfriend was a slut when I first met him,” I tell them.
“Still don’t explain Liam,” Josh says. I shook my head as I laughed a little, “you had to be there to understand,” Louis tells him. Niall was explaining to Harry, “fine keep your inside joke,” Josh pouted. Gemma rubbed his back, “I don’t think we want to know,” Gemma reassured him. Josh shook his head, “put it this way. It was the first time Lilly got jealous and it was just jokes,” Perrie tells him. Josh laughed a little bit, “what? We haven’t even been together for a week and he was cuddling Niall,” I say.
“Sounds like your still jealous,” Niall pointed out. I shook my head, “that was ages ago. You can have him if you want now,” I tell them. Louis pouted and I kissed him, “we have forever,” I whispered on his lips. Louis smiled big as he kissed me, “ok we have half an hour before we get to the party. I want to play a little game,” Sophia started.
“And what could that be?” Liam questioned. Sophia smiled big at everyone, “one thing you want to know about your partner and one thing that you want to tell them,” Sophia explained. We all started thinking, “I want to go first,” Louis says. We all looked at him, “on your first day of school you were going to say something to me at lunch before Perrie came back,” Louis says. I was trying to think back to that day, “you said something about listening to you would be for my own good. I was going to tell you that how do you know what’s good for me,” I smiled. Louis laughed as he shook his head, “so what do you want to tell me?” I wondered.
“I brought you the apple,” he tells me. I smiled as I kissed him, “apple?” Harry questioned. Louis nodded his head, “on Lilly’s first day she told us that she wasn’t hungry, but I knew she was. So I jumped the line and got my food and the apple. I know it wasn’t much but the next day I got her a full lunch,” Louis explained. Harry smiled at Louis as he nodded his head, “I think I just fell in love with Lou a little bit more,” Sophia sighed. I quickly wrapped my arms around Louis, “sorry Soph, but I fell in love with him first,” I tell her.
“And I thought you love me,” Liam pouted. Sophia kissed him, “I do, but I love Lou more for Lilly. I don’t feel anything for Lou like I do for you. I love him, because Lilly loves him,” Sophia admitted. Louis looked confused, “I’m not going to make a move on you Louis. I just see why Lilly loves you and you are a great guy,” she smiled. I knew Louis didn’t know how to take what Sophia told him, “thanks,” he says. I squeezed his thigh before Louis grabbed my hand, “I don’t want to play,” Harry mumbled.
“Why not?” Louis questioned. Harry played with his fingers, “because I know everything about Niall,” he replied. Niall was thinking, “I think this game is only going to work on the new couples,” Niall pointed out. Sophia looked at Perrie and Zayn and Perrie was looking at the window, “how about we play another game then?” she suggested. I knew she just realized that she was upsetting Perrie, “sounds like a good idea,” Harry says.
For the rest of the trip we just talked about tonight. Niall went over his rules again to all of us girls, but he mainly was looking at Gemma. I was worried about Gemma too. I know she a big girl, but things could happen. I know all about that, “stay together as much as possible and we met on the street before midnight,” Harry tells us. We all agreed with him, “let go have some for the last day of the year,” Niall smiled. I noticed Harry and Niall were the ones to lift everyone’s sprits.
The party was on someone huge property. The house was huge, the backyard was huge and the pool was huge. I was standing next to Niall next to the pool as we waited for Louis and Harry to us some drinks, “Gem going to be so board tonight,” Niall says. I nodded my head, “but it be worth it in the end,” I smiled. Niall wrapped an arm around me, “you alright with it?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “and we are not going to talk about that tonight,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “it’s scary how many people here tonight,” Niall says. I nodded my head, “and we already lost most of our group,” I pointed out.
“No Liam and Soph are just dancing. Well more like humping. I think Zayn and Perrie went to talk. Josh and Gemma are somewhere,” Niall informed me. I laughed a little bit, “did Louis talk to you about kissing me?” I wondered. Niall shook his head, “Harry did. Perrie sent him a message about us kissing. I told him it our normal thing and he alright with it. He told me that the way Perrie was talking. That we were making out on the lounge,” Niall replied. I slowly nodded my head, “I’m scared Niall,” I admitted.
“Why are you scared?” he questioned. I took in a deep breath, “I didn’t want to say anything before, but I feel like Zayn and Perrie break is my fault,” I started. Niall looked confused, “Perrie is jealous when I do stuff with other people. Like she got really shitty with me before we went to that costume party last month. All because I chose Louis,” I continued. Niall stopped me, “don’t blame yourself. If Perrie has this thing with you. She needs to stop. Your happy with Louis and I know you don’t want anyone else,” he reassured me. I hugged him tight, “what if she had a thing for you as well. That would suck big time for her,” I say.
“She shouldn’t have a thing for us. She has Zayn and he loves her so much. I don’t know why she don’t see that. I love Perrie like a sister that I never had. I wish she would go back to the way it was,” Niall confessed. I nodded my head, “everything alright?” we heard Harry questioned. We looked at him and Louis, “just talking,” I say. I took my drink off of Louis and stood close to him, “do you want to tell us what you were talking about?” Louis asked.
“Lilly thinks Perrie and Zayn break her fault and it could be,” Niall replied. Harry and Louis were confused, “Perrie crush,” Niall says. The boys started nodding their heads, “but if that’s the reason. You can’t blame yourself,” Louis reassured me. He hugged me tight as he kissed the top of my head, “now let’s have some fun,” he added. I nodded my head, “wanna go for a swim?” I joked.
“It’s a bit cold and you’ll mess your hair up,” Louis says. I shrugged my shoulders, “maybe later then,” I smiled. Louis shook his head as he smiled, “so we have about hour and half before midnight and I think I want to dance with my man,” Harry tells us. He dragged Niall away from us, “how about we go inside ourselves, so you can take this jacket off,” Louis smiled. I played with his top, “or we could go dance with everyone else,” I suggested. Louis laughed as he kissed me, “it’s a happy song,” I added.
I pulled Louis into the house, so we could dance. Louis looked uncomfortable as he stood there looking around, “what’s wrong?” I wondered. I grabbed his hand, “I don’t dance. I only danced with you that time since it was a slow song,” he started rambling. I kissed him to stop, “baby no one cares,” I cooed. I kissed him again, “if you don’t dance. You don’t get to see what’s under this jacket, but most importantly. You don’t get to see what’s under this dress,” I warned. Louis drank the rest of his drink in one go and then mine, “I hardly drank any of that,” I pouted. Louis kissed me, “I get you another one after we dance,” he smiled.
“You better,” I say. Louis ran his hands down my arms as he leaned into me, “jacket off,” he whispered in my ear. He stood back and I slowly unzipped my jacket. Louis bit his lip as I took it off, “um is it midnight yet?” he questioned. I knew I was blushing as I took my phone out of my jacket pocket. Louis ran his fingers down the side of my neck to down my arm. I moved in closer to him and put my phone in his back pocket, “you’re still dancing,” I smirked. Louis sighed as he threw my jacket somewhere.
Louis and I dance for a while and it looked like he was enjoying himself. Liam took a video of him dancing, so he could show him later. We all were having a goodtime, but it felt like someone was watching me. I couldn’t shake the feeling, but I couldn’t find anyone looking at me.
We all went outside, so Perrie and the boys could smoke after Louis found my jacket, “I think I’m going to quit after tonight,” Louis admitted. I hugged him tight, “you better,” I tell him. Louis smiled as he nodded his head, “I have something to live for,” he whispered. I don’t know if I was meant to hear that, but it made me smile, “not long to midnight,” Zayn says. Perrie nodded her head as she looked happy. I noticed her and Zayn were holding hands. Louis noticed what I was looking at, “does everyone have their New Year’s kiss?” Louis asked.
“Sure do,” Zayn smiled. He wrapped his arm around Perrie, “so Lou I have something to show your mum,” Liam teased. Louis was confused, but I knew Liam was talking about the video he took of Louis dancing, “what do you have to show my mum?” he questioned. Liam just smiled at him, “you’ll see when we come around to help,” Liam tells him.
“You still going to help me set up the girl’s cubby house?” Louis questioned. Liam nodded his head and I felt left out. It seemed everyone else was hanging out with Louis more than me. I know it’s all my head, but maybe that I wanted to help out, “you guys coming?” Louis asked Josh and Gemma.
“Yeah me and Gemma be there,” he replied. That made me upset, “so everyone in?” Louis wondered. Everyone nodded their heads part from me. I shook my head no, “what’s the matter babe?” Louis questioned. I didn’t say anything and Louis stood there looking at me. He just kept looking and I knew if I didn’t tell him we would be here all night, “where was my invite? You seemed to hanging out with everyone else part from me,” I snapped slightly.
“I just assumed that you were coming along since Harry coming,” Louis says. I shook my head, “Harry hasn’t said anything. He also not your errand boy,” I pointed out. Louis looked away from me, “not here and not now. We will talk later,” Louis tells me. I was going to tell him no, but Harry stopped me, “five minutes until midnight,” Sophia says to change the subject.
“So get ready,” Perrie smiled. Louis moved closer to me, “before you say anything. I am sorry and we are still going to talk about it,” he apologized. Louis kissed the side of my head, “you’re lucky that I want to kiss you at midnight,” I whispered. Louis laughed a little bit, “I love you,” Louis tells me. He kissed the side of my head again, “I love you,” I smiled.
“Three minutes to go,” Niall says. It looked like Niall and Harry were happy to be able to spend New Year’s together. I was happy that I get to spend New Year’s with Louis, Harry and the others. As I was lost in thought I felt Louis hand go up and down my back, “you alright? You still not thinking about me not asking you,” he questioned. I shook my head, “I was thinking about how I get to spend New Year’s with everyone,” I tell him. Louis kissed my forehead, “one minute,” I heard someone say.
“My first New Year’s kiss,” I whispered. Louis turned me to face him, “and hopefully it won't be your last,” he says. He kissed my nose, “thirty seconds,” Harry smiled. He was smiling at Niall and Niall was smiling back at him, “twenty!” Liam shouted. Sophia looked embarrassed, but she looked like she was happy about it. Louis pulled my face gently, so I would look at him, “I can’t kiss you if you’re not looking at me,” he joked.
“Ten!” Some random person yelled. Everyone started counting down, but Louis and I just looked at each other until the countdown finished. Louis kissed me softly, however we both smiling into the kiss. Louis pulled back a little and put his forehead onto mine. He was looking right into my eyes, “this year be the start of our lives,” he whispered. It felt like Louis was going to live his life. No matter what happens, “I love you,” I smiled. I kissed Louis lightly, “I love you,” he smiled back.
After we said happy new years to everyone. Louis and I went to talk to people that he knew from something. I walked away when I got bored since the just talking about a video game. I was walking around the party looking for someone I know. I went out the front to get some fresh air to calm down my anxiety. However, I saw a group of people standing in a circle down the road. My curiosity got the better of me, so I started slowly walking closer to them. As I was getting closer I noticed that someone was standing in the middle. I couldn’t see them properly, but I could see blonde hair. At that moment my mind went to Niall and Perrie and I hoped that it wasn’t them, “you Irish fag,” I heard. My heart dropped, “so what,” I heard Niall say.
“I think I know how to get rid of that smile,” another voice said. I saw someone move and then Niall was on the floor. The all started attacking him, “stop!” I screamed as I ran over there. They all stopped to look at me. I pushed them away from Niall not caring that these people could hurt me. Niall’s face was already covered in blood, “Lilly?” Niall questioned.
“Yep,” I replied. I grabbed his hand, “Lilly Underwood?” I heard someone ask. I knew that sick twisted voice and it scared me. Niall sat up as I squeezed his hand tight, “Lilly?” he whispered. Niall put his hand over the top of ours, “go get the guys,” he added. I shook my head, “go,” Niall ordered. I knew he worked out who it was and he was angry. Niall stood up and pulled me up, “what do you think you’re doing fag?” a guy spat. Niall ignored him as I locked eyes with the one that called my name. It was him from all those years ago. It was the one who attacked me, “look at you Lilly. All grown up and hanging out with these fuckheads,” he smirked.
“Shut the fuck up!” Niall yelled. Matt just kept smirking at me, “what I could do to you right now,” he says. Matt stepped closer and Niall pulled me behind him, “you stay the fuck away from her,” Niall snapped. I knew Niall was trying not to lose it right now, but I didn’t know how much more he could take. Matt took another step closer, “I’m not going to listen to you. Why don’t you run off to your boyfriend? So I can have fun with my old friend Lilly,” Matt tells him.
“Fuck off,” Niall snapped. Niall jumped on him and started punching him, but it didn’t last long. Matt’s friends were pulling him off and holding him back. Niall got a couple good hits in tho, “that was stupid,” Matt smiled. I come to learn that there something serious wrong with him, “but before I get to you. I want to spend some time with Lilly. I have something to finish with her,” he added. Niall tried to get out of their grip, “you touch her and I will kill you,” Niall threatened.
“Strong words from a little man. I bet your boyfriend loves that,” Matt says. I don’t know what came over me, but I punched Matt in the face, “would you shut the fuck up. No one cares what you have to say,” I spat. Matt slapped me across the face, “don’t you fucken dare talk to me like that. I make the rules not you,” he tells me. Matt was really pissed off and I was worried about me and Niall, “your fucked,” Niall smiled.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Matt questioned. Matt was tackled to the ground by Zayn, but Matt managed to get on top of Zayn. He started punching him, “stop!” I screamed. I pushed Matt off of Zayn with all my strength. Matt grabbed my legs and pulled me down on the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, but I ignored it as Matt straddled my waist. I tried to push him off, however he grabbed my wrists, “I said it goes my way,” he growled.
“I will kill you!” Niall yelled. Matt ignored him, “don’t cry Lilly. We’re going to have fun,” Matt tells me. Niall was trying to get out of the guys grip and Zayn wasn’t moving on the floor. I started moving trying to get out of Matt grip. As I was doing that the pain in my lower back was getting worse, “stop moving Lilly,” he says. I kept moving around and Matt’s fist came in contact with my face a couple of time. I could taste blood, “is that all? I had worse and not by you,” I laughed.
“Shut up Lilly!” he yelled. I shook my head and he gave me another couple of punches, “get fucked,” I spat. Matt hands wrapped around my throat and he started chocking me, but it didn’t last long. Matt was tackled off of me and I took a deep breath. I rolled over to see it was Louis that who was attacking Matt. I saw Harry and Liam get the guys off of Niall, so I crawled over to Zayn. His eyes where closed, but he was breathing. I rested my head on his chest relived that he was breathing. When I was going to close my eyes. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, “I got you Flower,” Harry says.
“About time,” I whispered. I cried into Harry chest and he rubbed my back. I screamed when he touched where it was stinging, “hey it’s ok. You just got some glass in your back,” Harry tells me. I turned my head to see Liam looking over Zayn, “Louis?” I wondered. Niall swapped with Harry, “I’ll help him,” Harry tells me. I shook my head, “I need both of you. Don’t do anything stupid,” I say. Harry nodded his head, “just worry about you,” he ordered as he ran off.
“It’s alright princess,” Niall whispered. Niall kissed the side of my head as he rubbed my arm, “ambulance is on its way,” I heard Sophia say. Perrie was kneeling next to Zayn looking over him, “where did everyone else go?” I questioned. I haven’t been paying attention to around me, “ran off,” Liam tells me. I nodded my head sightly as my eyes came heavy, “hey do go to sleep. You got to stay awake,” Sophia says. I shook my head, “I can’t,” I whispered.
When I opened my eyes the room was bright and my head killed. I looked around as my eyes adjust to the lights. I looked down at myself and my dress was gone. I was wearing a hospital gown and had a drip in my hand. I sat up as I remembered what happened. My whole body was hurting, “Lilly,” I heard Mum say. I looked around to see it was just her next to my bed, “Louis?” I questioned. Mum looked upset, “he was arrested. We are working on getting him out,” Mum tells me.
“Why did he get arrested?” I wondered. Mum sat down next to me, “because he wouldn’t stop. It took a couple guys to make him stop,” Mum says. She looked worried, “did he,” I started. Mum shook her head, “the guy going to be alright. Even tho we don’t want him to,” she tells me. I leant into her, “how’s Zayn and Niall?” I asked. Mum wrapped her arm around me, “Zayn still hasn’t woken up and getting some test done. Niall getting fixed up in the emergency room,” Mum explained.
“How long have I been out?” I questioned. I looked at her, “only a couple of hours, but you going to be fine. It be a couple of weeks before your face heals,” Mum tells me. My face?” What happened to my face? I put my hands on my face and pulled them back when it hurt, “how bad?” I questioned. Mum looked like she didn’t want to answer that question, “you can’t go to school next week or play football,” she tells me. I started crying all of a sudden. It wasn’t over not playing football or my face. It was because that fucken dickhead Matt hurt my friends, “I want to go home,” I cried. Mum hugged me tight as she rubbed my back, “soon,” she whispered.
I cried myself back to sleep and when I woke up Niall and Harry were standing next to my bed. Niall face had deep purple bruises, but I noticed a cut with stiches on his forehead. They both looked tired, “Lou?” I questioned. Harry shook his head, “Ben working on it,” he says. They sat down on the bed, “he called me not long ago. I told him that you were asleep. His staying in holding until the morning,” Harry continued.
“Ben hopeful. He thinks Louis won’t get into trouble. He thinks he can show the court that Louis was protecting you,” Niall rambled. I gave him a small nod to stop him. I just wanted Louis here. I wanted to know if his alright, “how Zayn?” I asked. They looked worried, “his head scan came back and everything alright. However, he still hasn’t woken up. They don’t know when he going to wake up. Perrie, Liam, Soph and his family are with him. Liam and Soph have been to see you, but you have been asleep,” Niall rambled again.
“Where mum?” I wondered. Harry shrugged his shoulders, “she might be home checking on Gemma with Theo. Her and Josh went home. Well Josh made Gemma since she with child,” Harry tells me. I laughed a little bit, but it killed my face killed. Harry and Niall looked worried, “my face just hurts. Mum says it’s bad, but I don’t know how bad it is,” I admitted. Harry got his phone out and he took a picture of me. When he showed me the picture. I couldn’t believe that was my face. I had a black eye, a split lip and there was a big dark purple bruise on the side of my jaw. Harry took his phone back, “great way to start the year,” I whispered.
“It’s just day one,” Harry tried to smile. Niall hugged me tight, “don’t you dare say sorry Niall,” I tell him before he could say anything. I rubbed his back, “then don’t blame yourself,” he says. I shook my head, “this is not your fault Flower. None of it. That twister fucker needs to learn a lesson. He doesn’t get to hurt you again. He doesn’t get to hurt Niall or Zayn. He doesn’t get to damage our family,” Harry rambled. Niall hugged Harry tight, “but as a family. We will come back stronger. We will not fall apart,” Niall reassured him.
Niall and Harry laid on my bad with me for a while. We didn’t say anything to each other. We just laid there thinking about everything that happened tonight. It was such a goodnight even with Louis and I arguing a little bit. But now it’s just sadness, “I’m going to check on Zayn,” Niall tells us. Harry and I nodded our heads, “tell them that Flower awake,” Harry says. I knew Harry wasn’t going to leave my side. Niall left the room, “tell me what happened. Niall won’t tell me anything,” Harry begged.
“Why won’t he?” I questioned. Harry shrugged his shoulders, “he just talks about you getting hurt. I know his hiding something,” Harry says. Niall doesn’t want Harry to know that he the reason this all started, but it’s not his fault. I still don’t know how he got there in the first place. However, I told Harry everything that I remembered. By the end of it Harry was in tears, “so if we didn’t split up to look for some dope. We all be alright,” Harry says.
“We don’t know that. Matt was at the party and it still could have happened,” I pointed out. Harry nodded his head, “it could have been worse,” he whispered. Harry rubbed his face with his hands, “I just need Zayn to wake up and Louis out of jail. Then we can go back to our lives and forget what happened,” I tell him. Harry pulled me to him, “we will, but it’s ok to be affected by this,” he reassured me.
“I don’t want to, because that means he won. I don’t want him to win. I want to win for once,” I cried. Harry kissed the side of my head as Liam and Sophia walked in, “oh my god your awake,” Sophia half shouted. She ran up to me and hugged me tight, “Soph that hurts,” I tell her. Sophia stopped hugging me and stepped back, “sorry,” she apologized. She sat down next to me as Liam sat down next to Harry, “how Zayn?” I asked.
“He just needs to wake up,” Liam replied. Liam looked exhausted, “and you need some sleep,” I say. Liam shook his head, “I’ll sleep when his awake,” Liam mumbled. Liam looked at Harry, “did Lilly tell you what happened?” Liam asked him. Harry nodded his head, “but if you want to know. You have to go on a walk with me. I’m not having Flower listen to that shit,” Harry tells him. Liam got off the bed and was out the door before Harry was off the bed, “I’ll be back,” Harry added.
“Niall won’t tell us anything and Zayn hasn’t woken up,” Sophia says. Sophia looked worried, “because he thinks it his fault. I know he does,” I tell her. Sophia was thinking about something, “why would it be his fault?” she questioned. I played with my blanket, “I lost Louis at the party and went outside to get some fresh air. I noticed a group of people standing around someone. That someone was Niall, so I ran to him. Then Matt was there and you should know the rest,” I explained.
“So Niall blames himself since you tried to save him and got hurt. What would have happened to him if you didn’t try? Our worst case is Zayn having a long nap. I don’t want to think about what could have happened to him,” Sophia says. I put my head on her shoulder, “can’t do anything now. We just have to see what happens to Louis and Zayn,” I tell her. Sophia leant her head into mine, “it gets better. It has to,” she whispered.
Harry and Liam came back and Liam didn’t look happy, “what were you thinking Lilly? What made you think you could go up against a group of guys?” Liam snapped. I was shocked at Liam sudden outburst, “Niall. I wasn’t going to leave him there,” I tell him. Liam took in a deep breath, but Harry was watching him closely, “you should have still got one of us,” he pointed out. I shook my head, “I don’t have my phone and I couldn’t find anyone walking around that house. So by the time I found anyone. Niall could have been worse. I know Zayn in the hospital, but it still could have happened. I didn’t ask for this to happen. I didn’t ask for him to find me again,” I started.
“That’s enough,” Harry interrupted. Harry stood by me, “Why are you blaming her Liam?” Harry questioned him. Liam shrugged his shoulders, but I saw tears in his eyes, “I don’t like seeing them like this. Especially her. We’re supposed to protect them for everything. I promised myself that I wouldn’t let that fucken prick near her again, but I failed,” Liam cried. It broke me that Liam felt that way about me. That he blames himself that I’m in hospital, “it’s ok Liam. We are going to be alright,” I reassured him.
“Come on baby. I think I should take you home,” Sophia cooed. Liam shook his head, “I’m not going home. I’m going to check myself in. I need help,” he says. Harry and I were confused, “wait until Zayn wakes up, so you can tell him,” Sophia tells him. Liam nodded his head before he sat down on my bed, “what you talking about?” Harry wondered. Liam took in a deep breath, “I’m addicted to meth. Have been for about six months now. At first it didn’t affect me life, but now it is. I’m snapping when I’m coming down and yes I’m coming down right now. I’m high at school, so I can get through the day. I need to stop before I hurt someone,” he confessed.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Harry questioned. Liam looked everywhere part from Harry, “Zayn knows. You and Niall were dealing with your own problems. Louis was looking after Lilly and Lilly was dealing with her mother. I didn’t want to bother you. Zayn only know, because he caught me,” Liam replied. I shook my head, “me dealing with my mother doesn’t compare to you. Liam you offered me a place to stay when you found out about her. You will never know how much that means to me. But if you’re hurting. I want to hear about it. I love you guys. You shouldn’t keep secrets,” I tell him.
“Well said,” Sophia smiled. Harry and Liam were smiling too, “you are the smart one at all of us,” Liam say. I shook my head, “have you seen Louis school grades?” I asked. Sophia and Liam shook their heads, “straight A’s,” I tell them. They started laughing, but stopped when they noticed Harry and I weren’t laughing, “your serious?” Liam questioned. I nodded my head, “broke into the school to find out what he got in English and he got an A minus for Wuthering Heights,” I replied.
“I got a B minus for that,” Liam says. I nodded my head, “I got a B Plus and I’m still proud of him,” I smiled. They laughed a little bit, “you’re so going to work hard for the rest of the school year,” Harry teased I shrugged my shoulders, “better still have time for me,” I heard Louis say. He was standing at the door and if I could get off this bed. I would have ran to him. I just held my arms out to him and he ran over to me. He jumped on the bed and hugged me tight, “I’m so happy that you’re ok,” he whispered.
“I’m so happy that you’re here. I really missed you,” I tell him. Louis rubbed my back, but I pulled away when he touched my lower back, “that spots hurts,” I say. Louis had a look at my back, “she had glass in it,” Harry tells him. Louis sat back and looked over my face, “I’m going to be fine,” I reassured him. Louis nodded his head as grabbed my hand, “what going to happen to you?” I asked.
“No charges yet, but that’s up to you, Niall and Zayn. If you guys press charges against him. He will press charges against me,” Louis tells us. Harry looked pissed, “so to keep you out of court. We have to let that fuckhead walk,” Harry spat. Louis nodded his head, “but I am willing to go to court over defending you guys. So it’s up to you,” Louis admitted. I didn’t like making a decision about Louis future. If he loses in court he could lose his whole future, “but let’s not think about this right now,” he added.
“Zayn hasn’t woken up, but it’s looking good for him. Liam going to rehab for meth addition. Niall blames himself for what happened,” Sophia say. Louis was shocked as he looked Liam, “I’m going in after Zayn wakes up,” he tells him. Louis nodded his head, “why don’t you boys go for a walk, so you can tell Louis what really happened,” Sophia suggested. Louis looked like he didn’t want to leave me just yet, “it’s just going to be ten minutes. I’ll be fine with Soph,” I tell him. Louis kissed my forehead, “thank you,” he whispered.
When the boys left Sophia looked straight at me, “you have to press charges Lilly. He can’t walk again,” Sophia tells me. I just stared at her, “yes I know what you’re thinking, but he can’t win again. He might just do it to someone else and they might not be as strong as you. They might be able to live after what he done,” she continued. I knew she was right, “I’ll do it, but I get to tell Louis first. I need him to be ready,” I say. Sophia kissed the side of my head, “I’m proud of you,” she whispered.
I feel asleep as I waited for the boys to get up, but I woke up when I felt pain go through my body. It was a nurse checking my face. I pulled away from her, “that hurts you know,” I snapped. I noticed no one around, “sorry. I just have to check your face,” she says. I felt uneasy, “um where are my friends?” I asked. The nurse shrugged her shoulders, “good to see you awake babe,” Louis says as he walked in. He was quickly by myside, “just went to get coffee,” he added. He kissed the side of my head, “I’m done,” the nurse says.
Once she was out of the room Louis looked at me worried, “what happened? You looked so scared,” he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “she woke me up by touching my face. Then I just felt uneasy,” I replied. Louis nodded his head as he sat down next to me, “I think you’re going to feel uneasy for a little bit and I don’t blame you,” he says. Louis kissed the side of my head, “do you know how Zayn is?” I wondered. I wanted to change the subject, “he woke up about twenty minutes ago. Liam saying goodbye to him then his saying goodbye to you. Then his off to rehab,” Louis tells me.
“I can’t believe he kept this from us,” I mumbled. Louis nodded his head, “he just didn’t want us to worry about him. When we were worrying about each other,” Louis says. I played with my fingers, “I actually don’t think he wanted anyone to find out. I think his embarrassed with himself,” I tell him. Louis nodded his head as he looked disappointed with himself, “I should have noticed it tho. I noticed him going off by himself and coming back really happy. I’ve also seen him get really angry. I used to do it, but I just didn’t see Liam doing it,” he admitted.
“He will get through this. His going to get help now. We just have to wait,” I rambled. Louis grabbed my hand, “we all get through this,” Louis reassured me. I looked at Louis and he kissed my lips lightly. It still hurt, “so how Zayn?” I asked before he could say anything. Louis sighed, “his alright. Already wants to go home after he sees you,” Louis started. Louis looked at our hands, “I can’t kiss you for a while,” he mumbled. I nodded my head, “let’s go see if you can go see Zayn. I think it might be good to get you out of this room,” he says. Louis kissed the side of my head before he got off the bed. He left the room quickly, “I’m going to be fine Louis,” I whispered to myself.
Louis came back with a wheelchair, “we can go see Zayn,” he smiled. Louis and a nurse helped me get into the wheelchair. The nurse disconnected my drip, “you have about half an hour before you start to feel pain again. So if you don’t want that. I suggest you come back before then,” the nurse tells us. Louis gave her a small nod before he pushed me out of the room, “Lou hunny. We need to talk,” I started.
“No we don’t. We are going to see Zayn,” Louis interrupted. I shook my head, “why you upset?” I wondered. Louis kept pushing me, “because I wasn’t there. I was having a goodtime while you getting the shit beaten out of you,” he replied. I stopped him, “would people stop blaming themselves. Tonight happened and there’s nothing we can do about it. We just need to heal and move on,” I snapped. Louis stood in front of me, “I can’t forget this,” he tells me.
“Yes you can. You weren’t there,” I spat. Louis looked hurt, “I was there and I’m going to forget about. I’m going to move on,” I added. Louis took in a deep breath, “I know and that’s why I’m going to remember it. I will never forget him on top of you with your dress pulled up. His hands wrapped around your throat. Choking the life out of you,” Louis tells me. I looked away from him, “then don’t remind me,” I say. Louis started pushing me again, “it’s ok to feel babe,” Louis tells me.
I didn’t say anything to Louis the rest of the way to see Zayn. I know me snapping at Louis was because I’m in denial. I really don’t want to believe what actually happened. Because when I look at Niall and Zayn injured faces. My heart breaks. Matt was meant to be my memory not theirs, “good to see you up and about,” Zayn half smiled. Zayn face was mostly purple and one of his eyes were that swollen that it was closed. It didn’t look like Zayn, “good to see you awake,” I smiled back.
“I don’t feel awake. I feel like going back to bed, but that’s normal me,” he joked. I laughed a little bit, “I just want to go home. I think I’m done with hospitals,” I say. Everyone agreed with me, “the next time I want to come to the hospital. Is to see my new niece or nephew,” Harry smiled. Everyone looked at me and Louis, “he does have another sister,” I pointed out. Everyone nodded their heads slowly, “wait Josh knocked up Gemma,” Liam started. Harry nodded his head, “Harry not having a good six months with his sisters. I think they’re going to kill him,” Liam teased.
“I know,” Harry pouted. I grabbed Louis hand as he stood next to me, “I think you should go back in time and stop yourself from meeting them,” Zayn says. Louis shook his head, “then I would have never met Lilly Belle. Liam wouldn’t have Soph. Niall and Harry wouldn’t have come out,” Louis rambled. I stopped him, “what Louis was saying. If he didn’t met Lilly. The last six months would have been worse. We would be the same little shits,” Niall smiled.
We talked for a little bit, but we never brought about what happened. I only went back to my room, because Louis noticed that I was in pain. However, the pain was getting a bit too much to handle. I started to wondered how I was going to cope at home without the constant painkillers. I hated how much my face killed, “painkillers should have kicked in by now,” Louis says. I nodded my head, “I just hate how I need them,” I admitted. Louis sat down next to me, “you going to be alright when you go home tomorrow?” he wondered.
“I personally don’t know Lou,” I tell him. Louis kissed the top of my head, “what about if I looked after you?” he suggested. I shook my head, “you’re staying at your mum’s and I have Harry and Niall,” I pointed out. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “I think I can stay with you for a couple of days before we go back to school,” he says. I smiled a little, “I have a week off,” I tell him.
“That is so unfair,” he pouted. I kissed him lightly, “I still need you to go, so you can take notes for me,” I smiled. Louis rolled his eyes, “anything else you want me to do?” he asked. I nodded my head, “sing to me as you cuddle me,” I replied. Louis laughed a little bit, “ok,” he whispered. Louis carefully wrapped his arms around me and I put my head on his chest, “I'll be your dream I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be everything that you need I'll love you more with every breath Truly, madly, deeply do I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on A new beginning A reason for living A deeper meaning, yeah
I want to stand with you on a mountain I want to bathe with you in the sea I want to lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me,” Louis sang to me as I fell asleep again.
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categorieltpff · 8 years
Listen us narries might be going through a dark time but lets just take a moment to look back at all the good moments hey? 
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and finally….
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categorieltpff · 8 years
Chapter 9 - First Date
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I felt fingers run through my hair as I was dreaming about Lilly. Well it was more like a sex dream. I knew I wasn’t asleep anymore since I could feel Lilly move around. I moved a little bit and my member rubbed against the bed. I let out a little moan at the contact. I felt Lilly run her fingers down my back and it felt nice that I let a moan slip from my lips. I ran my hand up the outside of her thigh slowly. I turned my head to give her stomach a kiss before I looked at her. Her cheeks were pink and I knew she was turned on as much as me. I quickly moved her legs to each side of me, so she was underneath me. I kissed her as I ran my hands up the sides of her. I thrusted my hips into hers and she moaned a little. I took that a sign to keep going. I grinded our lower half’s together as I kept kissing her.
After a little bit Lilly wrapped her legs around me as I placed one of my hands on her thigh. I went harder and faster against her and Lilly took her singlet off. I quickly grabbed her hands before I do anything stupid. I entwined out fingers above her head. Lilly bit her lip as she was holding back something. I pulled her lip out with my teeth and sucked on it lightly. Lilly buckled her hips into mine. We both moaned at the contact.
When I moved one of my hands away from Lilly. She straight away wrapped her arm under my shoulder. My hand went up the boxers she was wearing. I ran two fingers up and down her slit before I slowly put them into her. I moved them in and out of her as I kept grinding against her. Lilly started moaning as I made sure to hit g-spot. Lilly moved her hand from my shoulder to my member. My member rubbed against her hand and between her legs. I took my fingers out of her, so I could grab her hand. Without thinking I ran her hand between her legs under the boxers. I pulled it out and placed it back onto my member. Lilly wrapped her fingers around me. I put two fingers back inside of her before I started moving backwards and forwards again.
After a little bit and the feeling of her hand wrapped around me. I felt close, so I pulled my fingers out of her and grabbed her hand that was around me. I pinned them next to her head as I thrusted hard a couple of times into her. We both moaned loudly as we both came. I feel on top of Lilly and she wrapped her arms around me, “good morning,” Lilly puffed. I kissed her lightly, “good morning,” I smiled. I rolled off of her and pulled her next to me.
We laid there for a bit as we getting our breathing under control. We were both covered in sweat and our bodily fluids. I didn’t say anything as I went over what we did in my head. I kept placing small kisses to Lilly’s forehead to tell her that I love her. I noticed that it was nearly ten o’clock, “you know you’re meant to be at school right now?” I wondered.
“I know,” she smiled. I kissed her, “skipping class already,” I smiled back. Lilly ran her hand down my chest, “yep and it was history with Harry,” she tells me. She skipped a lesson with Harry. What the fuck am I doing to this girl? Harry is going to kill me, but still worth it, “I’m going to get in trouble for this,” I smirked. Lilly started kissing my neck, “but it worth it,” I added.
We went another round before we got in the shower, “I like skipping with you,” Lilly tells me. I laughed little as I thought about this morning, “and for once you were the good boy,” she added. Lilly washed her hair, “not really,” I say. Lilly looked a little bit confused at me, “I jumped you this morning,” I pointed out. Lilly smiled at me, “and I didn’t stop you,” she reminded me. I pulled her to me and Lilly placed her hands on my chest, “and I didn’t ask if it was ok to finger you or fuck your hand. We just did it and after,” I started before Lilly kissed me.
“I know, but maybe we don’t have to ask anymore. I started round two without asking you,” she says. I licked my lip as I was thinking, “but you can still tell me no. It not like I’m going to get mad at you,” I tell her. Lilly kissed my neck, “I know, but this morning I knew you were having a sex dream and it turned me on. Because last night I was serious about having sex with you. I wanted to tell you this morning that I wanted you inside of me and I didn’t mean your fingers,” she admitted. What the fuck did she just say? Where is this Lilly coming from? I want my pure Lilly back, “babe you know I won’t,” I whispered.
“I know,” Lilly says as she played with her fingers against my chest. I rubbed her back wondering if this was because of me last night. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought up me taking her virginity, “I won’t even think about having sex with you for three months,” I tell her. I knew I was going to think about what it be like to be inside her, “why three months?” she wondered. I kissed her forehead, “so I can make sure that you really want me to take it. I know you promised me, but I wouldn’t be upset if you found someone better than me. One with no anger issues or a fucked up life. Someone that would make you happy all the time,” I confessed.
“So I’m the one that got to learn to control myself now,” she faked smiled. Was Lilly hurt about what I said about myself? I smiled as I kept thinking that maybe she cares about me, “it seems that way,” I say. Lilly hugged me tight and I hugged her back the same, “come on let’s go get something to eat,” I added. Lilly nodded her head as I kissed her.
Lilly and I got dressed in my clothes. We were both wearing my grey track pants, but Lilly had one of my black t-shirts on. I caught Lilly looking over my naked chest, so I didn’t put a top on. I wish she didn’t put on my track pants. I love to see her naked legs walking around this house.
As we walking down the stairs I picked Lilly up from behind. She was laughing as we got the bottom of the stairs, “Louis,” I heard Troy say. He looked disappointed as he looked at Lilly. I tighten my grip around Lilly, “Troy?” I questioned. He shook his head in disappointment at me, “what have I told you about having girls around? I told you to make sure there gone in the morning,” he spat. I tensed up, “sorry hunny you’ll have to leave. I hope you had a good fuck,” he tells Lilly.
“Don’t you fucken dare talk to her like that!” I yelled. I moved Lilly behind me, “why not? I’m never going to see her again,” Troy snapped. I felt Lilly’s hand on my back, but it wasn’t calming me down, “because she my girlfriend. She not just some girl,” I spat. Troy rolled his eyes and went for him. Lilly tried to hold me back, but I pushed her off of me. As soon as I did that. I realized what I done. Lilly was on the floor, “Lilly I’m so sorry,” I apologized. I knelt beside her as panic was going through me, “I’m so sorry,” I repeated over and over. Lilly placed her hand on the side of my face trying to calm me down, “it ok Louis,” she cooed. I closed my eyes as I was letting her touch take over me.
I don’t know how much time past, but Lilly kissed me before she got up. I stayed on the floor, “come on,” Lilly says as she held her hand out. I took it as I got up, “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. Lilly wrapped her arms around me, “Louis it ok,” she reassured me. I wrapped my arms around her, “I’m sorry for Troy. I’m sorry he’s such a dick,” I tell her. I kissed the top of her head as Troy came back. He looked at us and I really wanted to hit him, “not to sound nasty, but why a girlfriend now Louis?” he questioned.
“Because she is different and I really like her,” I confessed. I knew Lilly was looking at me, “I know I got a rep with girls, but I really like this one,” I added. Troy sighed, “I’m sorry about before,” Troy apologized to Lilly. But she kept staring at me, “I’ll leave you two alone,” Troy says.
I dragged Lilly up to my room, so I could talk to her again. Lilly sat down on my lounge, “don’t you dare say you’re sorry again Louis,” she tells me. I sat down next to her, “Lilly I know what he said hurt you,” I started. Lilly looked down, “Louis did you lie to me about how many girls you slept with?” she wondered. I shook my head and it was the truth, “he just thinks that, because his away a lot. He thinks I have a girl over every night. When I don’t,” I tell her. Lilly played with her fingers as she was thinking, “Lilly you can ask everyone. They would have told you when you asked me last week,” I added. When Lilly looked at me her face was unreadable, “how many girls have you been with? And I’m not talking about sex. I’m talking about hand jobs, blowjobs and even making out,” she asked me. I looked down trying to work how to fix this, “more than seven I’m guessing?” she questioned.
“But Lilly your better than all of them,” I reassured her. I put my hand on Lilly’s knee and she grabbed it, “Louis who is Eleanor?” she questioned. How does she know about Eleanor? I looked away as I was getting my emotions under control, “she was my first and last girlfriend. It ended when I found out she was cheating on me. She was also the first person I had sex with,” I confessed. I might as well tell her the truth or someone else was going to. Lilly squeezed my hand, “Lilly I know I’m not the guy you thought I was. But I promise you that you’re the only girl I want and need,” I promised. Lilly didn’t say anything to me. She just moved, so she could lay her head on my chest. She brought her knees up to her chest as I wrapped my arm around her. I kissed the top of her head and we just sat there.
As I was running my fingers up and down her back. I was thinking what just happened. I think it was a setback in mine and Lilly’s relationship. After a fantastic night and morning, we had together. Lilly kissed my chest and it brought me back to her. She was looking at me, “is Troy like that all the time?” she wondered. I shook my head, but really I should be nodding it, “that what jetlag does to you,” I replied. I kissed the top of her head, “babe can you help me change the bed sheets?” I asked to change the subject.
“And why would I do that?” she smiled. I smiled back at her, “because we made a mess on them,” I winked. Lilly shook her head as she got off of me, “and I thought we like somewhere clean to sleep tonight,” I added. Well I hoped. I know she uneasy with Troy here, but like her. I need someone to deal with a parent. Lilly pulled the blanket off of my bed and I quickly pulled the sheet off. I knew it was covered in my cum. Lilly was looking at me funny, “that the second time I’ve seen you move that fast today,” she joked. I laughed as I realized that maybe I was overreacting, “what was the first time?” I teased.
“When you jumped me this morning,” Lilly says as she pointed to the bed sheet in my hand. I smiled at the memory of this morning. I threw the sheet on the floor as Lilly got the quilt out of the quilt cover. As I was getting the pillows out of the pillow covers. I was watching Lilly do the same. What scared me tho. I found it incredibly hot. That I had to walk out of my room before I jumped her.
We finished the bed with the sheets that I brought in, “it so much easier with you,” I smiled as I looked at my bed. I don’t think my bed ever look this good, but I think that about everything Lilly does. I looked up to see her next to her school bag with her phone in her hand. As I was walking over to her. She was reading something and she sighed, “Harry?” I questioned. Lilly nodded her head as she showed me her phone:
Harry Styles
Where are you?
Are you alright?
You better not be with Louis. You know my rules Flower
“What are we going to tell him?” I wondered. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “we could tell him the truth that you stayed at mine last night. Liam and Niall already know that I was with you, so there most likely say something since they will see him before us,” I suggested. Maybe it’s about time we started telling Harry the truth. Lilly looked down, “but what if he asks why?” she questioned. I pulled her face up gently, so she would look at me, “we could tell him the truth. That you didn’t want to be alone last night, because you been having bad dreams,” I tell her. Why is she afraid to tell Harry the truth about her nightmares? Lilly played with her bottom lip with her teeth, “I just don’t want him to ask questions,” she says. I pulled her to me, “and I will tell him,” I reassured her. There was a knock on my bedroom door to end this nice moment, “come in!” I shouted. Troy came in, “I was wondering if you two would like some lunch?” he asked. I nodded my head, “pizza alright?” he questioned.
“Yeah and Hawaiian,” I tell him. He smiled as he left us and I felt uneasy, “um Louis I,” Lilly mumbled. I kissed her, “I know he wasn’t the nicest guy when you met him, but he does put up with a lot of my shit. He is really an ok guy,” I interrupted. Lilly nodded her head before I kissed her again, “just give him a chance. I know you don’t have to, but can you for me?” I asked. I knew that was a big ask, but for once I need her, “only for you tho,” she smiled
When Troy called us for lunch. Lilly put her hair up in one of those messy bun things. Lilly sat next to me at the dining table and Troy sat across from us. I put a piece of pizza in front of Lilly, “so um,” Troy started as he looked at Lilly. I put a piece of pizza in front of me, “Lilly,” she tells him. Great start. My father didn’t know my girlfriend name. Troy smiled a little at her, “so Lilly how did you met Louis?” he asked. Lilly quickly looked at Louis, “at school,” she replied. Lilly looked worried which made me worry, “I’m a category three,” she added quickly. Troy gave her a small nod, “we met in physics. Then I met him again threw Harry,” she kept going.
“So you know Harry?” Troy questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “we grew up together since birth, but I moved away for six years and didn’t see him,” she tells Troy. Crap Lilly rambling. Troy smiled at her and I knew it was a dominance thing, “small world,” he says. I put my hand on her knee, “so what you doing home? On Sunday you told me it be another week,” I asked. Troy looked at me, “we finished early than we thought, so I came home. I thought you wanted to see Georgia,” he replied. I smiled at the thought of seeing Georgia, “would you like to meet her Lilly?” Troy asked her. Lilly nodded her head and I was shocked. I thought after meeting Troy that she never wants to meet any of my family. Troy phone rang and he looked at it, “sorry. I’ll be right back,” he tells us.
As soon as he left I turned to Lilly, “you really want to me Georgia? I questioned. Lilly nodded her head again, “why? Don’t you want me to meet her,” she asked. I shook my head. I would call my mum and sisters if she wanted to meet them right now, but I know I still have a lot of making up to do with them, “it just she likes to talk a lot and most likely tell you embarrassing things about me,” I smiled. Lilly kissed my cheek before she started eating.
We finished eating when Troy came back from his phone call, “was I gone that long?” he wondered. I nodded, “and sorry to cut the family time short, but me and Lilly need to get ready for school,” I tell him. Troy looked disappointed, but it was an act for Lilly, “that alright. Lilly would you like to come around for dinner tonight?” Troy asked her. Lilly looked at me to see if I was alright with it. I gave her a small nod before she looked back at Troy, “I would love to. Thank you,” she tells him. Troy smiled at her, “great then. I’ll see you than,” he says.
When I was putting on my black skinny jeans. Lilly looked like she was thinking about something. I know Troy makes her feel uneasy and there is nothing I can do about that. I kissed Lilly cheek to stop her thinking, “back to earth babe,” I smiled. Lilly smiled back at me before she put on her top. Her top was black, long, baggy and had the words Little Black Dress written on the front. I knew her top was actually a dress, “little black dress” I say. She looked down at herself as she nodded her head, “this is the closest thing I have to a dress,” she smiled. I grabbed a top from my Troy draw. The draw was all the tops that Troy brought me home. He gets upset when I don’t wear them. I managed to grab the American football team Buffalo Bills top. I quickly put it on, “Buffalo Bills?” Lilly questioned. I just shrugged my shoulders, “Troy brought it back on one of his many trips,” I tell her.
When I came out of my wardrobe with my football gear. Lilly looked like she remembered something, “I need to go home to get mine,” She tell him as she pointed to my football gear. I smiled at her, “you know there talk amongst the girls about giving you captain,” I tell her. Lilly shook her head, “like I told Soph yesterday. I like taking orders. Plus, I know we would lose if I was leading,” she tells me. I moved in closer to her, “I don’t think so. You’re the first person to beat my team and all you told them was use what they got. I think you could really do it babe,” I admitted. I really believe that she could be captain of the girl’s football team. I noticed that Lilly was shocked, “you got a couple of weeks to think about it,” I added. I kissed her, “but it my first year at the school. Wouldn’t someone get the shits with me?” she wondered. I kissed her again, “they’re the ones that are talking about it,” I reassured her. People were really talking about Lilly getting captain. Lilly shook her head, “just finished getting ready so we can go,” she ordered to change the subject.
When we stopped at Lilly’s I messaged Harry about meeting us in the car pack in ten minutes. I knew Lilly was scared to tell Harry the truth about what really going on with her. I just didn’t know why. Harry wouldn’t look at her any different or even judge her. I think he help her and maybe that’s the problem. I noticed that Lilly doesn’t really like help. She like doing things alone like she always has.
When I pulled up to school finally, “um I told Harry to meet us here,” I tell her as we got out of my car. I grabbed my bag and closed my door, “Lilly,” I heard Harry say. He sounded pissed, so I quickly went to Lilly’s side, “Louis,” he also said angrily. He was really pissed as he came closer to us, “before you say anything Harry. We need to talk,” I tell him. I put my arm around Lilly as Harry was confused.
I explained to Harry about Lilly not sleeping. Lilly didn’t say a word to him. Harry relaxed as I was talking to him about it. I was so close to tell him about Lilly’s nightmare that I saw. Harry seemed to completely understand when I finished telling him, “you alright now?” Harry asked. Lilly nodded, “I think sleeping in was all I needed,” she tells him. Harry hugged her and I saw worry in his face, “you know you don’t always have to go to his if you’re feeling like this. You can always come to mine. Mum won’t mind. That reminds me mum was wondering if you like to come to dinner tomorrow night?” Harry asked her. Harry still looked worried and Lilly didn’t notice, “I’ll love too,” she smiled.
I noticed that when we met the others at our lunch area. Mark and May was there, “oh my god Lou still alive,” Niall over dramatically says. I laughed a little bit as I sat down. Lilly sat on my lap and it surprised me. I’m not complaining. I just didn’t think she would do it. Mark was glaring at Niall and Niall didn’t pay him any attention. Niall was talking to Harry about something. Lilly and Perrie were talking about Max and Niall, “Ni why don’t you tell Lil and Lou what you told us about them,” Perrie tells him. Niall smirked and I knew it was dirty “just that Lou would have had a long night with Lil. Getting blowjob after blowjob. I never seen Louis move so fast in my life after Lil sent him that picture. Lil can you also send it to me?” Niall winked. Harry raised an eyebrow at us, “Ni you know my rule about Lilly Belle,” I started. Lilly laughed a little bit and I wanted to piss off Mark, “that means no picture, but last night was great. I swear next door heard us,” I continued. Harry was smiling, he knew what I was doing. Lilly kissed me, “I got scratches to prove it,” I smirked.
“Is this all you guys talk about?” Mark snapped. Lilly shook her head no, “yeah right, because by the sound of it you and Louis had sex last night,” he added. Lilly shook her head again and Mark was pissing me off, “I’m a virgin still,” Lilly tells him. Mark was shocked, “there are other things to do with someone other than sex,” she added. Mark looked at May, “is she telling the truth about being a virgin?” he questioned. What the fuck did he just asked May? No one questions my girlfriend. May nodded her head, “hey don’t second guess my girlfriend,” I spat. I knew Lilly was looking at me, “one of many,” Mark whispered. I got up and covered Lilly ear, “get fucken lost! We don’t need someone second guessing our relationship virgin boy!” I shouted. Mark looked shocked that I knew he was a virgin, “how do I know that you’re a virgin. It when we talk about it that you get all offended. I feel sorry for May since all you probably have done is kiss. Lilly is right you don’t need to have sex to get close to someone,” I argued. Mark got up and so does May, “I see you girls at football practise,” she tells the girls.
Lilly and I didn’t sit back down until I couldn’t see them anymore. I knew I was still angry with Mark, but there’s nothing I could do about it. I also knew that I had an outburst in front of Liam’s girl Sophia, “sorry Soph about that,” I apologized to her. I knew everyone was looking at me since I apologized to someone, “don’t worry about it. He such a pussy and needs to grow up. What Niall said I have heard much worst,” Sophia tells me. Niall slammed his hands on the table, “I’ve gone soft,” he faked cried. Liam hugged him, “it ok. You’re just getting old,” Liam cooed. Lilly leaned back into me, “this morning was great. Then it turned to shit,” I whispered. With Tory coming home and being mean to Lilly. Then Mark with him second guessing mine and Lilly relationship. I just wish we could go back to bed. Lilly kissed my cheek, “but it looks like you had fun yelling at Mark tho,” Lilly says.
“I think I did, because if we can’t be our selves. Then you can go get fucked,” I smiled. Lilly kissed me, “Flower please tell me Niall was joking about the picture,” Harry begged. Before we could say anything, “Lou sent her one, so she sent him one back. You can’t see anything. They both clean,” Liam tells him. I knew Lilly was embarrassed that Liam knows about her photo, “did you show them?” Lilly asked me. I shook my head no, but it felt like I did, “Louis didn’t show us, but he didn’t hide it,” Liam smiled. Sophia hit his arm lightly, “maybe you boys shouldn’t look than,” she tells him. Liam gave her apologetic smile, “I never send sexy pictures if I knew everyone would see it,” she added.
When we all got to English Mark and May where already there. My angry came back when Mark glared at us. We all sat down in our normal spots, “behave,” Lilly tells me. I smiled at Lilly as I loved how she knew me, “I will if he will,” I say. Lilly kissed me, but I held her face to kiss her longer. When we broke apart she looked at me, “now that using me,” she pointed out. I looked down, “sorry, but it does stop me wanting to punch him out,” I admitted. Lilly quickly kissed me before Mark stuck his rude finger up at us, “hey virgin boy you’re pushing it!” I yelled. Lilly put her hand on my shoulder, “oh I’m so scared,” Mark sarcastically says. I stood up and so does Mark, “Louis don’t,” Lilly tells me. I looked at her as she stood up too, “listen to your whore girlfriend,” Mark smiled. Oh what the fuck did he just call Lilly? Lilly quickly put her hands on my chest to stop me. I didn’t want a repeat of this morning. However, Liam walked over to Mark and punched him straight in the face, “don’t you dare talk about Lilly that way!” Liam snapped. I really hoped that Liam didn’t completely lose it right now, “Mr. Payne! Sit your arse back down and get to work!” Mr Dew yelled at him. We all sit back down and get our books out. I kiss the top of Lilly head as I pulled her closer to me, “you alright?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head as she kissed me.
I got bored halfway through lesson, so I ran my fingers up and down Lilly’s thigh slowly. When Lilly looked at me I kissed her lightly over and over until I kissed the tip of her nose. She looked surprised, so I went back to reading. I knew Lilly was staring at me, “babe you’re going to be behind again,” I smiled. I really couldn’t help, but smile at her. Lilly crossed her arms on the table before she put her head on top of them. She still was staring at me, “so I already missed a double today. Plus, I think I’m a head in this lesson,” she tells me. Well if she ahead in this lesson. I need to catch up to her. I shook my head as I smiled, “well I’m not,” I say. I kept reading my book, but Lilly pulled my English notebook over to her. She looked shocked as she was readying it, “babe are you alright?” I questioned. Lilly showed me my notebook, “when did you have time to do all of this?” she wondered.
“During lesson, some of my frees and Monday night after you had your nightmare. You didn’t wake up when I turned the light on, so I decided to read for a bit since I couldn’t get back to sleep for a while,” I explained. Lilly smiled at me, “how far are you?” I asked. Lilly picked up her notebook and showed me. She was two chapters behind me and I was shocked. I didn’t know that I was that far ahead. I started laughing at the face Lilly was pulling. Liam and Perrie looked at us, “what’s funny?” Perrie wondered. Lilly showed them mine and her notebooks, “wow Lil your two chapter ahead of us,” Liam says. Lilly shook her head as she pointed to me, “no way. Louis ahead of us,” Liam said in shock. Lilly nodded, “looks like you’re not ahead babe,” I teased. Lilly pushed me as she pouted, “so I get to slack off and you don’t,” I added. Lilly crossed her arms, “fine I’m not going out this weekend,” she says. Liam shook his head, “you can’t it Niall’s eighteenth birthday and you making his cake,” Liam pouted. Perrie started to pout too, “you’re not going to go all because I’m ahead of you?” I questioned. Lilly looked at Liam and Perrie, “I’m going to go with them,” Lilly tells me. Was Lilly upset with me, because I was ahead of her? Liam and Perrie smiled at her, “that reminds me. I still have to get the stuff for Niall’s birthday cake, so Lil can you write me a list of what you need?” Liam asked. Lilly nodded her head, “you can bake it at my house,” I tell her. Lilly looked at me, but the bell rang.
Lilly walked with me to geography, “why are you mad at me for being ahead in English?” I wondered. I need to ask before I snap. Lilly grabbed my hand, “I’m not. I’m actually proud of you,” she smiled. I smiled back as I stopped and pulled her to me, “but did you go back to sleep after my nightmare?” she questioned. I looked down, “no, but I stayed right next to you. I stayed awake to see if you would have another nightmare,” I confessed. Lilly kissed me, “that why you feel asleep on me last night,” she says.
“You are very comfy,” I say as I poked her belly. Lilly grabbed my hand and I started to panic, “and I’m not calling you fat. You’re just soft,” I quickly added. Lilly smiled at me, but it felt like I wasn’t safe, “well you better get to lesson,” she tells me. I went into my bag to grab out my car keys, “can you get my football gear for me babe?” I asked. Lilly nodded as she took my car keys. Lilly kissed me before I went to class.
I sat in geography waiting for Niall, but he never showed up. The teacher started the lesson and I tried to stay focus on the lesson. However, I couldn’t, so I messaged Niall:
Where are you? Do you need help?
I waited five minutes, but got nothing back. I messaged Lilly hoping she distracted me:
Can you save me please :( xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
Why? You got your boyfriend Niall there xo
Well by the looks the others don’t know that Niall’s not here:
Niall not here xo
Lilly didn’t message me back for a while:
Beautiful Lilly Belle
I’m in the car with Perrie. Harry got you keys in case I’m not back in time xo
I knew they were going to go get Niall. I had a funny feeling that Niall was looking after Theo again. I just wished that his family would stop putting this reasonability on him. Niall has his own life to live. Niall didn’t knock up some girl and have to raise a child. That was his brother, but I do know why Niall does it. It’s a little life that needs him and he can’t say no.
I walked out of geography halfway through. We just reading from the textbook, so I could do that later. I found Harry and Zayn on the football pitch, “girlfriend not here,” Zayn smiled. I noticed Liam and Sophia were talking under the tree, “I know. Her and Perrie gone to go get Niall,” I say. Harry looked worried, “why didn’t he just come and get me?” Harry mumbled. Harry was in his own world, so I looked at Zayn, “I don’t know,” he tells me. I got my phone out and messaged Lilly:
You at Niall’s? xo
Beautiful Lilly Belle
Yep xo
“There at Niall’s now,” I say. Harry looked at me and it looked like he wanted to ask me a million questions. After that I knew something happened between Harry and Niall, but what? We all left lunch in a good mood, “Harry want to come with me to grab mine and Lilly football gear from my car?” I asked him. Harry nodded his head, “I have your keys too,” he says. We started walking and he still seemed in his own world, “I know Lilly messaged me,” I tell him.
When we got to my car I stopped Harry from opening my boot, “can we talk?” I wondered. Harry looked more worried, “please tell me it not about Flower,” Harry begged. I shook my head, “it’s about you. Are you alright? You look like your about to break down,” I asked. Harry looked everywhere part from me, “it’s just I had a go at Niall for something stupid. Now his not talking to me. He missed a lesson because of me. He probably would have missed football training if it wasn’t for the girls getting him. I just wish he saw where I was coming from,” Harry rambled.
“And can I ask what you two were auguring about?” I questioned. Harry shook his head, “let’s just say that Niall got his eye on May again,” Harry tells me. Harry sat on the floor with his back against my car, “you and Niall will be alright. You had worst fights than this,” I reassured him. I sat next to him, “I know, but I don’t think we will be the same for a while,” he admitted. I had a funny feeling that it wasn’t just about May, “I want to talk about something else. I want you to tell me the truth,” Harry started.
“Truth about what?” I wondered. Harry started playing with his fingers, “have you seen one of Flower’s nightmares?” he asked. The way he looked at me he already knew the answer. I nodded my head, “what are they really like?” he questioned. I shook my head, “you don’t want to know Harry. I really don’t want to know. I wish she didn’t get them,” I confessed.
“Are they good as Niall’s?” he asked. I nodded my head, “but hers break me. I know what she dreaming about and I can’t save her. I want to save her,” I tell him. Harry put his face in his hands and I swear he was crying, “Harry you sure that you’re alright?” I questioned. Harry kept his face in his hands as he shrugged his shoulders. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer to me, “it’s ok,” I cooed.
“Who would have thought that bad boy Louis Tomlinson would be comforting me,” Harry teased. When he looked at me his eyes were red and full of tears, “you can thank Lilly for that one, but Harry talk to me like we used to,” I begged. Harry looked at his hands, “I’m just worried about Flower. I know something wrong. I also know that you two spend a lot of time in each other’s beds. Like you spent Monday night together and it was also the first time that you have seen her nightmare,” Harry tells me.
“She is alone a lot and yes that was the first time I saw her nightmare, but I think it’s was my fault,” I started. Lilly didn’t have a nightmare last night and we went to bed happy. On Monday we had an argument and Lilly went to bed worried that I was going to leave her, “how is it your fault?” Harry wondered.
“We had an argument before we went to bed. Liam told her that I just passed last year and I got upset with her,” I tell him. Harry gave me a stern look, “I was going to leave, but Lilly didn’t want me too. I calmed down and we went to bed. Lilly didn’t go to sleep until I promised her that I wasn’t going anywhere,” I explained. Harry was thinking about something, “what was different with last night?” he questioned.
“We talked about random stuff and we were happy,” I replied. Harry was still thinking, “could she still had a nightmare without you knowing?” he asked. I shook my head, “I feel asleep on her belly,” I tell him. Harry raised an eyebrow at me, “I had been up since three thirty that day. I went to school. I helped Perrie’s brother move, had P.E, went to the gym and had a very serious talk with Lilly,” I added. Harry slowly nodded his head, “serious talk?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “I told her about my suicide. I even showed her my scar. I trust her Harry. I don’t know why, but do,” I confessed.
“Lou could you have actual feelings for her?” Harry asked. I felt my neck and face heat up, “oh you don’t have to tell me. Your face just told me,” Harry smiled. I don’t know what was going to happen now, “I’ve known for a while. You seem like a better man. One that knows what his going to do with his life,” Harry says. I shrugged my shoulders, “I want to be a better man for her. I’m going to apply to the football academy and I’m also going to apply for university if football don’t work out. I have a plan for after school. I just need to stick to it,” I admitted.
“You make me wish I found Flower earlier,” he started. Harry put his hand on my knee, “I can’t believe a girl changed you,” he teased. I pushed him away as he was laughing. I stood up and Harry did the same, “are you going to tell her?” he wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “not yet anyway and please don’t tell her. I think she would run,” I tell him. Harry nodded his head, “guess we got to teach her about love,” he says.
After we got changed Zayn and I waited in the carpark, “did you and Harry have a good talk?” Zayn asked. I nodded my head, “he knows a lot more than we think,” I say. Zayn was confused, “like what?” he questioned. I was going to say something, but Perrie showed up. She kissed Zayn, “Lil stayed with Niall,” Perrie tells me. I nodded my head, “why don’t you go get ready,” Zayn says. Perrie kissed Zayn again before running off, “you ok with Lilly staying with Niall?” Zayn questioned.
“Yep,” I lied. Zayn gave me a questioning look, “how?” he asked. Truth be told that I was freaking out on the inside, “just am,” I say. Zayn slowly nodded his head, “breathe at least Lou,” Zayn tells me. I took in deep breaths, “you’re getting better,” he added. I laughed a little bit, “really?” I questioned. Zayn nodded his head, “the old Lou I knew would have got in his car and went to go get her,” Zayn says. I laughed a bit more as I shook my head, “the old Lou that you knew wouldn’t have cared. It just meant that I needed a new girl to follow me around,” I pointed out.
“That’s true, but the stories Harry told me about Eleanor and,” Zayn started. I stopped him, “that’s because she was a slut and I wasn’t the only guy in her life,” I interrupted. Zayn slowly nodded his head, “well the one thing that I learnt from Lilly. That she just wants you. She doesn’t see any other guys,” Zayn tells me. I believed him since he doses spend a lot of alone time with Lilly, “well their back,” Zayn smirked. I quickly found Niall’s car and Lilly was in the passenger seat, “Lou your eyes about to pop out of your head,” Zayn added.
“Would you shut up,” I snapped. Lilly got Theo out of Niall’s car, “Lou you’re madly in love with her,” Zayn says. I ignored him as I watched Lilly with Theo, but I do think Zayn and Niall were right. Lilly walked over to us with Theo in her arms, “hand him over,” I tell her. Lilly shook her head, “yes babe. You need to get ready for football,” I added. She slowly handed Theo to me like she was afraid that I was going to drop him, “are you going to be alright?” she wondered. I moved Theo, so that he was against my chest. I rubbed his back and Lilly smiled at me, “yes we will be fine. I got to take him to Veronica now anyway,” I smiled back.
When Lilly left us Niall came over with Theo baby bag, “he should have everything in there,” Niall says. Zayn took the bag off of him, “go get changed and we will meet you on the pitch,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “thank you,” he smiled. He ran off to the changing rooms, “let’s go see my lovely cousin,” Zayn says.
After we saw Veronica and gave her Theo. Zayn and I went to the football pitch. Niall and Lilly weren’t there yet, “is he alright?” Harry asked me when no one was around. I knew Harry would ask about Niall, “he looked alright,” I tell him. Harry wanted more from me, “Haz you going to have to talk to him if you want more information. I don’t know anything,” I added. Harry looked disappointed, but he straight away noticed Niall coming out. Niall ignored Harry as he stood with Liam and Zayn, “he hates me,” Harry whispered. I couldn’t reassure Harry right now. I don’t know what they really fought about.
Paul split us into our teams as Lilly just came out. She stood with Perrie and Sophia, “welcome to football. There no try outs since I know all of you can play and there not enough of you. We just manage to have teams and a couple of subs. This season will be the last for some of some of you,” Paul started. Paul looked at the girl’s team, “alright the girl’s team don’t have a captain and a vice-captain. Where the boy’s team still have there’s,” Paul continued. Paul waved over me and Niall, “I do normally give you two weeks to decide captains, but I need them right now. So I need you to choose ladies,” he ordered. Lilly looked straight at me, “we all agreed on Lilly as captain and Sophia as vice-captain,” a girl tells Paul. Lilly looked at Sophia and she was as shocked as her. I knew the girls were talking about it, but I never thought it would happen. Perrie and May pushed Lilly and Sophia over to Paul, “well these are you captains,” Paul says. Lilly and Sophia still looked shocked, “now laps!” Paul shouted. Lilly and Sophia didn’t move as everyone else started running around. They were whispering to each other, “come on captain and vice-captain,” Niall smiled. Lilly looked straight at me as I was coming over to her. She started hitting me in the arm, “it all your fault. You jinxed me. I thought I would have two weeks to convince them no,” she said angrily. I grabbed her, “babe it alright. They believe in you,” I reassured her. I hugged her tight trying to calm her down, “captain’s laps!” Paul yelled.
When we all started running I could tell the girls were thinking, “why us?” Sophia questioned. Do they really think being captain is a bad thing? If I can do it, so can they, “maybe they see something you don’t,” Niall tells them. Lilly looked down to think about something, but I stopped and pulled her closer to me since she was going to run into the goals, “eyes up babe,” I tell her. She looked up and noticed the goals, “yep,” she says. We started running again, “babe just give it a try,” I reassured her. She gave me a small nod as we kept running, “I’ll will help you,” I added.
After we done a couple of laps we split up into our teams. I was doing some ball drills with Niall, “so you missed geography,” I started. Niall rolled his eyes at me, “wow one lesson coming from the guy that just passed last year,” Niall snapped. Ok his in a bad mood, “calm down. I was just going to tell you that you have to read a chapter out of the book,” I say. Niall eyes were on someone else and it was Harry, “I don’t know what you Harry had a fight over, but he is worried about you,” I tell him.
“His always worried,” Niall whispered. Niall didn’t kick the ball back to me, “you know how I told you that I got someone?” he asked. I nodded my head, “what if it was wrong to have that person you really want? But there all you wanted,” Niall questioned. For once I didn’t know who Niall was talking about, “I recently learnt to follow my heart,” I admitted. Niall looked torn with my answer, “I wish I could,” he mumbled.
Paul told us to split up into two teams and have me and Niall on opposite teams. I had Harry and Liam on my team. We also had to play shirtless since the girls had the bibs, “you know the drill when it comes to practice. Play like a real game, but don’t hurt yourself or another player,” I tell them. They all ran off to their places part from Harry, “Niall?” he questioned. I shook my head, “you need to talk to him. I’m not going to be in the middle with this,” I snapped. Harry slowly nodded his head, “I know and I’m sorry,” he apologized. Harry ran off before I could say sorry. I groaned before I stood in the middle with Niall, “Ni can you please talk to Harry? He has a lot on his plate with Lilly and his really upset that you won’t talk to him,” I begged.
“I’ll try, but I don’t know if I really want too,” he says. I know I can’t force Niall talk to Harry, “I understand,” I tell him. I noticed Niall was looking Harry up and down as he was bitting his bottom lip. I chose not to say anything and keep that to myself, “your team ready?” I asked. Niall nodded his head, “you’re so going to lose Louis,” Niall smiled.
During our match I could feel the girls eyes on us, “Soph eyes on your own game!” I heard Lilly shout. I noticed that Sophia was looking at Liam before she ran off. I quickly paid attention to my own game, “Lil eyes on the game yourself!” Sophia yelled.  I found Lilly looking, so I winked at her. She bit her bottom lip and I really wanted to kiss her, but Niall jumped on me. When he got off of me I noticed that Lilly went back to playing her game, “pay attention to your own game. Think of Harry,” he tells me.
“Harry knows how I really feel about her,” I confessed. Niall was shocked, “you grew balls and told him,” Niall smiled. Niall seemed really happy, “well we were talking about her and he asked me if I had real feelings for her,” I explained. Niall jumped on me again, “I’m so proud of you,” Niall tells me. I pushed him off of me, “but he still doesn’t know about all your sexual fantasies about her,” he smirked. I glared at Niall, “he will never know. There are somethings that you don’t tell people and what sexual fantasies that you know?” I wondered. Niall just ran off without telling me anything, “Niall you can’t do that!” I shouted.
Paul blew his whistle, so we all would stand around him, “good first training session. Now shower and see you on Friday. I like the captains and vice-captains to stay behind,” Paul tells us. Everyone left part from me, Lilly, Niall and Sophia, “ok we got a couple of weeks before our first match. So it gives the girls sometime to learn the ropes and get the teams in order,” Paul informs us. Paul gave me and Lilly the team lists, “I want you to test their limits, because you can’t have five in the same position. I also need you to find your top goalkeeper. Lou I know Liam top goalkeeper last season and your mate, but he still needs to try out for it. Everyone got to try out and it don’t matter if there your friends,” he added. We all started walking to the changing rooms, “oh girls you need to pay attention to your own team,” Paul tells them. I noticed that Lilly and Sophia both blushed as we kept walking.
When we were in the changing room. I noticed Niall and Harry talking and it made me happy. I realized when I was getting my clothes out of my bag. That Lilly and I have dinner with Troy and Georgia. I sighed as I sat down on the bench, “what’s wrong with you?” Liam asked. I looked at him, “Lilly and I have dinner with my family,” I tell him. Liam seemed surprised, “that could be interesting and why is Lilly having dinner with your family?” Liam questioned.
“Because Troy met her this morning,” I replied. Liam looked concerned, “did her treat her like he treated Perrie that time?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “I went for him, but Lilly stopped me and I pushed her off of me,” I admitted. Liam sat down next to me, “I feel terrible that I hurt Lilly when I was angry. I apologized so many times and she told me that it was alright. I hurt her Liam,” I rambled.
“She knows your sorry Lou and you were defending her. Just be careful next time,” Liam tells me. I know if I hurt Lilly again when I’m in one of my moods. Liam would hurt me, “I will,” I promised. Liam gave me a small nod, “I don’t want to have this conversation again,” he says. He stood up, “lets hit the showers, so we can go home,” he suggested. I nodded my head as I stood up, “well I have a dinner to get to,” I faked smiled.
After we all had a shower we met up with the girls near the changing room, “I’m glad football started,” Zayn smiled. We all agreed with him, but my mind was on May. If Niall likes her I should apologize about before, “um May I’m sorry about before,” I apologized to her. May looked down, “don’t worry about it,” she mumbled. I noticed that Niall was looking at May, “May does your boyfriend know that you’re not a virgin?” Lilly asked all of a sudden. May was shocked as she slapped Niall across the face. She ran off, “I’m sorry,” Lilly apologized.
“It alright, but I don’t think her boyfriend knows,” Niall smiled at her. I wrapped my arm around Lilly as she looked upset with herself, “did you take her virginity in the classroom?” Perrie wondered. Niall shakes his head no, “um we had a thing going on like Lou and Lil for a bit. We moved way faster than them. Day one I was already fingering her and by the end of the week we were giving each other head. Second week I took her virginity,” he confessed. I felt Lilly get uneasy when Sophia was looking at us. Niall just told Sophia that Lilly and I really not together. I rubbed Lilly back trying to calm her down, “you two are really not together?” she questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “but you act like you are. By the way he defends you,” Sophia says. Lilly looked at me for help, “it a bit complicated,” Lilly tells her. Liam whispered something into Sophia ear, “Niall are you forgetting someone?” we heard Veronica asked. We all looked to see her carrying Theo, “no. I was just about to get him,” Niall smiled. He took Theo off of Veronica as Zayn grabbed the baby bag, “well I better get home,” Niall tells us. Lilly kissed Theo on the forehead, “can I have one?” Niall pouted. Lilly looked at me for permission and I gave her a small nod. Lilly kissed Niall on the cheek before he left with Zayn and Perrie. Harry reminded Lilly about dinner tomorrow night before he left. Liam and Sophia were looking at us, “so what going on between you two,” Sophia wondered.
“I told that bitch Amy that she was my girlfriend. I did it more so people would leave Lilly Belle alone. But we already agreed to have some fun together since we both don’t believe in relationships or love. We’re not against it. It just not for us,” I explained to her. Sophia nodded her head as she looked at Liam, “what about Perrie and Zayn?” she questioned. I knew Sophia was going to start questioning everyone. I don’t blame her tho, “they’re in a real relationship,” Liam smiled. Liam points to Lilly and I, “it just them two that don’t do relationships. Niall and Harry are loving their single life right now,” he added.
“What about you?” Sophia asked him. Liam blushed, “um,” he started. This is your chance Liam and now you don’t have anything to say, “he likes you,” I interrupted. Lilly hit me lightly since I just told Sophia that Liam liked her, “sorry he was taking so long and we should leave now,” I smiled.
When we got outside to leave Liam and Sophia alone it was nearly dark, “you couldn’t help yourself,” Lilly pointed out. Lilly put her football gear in the boot of my car, “no I couldn’t. That all Liam talked about last night at the gym. I had to make the move for him, because I think he wouldn’t make a move until Christmas,” I lied. I just had to lie. Lilly doesn’t need to know that I snapped at Liam last night. I put my football gear in my boot next to hers before I pulled her to me, “so Sophia knows about us. I don’t think May going to talk to us again and Niall kept a girl longer than a weekend,” I say. Lilly nodded her head, “and were moving slow compared to them,” she smirked. I kissed her as I knew what she was trying to say, “don’t think about it. We’re staying at this pace,” I tell her strictly. Lilly just smiled at me as she ran her hands down my chest, “so you don’t want my lips around your dick?” she questioned.  I was shocked with those words coming out of her pretty mouth, “where did that pretty mouth of yours learn that?” I wondered. Lilly kissed me, “you from the other night,” she reminded me.
“You know sometimes you make it hard to say no,” I groaned. I pushed her against my car and pinned her hands above her head. I wish I could make her beg me to touch her until she screamed my name, but I couldn’t. I kissed her nose before I let her go, “but it still no,” I tell her. Lilly smiled as I had to adjust the front of my pants. Maybe that fantasy had some effect on me, “you sure about that?” she asked. I nodded my head, but really I wanted to give into her. I went to her car door, “yep, because we have a dinner to get to,” I reminded her. I opened her door, “so you don’t want a quickie in the car?” she smirked as she walked over to me. I smacked her arse and I would admit that I enjoyed it, “behave and get in the car,” I smiled.
After Lilly got into the car I adjusted myself again as I took in a deep breath. I need to calm down before I did something to her in the school’s car park. I got into the drivers seat and looked at her. Lilly smirked as she ran her hand up my thigh, “babe what are you doing?” I questioned. I grabbed her hand, “I want you. I can’t get this morning out of my head,” she tells me. I could not believe those words came out of her mouth, “you just need to wait a little bit. We can’t do it in the school car park, because Liam and Sophia can catch us,” I tell her. I let go of her hand, “is this were I say I can’t do it with Troy home and ninety-five percent sure my mother home too,” she admitted. I started to think of places where we could go. I started my car as I thought of a place, “then I know the perfect place,” I smiled.  
I drove us to empty car park and wondered if this was a good idea. I quickly jumped to the backseat of my car with Lilly, “you sure you want this?” I questioned. Lilly kissed me as she nodded her head. I took off her pants with her shoes and socks before she pushed me back, so she could straddle my lap. Lilly pulled my top off and I did the same to her. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the site in front of me. Lilly kissed down my neck then across my chest. Lilly undid my jeans before she rubbed me through my boxers. Lilly moved down as she kissed down my stomach to the start of my boxers. I moan slipped through my lips when Lilly kissed my member through my boxers. I pinned her down onto the back seat as soon as I realized what she was trying to do. I hovered over her, “I said no,” I groaned. Lilly pulled me closer to her, so I was between her legs. I kissed down her neck before she pushed me back a little. She pulled my jeans and boxers down and I was surprised, but more turned on at the same time, “what has gotten into you this afternoon?” I smirked. Lilly pulled me down to kiss me again. I started grinding against her hard and fast, “fuck Lou,” she moaned. I could just cum from her moaning my name like that, “I can’t wait to do you properly on the back seat of my car,” I groaned.
I kept going until we both came. I kissed her as we rode out our highs and I still can’t get over how good this feels. I moved back, so we could catch our breaths. I sat back into the seat properly as I closed my eyes. I felt Lilly move next to me and I wondered what has gotten into her. I felt something wet on the tip of member, but I realized that it was Lilly’s tongue when she licked up the side of my member. I pulled Lilly away from me, “Lilly please don’t,” I begged. I grabbed my t-shit, so I could clean Lilly and I up. I pulled my boxers and jeans back up after I threw my cum covered t-shirt on the floor. I pulled Lilly on my lap and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her nose, “we are going to have serious talk about what you just did,” I tell her.
“I know I shouldn’t have done it, but for some reason I really wanted to,” she admitted. I was shocked at the fact that she actually wanted to do that, “really babe? You really wanted,” I started. Lilly kissed me to shut up, “yes I really wanted to lick you clean,” she smirked. I smiled a little bit, “ok I know were not Perrie and Zayn, but were not Niall and May. I know May was a virgin and I don’t know why she gave in so quickly to Niall. But Lilly we’re doing it our way not there’s. So get those urges out of your head,” I tell her. Lilly gave me a small nod, but I could tell that she was a little bit disappointed, “trust me babe I can’t wait to do more things with you, but when you’re really ready,” I added. I kissed her lightly to reassure her, “I know I heard you,” she smiled. I can’t believe I said that out loud. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, “so you want to do me in the back of your car?” she teased. I smiled at her playfulness, “you know that won’t happen for three months,” she added. I nodded my head, “um Lou I can’t wait three months,” she admitted. I was worried why she was thinking like this, “can we make it two?” she wondered. I bit my bottom lip as I was thinking, “if you’re ready,” I replied. Too many questions running through my head right now. Lilly gave me a small nod before she kissed me.
After we got redressed and I got a new top from the boot of my car. We both got into the front seats of the car, “do you have a wardrobe in the back of your car?” she smiled. I laughed a little bit, “nah. Just a bag that I take to yours,” I smiled back. I actually had a big bag that I take to Lilly’s in my boot. It had clothes for nearly every occasions. I even had a suit jacket under the bag. I also had a couple of pairs of shoes and my bathroom stuff. I guess I was ready for anything.
When we got to my place I felt nervous, “ready to have dinner with my family?” I questioned. Lilly kissed me, “yep,” she smiled. We got out of my car and I waited for her to come to me. I grabbed her hand as soon as she stood next to me. I felt less nervous, but they were still there, “Lou are you alright?” Lilly wondered. I nodded my head as we walked inside.
Once we were inside I could smell food, “where home!” I shouted. I squeezed Lilly hand as the nerves came back. Lilly squeezed my hand back as Georgia was running up to us, “Lou,” she smiled as she hugged me tight. I hugged her back as tight before she looked at Lilly smiling, “you must be Lilly, Louis girlfriend. I’m Georgia,” she says as she hugged her. Lilly hugged her back and Georgia stepped back, “she pretty Lou. How did you get her?” Georgia asked.
“I just asked her out.” I smiled. Please don’t start this shit Georgia, “so you’re not paying her or got something on her? She here because she wants to be here with you?” Georgia wondered. Lilly laughed a little bit, “I am,” she tells her. Georgia faked smiled at Lilly and I felt uneasy now, “but how do you put up with my brother? He can be so annoying,” Georgia asked. Lilly looked at me as she looked unsure, “he been good so far,” Lilly replied. Georgia started laughing, “give it time. You’ll get sick of him,” she smiled. I shook my head at Georgia attempt to get rid of Lilly, “I think that be hard,” Lilly tells her.
We walked away from Georgia before she could say anything more. We found Troy in the kitchen cooking spaghetti Bolognese and it was new for me. I have never seen Troy cook, “um what are you doing?” I questioned. Troy smiled at us, “cooking dinner,” he replied. I still couldn’t get over what was happing in front of me, “but you don’t cook,” I pointed out.
“I can cook and I thought I do something nice for your girlfriend,” Troy admitted. Lilly smiled when I looked at her, “I haven’t had a home cooked meal for a while that I didn’t cook,” she says. I knew her mother never cooked her something to eat. So her last cooked meal would have been something from Anne about six years ago, “my mother works nights,” she lied. I wrapped my arm around Lilly to calm her down, “so you don’t see her much?” Troy asked. Lilly nodded her head, “I’ve met her once and that was on Monday,” I tell him. Troy was surprised, “so what does she think of him?” Troy questioned Lilly.
“She likes him,” she replied. They all smiled at us and it was creepy to me, “well dinner be ready in about fifteen minutes,” Troy tells us. We all nodded our heads, “Georgia you got homework to finish,” Troy continued. Georgia runs off, “and you two probably should start some,” he finished. Lilly and I nodded our heads as we started head towards my room, “leave the door open,” Troy tells us. I wanted to go back and tell him no since his never acted like a father to me until now, but Lilly pushed me to keep walking.
I jumped face first onto my bed as soon as we got in there, “babe where did you put my spare clothes?” Lilly asked me. I started talking, but I had my face in my bed, “can’t hear you,” she pointed out. I turned my head, “in the bottom draw,” I started. Lilly slowly walked into my wardrobe, “on the left side,” I added. I hid my face back into my bed as what happened down stairs was going through my head. It was creepy and now I know how Lilly felt when her mother was being nice to her, “is it alright if I change into track pants?” Lilly asked me.
“yes,” I mumbled into my bed. That actually sounded like a great idea, “hunny I can’t hear you,” she tells me. I smiled at the pet name as I rolled onto my back, “yeah. Can you bring me a pair please?” I asked. I stared at the ceiling wondering how the rest of the night was going to go, “where are they?” Lilly questioned. I quickly got off my bed and went to my wardrobe. Lilly was putting on a pair of new knickers, “you know my bedroom door is open and anyone could walk in,” I say. Lilly looked at me, “that why I’m getting dressed in here,” she smiled. I went into my draws to get out a pair of blue track pants and clean boxers. I noticed that Lilly just watched me and still hasn’t finished getting dressed, “babe put your pants on before someone comes in and sees you,” I tell her. Lilly put her track pants on as I left to use my bathroom.
When I was in the bathroom I cleaned myself up and got changed. I noticed when I came out that Lilly was sitting on my lounge. She had her legs up as she leant back into the arm of the lounge. I straight away laid between her legs and wrapped my arm around behind her. I placed my head on her boobs and I could hear her heart beat. Lilly placed her hand on my arm in front of me as her other hand ran through my hair. I will admit that I might be enjoying this too much, “when did you have time to wash and fold my clothes?” she wondered.
“Before I went to the gym on Tuesday,” I smiled. I got comfier on her as she kissed the top of my head, “what wrong?” she asked. I sighed as Troy and Georgia were going through my head, “it just strange that everyone home and you’re here. I’m not saying it a bad thing. It just I never thought you’ll meet them so quickly. I can’t believe you said yes to having dinner since I know you don’t like meeting new people. But I noticed that you do talk to people now tho,” I rambled. Lilly kissed the top of my head again, “I think that because of you guys, but mostly you,” she admitted. I looked at Lilly and pushed out my lips. I just wanted her to kiss me right now. Lilly kissed me, “god I wish no one was home,” I groaned.
“Why?” Lilly wondered. I smiled a little, “I just want to stay here. Right here on this lounge with you. Watch a movie or play a game. I don’t want to be interrupted or watched,” I admitted. Lilly kissed me as she placed her hand on my chest, “but your family here,” she says. I grabbed Lilly hand that was on my chest, “don’t get me wrong. I’m happy there here. It just I don’t know. I think they’re going to ask too many questions about us and I really don’t know how to answer them. I know they think I can’t do anything right. I know that their already waiting for me to fuck it up with you and I know I keep fucking it up with you, but you stay,” I confessed. Lilly kissed me again, “it going to be alright. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon,” she reassured me. I laughed a little bit as the time at the cabin came back, “I know, because if you leave me anytime soon I have to take your virginity. I also know that you’re scared about it. So I’ll try my best to keep you around,” I promised her. Lilly kissed my forehead, “Lou can I ask you something?” she started. I nodded my head as I kissed her hand, “laying here with me. Is it another first for you?” she asked. She was right. This was another first for me. I nodded my head, “when I was with Eleanor all she wanted to do was make out and I was lucky if I held her hand. So I really never done anything like this. She never wanted anything to do with my family or even ask how I was doing,” I admitted. Lilly kissed me, “thank you for telling me without me asking you,” she smiled. I kissed her, “that because I know you want me to open up to you and talk about stuff. Because I know you care and I trust you,” I tell her. I really did trust her, because I love her. Lilly smiled as she was thinking, “you know after dinner we can come back up here and watch a movie, unless you want to play a game,” she suggested. I just really want to sit here like this and talk about anything, “I’ll like that,” I smiled.
Troy called us to dinner too soon for me. I wanted to stay on my lounge with Lilly all night. However, when we got downstairs Georgia was already sitting at the dining room table with a smile on her face. We sat down across from her and she was still smiling at us, “what you smiling at?” I questioned. She smiled bigger, “just wondering why you two changed your pants? And that I saw you two laying on your lounge,” she asked. Why was she fucken watching us, “what were you doing on the lounge?” Troy questioned from the kitchen.
“We were just talking and we changed our pants to be more comfortable” I tell them. Georgia nodded her head as Troy came in with two bowls of spaghetti Bolognese. He put them down in front of Georgia and Lilly. He went back in the kitchen, “Louis can you grab the drinks,” Troy tells me. I got up and left Lilly with Georgia and I wondering if that was a good idea.
When I got to the kitchen I poured four glasses of coke, “Louis I hope your using protecting with her,” Troy started. I ignored him as I took two of the glasses out. Georgia was smiling at Lilly as I put the glasses down. I went back in the kitchen, “don’t ignore me Louis,” Troy snapped. I looked at him, “I haven’t even slept with her yet and why do you care?” I questioned. Troy just shook his head, “I don’t want you to end up like your mother and I really don’t want to pay child support for you,” he tells me. I grabbed my drink and food before I left the kitchen. He was wrong about my mum and Lilly.
When Troy and I got back to Lilly and Georgia. Lilly seemed different. She didn’t seem impressed with Georgia.  I sat back down next to Lilly as I put my dink and food on the table. Troy did the same as he looked at me. I smiled at Lilly, so she wouldn’t worry about me. We started eating, “so Lilly what subjects do you do?” Troy asked her.
“I have physics, history, English, P.E and art,” she replied. Troy smiled at her and I really wanted to punch it off, “so you have three lessons with Louis and by the sounds of it an extra,” Troy pointed out. When did Troy started caring about my schooling and when did he learn what lessons I have. Lilly nodded her head, “she also does creative writing and dance for extra lessons. Lilly Belle also got captain of the football team today,” I boasted. Troy actually seemed impressed for once, “so you’re a nerd,” Georgia teased. I knew Georgia was being mean to Lilly, but Lilly didn’t seem fazed by it. Lilly shook her head, “I socialize, like sports and dress better,” she tells her. Georgia just faked smiled at her as Lilly started eating.
The whole way through dinner Troy kept asking Lilly about school and her mother. I knew it was making Lilly uncomfortable since she had to lie to him. Troy also asked about Lilly and I relationship and Lilly answered most of them for me. I knew Troy really didn’t care about Lilly and I. He was just pretending like he gives a shit. Lilly thanked Troy for the dinner before we left them. I wish I could tell her not to bother.
When we finally got up to my bedroom I leaned the door over. I think I need to prove to Troy that Lilly just not some girl that I fucked, “what movie do you want to watch?” I asked. Lilly looked at my movies, “you pick,” she tells me. I went over and picked out a horror movie. I just wanted Lilly to cling to me and never let me go. I put the movie in as Lilly sat down on the lounge. I sat down next her after I turned my bedroom light off. I pulled Lilly closer to me as I started the movie.
The whole movie Lilly clung to me and hid her face into my chest. I kissed the top her head every time that she got scared which was a lot. Maybe it was a bad idea to watch a horror movie, but I didn’t know she be this scared. I told her that we should watch a comedy and Lilly agreed with me. I grabbed a blanket before I sat back down next to her, “did you pick the horror so I would cling to you?” she wondered.
“Maybe,” I smiled. Lilly shook her head as we laid down together. I pulled her close to me as I made sure the blanket was over her. I placed my leg over hers and wrapped my arms around her, so she wouldn’t fall out. I moved my other arm, so it was under her head after I played the movie. I started watching the movie, but my head was on Troy. The way he talks about my mum makes me angry. His the one that walked away from us. Mum had to do it all on her own until she met dad. I will never call that man downstairs dad, because he will never be to me.
After a while I noticed Lilly’s breathing slow which meant she was asleep. I noticed that it was only eight thirty. It must have taken a lot out of Lilly today or she trying to forget something. I noticed that she was different after I had to get the drinks. I wondered what Georgia said to her? I know she won’t tell me, because she afraid to get me in trouble. I felt my phone go off in my pocket, so I grabbed it out. It was Lottie calling me, “hey,” I whispered as I answered it.
“Why you whispering?” Lottie questioned. I moved a little and Lilly groaned, “Lilly asleep next to me and I can’t move without waking her up,” I tell her. Lottie laughed a little bit, “that would be a sight to see,” she says. I knew she was smiling, “so what do you want?” I asked. I could hear voices in the background, “what are you doing tomorrow after school?” Lottie wondered.
“Nothing. Why?” I asked. Lottie was telling someone to shut up, “do you want to see us for a little bit? You can bring Lilly. We would like to meet her,” Lottie rambled. I laughed a little a bit, “I'll come and see you, but Lilly got dinner with her family,” I tell her. Lottie sighed, “cool,” she says. I knew Lottie would be disappointed about Lilly, “does mum know about this?” I questioned. Lottie didn’t say anything, “Lottie,” I pushed.
“Mum going to be at work until dinner and we all want to see you,” Lottie begged. I wanted to see them too, but I don’t want to piss mum off, “ask mum first and if she says yes. I’ll pick you guys after school. I’ll even skip music,” I promised. Lottie started talking to someone else, “Fizzy and the twins going to ask mum now,” Lottie tells me. I guess they really want to see me, “so if mum says yes. What do you want to do tomorrow?” I wondered.
“Anything, but I think the twins want to go to the park,” she replied. Lilly moved, so I kissed her shoulder, “mum said yes,” I heard one of the twins say. So by the sound of it. I’ll be babysitting four girls tomorrow, “ok mum said yes, but we got to go to bed right now,” Lottie started. I pulled Lilly closer to me, “ok. I’ll see you tomorrow and I love you all,” I tell her. The girls told me that they love me before we hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket before I laid down properly again. I was thinking about what me and the girls going to do tomorrow. I know I’ll take them to the park, but then what would we do? I turned the TV off and my whole room went black. I just laid there with the girl of my dreams in my arms thinking about tonight, tomorrow and the rest of my life.
I got woken up when I felt a hand in my pocket to grab my phone. I slowly opened my eyes to see Lilly looking at my phone. I pushed her more into me, “I told you it was my wallpaper,” I say sleepily. I kissed her neck, “let’s get into bed,” I added. Lilly nodded her head as she sat up. She gave me my phone back and I turned on the flashlight. I noticed that it was one o’clock in the morning. Lilly stood up and her legs wobbled. I grabbed her hips as I sat up, “careful,” I whispered. I pulled her down, so she would sit in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her before I kissed her back, “you alright?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head, “just really tired,” she tells me. I smiled as this morning and in my car came into my head. Maybe she was just tired from that, “well we did have an exciting day,” I say. Lilly got off of me and went to my bed. I got up to shut and lock my bedroom door. I wanted some privacy in the morning.
When I went over to my bed. Lilly was on top of the covers, “babe your meant to get under the covers not on them,” I smiled. Lilly sat up and crossed her legs as I turned my bedside lamp on. I turned the flashlight off on my phone before I put my phone down. I took my clothes off and left my boxers on. I went over to Lilly and as I was going to kiss her she moved away. I pouted at her to see if she was in a playful mood, but I got nothing, “what wrong babe?” I wondered. Lilly shook her head as she laid down. I hovered over her, “babe?” I questioned. She didn’t say anything she just had this blank look on her face. She was thinking about something, “babe talk to me,” I begged. I still got nothing, so I hugged her tight as I crushed her with my body, “babe you’re scaring me. You got a blank look on your face and you haven’t heard a word I have said,” I admitted. Lilly finally looked at me as she wrapped her arms around me, “sorry,” she apologized. I kissed her lightly, “let’s get you into bed. So you can go back to sleep,” I tell her. I kissed her lightly as she nodded her head. I pulled her up before I took her bra off under her t-shirt. I helped her get under the covers and got under myself. I wrapped my arms around after I pulled her close to me. I kept kissing her neck softly as she went back to sleep. I wonder what got her so worried, “it be alright. I love you,” I whispered.
The next day seemed better for Lilly. Maybe it because she was spending time with Harry tonight. Also Niall and Harry were talking again, but not like they used too. It might take them time to get over what has happened, but it’s a start for them. Plus, they have to work together in P.E for a little bit.
When I dropped Lilly off at dance she reassured me that she was going to be alright after dinner. I still told her call me since it would make feel better. Lilly also didn't know that I was skipping music to go hang out with my sisters this afternoon. I told Harry that I was skipping music to spend time with my sisters. I also told him that Lilly had dinner with me, Troy and Georgia. I told him that it went great and that they liked her. When they really hate her and dinner was bad.
Liam and Zayn caught me leaving as they were heading to music, “and where do you think you’re going?” Zayn questioned. I smiled at them, “I’ve got a date,” I say. Liam and Zayn looked confused, “but you just dropped Lilly off at dance,” Zayn pointed out. I nodded my head, “you better not be cheating on Lil. I will kill you,” Liam warned. I kept smiling at them, “it’s a date with four beautiful girls,” I tell them. Liam went to grab me, but I jumped back and ran off, “have fun with your sisters!” Zayn shouted.
I picked up Daisy and Phoebe first since they would get upset if I didn’t. I had to walk into their school to pick them up. All the people picking up their kids were looking at me. More people stared when Daisy and Phoebe ran up to me, “you came,” Phoebe smiled. I hugged them both, “I promised, but now let's get the other two,” I tell them. They girls nodded their heads as a girl my age came up to me, “it’s cute when a big brother spends time with his sisters,” the girl flirted. Phoebe rolled her eyes, “his taken and she very pretty,” Phoebe snapped.
“That’s right and we better be going,” I smiled. The girl just glared at us as Daisy and Phoebe grabbed a hand each. I knew that girl just wanted a fuck and I really wasn’t that guy anymore. I was happy that I haven't had sex in months and I could wait more for Lilly.
After we picked up Lottie and Fizzy from school. I got the girls some ice cream before we went to the park. Phoebe and Daisy played on the playground as Lottie and Fizzy sat with me on a bench, “so what is Lilly like and how did you get her?” Lottie questioned. I laughed at her and Fizzy as they stared at me, “she amazing and very beautiful,” I smiled.
“But how did you get her?” Fizzy pushed. Daisy and Phoebe waved at me from the playground, so I waved back, “she grew up with Harry and I met her in Physics first tho. She had to sit next to me,” I tell them. They laughed a little bit, “sounds like you were stalking her,” Fizzy teased. I nodded my head, “I was going too, but she gave in to me,” I say.
“Oh no Lou kidnapped a girl and now she has Stockholm syndrome. Maybe we should save her,” Lottie joked. Fizzy shook her head, “no. We must keep our brother happy at all cost,” Fizzy tells her. I shook my head, “girls she actually wants to be with me,” I pointed out. They smiled at me, “she must not know what’s out there,” Lottie smiled. I acted hurt, “thanks your meant to go for your brother,” I say. Fizzy wrapped her arm around me, “it’s ok. Lilly likes you,” Fizzy reassured me.  
The rest of the time with girls was fun. We got dinner before I took them home, “so where this new guy?” I wondered. We pulled up at the font of mum’s, “his at work until late,” Fizzy tells me. I nodded my head as I noticed mum car in the driveway, “do you want to come in?” Lottie wondered. I shook my head, “I got things to do,” I lied. I really did want to see mum, but I don’t know yet, “just come and say hi at least. It be nice,” Lottie tells me. I sighed as I turned my car off, “if she shuts the door in my face. I will not talk to you,” I warned her. I don’t know if I could take mum rejecting me, “she won’t,” Fizzy smiled.
I slowly walked with the girls to the front door. I was nervous about seeing mum, “I’m only staying a little bit,” I say. The girls just nodded their heads as Fizzy opened the door, “mum we’re home!” Fizzy shouted. Lottie pushed me into the house, “did you girls have a good time?” mum asked as she walked into the room. She straight away spotted me and I straight away spotted her pregnant belly, “Louis?” she questioned. I nodded my head, “hi mum,” I say. Daisy and Phoebe hugged mum, “Lou got us ice cream and dinner. We brought some for you,” Daisy tells her. Lottie shows mum the take away bag, “thank you,” mum smiled at me.
“Don’t worry about it,” I tell her. The twins ran off after they hugged me, “better get started on homework,” Fizzy says. She looked at Lottie, “same,” Lottie smiled. The girls hugged me before they left me and mum. I knew they did that on purpose, “so the girls tell me that you got a girlfriend named Lilly,” mum started. I nodded my head, “is she better than the last one?” she questioned. I quickly nodded my head, “much better. She beautiful and I really, really like her,” I admitted.
“Is my Lou Bear in love?” mum teased. I knew I was red as I gave her a small nod, “where was this girl years ago?” mum wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “but she here now,” I smiled. Mum nodded her head, “she amazing mum. She puts up with me and she just amazing,” I rambled. Mum laughed a little bit, “I think she the one for you,” she smiled. I just smiled, “if she stays around,” I say. Daisy called for mum, “I better go. It was good to see you mum,” I tell her.
“It’s good to see you Lou,” she says. As I was about to walk out the door mum stopped me. She hugged me tight and straight away hugged her back, “it’s really good to see you Lou,” she admitted. I rubbed her back, “I’ll see you again,” I promised. Mum stepped back and smiled at me, “I’ll like to meet this Lilly,” she tells me. I smiled as I nodded my head, “one day,” I say.
After I left mum’s I went home. I found Troy in the lounge room with a suitcase next to him, “I guess you’re going somewhere,” I say. He nodded his head, “Pairs for a couple of days,” he replied. I gave him a small nod before I went into the kitchen, “I want to talk to you about your girlfriend staying over last night,” Troy started. I got a beer out of the fridge, “what about it?” I questioned. I wasn’t in the mood for him, “why did she stay over last night? Did you have sex?” he asked.
“Like I said last night I haven’t had sex with her yet. She is a virgin,” I snapped. Troy seemed shocked, “she stayed over last night since her mother wasn’t home again. Lilly don’t live in a nice neighbourhood, so I feel better if she stays with me. It’s alright she won’t take my money. She has Harry for that,” I added. I just need Troy to stop talking about Lilly like that, “stop with the attitude Louis,” he warned.
“Why? Your judging my girlfriend when you really don’t know her,” I spat.  I closed my eye, so I wouldn’t see Troy roll his eyes, “because Louis you make bad choices, but I will drop the topic of your girlfriend. If you come with me to New York for two weeks on Monday,” he tells me. I wondered if her was telling the truth, but only one way to find out, “ok, but just so you know. I really like her Troy,” I say.
When Troy left I sat in the kitchen with my laptop and geography work. I was reading the textbook and taking notes when Liam faced timed me, “Lou,” he smiled. I looked at him and he had a questioning look, “What?” I wondered. He pointed, “is that homework?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “but Lil is at Harry’s,” he pointed out.
“I know. I walked out half way through a lesson and now I’m catching up,” I tell him. Liam pretended to have a heart attack, “very funny Payno, but what did you want?” I asked. Liam smiled at me, “do you want to take Lil on a date?” he questioned. I did want to take Lilly on a proper date, but she wouldn’t let me, “of course,” I say. Liam smiled bigger at me, “well I want to take Sophia out tomorrow night, but she wants it to be a double date. I think she really nervous about me taking her out,” Liam started.
“But Sophia knows that me and Lilly are not together, so what the point asking us. Why don’t you ask the real couple?” I pointed out. Liam just kept smiling at me, “Sophia wants you and Lil to go. She wants to get ready with Lil,” Liam explained. I knew this was my opportunity to take Lilly out, “I have to ask her first, but she having dinner with Harry. So I’ll wait until she calls me later,” I tell him. Liam nodded his head, “but what’s wrong with Perrie and Zayn?” I wondered.
“I think their having a night in. I think Zayn has to make up for buying Lil expensive pencils,” Liam says. I smiled as I nodded my head, “do I have to buy Perrie anything?” I wondered. Liam shrugged his shoulders, “I think that’s up to you, but you have gotten her stuff already,” Liam pointed out. I nodded my head, “and plus you should ask Lil. You don’t want to have a fight like Zayn and Perrie,” he added. I laughed a little bit, “if I was going to get Perrie anything. I would ask Lilly to get it for me,” I smiled.
“Lazy,” Liam mumbled. I got up to grab another beer, “since you’re in the kitchen. Does that mean Troy not home?” Liam questioned. I sat down with my beer, “his gone to Paris and then I’m going to New York with him on Monday for two weeks,” I tell him. Liam was surprised, “you going to be alright?” he asked. I shrugged my shoulders, “I won’t kill him, but I think I might take a good book with me,” I say.
Not long after I said bye to Liam. There was a knock at the door, so I answered it. It was my parole officer, “Ben,” I smiled. He was a middle aged man with brown hair and eyes, “Louis. How have you been?” he asked. I let him in, “I’ve been good, but I did smoke some weed last week and I had two beers tonight,” I admitted. Ben nodded his head as he gave me a small medical jar, “it should be out of your system,” he says.
I quickly peed in the jar, so I could give it to him. I found him in the kitchen, “is this schoolwork?” he questioned. He was looking at my geography, “yes it is. I was just about done,” I tell him. Ben was still looking at my work, “who is she?” he asked. I was confused as he looked at me, “for you to be doing schoolwork. There must be a pretty girl,” Ben smiled. I felt my cheeks go red, “oh god there is,” he says.
“Yes there is. Her name is Lilly Camellia Underwood. She is an amazing smart girl and I’m going out with her,” I rambled. Ben seemed surprised, “she started at Eden last week,” I added. Ben nodded his head, “I need to ask questions about her,” he started. I knew what these questions were, “she a category three and never broke the law,” I interrupted. Ben wrote that down, “can I met her one day?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “I just hope on good terms,” I smiled.
Ben and I talked for a little bit before he had to leave. I finished up my geography work before I went on my laptop. I was seeing what new music was on iTunes as I remembered Lilly’s favourite song. It was sung by that country guy Hunter Hayes. I typed his name in and all of his songs came up. I brought them all and downloaded them to my phone and computer. I noticed that it was quart to ten and Lilly still hasn’t called me. I put my laptop back in my room with my school work.
I decided that I was going to clean my car out from yesterday and today. I was happy that the girls didn’t noticed my t-shirt. I wouldn’t know how to explain that one and Lottie wouldn’t let me live it down. However, when I picked it up I noticed Lilly’s knickers with them. I didn’t know that she took her knickers off. If I knew that I would have followed her into my wardrobe.
I threw our clothes in the laundry basket before I ran up to my room. I checked my phone to see that I had a message from Lilly seeing if I was still up. I called her straight away, “took your time,” she says. I laughed, “well hello to you too. I was cleaning my car and left my phone in my room,” I tell her. I started picking the clothes up off the floor, “so how was dinner?” I asked.
As I cleaned up Lilly told me about dinner. She told me that her and Harry had to cook since Marcel and Anne weren’t home yet. Lilly cried when she saw Anne and I found it cute, but I knew why Lilly cried. Anne is the mother that she always wanted. Lilly told me that they went through old photos of them. Lilly also learnt that it was her and Harry that hung out a lot. I thought it might be Harry since he is the one that always looking out for her, “Lou did you get that picture Harry sent?” Lilly wondered.  I checked my phone and I had no messages, “I got no picture from Harry. What was the picture?” I asked.
“Not telling,” she replied. I knew Lilly was smiling, so it made me pout, “fine be like that. I won’t take you out tomorrow than,” I tell her. I put my schoolwork in my bag for tomorrow, “where were you going to take me?” she asked. Lilly seemed curious, “Liam wants us to go to the movies with him and Soph. It their first date, but they want us to go for some reason. I already told him that they should go on their own. He also told me that Soph want you to go and to get ready together. I think she’s nervous about going and needs you,” I explained.
“Why not Perrie and Zayn? There the ones in a real relationship. I don’t know what to do. The closest thing to a date we been on is when you took me to the park,” Lilly rambled. I really need to convince her to go out tomorrow than. I sat on my bed, “well why don’t we go tomorrow than? It can be our first date if you want,” I wondered. Lilly was silent, “sure,” she whispered. Was Lilly nervous? I was, “cool it a date, but you still got to tell me about that picture,” I tell her. Lilly laughed, “nope,” she says. I kept trying to tell me about the picture, but I gave up in the end.
I called Liam after Lilly went to bed, “Payno. Where are we going for this date?” I questioned. I was walking around my wardrobe, “I just to the movies,” he replied. I was looking at my clothes, “I think we need to go to dinner first,” I tell him. I grabbed out a pair of new black skinny jeans, “did Lil say yes?” he asked.
“Yes and this is the first date that she has ever been on,” I rambled. Liam laughed at me, “ok we go to dinner. I think that new place just opened up down the road from me,” he informs me. I shook my head, “I think we should go into the city. I know a nice place that I can get us in,” I suggested. I looked at my tops, “you know the girls won’t like it if expensive,” he pointed out. I was still going through my tops, “I don’t care. I’ll pay,” I tell him.
“I’ll pay for Sophia,” he says. I knew Liam would give into me, “I’ll make sure it’s simple formal for the both of us, but just need the girls in dresses,” I smiled. I found a black t-shirt with some red writing on it, “how do I get Lilly in a dress? She doesn’t own any,” I wondered. I heard Liam moving around, “I’ll get Sophia to help with that,” he tells me.
The next day was here and I had a lessons all the way up to after lunch. On my free before football practise. Liam and I sat on the oval as I worked out the team for football. In football I put my team through their paces and so did Lilly. I had to take Liam home, so he could grab his clothes for tonight. We both though it be easier if we only took one car.
When we finally got to my house, “did you make reservations today?” Liam asked. He put his clothes on my bed, “yes I did. I hate dropping Troy name,” I replied. I called up the restaurant before I went to school today. I had to drop Troy name to get a table, “it was your idea. I think the girls would have been happy with going out around here,” Liam pointed out. I knew the girls would have been happy about going out around here, but I wanted to make it special for Lilly, “Sophia said that she will get Lil in a dress for tonight,” he added. I was happy about that, “do you know what one?” I questioned.
“Nope, but I did tell Soph low cut,” he smiled. I smiled to myself as Liam sat on my lounge, “so how are you going to finish the night?” Liam smirked. I shrugged my shoulders, “hopefully with a big smile on my face and hers,” I say. Liam laughed, “so you want a hand job,” he teased. I sat down next to Liam, “well Wednesday I had Lilly tongue on my dick,” I confessed.
“She gave you a head job?” he asked. He was shocked, “no. She wanted to lick me clean. I stopped her,” I tell him. Liam seemed to relax, “I’m worried about her. I have a hard time telling her no,” I added. Liam smiled a little, “Lou in love,” he whispered. I rolled my eyes, “I know,” I smiled. Liam pushed me, “glad to hear them words come out of your mouth,” he says.
As Liam and I were getting ready I was wondering what was going to happen when Lilly and I get back here, “Liam if you and Sophia work out after tonight. Um how fast are you going to go?” I wondered. Liam stopped what he was doing, “I’m just got to start by saying. It’s up to you and Lil how fast you want to go. I’m going to leave how fast me and Sophia going with her,” he tells me. I gave him a small nod, “so if Lilly drops to her knees and sucks me off tonight. You won’t give me a big speech?” I asked.
“Sounds like you want her too, but no. Lil is a smart girl and yes I think she likes pleasing you. I also think she wouldn’t do something if she really didn’t want to. So maybe trust her,” he admitted. I do trust her, but I am afraid that she really does think that she has to please me, “I do trust her,” I say. I put my new black jeans on and rolled up the bottoms, so my ankles were showing. I grabbed my black vans and put them straight on without any socks. I went into the bathroom, “what hairstyle you going to go with?” I asked.
“Did you really just ask me that?” Liam laughed. I glared at him from the bathroom, “you do realize that I’m new at this,” I tell him. Liam nodded his head, “so go with your messy hair that Lil seems to like and calm the fuck down. Tonight is going to be great,” he reassured me. I took in a deep breath before I started on my hair, “why am I such a girl when it comes to her?” I wondered. I noticed Liam shrugged his shoulders, “I think when you found the one and you already know it. I don’t think you want to wait for anything. You just want to call them yours forever,” he says. I understood Liam’s words, but they scared me tho.
When Liam and I finished getting ready. We actually didn’t look bad. Liam was wearing white button up shirt, black tie, black skinny jeans with black boots. I put a black blazer over the top of my t-shirt, “we scrub up nicely,” Liam smiled. I gave him a small nod, “now is it time to pick up the girls?” I wondered. Liam looked at the time, “smoke and then should be time,” he tells me.
After we had a smoke Liam and I were on the way to pick the girls up. Liam sprayed me with some aftershave, “what was that for?” I asked him. He sprayed some on himself, “Soph don’t smoke, so I don’t want to smell like smoke. I thought you just might like to smell pretty too,” he tells me. I laughed at little, “you’ll be alright,” I reassured him. Liam looked at the window, “Lou I like her, but I don’t like her the way you love Lilly,” he admitted.
“Sometimes it could take a bit to fall in love. I’m surprised how quick I fell,” I reassured him. Liam shrugged his shoulders, so I pulled the car over, “Liam do you even like this girl?” I questioned. Liam nodded his head, “and when you see her. What do you think?” I asked. Liam thought for a second, “that she beautiful,” he tells me. I smiled a little, “when you lose that. That’s when you should walk away,” I say. Liam gave me a small nod, “I hope I never do,” he whispered. I knew Liam liked this girl more than he thinks. He just thinks he will never be good enough for her.
When we got to Sophia house Liam jumped out of the car before I even stopped. I chased after him to the front door, “I think you need to calm down,” I tell him. Liam knocked on the front door and we looked down at ourselves. We looked up when the front door open. It was just Lilly and she looked beautiful. She was in a short low cut purple dress with a white leather biker jacket. He hair was down and straight. Her makeup was just simple the way I like it and she was wearing a pair of white flats. I kept looking over her as Liam went inside. I moved in closer to her, “you look absolutely beautiful,” I tell her. I kissed her and she smiled into the kiss, so I did the same. Lilly moved back and looked at me, “you don’t look bad yourself,” she smiled. I couldn’t help, but run my hands down her sides to her waist, “so I see Soph dressed you,” I pointed out. Lilly nodded, “I’m glad, because it looks like I would have been underdressed,” she says.
“So she didn’t tell you that were going to dinner first?” I questioned. Lilly shook her head, “well where going to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Then we’re going to see a movie,” I inform her. I pulled Lilly closer as she nodded her head, “so you ready for our first date?” I wondered. Lilly smiled this time as she nodded her head again. I think she was really happy about going on her first date. Sophia and Liam came out, “you might need your bag,” Sophia says as she held out Lilly bag. Lilly took it off her, “thank you,” Lilly says.
When we got in the car Lilly sat at the front with me as Liam and Sophia where in the back, “so why did no one tell me that where going to dinner at a fancy restaurant?” Lilly wondered. Sophia laughed, “because it was Lou idea, so I thought he told you,” Liam tells her. I purposely didn’t tell Lilly about where we were going tonight. I knew she would have told me to pick somewhere else. Lilly looked at me, “must have slipped my mind,” I smiled. I grabbed Lilly hand as she shook her head. I kissed the back of it to say sorry for not telling you. I put it on my thigh as she started talking to Liam and Sophia. I loved how much Lilly has changed in two weeks. I love how she talks to everyone now. I knew it’s, because she actually has people to talk to.
When we got into the city I noticed Lilly eyes lit up as she looked around. She squeezed my hand as she was noticing things. I don’t think she comes to the city that often. I don’t come to the city that often. We have everything we need back home. I think that’s why I really want to come here. I wanted to get away from what we’re used to. Lilly smiled at me and I smiled back. Everything be worth it, just see her smiled.
When we got to the restaurant I noticed people looking at us. I really couldn’t give a fuck. I was taking my girlfriend out on our first date. The man who was to show us to our table looked me and Liam up and down, “no piercings,” he tells us. I took my piercings out and gave them to Lilly. She put them in her bag as Sophia put Liam’s in hers. The guy was happy with us and I couldn’t believe it. I was wearing Vans with no socks and that was ok.
The girls took their jackets off when we got to our table. Lilly sat down next to me as Liam and Sophia sat across from us. Lilly was looking at everyone that was staring at us, “babe,” I say as I grabbed her hand. When Lilly looked at me she was looking over my face, “I find it stupid that you had to take out your piercings,” Sophia says. Lilly and I looked at her and Liam, “it their dress code,” I say. A waiter brought us some menus, “drinks?” the waiter asked. We all got a coke, but Liam being eighteen got a beer. He lucky that I was driving him home.
I noticed as we looking at the menus. The girls were looking at each other and I knew they saw the price of the food. I knew this place expensive, “so what do you girls want?” I asked them. They looked uneasy, “um. I can’t pick,” Lilly lied. I raised my eyebrow at Lilly for lying to me. Sophia agreed with Lilly, “the price put you off didn’t it?” Liam wondered. Lilly and Sophia nodded their heads, “don’t worry about it. Tonight is on us,” Liam tells them. They both looked over the menu again, “I recommended the lamb,” I suggested to Lilly. She gave me a small nod as the waiter came back. Liam and I both ordered the steak while Sophia ordered the chicken and Lilly got the lamb like I suggested.
We made small talk as we waited for our dinner. We all were learning a lot about Sophia and she is a very cool chick. I’m glad that she was going to be in Lilly’s life. I think Lilly could learn a lot from her, “Lil why did Harry send me a picture of you when you were younger?” Liam questioned. Was this the picture Lilly was talking about last night, “let me see,” I demanded. Lilly shook her head, “is it embarrassing babe?” I smirked. Lilly blushed a deep red, “it cute and funny. It one of the photo’s you get out on their eighteenth or twenty first birthday,” Liam tells me. Lilly looked down as Liam got his phone out, “I’m going to kill Harry,” I heard Lilly mumbled. In placed my hand on her back to reassure her. Liam showed me the picture and it was a very young Lilly in makeup and bra, “it not that bad babe, but it looks like Harry cut someone out,” I pointed out. Lilly nodded, “himself,” she says.
“And you say you’re not a girly girl,” Sophia smiled. Lilly shook her head, “I was young then and what does it say about Harry?” she questioned. What does that say about Harry? Like really what does that say about him, “that he gets in touch with his feminine side,” Liam joked. We all laughed, “that might explain the candles he likes,” I added. Lilly shook her head as she smiled, “oh Lou did Harry tell you that Anne wants to see you?” she wondered. I shook my head wondering why Anne wanted to see me, “what about?” I asked. Lilly put her hand on my shoulder, “me. She wants you to ask her for permission to date me,” she tells me. Oh fuck. I never thought I would ever have to ask anyone else to date Lilly after I asked Harry. I took a beating from Harry for Lilly. I swallowed hard, “really?” I questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “ok then. I go see her soon then,” I mumbled. Lilly kissed me, “so Lil I got everything you need to make Niall’s cake,” Liam tells her to change the subject for me.
“You can still use my kitchen if you want,” I say. Lilly smiled at me and I realized that she would be worth another beating, “do you want me to help? I can cook,” Sophia wondered. Lilly nodded her head, “please,” Lilly begged. Sophia laughed as the girls started talking about Niall’s party. I noticed that Lilly gets really happy when you talk about doing stuff for Niall.
The girls decided to an Irish theme for Niall’s party. They were going to go as the colours of the Irish flag. Lilly messaged Perrie with the details about tomorrow and Liam messaged Zayn and Harry with the details. All of a sudden Lilly looked worried about something. Niall must have told her what it was like in Ireland for him, “babe don’t worry about it. Niall going to love it,” I whispered in her ear. Lilly looked at me and I kissed her nose. She smiled at me as the waiter brought us our food.
We learnt more about Sophia over dinner, but we also learnt what me and Liam have to do for Niall’s party. We also didn’t get dessert since we didn’t want to miss the movie. However, I told Lilly that I get my dessert later. As soon as I said that she went bright red, but smiled.
We watched the new Marvel movie since the girls lets us pick. I don’t care. I think they wanted to see it. Lilly leant on me for the whole movie as I played with her knee. I think if Sophia and Liam weren’t next to us. I would have moved my fingers higher, but I still could have done it to her. When we got out of the movies Liam was holding Sophia hand. I knew Sophia liked Liam and I hope Liam can finally see that now.
When we dropped Sophia off first Liam walked her to the door. I leant over closer to Lilly, “should we run off and give them some private time?” I wondered. Lilly looked at me after we saw Liam going inside with Sophia. I raised an eyebrow, “they probably want some private time,” she tells me. I ran my hand up her thigh under her dress as I kissed her neck. Lilly grabbed my shirt and I knew it was working, “you know Liam will be back any minute,” she groaned. I smirked against her skin, “is this where I tell you that Troy’s gone to Paris for the weekend and Georgia staying at a friend’s,” I tell her.  I nibbled on her ear, “so we can be loud and do it anywhere,” I added. Lilly kissed me, “but I’m tired,” she tells me. I was disappointed that she was tired, but I could also be pushing her. Liam came back with Lilly backpack, “Soph said the she going to bring a dress tomorrow when I get her,” Liam tells Lilly as he got into the car. Lilly nodded, “so Payno did you kiss her?” I wondered. Liam was smiling big which meant it went well, “I never kiss and tell,” he says. Lilly smiled at him, “thank you so much Lil for talking to her. I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” Liam beamed. I started driving, “make my girl not tired, so we can get something,” I mumbled to myself.
The whole way to Liam’s. He kept going on about Sophia no stop. I really hope I don’t sound like him when I talk about Lilly. However as soon as we dropped him off it was silence in the car. Lilly put her hand on my thigh, “is everything alright?” she asked. I smiled to hide the fact that I was confused. Was she tired or was she hiding the fact that I pushed her, “yeah,” I replied. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. I was saying sorry for pushing her again. I really got to learn how to stop that. Lilly squeezed my hand as I put it back on my thigh.
It was silence in the car for the rest of the drive home. I was pissed at myself for pushing her again. So when we got to my house I went straight into the kitchen to grab a beer. Then I sat in the lounge room and kicked off my shoes. I turned the TV onto a football match before Lilly straddled my lap. I noticed that she already took her jacket and shoes off. She started kissing my neck, “babe I thought you were tired,” I say.
“I lied,” she smirked. I pulled her next to me, “well I’m not in the mood anymore,” I tell her. I looked at the TV, but I didn’t pay attention to it. I was in the mood for her, but I wanted to play with her, “fine,” she says as she got up. In the corner of my eye I saw her take the dress off. She threw it next to me as I was looking her up and down. She was wearing this pink lacy bra and knickers set, but the bra had animal print on the cups, “I’m going to bed than,” she added. I quickly pulled her down across my lap, “you know it was mean to lie to me like that. I thought I was pushing you again,” I started. I ran my hands up her soft thighs, “so I think tonight I want you to touch me and I’m not going to touch you. Even if you beg me,” I smirked. Lilly just moved down to the floor between my legs. She ran her hands up my thighs to the button of my jeans. She undid them and slowly pulled them down and off. I quickly took my blazer and t-shirt off. Lilly kissed up my thigh, up my stomach, across my chest to my neck. I could see why she was a moaning mess last week when I was doing it to her. Lilly rubbed me as she kissed me.
When I got harder Lilly moved back down between my legs. She kissed down my stomach as she pulled down my boxers. I moaned as the cool air hit my member. Lilly kept kissing down the front of me as she pulled my boxers off, “take your bra off,” I groaned. Lilly took her bra off and threw it on the floor. I was shocked that Lilly was being all submissive for me. She wrapped her soft hand around my member before she started pumping me. I closed my eyes and threw my head back as I was letting the feeling take over.
After a little bit I felt something wet on the tip and it made me moan. I quickly realized that it was Lilly tongue, so I stopped her, “before you say anything. I really want to do this. I know you told me to get the urges out of my head, but I can’t. Louis I really want to do this,” she begged. I threw my head back as I ran my hands over my face. Why was she begging me to let her give me head? I can’t say no to her since I know she was being serious. I gave her a small nod, “just go at your pace and don’t get shitty with me when I tell you what to do,” I tell her. Lilly smiled as she nodded her head. I can’t believe that she happy to give me a head job. Lilly licked the tip of my member, “I can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” I mumbled.  Lilly licked up the side to the top and she did that on all sides. I couldn’t help, but let small moans escape my lips. I’ve pictured Lilly doing this and now she is. Lilly tongue played with the tip before she wrapped her lips around it, “just take an inch at a time,” I moaned. She ran her tongue around the tip and fuck that felt good, “fuck where did you learn that?” I groaned. Lilly just smiled as he put more of me into her mouth. This girl was going to be the death of me if she keeps enjoying this.
After Lilly put more of me in her mouth she started sucking. She wrapped her fingers around the base of my member and slowly pumped me. She placed her other hand on my thigh as she slowly took me out of her mouth. Lilly looked at me and we locked eyes. She kept eye contacted as she put me back into her mouth to her hand. I threw my head back since I couldn’t take it anymore. Lilly moved up and down and I felt like I already wanted to cum. Lilly squeezed my thigh, so I grabbed it and gave it a squeeze. My hips buckled in her mouth and my member hit the back of her throat. I felt he gag around me, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,” I apologized. Lilly took me out of her mouth, so she could catch her breath, “I’m fine,” she reassured me.
“You sure?” I wondered. Lilly’s eyes were all watery, but she put my member back in her mouth. She moved up and down again, but it was too slow for me, “babe faster please,” I begged. Lilly got faster as she squeezed my hand tighter. I put my other hand through her hair as I was on the edge. “keep going babe. I’m so close,” I tell her. Lilly palmed my balls and I let out a deep moan. Where did the fuck she learn that?
Lilly kept going even when I twitched in her mouth. I knew I was sweating and moaning uncontrollably. It just this feels fucken awesome. Lilly pulled back and sucked on the tip, but when she ran her tongue over the tip. I buckled my hips and came into her mouth. Lilly kept sucking me as I was on my high. I didn’t want to come down. It was amazing. I looked at Lilly when she took me out of her mouth. She swallowed my cum in her mouth before she licked the rest off of me. I swear if I wasn’t worn out. I would have gotten hard again. Lilly stood up and placed her hand on my thighs. As she leant over I had her boobs in my face and I was tempted to grab them, “you alright Lou?” Lilly wondered.
“Fuck where did that come from and where did you learn that?” I puffed. Lilly kissed my nose, “tonight,” she replied. Lilly started walking away from me, but I was close behind her. I picked her up and put her down on the kitchen bench. I started kissing her neck as I ran my hands up her thighs. I ran my fingers down between her legs and she was soaked, “you’re dripping wet babe,” I smirked against her skin. Lilly buckled her hips into my hand, “oh babe I’m not going to use my hands,” I tell her as I looked at her. Lilly shook her head, “I want your fingers. I’m not ready for to go down on me,” she admitted. What the fuck? Don’t get shitty Louis. You need to please your girl, but make sure her legs shake and she can’t walk. I started rubbing Lilly through her knickers hard and fast.
She came quite easy, so she must have been really turned on by blowing me, “it not over yet babe,” I tell her. I quickly pulled her knickers off and inserted two fingers straight into her. She was so fucken tight from cumming before, “fuck you’re so tight,” I groaned. I curled my fingers inside of her and she moaned loudly. It taken her long to cum again from my fingers, but I kept going.
I made Lilly cum two more times and the last time she came. She shook and squirted. I was shocked. I never made a girl ever do that. I wrapped my arms around her as I held her tight and close. Lilly snuggled into my chest catching her breath. Lilly ran her hands down my body to my member. I knew I was hard again, “I’ll take care of myself,” I tell her as I grabbed her hand. Lilly smiled at me, but it was a fond smiled, “than do it in front of me,” she says. I think I just fell for this girl more. I smiled as I kissed her. I played with myself as I kept kissing her. Lilly wrapped her arms around me to keep me close. I could already feel close and I wasn’t holding back my moans. Lilly looked down to watch me play with myself. I really do think this girl is going to be the death of me.
Lilly kept watching until I came all over her. She looked at me and I kissed her softly before I placed my forehead against hers, “fuck that was amazing,” I puffed. Lilly green eyes were staring into mine looking for something. I picked her and she tried to warp her legs around me, but she really couldn’t. Lilly placed her face into the crook of my neck as I walked out of the kitchen. I knew there was a big mess made by me and Lilly on the kitchen bench, but I’ll clean that up later.
I took us to the second bathroom since it had a bath in it. I put Lilly down on the vanity, so I could start the bath. When it started to fill up I put some bubbles in it. I went back over to Lilly after I made sure the bath was the right temperature. Lilly was covered in my cum and it just made her look hot to me. I kissed her lightly over and over again and she wasn’t complaining.
I turned the shower on before the bath filled up, “um won’t that effect the bath?” Lilly wondered. I shook my head, “perks to a modern house,” I say. As I was coming back over to Lilly she was getting off the vanity. I wrapped my arm around her when her legs started to wobble, “I did a number on you tonight,” I smirked.
We had a quick shower to clean up before we got into the bath. Lilly sat between my legs as she laid against me. I drew circles on the back of her hand as I was thinking about what just happened, “just say it Louis,” Lilly tells me. I sighed as I got my thoughts together, “why did you give me a blowjob when you’re not ready for me to go down on you?” I wondered. I noticed Lilly bit the inside of her mouth, “because I really wanted too. Because I’m not ready don’t mean I can’t do it to you,” she started. Lilly looked at me, “you never really said anything about together. We just did things together,” she reminded me. I looked down, “I know, but I really want to go down on you now. That why we do things together. I can’t have you do something to me and not let me return it,” I confessed. Lilly bit her bottom lip, “what if I told you that I wanted you to go down on me, but I was not ready to go down on you?” she wondered. Lilly had me there, “I think I would still do it,” I say. Lilly placed her hand on the side of my face, “see. Louis you already do so much for me that I can never give back,” she admitted. I looked at her as I was wondering what she was talking about, “like what?” I asked. Lilly kissed me, “you make me feel things that I have never felt before. You make me not want to give up on everything,” she confessed.
“You know you make me feel the same,” I smiled. I kissed her to show that I was telling the truth, “ok than. I have a deal for you,” she started. I nodded for her to continue, “if you make me cum twice. You get a blowjob,” she tells me. I smiled, because I knew she was serious, “I’m guessing I can’t stop you now,” I challenged. Lilly shook her head no, “so that means you still owe me a blowjob. I made you cum four times in the kitchen and the last one. You came so hard that you squirted,” I smirked.
“Squirted?” she questioned. I laughed a little bit at how innocent she was, “female ejaculation. Didn’t you feel it?” I asked. Did she even know, “I felt it. I just didn’t know what it was called. All I know I saw stars,” she admitted. I couldn’t stop the smiled on my face, so I hid my face into her neck. I kissed her neck softly, “sorry if I went overboard, but after what you did to me. I couldn’t help it. You’re moaning and you shaking uncontrollably at my touch. I had to keep going. It was also the first time I made a girl squirt,” I rambled. Lilly leant her head into mine, “really? If the girls at school find that out. You won’t make it out alive,” she teased. I laughed a little bit, “but I know you’re not going to tell anyone, because that means all the girls will be over me. But then again I haven’t seen your jealous side yet, so that could be fun,” I smirked. Lilly lightly slap my thigh, “I won’t make you jealous like you won’t make me jealous,” I promised. Lilly agreed with me.
We just sat there not saying another word, but Lilly was starting to fall asleep against me, “babe lets go to bed before you fall asleep in the bath,” I tell her. Lilly slowly nodded her head as I got out of the bath. I put a towel around me before I picked Lilly up out of the bath. I quickly put her feet on the floor, so I could put a towel around her. I picked her back and walked out of the bathroom.
Once we got to my room I put her straight onto my bed. Lilly didn’t move or even keep her eyes open. So I moved her under the blankets, “go to sleep babe,” I whispered as I kissed her forehead. I quickly went into my wardrobe and got out a pair of boxers. I went back over to Lilly and removed her towel. I put the boxers on her without disturbing her too much. Lilly was smiling in her sleep and this is how I wanted tonight to end, “I love you,” I say. I kissed her light before I go in next to her.
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categorieltpff · 8 years
Chapter 17 – Christmas
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Chapter 17 – Christmas
The day after Louis party Harry was running around trying to get tomorrow night ready. Louis was helping him as I kept Niall busy. Niall, Theo, Sophia and I went shopping for Christmas, “so do you know what we can get people?” I wondered. We were sitting down eating lunch, “um sexy undies for Lou,” Niall smirked. I laughed a little bit as Louis said the same thing to me, “I don’t think he would wear it,” I smiled. Niall shook his head, “no you wear it and let him do anything to you,” Niall says.
“I’ve already got Louis birthday and Christmas peasants. His the only one I got,” I tell him. Sophia and Niall seemed surprised, “what did you get him?” Sophia asked. I smiled as I shook my head, “not telling,” I say. They both pouted, “I’ve already got Harry’s,” Niall tells us. Sophia looked upset, “am I the only one that didn’t get her boyfriend something?” she questioned. Niall and I both nodded our heads, “you could always take my idea about the sexy undies,” Niall suggested. Sophia shrugged her shoulders, “how do you spice things up in the bedroom?” I asked Niall.
“Well one time I was on my knees naked waiting for Harry to come in. When he walked in and came closer to me. I just undid his jeans and sucked him off,” Niall tells us. I nodded my head slowly, “we did more, but I don’t think you want to hear that Lil,” he added. I smiled at him, “where you his slave?” Sophia questioned. Niall nodded his head, “it was a great night,” he smiled.
“Maybe you should do that Soph. I’m thinking some nice sexy black undies, six inch heels and a whip,” I smirked. Sophia cheeks went red, “me and Liam haven’t done anything like that,” she mumbled. Niall laughed a little bit, “maybe you should start,” he says. I nodded my head, “have you done anything like that Lil?” Sophia wondered. I felt my cheeks burn, so I looked around, “oh my god you have. What have you done?” Niall questioned.  I bit my lip as I shook my head, “please tell us. Sophia needs ideas. Hell I need ideas,” Niall begged.
“Well you know how me and Louis stayed in the treehouse last night,” I started. They both nodded their heads, “well he tied me up and made me cum five times,” I admitted. They just stared me, “how are you still walking?” Sophia asked. I shrugged my shoulders, “wait last night you were supposed to please Louis,” Niall pointed out. I nodded my head, “he said he wanted to see me cum,” I admitted. Niall smiled at me, “god you two are in love and I can see what Louis talking about,” he says.
After we finished lunch we went shopping. We were in a lingerie shop, so Sophia could look. I was holding Theo as Niall and I watched her, “maybe you should find something,” Niall suggested. I shook my head, “Louis staying at his mum’s on Christmas eve, so he can spend Christmas day with them,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “so I don’t know when we’re going to be alone,” I say.
“No one told you that we spend Christmas night together?” Niall wondered. I shook my head, “well we get together at someone house after we finished doing the family thing. It nothing big. We just sit around talking, giving out presents and have a few beers,” Niall explained. I poked Theo nose, “I think this is going to be the best Christmas I ever had for a long time,” I say. Niall wrapped an arm around me, “I think it is too,” he smiled.
After Sophia finally picked something we went shopping to get everyone else. We managed to get to get everyone’s before the shops closed, but Niall and I got Theo a lot. I got Zayn a black leather art journal, Perrie a snowflake necklace, Sophia a bracelet, Liam a remote control helicopter, Theo some toys, Gemma some new books, Josh some really cool drumsticks, Niall a new pair of headphones that he wanted, Anne a necklace with a charm that said ‘Mum Forever and Always’ and I got Harry a solid silver bracelet that said ‘Big Brother’.
When Niall and I got home the house was empty, “must be still out,” I say. Niall put our Christmas presents in the lounge room, “we could start wrapping the presents,” Niall suggested. I nodded my head as I put Theo on the floor. We sorted the presents before we started to wrap them. I wrapped up Anne’s and Harry's up first. I grabbed Niall's present and hid it. He didn't know I got him the headphones he wanted, because I knew he would say they cost too much.
When we were done wrapping Anne came home, “so you guys done with Christmas?” She asked us. We both nodded our heads as she stood in the doorway, “and Louis birthday,” Niall says. I shook my head, “I still got to make his cake. He got upset when he found out we brought his one for his party,” I tell them. Niall laughed a little bit, “that's because you made mine,” Niall smiled. Anne picked Theo up off the floor and sat down on the lounge, “where is Harry and Louis?” Anne questioned.
“Hanging out together. Me and Niall thought it best that they spend time together without us there,” I tell her. Anne smiled at us, “aww and then you two can spend time together,” Anne teased. Niall and I started laughing, “I think we spend too much time together,” I joked. Niall pushed me, “you’re my best friend,” Niall admitted. I was shocked, “you beat everyone else part from Harry,” he added. I hugged him tight as I realized that Niall and I are close then I am with everyone else, “your mine,” I tell him.
“Look at daddy and Aunty Lilly having a moment together,” Anne teased. We looked at her and Niall looked like he wanted to give her the rude finger, “like I said before. If Niall was straight and you weren't with Louis. I think you'll be together,” she added. Niall gave her the rude finger as Anne laughed at him, “it would be a whole new different for me,” I say. They looked at me, “I'm just saying that I've only ever been with Louis. Where Niall is Niall,” I started.
“And I have a baby,” Niall interrupted. I gave him a small nod, “so don't take this wrong, but I'm glad you’re with Harry,” I tell him. Niall acted offended, “first you reject my marriage proposal, then you reject me cuddling you and now your rejecting me and Theo,” he says. I kissed his cheek, “it wasn't meant to be. I have Louis,” I tell him. Niall kissed my cheek as he laughed, “and I have Harry,” he says. Mine and Niall's phones went off. I had a message from Louis:
Louis Tomlinson
Hey hunny. Sorry to say I won't be staying over tonight and Harry won't be coming home. His really really nervous about tomorrow night. So I told him he can stay at mine and I'm going to stay with him. Love ya xoxoxo
Niall was typing on his phone, “the boys won't be home tonight. There having fun,” I tell Anne. She smiled at him, “it's good for them to get away from their other halves once in a while,” Anne says. I nodded my head as Niall stood up, “I'll be back,” he says. As soon as Niall left the room I looked at Anne, “Harry really nervous about tomorrow night,” I tell her. Anne sighed, “his still going to propose. His just worried that it won't go the way he planned,” Anne says. I nodded my head as I messaged Louis:
Is he worried that it won't go the way he planned? I love you xoxoxo
Louis Tomlinson
I think so since his making me practice xo
“Do you know what Harry doing? He hasn't really told me anything. He just told me to keep Niall out,” I asked Anne. She nodded her head, “his got the boys singing a song he wrote,” she tells me. I was surprised, “and that's all I know,” she added. I smiled at her as I messaged Louis back:
Does Harry want Niall in something nice? Xoxo
Louis Tomlinson
Yes and you. I got to go back to practice babe, so I’ll talk to you later. I love you xoxo
I quickly messaged back that I love him as Niall came back into the room, “it’s just us tonight,” Niall says. I nodded my head as I noticed that it was nine o’clock, “we should get Theo to bed,” I tell him. Anne shook her head, “I can do that. Why don’t you two watch a movie?” Anne tells us. I looked at Niall, “you pick the movie this time since I always pick,” Niall smiled. I got up to pick a movie as Anne left us.
After I picked a movie Anne came back with Theo, so we could say goodnight to him. Anne also told us that that she was going to bed. Niall and I got comfortable on the lounge, “I don't think I could ever move out of here,” Niall smiled. I played the movie, “why that?” I wondered. Niall looked at me, “because I don't know what I would do without the help with Theo,” he admitted. I put my hand on his shoulder, “you will be alright. You did it before,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “I always had Harry,” he says.
**** The next day Niall was in a bad mood since Harry wasn't home. I put him in the lounge room with the PlayStation as I looked after Theo. I knew he was upset with Harry since it was their one-year anniversary and he wasn't home. I called Louis to tell him to tell Harry to call Niall. When Harry called Niall it made him a little bit happier, “Harry taking me out tonight,” Niall beamed. I smiled at him, “Louis also taking you out tonight, so you can have fun by yourselves,” he smirked.
“He said something about wanting to wake up with me in the morning,” I say. Niall nodded his head, “he wants birthday sex. You should have gotten something to wear,” he tells me. I bit my lip, “I've already got something,” I admitted. Niall seemed happy, “it better be hot,” he smirked. I nodded my head, “Louis thinks I'm hot wearing his clothes,” I admitted. Niall smirked bigger at me, “so you could get away with wearing his t-shirt and nothing on underneath,” he pointed out. I nodded my head, “or I could put that Black Widow costume back on,” I smiled.
“Oh god. We will never see you again if you did that,” Niall joked. I laughed a little bit, “we'll do you wanna know something about that night?” I wondered. Niall nodded his head, “we didn't just talk at the park,” I tell him. Niall was surprised, “you suck him off?” He questioned. I shook my head, “he fucked you, but I thought you couldn't get that costume off,” Niall says. I nodded my head, “that costume comes down just enough,” I smiled.
Niall and I talked about our sexual fantasies until we had to go get ready. I had a shower, but as I came out of the shower Louis was sitting on the edge my bed, “hey babe,” he smiled. I walked straight over to him and kissed him, “where were you ten minutes ago?” I questioned. Louis laughed a little bit, “I thought I could hear you moan,” he smirked. I hit him in the arm, “I’m sorry that I wasn’t here to help you,” he apologized. I sat down on Louis leg, “what made you play with yourself?” he wondered.
“Niall and I were talking about our sexual fantasies and I got turned on,” I admitted. Louis kissed my cheek, “if it anything babe. I think Niall tossed off too, so it must have been a good conversation,” Louis tells me. I nodded my head, “Niall’s my best friend,” I say. Louis seemed shocked, “not Soph or Perrie?” he asked. I shook my head, “Niall knows a lot about me and I feel really comfortable with him. I feel it with everyone else, but Niall different. He told me that I’m his best friend,” I explained.
“I’m happy for the both of you,” Louis says. I kissed him, “so what are you doing here?” I asked. Louis played with the bottom of my towel, “I need to get Harry suit. Niall don’t know I’m here,” he replied. I nodded my head, “but now Niall’s in his room,” he added. I got off of Louis and quickly put on a pair of track pants and a top, “I’ll distract him while you grab it,” I tell him. Louis kissed me, “I’ll see you later. Love you,” Louis smiled. He kissed me, “love you,” I smiled back.
I convinced Niall to come have a smoke with me, so Louis could go into his room. I told Niall that I need help with Louis tonight. I just told him that I wanted to make it special for Louis. Niall just told me to be on top and to listen to him. I nodded my head as we went back inside.
I started to get dressed. I put on my black flora lace underwear on. It was beautiful with some of the flowers in bronze. The bra was designed to just cover my nipples, “Lilly!” Niall yelled. I put on my dressing gown before I went to see him.
I found him in his room holding a small box, “someone was in my room,” he says. I came in closer to him, “and left you a present,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “open it Niall,” I added. Niall slowly opened and in it was a silver four-leaf clover necklace. Niall started to cry as he took it out of the box. He looked at the back of it, “that bastard,” he mumbled. I put my hand on his back, “what’s wrong,” I asked.
“I threw this necklace away in the forest at the cabin when I was mad. I told Harry about it two weeks ago that I wanted to go look for it. I wanted it back,” Niall explained. I noticed a note in the box:
You never lost it. I’ve always had it
Niall smiled at the note as he put his necklace on, “I guess this is my present for our one-year anniversary,” he says. I rubbed his back, “what did you get him?” I asked. Niall went into his bedside table and pulled out and envelope. He handed it to me and I opened it, “you changed Theo name,” I say. Niall nodded his head, “Harry still not his dad on paper, but if it all goes wrong. Theo will know that Harry is his father,” he tells me. I smiled as I hugged him, “this is amazing,” I say.
When I got back to my room I noticed I had a message on my phone:
Louis Tomlinson
Did Niall get the present?
So Louis left the present:
He did. It was the four leaf clover he lost
Louis Tomlinson
That's just the start. There should be another one in Theo’s room. I'll talk to you later. Love you xo
I messaged Louis that I loved him back before I put my dress on. It was a white dress with black lace flowers over the top part that slightly went on the bottom half. I started on my makeup I was just going to go with simple nude makeup. Before I could start on my hair Niall called me again.
I found him in Theo’s room holding another small box, “I found another one,” he says. I stood next to him, “open it,” I tell him. Niall shook his head, “why not?” I wondered. Niall looked at Theo asleep in his cot, “because it has something to do with him,” he replied. I wrapped my arm around him, “it be alright,” I reassured him. Niall slowly opened it to reveal a picture. I looked at the picture closely to see that it was Harry. He was pointing to Theo’s name that was on his side. Niall lifted up his shirt up to look at his tattoo of Theo’s name before looking at the picture again. I realized they were both the same. I noticed on the back of the photo was some writing. I turned it around to show Niall:
No matter what happens. I will never regret being Theo’s dad. You two have showed me a new way to think of life. I couldn’t be happier.
Niall started crying, “I think I need a smoke,” he says. As Niall was about to walk out Anne walked in, “don’t you look beautiful Lilly,” she smiled. She noticed Niall, “happy tears,” I tell her. Anne hugged Niall, “he just can’t do this and not be here,” he mumbled. Anne rubbed his back, “you’ll see him soon,” she tells him. Niall looked at her, “and I’m going to take Theo to see Johanna, so I can help her with Louis birthday party,” she added. Niall got Theo out of his cot and held him tight, “your other dad is too nice to me,” he whispered.
After I had a smoke with Niall. I finished getting ready. I left my hair down and straightened it a little bit. I put my cubic zirconia triple teardrop chandelier earrings in. I grabbed my black clutch and made sure I had everything I needed in it. I grabbed my six inch heels and my white cotton pea coat. I put them in the lounge room as I noticed Niall sitting on the lounge, “your meant to be getting dress,” I pointed out. I noticed Niall had little black box in his hand, “I'm going to propose to Harry tonight,” he tells me. I was shocked, “I was going to do it on Christmas, but I wanna do it tonight,” he added. I sat down next to him, “why do you want to do it tonight?” I asked.
“Because I love him and today I love him more. I want to spend the rest of my life with him,” Niall admitted. I grabbed Niall’s hand, “then do it tonight when you see him,” I tell him. I couldn’t tell him that he couldn’t, because I knew he would ask me why. Niall kissed my cheek, “can you help me pick something out?” he wondered. I nodded my head, “need to look good for what I’m about to do,” he says.
Niall ran off to have a quick shower and I grabbed my phone. I called Louis, “hey babe,” he says when he answered. I looked around to make sure Niall wasn’t around, “ok don’t tell Harry, but Niall going to propose to him tonight. I couldn’t tell him no,” I rambled. I played with my dress, “ok I won’t tell Harry, but does Niall have a ring?” Louis questioned.
“Yep. He was going to propose on Christmas, but Harry with his presents today. Makes Niall want to do it tonight,” I tell him. I heard the shower stop, “I have to go. I have to help Niall get ready. I love you,” I says. Louis told me that he loved me before I hung up. Niall called me to come to his room.
When I got there he had two suits on the bed. One was black and the other was a dark blue, “pick one,” he tells me. I pointed to the black suit, “and a white dress shirt,” I say. Niall got a white dress shirt out of the wardrobe. He started to get dressed in front of me and this time I looked away.  
I looked back when I knew Niall had pants on, “I can't believe I’m doing this,” he mumbled. I helped him put on his white dress shirt and started doing it up, “it be fine,” I reassured him. Niall started taking his piercings out, “I might leave them out like Louis,” he says. I finished doing his shirt up, “I miss his lip one. I liked how I could feel it when he kissed me,” I admitted. Niall smiled as he took his last piercing out, “maybe you should ask him to put it back in,” Niall tells me. Niall walked away to put his piercings away, “how should do my hair?” he asked me. I grabbed his hair wax and put some in my hand. Niall sat on his bed thinking about something. I styled Niall’s hair into a quiff, “your all done,” I smiled.
“Do I look alright?” He questioned. I kissed his forehead, “you look handsome,” I reassured him. Niall smiled a little, “but personally it won’t matter what you show up in. I know Harry loves you,” I added. Niall smiled bigger as he nodded his head. He stood up, “and I love him and I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him,” he tells me.
We were in the car on the way to see Harry. Niall seem nervous, but happy at the same time. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen when we got out of the car. I was afraid that Niall was going to run up to Harry and ask him straight away. I knew Harry had put a lot into tonight and I wanted to see it happen, “Ni I think you should propose to Harry when it’s just you two,” I tell him. Niall quickly looked at him, “why?” he questioned.
“I think it be more romantic if you went on a walk or something,” I replied. I just wanted Niall to not do it straight away, “I’m not going to panic and ask him as soon as I see him. I know that’s what your worried about,” he reassured me. I nodded my head, “you only get to propose to someone once,” he added. I sighed, “Louis lucky that he gets to do it twice,” I mumbled. Niall laughed a little bit, “but you will always remember the first time he asked,” he says.
“Yep, but I remember the words he said after. He told me that he doesn’t see life without me anymore. He loves me so much that it hurts,” I remembered. I smiled to myself, “you said yes to him didn’t you?” Niall asked. I played with my fingers, “I still haven’t said yes,” I say. Niall smiled big at me, “but you will,” he teased.
We arrived at the address that Harry gave us, but there was nothing around part from trees and snow. I grabbed my jacket and bag before I got out of the car. I put my jacket on, “you sure this is the right place?” I asked. I have no idea why we were here. Niall nodded his head, “I know this place,” he whispered. Niall grabbed my hand as we started walking into the forest.
We stopped when we noticed lights near a frozen stream. Niall breathing got faster, “his going to propose,” Niall whispered. Niall looked at me, “you know? Don’t you?” he wondered. I couldn’t help, but nod my head, “I hate you. I know you’ve known for a while,” he says. I kissed his cheek, “I couldn’t tell you,” I tell him. Niall took in a deep breath, “let’s see how his going to do it,” he smiled.
Niall and I walked along the stream following the lights. We stopped when we came to a dark open area, but all of a sudden the trees lit up with fairy light through them. Niall squeezed my hand as we heard a piano start playing:
“I figured it out I figured it out from black and white Seconds and hours Maybe they had to take some time,” we heard Harry sing.
We saw him and the rest of the boys on a small stage. They were all dressed nicely in their suites:
“I know how it goes I know how it goes for wrong and right Silence and sound Did they ever hold each other Tight like us Did they ever fight like us?” Liam sang next.
Niall was crying and never let go of my hand. I put my hand over the top of ours:
“You and I We don't want to be like them We can make it till the end Nothing can come between You and I Not even the gods above Could separate the two of us No nothing can come between You and I Oohh You and I,” Harry serenaded Niall.
Harry was smiling big at Niall as he held back his own tears:
“I figured it out Saw the mistakes of up and down Meet in the middle There's always room for common ground,” Zayn sang softly.
Louis smiled at me:
“I see what it's like I see what it's like for day and night Never together Cause they see things in a different light Like us They never tried like us,” Louis sang as he looked at me.
I felt tears in my eyes:
“You and I We don't want to be like them We can make it till the end Nothing can come between You and I Not even the gods above Could separate the two of us,” Harry sang again.
I leant into Niall and he did the same to me:
“Cause You and I,” Zayn belted.
I was really impressed with his high note. That it took my breath away:
“We don't want to be like them We can make it till the end Nothing can come between You and I Not even the gods above Could separate the two of us No nothing can come between You and I,” they all sang together.
I was crying and so was Niall. This was perfect for Niall and Harry, “you and I,” Zayn belted again. Niall was taking in deep breaths, “oohh You and I. Oohh You & I,” Harry sang softly. I rubbed my hand up and down Niall’s forearm, “We can make it if we try. You and I,” Zayn sang as he smiled. Harry took a deep breath in, “oohh you and I. You and I,” he cried as he voice broke at the end. I pushed Niall to go to him, but he didn’t move, “Ni you need to go to Harry,” I tell him. Niall gave me a nod before he ran off to Harry. Niall jumped straight on him before he kissed him. Louis came over to me and kissed me straight away, “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you,” I smiled. Louis grabbed my hand, “Niall knows. He worked it out when we found the lights near the stream,” I tell Louis. He laughed a little bit as Liam, Sophia, Zayn, Perrie and Anne with Theo in her arms stood next to us, “part two,” Anne says. I noticed Theo holding a little black box as he was dressed in a little suit with a thick jacket over the top. Anne started to walk over to Harry and Niall, “we better head back to that cabin,” Perrie says after Anne came back over to us.
We started walking, but my heels kept getting stuck into the snow. I ended up falling over, “come here babe,” Louis smiled. Louis picked me up bridled style as Liam grabbed my shoe that was stuck in the snow. Liam put my shoe back on for me, “should have told you about wearing boots,” Sophia say. I looked at her and she raised her dress to show me her boots, “I have my heels at the cabin,” she added. I laughed a little bit, “I think she happy with Louis carrying her,” Zayn smiled. I nodded my head, “he gets a work out,” I say. Louis shook his head, “you weigh nothing,” he tells me. I kissed him, “liar,” I whispered.
We stopped in front of a cabin that was decorated with lights around the trees, “wow. Harry outdid himself,” I say. Louis put me down once we got inside, “well this is their engagement party,” Louis tells me. I smiled at him, “Lilly!” I heard a familiar voice yell. I turned around to see one of Louis’s twin sisters, “that’s Daisy,” he whispered. I held my arms out to her, “Daisy,” I smiled. She hugged me tight, “missed you,” she says. I hugged her back as tight, “I missed you too,” I tell her.
“There’s a lot of people here,” she tells me. I looked at Louis, “my family, Liam’s family, Zayn family, Josh and his family, Gemma and some other people,” he tells me. I nodded my head as Louis grabbed my hand. Daisy grabbed my other hand, “where’s Harry?” Daisy asked. Louis laughed a little bit, “his with Niall,” he tells her. Daisy nodded her head, “ever since she met Harry. She always asks me about him. I think she got herself a little crush,” Louis explained. I smiled at him, “poor girl,” I say.
We walked into the main hall and there must be about forty people here. I couldn’t believe all of these people came here to help celebrate Harry’s and Niall’s engagement. The place was decorated beautifully with tea lights all over the tables. I noticed Gemma with Josh and his family. I noticed his Nanna and his dad as they seemed happy to be talking to Gemma. I also noticed Veronica talking to Officer Cole and she was giggling. I nudged Louis before I pointed over to them, “they talk a lot since his our parole officer,” Louis tells me. I shook my head, “their flirting with each other,” I pointed out.
“No way,” Louis says in shock. I nodded my head as I noticed Johanna and Anne coming over to us. They were dressed beautifully, “I wonder how it’s going out there,” Anne says. Johanna smiled at her as Daisy wrapped her arms her, “it be going great,” she tells her. They looked at us, “personally I thought this would be your two engagement party,” Johanna smiled. Louis shook his head quickly and I laughed, “aww what colour is red Lou,” Anne teased. Louis pulled me away from them, “I like them two together,” I say.
“I don’t,” Louis mumbled. I stopped him, “well you better get used to it. That’s my mum and your mum. They going to see each other,” I pointed out. Louis kissed me, “you’re lucky I love you,” he smiled. I kissed him, “I love you,” I tell him. Louis took me over to a table with our names on it. I noticed this table was full of our group and Gemma and Josh. Louis helped me take my jacket off since it was warm in here. He put it on the back of my chair, “I want to go talk to Josh and his family,” I tell Louis.
We went over to Josh and his family. Gemma was still there, “Lilly,” Josh smiled. He hugged me, “is that Little Lilly?” his Nanna questioned. I looked at her as I nodded my head, “you’ve grown up to be a beautiful woman,” she smiled. I hugged her, “good to see you too Nanna Rose,” I smiled back. I stood back next to Louis, “good to see you Lilly,” Josh’s dad says. I smiled at him since I knew he wasn’t a touchy person, “so how have you all been?” I asked. I felt Louis hand on my back, “great,” Nanna rose says. Josh’s smiled at me, “sorry to hear about your dad tho. He was a good friend to me,” he says. Louis rubbed my back, “he was,” I smiled a little.
“But I can’t believe Harry is getting married. What do you think about your brother getting married?” Josh’s dad asked. I played with my fingers, “I’m happy for him. Niall means a lot to him,” I tell him. Josh seemed on edge, “I’m happy for you and Louis. I just hope it turns out better than your dad and mother,” he says. I gave him a small nod, “it already is,” I smiled. He smiled back at me, “well you better go and talk to other people,” he tells me.
Louis and I walked away from them, “why were you guys worried?” I wondered. Louis sighed, “Josh dad has post-traumatic stress disorder from the air force. He snaps sometimes,” Louis tells me. I wondered why Josh didn’t tell me, “is he going to be alright tonight?” I questioned. Louis nodded his head, “he loves Harry,” he says.
Louis and I decided to get a drink as we waited for Harry and Niall to come. Zayn and Perrie joined us, “they been out there for ten minutes. What could they be doing? They have Theo,” I wondered. They all nodded their heads, “talking, kissing,” Zayn smiled. Sophia and Liam joined us, “poor Theo,” I say. Sophia and Liam looked at us, “there coming,” Liam tells us. He pointed to the entrance and we saw a very happy Harry and Niall. They were holding hands as Harry held Theo, “it went good,” Zayn pointed out. When they walked into the main hall everyone looked at them. Niall looked overwhelmed with how many people where there. Louis wrapped his arms around me from behind, “I have something to tell you,” Harry started. He looked around at everyone, “Niall said no,” he tells everyone.
“What?” Louis questioned. I noticed that Harry was still smiling, “but then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes,” Harry smiled. Harry showed everyone the ring on his finger and everyone cheered and clapped for them. I noticed Niall looking down at his hand, so I looked at his hand. He also was wearing a ring, “Lou. Niall wearing a ring too,” I whispered. Louis looked at Niall’s hand, “he is too,” he whispered back. Harry stopped everyone clapping, “but I asked him again to marry me and this time he said yes,” Harry beamed. Niall held up his hand to show off his ring. Everyone clapped and cheered again, “let’s go congratulate them,” Liam smiled.
We all walked over to them as Anne was hugging them. She was crying as she was smiling, “my little boy is turning into a man,” she cried. Harry went red, “mum it’s ok,” Harry reassured her. I hugged Niall first since Harry was trying to calm Anne down, “why did you say no the first time?” I wondered. He smiled at me, “because I wanted to do something for once,” he smiled. I kissed his cheek, “I better help Harry with mum,” I say. I went over to Harry and Anne, “Lilly please tell this woman that it’s ok,” Harry begged. Anne was still crying, “Harry I think she just happy,” I tell him.
“If it’s anything. When Lilly and Louis get engaged. I be crying all over her too,” she says. I smiled at her, “I’m looking forward to it,” I admitted. Harry hugged me, “why didn’t you tell me that Niall was going to propose to me?” Harry questioned. I looked at him, “because I thought you would have got in first,” I replied. Harry placed my face between his hands, “well he rejected me and then proposed, but I was happy about it,” he smiled. He kissed my forehead, “I’m happy for the both of you,” I smiled back.
I managed to pull Anne away, so other people could congratulate Harry and Niall. We stood close as Anne watched Harry, “I never thought I would see this day,” Anne smiled. I wrapped my arms around her, “I’m really happy that I got to see it,” I say. Anne kissed the top of my head, “I don’t think Harry would have asked him if you weren’t here,” she tells me. Louis came over to us with Theo in his arms, “Niall really wants to run. I think there’s too many people for him,” Louis says. Louis checked Theo to see he was warm before he took his jacket off. Louis turned him around, so he could see Anne and I, “look how cute my two little men are,” I smiled.
“I’m not little babe,” Louis pointed out. I poked Theo nose, “you sure?” I teased. Louis kissed me, “you look so beautiful in your dress,” he tells me. Anne made some noise to tell us that she was still there, “you look beautiful too Anne,” Louis smiled. She smiled back at us, “suck up,” she teased. I bit my bottom lip to stop me from laughing, “doesn’t hurt,” Louis says. A man came up to us with a camera, “can I please take a picture?” he asked me and Louis.  
“Sure,” Louis tells him. The man stopped Louis handing over Theo to Anne, “as a family,” the man smiled. Anne held back her laughter, but Louis just smiled at the guy. Louis and I posed for a picture with Theo, “now that I got a picture with my god son. Can I have just one with me and my girlfriend?” Louis questioned the man. I noticed the man was embarrassed as he nodded his head. Louis gave Theo to Anne, so we could take the picture. Louis took Theo back, “now them two,” Louis told the man. I stood next to Anne and the man took another picture, “Gem!” Louis yelled. Gemma came over to us, “get in the picture,” Louis smiled.
“You alright hunny?” I wondered. Louis nodded his head as I posed for another picture. Harry and Niall came over to us, “why don’t you get in the picture Harry?” Louis asked me. Harry stood next to me and the man took another picture. I managed to get away before I got another picture, “I’m going to get you later,” I tell Louis. Niall laughed, “I’ll get him back for ya,” Niall tells me. Niall took Theo off of Louis and gave him to me. Niall pulled Louis over to Harry before whispering something to Harry. Louis looked a bit worried as Harry talked to the photographer. Niall and Harry stood on both sides of Louis and kissed his cheeks. Louis just smiled as the man took the picture. Louis came back over to me, so Niall and Harry could get some pictures together, “even?” Louis wondered.
“I want to put that picture up,” I smiled. Anne took Theo off of me, “why don’t you two go have fun?” Anne suggested. Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them, “how about a smoke?” Louis asked. I nodded my head as I pulled him to get my jacket and purse.
We stood outside in the snow, “I can’t believe Niall said no, so he could propose,” Louis says. We both lit up a smoke, “he wanted to do something for once,” I tell him. Louis sat down on a fence as he smiled, “I’m actually happy that he did,” I added. Louis nodded his head, “can I ask where that song came from?” I wondered. Louis looked down as kept smiling, “Harry and I wrote it,” he admitted. He looked at me, “he tried to write it by himself, but couldn’t. So I sat down with him and helped him finish it,” Louis added.
“It’s a beautiful song,” I smiled. I moved in closer to Louis, “I love your part,” I say. Louis held his hand out to me, so I grabbed it. He tried to pull me closer, but I wouldn’t let him. I shook my head as I had a drag of my smoke. Louis held up his smoke for me to take and I did. I put both of ours out before I went over to him. Louis put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. We were eye level since he was sitting on the fence. I placed my hands on his chest, “so do you want me to do the same thing when I propose?” he asked.
“No,” I tell him. I kissed his nose, “plus you’ve already asked me. I can’t forget that,” I added. Louis looked down, “maybe I shouldn’t have asked you then,” he whispered. I made him look at me, “I don’t. I think if you thought about asking me. I don’t think you would have told me the full truth,” I reassured him. Louis looked confused, “full truth?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “I like how your words were raw. You didn’t try and make them sound better. They came from the heart,” I confessed.
“Because we were in our safe place. Where we both can say what we want. I told you something personal and it felt right to ask you then. I just didn’t know that you would reject me,” he says. I kissed him, “I didn’t reject you. I was just worried that you might regret it the next day,” I admitted. Louis kissed me, “I never regret you,” he smiled against my lips. Louis kissed me again, but staying against my lips.
We kissed until we heard someone come out. It was Liam and Zayn, “this is where you two are hiding,” Liam smirked. Louis wrapped his arms around me tight, “too many people,” Louis says. Zayn and Liam laughed a little bit, “I can’t believe that Niall is the one that proposed,” Zayn admitted. I laughed a little bit, “I kinda can. He told me that he was,” I tell them. Liam and Zayn shook their heads as they smiled, “anyway they engaged and one day they’ll get married. Oh our Harry and Niall are growing up,” Liam says as he acted upset.
“It be alright boys,” I tell them. Zayn hugged Liam, “just think Lilly and Louis will be next,” Zayn smiled. Louis kissed my cheek, “if you boys going to talk like girls. I’m going inside,” I say. I kissed Louis before I started walking in, “I’ll see you soon babe,” Louis tells me.
When I got inside I put my coat and purse on the table. I bumped into Veronica, “Hi Lilly,” she smiled. I smiled back, “hi Veronica. You enjoying yourself?” I asked. She nodded her head, “I never guessed that I would see this day,” she says. I raised an eyebrow at her, “I knew they liked each other. They used to talk to me about loving someone they can’t have. I also knew Niall didn’t fancy me. I’ve been alone with him a lot and he never made a move. I’m just happy they got over everything,” she explained.
“So am I,” I smiled. I knew Niall and Harry been together for a year, but there was a lot of bumps and some of them big ones, “so how are you and Office Cole?” I asked to change the subject. Veronica blushed a deep red, “I seen you two flirting with each other,” I teased. Veronica looked down, “he is a great guy. We’ve been going out for about six months now,” Veronica admitted. I wrapped my arm around her, “I’m happy for you,” I tell her. Veronica smiled at me, “thank you,” she says.
Veronica and I talked a little bit more before she wanted to go dance with Office Cole. I just stood there looking at everyone dancing, “you wanna dance babe? It’s a slow song,” I heard Louis ask. I nodded my head as I turned around to him. I kissed him before he grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor.
When we found a spot Louis pulled me close to him. He held my hands close to his chest as he wrapped his arm around my waist and put his other hand on my hip. I placed my hand on his back under his arm before Louis started swaying us to the music. I leant my head onto his shoulder as I looked at him. I smiled as Louis kissed my nose, “your perfect babe,” he smiled. He kissed me, “your perfect,” I tell him. Louis shook his head, “far from it,” he whispered.
We danced for the whole song until Daisy and Phoebe came up to us. They wanted to dance with us, but Louis didn’t look like he knew how with them. Phoebe grabbed his hands, “just follow her lead and don’t forget to twirl her around once and a while,” I tell him. Louis gave me a small nod as he started dancing with Phoebe. I just smiled at them, “Lilly Belle why does Harry kiss Niall? His another boy,” she asked me. I knelt down to be eye level with her, “because he loves him. It doesn’t matter if it’s another boy. Love is love,” I tell her.
“So is it alright for a boy to love another boy?” she questioned. I nodded my head, “can a girl love another girl?” she wondered. I nodded my head again, “but you don’t have to worry about any of that until your older,” I say. Daisy hugged me, “can we dance?” she smiled. I nodded my head as I stood up. I took my heels off just in case I stepped on her. I started dancing with her, but I looked at Louis, “thank you,” he tells me. I smiled at him as I leaned over to kiss him.
We danced with the twins for a little bit until they had enough. As Louis and I were about to walk off Niall stopped us. “dance with me Lilly. Please,” Niall begged. I looked at Louis and he gave me a small nod. Niall must of saw since he was pulling me on to the dance floor.
Niall and I found a spot and started dancing, “this is a great night,” he smiled. I nodded my head as Niall twirled me, “I want to ask you something and Harry is alright with it,” he started. Niall pulled me closer to him, “um I want you to be my best man or maid of honour. Whatever you want to call it,” he tells me. I jumped on him as I hugged him, “I take that as a yes,” he laughed. I put my feet back on the floor before looked at him, “of course, but I’m not wearing a suit,” I smiled. Niall kissed my forehead, “you'll get a dress,” he tells me. We started dancing again.
After a couple of songs, we got told to sit down at our tables. I sat down with Louis at our table. Everyone joined us part from Harry and Niall. They had their own table at the front, so everyone could see them. Anne was sitting with Louis family, “please not be talking about us,” Louis mumbled. I grabbed his hand, “it be alright,” I reassured him. Gemma noticed what we were looking at, “why isn’t mum sitting with Harry and Niall?” Gemma wondered.
“Niall don’t have anyone, so Harry thought it be best that Anne sits with Louis mum,” Liam tells her. Gemma nodded her head, “we’re his family,” Zayn added. Niall really was my family now and my best friend. Louis wrapped an arm around me as Harry stood up, “mum tells me that I got to make a speech. So here it is. The first time I spoke to Niall was in the music room. He was playing his guitar and he had his eyes closed. He was so into the music as he played. That was the day I started to fall for him. The day I fell in love him was the day I went to his house. He was looking after our son Theo. He was so tired from Theo keeping him up all night. He was snappy at me, but I didn’t care. Niall fell asleep with a tiny Theo on his chest and they both looked peaceful. I watched them for a while and that when I realized that I love him and Theo. My love grows stronger for the both of them every day. I love you Niall James Horan,” Harry confessed. I noticed Harry was teary as Niall hugged him, “aww Harry does what Lou does to Lilly,” Liam teased.
“Liam what did I say about that?” Louis questioned. Louis was bright red, “you watch me sleep?” I wondered. Everyone was looking at Louis, “yes,” he whispered. I kissed him, “I do it to you,” I tell him. Louis laughed a little bit as he kissed me, “shh Niall going to talk,” Gemma tells us. Josh started poking her, “stop it or I will hurt you,” she warned him. Josh wrapped his arms around her before he kissed her, “I’m glad Niall and I brought them out from hiding,” I whispered to Louis. He kissed me as Niall looked at everyone, “I’m want to start with thanking everyone for coming tonight,” Niall started.
“We love you buddy!” Liam shouted. Niall went bright red, “me and Harry had a weird relationship at the beginning. I will admit that I was afraid to love him. I grew up with a judgmental family that would kill me if they knew about me and Harry. That’s why they’re not here tonight and I don’t care. I have replaced them with the best people that I will ever know,” he continued. Niall was crying a little, “I love Harry for a long time before I could really admit it to myself. He was still there after all I have done to him and myself. He was the first person to understand why I wanted Theo and he stayed. I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I’m thankful. I love you Harry Edward Styles,” Niall finished. Harry kissed him straight away as they started whispering stuff to each other, “now that’s love,” Sophia says.
“We all know that he was talking about May,” Perrie pointed out. We all nodded our heads, “but that’s in the past and Niall only did that so he could think that he wasn’t gay. But he always went back to Harry,” I tell them. They all smiled, “plus that night we heard Niall and May. Niall couldn’t finish. He went soft half way through,” Louis says. I was shocked, “we would like Lilly to say something,” Niall says. I looked around and all eyes were on me, “babe stand up,” Louis tells me.
“Flower?” Harry questioned. I stood up slowly and took a deep breath. I felt the back of Louis hand on my leg, “I’ve known Harry since birth and his is my big brother, but really I’m his big sister. Niall I’ve only known for just over four months now. Niall my best friend. His one of the few people that knows what I’m going through. I would be lost without them two. I love you both and I wish you both all the happiness in the world,” I tell them. Harry and Niall smiled at me as they both mouthed thank you. I sat back down, “Louis turn,” Harry smirked. Louis stood up, “these two people I can count on which is hard for me. I can’t believe we still talk after the shit we done to each other, but they’re not friends. They are my brothers and I love them. Thank you for everything guys and I wish you all the best,” Louis smiled. Louis sat back down and I kissed him, “let’s eat,” Harry says.
After we finished eating we had a smoke before going back inside, “an hour to midnight,” I say as I checked the time. Louis smiled as he nodded his head, “Lilly, Louis,” I heard our names be called. We turned around to see Lottie coming towards us. She hugged us both, “now before I forget thank you Lilly,” she smiled. I was confused, “I talked to that guy since I had nothing to lose and now we're going out,” she tells me. I hugged her as Louis groaned, “when do I get to meet him?” Louis questioned.
“Tomorrow if that's alright with you?” Lottie asked. Louis nodded his head as Lottie hugged him, “thank you Lou,” she beamed. She ran off to probably tell Johanna, “breath. You can worry about that tomorrow,” I tell him. Louis took in a deep breath as he nodded his head, “I’ll be there, so you don’t kill him,” I added. Louis smiled a little bit, “I probably would. I know what boys think about,” he says. I wrapped my arm around him, “sex. He is a fifteen-year-old boy. He most likely a virgin,” I pointed out. Louis sighed, “that means he thinks of sex more,” he tells me.
“Let’s not think about it. Let’s go have a good time for the rest of the night,” I smiled. Louis kissed me, “what you want to do?” he asked. I looked around, “I don’t know,” I mumbled. Johanna and Anne came up to us, “we’re going to go home. Theo and the twins are asleep,” Johanna tells us. We both nodded at them, “will help put the twins in the car,” Louis tells her.
After I pinched Sophia boots, so I could carry one of the twins. Johanna and Anne went to say goodbye to Harry and Niall with Theo. I picked up Daisy and she woke up a little bit, “go back to sleep,” I cooed. Daisy hid her face into my neck, “I love you Lilly Belle,” she mumbled. I kissed the top of her head, “I love you,” I whispered. She smiled as she went back off to sleep, “sweet dreams,” I added.
When we got them into the car Anne and Johanna finally came out. We hugged them, “I see you tomorrow morning. So you can do Louis cake,” Anne reminded me. I gave her a small nod, “I’ll be back,” I tell her. I kissed Theo forehead, “you be a good boy for nanna. I love you,” I whispered. I kissed his forehead again before Anne put him the car, “be good tonight,” Johanna smirked. Louis shook his head, “better be going mum,” Louis mumbled. Louis was blushing, “his so easy to tease,” Johanna says. I nodded my head before they got into the car.
We went inside after they left, “can we leave?” Louis wondered. I shrugged my shoulders as I noticed Harry and Niall dancing. It was a slow song and they were wrapped up in each other, “life has changed so much in four months,” I whispered. Louis kissed the side of my head, “for the better,” Louis whispered back. I nodded my head as I leant into him, “I’m Niall’s maid of honour,” I say. I looked at Louis and he was smiling, “I’m Harry’s best man,” he tells me. I kissed him, “you know what that means?” I wondered. Louis shook his head, “we have to help them with the wedding and we got to do another speech,” I smiled.
“Please tell me Harry the man and leaving it all up to Niall,” Louis begged. I shrugged my shoulders, “I think they’re going to share it,” I say. Louis sighed, “I’m leaving that up to you and them. I don’t know what looks good,” Louis tells me. I kissed him, “I think we got a lot of time before we have to start,” I reassured him.
Louis and I went up to Harry and Niall to tell them that we were going. They walked out to Louis’s car with us after I grabbed my stuff. They hugged us, “thanks for everything guys,” Harry tells us. We smiled at him, “just remember you owe me,” Louis says. Harry nodded his head, but Niall looked at Harry with lust in his eyes, “why don’t you get out of here? I think someone make sure no one breaks anything,” I suggested. Harry looked at Niall, “I think that might be a good idea,” Harry whispered. Harry quickly looked at us, “we’ll have a goodnight and we will see you tomorrow,” Harry tells us.
Louis and I got into his car, “I know who topping tonight,” Louis smiled. I shook my head as I put on my seatbelt, “who?” I asked. Louis also put his seatbelt on, “Niall,” he smirked. Louis started his car and I took off my earrings, “and I don’t think they will even make it to the bed,” he added. Louis started driving, “where are we going?” I wondered. Louis smirked at me, “a nice hotel room for the night. We will be there in about twenty minutes,” he tells me.
We arrived at a big hotel twenty minutes later. We got out of the car and Louis grabbed a bag on the back seat. He gave a man his keys, so he could park his car. Louis grabbed my hand as we walked into the hotel, “let’s get to our room,” he smiled. We went straight for the elevator, “already got the key?” I wondered. Louis nodded his head, “mum got it for me. I paid, but she checked in,” he tells me. Louis pushed the button for the elevator, “they wouldn’t let me get a room. I’m not eighteen yet,” he pouted. I kissed him, “aww poor baby. You’re not eighteen for another ten minutes,” I pointed out.  
“It’s going to be the longest ten minutes of my life,” he mumbled. We got into the elevator, “so how does it feel to be seventeen still?” I asked. Louis pushed the button to our room, “I’m over it. I want to be an adult,” he tells me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Louis placed his hands on my hips, “you sure, because I remember you saying that you wanted to be a baby again,” I reminded him. Louis laughed a little bit as he kissed me, “that be nice too, but your right about that I would miss all the sex,” he admitted.
“Who said you’re getting any tonight?” I teased. Louis kissed my nose, “no one,” he says. I ran my hands down his chest, “good, because you already had your birthday sex,” I tell him. Louis went to kiss me, but the elevator doors opened, “must be our floor,” he says.
We found our hotel room and went in. There was a big bed, TV, mini bar, a small table and chairs and a single armchair. Louis threw our bag onto the floor, “five minutes until I’m eighteen,” he whispered. I stood next to him after I took my jacket and shoes off, “what’s the best and worst thing. That you done when you were seventeen?” I asked.
“The worst thing I did was trying to kill myself, because if I did. I wouldn’t have the best thing next to me,” he smiled. He wrapped his arms around me, “but I’m going to start my eighteenth year of life with the best thing,” he added. He kissed me, “happy birthday baby,” I smiled against his lips. Louis kept kissing me as he phone was going off. He broke the kiss to turn his phone off, “I’ll get to them later,” he says. He unzipped the back of my dress as he kissed me again. I took my arms out and let my dress fall to the floor. Louis looked me up and down, “fuck babe,” he swore.
“I’m all yours,” I whispered. Louis ran his fingers down my neck, across my chest, down between my breasts, down my stomach to the tops of my knickers. All of a sudden Louis pushed me against the wall as he kissed me hard. He ran his hands all over my body. I pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders before Louis threw it onto the floor. I slowly undid the top button to his shirt, “just rip it off babe,” he tells me. I ripped it open and ran my hands down his chest. I slowly got down onto my knees before I undid his pants. Louis bit his lip as I pulled his pants and boxers down to his feet. He was already hard, “I will always love this sight of you,” I smirked.
“You better love the rest of me,” he says. I nodded my head as I grabbed his member. I started licking the top, “I hate when you tease,” Louis whispered. I put the head of his member into my mouth. I sucked on it lightly and Louis threw his head back. I put more of him in my mouth as my hand around his member moved up and down a little. I continued to put more of him in my mouth until I reached my hand. I slowly took him out of my mouth and looked at him. His eyes were black as he looked at me. I put him back in my mouth and started moving backwards and forwards. Louis grabbed the side of my hair as I kept going.
After a little bit Louis stepped back from me. He made me stand on my feet before he pushed me against the wall. He pushed his body against me as he kissed me. He ran his hand down the side of my body to my thigh. He pulled my leg up, so I would wrap it around his hip. I felt his member rub between my legs. Louis other hand ran over my breast before he grabbed it. Louis kissed my neck before he stepped back. He looked me up and down, “what do I want to do to you?” he smirked.
“Like I said baby. I’m all yours,” I say. Louis came back over to me and put his hand down the front of my knickers. He played with my button as he kissed my neck. I dug my fingers into his arms, “Lou,” I moaned. Louis kissed across my chest to down one of my breasts. He moved my bra down with his free hand before he started to suck on my nipple. I ran my hands through the back of his hair as Louis gently bit down on my nipple. Louis moved to my other nipple and started sucking on it. His fingers played with my entrance, but he pulled his hand out of my knickers. Louis ran his hands up my back to my bra. He undid it and I let it fall to the floor. Louis grabbed the sides of my knickers before he pulled them down slowly. When they fell to my feet I kicked them off. Louis kissed me, “stay there,” he tells me.
“What you doing baby?” I wondered. Louis quickly went into his bag and grabbed a box. He threw the box onto the bed after he got something out. When he came closer to me I noticed that he had a condom in his hand. He put it on himself, “do you trust me?” he asked. I nodded my head as Louis grabbed my hands. He wrapped my arms around his neck, “say it,” he tells me.
“I trust you,” I smiled. Louis ran his hands down my back over my bottom to my thighs. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I kissed him as Louis moved his arms under my thighs. He lifted me up higher, “I might need you help with the next part,” he smirked. I ran my hand down his chest to his member. I positioned him at my entrance before Louis slowly moved me down onto him. I wrapped my arm back around his neck as we were letting the feeling take over, “I’ll do all the work,” he tells me.
“Please remember I’m new at this,” I reminded him. Louis kissed me, “I never done this position. I’ve only ever seen it in porn videos,” he admitted. Before I could say anything Louis started moving me backwards and forwards on him. I dug my fingers into his back as he started kissing my neck. He pushed me up against the wall before he kissed down my chest. I pulled his face back up to mine and kissed him. Louis got faster and harder after I moaned into his mouth. I threw my head back against the wall as the feeling was taking over me, “I don’t care if you come babe. I love that face,” he groaned.
“I’m just letting the feeling take over,” I whispered. Louis pulled me close to him, so he could kiss me. As we were kissing Louis turned us around and started walking. Louis never broke the kiss as we fell on the bed together. He started moving in and out me slowly. He moved from my lips to my neck and I couldn’t help put my fingers through his hair. Louis grabbed my hand that was in his hair and in entwined our fingers together next to my head. I wrapped my other arm under his shoulder as I laid open mouth kisses to his shoulder.
After sometime Louis got faster with his movements. I pulled on his hair, so I could kiss his neck. Louis moaned into my ear as he thrusted hard into me. Louis pushed himself up with his hands to look at me. He watched me as he gave me two quick thrust before thrusting deep inside. I grabbed the blanket and Louis kissed me. He kept watching me until he shut his eyes. I ran my hands up his chest to his neck. Louis shook at little bit and I knew he was close. He opened his eyes to look at me as he got harder with me. Sweat was coming off the both of us and I felt myself close. Louis smirked at me as he hit the right spot. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I came moaning his name. Louis watched me as I was riding out my high. He kissed me as he also came.
Louis rolled next to me as we caught our breath. I rolled on my side to look at him before I ran my hand down his sweaty chest. Louis grabbed my hand, “thank you for the best birthday so far,” he smiled. I leant over and kissed him, “happy birthday again baby,” I say. Louis rolled over onto his side, so he can look at me properly. He ran his finger down my side to my hip, “baby can I ask why your trying things with me for the first time?” I asked.
“Truth even tho it going to sound bad?” he questioned. I nodded my head, “the other girls that I have been with was just to get my dick wet. So I only did three positions with them. Where with you I want to do all of them. We picked the position we tried tonight when we were stuck in my car. I know you want side by side,” he tells me.
“But you said that was the lazy sex position,” I remembered. Louis nodded his head, “but for you I would try it at any time,” he says. I kissed him, “we will keep that for lazy morning sex, but let’s get in the shower. So we can go to bed. It’s been a big day and we have another big day,” I tell him. Louis kissed me, “it’s my eighteenth birthday,” he smiled.
We had a shower together and Louis begged me to sleep naked with him. I told him no, but he took my clothes away from me. I picked up his dress shirt off the floor, “remember babe you ripped that off of me, so it won’t do up,” he smiled. I still put it on and held it together, “why won’t you sleep naked with me?” he pouted.
“Because I like teasing you,” I smirked. Louis came over to me and picked me up. He threw me onto the bed before he hovered over me. He kissed me lightly, “you still look hot, because I know your wearing nothing underneath,” he says. I placed his face between my hands as I kissed him. I felt Louis hand slip inside of the shirt. He ran his fingers up and down my stomach as he kept kissing me.
Louis and I finally got into bed after we had sex again, but with me on top wearing his shirt. As we were laying down Louis took his top off of me and threw it on the floor. He stopped me from getting up, “stay and let’s go to bed,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “I wasn’t going too. I was get comfy on the bed,” I smiled. Louis kissed me, “night birthday boy. I love you,” I tell him. Louis kissed me again, “night the best birthday present. I love you,” he says.
The next morning Louis and I got up early so we could have breakfast together. Louis took me to café near the hotel to get breakfast. We sat down on a small table across from each other as we ate, “so do you want your birthday present now or later?” I asked him. Louis smiled big, “I though you gave that to me last night,” he says. I shook my head as I went into my bag. I got out a ring box, “babe you know we can’t get married yet,” he tells me.
“I’m not proposing. I’m making a promise,” I smiled. I gave Louis the ring box and he opened it slowly. I got him silver titanium ring with a black band in the middle, “look on the inside of the ring,” I tell him. Louis got the ring out of the box to have a closer look, “forever and always. Lilly,” he whispered. I grabbed Louis left hand and put the ring on his ring finger. Louis leant over to kiss me, “I love you,” he smiled.
“I love you,” I smiled back. Louis quickly kissed me again before sitting back, “I didn’t expect this babe,” he admitted. Louis grabbed my hand, “probably the best present I have ever got,” he added. I felt my cheeks burn as Louis squeezed my hand. I saw Harry and Niall walk in, so I pointed them out to Louis, “love birds!” Louis shouted. They looked at us before coming over to us, “happy birthday Lou Bear,” Harry smiled.
“What have I said about that Harry?” Louis reminded him. Harry just smirked at him as Louis went red, “well happy birthday Lou,” Niall tells him. Louis smiled at him, “thanks guys,” he says. Harry was still smirking at Louis, “so did you two have a fun night?” I asked. Niall cheeks went red, “great,” Harry smiled big.
Niall and Harry pulled up two chairs after they ordered a coffee each, “no food?” Louis questioned. Niall shook his head, “ate at the hotel,” Niall tells him. Louis held back a laugh and I knew he was thinking dirty, “so what did you have to eat?” Louis smirked. I shook my head, “how old are you today?” I questioned.
“Eighteen,” Louis replied. Niall hit Louis in the back of the head, “not in front of Lilly. You know it makes her and Harry uncomfortable,” Niall tells him. Harry and I nodded our heads, “we will talk later,” Louis says. Niall nodded his head, “so Louis are you going straight to your mum’s after this?” Harry asked him to change the subject. Louis shook his head, “I have to drop Lilly Belle off first. Then I’m going straight there,” Louis tells him.
“I can take her home. I’m going to the same place,” Harry pointed out. Louis looked like he wanted to say no, “you’ll see her later and you just spent all night with her. So a couple of hours won’t kill you,” Harry added. Louis nodded his head, “it will kill me and it’s my birthday,” Louis pouted. Harry just smiled at him, “I’m still taking her home. Go spend time with your family,” Harry tells him.
“But I want to spend time with my wife,” Louis lied. I noticed that Louis had his hands under the table. I knew he was putting his ring that I got him on his other ring finger. I quickly done the same thing, “it’s true,” I smiled. Louis and I both held our hand’s up to show off our rings, “get fucked,” Harry swore. Harry grabbed Louis hand and looked at the ring. Niall was laughing, “hunny how old is Lil again?” Niall asked Harry.
“Seventeen,” Harry says. Realization came over Harry’s face, “for fuck sake you two,” Harry started. Harry shoved Louis hand back at him, “now I don’t feel guilty about taking Flower home,” Harry continued. Niall rubbed Harry back, “I can’t believe you Lou Bear and you Flower. It will break my heart if I missed your wedding,” Harry tells us.
“You know that goes for you too?” I wondered. Harry looked at Niall, “I know, but Niall and I have decided on a small wedding with the people that came last night,” Harry says. I nodded my head, “that’s about forty people,” I pointed out. Harry gave me a small nod, “but we are not getting married for a while,” Niall tells us.
We talked about the wedding until we had to get going. I walked with Louis to his car, “you know I have to go home to make your cake? So Harry taking me home is easy on everyone,” I wondered. Louis nodded his head, “I just thought twenty minutes more with my girlfriend would be nice,” he says. I kissed him, “well if you didn’t say anything to Harry and Niall. You would have,” I pointed out.
“So it’s my fault now. They were going to notice us anyway. The place wasn’t that full,” Louis says. I shrugged my shoulders, “maybe,” I smiled. Louis kissed me again, “can I ask something before we leave?” I started. Louis nodded his head, “why did Harry call you Lou Bear?” I asked. Louis went bright red, “nothing. It’s an old joke,” he rambled. I kissed him to stop him, “I will find out,” I smiled.
“Harry don’t you dare tell her why you call me Lou Bear!” Louis shouted. Harry gave him the thumbs up, “you know you just told people that Harry calls you Lou Bear?” I wondered. Louis looked around and noticed people looking at him, “fuck,” he whispered. I put his face between my hands, “I love you and I will see you later,” I tell him. I kissed him, “I love you and my cake better be better than Niall’s,” he smiled. I shook my head as he kissed me.
On the car ride home with Niall and Harry. I kept asking Harry why he call Louis Lou Bear, but he told me nothing. Niall didn’t even know where it came from. When we got into the house it smelt like cookies, “mum must be baking,” Harry says. I nodded my head as we walked to the kitchen.
When we walked into the kitchen to see Anne with a mixing bowl. Gemma was also there as she was holding Theo, “morning,” Harry smiled. Niall quickly went over to Gemma to get Theo off of her. Niall hugged Theo tight, “where the birthday boy?” Gemma asked.
“Hopefully at his mum’s and not hiding from them,” I replied. Gemma laughed a little bit, “well I better get started on that cake,” I smiled. I looked around the kitchen to see Anne has filled every side with cookies, “sorry hunny. I’ll make you some room in a minute,” Anne tells me. Harry looked around, “why so many?” Harry wondered.
“Some for tonight and some for tomorrow,” Anne says. Harry grabbed a cookie, “put it down. You can wait for tonight,” Anne tells him. Harry quickly put it in his mouth and Niall quickly took one when Anne not looking. I laughed a little bit, “mum it’s not like you can tell if your missing some,” Gemma says. Harry took the cookie out his mouth, “do you want me to put it back?” Harry joked. Anne shook her head, “but no more,” Anne tells us.
“But the rest of us didn’t get one,” I pouted. Anne gave one to me, Niall and Gemma, “now no more,” Anne says. We nodded our head as Niall was about to laugh, “now Harry help Lilly with her cake,” Anne ordered.
“But what about my fiancé?” Harry whined. Niall sat on a stool, “I’m happy watching you get in Lil’s way,” Niall smiled. Harry glared at him, “just do the dishes and we should be fine,” I tell him. Harry went over to the sink, “anything you want washed first?” he questioned. Harry started filling the sink up with hot water and dishwashing liquid, “mixing bowls, measuring cups and the wooden spoons,” I replied. Harry grabbed them all as Anne packed up her cookies, “when I’m done. I have to go out for a little bit,” she tells us.
“I’ll make sure no one get hurt,” Gemma says. Harry stuck his finger up at her, “Niall I feed Theo about an hour ago and he hasn’t had a nap yet,” Anne tells him. Niall held Theo up in front of his face, “you better not be giving nanna trouble,” Niall says in a baby voice. Anne smiled at them, “he hasn’t. He just doesn’t want to sleep,” Anne says.
After Anne left and Harry finished the dishes. I got all of my ingredients out, “I noticed that you already done a little bit of it,” Gemma says. I nodded my head, “I did it yesterday before I got ready,” I tell her. I started making two mixtures for the cake, “why is the vanilla smaller than the chocolate?” Niall questioned.
“Because the chocolate going be the base and the vanilla going on top of that,” I explained. I put the chocolate on the mixer and made Harry mix the vanilla, “so what did you and Lou do last night?” Gemma smirked. Harry shook his head, “if you’re going to talk about that shit I’m leaving,” he warned us.  
“I’m staying,” Niall tells him. Harry gave me the bowl to mix before going over to Niall. He took Theo off of him, “I’m going to put Theo to bed and then I’m going to have a shower,” he says. Harry left the room with Theo, “I thought he got over that,” Niall mumbled. Niall stood up, “I don’t know if I should follow him or stay,” he tells us. Gemma rubbed his back, “how about I put it this way. If you stay you can find out how Louis fucked Lilly or you can get fucked in the shower,” Gemma smiled.
“I love you ladies, but I’m going,” Niall says. He ran off, “I thought that might make him leave,” Gemma laughed. I nodded my head as I started mixing the cake mix, “so how was last night?” she asked again. I knew my cheeks were red, “good, great, fantastic,” I rambled. Gemma laughed harder, “tell me what you did,” she begged.
When I was done telling Gemma what Louis and I did last. Both cakes were in the oven, so I started on the icing for the cake. I was making things to go on the cake out of the fondant icing, “you sure you want to become a teacher. I think you can open a cake store,” Gemma says. I laughed a little bit, “I could do both. Teacher by day and cake maker by night,” I joked. Gemma nodded her head, “I’ll help,” she tells me.
“What are you helping with?” Harry asked as he walked in. He was just wearing track pants, “Lilly’s cake business,” Gemma replied. I shook my head, “I can help too. I know how to make cookies,” Harry smiled. Niall walked in also just in track pants, “you lied to me Gem. He did nothing,” Niall pouted. Harry was confused, “I’m sorry. I can’t control him,” Gemma teased. Niall wrapped his arms around Harry, “what are you talking about?” Harry wondered. Harry wrapped his arms around Niall, “Gem said if I joined you that we would have sex in the shower,” Niall tells him.
“Aww my poor baby. I think we got enough of that last night and this morning,” Harry cooed. Harry kissed the top of Niall’s head, “I know. I just can’t get enough of you,” Niall smiled. Harry kissed him, “I love you,” he whispered. Niall kissed him, “I love you,” Niall whispered back. Gemma and I were smiling at them, “so how the cake coming?” Harry asked me.
“Cooking. I’m just making things to go on the cake,” I tell him. I finished one of the decorations to go on the cake, “the rate you’re going. Louis would be lucky to get it before new year’s,” Niall joked. I shook my head, “two big decorations are done and in the fridge. I have three simple ones to go,” I pointed out. Gemma stood up, “can I do one?” she wondered. I nodded my head as I gave her a template, “can I try too?” Niall wondered. I gave him another template, “do you want to try to Harry?” I asked.
“I might help Niall,” he says. I cheeked on the cakes before I started on my next decoration. I kept an eye on everyone as they were doing there’s. I heard my phone go off, so I checked it. I had a message from Louis:
Louis Tomlinson
How everything? Xo
“You don’t have time to slack off,” Harry says. I shook my head as I messaged Louis back:
Doing your cake and Harry, Niall and Gem are helping. What you doing? Xo
Louis Tomlinson
Are they doing a good job? The twins are making me watch Barbie. Do you know she has Christmas movies? Xo
“I’m done,” Gemma smiled. Harry and Niall also finished, “can you two make a striped pattern out of red and white?” I asked. They nodded their heads, so I told them how big I wanted them. After I watched them start I went back to messaging Louis:
They are. Yes, I knew Barbie had Christmas movies, but my favourite Christmas movie is How the Grinch Stole Christmas xo
Louis Tomlinson
You wanna watch that tonight or tomorrow? Xo
I looked at the other to see how they were doing. To my surprise they were going great:
When we can. Baby I think I want to do something else when I leave school xo
Louis Tomlinson
What were you thinking?” xo
“Can you pay attention to us?” Niall whined. I looked at them, “you guys are actually going great,” I smiled. They all smiled big at me, “ok you can message Lou now,” Niall says. I went back to my phone:
I want to make cakes xo
Louis Tomlinson
Can you do both? It’s just a lot of hard work in the cake business. I don’t want to crush your dreams. I just want you to think about it. I don’t just don’t want to hear in a couple years time that you wish that you stuck with teaching. But I will completely support you in whatever you do. I love you xoxo
I knew Louis had a point, but maybe Gemma idea about doing both might work for me. I don’t know what life is going to give me after school. All I know that I always wanted to teach, “we are done!” Harry shouted. I looked at them, “smoke break,” I tell them. Niall and Harry ran out as I messaged Louis:
I think I keep teaching and do cakes in my spare time. I think I was just having fun making your cake today. That I thought it might be a better job for me. But as I was watching the guys help me with your cake and how excited they got when they were done. I want to see more of that. I love you xoxo
Louis Tomlinson
I know you do babe. I’ve seen it in your face at football practice with the girls. Your proud of them no matter what they do. I have to go the girls want me to colour in with them. I love you xoxo
“Ready,” Niall smiled as him and Harry came back in. They put on their jackets as they held mine and Gemma’s, “ok give me one sec,” I tell them. I messaged Louis back:
Thank you xoxo. I want to see what you coloured in. I love you xoxo
I went outside with everyone after I put my jacket on. I looked at my smoke, “I don’t think I want to smoke anymore,” I admitted. I put my smoke back in my packet and threw it at Harry, “proud of you. I noticed that you have been smoking less and less. I was just waiting for you to stop,” Harry smiled. He hugged me, “when are you going to?” I wondered.
“Soon, so is Niall. We have Theo to think of now,” Harry tells me. I nodded my head, “I think I’ll start in the new year tho. I don’t think you want me snappy over the holidays,” he added. I nodded my head, “all of you going to quit. I don’t want to lose you guys at a young age,” Gemma tells us. I nodded my head again, “I need to get Louis to quit. I hope he realize that he needs to be in full heath to go to the football academy,” I say.
“How do you know that?” Niall questioned. I looked at him, “I looked it up. Like Louis doesn’t just need the skills. He also needs the fitness,” I tell them. Niall smiled big at me, “it’s cute that Lou’s girlfriend takes an interest in his dreams,” Niall teased. I stuck up my finger, “he takes an interest in mine, but all I have to do is get high marks in school,” I say.
“Is he still ahead of you in English?” Harry asked. I nodded my head, “his also up to date in geography. Did you know on your first week anniversary when you were in history? Louis was in the library catching up in geography,” Niall smiled. I was shocked, “that’s when I knew he loves you. He told me himself,” Niall continued. I felt overwhelmed, “he didn’t have to tell me I just knew. He wanted to make everything about you. To me that’s love,” Niall smiled.
“He admitted to me not long after I found out about your mother. That he stayed one night and saw one of your nightmares. It terrified him to the point that he was going to cry,” Harry tells me. I knew he was talking about the night Louis stayed on our one-week anniversary, “I saw it before then. I saw it in the little things that he did for you,” Harry added.  
“Why are you guys telling me this?” I wondered. I knew I was crying, “because you didn’t notice,” Niall smiled. I played with my bottom lip with my fingers, “I think I did. When we started that thing. We had moments that made me believe that we were more than friends. I just got scared when love was brought up with him,” I admitted.
“Now look at you two. You two have been together for over four months now,” Gemma says. I nodded my head, “and a lot has happened. Some good and some bad,” I pointed out. They all agreed with me, “but I need to go back inside to cheek on the cake,” I added.
Gemma and I went inside to leave Harry and Niall outside. I checked on the cakes and they were done. I got them to put them on the side to cool down, “it’s funny to think of life before that someone special. Harry changed when Niall came into his life, but there were some bad days,” Gemma tells me. I nodded my head, “I don’t want to think about life before now,” I admitted.
After the cakes cooled down I covered them in different coloured fondant. Once that was done I put the rest of the fondant decorations on it. I stepped back to have a look at it. The bottom was blue with red and white stripes along the bottom half. The Captain America shield that Harry and Niall made was in the middle. The Thor hammer I made yesterday was against it. The other side was a black widow spider that Gemma made. On the top of the cake was the other cake. It was red with a yellow band around the bottom. Iron man mask was in the middle and a Hawkeye symbol was near the top. On top of the cake was the Hulk fist that I made it look like it was coming out of the cake, “Lou going to love his avengers cake,” Gemma smiled.  
“Is it better than Niall’s?” I asked. Gemma shrugged her shoulders, “why don’t we ask Ni?” she questioned. I nodded my head as Gemma yelled for Niall. He came in with Harry, “what?” he wondered. Gemma pointed to Louis cake, “oh my god this is amazing,” Harry smiled. They looked over it, “better than yours Ni?” I questioned. Niall nodded his head, “but I still love my cake, because it was mine,” he tells me.
I had a shower after I made sure the cake was alright. When I got out of the shower I put on my undies and dressing gown. I did my hair and makeup before I put on my dress. I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my dress up. The dress was red with thick strips and the neck was a little bit low. The skirt flared out at my hips. The back had a big red bow just above my bottom. I did my hair in a lose bun with lose bit at the front. I also put a big red bow headband on. I left my make-up simple with some red lipstick.
I put on my red flats with bows on the top before I met everyone in the lounge room. Everyone was dressed up to go to Louis’s mum house. Anne was back and already dressed to go, “oh wow you look beautiful,” Niall says. I knew my cheeks were red, “remember she don’t like complements,” Harry teased. Anne wrapped her arm around me, “stop teasing the poor girl and get the stuff in the car,” Anne ordered.
I grabbed my bag before I put my jacket on. The boys carried Louis’s cake out to the car and put it in the boot. They made sure that it wouldn’t go anywhere before they came back inside, “Josh should be here in a minute to pick me up,” Gemma says. Niall and Harry made sure they had everything for Theo. Anne was running around making sure that everything was locked up.
We were in the car after Josh picked up Gemma. Harry and Niall sat in the back with Theo as I sat in the front with Anne. Niall and Harry were singing along to the radio, “I got you an early Christmas present. It’s in the top of my bag,” Anne tells me. I noticed a little red box sticking out of her bag, so I grabbed it. As I opened it Harry and Niall were watching me. It was a pair of pearl earrings with diamonds around the bottom, “put them on,” Harry tells me.
“Are these real?” I wondered. Anne nodded my head, “every girl needs pearls,” Anne smiled. I looked at Harry and he just smiled at me, “it's alright. You deserve it,” he whispered. He kissed my cheek before he squeezed my shoulder. I slowly put the earrings in, “beautiful,” Anne says. It's not that I didn't like them. It just I knew they cost a lot of money.
When we got to Louis mum’s house the sun was setting. It was a decent sized two store house, but I knew four girls lived there and two more kids on the way. I could tell under the snow that it was a light terracotta brick. The windows and door were painted white. I only noticed one car in the driveway, “are we the first people here?” I wondered. Anne nodded her head as we got out of the car.
Once inside since Anne just opened the door and walked in. I noticed it actually looked like a home that people lived in. Louis’s house always got me. It always felt cold and way to clean. Where Johanna’s house felt warm and happy. We stood in the entrance way and I looked around. I saw a bench with a cushions on it. I noticed above the coat hooks there was some family pictures.  I found a picture of Louis. He must have been about seven playing in the backyard. I heard footsteps come our way, “Lilly!” I heard the twins shout.
“Daisy! Phoebe!” I shouted back. I hugged them both, “mum yelling at Lou,” Phoebe tells me. I now could see the difference in the twins. It was small, but I noticed them, “what did he do?” I sighed. The girls laughed, “something about a ring on the wrong finger. I didn't know there was a wrong finger,” Daisy tells me. Oh no Louis still had the ring I got him on his ring finger, “I'll go sort this out,” I say.
The twins showed me where the kitchen was, but I didn't have time to look around. I noticed that Johanna was talking Louis as Louis had a smirk on his face. They noticed me and everyone else, “Anne did you know these two got married last night?” Johanna questioned her. Anne shook her head, “I did. Me and Niall were there,” Harry smiled. I looked at him to stop him talking, “it was simple and their vows made me cry,” Harry added.
“How did you get married? Lilly still seventeen,” Anne pointed out. I looked at Louis and he was trying not to laugh, “Lil pregnant,” Niall lied. Louis stood next me and wrapped his arm around me, “I explained to the judge that Lil was pregnant and didn't live with her birth mum anymore,” Niall kept lying. Louis dug his fingers into my side at the mention of my mother, “you all better be bullshitting us,” Anne warned.
“Yes we are,” Louis tells them. It looks like Louis couldn't take their glaring, “I tried to tell mum that, but she just kept saying how could I do that. The ring in on that finger, because me and Lilly played a joke on Harry and Niall this morning and I forgot to put it back on the other finger,” Louis explained. Louis put the ring on his other ring finger and show everyone, “I'm more surprised that Harry went with it,” I say. Louis agreed with me, “can we do it to the others when we see them tomorrow?” Harry begged.
“No. The girls will kill me before you can even tell them it was a joke,” I pointed out. Harry pouted, “plus the joke is getting old,” Louis says. I looked around the kitchen as Harry kept begging Louis. It was a nice simple white kitchen with wooden bench tops. The island in the middle of the room had a dark marble bench top. The kitchen was smaller than Anne’s, but bigger than my mother’s.
When Louis had enough of Harry. He pulled me out the backyard, so he could have a smoke. I didn’t look around I was looking at how good Louis looked tonight. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a white button up dress shirt. He also had a black denim jacket over the top with the sleeves rolled up to show off his tattoos. His hair styled into a messy quiff and if people weren’t inside I would have jumped him. Louis smiled as he caught me looking at him. I kissed him before he could get a smoke out. Louis quickly put my face between his hands as he kept kissing me.
When we pulled away Louis had a little bit of my lipstick on his lip. I wiped it off with my thumb, “thank god you’re here,” he smiled. We wrapped our arms around each other, “why that?” I wondered. Louis kissed my nose, “part from mum thinking that we got married. Lottie and Fizzy been fighting and mum put them in their room. Daniel went out. I been watching Barbie all afternoon with the twins,” he whined.
“You enjoyed watching Barbie,” I teased. Louis laughed a little bit as he rubbed his nose against mine, “and why are the girls fighting?” I asked. Louis sighed, “what I worked out is that Fizzy not happy that Lottie boyfriend coming tonight. I think Fizzy jealous. She also was snapping at me and telling me that I wasn’t allowed to kiss my girlfriend,” Louis tells me. I nodded my head, “you wanna know what I think?” I questioned. Louis nodded his head, “Fizzy is going through puberty,” I say.
“No. I don’t want to think about it,” Louis mumbled. I kissed him, “and I also don’t think she remembers the age gap between her and Lottie,” I tell him. Louis nodded his head, “she feels out of place since Lottie gets to do things before her. I think she don’t want to lose her or you, because when you came back you had me. She has to share you with me,” I added. Louis sighed as he nodded his head, “I’ll go to talk to her,” he says.
When we were in side Louis helped me take my jacket off, “wow,” he whispered. I looked at him and he was looking me up and down, “you got to go talk to someone,” I reminded him. Louis nodded his head, but his eyes never leaving my body. I pushed him away before he kissed me.
I sat down in the lounge room with Gemma and Josh, “where’s the birthday boy?” Josh asked. I pointed up, “talking to his sister,” I say. They both nodded their heads as Lottie came in. She sat down right next to me, “my boyfriend be here soon,” she tells me. I smiled at her, “quick tie Lou up,” Josh joked.
“His not going to be that bad is he?” Lottie questioned as she looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders, “I think he’ll be good,” I reassured her. Lottie looked nervous, “is everything alright?” I asked her. She nodded her head, “it’s just that my boyfriend is the opposite to Louis and the other guys,” she tells me. I think Louis be happy to hear that, “he is a nerd. He gets straight A’s, but his on the school’s football team,” she added. I grabbed her hand, “I think Louis would be happy to hear it,” I smiled. Louis walked in with Fizzy and I stopped him before he sat down. I dragged him into the hallway, “what’s wrong?” he wondered.
“I actually have good news for you,” I started. Louis was confused, “Lottie boyfriend is a good boy. He is a nerd,” I tell him. Louis looked happy, “thank god,” he smiled. There was a knock at the door, “that must be him,” I say. Louis smirked before he went to open the front door. I stood behind him to see a teenage boy. The boy was dressed in black dress pants, white dress shirt, a black tie with a grey sweater over the top. I looked at his face to see that he was a good looking guy. He had blonde hair styled up in a neater quiff than Louis. He had nice blue eyes, “I’m Desmond Elsey, but you can call me by my last name. I like it better,” he introduced himself.
“I’m Louis. I’m Lottie big brother and this is my girlfriend Lilly,” Louis introduced us. Desmond seemed scared as I noticed Louis purposely showing off his tattoos, “nice to meet you,” I smiled. I pushed past Louis, so I could hug Desmond. I let him in the house, “hunny can you give us a minute?” Louis asked me. I nodded my head before I left.
“Who was that?” Lottie questioned as soon as I walked back in the lounge room. I shook my head since if she found out that was talking to Desmond. She would run out there to save him. I looked at Gemma and she knew Louis was talking to him, “Where’s Harry and Niall?” I questioned. I haven’t seen them since Louis and I went outside, “gone to the shops to get something,” Josh tells me. I nodded my head before I sat down.
After a little while Louis walks in with Desmond. Lottie straight away ran to him and hugged him. Louis sat down next to me, “he is alright,” Louis tells me. I nodded my head, “told you,” I smiled. Louis kissed me, “I have to look out for my little sister like Harry looks out for you,” Louis says. I put my head on his shoulder and Louis kissed the top of my head, “Louis can you come into the kitchen!” Johanna shouted. Louis kissed me before he got up.
As soon as he was gone Gemma got up, “everyone here,” she says. Gemma left us and came back with our group. They were all dressed up with presents in their hands. Harry and Niall was with them, “I can’t wait to see his face,” Harry smiled. Josh got his camera out and got ready for Louis.
When Louis came back in with Anne and Johanna his face was shocked. He was looking at everyone, “happy birthday!” everyone shouted. Louis smiled big and I could swear that he was holding back tears. Liam hugged him first before everyone else did. Johanna made Louis sit down on the lounge before she left with Anne. He looked at me to sit next to him, so I did. Everyone sat around the lounge room looking at Louis, “had a good birthday so far?” Zayn asked him.
“The best,” Louis smiled. Johanna came back with a few presents and Anne came back in with Theo. Niall took Theo off of Anne and sat back down next to Harry. Johanna gave the twins, Lottie and Fizzy a present each to give to Louis, but Johanna went first. Louis opened it and it was a red and white striped football jersey. Louis held it up to see his last name and the number twenty-eight on the back. When he turned it around I noticed the team was Doncaster Rovers Football Club, “I also talked to the club about letting you go back to watch games. They say yes, but you only got one chance,” Johanna tells him. Louis seemed really happy, “oh thank you mum,” Louis smiled. Louis kissed Johanna cheek and I knew Louis did something bad at the last football match he went to.
Lottie was next and she got Louis a cup that said ‘My brother has an awesome sister. True story’. Fizzy got him a photo frame with him and the girls. The Picture looked recent since he had his tattoo’s, but no piercings. Under the photo was some writing that said ‘Sometimes being a big brother is even better than being a superhero’. Daisy was next and she got him a keychain of a half football with a heart behind it. On the heart it had twenty-eight and big brother. Phoebe was last out of his family and she gave Louis a notebook. The cover was a picture she drew of her family. I noticed that it didn’t have Daniel in it, but it had Mark. Louis looked emotional as he looked at all the presents that his family got him. I rubbed his back, “baby?” I questioned.
“I’m ok,” he whispered. He hugged and kissed his sisters, “I love you girls,” he whispered to them. They all smiled at him, “me and Niall next,” Harry says. He looked really excited as he grabbed a big present behind the lounge. Harry gave it to him and Louis opened it. It was a red sports bag with Tomlinson in white. Louis smiled as he hugged Harry, “thanks guys,” he tells them.
“Theo got you something too,” Niall says. Niall stood up with Theo in his arms. Theo was holding a little present as he was trying to eat it. Louis took Theo off of Niall, “don’t eat that,” Louis tells him. Theo smiled at him as Louis opened his present. It was a little football boot that said ‘Uncle Lou Bear no.1 fan – Theodore Louis Horan-Styles’. Louis kissed Theo forehead, “thanks guys,” Louis says. I noticed that Louis was getting emotional again as Niall took Theo off of him. Louis played with the little football boot in his hands. He kept running his thumb over Theo name, “you know it’s set in stone now?” I whispered.
“Really?” Louis questioned. I nodded my head and Louis let a tear fall. I wiped it away, “it’s ok,” I cooed. Louis kissed me before he stood up. He walked out of the lounge room. I looked at Harry, “go,” I tell him. Harry quickly left the lounge room, “my Lou Bear is over whelmed,” Johanna says. Niall and I looked at her, “you call him Lou Bear. That’s where Harry got it from,” Niall pointed out. Johanna nodded her head, “I have since he was born,” she tells us.
After a little while Louis and Harry came back. Louis sat down next to me, “now where were we?” Louis questioned. I noticed that his eyes were a little bit red and puffy, “I’m next,” Liam says. Liam gave him an envelope and Louis opened it, “yes. I wanted to go to this football match,” Louis smiled He had two tickets in his hand, “you can take Liam,” I tell him. Louis nodded his head, “we can have a girl day,” Sophia says. I nodded my head as Anne gave Louis her present. It was an Apple watch, “Anne I can’t,” Louis tells her.
“It’s not just from me. It also from your mum, but that also means you don’t get anything from us tomorrow,” Anne explained. Louis kissed her cheek and whispered something in her ear. Anne smiled at him, “no problem sweetie,” she says. Louis sat back down next to me, “what was that about?” I asked him. Louis shook his head as Zayn gave him a gift bag. Louis opened it before he got two different sizes presents out, “Perrie came up with one and I came up with the other,” Zayn tells him.
“So I hope you like it,” Perrie smiled. Louis opened the smaller one first. It was a phone case and on the back of it said ‘Louis loves Lilly’. Near my name I had lilies and Louis had a football, “Zayn designed it,” Perrie tells him. Louis opened the next one and it was a black t-shirt that said ‘I’m not cute. I’m punk. – Louis Tomlinson’. I laughed a little bit as everyone else was confused part Louis, Zayn, Perrie and I. Louis glared at Zayn, “your cute. No your cute,” Zayn teased.
“Ok. I think we’re missing something,” Liam says. I nodded my head, “they calling each other cute when we went shopping for Lil bikini,” Zayn tells them. They all nodded their heads, “my cute punk,” I smiled. Louis kissed me, “one more to go Lou,” Josh says. Josh gave him his present before Louis opened it. It was two photo frames with pieces of paper in them, “you bastard,” Louis swore.
“Mum. Lou said a naughty word,” Daisy says. Johanna laughed at her as I was reading the pieces of paper:
Back at school they all thought I was an outcast, car crash "A hopeless fool", they said to me And my girlfriend said I messed up, will I ever grow up? In the end, I'm not gonna
What was I thinking? Everyone sees it It's not a secret That I'm just a reject Sick of the system Don't wanna hear it It's not a secret That I'm just a reject
I'm just a reject
My teacher said I was mentally disabled, so unstable So I'd stay in bed all day Save your breath, you can talk at me, but I'm not listening If this is a test, then I'm probably failing
What was I thinking? Everyone sees it It's not a secret That I'm just a reject Sick of the system Don't wanna hear it It's not a secret That I'm just a reject
They try to save me, but I'm too far gone And they call me crazy so I played along And you wanna change me, but I'm on my own
What was I thinking? Everyone sees it It's not a secret That I'm just a reject Sick of the system Don't wanna hear it It's not a secret That I'm just a reject
“That is Louis first song that he showed me. I’ve had it for a couple of years,” Josh tells us. Louis noticed that I read it, “told you I was a reject,” he says. I shook my head, “it’s a good song tho,” I smiled. Louis kissed me, “dinner be ready soon,” Johanna tells us. Her and Anne left the lounge room, “I love you guys, but I’ll be back,” Louis tells us. He stood up and left the room, “your turn Flower,” Harry says. I stood up, “he went up the stairs,” Fizzy tells me.
I found Louis in his mum’s room. He was sitting on her bed was the little football boot in his hands, “baby?” I wondered. Louis looked at me, “sit with me please,” he begged. I sat down next to him, “what’s going on?” I asked. Louis looked down at the little football boot, “normally on my birthday. I’m sitting at home by myself. Last year Harry and Niall came around, but they left before midnight. I’m just so overwhelmed with everyone here. To be able to spend my birthday with my family. With you. I don’t know how to feel. It’s like everything hitting me all at once. Then Niall and Harry give me this,” Louis started. He held up the little football boot, “with Theo new name on it and you telling me that Niall actually changed it. I was hit by more emotions again. I swear if you tell me that your pregnant. I think I will bull my eyes out,” he confessed.
“I’m not pregnant,” I reassured him. Louis laughed a little bit, “how sure are you?” he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “I’m due in a couple of days, but don’t jinx us,” I tell him. Louis smiled as he kissed me, “I don’t think my life could get any better than right now, so I think your safe,” he says. I raised an eyebrow, “so if I was pregnant you be happy?” I questioned. Louis nodded his head, “but we are going to wait until we are both ready,” he reminded me. I think Louis happiness was making him drunk, “I think my baby lost it,” I smiled.
“I haven’t lost it. I’m just really happy and I haven’t been this happy for a long time. I am really happy that I got you. Everything that makes me happy is here with me tonight. My family, the guys and you. It’s everything that makes me happy in this world. And you all support me in my little boy’s dream,” Louis rambled. I love seeing Louis this happy. It made him smile that it crinkled his eyes. Louis wrapped his arms around me, “you’re my everything,” he whispered. I kissed his forehead, “you’re my everything,” I tell him.
Louis and I went down after we got called to dinner. Louis took me into the dining room and I loved how it was set up. There was a big long wooden table with missed matched chairs. Along one of the walls was a huge cube bookshelf filled with kid’s stuff. In the middle of the table was lots of food and everyone was sitting around the table. Theo was in his highchair next to Harry on the corner, so Louis and I sat at the top of the table next to them. Louis sat next to Theo after he took his jacket off. Anne and Johanna sat at the other end of the table, “anyone want to say anything?” Johanna asked.
“I like to thank everyone for coming tonight. It really means a lot to me. I am thankful for a lot of things today and that’s thanks to you guys. Thank you,” Louis says as he held his drink up. I kissed his cheek, “Happy birthday Lou,” Liam smiled. We all cheered before we started eating.
Halfway through dinner Niall got my attention as I was talking to Lottie and Fizzy. He pointed to Harry and Louis feeding Theo. Louis was making Theo laugh every time Harry was about to feed him, “would you stop that,” Harry tells him. Louis smiled as he shook his head, “if you do it again. I will put these mushed up green beans on your white shirt,” Harry warned him. Louis poked Harry nose and Harry flicked Theo food on him, “mum. Harry threw food at me,” Louis whined.
“Mum. Louis won’t stop playing with Theo when I’m trying to feed him,” Harry whined too. Both Johanna and Anne sighed, “would you two stop or I will separate you two,” Johanna tells them. They both nodded their heads, “Niall and Lilly swap spots with them,” Anne tells us. Niall and I swapped spots with Harry and Louis. I fed Theo, “Louis is in a very good mood,” Niall pointed out. I nodded my head, “did you suck him off before dinner?” he whispered. I shook my head, “he is actually happy,” I tell him.
The rest of dinner was filled with small talk and couple of jokes that Harry told. All the boys stood up, “smoke babe?” Louis asked me. I shook my head, “Flower don’t smoke anymore,” Harry tells him. Louis looked shocked, “since when?” he questioned. I started cleaning up the table, “since today. I went outside with the guys and didn’t feel like one. I haven’t all day,” I admitted. Louis slowly nodded his head, “you can go,” I tell him. Louis kissed me before he left, “now how do we get that boy to quit?” Johanna wondered. I kept cleaning the table, “I think he’ll do it himself soon,” Anne smiled.
After we cleaned the dining room. We set Louis cake up before he came in. He looked at his cake carefully, “this is amazing babe,” he smiled. Louis quickly came over to me and kissed me, “better than the one I got at my party,” he added. I kissed his nose as I wrapped my arms around his neck, “you wore that,” I reminded him. Louis laughed a little, “so did you,” he says.
After we sang happy birthday to him. We sat in the lounge room eating the cake, “it’s nice to just sit and talk,” Perrie says. We all agreed with her, “it’s going to be a great Christmas tomorrow too,” Niall smiled. Harry smiled at him before he kissed him, “so who’s house we going to this year?” Zayn questioned. We all looked at each other, “my house,” Harry says. We all nodded our heads, “um since we got Theo,” Harry added.
“We understand mate. It must be nice having a kid now. You get to do all the fun family things again,” Liam tells them. Harry and Niall nodded their heads, “sounds like you want a family,” Louis pointed out. Liam nodded his head, “one day after I’m finished with school,” Liam admitted. Sophia smiled at him as we started talking about random stuff.
Louis and I sat in the lounge room with Daisy and Phoebe after we cleaned up from eating the cake. We were watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I had my legs on the lounge as I cuddled up to Louis, but I had Daisy laying down in front of me with her legs over mine and her head on Louis thigh. I had my arm wrapped around her as my other arm was behind Louis back. Phoebe was on the other side of him and Louis had one of his arms around her while he had the other around me. Everyone else was cleaning up or outside smoking.  Liam, Sophia, Perrie and Lottie boyfriend Desmond had to leave to go back to their families. Louis seemed not to mind that they weren’t here that long. I just think he was happy that they came in the first place, “you comfy?” Louis asked me.
“Yeah. You?” I asked back. Louis nodded his head before he kissed the top of mine, “sorry if you wanted to watch this with just me,” he apologized. I shook my head, “I actually think this is better,” I tell him. Louis smiled as he kissed me, “would you two watch the movie,” Daisy says. Louis and I laughed a little before we went back to watching that movie. I ran my fingers backwards and forwards along the skin of Louis’s lower back. He dug his fingers into me, “babe can you please stop that. I don’t want a problem around my sisters and we have nowhere to go without someone knowing,” Louis whispered. I stopped and Louis kissed the top of my head, “thank you,” he says.
After a little bit Harry and Niall came in with Theo in Niall’s arms, “oh look a cute little family,” Harry teased. Louis just smiled at him as Niall came over. Niall put Theo on Louis chest, “now that’s better,” he smiled. Niall stood back with Harry before Harry took a photo, “can you actually watch him for a little bit? We need to go out to get some milk,” Harry wondered. Louis nodded his head, “but you’re going to have to move Daisy. Theo not light,” Louis tells her.
“Thank you,” Niall smiled. I moved to grab a pillow for Daisy as Louis moved Theo down to sit on his lap. I put the pillow in front of me and Daisy put her head on it. I moved closer to Louis, so I could put my head above Theo’s, “take your time. You got the rest of the night off,” Louis tells them. Harry and Niall both shook their heads, “you can’t do that. It’s your birthday,” Harry pointed out. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “I want to spend time with my nephew,” Louis smiled. Harry looked like he wanted to grab Theo from Louis, “go Harry,” I tell him.
When Niall and Harry left Louis kept moving around a little bit, “I’m going to go give Theo a bath,” Louis tells me. He stood up with Theo, “sorry if you wanted to watch the movie with me, but I can’t keep still,” he apologized. I sat up, “it’s ok. I have the girls,” I say. I was a little bit hurt that Louis didn’t want to stay and watch the movie with us, but he was spending time with Theo. He kissed me, “be back soon,” he smiled.
The twins got comfy on me as Lottie and Fizzy came in, “Zayn helping Lou bath Theo. Mum and Aunty Anne watching them,” Fizzy tells me. I laughed a little bit as they sat down on both sides of the twins, “I like this movie,” Lottie smiled. Gemma came in, “when did it take three men to bath one baby?” she questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “sit next to me Gem?” Phoebe asked. Gemma nodded her head, “but can I please sit next to Lilly?” Gemma wondered. Phoebe and Fizzy moved, so Gemma could sit down next to me, “well it looks like Louis has lost his spot,” I say.
The boys came out twenty minutes later with a clean and changed Theo. Harry and Niall still weren’t back, “aww that a family picture,” Josh smiled as he looked at us. He got his camera and took a picture of us girls, “I think I will call it sisters,” Zayn says. We all looked at him, “What are you talking about?” I wondered. Zayn just smiled at me, “nothing,” he lied. I saw Louis go into Theo baby bag and got out a bottle, “well get comfy guys on the other lounge,” Louis tells them.
“Can we pick the next movie?” Josh asked. Louis nodded his head before he left the room. I love to see Louis being all maternal with Theo. It just makes me smile and happy, “it’s right about men with babies is just porn for women,” Zayn says. We all looked at him, “what’s porn?” Daisy asked. Zayn turned deep red, “adult stuff,” Josh tells her. Daisy nodded her head while Lottie was trying not to laugh. Louis came back in, “Lou do you have porn?” Daisy asked him. Louis stopped dead with shock over his face, “where do you learn that word?” he questioned. Daisy pointed to Zayn, “I forgot that there were kids here,” Zayn defended himself.
“Go sit in the corner until I get you,” Louis ordered. Zayn got up and sat in the corner of the lounge room, “now girls don’t say that word again or mum will kill us,” Louis tells them. They all nodded their heads as Louis sat down next to Josh, “you alright there dad?” Josh asked Louis. Louis nodded his head, “fine. Just don’t want the girls to learn words like that,” he replied. He started feeding Theo and Josh took a photo of him, “you have a stain from the green beans,” Josh tells him. Louis shrugged his shoulders, “knowing this little guy. His growing to throw up his bottle on me,” Louis says. Josh shook his head, “he hasn’t done that for a while,” he tells him.
I watched Louis feed Theo as Louis was watching Theo. It looked so natural to him that I knew that he would be a great father, “you alright?” Gemma whispered. I nodded my head before I put it on her shoulder, “you got tears in your eyes,” she tells me, so Louis couldn’t hear. I looked at Louis and he was still looking at Theo, “I’m fine,” I say. Gemma kissed my forehead, “seeing him like that makes you think about it,” Gemma pointed out. I hid my face into her shoulder, “he will be a great dad,” I mumbled.
When I knew that I had my emotions under control. I went back to watching the movie, but it was the end of it. Louis let Zayn come out of the corner and Josh picked another Christmas movie, “ok girls before this movie starts. I need you to get changed for bed,” Louis ordered. All the girls got up and ran off to their rooms. Gemma and I was still on the lounge, “I think that goes for you too Louis,” I teased.
“You’re on my bed,” he tells me. I shrugged my shoulders, “you can still go get changed in the bathroom,” I pointed out. Louis handed Josh Theo before he went into his bag. He grabbed out some clothes, “ok mum,” Louis says. I smiled at him, “attitude or Santa won’t come,” I joked. Louis kissed me before he left the room. Zayn smiled at me, “I can’t wait to grow old with you guys,” he says.
“Hunny we’re home,” we heard Niall say. Him and Harry came into the lounge room with smiles on their faces, “about time. Your child has been fed, bathed and changed,” Josh tells him. Niall and Harry sat down, “it took three boys to bathe him,” Gemma smiled. Harry and Niall laughed, “but it only took one of them to dress him and feed him,” Gemma added.
“We supervised the whole thing,” Zayn says. Harry nodded his head, “girls make sure you brush your teeth!” Louis shouted. He walked back in, “good to see you back,” Louis smiled. Louis sat down next to me, “let me guess. Lou Bear been looking after all the kids,” Harry pointed out. We all nodded our heads as Louis glared at Harry for calling him Lou Bear, “Why don’t you like it when Harry calls you Lou Bear? Can only your mum call you that?” I teased. Louis went bright red, “yes,” he mumbled.
“Aww Lou Bear is a Mummy’s boy,” Gemma teased. Louis pulled me closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me, “where are they tho?” Niall wondered. Louis played with my dress, “last time I saw them they were drinking in the kitchen. Well Anne was drinking,” Josh tells us. Harry sighed as he stood up, “I’ll go check on them,” he says. Harry left, “I think it’s good for them,” I smiled.
When Harry came back he was in shock, “don’t go out there unless you want to be picked on and Lou your mum not holding back,” Harry tells us. Niall looked curious, “I might go check for myself,” he says. Niall got up and went to the kitchen, “Harry what did they do to you?” Louis asked. Harry shook his head, “your mum asked questions about how Niall and I do it. Mum wasn’t there at the start, but when she came back your mum told her everything,” Harry replied.
“I’m so sorry Harry. We will get used to it. We have to stick together against these women,” Louis tells him. Harry nodded his head, “but why did you tell Johanna how you and Niall did it?” I wondered. Everyone was looking at Harry, “she only thought there was one way, so I told her about the others,” Harry explained. Niall came in and sat down next to Harry, “you told her what I do with my tongue,” Niall says.
“So it was more than positions that Harry told,” Zayn smirked. Harry went bright red, “well I can’t help you with that,” Louis tells him. Harry put his head on Niall shoulder and Niall pushed him away, “you did this,” Niall reminded him. Harry took Theo off of Josh, “at least my son won’t reject me,” Harry smiled. Theo smiled as he clapped his hands at Harry, “I have a question for the two dads in the room,” Zayn started. Harry and Niall looked at him, “What is Theo going to call you? I know your both his dads, but won’t that confuse you and him. What if Theo wanted Niall, but Harry came?” Zayn questioned.
“We already work that out. Harry going to be dad and I’m going to be papa,” Niall tells us. We all like that, “my money on Theo saying dad first,” Zayn says. Josh agreed with him, “my money on papa,” Louis tells them. I shook my head as the girls came back, “that’s my Lilly Belle,” Daisy pouted. She stood in front of us with her hands on her hips, “what about me? I have no one” Zayn questioned.
“Your Lucky Louis,” Daisy tells him. Daisy and Phoebe sat with Zayn as Josh moved to sit next to Gemma. Lottie and Fizzy came in and sat on the floor. Zayn played the movie and Niall wrapped his arms around Harry and Theo. Everyone looked happy as we watched the movie.
**** Today was Christmas and I got up early. Well my body got me up early. I started my period and it wasn’t due for another two days. I had a shower and put on a new pair of pyjamas before I went downstairs. I found Niall and Theo in the kitchen, “morning,” he mumbled. I hugged him before I kissed his cheek, “morning,” I say. Theo looked sleepy, “it’s six o’clock in the morning. We should be in bed still,” Niall whined.
“Yes we should,” I tell him. Niall got Theo bottle out of the fridge, “what you doing up?” he asked. We walked into the lounge room, “girl things,” I say. Niall nodded his head slowly as we sat down. I noticed there was a lot more presents under the tree, “merry Christmas,” I smiled. Niall opened his arm out, so I would cuddle against him. He kissed the top of my head, “merry Christmas princess,” he whispered. I looked at Theo and he was already back to sleep with his bottle hanging out of his mouth. Niall was close behind him, “go back to sleep Ni,” I tell him. I closed my eyes as well.
I got woken up by Theo pulling on my hair. I grabbed it to stop him pulling, “no,” I tell him. He smiled at me, “well I guess it’s time to get up,” I say. I noticed that Niall still asleep, so I tried to take Theo off of him, but Niall’s grip around him got tighter. I looked at the time to see it was eight o’clock now, “Ni time to get up. Theo awake and you won’t let him go,” I say as I shook Niall. He slowly opened his eyes, “please tell me that we haven’t been to sleep for ten minutes,” he begged.
“We’ve been asleep for about two hours,” I tell him. Niall smiled at me, “you could have had a bit more, but you wouldn’t let Theo go,” I added. Niall looked down at Theo, “because his mine and its Christmas. We should get everyone else up,” he rambled. I think Niall was excited since it was Theo first Christmas, “you get Anne and Gemma and I’ll get Harry,” he smiled.
I went to get Gemma up first which was a struggle, so I jumped on her bed until she got up, “your making me regret this sister thing,” she groaned. I sat down next to her, “but that’s what sisters do,” I smiled. I kissed the side of her head, “come on we have to wake up mum,” I added. Gemma pushed me away and I fell off the bed, “Harry! Gemma being mean!” I shouted. Gemma was laughing at me, “I didn’t mean that,” she says. Harry came in, “be nice it’s Christmas,” he tells us. Gemma and I both nodded our heads, “let’s get mum,” I smiled. I quickly got up, “someone excited,” Gemma teased.
“It’s Christmas,” I say. I ran over to Harry and hugged him tight. Harry hugged me back as tight, “merry Christmas Flower,” he smiled. He kissed my forehead, “let’s go get mum,” he tells me. I nodded my head before we looked at Gemma. She still was lying in bed, “I’m coming,” she sighed. She slowly got out of bed, “where’s Niall?” Gemma questioned. Harry started pulling me, “making breakfast,” he tells us.
When we got to mum’s room. We stood around the bed watching her sleep, “mum,” Harry says as she shook her a little bit, but nothing. Gemma tried next, but also got nothing. I shook mum a bit harder than Harry and Gemma, “mum it’s time to get up,” I smiled. Harry and Gemma were smiling at me, “was that you Lilly?” mum questioned. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I nodded my head, “come on mum. Niall making breakfast,” I say. Before I could move mum hugged me tight, “say it again please,” mum cried. I hugged her back tight, “mum. You’re my mum,” I tell her.
After Anne calmed down we went to the kitchen to see Niall cooking. He looked at us, “Lil you said it didn’t you?” Niall asked. I looked at mum she looked like she was about to cry again, “I did,” I smiled. Harry stood next to Niall before he kissed him.
Gemma and I set up the dining room table as mum and Harry helped Niall finish breakfast. When I was done setting the table. I put Theo in his high chair and waited for everyone else, “it’s your first Christmas,” I say. I poked Theo belly and he laughed, “can’t wait until your older. It be different. You be waking daddy and papa up at six o’clock in the morning, because Santa came,” I added. Harry came in and put a plate down in front of me. Harry sat down on the other side of Theo with a bowl of baby cereal. He started feeding him, “you take this dad role seriously,” I teased.
“It’s called sharing. I normally feed Theo in the mornings. Niall a pain to get up early, but he does get up during the night with him,” Harry tells me. I nodded my head, “Niall was up at six o’clock this morning with him,” I says. Harry seemed surprised, “we fell back to sleep on the lounge for a couple of hours,” I added.
“What were you doing up?” Harry wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “just couldn’t sleep,” I lied. Harry started feed Theo as everyone else came in. Niall sat on the other side of Harry after he put a plate down for him, “so you and Flower were cuddled up on the lounge this morning,” Harry started.
“We were both tired still and Theo fell asleep. I didn’t want to move and Lil was comfy against me,” Niall interrupted. Harry smiled at him as he kissed him, “calm down. I wasn’t going to say anything bad. I was going to say that I wish I saw it,” he reassured him. Niall smiled a little as he went bright red, “you don’t have to defend yourself when it comes to Flower, because I know nothing would happen since Louis would kill you,” he added.
“Let’s eat, so we can start Christmas,” Mum smiled. We started eating, “so what’s the plan for the day?” Gemma wondered. Harry seemed nervous, “we’re staying home all day. I just want to spend it with my family,” mum tells us. We were all happy with that, “but when Louis comes later. His mum and sisters are coming too,” mum added. Harry was confused, “can I ask why?” Gemma asked.
“Because she is my friend and I like someone to talk to tonight while you kids have fun with your friends,” mum replied. I nodded my head, “but what about Daniel?” Niall questioned. Mum played with her food, “his going to see his family tonight,” she replied. Harry was still confused, “mum is everything alright with them?” Harry wondered. Mum nodded her head, “let’s eat,” she faked smiled.
After we finished breakfast we sat in the lounge room. Harry and Niall sat on the floor with Theo. Mum, Gemma and I sat on the lounge, “who going first?” Gemma wondered. We all looked Theo, “Theo it’s his first Christmas,” mum says. Harry quickly went to get Theo presents from under the tree.
Theo had a lot of presents from all of us. It was mostly toys, books and clothes. We all decided for mum to go next. Gemma got her a new diary, Harry and Niall got her gold bracelet, Theo got her a photo frame with Theo’s feet and hand prints with the date. I slowly gave mum her present and she opened it quickly. Mum started crying as she put the necklace on. Gemma and Harry had a closer look, “mum forever and always,” Gemma whispered. I nodded my head, “you guys are my family. No one can me tell you’re not,” I admitted.  
“I think I might cry at this family bonding moment,” Niall says. Harry hugged him, “you’re a part of this family,” Harry tells him. Niall had tears in his eyes now as he hugged Harry back tight, “let’s get on with Christmas,” Niall mumbled. Harry kissed him before they looked at me, “I think your next,” Harry smiled.
Everyone went to the tree and grabbed a present. Mum had a couple in her hands as she sat next to me. Gemma handed me hers first, so I opened it. It was a necklace with a silver heart locket with a purple and pink butterfly. There was also a little heart that said ‘Lil Sister’ on it. I opened the locket to see a picture of Gemma and Harry, “ok this not fair. Christmas is meant to be smiles not tears,” Niall says.  
“Happy tears,” I smiled. Gemma hugged me before she showed me her necklace. It was the same as mine, but it said ‘Big Sister’ and had a picture of me and Harry. I hugged her again, “it means a lot to me,” I tell her. She kissed my cheek, “it means a lot to me too,” she smiled. I hugged her again, “ok me and Niall next,” Harry says. Harry handed me a small box, “open it,” Harry half shouted.
“Calm down,” Niall tells him. I open it to find a silver charm bracelet with six charms already on it. There was panda bear, football, a tree of life, a heart that looked like a real one, four leaf clover and pair of blue baby boots. I knew each of them meant something to us, “thank you boys,” I smiled. I hugged them tight, “and now Theo’s,” Niall says. I thought it was cute that Niall and Harry got another present to say it was from Theo. I opened it after Niall gave it to me. It was a black art journal with Theo’s hands on the front cover. On the back it had Theo’s full name, “this is wonderful guys,” I say.
“Don’t cry again,” Niall teased. I stuck my middle finger up at him, “I think I’ll only put Theo in this,” I tell them. They smiled at me, “still got some left,” mum says. She handed me two of them, “these are nothing special,” she added. I opened them to find a new iPhone and an Apple watch, “I think this would be the best Christmas present,” mum smiled. It was a thin envelope, “what’s this?” I questioned.
“Just open it,” mum tells me. I slowly opened it and pulled a piece of paper out. I read it, “I’m yours?” I whispered. This didn’t make sense since the court date was next month, “yes you are. It’s all over Lilly,” mum reassured me. I started crying and now I knew how Louis felt last night, “so you’re really my sister now,” Harry smiled. I smiled back at him, “I guess I am,” I smiled back.
We all decided that Niall was next, so Harry took Theo off of him. Mum went first and It was a brand new Mac computer, “that’s from me and Gemma,” Mum tells him. Niall shook his head, “it’s too much,” he says. Mum just smiled at him, “well I’m not taking it back, so you might as well keep it,” she pointed out. Niall looked at the box, “thank you,” he tells them. Niall hugged them both, “Flower next,” Harry tells him.
“What did you get me Styles?” Niall questioned. Harry shook his head as I gave him my present. Niall opened it, “for fuck sake you guys,” Niall swore. Niall hugged me tight, “you guys have spent too much money on me,” he says. We all shook our heads, “your worth every penny and much more,” I tell him. Niall hid his face into his hands, “you guys are amazing,” he mumbled into his hands.
“Baby. Theo is next,” Harry tells him. Niall looked at Harry and Harry gave him Theo with a present in his hand. Niall opened it and it was a notebook with Theo’s hand prints all over it, “for your music,” Harry says. Niall kissed Theo forehead before he kissed Harry’s lips, “thank you,” he smiled. Harry kissed him, “mine now,” he says. Harry got up and ran off, “what he doing?” Niall questioned. We all shrugged our shoulders, “don’t know sweetie,” mum says.
Harry came back after a little bit with a red electric guitar, “you didn’t,” Niall says. Harry nodded his head as he came closer. Gemma took Theo off of Niall, so Niall could stand up to grab the guitar. Niall looked over it until he got the back. He was reading something, “follow your dreams, because I know you can do it,” Niall whispered.
“Now this next surprise you might kill me for,” Harry started. Harry got a piece of paper out of his track pants. He gave it to Niall, “your fucking kidding me!” Niall shouted. Niall didn’t look angry. He looked shocked, “they want it,” Harry tells him. The rest of us were confused, “want what?” I wondered.
“They want my song,” Niall tells us. We all shocked, but we all were happy for him, “what song?” I questioned. Harry smiled big, “it’s called secret love song,” Harry replied. Niall was reading the piece of paper over and over again, “can we listen to it later?” I asked. Harry nodded his head as Niall was still in shock, “you’re an arse,” Niall whispered
We all hugged Niall when he came back to earth. Harry was next with his presents. Mum got him some clothes and couple of games and Gemma gave him some books to read. Niall went next and it was couple of band t-shirts. Harry held up the Kiss t-shirt, “love them,” he smiled. He kissed Niall, “now what did my son get me?” Harry wondered. Niall handed him a little box, so Harry opened it. It was a necklace with a cross on it, “I know you been eyeing it off,” Niall started rambling. Harry kissed him to stop, “thank you,” Harry whispered. Niall smiled as he kissed him, “ok you two can save that until later,” Gemma whined.
“Ok,” Harry smiled. I gave him my present. Harry ran his finger over the word of ‘Big Brother’, “I think we’ve gone sentimental this Christmas,” Harry says. He hugged me tight, “thank you for coming back,” Harry whispered in my ear. I kissed his cheek, “thank you for not forgetting me,” I whispered back. Harry moved back a little, “never,” he says.
Gemma was last to open her presents. Mum got her a new laptop for University, Harry and Niall got her camera, Theo got her a dairy with a photo collage of him on the cover and I gave her my books. Mum said she had one more present each for all of us. We all opened them at the same time and they were Christmas jumpers. Gemma and I had the same. It was a light blue with white polka dot all over it. In the middle was a penguin with a Christmas hat on, “thanks mum,” me and Gemma say at the same time. Niall and Harry hid theirs, “we will show you after we had a shower,” Niall tells us.
We quickly ran off to go have a shower and change for Christmas. So we could clean up before we started on lunch. I had a quick shower since I had one early this morning. I put on a pair of black jeans after I put on my undies. I also put on a long black sleeved top with lace on the shoulder and the end of the sleeves. I put on my black Ugg boots before I put on my Christmas jumper. I put my hair up in a ponytail and left my room.
When I got downstairs mum was dressing Theo in his Christmas outfit, “I can finish dressing Theo while you go get ready,” I suggested. She smiled at me, “I might just do that,” she says. Mum kissed my forehead before she started leaving, “mum thank you for fighting for me,” I tell her. She ran back over to hug me, “I’ll do anything for you,” she whispered. I looked at her, “to me you have always been my mum,” I admitted. Mum started crying as she kept hugging me.
When mum stopped hugging me and left to go get ready. I finished getting Theo dressed and Gemma came down, “so much rubbish everywhere,” she smiled. I nodded my head as she noticed Theo, “are them two doing it in the shower?” she questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, “well you’re out before them, so probably,” I say. Gemma started cleaning up and sorting out the presents.
When Gemma finished cleaning I put Theo on the floor with some of his new toys. I went over to the stuff I got for Christmas. I put on my necklace that Gemma got me and the bracelet the boys got me. I grabbed my new phone after I grabbed my old one, “you have a new number too,” mum tells me as she walked in.
“Glad I don’t know that many people,” I say. I turned on my new phone and waited for it to load, “so what’s going to be your first picture?” Gemma asked me. She sat down next to me with her new laptop, “I don’t know. Never thought about it,” I say. I looked at the pictures on my old phone. Most of them were landscape or animals, but when I started at Eden. I had more pictures of my friends and Louis. I found the one I took of myself that I sent Louis when he was at the gym. I still can’t believe that I did that.
As I was putting everyone phone numbers in my phone. Harry and Niall came out in their matching Christmas jumpers. It was dark blue with Rudolf the red nosed reindeer in the middle, “oh that’s cute,” Gemma teased. Niall stuck his finger up as he sat down next to Theo. Harry looked over my shoulder, “don’t forget to set your music up on it and a wallpaper,” he tells me. I nodded my head, “thinking of a wallpaper,” I mumbled.
When I put everyone number in my phone I sent out a message saying Merry Christmas. I also told them that it was my new number. I grabbed my old phone and sent the picture of Louis and Theo asleep in Louis bed. I smiled as I set it as my background, “great picture,” Gemma says. I nodded my head, “they look so peaceful. I wish I could go back,” I admitted.
For the rest of the morning I set up my phone while helping mum cook Christmas dinner. I got messages back from everyone saying Merry Christmas. Louis kept messaging me asking me to save him from his sisters. I just told him to suck it up and have fun.
Christmas dinner went by fast with small talk and bad jokes. Mum looked happy through the whole thing and so was I. It was the first Christmas in a long-time were I was happy. I knew nothing could change how I feel right now.
As I was putting Theo down for his afternoon nap. I sat on the rocking chair with him as I sang him a lullaby. I kept him with me even when he was asleep, “don’t ever change,” I whispered. I felt someone watching me, so I looked up to see Louis. He put his finger over his lips, “don’t want to wake him,” he whispered. He came over to me and kissed me, “Merry Christmas,” he says.
“Merry Christmas,” I smiled. Louis kissed me again before he sat down on the footstool. He smiled at Theo, “had a good Christmas so far?” he asked. I nodded my head, “great one. I don’t have to go to court next month. Mum already did it all, so I’m already hers,” I tell him. Louis ran his knuckles under my eye, “that fantastic babe,” he smiled.
“What about you?” I wondered. Louis smiled a little, “the twins woke me up at six and told me that Santa came. I got up with them, but told them they had to wait for everyone. They woke everyone up part from mum. I had to get mum up at seven, because they won’t leave me alone. I forgot what it was like to be a kid again,” he says. I laughed a little bit, “sound like you’ve had a great morning too,” I teased.
“I did actually,” he smiled. Louis grabbed Theo hand, “Harry told me that you and Niall were cuddled up on the lounge this morning,” he added. I nodded my head, “we both were up early and still tired, so we went back to sleep when Theo did,” I explained. Louis kissed me, “why were you up early?” he questioned.
“How do I put this,” I started. Louis looked confused, “I’m not pregnant,” I tell him. Realization came over Louis, “it’s alright. I think we got enough the other night,” he says. He kissed me, “how about we put this one in his cot and go down to see the girls?” Louis suggested. I nodded my head before I got up.
After I put Theo in his cot. Louis and I went downstairs to see the girls in the lounge room. They all were excited to see me as the twin ran up to me. They hugged me tight and I smiled at them. I noticed that mum and Johanna were fighting about something. I got Louis attention on them, “what going on?” he asked them. Mum looked at him, “I got the girls and your mum something for Christmas, but she saying I can’t give them out,” mum explained.
“Because we didn’t get anything for you,” Johanna says. Mum shook her head, “I don’t care. You being here is enough for me,” Mum smiled at her. Johanna hugged her tight, “so girls sit down,” Mum tells them. Louis sister all sat on the lounge before mum gave them a present each. Mum left Johanna last, “Merry Christmas,” Mum says.
We all played games as we waited for everyone else to turn up. Josh was first and Gemma tackled him before he even got in the door. Zayn and Perrie were next and the twins pushed Perrie out the way, so they could have Zayn. Liam and Sophia were last, but they look like they were up to something before they came.
We all sat in the lounge room without Louis’s sisters and our mums. We handed out our presents to each other, but I didn’t give Louis his. I got art stuff off of Zayn, a phone case same as Louis’s from Perrie, books from Sophia, a crystal panda bear from Liam and Josh gave me photo frame with a picture when we were younger and a picture from now.
When everyone was looking at the presents. I grabbed Louis and took him to my room. We sat on my bed, “I wanted to give you yours with no one around,” I started. I handed him his present and he opened it, “it’s dog tags with special dates to us,” I tell him. Louis ran his thumb over the dates, “first of September. The day I met you. Thirteenth of October. The day I said I love you,” Louis started. He looked confused about the next date Twenty second of November?” Louis questioned.
“The first time you asked me to marry you,” I tell him. Louis smiled a little, “twenty sixth of November. This one has two meanings to us. That day I promised you that we be together forever and always, but it was also the day we lost our baby,” he says. I nodded my head before I kissed him, “I love you,” I whispered. Louis kissed me, “I love you and this is fantastic,” he smiled. Louis kissed me again, “now my present is not as good as yours,” he tells me.
“So you’re not going to propose again,” I joked. Louis laughed a little bit as he shook his head. He got out and envelope and gave it to me. I pulled out two tickets for Hunter Hayes, “you’re kidding me,” I say. Louis shook his head, “his coming to London for a small show,” Louis tells me. I hugged him tight, “you can take whoever you want,” he added. I kissed him, “you,” I smiled. Louis laughed a bit, “thought so,” he whispered.
Louis put on his dog tags before we went back down. The girls were playing a dancing game on the TV as everyone watched. Louis and I sat down on the floor in front of the lounge. Mum came in and threw the boys a present each. They all opened them and they all were a Christmas jumper, “you have to wear them,” Mum tells them. Mum also gave all the girls one, “you all must wear it,” she added. Louis put his on, “now this is Christmas,” he smiled.
After a while we all decided to put a movie in since everyone was tired. I curled up with Louis on the lounge, “now this is how you end Christmas,” Liam says. We all agreed with him, “I think this is the best Christmas I have ever had,” I whispered. Louis kissed the top of my head, “same,” he says. I looked at him, “I love you,” I smiled. Louis kissed me, “I love you,” he smiled back.
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categorieltpff · 8 years
pls pls pls pls post a new chapter!! i can't wait anymore
new chapter be up soon
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categorieltpff · 9 years
Chapter 8 - One Week
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The next morning, we both woke-up late. Lilly was already dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I really wanted to rip them off her, so we could stay in bed all day. I turned away from her before I did. I felt her fingers on my back over the scratches that she gave me last night, “I think you like it last night,” I smirked.
“I think you did too,” Lilly smiled as she pointed to her neck. I kissed the mark I gave her last night, “you know I'm going to cover it up?” she asked. I shook my head, “but how are people know your mine then?” I pouted. Lilly kissed me, “I know, but Harry thought I went home last night tho,” she reminded me. I couldn’t help, but smile at the fact that after everything we went through with Harry. Lilly still wanted to be a good girl in his eyes, “but he said that he doesn’t care what we get up to tho,” I pointed out. Lilly smiled a little bit, “I know, but he will ask questions why I didn’t go home last night. I can’t tell him that my mother is a bitch,” she says. I hugged her trying to get rid of the worry that Lilly had, “ok. I understand,” I tell her. I kissed her before I let her go into the bathroom.
As soon as she was in the bathroom I went into my wardrobe. I found my clothes that I wore last Monday and they were clean. I quickly put on my black skinny jeans and my red t-shirt. I thought I’ll make today special for Lilly since it’s our one-week anniversary. I just want to make her happy today after the weekend we had.
When Lilly came out of the bathroom. I quickly went in there to do my hair. I went through my bathroom drawers until I found my red hair colour. I styled my hair like the first day even with my red tips, “remember we still got to go to my house,” Lilly reminded me. 
When we got to Lilly’s house she went inside to grab her school stuff for today. I noticed that Lilly left her bag in the car, so I grabbed it. I went through it to find it only had her English stuff and her smokes. I grabbed her smokes and put some of mine in them. I grabbed a black marker out of her pencil case. I wrote ‘my strong my Lilly Belle’ on her smoke packet. I put everything back before she came out of her house. 
After I dropped her off at school and reassured her that I’ll meet her in physics. I was at the flower shop looking at all the flowers, “can I help you?” a woman asked. I nodded my head, “it’s mine and my girlfriend anniversary. I want something simple,” I tell her. She nodded her head as she picked up a single red rose. As soon as she showed me I quickly nodded my head, “so how long have you and your girlfriend been together?” the woman wondered.
“A month,” I lied. I paid her, “and your already in love,” she smiled. I was shocked, “how do you know that?” I questioned. The woman gave me my change, “because you were looking for the perfect flower. I’m also guessing you haven’t told her yet,” the woman says. I shook my head, “I haven’t told her,” I mumbled. The woman gave me my rose, “don’t wait for her. I think she waiting for you,” the woman tells me. 
When I got back to school I knew I was late for physics since when I got there Mr Thrones already started the lesson. I opened the door and walked in, “Mr Tomlinson you’re late and is the flower for me or your girlfriend?” Mr Thrones asked. I smiled at him, “sorry it for my girlfriend. I’ll bring you one in next lesson,” I joked. I noticed that Mr Thrones was smiling as I walking to Lilly. I sat down next to her, “happy one-week babe,” I smiled as I held the rose up. Lilly shook her head as she kissed me, “happy one-week,” she smiled back. Lilly took the rose off of me as Mr Thrones put a glass full of water on the table, “bring it back at the end of the day,” he tells her. Lilly smiled at him and I swear Mr Thrones was actually happy for her. Lilly put the rose in the glass, “thank you,” she says to him. I kissed the side of Lilly’s head as Mr Thrones walked away, “who would have thought he have a romantic side,” I pointed out. Lilly looked at me, “who would have thought you’ll have one,” she teased. I know what you mean Lilly Belle. I pulled her close to me as Mr Thrones started the lesson again.
After Physics I went to library to catch up in geography. I knew I was only a single lesson behind, but I do want to keep up with everyone. I didn’t tell anyone were I was going part from Niall. He gave me his notes and told me what to read in the textbook. I sat down and got my books out. As I was looking for a pen I felt someone close to me, “doing homework Louis?” I heard a female voice. I looked up to see it was Veronica, “actually catching up in a lesson I missed,” I tell her. She sat down across from me, “you’ve only missed a single lesson of geography,” she pointed out.
“I know, but by the looks of Niall’s notes. I missed a lot,” I say. Veronica gave me a small nod, “can I ask why you want to stay on top of your work?” she wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “I think I know the reason,” she smiled. I looked down at my work, “and why is that?” I questioned. She leant on the table, “you don’t want to disappoint Lilly. She a very smart girl and you want to keep up,” she tells me. I laughed a little bit, but she was right, “but she does make stupid choices. I’m proof of that,” I say.
“Don’t bring yourself down like that. You maybe a troubled kid, but by the looks you want to change. After what happened last year. You’ve already shown a major improvement in only a week. You only missed one single lesson and last year. We would have been lucky for you to show up at all. Mr. Thrones told me today that you brought in a single red rose for Lilly. That’s not like you,” Veronica tells me. I knew I was red, “I just want to be a better person for her. We both don’t know what we’re doing, but we are willing to give it a go,” I admitted.
“That’s all you can do Louis,” she says. I nodded my head, “but that’s not the hard part. She thinks we’re fuck buddies while I think she my girlfriend,” I tell her. Veronica was surprised, “why would she think that and you think like that?” she asked. I ran my hands over my face as I tried to get my mind together, “because she doesn’t do relationships or believe in love. I panicked and that was the first thing to come out of my mouth. We’re not really fuck buddies since she a virgin,” I rambled.
“So if I got this right. You found a girl that you want to settle down with, but she doesn’t believe in it. So you panicked and told her that you should be fuck buddies. Just so you can keep her close?” Veronica wondered. I nodded my head, “maybe you should tell her the truth,” Veronica says. I shook my head, “not yet. I need to show her things first. I’m the first guy she’s been with. She won’t know the difference between fuck buddies and a relationship. I have a chance to show her,” I explained.
“She a smart girl Lou. She will work it out,” Veronica tells me. I nodded my head, “I know,” I whispered. Veronica stood up, “I think we should have these talks once a week,” she says. I gave her a small nod, but I don’t know if I could, “but Louis. How did Harry really break your nose?” she asked. I smiled at her, “he didn’t know what me and Lilly were really up to. So he got angry at me,” I replied. Veronica shook her head as she walked away.
I went back to my geography work until someone sat down next to me. I looked to see it was Niall, “can people let me study,” I sighed. Niall put his Spanish books on the table, “yes I can, but who was here before me?” he wondered. Niall opened his books, “Veronica. We had a good talk,” I tell him. I went back to my geography work as Niall watched me. He was looking me up and down, “what?” I questioned.
“Why are you wearing the same clothes as last week?” he asked. I laughed to myself a little bit, “I tell you if you don’t laugh,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “um we’ve know Lilly for a week today and um,” I mumbled. Niall put his hand on my shoulder, “you wanted to make it special for her,” he interrupted. I nodded my head, “I heard from a girl in my class that you gave her a rose too. She also said that Lilly is a very lucky girl,” Niall tells me. I smiled to myself, “my Louis is in love,” Niall says.
“We talked about this Niall,” I reminded him. Niall laughed a little bit, “and you keep lying to me about it,” Niall smiled. I ignored him as I went on with my geography work, “Lou is love,” Niall teased. I looked at him, “so what if I am. I can’t tell her how I really feel anyway. She’ll runaway,” I snapped. Niall just kept smiling at me, “just give it time lover boy. I give you five weeks before you tell her that you love her,” he tells me.
Niall didn’t say another word after that, so I did my geography work. As soon as the bell went Niall and I headed for the wall to met up with everyone. When we got there everyone was smoking, but Lilly and Harry weren’t there. Liam was smiling at me and it was making me uncomfortable. I grabbed my smokes out and gave one to Niall, “thanks,” Niall says. Liam was still smiling at me, “Ni why is Liam smiling at me?” I whispered in his ear. Niall looked at Liam, “I don’t know,” he replied. Lilly and Harry showed up, “hey,” Perrie smiled as she hugged Lilly.
“Hi,” Lilly says. Everyone hugged her as she left me last, “where the rose?” I whispered. I was a bit worried that she left it somewhere. Lilly kissed my cheek, “in my locker,” she whispered back. I kissed the side of her head, “so Lil we know you for a week now,” Niall says. The way he said it made me think he was up to something, “and what a week it has been,” Lilly smiled. We all laughed as Lilly got her smokes out of her bag, “Lou have you gone soft?” Liam asked me. I was confused as I looked at Liam, “why do you ask that?” I asked back. He smirked at me “just something I saw this morning,” Liam replied. Harry also started smiling at me, “I know you have changed,” Harry teased. I looked between them both as I was trying to work out what was going on, “um babe what going on?” I questioned.
“I saw the rose you gave Flower,” Harry tells me. Now everyone was looking at me, but Niall was smiling big at me, “he gave her a rose too,” Liam smiled. Harry looked at Liam, “I thought that what you were talking about,” Harry says. Liam shook his head no, “hang on. Louis gave Lil a rose?” Zayn questioned. What does Liam know? Lilly nodded her head, “but what is Liam on about?” Harry asked. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, but I knew she knew what Liam was talking about, “don’t be like that my strong Lilly Belle,” Liam teased. I smiled as I shook my head. Liam must have saw the note I left on Lilly’s smoke packet, “only Lou calls Lil, Lilly Belle,” Perrie points out. Liam laughed to himself, “I know,” he says. Lilly and I didn’t say anything. We just stood there smoking, “wow Lou you have turned soft,” Perrie says as she realized. We all looked at her, “that cute leaving her messages,” she added.
“It was on her smoke packet,” Liam tells Perrie. Lilly’s cheeks went bright red and I could feel mine do the same, “yes I wrote it on her smoke packet. I wrote it after the weekend we had together since she told us what happened,” I tell them. Lilly smiled at me, “when did you write that?” Harry wondered. We looked at Harry, “when I picked her up this morning,” I lied to him. Harry smiled at me which meant he believed my lie, “Lilly Underwood?” I heard someone questioned. Lilly looked around until her eyes landed on someone. I noticed it was Josh, “Josh Devine?” she questioned. She was looking him up and down before she dropped her smoke and ran over to him. She hugged him tight and he hugged her back. They started talking until Josh kissed her cheek, “you alright Lou?” Harry wondered.  
“I don’t know,” I whispered. I watched them as they were talking, “breathe,” Harry tells me. I nodded my head before Lilly and Josh looked at me. Lilly nodded her head as Josh wrapped his arm around her. They started walking back over to us, “don’t hit Josh,” Harry says. They stood near us, “so I already see that you know Josh,” Niall pointed out. Lilly nodded her head, “yep. I met Josh when I was six. His dad was friends with my dad. Josh used to stay at my house,” she tells us. Harry hugged Josh, so he had to remove his arm from Lilly, “why didn’t you tell me that Lilly went here?” Josh asked Harry as he pushed him. Why didn’t Harry tell me that Lilly knew Josh? Lilly looked at Harry, “I wanted it to be a surprise for the both of you,” he smiled.
After Josh hugged us all. I felt more relaxed, “so Josh have you met Lil’s boyfriend Louis?” Zayn asked. Josh looked at Lilly and then at me. My heart started racing, “what? No way,” Josh says. Please Josh don’t do this. It’s not what your thinking. Niall laughed which wasn’t helping me, “no. not my baby sister,” Josh added. Harry puts his hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. I hope he was trying to change Josh’s mind for me. Josh looked at me, “it still no Harry. I can’t believe you’re alright with it,” Josh tells him. What have done for Josh to think like this? My chest started hurting, “you’re still the same Josh. Scaring all the boys away. I still remember when you wouldn’t let Marcel or Harry near me,” Lilly says.
“That because you need to marry a prince,” Josh smiled. Lilly shook her head, “what about a superhero?” she asked. I smiled as I calmed down a bit. I know Lilly asked that, because she calls me her superhero, “if they were real,” Josh replied. Lilly wrapped her arms around me and all my bad thoughts went away, “fine you can have Louis if that what you want,” Josh tells her. I kissed the side of her head as she nodded her head, “his soft with her. Giving her flowers and leaving her sweet notes,” Niall teased. I just smiled at him since I know that he loves someone himself, “I don’t care. You’re just jealous that I get more than you,” I tell him. Niall raised an eyebrow at me as he shook his head, “yeah second base,” he says sarcastically.
“Only second base?” Josh questioned. Lilly and I both nodded our heads, “Lil still a virgin,” Zayn tells him. Ok maybe Josh didn’t need to know that, but the smile on Josh face told me that he was happy to hear that, “good to hear and it going to stay like that for a while,” he tells me. I nodded my head as Lilly smiled at me, “definitely,” I say. Josh seemed happy with my answer.
After Lilly told Josh why she started at Eden, because of her dad dying. Josh looked upset, “I don’t know how I'm going to tell dad,” he says. Josh’s dad hasn’t been the same since he was thirteen. Something about post traumatic stress disorder from the air force. He lives with his Nanna while his dad in the hospital. Lilly smiled a little and I know she didn’t know about his dad, “so it just you and your mother now?” Josh questioned. The way he asked it made feel like he knew what she really like. Lilly nodded her head as the bell rang.
When we got to English I made sure to sit next to Lilly, “so is anyone else we going to meet from your past?” I joked. Lilly shrugged her shoulders as I hoped they weren’t anymore guys. We got our English stuff out, “so Josh used to stay at yours?” Liam questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “his dad was in the air force,” she replied. I looked down as I wondered if I should tell her about Josh dad. I knew Josh had to tell her, “so did you have a thing for him?” Perrie asked. Lilly shook her head, “did you have a crush on anyone?” Perrie wondered. Lilly smiled as she looks like she was thinking of someone, “there was a boy when I was eleven and he was twelve,” she admitted. Perrie smiled at her, “what did he look like?” she questioned.
“He had brown hair and eyes. He was always playing football too,” Lilly replied. Liam and I started laughing since I picture Liam in my head. I think I was laughing to hide the fact that I would be pissed if it was Liam, “you just described Josh and maybe Liam,” I pointed out. Lilly looked at me and she looked a little bit worried, “babe it ok if you have a crush on Josh. It even ok if you got one on Liam,” I reassured her. Lilly kissed my cheek, “so I can date Liam?” she asked. I shook my head, “I said crush nothing about dating,” I reminded her. I was slightly mad at her for saying that. Does she really see us as fun and nothing else? Lilly laughed a little bit, “so did you have a crush on Josh?” Perrie wondered. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “he was the older boy and he used to sleep in the room across from mine,” she says. I raised an eyebrow at her as I was trying to work out if she did, “so was there anyone else you used to have a crush on?” Perrie asked. Lilly nodded her head, “there was this boy his father travelled a lot, but he originally came from Australia. He had dirty blond hair and these hazel brown green eyes. His name was Ashton but we called him Ash,” she confessed. She couldn’t be talking about Ashton Irwin. His such a dick, “you lot at the back. Get to work!” Mr Dew shouted.
“We are!” Lilly shouted back. Everyone in class was looking at her for a little bit. Perrie and Liam turned around to start their English work. I had to flirt with her after what happen before, “fighting back babe,” I whispered in her ear. Lilly smiled, “it such a turn on,” I added. I put my hand on her thigh, “if I was you I’ll get to work,” she playfully snarled. I kissed her, “babe you know how to make my pants tight,” I smirked. I kissed her again, “guys I would stop the foreplay before Mr Dew kills you,” Liam tells us. We looked at Mr Dew and he was glaring at us. I just ignored him as I opened my book with a smile on my face. 
After English we got our lunch and sat down at a table. I sat next to Lilly as Perrie sat down on the other side. Liam sat down next to me as we waited for the others. I brought Lilly’s lunch again, but she got a sandwich again, “where is everyone?” Lilly questioned. We all had a look around to see none of them, “they should be here,” Perrie says. Niall came out of the canteen by himself and sat next to Liam. He started eating as we all looked at him, “what?” he asked with a mouth full of food.
“Where’s Zayn and Harry?” Perrie asked him. Niall looked around as he swallowed the food in his mouth, “I don’t know,” he replied. Perrie looked worried, but so did Niall. Perrie got out her phone to properly message Zayn, “maybe they got stuck in class,” I reassured them. Perrie looked happy as her phone went off, but her face changed, “Zayn and Harry are in the Principal’s office for fighting,” Perrie tells us. We were all shocked, “fighting who?” Liam questioned. Perrie looked down at her phone, “Brian,” she replied. I was still looking at Perrie, but I knew Lilly was looking at me, “what did he do?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Perrie sighed as she looked around. As soon as I noticed Amy I put my arm around Lilly’s waist. Lilly noticed her too as Amy smirked at us, “I have an idea why,” Lilly says. Everyone looked at her and I knew Amy was looking for a fight. Lilly was about to get up, but I stopped her. I didn’t want to give that bitch what she wanted, “don’t babe. I don’t want you in trouble too,” I tell her. Lilly sighed in defeat, “I was just going to talk to her,” she lied. I knew she wasn’t just going to talk to her. If Lilly anything like Harry. I don’t think hello would come out her mouth. It just be a punch to stomach, “sure babe. Just ignore her,” I say. Lilly went back to eating her lunch, “they got detention, so they won’t be out for lunch,” Perrie tells us.
As we ate I talked to Liam and Niall about music, but I noticed Lilly staring at the table after she finished eating. I looked at Perrie to say something to her, “so Lil are you still coming to dance?” Perrie asked. Lilly looked up from the table to look at Perrie, “I’ll give it ago,” Lilly smiled. Perrie smiled back at her, “you need to wear either track pants, yoga pants or leggings and comfortable shoes,” Perrie tells her. I pictured Lilly in a pair of tight yoga pants bending over. I felt my dick twitch as she looked down at herself, “so it looks like I’m going home on my free,” she says. I kissed the side of her head trying to calm down, “I’ll take you,” I tell her. Lilly nodded her head as I started wishing that her mum wasn’t home, “remember you two need to be back before the end of the school day. So no long make out sessions,” Niall smirked. Lilly stood up before she kissed Perrie’s forehead, “it going to be alright,” Lilly reassured her. Perrie smiled at Lilly, “I’ll be fine. You just be back in time please,” Perrie begged. Lilly smiled at her, “tell it to that one,” Lilly says as she pointed to me. Perrie started laughing, “we will be back in time. I’ve got music,” I smiled.
After Lilly got her rose out of her locker and gave Mr Thrones the glass back. We were in my car heading to her house, so she could change. When we got there Lilly went straight inside and to the kitchen. I followed her as I noticed her mother wasn’t home. Lilly put her rose in a glass of water, “where dose your mother work?” I wondered. We went into Lilly’s room and I sat on her bed after I put my bag down. Lilly put the rose on her desk, “she works at the shops near here,” she replied. Lilly started going through her clothes, “remember yoga pants or leggings,” I smirked. Lilly shook her head, “or track pants,” she tells me. I started to pout as I thought she was going to wear track pants. I really wanted to see her in some tight pants, “but my good track pants are at your house,” she added. I smiled when I noticed that she was holding a pair of black leggings. She grabbed out a long blue tank top before she threw them onto the bed next to me, “I might have to skip music, so I can watch you dance,” I say. Lilly walked over to me, “I won’t go if you did that,” she smiled. I wrapped my arms around her thighs just under her arse, “I’ll go to music,” I tell her. Lilly kissed the top of my head, “what do you do in music?” she asked. I kissed her stomach, “we learn how to play music,” I replied. Lilly pulled my head back, so I would look at her. I will admit that I like her dominant side, “I mean you,” she pointed out. I smiled at her, “I sing and play piano,” I tell her. She smiled back, “you sing?” she questioned.
“Yeah and so does the rest of the boys. We’re in a band together,” I say. Lilly kissed my nose, “that just makes Liam hotter,” she teased. I knew she was just playing around with me and it didn’t make me have any bad thoughts. I squeezed her arse, “but Liam doesn’t touch you like I do,” I smirked. I pulled her down on to my lap, so she would straddle me, “and Liam likes Sophia,” Lilly pointed out. Lilly ran her hand down my face and I was taken back by it. It felt so nice, “I’m proud of you,” she tells me. She kissed me, “why?” I wondered. Lilly kissed me again, “that we can joke about this sort of thing,” she replied. I kissed her this time, “that’s because I know you have no interest in Liam. Now Josh on the other hand,” I started. Lilly quickly shook her head no, “Josh knows what my mother like” she admitted. I was shocked that I was right about Josh knowing about her mother, “he was the only one that stayed at my house part from you. I always went to Harry’s,” she added.
“So four of us know your secret,” I say. Lilly played with my shirt as I thinking about asking for help with her mother, “I think Liam knows something. He brought me my phone when my mother was calling me and I got bitch after her name. He looked at me weird,” she tells me. I nodded my head, “he might think something more up with my note,” I pointed out. Lilly played with the back of my hair, “so what with the note and the rose?” she wondered. I smiled at her, “I thought about doing something nice for you. Why don’t you like it?” I questioned. Lilly smiled back at me as he cheeks turned a slight pink, “I like it. It just you’re the first guy to give me a flower. You’re also the longest relationship I ever had,” she confessed. I kissed her, “I thought I was the only one?” I smirked. Lilly nodded her head before she kissed me, “how much time we got before we have to go back to school?” she asked. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see I had a message from Harry:
I need to talk you about Brian
  I quickly looked at the time, “about an hour,” I replied. I threw my phone next to us before I stood up holding onto Lilly. I laid her down onto her bed as I hovered over her. I threw her clothes onto her desk and lucky for me it didn’t knock her rose over.  Lilly smiled as I started kissing her. As I was about to run my hand up her body. We heard the front door open, “Lilly,” I heard her mother call. I sighed trying to keep calm, “time to really meet her,” Lilly says. I got off her, so we could go see her mother.
We found her mother in the kitchen, “there my beautiful daughter,” she says. I nearly threw up as she looked at me, “and who is this?” she asked. Her mother looked me up and down and now I really wanted to throw up, “I’m Louis. Lilly’s boyfriend,” I tell her as I held my hand out. Her mother was surprised as she shook my hand, “Bec Underwood,” she tells me. She was smiling at me, “so your Lilly boyfriend?” she questioned. Lilly looked annoyed, “yeah we met through Harry,” I faked smiled. Her mother looked at Lilly, “why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?” she asked her.
“Well we both haven’t been home much last week,” Lilly replied. I know Lilly was just playing along to keep her mother happy, “so how long have you two been dating?” her mother wondered. I played with my lip ring, “about a week now. I asked her out on her first day of school since we have lessons together,” I say. Lilly’s mother walks away to fill the kettle up, “would you like a cup of tea?” she asked us. Lilly shook her head, “um we need to go back to our assignment,” she tells her. She smiled at Lilly, “I think you have time for a cuppa,” she tells her. I wrapped an arm around Lilly as I thought of a plan, “ten minutes won’t kill us,” I smiled. Lilly nodded as we sat down at the kitchen table. I put my hand on her knee to reassure her, “how many sugars sweetie?” Lilly’s mother asked me.
“Three please,” I replied. Lilly looked at me when her mother turned around. I kissed her lightly, “it going to be ok,” I whispered. Lilly smiled at me, “so Louis how old are you?” Lilly’s mother questioned. I squeezed Lilly’s knee to reassure her, “I’m seventeen. I turn eighteen in December,” I tell her. She looked at us, “do you have milk?” she asked me. I nodded my head, “please,” I faked smiled. Did I just say please to this woman? What the fuck is wrong with me? 
Lilly’s mum finished the cups of tea. When she was putting Lilly’s down. She spilt it on her and I knew it was on purpose. It took every bit of my body not to lose it, “I’m so sorry,” Lilly’s mother lied. Lilly put her hand on my shoulder to tell me to calm down. It helped a little bit. Lilly got up, “it alright I have to change anyway,” Lilly says.
When Lilly was gone her mother cleaned up the mess she made. She sat down when she was done, “so what do you do at school?” she asked me. I didn’t get why she was being nice to me, but for Lilly’s sake I better be nice back, “I’m studying physics, English, geography and P.E. But I also do music and captain of the football team,” I tell her. She seemed impressed with me, “that’s a lot for a boy your age. Shouldn’t you be party with girls and getting laid every night?” she smirked. I shook my head, “I’m not that type of guy,” I say. She slowly nodded her head, “well my daughter quite boring. She always has her nose in a book or doing school work. Sometimes I think she does to much,” Lilly’s mother tells me. 
“I’m impressed that your daughter got five main lesson. Everyone else only got four. She also going to do dance and football,” I boasted. I had to talk Lilly up to her since I whish she would see how amazing her daughter is. Lilly had a smile on her face when she walked in, “I’m trying dance, but I am doing creative writing tomorrow,” Lilly tells me. I knew she was just telling me since her mother couldn’t give a fuck about her. I smiled back at her, “but if you’re going to fill up every day. How are you meant to spend time with your hot boyfriend?” Lilly’s mother smirked. Did she just call me hot? I was going to lose it if she keeps flirting with me. Lilly wrapped her arms around me from behind. I knew she need reassurance, “frees, football, before and after school, lesson, break, lunch and weekends,” Lilly tells her. Lilly’s mother raised her eyebrow at Lilly as I grabbed her hand, “what about your studies?” she asked. I ran my hand up and down Lilly’s arm, “that what we were doing before. Lilly my physics partner and we also got a P.E assignment together. Harry making sure she keeps her studies up too,” I tell her. I noticed Lilly’s mother lips turn into a thin line at the mention of Harry, “part from Harry and your hot boyfriend. Have you made any other friends?” she wondered. Lilly nodded her head, “Perrie, Zayn, Niall, Liam and I saw Josh today,” I tell her. Her mother looked surprised, “Josh Devine?” she questioned.
“Yep. He’s the school’s drum teacher,” Lilly smiled. Her mother shook her head, “that boy was always drumming to a beat. Making lots of noise when he stayed here,” she started. I grabbed both of Lilly’s hands as I worked out that my plan was working, “Lilly father Brad always said he had rhythm, but I thought he was being a little shit,” she continued. I smiled as I kissed Lilly’s hands. I just needed her to say something bad about Lilly, so I could put her into place, “Lilly was little shit with him,” she finished. I moved a little as I felt my anger rising, “how was she a little shit? She nothing but good at school,” I asked her. 
“They stayed up late, eat all the food and were so loud all the time,” she replied. I knew I was pushing her, “that’s what kids do,” I smiled. She gave me a fake smile back. Come on give me what I want. I need you to know you can’t treat Lilly like that, “well you better get back to your schoolwork,” she tells us. I didn’t want to go, but Lilly pulled me away.
When I got back into Lilly’s room. I jumped face first onto her bed as what happened went through my head, “that was hard,” I mumbled. Lilly sat next to me, “I know and thank you,” Lilly says. She kissed the back of my head and it felt caring. I turned over onto my back, so I could look at her, “I feel sick,” she whispered. I pulled her to me, “I know that was revolting for you,” I smiled. I just wanted her happy again. Lilly nodded her head, “but you were trying to push her buttons,” she pointed out. I smiled at the fact that she caught me, “and you know she could walk in any minute now,” she added. I smiled bigger as I kissed her, “maybe we should continue what we were doing before then,” I smirked. Lilly shook her head as she got up, “we have forty-five minutes,” I added. Lilly went over to her bag and grabbed her smokes out, “how much I’ll like too. I need to stop that remember,” she reminded me. “So we need to talk than,” I pointed out after I sat up. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “but smoking is also not the answer too,” I tell her. Lilly sat on her window ledge after she opened her window. She got a smoke out and offered me one. I shook my head as I got mine own out. We light our smokes up together. I sat down next to Lilly’s feet, “so you wanna talk?” I wondered. I noticed Lilly ran her thumb over my note on her smoke packet, “can I ask you something? It alright if you say no,” she asked. I put my chin on her knees as I was trying to work out what she wanted to ask me, “go ahead babe,” I say. Lilly looked out the window, “um,” she started. I placed my hand oh her thigh as I worked out what she wanted to ask me, “I’ll stay here tonight,” I tell her. Lilly looked at me, “how did you know what I was going to ask?” she questioned. Because your mothers been a bitch to you and you need me. I kissed her knee, “because it something you have never asked me. I’ve always done it like last Tuesday. I also know that you don’t want to be left with your mother tonight,” I explained. Lilly gave me a weak smiled and I knew that I really had to stay, “thank you,” she says.
“It alright. Babe just ask me. The only time I would say no to you if something was going on at home and I mean something bad,” I reassured her. I kissed her, “what if something going on with the others?” she wondered. Lilly took a drag of her smoke, “it depends what that something is. Like if they wanted to hang out I would take you with me or take you to Perrie’s. But if it something bad and you didn’t want to stay here. I would take you to my place or Perrie’s,” I started. I took a drag of my smoke wonder if I should say the next bit, “you know I’ll be there for you, because I know how it feels to be low,” I admitted. Lilly grabbed my hand, “and I’ll always be there for you too,” she promised. I can’t believe she just promised that, “I only know you for a week, but I don’t want you to feel low or unwanted,” I smiled. I need her to know I really would be there for her, but I still couldn’t believe them words came out of my mouth, “same,” she smiled back.
When we finished our smokes we decided to go back to school. Lilly changed her shoes to her runners before she fixed her hair and put it up in a messy bun. We got out of her room to the front door before her mother stopped us, “you leaving Louis?” Lilly’s mother asked me. I turned around to face her, “yeah Mrs Underwood, but I will be back after we go to Liam’s,” I tell her. I really plan on taking Lilly out after music to get her out of this house. Lilly’s mum smiled at me, “why are you two going to Liam’s?” she questioned. I put my arm around Lilly, “he’s have a barbeque for him getting a job,” I lied. I knew that Lilly knew I was lying, “then we be back to finish our assignment for physics,” I added. Lilly pulled me out of the house to my car as her mother watched us. We quickly got into my car, “let’s get back to school,” I smiled. Lilly started laughing as I turned my car on, “never thought I would hear you say that,” she smiled back. We put our seatbelts on, “same,” I say. 
When we got to school we had half an hour until before music and dance. We walked around until we found Niall, Liam and Zayn on the football pitch. They just kicking the ball around with each other, but Lilly looked happy watching them, “wanna join them?” I asked. Lilly nodded her head as she ran over to them. I ran after her, “I thought you two would be on second base right now,” Niall says. I stood next to Lilly, “my mother came home,” she tells them. They started laughing, “nothing like being cocked blocked by a parent,” Liam says. Lilly nodded her head, “it put you right out of the mood,” she smiled. Zayn looked at her, “so Louis met your mother now?” Zayn asked.
“Yep,” I replied. Niall looked confused, “I thought you did on Friday,” Niall remembers. We all smiled at him as we shook our heads, “you lied. So I was right about you two were on top of each other,” Niall smirked. Lilly kicked the ball from his feet, “yes you were,” she tells him. Lilly looked at Zayn, “why did you and Harry have a fight with Brian?” she asked him. Zayn looked down, “he talking shit again about you and Lou, but this time he brought Perrie into it. He was going on about how Louis fucks you both. I just lost it,” Zayn tells me. What the fuck? I don’t want Perrie. Don’t get me wrong she’s pretty, but not my type. Lilly nodded her as she kicked the ball to Liam, “how about we play two on two and I’ll stay in the goals?” Liam suggested. We all agreed with him, “ok Lil and Zayn in a team and Louis you are with me,” Niall tells us. But I want to be with Lilly Belle. I really pouted, “come on hunny it will be fun,” Lilly smiled.
Liam moved to the goals as I stood to one side with Zayn. Lilly and Niall were on the other side. Liam threw the ball down the middle of the filed. Lilly and Niall ran after as me and Zayn stayed back, “your shoe lace is untied,” I heard Niall say. Lilly kept going ignoring Niall as she got the ball. She kicked it straight to Zayn and I blocked him. Zayn managed to kick it back to Lilly. Who was near the goals. She kicks it straight in and straight passed Liam. Zayn and Lilly seemed happy as they celebrated. 
We played until the bell rang, but Lilly worried me. She played like it was an actually game and now she was puffed out. Niall was upset that we lost to them, “that not fair. I was distracted by Lil’s boobs bouncing,” Niall pouted. I pushed him without thinking. It just I reacted to what he said about Lilly, but he was right tho, “what have I said about that? But you were right,” I smirked. Lilly laid down on the grass, “fuck I got dance,” she sighed. I sat down next to her with my legs out, “Harry coming with some water,” Liam tells us. I patted her stomach, “maybe you shouldn’t have tried so hard then,” I teased. She smiled at me, “I always play hard when it comes to football,” she tells me. Lilly put her head in my lap and my mind went dirty. She was so close to me, “or maybe someone was hoping to hurt themselves, so they didn’t have to go to dance,” I say as I put my arm around her. Lilly rolled over in my lap, so she would look at me. I kept my arm around her, “I can’t do that to Pear,” she admitted. I smiled at her, “so you are doing this for her. You know you don’t have too,” I tell her. I wish she wouldn’t push herself to please other people, “I know, but I said I give it a try,” she reminded me. I kept smiling at her as I noticed Harry coming, “here,” he says. He gave me and Lilly a bottle of water. Lilly quickly sat up and had a big drink.
I dropped Lilly off at dance before I went off to music. I saw Harry and Niall waiting outside the classroom. They talking about something serious, so I decided to stop and hide. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Harry didn’t look happy at him. Niall grabbed Harry by the shoulders trying to calm him down. Niall said something to him before Harry hugged him tight as hid his face into his neck. Niall rubbed his back and whispering something into his ear. I was shocked at what I was seeing. 
When they broke apart after a little bit. I started walking towards them, “shouldn’t you two be in there?” I questioned. Niall’s cheeks went red, “I was waiting for you,” Harry smiled. I stood next to them, “and why that?” I wondered. Niall grabbed Harry’s shoulder, “I’ll wait for you guys in there,” he tells us. Niall left us, “I need to talk you about Brian,” Harry started. I nodded my head, “I fear that he might attack Flower. Him and Amy are up to something and I know it’s about you. Amy obsession with you is going too far,” Harry tells me.
“I know, but all I can do is protect Lilly from them. I know talking to them won’t do anything,” I admitted. Harry looked down, “when she with you can you keep her safe?” Harry asked. I didn’t know why he asked me this. He knows I will keep her safe, “I’ll keep her safe,” I promised. Harry looked at me with a smile on his face, “thank you Lou,” he says. He hugged me tight and I hugged him back.
When we got into the music room Niall already had his guitar in his hands. Liam and Zayn were talking to him about something. I noticed a lot of new faces, “I give the new people a couple of weeks,” Harry tells me. I nodded my head as we walked over to the others, “I was so sure that Lou was going to skip music to see Lil dance,” Zayn smirked. I shook my head, “she wouldn’t let me,” I pouted. Harry hit me in the back of the head, “good,” he says. They boys laughed at me, “Harry his a seventeen-year-old boy of course he wants to see his girl in tight pants,” Niall pointed out. I smiled at Niall, “careful Niall that’s Flower your talking about,” Harry warned him.
“I know,” Niall smiled. Harry got closer to him and I waited for Harry to hit him, but he didn’t. Niall just kept smiling at him, “your lucky,” Harry whispered. The music teacher came in, “hi. My name is Mrs Amelia Rice. I’ll be your music teacher for the year,” she started. Mrs Rice was a woman in her early forties. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, “so today we’re going to sit together and talk about ourselves,” she finished. We all sat in a circle as we all introduced ourselves.
When that was over we only had twenty minutes left. So me and the others found a corner to work in. Harry got his note book out, “how about we finish Story of my Life,” he suggested. We all agreed with him, “where do we start?” Liam questioned. Niall got his guitar ready, “from the start,” I say. Niall started playing the cords that we already have, “Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain, I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days,” Harry sang.
“She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones, it seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone,” Liam sang as well. We all stopped after that, “now what’s the next part?” Niall questioned. We all started thinking, “how about?” Zayn started. Niall started playing the cords again, “And I'll be gone gone tonight. The ground beneath my feet is open wide. The way that I been holdin' on too tight. With nothing in between,” Zayn sang.
“yes. That could be the pre chorus. Then Harry chorus bit. Then all of us,” Niall rambled. Harry quickly wrote Zayn part down before adding the chorus, “so what’s after that?” I wondered. We all went back thinking, “I got nothing,” Liam says. We all agreed with him, “maybe we should think of something else,” Zayn suggested. I looked at the time to see we only had ten minutes, “can’t we just leave early? I have things to do,” Niall wondered. Harry looked at him, “you can if you want,” I tell him. Niall nodded his head, “that means I have to go too. I took him to school today,” Harry says. 
We all said goodbye to Niall and Harry and went outside to have a smoke, “so you and Lil doing anything tonight for your one week?” Liam asked. I nodded my head, “going to take her out. It’s going to be nothing special,” I replied. I thought about taking Lilly to the park than getting something to eat, “and then what?” Zayn smirked. I shrugged my shoulders, “second base?” Zayn questioned. I shrugged my shoulders again, “he hopes,” Liam teased. I really did hope, but I thought Lilly might be tired after dance, “Liam you should come with us to pick the girls up. Perrie messaged me that Sophia there,” Zayn tells him.
“Really? I wonder if she’s in tight pants,” Liam says. We laughed at him a little, “only one way to find out,” I smiled. Liam got really excited, “when do we go get them?” he wondered. Zayn and I shook our heads, “as soon as we finish smoking,” Zayn tells me. Liam grabbed our smokes out of hands and threw them onto the floor, “your done. Now let’s go,” he smiled.
When we picked up the girls Sophia and May were with them. Sophia was the right type for Liam with her light brown hair and her green eyes. I looked over May and trying to work out why Niall liked her. She didn’t seem his type, but I’m the last person that should judge. May was tiny with her light brown hair and eyes, “May and Sophia. Meet Louis, Zayn and Liam,” Lilly introduced us. They waved at us, “hi,” Liam smiled. Lilly still looked fantastic in her singlet and leggings, “so how was dance?” Louis asked. Perrie laughed, “were do we start?” Perrie smiled.
They told us that Lilly got in a fight with Amy and calling Amy a lose bitch. I also can’t believe that she told everyone in dance that she was a virgin. What upset me was Amy hit her and Lilly was alright with it. I know she did it to protect Sophia and Sophia protected her. But this whole fight was troubling me. Brian and Amy were up to something and this just added to it. My mind was all over the place with this, “what did I say about Amy babe?” I questioned. Lilly just smiled at me, “but it not her fault. I pushed Amy before she could hit her. Then Lil stood in front of me so Amy couldn’t hurt me. Amy just a bitch and needs to be put into place,” Sophia tells me. I smiled at Sophia since she sounded so happy that Lilly saved her, “but now I got to watch my back,” Sophia added. 
“She won’t touch you when we are around and I’ll make sure someone is always with you,” Liam promised her. Sophia went red, “really?” she wondered. I was proud of Liam actually taking the lead with Sophia. I was so sure that Lilly was going to have to do it, “so with that said how are you getting home?” he asked her. When Sophia smiled at him I knew she liked him back, “my boyfriend is picking me up,” May replied. May looked like she wasn’t really paying attention to us, “I’m walking,” Sophia tells Liam.
“Would you like me to walk you home?” Liam asked her. Sophia managed to turn a deeper red, “that be nice,” she smiled. They left together and I will be questioning him tomorrow, “there’s my boyfriend,” May says as she ran off. I knew it take me awhile to get used to her. Perrie was looking at Lilly, “was she disappointed that Niall was not here?” Lilly asked her. Why would she be disappointed the Niall wasn’t her? She has a boyfriend, “I think so, but she might be trying to make him jealous tho,” Perrie tells Lilly. Lilly nodded her head, but I really wished May wasn’t trying to make Niall jealous. Because she was going to have a problem with me, “well at least Liam walking Sophia home,” Lilly smiled.
When we got outside to our cars we stopped for a second, “so see you two tomorrow?” Zayn asked. I knew that question was at me. I nodded my head as Perrie hugged Lilly. Zayn hugged me, “remember if she wants to try something new tonight. It might be because you already done it and she wants to please you. So ask her,” Zayn tells me. I gave him a small nod before I stepped back, “I don’t want to go any further for a while,” I admitted.
Lilly and I got into my car, “so are we going back to mine or somewhere else?” she asked me. We put on our seatbelts before I started the car, “somewhere else,” I replied. Lilly looked interested, “and where that?” she wondered. I shook my head, “not telling,” I smiled. Lilly started to pout, “aww babe it be alright,” I added.
I drove to the park and not many people were around, “I thought we could go for a walk,” I tell her. I knew I was smiling when I got out of the car. I quickly went into the boot of my car to grab out my black hoddie. I put it on before I grabbed my denim jacket, “how about a run since I’m cold,” Lilly says. I put my denim jacket over her shoulders, “or you could put on my jacket,” I tell her. When Lilly put her arms through the sleeves it was too big for her. I stood in front of her and started to roll up the sleeves. I could feel Lilly watching me, “don’t look at me like that. I used to do it for my sisters,” I admitted. 
“you miss them don’t you?” she wondered. I nodded my head as I looked at her. She was smiling at me and it made me feel happy. I grabbed her hand as we started walking, “so how was music?” she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, “it was mainly getting to know the new people. Not like you fighting with Amy. You also made two new friends with the girls Liam and Niall like,” I smiled. Lilly looked down, “sorry about fighting with Amy, but she was telling Sophia what to do and I could not let her,” she apologized. I pulled her closer to me as I wrapped my arm around her waist, “I know and I’m proud of you for sticking up for her and yourself,” I started. Lilly wrapped her arm around me before I kissed the side of her head, “but did you really call her a loose bitch?” I continued. Lilly nodded, “and did you tell everyone that you’re a virgin?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head again, “is there something wrong with that? Did I damage your rep?” she rambled. Did she really cared about what others think of me? I shook my head no, “just letting you know that the whole school is going to know. So just watch out please,” I tell her. Lilly smiled at me, “are guys going to throw themselves at me?” she joked. I know it was a joke, but it was going to be true, “like I told you before some guys just take a girl virginity and not care about the girl. It like a prize for them,” I reminded her.
“Is it a prize for you?” she wondered. I hope she really didn’t think like that. I shook my head, “I could wait years for you,” I smiled. Lilly kissed my cheek, “Louis?” we heard a man question. I stopped to see Mark my dad, “dad?” I questioned back. I haven’t seen him for a long-time, but he hasn’t changed, “haven’t seen you for a while,” dad smiled. I walked over to him and hugged him tight, “how have you been?” dad asked me.
“Good and you?” I asked back. I was very happy to see him. The last time I saw him was when I was high and breaking things, “alright. So is this your girlfriend Lottie been telling me about?” dad wondered. I pull Lilly over to met him, “yep. Lilly meet my dad Mark,” I introduced. Lilly looked confused as she held her hand out, “come on give me a hug,” dad says as he pulled her to him. They hugged before Lilly stood next to me, “how have the girls been?” I asked him.
“There been good and they can’t wait for the new babies to come,” dad smiled. Dad looked at his phone, “sorry to cut this short, but I’m meeting someone. Talk to you soon Lou. It was also nice meeting you Lilly,” he tells us. I didn’t want him to leave just yet, but he had to go. Lilly and I hugged him good and he walked away. 
We started walking again after we wrapped our arms around each other again. I knew Lilly had a lot of questions, so I thought I just tell her, “I know you got questions. So I give you the run down. Mark my dad is not really my dad. My real dad that I live with left when I was only a couple of days old. My mum met Mark before I was one and got married when I was about two. So my mum changed my last name from Austin to Tomlinson since Mark was raising me,” I explained to her as we were walking.
“And Lottie is one of your sisters?” Lilly questioned. I nodded my head, “and you told her that I’m your girlfriend?” she added. I felt my cheeks get a little bit hot, “yeah,” I smiled. Lilly kissed my cheek, “can I ask why?” she wondered. I shook my head since I didn’t want her to find out that I wanted to get into mum’s good books. Plus, in my head we are, “ok,” she says. I kissed the side of her head as I wished she didn’t push this, “now let’s talk about something else. So are you really doing creative writing?” I questioned to change the subject. Lilly played with her bottom lip, “you know I am and why don’t you want to tell me why you told Lottie that I’m your girlfriend?” she asked. I played with my lip ring with my tongue, “because I knew she tell mum and it make me look good. It makes me look like I can commit to something, but it also made me feel like I’m using you,” I admitted. Lilly didn’t need to know about the other part. Lilly kissed my jaw line, “I don’t mind. I told you that I would help you with your mum. If saying that I’m your girlfriend helps then I’m ok with that,” she tells me. I kissed her, “thank you,” I smiled. Lilly smiled back at me, “but back to your question about me doing creative writing. Is it because what my mother said about me spending time with you?” she asked. I shook my head, but I really was thinking yes. I was also thinking about if she could do it, “it just that you have five main lessons and you also got football and dance. I just don’t want to see you burnt out, because you’re doing so much,” I confessed.
“If you think I’m going to burn out make me drop dance then,” she smiled. I laughed a little bit since I could tell that she didn’t want to do dance, “so that first. Then what?” I wondered. Lilly bit her bottom lip, “I don’t know,” she admitted. I knew she loved doing her other lessons. I kissed the side of her head as I thought of something, “I’ll take you away and we won’t come back until your normal,” I tell her. And I wasn’t thinking sexual. Lilly laughed, “but never near exams tho,” she says. I kissed the side of her head, “I know, but I can do stuff to you near exams tho,” I smirked. Ok. Now I was thinking about sexual stuff. Lilly shook her head, “are you always thinking about sex?” she wondered. I played with my lip ring as I wondered if I was pushing her, “not all the time,” I replied.  
We sat near a pond and Lilly sat between my legs as she leant her back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, “you know we didn’t talk about your mother,” I remembered. Lilly looked down, “because there is not much to talk about. That she only going to be nice to me when you’re around and that I got to act like that we are nice to each other. It makes me sick and the way she called you my hot boyfriend. Also she spilt the tea on me on purpose which was hot by the way. I don’t trust her with you, because I’m scared that she’ll take you away from me. I can take the nasty names and the hitting, but I can’t handle if she did something to you,” she confessed. I pulled her face towards me, so she would look at me, “she can never take me away from you. No matter what she tries,” I promised. I kissed her to show that I meant it, “you promise?” she asked.
“I promise,” I tell her. I kissed her forehead as I was thinking if she maybe thought of us more than fun, “but you know you have me and the others to help you deal with your mother?” I wondered. Lilly looked away as she looked down, “but it really not your problem. I dealt with it all my life,” Lilly tells me. I shook my head, “it bit late for it not to be my problem. I also think Zayn and Perrie won’t forget about it too. So you’re stuck with us,” I say. 
We just sat there as I started humming Story of my Life. I couldn’t get it out of my head, “what song are you humming?” Lilly wondered. I felt my cheeks burn a little bit, “it a song me and the boys wrote together. It called story of my life. It not finished yet,” I smiled. Lilly smiled back at me, “and it be a long time before you hear it,” I continued. Lilly pouted at me, “just like you it needs to be finished,” I say. I got my phone out to cheek the time to see it was nearly seven, “I have an idea,” I started. Lilly looked at me, “we go get something to eat. Then I drop you off at home and then I jump through your window,” I tell her. Lilly nodded her head, “since it nearly seven already and I am hungry too,” I added. 
When we got back to the car, “so what would you like for dinner? I’m buying too since you left everything at home,” I asked. Lilly just smiled at me, “and don’t say that you’re not hungry,” I tell her sternly. I pin her against the car, “if you don’t tell me what you want. I won’t touch or kiss you for a whole week,” I added. Lilly moved her face in closer to mine and it took a lot of will power not to kiss her, “I don’t think you could last, but I would like chicken,” she smiled. I think she was right. I kissed her, “good girl,” I smirked.
After we had dinner I drove back to Lilly’s, “I’ll come in with you to get my bag so we can open the window. Then I’ll park up the street. Then I’ll run back and jump through your window,” I explained to her. Lilly seemed annoyed as she got out of the car. I knew she didn’t want me seeing her mother again.
When we got inside, “your finally back,” I heard Lilly’s mother say. She came down the hallway in a nightgown that was short. I mentally threw up as she looked me up and down, “yeah, but I’ve got to go home now. I’m just grabbing my bag,” I tell her. She kept looking at me and I whish she didn’t, “that alright sweetie,” she smirked. Lilly pulled all the way to her room, “um how do I un see that?” I laughed. Lilly shook her head as she opened her window. I thought of a bad idea, “I know,” I smirked. I pulled Lilly to me before I kissed her. I ran my hands up her stomach to her boobs. Lilly stopped me before I could pull her singlet down, “later since you have to go back out there,” she tells me. I kissed the side of her neck, “promise?” I smiled. I kissed the other side of her neck as I couldn’t believe I asked that, “promise,” she tells me.
As we walked out of Lilly’s room her mother was waiting for us by the front door. She was smirking at me, “you got everything?” she asked me. I nodded my head, “well don’t be a stranger,” she says. She hugged me and I hugged her back as I pulled a pulled a face. I knew if I didn’t hug her back she would have kept hugging me until I did. Lilly grabbed me and we went outside, “I’ll see you really soon,” I smiled at Lilly. I kissed her, “just remember that you’re strong and what she tells you is not true,” I reassured her. I kissed her again before I got into my car.
I quickly parked my car and went to my boot. I got my bag from the cabin out after I grabbed my school bag. I made sure my car was locked up and I ran to Lilly’s house. I threw my bags through the window before I jumped through myself. I put my bags out of the way and sat on her bed, “you know he will leave you if you don’t put out or that he finds out your crazy. I know the type of man he is. He the root and boot type,” I heard her mother say. That was me. I’m not that person anymore. Lilly walked in and shut her door. She pointed down and I was wondering what she was doing. Until I heard her mother coming towards us. I quickly got under her bed just before her mother walked in, “don’t walk away from me. You know I’m right about him,” she tells Lilly. 
“Why do you care?” Lilly sighed. Why was she putting these words in Lilly’s head, “because you’re a slut and he get bored of you quickly. Especially when he finds out that he’s not the only one,” Lilly’s mother spat. What the fuck was she talking about? She was so lucky that I don’t give her a piece of my mind, “when he does get bored I’ll find him and show him what a real woman can do,” she added. I covered my mouth to stop me from laughing, “just remember that everyone gets bored of you,” Lilly’s mother says as she left Lilly’s room and slammed her door.
Lilly waited until she heard another door slam before sitting on the floor against her bed. I quickly got out from under her bed and knelt in front of Lilly. She hugged me and I hugged her back tight. I didn’t like seeing my girl like this, “she wrong,” I started. I rubbed her back, “I don’t think I could ever get bored of you,” I added. I felt Lilly smile a little, “Lilly I’m going out!” her mother yelled. Then we heard the front door slam, “good!” I yelled back. Lilly looked at me, “sorry had too,” I smiled.
“Thanks,” she smiled. I kissed her, “are you alright?” I asked her. Lilly nodded her, “really? You can tell me if you’re not,” I questioned. Lilly kissed me, “I am really fine, because she knows nothing,” she tells me. I kissed her, “what going through your mind?” I wondered. Lilly placed her hand on the side of my face, “just that my mother wants you,” she admitted. Lilly kissed me, “and that I’m fine,” she added. I smiled since I knew she was really alright, “so we get the house to ourselves now,” I pointed out.
“I know,” she says. I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit, “and it our week anniversary too,” I smirked. Lilly ran her hands down my chest, “yep and I’m going to have a bath,” she tells me. Then why touch me like that, “what am I going to do?” I pouted. Her hands went down my stomach to the top of my jeans, “join me,” she smirked as she undid my button. She undid my fly next, “you know I have seen your bath and it is small. So you be on top of me naked which I really have no problem with,” I pointed out. Lilly rubbed me through my boxers, “but right now I’m going to have my way with you on your bedroom floor,” I groaned. I turned us around before I laid her on the floor, “you been making my dick twitch ever since you put on these dam leggings,” I growled in her ear. I kissed down her neck and all I could taste was makeup, “I’ll be back,” I tell her.
When I came back from getting a wash cloth from the bathroom. Lilly was still where I left her, so I knelt between her legs, “make-up taste bad,” I smiled. I put the wash cloth in my mouth before I pulled Lilly up. I take off my jacket she was wearing and her singlet. I gently laid her back down before I started to wash the makeup off her neck. When I was down I ran the wash cloth down her chest to between her boobs. I threw it next to her since I had enough. I started kissing her neck again until I got to her sweet spot. I sucked on it gently and Lilly pulled on my t-shirt to bring me closer. I braced myself on my hands on each side of her neck. Lilly pulled my top up as I smirked at her. I leant back and took my jacket and top off. Lilly sat up to run her hands up my chest, “you know after last night. I think it’s my turn,” she smirked. She pushed me back until my back hit the bed, “are you going to ride me babe?” I wondered. Lilly straddled my lap, “is that what you want?” she questioned.
“I want a lot if things from you,” I admitted. Lilly started rubbing me through my boxers slowly, “tell me what you want,” she demanded. Fuck I was getting more turned on by her dominant side. I kissed her, “what I’m thinking we are nowhere near,” I tell her. Lilly got slower rubbing me, “so still tell me. I want to know what you want me to do to you,” she admitted. I bit my bottom lip as I wondered if she was ready, “only if you promise not to run and get faster with rubbing me, because this is painfully slow,” I begged.  Lilly got a little bit faster at rubbing me, “I promise I won’t run,” she promised. I grabbed her hips to make sure she couldn’t. I took in a deep breath, “I want your lips around my dick. I want to fuck you everywhere and anyway I can. I want to eat you out until you can’t take no more and even then I won’t stop. I want to play with you at school,” I rambled. Lilly got faster with me, “fuck,” I groaned. I felt myself getting harder as she kept rubbing me. I pulled her closer, so I could kiss her hard. I ran my hands up her back to her bra. I unclipped it and Lilly let if fall to her hands. She threw it onto the floor before she stuck her hand inside my boxer. She wrapped her hand around me and started pumping me. 
I stopped her after a little bit since my boxers were getting tight. I moved her off of me, so I could take my boxers and jeans off with my shoes and socks, “need more room,” I say. Lilly knelt in front of me between my legs. She grabbed my member and started pumping me again. I looked Lilly up and down and I could cum from the sight, “you know you look hot just in your leggings and shoes,” I winked. Lilly blushed a deep red, “straddle me again babe,” I tell her. Lilly straddled my lap and left room, so she could keep playing with my member. I ran my hands down her back to the top of her leggings. Lilly got faster with me and I squeezed her arse.
Lilly kept going until my member twitched in her hand, “fuck,” I moaned. I was trying really hard to to cum yet, but her touch was sending me over the edge. Lilly started kissing my neck as she kept going with my member, “let go babe,” she whispered in my ear before she kissed under it. I grabbed her hips tight as I couldn’t control it anymore. I came swearing uncontrollably, but Lilly kept going to make my high keep going.
When I came down from my high. I could still see stars. I kissed Lilly softly over and over again as Lilly smiled into the kisses. I moved my hand into her knickers and started rubbing her. She was already soaking wet from touching me. I kissed along her jaw to her neck, “I really do turn you on,” I smirked.
“You know you do,” she whispered. I kept rubbing her as I pulled her leggings and her knickers down a little with my other hand. I ran my hand down on of her legs to her shoe. I took off her shoe and sock before I pulled her leggings and knickers down to her knee. I had to stop rubbing her, so I could grab her hip. Lilly moved out of her leggings and knickers on one side. I took her other shoe and sock off before I completely took her leggings and knickers off. I saw panic come across Lilly’s face and wondered why she was panicking all of a sudden, “babe is everything alright?” I wondered. Lilly bit her lip, “this is going to sound stupid, but were both naked. I know we did this last night and Saturday, but,” she started. I stopped her since I got what she was saying, “but you’re naked on top of me and really close to my dick,” I say. I grabbed Lilly singlet and covered my lower half, “is this better?” I questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “come here,” I say as I pulled her closer. I kissed her, “do you want to continue?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Lilly says as she nodded her head. I kissed her again as my hands ran down her back to the front of her hips. I started playing with her clit and she moaned into my mouth. My finger on my other hand played with her entrance. Lilly gave me ok, so I slowly put my finger in her. I moved it in and out slowly, “please faster Lou,” she begged. I smiled at the fact that she wanted me to go fast, so I did, “not nice is it babe,” I teased. I pushed against her g-spot and she dug her her fingers into my shoulders, “can I use two fingers?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head before I pulled my finger out and put two in. I wait a little bit, so she could adjust to them. I moved my fingers in and out of her making sure that I hit her g-spot. Lilly didn’t last long as she came onto my fingers moaning my name. 
We had a shower to clean ourselves up. When we were in there I made sure Lilly was close to me even when she would move away from me. I was worried why she started to panic when we were both naked. She was naked with me now and she was alright with it. Maybe it might because she was on top of me.
When we got back into Lilly’s room. I went into my bag to grab out a pair of blue boxers. Lilly put on a white baby doll night gown with the matching knickers. I thought she looked really beautiful in it. I found myself whishing she would wear more of this stuff. Then I realized that I make her wear my clothes when she stays over. I started drying my hair and so did Lilly, “babe can we talk about something?” I asked. Lilly nodded her head, “it about when we were both naked and you kinda panicked,” I started. Lilly finished drying her hair and put her towel on the back of her desk chair. I walked over to her and also put my towel on her desk chair, “what were you thinking?” I wondered. I wrapped my arms around her as she looked at me, “I don’t know. It just felt different,” she admitted. I moved my fingers back and forwards on her back, “what do you mean different?” I questioned. Lilly hid her face into my chest, “I was scared,” she mumbled into my chest. Lilly looked at me, “I was scared that I might actually break all the promises that you made to me. That I was going to give in and not be a virgin anymore,” she confessed. I was shocked as I realized that she was scared to lose her virginity, “Lilly are you afraid to lose your virginity?” I questioned.
“I am for some reason,” she admitted. I kissed the top of her as I was trying to get my mind under control, “are you afraid that it would hurt or won’t be what you thought?” I asked. Lilly looked down, “yes, but I also think that I wouldn’t be good enough for you since I don’t know what to do,” she tells me. Why is thinking this shit? She must have watched romantic movies and know it’s not all about the guy. I pulled her chin up, so she would look at me, “your first time is not about me. It’s all about you,” I tell her. I kissed her, “you know I’m afraid that I’ll hurt you too much or that your first time was not how you pictured it. I’m scared that I’ll screw it up and it something that you can’t get back,” I confessed. Lilly kissed me, “but I have nothing pictured for my first time. I haven’t really thought about it until today. All I know is that I don’t want to be drunk or high,” she says. 
“I would never take it when you’re drunk or high. I want you to remember it,” I smiled. It felt like me and Lilly moved closer in our relationship. I had hope that she maybe thought about us more than friends. She just had this look in her eyes that I couldn’t put my finger on. All I know I was happy that we can have these moments like this together. 
We had a smoke before I got on top of Lilly’s bed, “so another day of school tomorrow,” I sighed. Lilly sat next to my legs and leaned into them, “yep and you’re going to geography in the morning,” she tells me. I just pouted at her, “that not going to work,” she added. I smiled since I knew it was never going to work. I put my hand on her thigh, “fine I’ll go, but you’re staying home and I’m coming back after my lesson,” I tell her. Lilly shook her head, “no. I’m going to the library and working on history. I’m already behind,” she says. I laughed, because how can she be behind? She hasn’t missed a lesson, “how far behind are you?” I wondered. 
“About half a lesson,” she smiled. I laughed harder, “is that all babe. I already missed one lesson of geography,” I reminded her. Lilly shook her head as I stopped laughing, “can I ask you something?” she wondered. Lilly leaned her her body against me and I nodded my head, “Liam told me this morning that you just passed last year. Can I ask why?” she questioned. I looked away from her. Why did Liam tell her that? That has nothing to do with her, “I just don’t like school,” I lied. Lilly kissed my shoulder as I was trying to calm down, “did Liam tell you anything else?” I asked. I was counting to ten in my head, “um just that last year was a bad year for you,” she says. I groaned as I couldn’t hold my anger in. I can’t believe Liam told her this, “that all you’re going to know,” I snapped. Lilly got off her bed and left her room without saying anything. I knew she didn’t want to be around me when I’m in one of these moods.
After I calmed down a little bit. I went to find Lilly to apologize to her. I knew I shouldn’t have snapped at her since she just cared about me. I found her in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea. I wrapped my arms around her from behind before I kissed the top of her head, “I’m sorry for snapping,” I apologized. Lilly didn’t say anything as she moved my arms away from her. I started to panic and it started to bring my anger back, “Lilly I’m sorry!” I shouted.
“Don’t shout at me Louis. I heard you the first time,” she snapped. I looked down so I didn’t look at her. I made her angry, “all I did was tell you what Liam told me and you snapped at me,” she added. I looked at her and her face looked hurt, “I know,” I sighed. I was getting angrier at myself for doing this. It was a stupid fight, “I know you don’t like to talk Louis. I just wish that you’ll stop getting angry at me, because I care,” she tells me. As soon as she said that. I had to get out of there. I wanted to go break shit or drink a whole bottle of something to numb the pain.
When I got to her room I went straight to my bag and grabbed a pair of jeans. I started putting them on, “where are you going Louis?” she asked me. I could hear the hurt and confusing in her voice. I didn’t want to say anything, “Louis please talk to me,” she begged. I looked at her and my heart drop. I could see the hurt across her face, “I need to go, before I do something,” I spat. I hate how my anger was taking over my emotions, “what are you talking about?” she wondered. I knew she was looking at me. Watching what I was going to do, “please Lilly,” I begged. She came closer to me and slowly touched my bicep. I looked at her trying to calm myself down, “Louis are you getting angry?” she questioned. I placed my hand over hers, “I am and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want to be angry at you, because I know you did nothing wrong. It just me. I’m fucked up Lilly,” I admitted. Lilly kissed my shoulder and I started to calm down a little bit, “how about we go to bed?” she suggested. I nodded my head before I took my jeans off. Lilly got into bed as I turned her bedroom light off. I got in next to her, but I left room. Lilly wrapped an arm around me, “you feel better?” she asked.
“Yea,” I whispered. I was calming down and I have Lilly to thank for that. I pulled her closer to me, “I am sorry,” I apologized. She smiled at me, “I think it something I’m going to have to get used to,” she tells me. I kissed her nose, “thank you,” I say. I drew circles on her back as I was thinking about what just happened. I think I need more help with my anger, so I don’t snap at Lilly for the smallest things, “but you know it something that you shouldn’t have to get used too. I should really learn how to control it,” I admitted. Lilly ran her thumb over my cheek and all my anger was gone, “but until then I’ll be here for you,” she promised. I kissed her to show her how much that meant to me, but I knew I should have said it, “even when I scare you?” I wondered. Lilly kissed me, “I’ll try my best, but I’m not going to lie you do scare me,” she confessed. I looked down disappointed in myself. I knew I scared her, “but you do put up with a lot of my shit. So I think I can put up with you,” she added. I smiled a little at thought of no matter what Lilly wants to be with me, “that true,” I say. I kissed her nose, “but I don’t want to scare you when I get into one of my fucked up moods. You have enough with your mother. You don’t need my shit on top of that,” I tell her. I pulled her even closer, so her body was right against mine, “but I only care about your shit. My mother can go get fucked,” she smiled. I didn’t know what to say. I was more worried about what she goes through. Then what I go through in my fucked up mind. I rubbed her back as we laid in silence.
After while of not saying anything. I noticed the time and it was ten thirty, “babe you need to sleep,” I tell her. Lilly sook her head, “not until you go to sleep,” she tells me. I was confused as I kissed her forehead, “why do I have to go to sleep first?” I wondered. Lilly bit her lip and I worked out why, “are you afraid that I’m still going to leave?” I questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “I’m not going anywhere,” I promised. She smiled at me before she rested her head in the crook of my neck. 
As soon as I knew she was asleep. I moved her back to look at her. I couldn’t believe I ruined a great night with her, because I got angry at her for asking me something. I moved her hair out of her face, “I’m never leaving you. I love you,” I whispered. I kissed her forehead, “you’re my everything,” I added.
I got woken up during the night with Lilly tossing and turning. I turned on her lamp to see her covered in sweat. She was still sleeping and having a nightmare, “stop it Matt!” she screamed. I was scared for her, “Lilly baby wake up,” I demanded as I shook her. Lilly kept moving around, “please stop,” she cried. I knew I was getting emotional, “Lilly it’s just a dream. Open your eyes for me,” I begged. I shook Lilly a bit harder and she opened her eyes a little bit, “Louis?” she questioned. I nodded my head as I kissed her, “it’s ok baby,” I cooed. Lilly went straight back to sleep and I watched her. 
I watched her for over an hour and she didn’t have another nightmare. I worked out her nightmare was about her getting attacked by that guy. I didn’t like her screaming and crying over it. It broke me a little to think what she went through. She looked so scared and it was only a dream. I noticed that it was four thirty in the morning and I really should get back to sleep, but I was awake now. 
I had a smoke before I went into the kitchen. I finished the cup of tea Lilly was making herself. I went back into her room and put the tea on her desk. I went into my bag and grabbed out my English stuff. I sat on her bed next to her desk and put my notebook and pen on it. I opened the novel that we’ve been reading. I was already up to chapter four from reading it in class. I continued where I left off making notes in my notebook.
I woke Lilly up about seven, so we could get ready for school. I noticed as she was putting stuff in her bag that she didn’t cover up her hickey I gave her, “why aren’t you covering up the hickey?” I wondered. Lilly put her shoes on, “because last night was our one week and everyone knows that I was with you,” she tells me. I ran my fingers over the mark and I wish it wasn’t that dark, “I think next time I’ll go easy on ya,” I promised.
When we got to school I went to geography with Niall. He smiled as we sat down, “Liam told me this morning that it took him half an hour to walk Sophia home. She only lives ten minutes away,” Niall tells me. I smiled at him, “so she must like him back,” I say. Niall nodded his head, “so how was last night for you and Lilly?” he asked. I got my books out, “great than bad,” I admitted. Niall was confused as he got his books out, “why was it bad?” he questioned. I played with my pen, “I found out Lilly is afraid of losing her virginity, but the wasn’t the worst of it,” I started. Niall seem worried, “Liam told Lilly yesterday that I just past school last year. He also told her that it was a very bad year for me. So Lilly asked me why and I got angry at her. I know it wasn’t her fault, but I kept getting angrier at myself. I was going to leave before I did something stupid, but Lilly stopped me,” I continued.
“Louis please tell me you didn’t hit her,” Niall begged. I shook my head quickly, “I never hit her,” I promised. I could tell that Niall believed me, “when she touches me and I’m not talking sexual. I’m talking about the simplest touches. It calms me down,” I admitted. Niall seemed surprised, “nothing calms you down normally,” he says. I nodded my head, “I know, but she does. I remember the first time I met her. She was answering back and rolling her eyes at me, but I calmed down when I looked at her. I don’t know how,” I remembered. 
“because you fell for her when you first looked at her. When you first saw her what were you thinking?” Niall asked me. I looked down wondering if I should tell Niall the truth. I’ve told him the truth so far, “I thought she was beautiful,” I admitted. Niall smiled big at me, “Lou found Love,” Niall teased. I laughed to myself as I was thinking about her, “now his thinking about her. Your lucky that you can find love,” he added. I placed my hand on his shoulder, “love scary,” I say. Niall nodded his head, but I knew I gad more to tell him about last night, “but the night got worse for me,” I tell him.
“What happened?” Niall asked. I played with my bottom lip, “Lilly had a nightmare about when that guy attacked her. She was screaming and crying. All I could do was wake her up, but when I did she went back to sleep. I don’t know if she remembers it. I’ve been awake since three thirty waiting for her to have another one,” I confessed. Niall seemed really worried, “do you think it’s because of us?” he wondered. I shrugged my shoulders, “all I know. I don’t want to see that again,” I tell him.
After geography Niall and I met Lilly in the library. Harry, Liam and Sophia joined us. I worked on my physics work copying Lilly’s notes from our first lesson, “who would have thought that we would be studying,” Niall says. We all laughed at him, but we knew it was true, “well it better than doing it all the night before it due,” Sophia pointed out. I noticed Liam smiling at Sophia, so I leaned in closer to Lilly, “it took them half an hour to walk ten minutes yesterday, but he still hasn’t asked her out,” I whispered in her ear. Lilly looked at me as she was smiling, “well were all not as fast as you,” she tells me. I laughed a little bit, “Louis back away from Flower,” Harry tells me. Lilly and I looked at him, “why?” Lilly asked. Harry points to the mark on Lilly’s neck, “I don’t want another one of them,” he replied. Lilly covered up the mark with her hand, “lighten up Harry it was there one-week anniversary yesterday,” Liam tells him. Harry looked at Liam as he wasn’t happy, “but he didn’t have to mark her like that,” Harry says. I wrapped my arm around Lilly, “so they had fun,” Liam tells him. Harry looks straight at me and I feared what he was going to say next, “he already said that he’ll go easy on me next time,” Lilly tells Harry. Harry smiled and I relaxed, “he better,” Harry says.
When the bell rang for us to go on break. We met Zayn, Perrie and May at the wall, “how was study group?” Zayn teased. I saw Niall and May lock eyes, “fun,” Harry tells him. They were still looking at each other, but it looked like Niall was fighting with himself, “we had a big orgy,” Liam joked. Niall quickly looked at Harry before looking down. I was confused, “is that where Lil got the nice hickey from or was that from Louis last night?” Zayn laughed. We all laughed part from Niall, “she got that from Louis last night,” Sophia replied. Zayn raised his eyebrows at me, “so you got a rose, a cute note and a hickey from Louis for your one-week anniversary,” Zayn says. Lilly nodded her head, “not bad,” Perrie smiled. I pulled Lilly closer to me and kissed the side of her head. Niall was glaring at Perrie and Lilly. I think it had something to do with May, but at the same time Harry. Lilly moved away to stand next to Niall, so she must have seen Niall glaring at her, “what you going to do for your one-month anniversary?” Liam asked.
“I don’t know,” I say. I noticed Lilly and Niall weren’t paying attention to us, “hey guys I like you to meet my boyfriend Mark,” May tells us. Her boyfriend stood next to her and he looked like an up tight dick. He had brown hair and blue eyes, “nice to meet you all,” he smiled. I noticed Lilly put her hand on Niall’s back, “hi,” Lilly says. We all introduced ourselves to him, “well I’m going now since drama was my only lesson for the day,” May tells us. We all said goodbye to them and I was happy they were gone, “you and Perrie don’t talk to me right now,” Niall spat. May must have hit a nerve with Niall. He stormed off, “I’ll go with him,” Harry tells us. Harry ran to catch up with him, “what did we do?” Perrie wondered. 
“Just something,” Lilly faked smiled. Perrie gave her a small nod as we all got a smoke out. We lit them up, “so what lesson you got next?” Sophia asked. I noticed Sophia looking at Liam when she asked that, “I have a free,” Perrie replied. Sophia smiled at her, “I also have a free like Louis,” Liam tells me. Why did Liam mention me? Sophia was just asking about him. I played with Lilly’s back, “what are you doing?” she asked me. I smiled at her, “nothing,” I say. Lilly shook her head, “so Sophia what did you do last week in art?” Lilly asked her. I knew Lilly was asking for Liam, “I’m actually doing design, but last week I painted my breakfast. What did you and Zayn do?” Sophia asked back. Zayn smiled at Sophia, “I drew Perrie and Lil drew Louis,” Zayn tells her. Sophia looked shocked, “I’ll show you when we get to class,” Zayn added. The bell rang not long after Zayn said that.
After Lilly gave me a kiss goodbye her, Zayn and Sophia left to go to art. Perrie smiled at me and Liam, “what Pez?” Liam questioned. I knew she want us to do something for her, “can you come with me and help my brother out for a little bit?” she wondered. Liam and I both nodded our heads, “what are we doing?” I asked. Perrie smiled bigger at me, “helping him move,” she tells us. I looked at Liam, “it’s only for about an hour,” she added. We nodded our heads again to reassure her that we were still doing it.
After we helped Perrie brother move his furniture. We went back to school, but as we were walking through the car park. I noticed Zayn car missing, “Perrie where’s Zayn?” I wondered. Perrie shrugged her shoulders, “he could have gone out to get some things for art. He does that a lot,” she tells me. Perrie got her phone out, “I’ll massage him for you,” she smiled. I just didn’t like the thought of Lilly in art by herself. Especially after what happened last night, “he says he be back with Lilly in ten minutes,” Perrie tells me.
“So how do you feel Lou about Zayn taking Lilly out?” Liam smiled. I shrugged my shoulders, “what does Perrie say about this?” I wondered. She also shrugged her shoulders, “I trust them,” she says. I nodded my head, “but what do you think about your boyfriend buying my girl a present?” I questioned. Perrie looked confused, “what present?” she wondered. Liam raised his eyebrows, “your boyfriend brought Lilly a tin of expensive colouring pencils last Friday,” I tell her. Perrie still looked confused, “I know nothing about that. I remember him saying that Lilly was a great artist,” Perrie admitted. Oh shit. I think I just got Zayn into trouble, “he was just helping her out. I was there with him when he brought them. He wanted Lilly art to be the best it can be and she needed the right tools. She was using his all week, so he thought why not buy her some,” Liam explained.
“they help each other in art,” I smiled. I was really alright with Lilly talking to Zayn in art. I know she talks to him about stuff, “Sophia says they watch each other when they have mini breaks. She also said they talk a lot,” Liam says. I smiled at the thought of them two working in art. I couldn’t be happier for the both of them and that was a shock to me. Normally I would have jealous thoughts, but I knew Zayn would never make a move on Lilly. He just wanted to make her happy like I do, “their back,” Perrie tells us. I saw Zayn park his car before they both got out, “hi,” Lilly smiled. Lilly straight away came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back as I kissed the top of her head, “where did you and Zayn go?” I asked. Lilly smiled at me, “to go get some spray paint,” she replied. I smiled as I wondered what Zayn was up to, “where did you go?” she asked me. I kissed her, “helping Perrie brother,” I tell her. Zayn held Lilly’s bag out and I grabbed it.
We all sat down on the wall, “you know you still got twenty minutes left,” Liam tells Lilly. She shrugged her shoulders, “it not like I was doing anything,” she tells him. Lilly didn’t seem herself and it worried me. Harry came and joined us as I wondered where his been, “what are you doing out of class Flower? You know my rules,” Harry questioned. Lilly pointed to Zayn, “went with him to get art supplies,” she says. Harry smiled at her, “so you didn’t skip,” he says. Lilly leant her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her, “is everything alright babe?” I asked her. Lilly nodded her head, “just thinking about what to do in art,” she tells me. I kissed the top of her head, “so where did you go Harry?” Liam wondered.
“I had to sort something out,” Harry replied. I knew he wasn’t going to tell us, “like what?” Perrie questioned. I noticed Lilly wasn’t paying attention, “just something,” he tells her. I could see Harry was getting angry, “so Louis and Lilly you going to tell Sophia and May about the real you?” Liam asked to change the subject. I shrugged my shoulders as they all looked at Lilly. I rubbed her back to bring her out of her thoughts, “Lil back to earth,” Liam says. Lilly looked at him, “are you and Lou going to tell Sophia and May about your fake relationship?” he asked again. Lilly looked at me, “not yet. Remember Sophia was friends with Amy. I know she didn’t want to be and she stopped Amy from hitting me. I just want to wait a couple of weeks until I tell her. With May I don’t know,” she tells him. Liam nodded, “I understand,” he says. Lilly stood up and we all looked at her, “I’m going for a walk,” she tells us. Lilly stopped me from getting up, “I need to be alone right now,” she says. She kissed me before she left.
When she was out of our sight I looked at the ground. I wondered if her nightmare was getting to her, “Lou is Flower alright?” Harry asked. I looked at him as I shrugged my shoulders, “she’s been out of it all day,” I admitted. I knew I couldn’t tell Harry about Lilly’s nightmare. I think he thinks that I went home last night, “she seemed disappointed in art that she couldn’t come up with an idea. I think it’s the first time it happened to her,” Zayn tells us. Harry was thinking of something, “do you think it might because of what happened on the weekend? She told us what happened to her and that must have been a terrifying time for her,” Harry wondered.
“It could be. We really don’t know what went down. We just know the quick story and personally I don’t want to picture what happened to her. I already hear her screaming for it to stop and her crying,” I confessed. I couldn’t believe those words came out of my mouth in front of Harry, but it what happened last night. Harry looked upset, “so do I,” he whispered. So Harry feels the same as me, “she be alright guys. She has us to help her,” Zayn reassured us. I gave him a small nod as I got a smoke out. I lit it up before I grabbed Lilly’s smokes out. I put some of mine in there and put it back into her bag, “what are you doing Lou?” Harry questioned. I totally forgot that I just did that in front of everyone. I looked at Harry as no words came out of my mouth, “waiting,” he smiled.
“um she doesn’t get much money for anything. So I put some of my smokes in her packet, so she can spend the money she gets on herself,” I admitted. Harry slowly nodded his head as he kept smiling at me, “Harry your torturing the poor boy. His just doing something nice for Lil,” Zayn tells him. Harry laughed a little bit, “I know and it’s a nice thing Lou,” Harry says. I smiled back at him, “so Zayn when were you going to tell me about you buying Lil colouring pencils?” Perrie asked him. I looked at Liam and he was looking around, “I didn’t see the point,” Zayn replied. Harry pulled a face like he was in pain, “but I’m your girlfriend. You should tell me about when you buy present for other girls,” Perrie snapped. 
“Perrie I brought Lilly some colouring pencils to help her out in art,” Zayn said sarcastically. Perrie stood up and walked away, “sorry,” I apologized. Zayn shook his head, “don’t be. Personally I thought you would be the one getting mad since she’s your girl,” Zayn smiled. Zayn got up and left to find Perrie as Harry was looking at me, “so you do have jealous thoughts when it comes to Lilly?” Harry smirked. I nodded my head, “have you told her about them?” he questioned. I nodded my head again, “proud of you,” he smiled.
Harry and I started walking to the canteen since Liam went to pick Sophia up from art, “can I ask you something that I know would upset you?” Harry wondered. I nodded my head as I wondered what it could be, “have you told Lilly about your suicided?” Harry asked. I shook my head quickly, “so on Sunday when you said you were done with everything. Flower didn’t know you were talking about killing yourself?” he questioned.
“Harry only you know about me trying to kill myself and I really like to keep it like that. People look at you different. You look at me differently and you worry way too much about me,” I snapped. Harry sighed, “I have a right to worry about you. Louis you went dark again and it was over losing Lilly. I want you to promise me something,” he started. I stopped to look at him and Harry put his hands on my shoulders, “no matter what happens between the two of you and I mean anything. Don’t kill yourself. Because Lilly would have to live with that for the rest of her life. And I could never forgive you for that,” Harry tells me. 
“I will never do that to her,” I promised. I knew Harry was right about that. If I give up like that. Lilly will blame herself for the rest of her life, “hey. Can have time to myself?” I asked Harry. He gave me a small nod, “can you also get Lilly some lunch that’s more than a sandwich?” I wondered. Harry smiled as he gave me another small nod, “Lou how is her home life?” he asked. I looked down, “not enough money to feed her everyday for school,” I tell him. Harry hugged me tight, “thank you for telling me,” he says.
When Harry left me I sat down on the football pitch smoking. I messaged Lilly to see where she was and if she was alright, but I got nothing back. I hope she was alright and not doing anything stupid, “you alright Louis?” Veronica asked as she stood next to me. I looked up at her, “what can you tell me about nightmares?” I wondered. She sat down next to me, “what type of nightmares?” she wondered.
“One where your tossing and turning, screaming and crying,” I tell her. Veronica looked over my face, “you’re not talking about yourself. Are you?” she asked. I shook my head, “Lilly had a nightmare last night and it scared the crap out of me,” I admitted. Veronica rubbed my back, “I want to ask you something, but I can’t just in case you don’t know,” Veronica started. Did she know what happened to Lilly at her old school, “I know what happed to her at her old school with that guy. That’s what her nightmare was about,” I tell her.
“Ok. But I’m sorry to say Lou you can’t do anything about Lilly’s nightmares. She has to face them herself. All you can do is wake her up and tell her that it’s alright,” she says. I nodded my head, “I was afraid you were going to say that. I don’t want her to go through that again,” I admitted. Veronica rubbed my back, “it was full on?” she asked. I nodded my head, “and I don’t think she remembers it,” I say.
I sat there with Veronica for a little bit before I decided to see the others. I grabbed myself some lunch and sat down with everyone. Niall and Lilly weren’t there, so I hoped they were together, “where did you go?” Liam asked. I started eating as I noticed Harry had two trays of food next to him. They were both fish and chips and a chocolate mousse. I smiled at him and he smiled back, “Lou are you going to answer me?” Liam wondered. I looked at him, “somewhere and no I didn’t go looking for Lilly,” I tell him. Liam nodded his head, “no he was talking to Veronica,” Zayn says.
“is everything alright?” Liam questioned. I nodded my head as I noticed Lilly and Niall coming our way. Lilly sat down next to me and I felt happy again, “did you have fun on your walk?” I asked her. Lilly nodded her head as she kissed me. I whish she would kiss me again, “I’m sorry I didn’t message you back. I was talking with Ni,” she tells me. I looked at Niall as I hoped that he helped Lilly get out of her mood, “what did you talk about?” I wondered. Lilly looked at Niall too, “just something that I went through and something Lil went through,” Niall replied. The only thing I knew that they both went through was trying to killing themselves, “ok then,” I says. I pulled Lilly closer to me, “and thank you Ni,” I tell him. Niall smiled at me and I smiled back, “Flower and Ni I got you both lunch,” Harry tells them. He pushed the trays over to the both of them, “thanks,” Niall smiled. Lilly looked at him, “thank you,” she says.
When Lunch was done. We all ran off to go get ready for P.E. When we we’re in the changing rooms. Harry and I went over to Niall, “so Niall is Flower alright?” Harry asked him. Niall nodded his head, “she will be,” he tells us. Harry seemed happy as he went back to his bag, “Lou you going have to tell her about her nightmare. I don’t think she knows about it,” Niall says. I nodded my head, “what if it makes it worse? I don’t think I can go through that again,” I admitted. Niall put his hand on my shoulder, “your strong Lou and you have to be strong for her. She needs you,” Niall tells me.
After we got changed we waited for the girls on the football pitch. Mr McKain came over to us, “so do you boys have your partners for todays test?” he asked us. We all nodded our heads, “good. If we finish early we play a game of football,” he tells us. He walked away from us, “Ni you still my partner?” Harry asked him. Niall nodded his head, “who’s your partner Liam?” Zayn smirked. Liam looked down, “I’m going to ask Sophia,” he replied. We smiled at him, “so have you made a move?” I wondered. Liam shook his head, “why not?” I questioned. Liam looked at me, “cause what if she doesn’t like me back?” he asked. I laughed a little bit, “the only way to find out is to ask,” I tell him.
The girls came out to us in their P.E clothes, “now Mr McKain said if we finished all the test. We can play a game of football,” Harry tells them. Lilly got her P.E stuff out before she put her bag down next to mine. She watched Liam walk over to Sophia, “babe remember your my partner,” I tell her. She looked at me, “and remember you got to behave,” she reminded me. I smiled at her, “I know,” I say.
We started the test and Lilly and I were up to the balance test. Lilly was doing the stork stand for about a minute now, “babe you been doing that for a minute now. You don’t have to show off,” I tell her. Lilly smiled as she put her foot on the ground. She took her notebook and the timer off of me, “your turn,” she says. I tried, but I couldn’t keep my balance, “let me help,” Lilly tells me. She put her stuff down before coming over to me. She put her hands on my waist, but she moved them to my arse, “babe what happened to behaving?” I asked. I liked how she was flirting with me. I think her and Niall having a talked helped her. Lilly smirked at me, “I told you to behave. I said nothing about me,” she pointed out. I shook my head as I pulled her closer to me. I kissed her, “but if you’re not going to behave. Then I’m not,” I tell her. I kissed her again, “Louis and Lilly get back to work!” Mr McKain shouted. I gave Mr McKain the thumbs up that I heard him, “that the second time this week we been told that,” Lilly says as she moved away from me.
“Are you still going to help me babe?” I pouted. Lilly put her hand back on my waist as I got on one foot. Lilly held me until I got my balance. She started the timer and I only lasted fifteen seconds, “how do you do it?” I wondered. Lilly wrote in her notebook, “practise,” she smiled. I wrapped my arms around her, “that right you’re a nerd,” I teased. My little nerd.
When we all finished the test Mr McKain kept his word, “ok. I want two teams which I’m going to pick. I’m also going to pick the captains and the vice-captains,” Mr McKain tells us. I had Harry, Zayn, Perrie, Brian and three guys and three girls. I got captain as Zayn got vice-captain. What surprised me was that Mr McKain picked Lilly to be captain and Sophia as vice-captain. I think he wanted to see if they could do it. I got my team in position after we won the coin toss. 
It was a draw at the end of the first half. Harry scored the goal, “we need to get through their defence. We were lucky to score that goal. I know you guys can do it, so let’s win this shit,” I tell my team. I felt a hand on my back as my team split up, “you alright? You look fucked,” Harry wondered. I nodded my head, but I think being up since three thirty was getting to me.
We all got back onto the pitch and Lilly and Sophia started with the ball. When Mr McKain blew his whistle Sophia passed the ball to Lilly. Then Lilly kicked it straight to Niall before Niall ran down the pitch with it. I tried to block Niall, but he passed it to a girl on his team. I ran my hands over my face, “you alright Lou?” Niall asked. I nodded my head as I watched Sophia kick the ball into the goals. Niall got really excited, “we’re winning!” he shouted.
I kept reassuring my team that we could win this, but we lost. It was the first time I’ve lost and I was proud of Lilly. I smiled at her as her team hugged her, “so Lou how does it feel to lose against your girlfriend?” Niall teased. I put my thumbs up as Lilly ran over to me. She hugged me, “Lil you don’t need that loser. You have us winners,” Liam says. Lilly shook her head, “I want you,” she reassured me. She kissed me, “how did you win tho?” I wondered. I wrapped my arms around her as she looked at her team, “I told them to work together and use what they got,” she replied. I smiled at her, “and that worked?” I questioned. Lilly nodded, “well we did just beat you,” she smiled. I laughed a little bit, “shower and then you can go,” Mr McKain tells us.
After I had a shower I waited for Lilly in the hallway. When she came out she still looked happy, “so you got creative writing now? And do you want me to come over tonight?” I asked. Lilly shook her head, “I’ll be fine tonight,” she tells me. I smiled hoping that she would, “you sure tho?” I questioned. Lilly nodded her head, “I won’t be back until late and I just do some school work tonight,” she says. I kissed her, “and if I remember you go to the gym tonight with the boys,” she added. I nodded my head as she reminded me, “but I can always come after,” I suggested.
“Lou I’m going to be fine,” she slightly snapped. I looked down as I was thinking. Maybe Lilly might like a night way from me, “are we spending too much time together?” I asked. Lilly sighed as I looked at her, “I think we are,” she admitted. I kissed her forehead, “I do too, but I just want you to be safe,” I confessed. Lilly kissed me to reassure me that she be fine, “if you change your mind call me or message me. I’ll be straight there,” I tell her. I’m sorry Lilly, but I will be over tonight to check on you, “you know you could do the same to me,” Lilly smiled. I grabbed her hips. I don’t think you’ll like me Lilly when I go dark, “um did Niall tell you about Ireland?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head, “he also told me about him trying to,” she started.
“Kill himself,” I interrupted. I knew she finding it hard to say it. Lilly gave me a small nod, “you know we all thought about it at one point. Only you and Niall have tried,” I say. I knew this wasn’t the place to tell her about me. Lilly looked down, “Louis are you worried after today and the weekend that I might think about it again?” she questioned. I bit my lip as she looked at me, “I am,” I admitted. I pulled her close to me as she wrapped her arms around me, “I’m really fine. The only thing that got me down today is art, because it the first time I don’t have an idea,” she reassured me. I don’t think that’s the only thing that’s got you down today. I kissed the top of her head, “I know you’ll think of something,” I tell her.
After I dropped Lilly off at creative writing I went home. Liam was waiting for me, “how can I help you Payno?” I asked as I got out of my car. He just smiled at me as I grabbed my school bag, “I come around every Tuesday before gym,” he reminded me. I slowly nodded my head as I thought about something, “do you want to help me with the washing?” I wondered. I went into the boot of my car and grabbed out mine and Lilly’s bags, “um why do you want to do the washing?” Liam questioned.
“because I have a lot to do,” I smiled. I grabbed my backpack that I took away as well, “haven’t you done any washing since we were at the cabin?” Liam asked. Liam took one of my backpack and Lilly’s bag, “nope. I haven’t been home,” I tell him. Liam opened Lilly’s bag, “these are girl clothes Lou,” Liam smiled. I nodded my head as I walked to the front door, “there Lilly’s,” he added. I went inside and turned the alarm off, “yes they are Liam,” I say. I threw the bags on the lounge before I went into the kitchen. I went into the fridge to grab out a Red Bull, “most of them are clean,” Liam pointed out.
“I know. That’s why I’m going to go through them first,” I tell him as I came back into the lounge room. I took Lilly’s bag off of him, “if you want to help go threw my shit,” I say. Liam laughed as he grabbed my bag. We started going through the clothes, “wow nice white undies Lou,” Liam say. I noticed he was holding Lilly’s bra and knickers. Fuck I forgot I put our clean clothes in my bag, “Liam. Lilly’s clothes that are in my bag are clean. So just put them in a pile,” I tell him. Liam smiled as he put them down.
After we sorted them out and put the dirty ones in the washing machine. Liam helped me carry up the clean clothes to my bedroom. I sat on the floor of my wardrobe in front a set of draws. I pulled the bottom draw out, “what you up to?” Liam asked. I ignored him as I pulled the clothes out and started putting Lilly’s in, “oh Lou. You’re in a serious relationship,” Liam teased. Liam started putting my other clothes away, “she stays here a lot,” I say. I put the last bit of Lilly’s clothes away, “and why does she stay here a lot?” he questioned. I looked at him, “her mother works a lot, so she home by herself a lot,” I lied. Liam nodded his head slowly, “Lou cares,” he teased.
For the rest of the afternoon Liam and I watched a movie as we ate. I think I fell asleep since I couldn’t remember what happened in the movie a little bit. I got changed to go to the gym and Liam did the same. Liam helped me put the washing on the line before we left.
When we got to the gym we waited for Niall out the front. Liam and I were smoking, so I got my phone out and messaged Lilly:
How was creative writing? Xo
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
Good. Niall and Sophia are in my class. How the gym? Xo
I shook Liam, “Niall’s doing creative writing,” I tell him. Liam looked shocked as I message Lilly back:
Really Niall in your class? I just got here xo
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
Yes, Niall is really in my class. He said that he likes to write stuff xo
“Could Niall be doing it to help out in music?” Liam wondered. I shrugged my shoulders as replied to Lilly:
I know he likes to write songs so maybe he thinks the class could help him. I’m so going to poke fun at him for it xo
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
Don’t you dare. I think he didn’t do it last year or the years before that, because he was afraid of what you boys would say
I straight away noticed Lilly didn’t add xo on the end:
Someone protecting Niall and what happened to my xo? Are you made at me, because I teased Niall?
Lilly didn’t message me back, “don’t tease Niall about doing creative writing. Lilly thinks he didn’t do it before, because of us,” I tell Liam. Liam nodded his head as my phone went off:
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
Great I’ve made her mad at me. Niall turned up in his gym clothes, “ready to get sweaty boys?” he smiled. We nodded our head as we walked in, “so how was creative writing?” l asked. Niall went red, “good,” he replied. I smiled at him as we signed in.
I started lifting some weight as I got an idea to make Lilly smile again. I quickly got my phone out after I took my top off. I took a picture of myself in the mirror, “oh god. Lou taking selfies,” Liam teased. I put my top back on, “are you sending that to Lil?” Niall smiled. I nodded my head as I sent the picture with the message:
 Still mad at me? ;) Xo 
Niall and Liam came closer to me, “don’t look at me like that,” I tell them. I turned around, so my back was to them, “do you know Niall that Lilly has a draw at Louis’s?” Liam wondered. Why are they doing this to me now, “no I didn’t,” Niall says. My phone went off and it was a picture message from Lilly. I slowly opened it to see her topless, but her arm covered her boobs. I found it incredibly hot that I got a semi from it, “oh wow Lou,” I heard Niall say. Him and Liam were looking over my shoulders, “piss off guys,” I snapped.
“you better fix the problem in your pants,” Liam smiled. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down, “just one picture and you have a problem,” Liam teased. I felt myself relax, so I messaged Lilly back:
Babe don’t ever do that to me in public. I got a boner in front of the boys and Niall saw the picture xo
I quickly saved the picture and made it my wallpaper:
P.S it my new phone wallpaper ;)
The boys were still smirking at me, “do something else instead of looking at me,” I ordered. I got on the treadmill and started running. Lilly messaged me back:
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
Maybe I should just send it to Ni ;)
I knew she was just playing around with me:
Don’t you dare babe or I will come over there and smack your arse. But before I do I will have to beat the shit out of Niall. Your choice babe
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
Clam down Lou. That picture is just for you xoxo
I knew she would protect Niall from me, but I couldn’t hit Niall. He just so happy all the time:
Better be and I see I get xo again. Makes me think you got a thing for Niall since you keep protecting him xo
My Beautiful Lilly Belle
No. I only have a thing for you and I’m sorry for pushing you than xoxoxo
Shit. I made her think I’m mad at her:
You didn’t push me. I knew that you were playing with me and it turned me on ;) xo
I knew if I was there that Lilly would be blushing:
And I beat I made you blush than xo
My beautiful Lilly Belle
 Do you have a camera in my room? And aren’t you meant to be working out? Xo
I was right:
Kinky babe. Already thinking about making sex tapes ;) and I’m running on the treadmill as I messaging you xo
My beautiful Lilly Belle
OMG you can multitask xo
I nearly fell over as I was messaging Lilly:
I can do a lot of things at once ;) xo
Lilly didn’t message me back and I started to get worried. So I called her, “hello,” she says as she answered her phone. She sounds alright, “hey. I thought it be easy to call you since I nearly tripped over,” I tell her. I could tell that she was smiling, “so you really can’t multitask than,” she teased. I laugh a little bit, “you sure about that babe?” I smirked. The call ended and I knew she hung up on me. Was I pushing her? I called her back, “babe why did you hang up on me?” I questioned as soon as she answered.  
“I didn’t” she lied. What was wrong, “you’re lying to me. Babe what wrong? Am I talking about sex too much again?” I wondered. Lilly sighed and I knew it was about sex, “it ok. I started it,” she tells me. She didn’t start this shit. I did, “I started it babe and don’t say that you started it in P.E. You were just having fun than. I know I talk about sex a lot and I know I shouldn’t,” I started.
“Can you come over?” Lilly interrupted. I stopped as I dropped my phone, but the treadmill kept going. I flew off and landed on the floor. I quickly picked up my phone as Niall and Liam came over to me, “you alright Lou?” she asked. I was trying to catch my breath, “yeah. Just fell off the treadmill and are you sure babe?” I questioned. Niall and Liam came in closer to me, “yeah I am. I know I told you I’ll be fine, but for some reason I need you. I don’t know why, but I do,” she confessed. I pushed them away, “you can come after. I don’t want to ruin your boy’s time at the gym. I’ll be alright for a while. I got an idea for art to get started,” she tells me. I sighed, “you sure babe? I can come now,” I questioned.
“I’ll be fine. My mother not home so I can put some music on,” she replied. I sighed again as I gave into her, “ok. I’ll be there in an hour,” I promised. Liam and Niall where talking about Lilly and me, but it was all about sexual stuff, “thank you. See you soon,” she says. I put my hand over Niall’s mouth to shut him up as I glared at Liam, “see you soon babe,” I say back. I hung up my phone and uncovered Niall’s mouth, “you two need to learn to shut up,” I snapped.
“Aww Lou don’t want us to know about sexy time with Lil?” Liam teased. I glared at him, “it’s nothing like that. Her mother not home for the night and she scared. There has been break ins on her street,” I lied. Niall knew I was lying, “sorry I didn’t know,” Liam apologized. He walked away as he put his head phones in, “what’s wrong?” Niall asked.
“I pushed her,” I admitted. Niall seemed confused, “I was being dirty and flirting with her just then. She got up set with me,” I explained. Niall put his hand on my shoulder, “personally Lou. I think she believes she not good enough for you and the thing your doing. You’ve done it all and she just started,” Niall tells me. I nodded my head as I think her mother’s words were getting to her too.
Forty-five minutes later I was standing at Lilly’s front door. I messaged her to let me and she opened the door for me. I hugged her straight away, “is everything alright babe?” I wondered. I started kissing her all forehead as I couldn’t help myself. Lilly hugged me tight and my worry went through the roof. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “I’m just really confused at the moment,” she admitted. She looked at me and her face was unreadable, “get your stuff. You’re going to mine tonight,” I tell her. I kissed her softly before I let her go. I shut the front door as Lilly went into her room. I took a couple of deep breaths before I followed her.
When I went into her room she was packing her school bag. I grabbed her purse and phone charger for her, “I got some of your clothes already,” I tell her. Lilly looked lost as she looked around her room. I grabbed her school bag, “come on let’s go,” I smiled. I knew I had to smile, so she wouldn’t know I was worried about her.
When we got to mine Lilly seemed out of it, “babe you alright?” I questioned. Lilly gave me a small nod as we got out of the car. I watched her as we went inside and straight up to my room, “sit,” I ordered. Lilly sat down and I sat next to her. Lilly took her shoes off before she crossed her legs. I put my hand on her knee, “I’m sorry,” she apologized. I pulled her to me, so she sat between my legs. I drew circles on her thigh as she put her head on my shoulder, “don’t be sorry just tell me what wrong,” I tell her. Lilly closed her eyes, “is it me and all my sex talk?” I wondered. Lilly opened her eyes to looked at me “kinda. It got me thinking about what my mother said,” she started.
“I told you not care what your mother says to you. She wrong about everything about you,” I interrupted. I was getting angry, but not at her. I was getting angry at her mother. Why was Lilly listing to her again, “it was more about us and how you’ll get bored of me if I don’t put out,” she tells me. I groaned trying to keep my angry under control, “I told you that I wouldn’t. Why are you listening to her now? After all I said to you,” I questioned. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know. I all I know that she in my head now,” she admitted. I need to tell her about her nightmare. She need to know that it might be the problem. I need to fix this, “Lilly do you know that you had a nightmare last night?” I wondered. Lilly shook her head, “I woke you up, but you went straight back to sleep. You were screaming stop it Matt. Is Matt the guy that attacked you?” I asked. Lilly nodded her head as I saw tears in her eyes. She hid her face into my neck as I hugged her tight. I kissed the top of her head, “hey it alright. Everything going to be alright,” I cooed. I felt her tears on my skin and it was breaking me, “maybe that why you’ve been having a bad day,” I say. Lilly looked at me and her face was covered in tears, “Niall said what happened to me could be effecting us without us knowing. I told him he was wrong, but now I think he might be right. I think after telling everyone on the weekend has made the memory come back. Even when I thought I pushed it away,” she admitted. I kissed her forehead as I wiped her tears away, “we will get through this,” I promised.
We stayed there not saying anything as I was thinking. I think this was a big moment for us, but I was scared for her. I don’t know how much more my girl can take, “Louis,” Lilly started. I looked at her as I came out of my thoughts, “I don’t want to stop what we are doing with the touching. I like it,” she admitted. I bit my lip as I was trying to work out if we should continue with the touching, “maybe we should try not do it every day,” I suggested. Lilly nodded, “and I try to ease up on the sex talk,” I added. Lilly smiled a little and I felt better about her, “can you do that?” she teased. I laughed a little bit, “I can try for you,” I smiled. Lilly kissed me, “I think shower and bed,” I say.
When we were in the shower I held Lilly the whole time. I just needed her close to me, so she wouldn’t feel alone. We kept giving each other small kisses on each others body, but it was nothing sexual. I did it to show her that I love every bit of her without saying a word. We didn’t say a word the whole time we were in the shower.
When I got out I gave Lilly my singlet and pair of my boxers. I think I should have chosen a better singlet. It just covered her boobs, but I can’t think like this right now. I still was walking around in my towel as I was wondering what to do next. I wanted to talk to her a bit more. I was ready to talk to her about anything, “can I ask why you’re not dress yet?” she wondered. I bit my lip as I saw her on my bed, “um I like to be naked after I go to the gym,” I tell her. 
“Just drop the towel Lou. I’m alright with you being naked,” she smiled. I smiled back as I went to sit next to her on the bed. I looked over her face and she looked normal again, “don’t worry I won’t touch you,” she says. I moved my face in to kiss her, but I pulled back. I don’t know if she would keep her hands to herself, “get into bed babe,” I tell her. Lilly was confused, “why it only eight thirty?” she wondered.
“Because I said shower and bed,” I reminded her. I moved to the top of my headboard. I leant against it as I covered myself with the blanket. I took my towel off and threw it onto the floor. Lilly got off the bed as I turned the bedside lamp on. After she turned the light off she came over to me. She straddled my lap, “I’m sorry for being needed and crazy,” she apologized. I wrapped my arms around her, “don’t be babe. I knew something was wrong today and that why I suggested that I stay over. But when you told me that you’ll be fine. I wanted to believe you and I didn’t want to push you. I was still going to come over after gym anyway,” I tell her. Lilly kissed me, “Lou why do we care so much about each other? We just started week two of knowing each other, but we act like we know each other for a long time,” she wondered as I looked down. 
“I think it because we are both broken people Lilly. I think we get each other better than normal people do. I think we understand each other and know what the other person is going through. I think if I didn’t know about your mother or what happened to you. I don’t think you’ll be sitting right here in front of me. I think you’ll be sitting at home in a world of hurt and that scares me. That you’ll be all alone with no one there to even hug you and tell you it alright. I’m scared of all the bad thoughts that go through your head and mine,” I confessed. Lilly kissed my forehead, “I lied to you Lilly about you and Niall were the only ones to try. I tried this summer,” I started. I showed her my wrist where I took the knife too. She looked at it closely and I knew she could see the scar, “I was just done Lilly. I had enough of everything life gave me. That why I just passed last year. I gave up,” I admitted. Lilly kissed my wrist and my heart skipped a beat, “do the others know?” she questioned.
“Just Harry. He the one that found me. That why I think he just wants us to be happy. I think he knows that you don't live the happy life at home. Harry not that stupid,” I tell her. Lilly looked down, “I know, but why doesn’t he say anything then?” she wondered. I put my hands on her thighs, “maybe because he doesn’t want to believe it or he don’t really know how bad it is. But he knows something wrong,” I say. Lilly gave me a small nod and I pulled her close to me. I need to change the subject, “since we are being serious. Can we talk about me taking your virginity?” I wondered. I don’t know why that topic came into my head. Lilly move back to look at me, “I thought we not going to talk about sex,” she pointed out. 
“I know, but I’ve been thinking about it today. I know you’re scared about it. It just I want to know when and what you want?” I asked. Well that was a little bit of a lie. All day I’ve been worried about her. Lilly shrugged her shoulders, “I haven’t thought about it and you said we are a long way off from that. So why are we talking about it now?” she questioned. I looked down as my mind was going hundred miles an hour, “well when I found out that you’re scared. It got me thinking about the weekend when I tried to end us again. When you were telling me about that you keep your promises. Lilly you were going to rape me,” I started. I stopped myself as I started cursing myself for using that word, “um sorry about that word,” I apologized. Lilly gave me a small smile, “it ok,” she says. I grabbed her hands, “um back to what I was saying. I was just wondering how can you go from that to last night?” I asked. Lilly squeezed my hands, “I think on the weekend I was so scared of losing you. That I would just like one more thing from you before you left me,” she admitted. I smiled a little bit at her since she didn’t want to lose me, “you know I think your right we do care so much about each other and I like it. I like this thing what got going on between us,” I confessed. Lilly smiled back a little as she kissed me, “Lou if I told you I want you to take my virginity tonight or even this weekend. Would you do it?” she asked me. I shook my head quickly, “than when do you think we will be ready?” she questioned. I bit my lip as I was trying to work out when, but I couldn’t, “I can’t answer that. Only you can,” I tell her. She looked down, “what if I told you that I am?” she wondered. I pulled her face up, so she would look at me, “I know you’re not babe,” I say.
“How do you know?” she questioned. I was shocked since her eyes told me that she was telling the truth, “maybe I just want it over and done with so I can stop thinking about it,” she slightly snapped. I shook my head, “then go for it, but I’m just going to sit here and do nothing,” I tell her. Lilly slowly pulled the singlet off and I didn’t stop her. I know I should, but she would scream at me. I went into my bedside table and grabbed out a condom, “you’re going to need this,” I say as I held it up. Lilly took it off me and looked at it. She looked scared now, so I took it back off of her, “babe I know you don’t want to do this,” I pointed out. I put the condom back in my draw before I pulled Lilly close to me, “you’re still upset about everything and this won’t make me want you more. I want you because you are you,” I reassured her. I kissed the top of her head a couple of times, “I only brought your virginity up, because I wanted you to really think about it. What if I told you I wanted to take it in my car or at school? Would you let me?” I asked. Lilly shook her head no, “see I need to know these things,” I say. Lilly looked scared at me, “it ok. I would never take it like that. It just I really do want you to think about it tho. Like do you want me on top or do you want to be on top? Do you want standing or doggy?” I questioned.
“Louis stop please. I don’t even know what you’re really talking about,” she tells me. Fuck I pushed her. I looked down, “do you want me to explain it to you or just leave it for now?” I wondered. Stop talking Lou before this girl leaves you. Lilly gave me a small nod, “just don’t go too far please,” she replied. I kissed her lightly, “well you know when we dry humped and you on your back as I grinded against you? Well that me on top. Also Sunday night when you on top of me. That you on top. Standing can be you against a wall or me behind you. Doggy is me behind you and you’re on all fours. There are a lot more tho, but there the basics,” I explained to her. Lilly nodded her head, “I want you to be on top,” she tells me. I gave her a small nod, “and I want to be in a bed in a room where no one can interrupt us,” she added. I smiled as I thought about how to make it special for her, “anything else. Like do you want to go to dinner before or be somewhere far away from everyone where it just us two?” I asked. Lilly smiled a little, “why do you want to make it special?” she questioned.
“Because it is. I want to make it something that you’ll never forget,” I admitted. I want you have the best in life. I want you to never regret anything with me. Lilly put her head on my shoulder, “I told you what I want. The rest can be up to you,” she tells me. I smiled as I thought of a great idea, “ok than. You know we have another level before we get to that?” I wondered. Lilly nodded her head, “because what we do now and next. Will all be used that night,” I say. Lilly smiled a little, “I thought it was about me?” she joked. I laughed a little, “I didn’t say anything about me. I’m going to make sure it all about you,” I promised. She smiled bigger as I ran my hand up and down her bare back. Lilly kissed my shoulder, “I might be pushing it with the sex talk right now, but when do you think we get to the next level?” she wondered. Lilly looked at me as I was shocked that she asked this, “I think a little while,” I tell her. She gave me a small nod, “so I have time to work out how to give a head job,” she whispered. I started laughing as I pictured her watching porn. Lilly hit me lightly, “I’m sorry. I just thought it was cute that you want to learn before we get there. You know I might like other things than what you learn. So you might still learn a thing or two from me,” I smirked. Lilly shook her head, “like I have to learn what you like. Everyone different babe,” I added. I moved Lilly to next to me, “I’ll be back,” I tell her before I kissed her. I walked into my bathroom.
When I came back from peeing I picked up my singlet that Lilly was wearing off the floor. I threw it at her before she threw it back at me as she shook her head. I nodded my head as I threw it back at her. Lilly threw it back and crossed her arms. Hunny it’s a great view, but I might let my hands roam. I came over to her and leant onto the bed, “sex, sex, sex,” I kept repeating. Lilly pushed me, “stop it,” she giggled.
“Then put the singlet on,” I smiled. Lilly shook her head, “why? When you’re completely naked,” she pointed out. I looked down at myself and realized that she had a point, “fine I’ll go put some pants on then,” I tell her. Lilly grabbed me before I could move, “why are you making me put the singlet on?” she wondered. I bit my lip, “because all the sex talk and you half naked is turning me on. When I said that we should ease up on the playing,” I admitted. Lilly grabbed the singlet and put it on, “better?” she smiled. I kissed her, “thank you,” I say. Lilly pulled me onto the bed as I laid down on my stomach next to her, “what going through your mind babe?” I asked her. I moved Lilly down, so she would lay in front of me. I wrapped my arm around her hips as she put her head on my other arm. She kissed me, “that I need to work things out with myself,” she admitted. I kissed her, “and I’ll help you,” I promised. I moved so I could grab the blanket. I covered myself and Lilly’s legs with it
We started talking about random things until I felt my eyes getting heavy. I put my head on Lilly’s stomach as I looked at her. She was telling me about a movie she watched, but I think being up since three thirty was getting to me. My blinking was getting slower and then I fell asleep.
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categorieltpff · 9 years
thank you so so so soooooooooo ,uch for posting and updating!! it is a beautiful story pls write more!! ilove it!
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categorieltpff · 9 years
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it so so so much!!
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categorieltpff · 9 years
ugh i love your story so much! i can't wait to read more!! also the louis pov pls post ily
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categorieltpff · 9 years
Chapter 16 - Love
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Chapter 16 - Love
So a couple weeks went by and It was a week before Louis's birthday. In those couple of weeks, we pretended to break up, so Niall could get his money. The total of money that he got end up being about ten grand. Niall was over whelmed with all the money that he got. That he thought about proposing to Harry. I talked him out of it and told him to do it after Christmas. We also found out that Sophia was the one that said six months. Sophia also said that when she placed the bet is when she wasn't talking to us. So she really didn't know who we were. All she knew was the way Louis looked at me.
It was the last day of the term and it was freezing. I was rugged up in black jeans, black singlet, a white off the shoulders jumper, a grey thick jacket and a pair of black ankle boots. Louis and I were still pretending that we broke up and it was killing us both. We were in physics and I had to sit next to a girl that fell asleep while Louis sat by himself. We didn't pay much attention since we kept message each other. Most of the messages where I miss you and I love you.
At lunch Harry, Liam and Sophia sat with me a couple of tables away from Louis, Niall, Zayn and Perrie. I kept looking over at them, "it sucks doesn't it?" Harry asked me. I nodded my head, "now I know how you and Niall feel and that boy owes me big time," I tell Harry. They all laughed, "well it's your last day like this. Then when we come back to school. You and Louis can be together again," Sophia reassured me.
"Yeah don't forget that you and Louis are getting back together at his birthday party. That I dragged you to," Harry reminded me. I gave him a small nod, "also don't forget you're mine tomorrow too, so we can go shopping for Christmas," Sophia added. I also gave her a small nod, "what you going to get me?" Liam asked. I laughed as I shook my head, "not telling," I smiled. I looked over at Louis and he was already looking at me. I noticed Perrie was talking to all of them, "God we need to save our men," Harry sighed.
"That we do," I whispered. I saw Amy coming over to them, "Lil stay," Liam tells me. Amy put her hand on Louis shoulder and I wanted to hit her. Louis quickly pushed it of if him as he glared at her. I couldn't hear what she was saying to him, but she looked at me. Harry grabbed my hand, "remember you two are still together," Harry whispered to me. I squeezed Harry's hand, "for the last time Amy! I don't want you, so just piss off!" Louis yelled. Everyone was looking at them and Louis looked straight at me, "clearly she the one that left you Louis! Maybe you should just move on!" Amy yelled back. Louis stood up, "but I will never be with you!" Louis shouted.
"Just fuck off Amy," Perrie snapped. I was having a hard time staying next to Harry. I wanted to run over there and punch Amy straight in the face, "Flower calm down," Harry tells me. Amy was getting closer to Perrie, "Harry if she hits her. I'm over there," I warned him. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist. Amy leaned in close to Perrie and whispered something in her ear. Harry's grip around me got tighter, "let me go Harry," I tell him.
"I can't do that Flower," he says. Perrie pushed Amy away before she stood up, "you're all the fucken same. If that bitch never came to the school. I would have gotten what I wanted," Amy snapped. Louis started laughing, "no you wouldn't. I don't think you get it Amy. I didn't want you years ago, so why would I want you now?" Louis questioned. Amy looked at him, "because I know two of your friend's biggest secrets," she smirked. My mind straight away thought of Harry and Niall, "you don't know jack shit about us," Louis spat.
"So it's not true that Niall and Harry are together and in love," she says. I looked at Harry and he was looking at Niall, "Harry," I whispered. Harry didn't take his eyes off of Niall, "we can't deny it, but I need Niall to tell her it's the truth," Harry says. I looked at Niall and he was white as a ghost. He said something that none of us could hear, "what was that Niall?" Amy smiled. Niall stood up, "it's true!" He shouted. We all stood up waiting for people to attack Niall and Harry, but to our surprise no one did. I didn't know to take that as a good sign or a bad one, "anything else you got on us?" Perrie asked.
"You guys are unbelievable," Amy said in anger. She stormed off, "go to him Harry," I tell him. Harry quickly left my side to be with Niall, "you alright?" Sophia asked. I nodded my head as I watched Harry and Niall hug. Louis was looking at me, "I'm going to need a minute," I say. I grabbed my bag before I started walking off, "have fun," Liam smirked.
I hid in the gym away from everyone. I actually needed a minute to myself, so I could calm down. I still really wanted to hit Amy for coming on to Louis and for telling everyone about Niall and Harry. However, Louis came in, "Lilly Belle," he smiled. He quickly came over to me and hugged me tight, "you alright?" He wondered. I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around him, "I feel like punching that bitch," I admitted. Louis kissed the top of my head, "so tell me what she said to you," I demanded.
"All she said to me was. That I should be with her now since she can fuck me right," Louis replied. I grabbed the back of Louis's top, "but you know I only want you. I made a promise to you," he reassured me. I kissed him, "how's Niall and Harry?" I wondered. Louis kissed my forehead, "I don't know. I just know the others are with them. I'm scared for them Lilly," he started. I looked at him and he was looking in the distance, "no one has said anything to them, but it doesn't mean it won't start. We go to a school were we watch our backs for being normal. What about the people that are different? I don't know what's going to happen to them," Louis confessed.
"We will protect them. I will put my life on the line for them. They deserve to happy and in love. They need to be alright for Theo," I tell them. Louis rubbed my back, "just don't do anything stupid," he says. Louis kissed the top of my head, "let's go home for the day. I know the others are. We're not going to miss much this afternoon," Louis tells me. I looked at him, "I think that be for the best, but can I still hit that bitch?" I begged. Louis laughed a little, "how much I like your jealous side. I'm going to have to say no" he smiled. I kissed him, "OK," I whispered.
We all got out of school and back to my house. Niall and Harry got Theo from day care before coming home. I will admit that I was worried the whole time that they been gone. I was still worried when they were home that I couldn't keep still. Louis had to hold me for a little bit, but I ended getting out his grip. I knew Louis was getting annoyed with me, so I laid on my bed in my room. I hid my face in my pillow, "you finally sat still," I heard Liam say. I looked at him and he was standing in my door way, "yep," I say.
"so what got under your skin?" Liam asked. He sat on the edge of my bed, "I'm worried about Harry and Niall. What are people going to do to them? Do they know where Harry lives? What if they come here?" I rambled. Liam stopped me, "we're all going to stay here for a bit to make sure nothing happens to them or you. We are still going to live our lives like normal," Liam tells me. I gave him a small nod, "so be normal Lil and everything will work out. Plus, your boyfriend staying over. We going to do Theo room and Christmas is next week," he added.
"I know, but that's just me lately. I worry about everything. I know I need to stop, but I don't know how," I admitted. Liam moved closer to me, "I'm just going to say it straight out. Your scared to get attacked again which is understanding. Lilly you went through a loss and you don't want another one," Liam says. I played with my blanket, "I really wish I could tell you that your wrong, but I think your right. What if something happens to one of them? What's going to happen to Theo?" I wondered.
"he will be safe and loved still. Just don't think the worse. Think about Harry and Niall being free," Liam smiled. I smiled a little bit at him, "I wonder if their going to be free at Louis birthday party?" I asked. Liam shrugged his shoulders, "well that's tomorrow night. Where you and Lou get back together," Liam pointed out. I smiled as I nodded my head, "I can't wait to get him back full-time," I say. Liam laughed a little, "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing," Liam joked.
"it's a good thing. I get to keep a better eye on her at school, so I know she doing schoolwork. I know in physics she been messaging a boy and not doing work," Louis smirked. He was leaning against my door frame, "really? and how do you feel about that?" Liam questioned. Louis came closer to us, "I don't know. I know we're not together anymore, but I thought she take sometime to find someone new," he says. I shook my head, "well this new guy that I'm talking to. His really this nice guy, but everyone thinks his a bad boy. He covered in tattoos and he did have piercings for awhile. Until he took them out," I teased.
"wow sounds like your dating your ex. I think you need to look for someone else," Liam tells me. We all started laughing, "well it's my time to go and leave you with your ex," Liam added. He quickly got off my bed and left my room. Louis shut the door before coming over to me, "so you alright now?" Louis asked. I nodded my head as Louis laid right next to me. He laid on his side looking at me, "you sure? Or do you want your new boyfriend?" Louis joked. I put my head on his bicep, "I want you," I tell him. Louis kissed my nose, "but do you feel better after talking to Liam?" he wondered.
"I do, but don't mean I'm still not worried," I admitted. Louis kissed me, "we both are. It's just we can't show it. We got to be strong for them two. Like they were strong for us when we needed them," he tells me. I gave him a small nod as he wrapped his arm around me, "but when it's just us two. We don't have to be strong," he added. I smiled at him, "no we don't," I say. I kissed him, "we should go back to the others. I think Harry might be thinking we're up to something," I smiled. Louis kissed my forehead, "I think his at the door now," Louis whispered. I got off the bed to opened my door and Louis was right. Harry was standing there with a smirk on his face, "can we help you Harold?" I questioned.
"nope. I just wondering if you were alright, but I can see that you are," he tells me. He kissed my forehead, "where going to watch a movie. You two in?" Harry asked. I looked at Louis and he was spread out on my bed, "I was planning something better," he smirked. Harry grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of my room, "well you can do that by yourself!" Harry yelled. Harry dragged me down the hallway, "I can't do that by myself! I need Lilly Belle!" Louis yelled back. Harry kept dragging me, "his pushing it. Isn't he?" I wondered.
"not really, but at the same time I don't know if his joking or not," Harry replied. I laughed a little bit, "I think his joking. I'm actually not sure. I know it's been a very long time," I rambled. Harry stopped me, "that's pushing it. I don't want to know when the last time you done it," he whined. Harry managed to pull me all the way to the lounge room. Everyone was sitting there, "now we going out. We will be home later. So please tell lover boy when he comes down," Harry tells them.
After Harry and I put our shoes and jackets on we went outside, "we are going for a walk," he informs me. I smiled as I nodded my head, "where too?" I wondered. Harry started walking down the street, "somewhere," he smiled. I smiled as I shook my head, "are we just going to walk around until you want to go home?" I questioned. Harry shook his head, "we're going to a place," he says. We kept on walking, "so why are we out in the cold walking around?" I asked. Harry smiled big at me, "so I can show you something," he says.
"not fair," I sighed. Harry wrapped his arm around me, "you need to learn that you don't have to know everything. That some things can be surprises. Like right now," he tells me. I wrapped my arm around him, "Louis full of surprise," I say. Harry nodded my head, "he even surprises me when it comes to you. I can't believe he asked me for my permission to marry you," he started. He eyes went wide, "oh shit I wasn't meant to tell you," he added. I laughed a little bit, "I already knew. He asked me already," I reassured Harry.
"what do you mean he already asked you?" Harry questioned. He looked at me, "he asked me before he asked you," I replied. Harry slowly nodded his head, "and I'm guessing you told him to ask me? But how did he ask you the first time?" he wondered. Harry turned down a street, "he asked me as we were having a bath and yes I told him ask you. I also told him to ask Josh and mum," I explained.
"mum," Harry smiled big. I smiled big as well as I nodded my head, "you really want to call mum, mum?" he questioned. Harry hugged me tight before I could tell him yes, "have you said it to mum yet?" he asked. I shook my head, "don't until Christmas. I think she would really like that. I really think she would cry," Harry tells me. I laughed a little bit, "you want to make mum cry. You cruel bastard," I joked as I stepped back.
"you know you want too. It be the great Christmas present," Harry smiled. I nodded my head, "but we should keep walking before Louis comes and gets us," I tell him. Harry nodded his head, "we nearly there anyway," Harry says.
We walked about five more minutes and Harry stopped in front of a house. It was small and old, but I knew it. I knew this house and I didn't know why, "Harry who lives here?" I wondered. Harry looked at the ground, "it's my old house. The one where we grew up," he reminded me. All my childhood memories came back to me at this house. Harry started walking to the front door, "Harry what are you doing? You don't live here anymore," I questioned. Harry kept walking and I quickly followed him. Harry smiled at me as he pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. He kept smiling as he unlocked the front door. He slowly opened the front door, "I own it," he tells me.
"no way," I say. He pushed me into the house, "well mum still does. She never sold it when we moved. I asked mum a couple of weeks ago if I could have it when I turn eighteen. If you couldn't tell she said yes," he smiled. I laughed a little bit as I looked around a house that I grew up in. It was a bit run down, but all it need was some fixing up. Harry stood next to me, "I'm going to move in when I turn eighteen, but before then I'm going to fix it up. It's going to be a surprise for Niall, so you better not tell him," Harry tells me.
"I won't tell him, but I can see who wears the pants," I smiled. Harry shook his head, "Niall more the man in our relationship," Harry says. I nodded my head slowly, "actually I think you both are," I joked. Harry laughed a little bit, "anyway I need this house be done in about a month. So I was wondering if you want to help me. I want to leave you in charge of Theo's room and the dinning room. Which means you need to pick colours and furniture," he informs me.
"what about the rest of the house and why can't I have the kitchen?" I wondered. Harry took me into the kitchen and there was nothing. The cupboards and tiles been ripped out, "because I've already started," Harry pointed out. I noticed pieces of paper on the wall with a design for the new kitchen. It was going to be a traditional white kitchen with dark wood floors. It was also going to have a little bit of modern twist to it, "I like it," I tell him. Harry smiled at me, "your going to laugh at me, but I thought about leaving Louis in charge of the lounge room. I think he could do it," he says.
"oh please do. I want to see what he does," I laughed. Harry started laughing with me, "I should show you Theo room," Harry says. I nodded my head, "why are you leaving me Theo room?" I wondered. We started walking, "because I want you to paint a picture on the wall," he replied. I slowly nodded my head, "I want you to have a mark on this house. This house is just as much as yours as it is mine," he added. We stopped in front of a door, "Theo getting my old room," Harry says. He opened the door and as soon as I saw the room a memory came back. It was me and Harry sitting on his bedroom floor doing a history project together. He was doing all the research as I drew a picture on the poster. We must have been about eleven, "Flower what you smiling about?" Harry asked.
"I was just remembering us doing a history project together. Your nose was in a book as I was drawing," I tell him. Harry smiled big, "I remember Josh and Marcel coming in and teasing me about doing homework. Then I got into a fight with them and got in trouble. I also remembered mum telling me that they were jealous of me, because I was working with you," Harry remembered. Harry quickly went into his old wardrobe and got a big piece of paper out. He brought it over to me, "it was this one," Harry smiled. I looked over the piece of paper and it was the history project that I remembered, "I think I kept it for your drawing. I kept a lot of your stuff," he added. He went back into the wardrobe and got a shoe box out. He sat crossed legged on the floor, so I joined him. He opened the box, "I wondered what happened to this. I thought it was at the other house somewhere," Harry says.
"what is it?" I asked. Harry started pulling out pieces of paper, "stuff you done," he replied. He showed me some of my old drawings and some were from when I was three. They just scribble, but Harry had them, "why do you have this?" I asked. Harry was still looking through the box, "because I was proud of you. You can draw better than I can and I was impressed. I always thought it was amazing," Harry tells me. I felt tears in my eyes, "thank you," I whispered. Harry grabbed my hand, "I have a funny feeling that I did it, because I was the only one that cared. I remember a time that you showed your dad a picture you did when you were seven. He said it was good when he didn't even look at it. Then you gave it to him and he just put it on the table. I saved it from going in the bin," Harry remembered. He pulled a picture out of the box, "it was this one," he continued. He showed me a drawing of my family, but it didn't have my mother or my dad in it. It was just Harry, Josh, Marcel and Anne, "I should have took this as your first sign you weren't happy at home, but I was seven at the time too," he finished.
Harry and I kept going through the box for a little bit, "you know if you showed Niall this box. He might think you had a thing for me," I joked. Harry laughed a little bit, "I don't think so, but if I showed Josh might be a different story," Harry smiled. He stood up before helping me up. He put everything back in the box, "we should head home," he says as he picked up the box. He also picked up the history poster, "might take them home with me to show mum," he tells me. I shook my head as I walked out of the room. I looked down the hallway as I remembered me hiding stuff in the wall. I quickly went over there and opened the part of the wall. It was full of dolls and a tiny box, "have you been hiding stuff in the wall here?" Harry wondered.
"yep. It's just toys and this little box," I replied. I showed Harry the tiny box as I stood up, "what could be in there?" Harry questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, "won't know until I open it," I say. I slowly opened the box to revile two silver rings with bears all the around the band. The rings where the same, "oh my god Flower. I remember these. I stole these from my grandmother. She told me that they were special and one day that I would give the ring to somebody that I truly loved. She wasn't talking about my future husband. She was talking about someone that's going to be there in the end no matter what," Harry tells me. Harry got both rings out of the box and put one on his finger. He got down on one knee, "I want that person to be you Flower. We started this life together and I want to make sure your there when it all ends," he smiled.
"of course I'll be there," I smiled back. He put the ring on my middle finger next to Louis's promise ring. I hugged him tight after he got up, "but why did I have them?" I wondered. I put the tiny box in my jacket pocket, "well I knew that you could hide stuff, so I must have given them to you to hide. I did steal them," Harry tells me. I nodded my head, "well since you proposed to me. We better head back to see our other men," I say.
Halfway back home Harry stopped me, "I know your worried about me and Niall, but you don't have to be. We be ready for anything that comes at us. So I want you to live your life normally and we are still going through with the plan for you and Louis," Harry reassured me. I slowly nodded my head, "I'm just worried that someone will go out of their way to hurt you guys," I confessed. Harry kissed my forehead, "if your talking about Brian. We can handle him," he reassured me.
"I know you can. It's just what if it's five onto one?" I questioned. Harry sighed, "what if we travel in pairs?" Harry questioned back. I nodded my head, "it would make me feel better," I smiled. Harry kissed my forehead again, "you know I see an upside to this. I get to be with my man in public now," Harry pointed out. I smiled bigger as I nodded my head, "you can go on proper dates now while I look after Theo," I say. Harry nodded his head quickly, "thank you Flower," he whispered.
When we got home Louis and Niall straight away came up to us, "we were worried. You been gone for a couple of hours and you both didn't take your phones. What if something happened?" Niall questioned. Harry kissed him to shut him up, "sorry," Harry apologized. Louis wrapped his arms around me before kissing the top of my head, "where did you two go?" Louis asked.
"just an old place that we used to go," I replied. Harry nodded his head before he ran off, "Styles where are you going now?" Niall wondered. Niall followed him, "what's Harry up to?" Louis asked me. I bit my bottom lip to stop me from smiling, "I don't know," I say. Louis picked me up and carried me all the way to the backyard, "your going to freeze out here," I teased.
"I don't care. What do you know?" Louis asked. I looked everywhere part from him, "Lilly," Louis says. I still didn't look at him, "not telling," I tell him. Louis came in closer and I put my hands up to stop him coming closer. He grabbed my hand, "who gave you this ring?" Louis questioned. I looked at him as he was looking at the ring Harry just gave me, "Harry," I replied. Louis looked confused, "his got a matching one. It means that be there for each other in the end," I added.
"the end of what?" Louis wondered. I placed my hands on his chest, "when we die," I say. Louis looked upset, "it's nothing romantic. It's just means Harry wants me at the end, because at the end of the day. I know Harry going to be there," I admitted. Louis wrapped his arms around me, "but it's right next your promise. That we have each others hearts for forever and always," I reassured him. Louis kissed me, "forever and always," he smiled.
When we went back inside after a little bit since Louis was freezing. We walked into the lounge room to see everyone their part from Harry and Niall. Louis sat on an arm chair before trying to pull me down, "wait. I manna take my jacket and shoes off," I tell him.
After I took my jacket and shoes off and put them by the front door. I went back into the lounge room, "so what are we doing?" I asked. I sat down next to Louis legs before I put my legs over his. Louis wrapped an arm around my legs, "I don't know. All I know we're looking after Theo now while Harry and Niall fuck," Liam replied. I covered my ears quickly as everyone laughed at me. Louis kissed the side of my head, "not funny guys," I say as I uncovered my ears.
"Nah it was just a head job," Niall smirked as he came in. Harry came in after him, "who gave?" Zayn questioned. Niall pointed to Harry, "he knows how to shut me up," Niall smiled. Louis shook his head, "to shut you up. Harry should have had his dick in your mouth," Louis says. Niall laughed a little bit, "I refuse to do it. I wanted to know where him and Lil went, but he won't tell me," Niall tells Louis. I looked at Harry and he was smiling, "if it's anything Niall. Lilly Belle won't tell me either, but her and Harry got matching rings," Louis pointed out.
"What?" Niall questioned. He quickly grabbed Harry hand to look at the ring before Niall looked at me. I held my hand up to show Niall the ring, "it's just a promise that we be there for each other at the end," I tell him. Niall didn't look happy, "you promise her that you'll be together until the end, but you won't me," Niall snapped. Niall ran out of the room, "Harry let me talk to him," Louis says before Harry could leave. I got off of him, so he could get up, "do you think you can fix it?" Harry wondered. Louis nodded his head, "I know what his thinking," Louis tells him.
After Louis left to talk to Niall. I sat on the floor with Theo and Harry, "Harry does Niall think that you might not be gay?" Sophia questioned. Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I have reassured him over and over again about Flower. It's just I think he still thinks that I would leave him for her. I will never do that. Flower is my sister and that's why I gave her the ring," Harry admitted.
"Plus you would have to fight Louis for me and I love him. So it be very hard," I joked. Harry smiled at me as he laid down on his back, "but we have years together," Harry pointed out. I put Theo on his chest, "yeah so. Louis has touched me the way you never will," I smirked. Harry quickly looked at me, "pushing it," Harry warned me. I laughed a little bit, "maybe you push it with me. I don't need to know about you and Niall's sex life too," I pointed out.
"Guys calm down. I can see you two fighting over this shit," Liam interrupted. We both looked at him, "I swear if I didn't know you two. I would say your brother and sister," he added. Me and Harry started laughing, "I think Liam would have killed us if he grew up with us. I'm surprised Josh didn't," I say. Harry nodded his head, "that lazy git should be here by now," Harry tells me. I looked around, "his running late. Something about talking to girl," Zayn informs us. Harry raised an eyebrow. "the one from Italy?" I questioned.
"Yep that one. She meant to be coming to England to see him," Perrie tells me. I smiled big as Louis and Niall came back in. Louis motioned for me to come over to him, so I did. Niall took my place on the floor, "everything alright," Louis whispered in my ear. Niall whispered something into Harry ear before he kissed him. Harry just smiled at him, "well since everyone happy. Let's do something," Perrie says.
"what do you want to do?" Sophia asked. Harry sat up with Theo still on his chest, "we could always start painting Theo room. The room empty," Harry suggested. Everyone nodded their heads, "great while you guys paint me and Lil can go out and get his furniture," Niall says. I looked at Louis and he nodded his head, "when do we go?" I wondered.
Niall and I left after we got our stuff and put our jackets and shoes on. We went to a big furniture shop, "can I ask why you wanted to take me?" I asked Niall. We both got out of the car, "because I need to keep the room neutral. I also thought we could talk," Niall tells me. Niall came over to me, "you know I haven't really spent time with my boyfriend today. When I got home I had a talk with Liam. Then Harry took me out and now I'm with you," I pointed out. We started walking, "do you want some alone sexy time with Lou?" Niall wondered.
"what is sexy time?" I joked. Niall laughed a little as we entered the shop, "now I know why Lou clinging," Niall says. I shook my head, "that's normal Lou," I tell him. Niall and I walked straight to the baby section, "so Lou worse then Harry," Niall smiled. I looked around at all the baby stuff and wondered if I could be here, "Lil it's alright," Niall reassured me. I looked at him, "this is another reason why I took you. We need to know if your alright now," Niall tells me.
"It's been about three weeks, but to tell you the truth Niall. If I lost it normally I think I'll be alright by now, but I didn't. Marcel took it from us and that's what hurts," I confessed. Niall hugged me tight, "it be alright. You and Lou will get another chance when your ready," Niall whispered in my ear. I step back from him, "but right now I wanna try baby shopping," I tell him. Niall nodded his head, "but if it gets to much for you. Tell me," Niall says. I smiled a little at him, "thank you," I mumbled.
I managed to stay as Niall and I got Theo furniture. We end up getting him a white crib, chest of draws, bookcase and other little bits. Once we loaded them into the car Niall and I decided to have a smoke before leaving, "Ni can I ask why you got mad when you found out about the ring?" I wondered. Niall took a big drag of his smoke, "you know Harry told me that he'll get me a promise ring like Louis got you. I still haven't got it. Then you come home with a promise ring from Harry. I just couldn't help get mad at him. It's just why can Louis do this shit and he can't? Harry the most romantic person I know, but he can do this one thing. It feels like he doesn't love me like that," he admitted.
"Harry loves you Niall. He wants to give you the world. He just working out how. He just can't find the right ring for you," I reassured him. Niall looked down, "I would wear a girls ring if he gave it to me. The ring just symbolises the promise," Niall tells me. I understood were Niall was coming from, "are you going to wear that ring for the rest of your life?" I asked him. Niall looked at me unsure, "maybe it's a good thing to wait for something," I tell him. Niall nodded his head, "you know something that you're not telling me," he pointed out. I just smiled at him as I kept smoking, "that's not fair," he pouted.
All the way home Niall kept asking me what I knew, but I told him nothing. However, it put a smile on his face since he knew Harry was up to something. When we got inside we could smell paint through the house, "well that room should have been painted by now since there's six of them," Niall says. I nodded my head, "but it's them," I pointed out. Niall laughed a little bit as we walked into the lounge room. To my surprise Louis was looking after Theo. He was feeding Theo some baby food on the floor as Theo was in his sit, but it looked like Louis was wearing more than Theo ate. Louis noticed us, "hey guys," he smiled.
"Hey," I smiled back. Niall pushed me closer before he ran off, "did you two have fun?" Louis asked. I sat down next to Louis, "yep. We got everything," I say. I cleaned up Theo face, "I wouldn't bother until I'm done," he tells me. I looked at Louis top, "has he eaten anything?" I wondered. Louis looked down at himself, "well he keeps laughing, but I think he got some," Louis says. I took the food off of Louis and started feeding Theo myself. Theo managed to swallow the food in his mouth, "it's not that hard to feed him," I teased. I kept feeding him, "well you don't do the aeroplane," Louis pouted.
"Oh I thought it was your face," I joked. Louis took Theo food off of me, "I'll show you," he tells me. He feed Theo as he pretended the spoon was an aeroplane. When Louis put the food in his mouth Theo spat it back out laughing. He got it in Louis face, "aww hunny. Maybe you should just try normally," I pointed out. I wiped Louis face, "maybe we should have a shower," he flirted. I kissed his nose, "maybe we should," I smiled. Louis kissed me, "let's finish feeding Theo first," Louis says.
After we feed and cleaned up Theo Niall took him off us. So Louis and I could have a shower together. We stood in the bathroom still dressed, "babe can you help me take my top off? I don't want to get baby food everywhere," he asked. I helped Louis take his top off, "can you help me now?" I flirted. Louis smirked as he grabbed the bottom of my jumper, "I haven't done this for awhile," he says. He pulled my jumper over my head, "no we haven't," I smiled.
"When was the last time we had a shower together?" Louis wondered. I started to think, "about a couple of weeks," I remembered. Louis nodded as he took off my singlet. I stopped him from taking my pants off, "I just want you to know. That nothing going to happen tonight," I tell him. Louis slowly nodded his head, "and it's because everyone here," I added.
"I locked the door," he smirked. I shook my head, "still nothing," I say. I undid Louis jeans slowly, "I just want to spend sometime with my boyfriend," I continued. I pulled his jeans down his legs to the floor, "since tonight I haven't really seen him," I finished. Louis took my jeans off, "ok," he whispered. I turned the shower on before we finished undressing each other.
We stood under the water for about five minutes until Louis hands started running up and down my body. I grabbed his hands to stop him, "I said nothing," I reminded him. Louis just smiled at me, "I can't help it. Your naked and wet in front of me," he says. I shook my head as I wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me. I kissed him as Louis dug his fingertips into me, "how about I give you a head job?" I wondered. Louis shook his head, "I want my girlfriend to enjoy herself too," he tells me. I shook my head this time, "I just want to give to my boyfriend. He puts up with a lot of shit and not just from his girlfriend," I smiled.
"but my girlfriend also puts up with a lot of shit too," he says. I ran my hands down his chest as I slowly got on my knees. I kissed under his belly button, "you know I'm going to jump you after this," he tells me. I bit my bottom lip before I kissed down his member since he was still soft. He started to get hard when I kissed the tip. I put the tip in my mouth and sucked on it lightly. I put more of him in my mouth when he got harder. When he was fully hard I slowly went backwards and forwards making sure to pay attention to the tip. Louis put his hands through my hair as he was trying hide his moans.
I kept going until Louis came into my mouth. I looked at him as I swallowed his cum, "you need to stop fucken doing that," he tells me. He helped me up, "why? You love it when I do," I smirked. Louis kissed me hard, "that's why you need to stop. It drives me crazy," he confessed. I kissed him, "you guys have been in there for over twenty minutes," we heard Harry say. Louis kissed my nose, "looks like I have to jump you later," he sighed. I kissed him, "it be alright," I reassured him.
We got out and got dressed in track pants and t-shirts. We went down stairs to find everyone in the kitchen including Josh. They all smiled at us, "hey," I say. I hugged Josh, "been a good girl?" He asked. I looked at him, "yep," I replied. Louis laughed a little, "well Louis thinks not," Liam says. I glared at Louis, "still a good girl in my eyes," Josh says. Everyone laughed a little bit, "anyway what we doing in the kitchen?" I wondered.
"We got hungry and for some reason Theo is still hungry," Niall tells me. Louis just smiled at him, "well more food ended up on Louis than in Theo mouth," I say. Niall looked at him, "you can't do the aeroplane. He laughs to much," Niall pointed out. I laughed a little bit, "that would have been nice to know," Louis mumbled. I went over to Louis, "but I thought you would have learnt after the first time he spat it out," I teased. Louis wrapped his arms around me, "your lucky that I love you," he whispered. I kissed him, "it's ok my idiot," I smiled. Louis gently bit my nose, "don't tease me babe. You know what happens when you do," he warned me.
"I can't wait," I smirked. Louis kissed me, "your lucky that people are here or I would have bent you over the kitchen bench," he whispered in my ear. He kissed under my ear, "you better watch yourself before you get hard with all your fantasies," I tell him. I placed my hands on his hips, "your playing a dangerous game babe," he smirked.
"And there's nothing you can do about it," I smiled. I turned around before I leaned back into him. Louis wrapped his arms around me, "You know I will win," he says. He put his chin on my shoulder, "I think we should order pizza. It's easy," Liam suggested. We all agreed with him, "and are we all staying here tonight?" Liam questioned. We all looked at Harry, "if you guys want," Harry says. Everyone then looked at Niall, "yes you guys can stay, but no partying. That's for tomorrow night," he smiled.
"yep. We all can sleep in the lounge room," I smiled. Louis dug his fingers into me, "oh my god it's a slumber party," Perrie said excitedly. Sophia started to get excited with her, "look what you have done babe. By the end of the night Harry would have his hair braided," Louis says. Harry smiled big, "can we? I think it's long enough now," he begged. I laughed, "sure," I tell him. Louis hid his face into my neck as everyone left the kitchen to set up the lounge room. I kissed the side of Louis head, "did you want to sleep in my bed with me?" I wondered. Louis nodded his head, "I want to have some alone time with my girlfriend since she in a playful mood. I haven't seen this side for awhile," Louis admitted.
"so you only want me when I'm in a playful mood?" I questioned. Louis stepped away from me as he turned me around, "yep," he says. I pushed him, "then have fun with your hand, because your getting nothing from me," I tell him. Louis grabbed my hand, "babe I'm joking," he smiled. I smiled back, "I know," I say. Louis pulled me close to him and I played with his top, "can I ask something?" I wondered. Louis nodded his head for me to continue, "since we haven't done it for a bit. Will it hurt?" I asked.
"I don't think so, but why?" He wondered. I ran my hands down to his hips, "you and me in your car with me on top," I tell him. Louis was shocked, "please don't be teasing me babe. The thought about you riding me makes me hard," he admitted. I kissed him, "I'm not," I promised. I rubbed him through his track pants, "babe we need to leave now," he groaned. He grabbed my hand to stop me, "if we don't. I will take you on the kitchen floor and I don't care who walks in," he added.
We quickly got to the front door to put our shoes and jackets on, "and where do you think you two going?" Niall asked. He was standing behind us, "to get some smokes," I lied. He slowly nodded his head, "then you don't mind if I come," he says. Louis quickly shook his head, "no you stay home. I want to spend sometime with my girlfriend alone and we can't here," Louis tells him. Niall started laughing, "just go. I'll tell Harry your getting me something for Theo," he smiled. I kissed his cheek, "you got an hour," he added.
After me and Louis got our jackets and shoes on we were in his car. We heading somewhere, "baby where are we going?" I wondered. Louis grabbed my hand, "my place. No one home," he tells me. He placed my hand on his thigh, "how much I loved the thought about you riding me in the car. I can't today. It's been awhile for us," he admitted. I smiled at him as I squeezed his thigh. Louis phone started ringing through the car. I saw Harry's name come up, "hey," Louis says as he answered.
"you guys need to head home right now. A blizzard coming," he panicked. Louis quickly looked around, "how much time do we have to get home?" I asked. Louis looked scared, "five minutes," Harry replied. Louis groaned as he hit the steering wheel, "we won't make it back and I can't drive like a dick," Louis tells him. Louis did a U-turn, "Harry I'm going to try to head back, but if we don't. At least I'll be close by," Louis informs him. I noticed it started to snow, "just be safe Louis," Harry begged.
"I'll keep her safe Harry," Louis tells him. The snow started to come down harder, "fuck. Harry we not going to make it back. I'm going to park somewhere close," Louis groaned. Louis parked next to a building, "ok. Keep warm we don't know how long it's going to last for," Harry says. We said goodbye to Harry and just sat there.
We didn't say anything as the blizzard was going outside the car. The car was already covered in snow, "I blame global warming for this," Louis says. I laughed a little bit, "same," I smiled. Louis turned his car off, "too much snow on the car. We going to get fumes soon," he tells me. I nodded my head, "great day," I said sarcastically. Louis grabbed my hand, "cock blocked by the weather," he mumbled. I shook my head, "well not really. No one can see in the car," I pointed out. Louis raised an eyebrow at me, "babe we're stuck in a blizzard and all you can think about is sex," he says.
"it's not like we can go anywhere," I tell him. Louis looked around, "but babe this is not what I pictured to have sex after our break," Louis admitted. I grabbed his hand, "same, but I want to do it," I say. Louis squeezed my hand, "I want my boyfriend and this is kinda a romantic setting," I added. Louis smiled a little, "I don't know if I have a condom," he tells me. I opened his glove box to find a small box of condoms, "your always prepared," I say. Louis bit his bottom lip, "I won't hate you for doing it in your car. I'm the one that suggested it," I reassured him.
"I know," he started. He laughed to himself, "when did I turn into a girl?" he smiled. I laughed a little bit, "you're not a girl. You just care," I tell him. Louis moved my seat back before kneeling in front of me. He ran his hands up my thighs, "we are going to do this slow," he says. I kissed him, "we have a lot of time. I think," I whispered on his lips. Louis kissed my chin to down my throat as he undid my jacket. He undid my seatbelt before pulling me forward. He took my jacket off and threw it onto the driver's seat. He took his off too and threw it in the same place as mine, "are we getting naked?" he questioned.
"I want too. It's not like anyone can see in. The car covered in thick snow," I replied. Louis pulled my top up, so he could kiss all over my stomach. He kissed just under the waistband of my track pants before moving up my body to my chest. He pulled my top off and it joined the rest of our clothes. I pulled his top off as well. I ran my hands down his chest to the waistband of his track pants. I pulled him closer, so I could kiss him. Louis ran his hands up my sides until he got to my bra. I moved forward a little bit as I kept kissing him. He unclipped my bra and I moved my arms out of it before I placed my hands on his face. Louis smiled as we kept kissing which caused me to smile into the kiss as well. Louis moved back from me, "now to give back from the shower," he smirked.
"can't wait," I say as I bit my bottom lip. Louis pulled my pants down with my knickers to my feet. He pulled my feet out when he spread my legs apart. He ran his hand up my inner thighs as he looked at me. He licked his lips before putting his head between my legs. He straight away sucked on my button, "fuck Lou," I moaned.
"God I missed this," he mumbled against me. I put my hand through his hair as he kept going. He slowly put two finger in me before moving them in and out. I knew Louis wanted me to cum before we have sex and I was close. He curled his fingers inside of me and I pulled on his hair. Louis curled his fingers again and I couldn't hold back. I came on his fingers as my legs shook a little bit.
Louis kissed up my body as I was getting my breath back. He kissed my nose, "you alright babe? You came very quick," Louis wondered. I nodded my head, "it's just been a while and it just felt way to good," I admitted. Louis kissed me as he leaned over me. I ran my hands down his bare back to his track pants. I pushed them down with his boxers as we kept kissing. I kissed his neck to his chest as I pushed his clothes to his feet, "you still want to be on top?" he asked.
"yeah," I tell him. Louis picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He quickly turned around before sitting down in the seat. His member rubbed between my legs, "fuck," Louis groaned. My fingers played with his member between my legs. Louis just looked at me as he ran his hands up and down my sides. The look he was giving me was making me hot, "what you thinking about?" I wondered.
"how beautiful you look right now," he smiled. He kissed me, "and how lucky I am to call you mine," he added. I smiled as he kissed me again, "stop saying the right things," I say. Louis kissed my forehead before leaning forward making sure not to let me go. When he sat back he had the box of condoms in his hand. I took them off of him before I opened them. I took a condom out and ripped it open. Louis watched me as I put it on his member, "you ready?" I asked him.
"yeah, but are you?" he asked. I nodded my head before I kissed him. Louis lifted my hips up as I positioned his member at my entrance. Louis slowly put me down on his member until he was fully in me. I didn't move I was letting the feeling of him inside me take over me. Louis ran his fingers down my back, "you alright?" he wondered. I smiled as I nodded my head, "just missed this feeling," I say. Louis put his hand on the back of my head to push me closer to his lips. He kissed me deeply as he tongued entered my mouth. I slowly went up and down on him and he moaned into my mouth.
I kept the same pace as we kept kissing for a little bit. Louis grabbed my hips and lifted me up, but then pushed me down hard. I moaned loudly, so he did it again, "oh god baby," I moaned. I dug my fingers into his chest as I took back over the pace. Louis grabbed my bottom and squeezed it hard. We both were breathing heavy, "babe go faster please," he begged. I smiled as I shook my head no. Louis smacked my bottom which caused me to moan a little. He smirked at me, "kinky babe," he says. He did it again, "fuck Lou," I groaned.
"then go faster babe," he smirked. I went a little bit faster, however Louis smacked my bottom again, "faster," he ordered. I looked at him, "you better stop or I'll make sure you don't cum," I warned him. Louis smirked as he smacked my bottom again. I grabbed his hands and entwine our fingers together. I kissed him, "behave," I tell him. Louis smiled as he kissed me, "I like your dominate side," he says.
"baby I'll make you do all the work," I groaned. Louis got out of my grip to grab my hips, "you sure you want me in control?" He questioned. I bit my lip as I nodded my head. Louis started thrusting in and out me hard and fast. I dug my fingertips into his shoulders, "oh god," I kept repeating. I hid my face into his shoulder as he kept going his pace. When he hit the right spot I bit into his shoulder, "fuck, fuck, fuck babe," Louis moaned loudly. I looked at him, "I'm better than alright," he smiled.
We kept going until we both came loudly. I stayed on top of Louis trying to catch my breath. My whole body was numb, "babe you going to have to move," Louis tells me. I shook my head, "I can't move," I say. Louis kissed the top of my head before he picked me up by my hips. He moved me to his thighs, "get in the back babe. I'll join you in a minute," he tells me. I turned around on his thighs, so I could put my knickers and track pants back on. Once I got them on I got in the back, "baby can I have my top?" I asked. Louis gave me my top and jacket, "thank you," I say.
After Louis got redressed he joined me in the back. He laid down with his head in my lap, "that was different babe. My shoulder still hurts from you bitting it," Louis smiled. I kissed his forehead, "well you did hit the right spot," I tell him. I started to wonder if the condom broke again. I don't know if I could take a scare like the right now. I felt the back of Louis hand on my cheek, "the condom didn't break babe. I know that's what your thinking," Louis reassured me. I kissed him, "stop reading my mind," I whispered against his lips.
"I'm not. I just know you," he smiled. He kissed me, "inside and out," he added. I moved back to look at the snow covered window. Louis moved to grab his phone, "we been stuck for about an hour and Harry messaged me," Louis informs me. He started reading his messages, "Harry says we could be stuck here for the night," Louis tells me. I looked at him, "let's hope not," I mumbled. Louis sat up, "we will be alright babe," Louis reassured me.
"It's just I'm worried," I admitted. Louis pulled me closer to him, "well let's talk about something to keep your mind off of things," he suggested. I nodded my head, "actually I want to talk to you about what we just did," I started. Louis seemed surprised, "it's just you said you wanted slow, but you were smacking me to go faster," I pointed out. I placed my legs over the top of his, "was that too far for you?" he wondered.
"no. It excited me more," I tell him. Louis ran his hand down my thigh, "do you want to try more kinks babe?" Louis asked. I nodded my head, "but why did you wanted to go faster?" I questioned. Louis bit his bottom lip, "it felt like I was about to cum, but I wanted you to cum with me. I knew you weren't even close, so I took over and we both lasted longer than I thought," he confessed. I kissed him, "maybe you can't cum without me," I smiled.
"thank god, because I never want to leave you on the edge," he smiled back. I ran my hand down his chest, "but let's get back to talking about kinks," he says. I laughed a little bit, "why do you want to try some baby?" I asked. Louis nodded his head, "I liked smacking your pretty arse," he smiled. I bit my lip, "anything you want to try?" He asked. I started thinking, "I want you to tie me up. I think I'll go crazy if I can't touch you," I admitted.
"I think it be good one for me too," he says. I nodded my head as I kissed him, "I think I might have to gag you too. I think you be begging me too much to untie you," I smirked. Louis let out a shaky breath, "oh god. Just thinking about that could make me hard," he whispered. I laughed a little, "maybe later. I'm still sore," I say. Louis kissed my forehead, "anything else you want to try?" Louis wondered.
"I want to try different positions. Like more difficult ones," I replied. Louis raised an eyebrow, "are you saying Kamasutra positions?" he questioned. I nodded my head, "Soph showed me an app on her phone with them on it," I tell him. Louis handed me his phone after he unlocked it. I went into the app store to find it and downloaded it. When it finished downloaded we had a looked.
About half an hour later me and Louis saved over a doze positions to try out, "we not going to try them out for a while babe," Louis tells me. I pushed out my bottom lip, "not even an easy one? We haven't even done side to side yet," I asked. Louis kissed my bottom lip, "and we have all the time in the world for that. Plus, side by side is done in the morning when you first wake up. It's the lazy sex position," Louis tells me.
"Can I ask you something?" I wondered. Louis nodded his head, "Soph told me that she woke up one time and Liam was fucking her from behind. Would you ever do that to me?" I asked. Louis licked his lips, "it's a great way to wake you up, but I would need to know that you're not going to freak out over it," Louis tells me. I bit my lip trying to think if I would be alright with it, "but I prefer to start with oral, so your nice and wet for me," he added.
"I could do the same to you," I smiled. Louis played with my track pants, "I wouldn't mind if I saw my dick in your mouth when I opened my eyes. But better yet I wouldn't mind if I saw you on top of me bouncing up and down on my dick," Louis smirked. I grabbed his hand, "you just saw that," I pointed out. Louis kissed me, "but we are talking about when I wake up and your normally awake before me too," he reminded me.
"That's true, but most of the time I just lay there looking at you. Unless we have school than I'm waking you up," I smiled. Louis laughed a little bit, "well this is a new way to wake me up and if you wake up earlier than normal for school. Give me a blow job and I'm sure to get up," he tells me as he winked at the last bit. I shook my head, "but it also depends on what mood I'm in," I pointed out. Louis kissed my nose, "I know," he says.
We sat there in silence for awhile, "Lou it's getting colder," I say. Louis looked in the back of his car, "move for a sec babe," he tells me. Louis leaned over the seat and grabbed a blanket. He also grabbed his gym bag that he takes to my house. He threw the bag next to the window, "sorry but I have to climb over you," he apologized. He climbed over me to sit against his bag before he put one of his legs behind my back. He pulled me between his legs as he placed his other leg on the other side of me. I got comfy and laid my head on his chest. Louis wrapped the blanket around us, "I still think we're going to be cold babe," he tells me.
"We need a fire," I joked. Louis laughed a little, "only if it gets too cold," he smiled. He grabbed my hands under the blanket, "we're safe in here," he reassured me. It sounded like he was he was reassuring himself, "how about we get some sleep? So if the storm finishes we can go straight home," I suggested. Louis nodded his head before we laid down. Louis body covered mine as he cuddled me, "get some sleep hunny," I tell him. Louis kissed me, "I love you," he says. I kissed his nose, "I love you," I say back.
I woke up a couple of hours later when Louis phone started ringing. I picked up to see Harry name on the screen, "hello," I say when I answered it. Louis grip around me gotten tighter, "where are you? The storm gone," Harry asked. I sat up to wake Louis up, "hunny where are we?" I questioned him. Louis rubbed his eyes, "near the gym about five minutes away from your house," he replied.
"I heard that," Harry tells me. I heard movement over the phone, "we be there soon," he added. He hung up the phone, "Louis the storm gone. We can go home," I say. Louis opened his eyes as I saw the time. It was three in the morning, "it's fucken freezing," Louis swore. I agreed with him since I was cold too, "we will be home soon," I tell him. Louis sat up and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. He tried all the door even the boot and none of them opened, "fuck we're trapped," Louis whispered.
"The boys are coming," I reassured him. Louis grabbed his phone and called someone, "how far are you?" He asked. Louis kept nodded his head, "we trapped. There's too much snow," he tells the person on the phone. I looked around, "ok bye Niall," Louis says. Louis looked at me, "their only a couple of minutes away," he informs me. I nodded my head as I started to play with my fingers. Louis quickly grabbed my hand, "hey you don't have to be nervous. We're getting out of here," Louis reassured me.
"I know. It just I don't want them to hurt themselves. We would have been alright until the morning," I admitted. Louis kissed me, "I don't think Harry would have been alright until morning. He wants you home, so he knows your safe," Louis tells me. I nodded my head, "his doing it for you too," I smiled. Louis smiled a little as he shook his head, "more you tho babe," he says. Louis phone started to ring, "hello," Louis says as he answered it.
"There here?" I wondered. Louis nodded his head before he kept talking on the phone. I wrapped the blanket around me tight, "ok," Louis says. He hung up his phone, "we will be out of here in no time. All the guys are here," Louis tells me. He pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped the blanket around the both of us.
The boys got us out about ten minutes later and then we were home. All the girls were asleep in the lounge room and Anne was home too. Harry made Louis and I sit in front of the fire as the boys went to bed. Harry gave us a cup of tea, "now you two not cold?" Harry asked. Louis and I both shook our heads, "we are fine Harry go to bed," I tell him. Harry sat right down next to me, "I'm fine," he says. I looked at Louis, "Harry go lay next to Niall. We're going to finish our tea and go to bed," Louis tells him.
"I can wait," Harry smiled. I put my head on his shoulder, "Harold don't make me wake up Niall," I warned him. Harry sighed as he crawled next to Niall, "good boy," I say. Niall wrapped his arm around him as Harry hid his face into his neck, "cute," Louis whispered. I looked at Louis, "hurry up and finish your tea, so we can go to bed," I tell him. Louis kissed my forehead, "how about we just go to bed?" he suggested. I nodded my head before I took my jacket and shoes off. Louis did the same as I crawled next to Harry. Louis laid beside me and wrapped his arm around me tight. I pulled the blanket over us, "now don't leave me in bed tomorrow morning," Louis whispered.
"why?" I questioned. I turned around to face Louis, "in case I got morning wood," he says trying to be quite. I bit my bottom lip, "my poor baby and I won't be able to do anything about it," I teased. Louis kissed my nose, "goodnight my kinky girl. I love you," Louis tells me. I kissed him, "goodnight my horny boy. I love you," I say.
Due to the blizzard we had to move Louis birthday party to the next night. Also Sophia and I couldn't go Christmas shopping. We all decided to finish Theo room, so Harry and Niall could have their room to themselves. The girls and I decorated it as the boys put up Theo's furniture together. By the end of the day Theo's room was done. The walls were a grey, but his furniture made it brighter. There were photos and art on his wall. Anne put in an old rocking chair in the corner with a big foot stool.
For the rest of the night we just laid around watching Christmas movies until we went to bed. Harry and Niall didn't put Theo in his new room. Niall said something about it stills smells like paint, but I knew he just wanted Theo with him.
In that time, me and the girls came up with a theme for Louis's birthday party. We are going with superheros since we couldn't pick just one. So before Louis party me and the girls were going to go shopping to get his birthday stuff and I wanted to get some clothes.
Tonight was Louis's birthday party and me and the girls getting ready at my house. Niall was there too looking after Theo. He also was to take us to Louis when we were ready. Gemma was also coming with us tonight to party with us. I think she just wanted to keep an eye on Harry and Niall.
I started to get dressed after I had a shower. I put on my undies which wear black with little red flowers on them. I than put on my Marvel shirt with my blue jeans. I grabbed out my new high top Spider-man shoes, "I'm going in the shower," I heard Perrie shouted. I started my makeup as I was letting my hair curl a little bit. I just done a little winged eyeliner, so my eyes would stand out. I brushed my hair and I ended up curling the ends myself.
I joined Sophia and Niall in the lounge room, "Lil we are going to make Niall look handsome tonight for his boyfriend," Sophia tells me. I looked at Niall and he looked worried, "but we're keeping it simple," Niall says. Sophia just smiled at him, "Gem going through his stuff now," Sophia tells me. Anne came in with Theo, "it be alright Ni. I'll make sure they don't put you in pink," she reassured him. Gemma came in, "Niall in the shower. Your clothes are on the bed," Gemma tells him. Niall ran off, "and Soph the shower free," Gemma added. Gemma sat down on the lounge as Sophia ran off, "now that I got you two girls. I want to ask you two a favour," Anne started.
"yes mum. We will look out for Harry and Niall," Gemma smiled. Anne smiled back at her, "look after each other and don't drink too much," Anne says. I hugged her tight, "we will be good," I promised her. Anne smiled at me, "can you take Theo for a little bit? I need to make a phone call," Anne wondered. I nodded my head as I took Theo off her, "thank you," she smiled. She quickly left the room, "I don't want to upset you, but are you and Louis alright with the?" She asked as she pointed to Theo.
"Yep. It still hurts, but we're getting through it," I admitted. I sat down next to Gemma, "got to move on with life," I added. Gemma poked Theo nose, "I can't believe Harry going to propose in a couple of days. Then we really can't get rid of Niall," she joked. I laughed a little bit, "I don't want to get rid of Niall," I say. Gemma put her head on my shoulder, "same. I like him too much," she whispered.
We sat there for a bit until Perrie and Sophia came down and joined us. We were just waiting on Niall, "I think his nervous. This is his and Harry's first public outing as a couple," Perrie pointed out. I handed Gemma Theo, "I'll check on him," I tell the girls.
When I got to his and Harry's room I knocked on the door, "come in," Niall says. I opened the door to find him sitting on the bed just in a towel. I sat down next to him, "what's wrong? I asked. Niall played with his towel, "I'm scared," he whispered. I grabbed his hand, "I want to beg you to be my girlfriend tonight. I don't want to come out yet," he confessed. I shook my head, "I won't do that. Everyone knows that you and Harry are together," I tell him.
"I want to go back," he mumbled. He stood up, "I not ready!" Niall shouted. I stood up, "you are Niall. You're just scared. You don't have to be scared anymore," I reassured him. Niall started pacing, "I'm not gay. I'm straight," he kept mumbling to himself. I grabbed his arm, "Niall your gay and you love Harry. I believe you two are going to last forever. Why hide now?" I questioned. Niall looked at me, "because I know what's going to happen," he snapped.
"No. You think what will happen. Personally I think people are going to treat you the same. You haven't changed," I tell him. Niall shook his head, "people talk and I'm afraid that my dad would find out. He will go out of his way to hurt Harry," Niall admitted. I hugged him tight, "I won't let that happen and I know everyone else feels the same. You and Harry been through so much together. you deserve happiness," I promised him.
After Niall calmed down and got dressed in front of me. We came down the stairs together, "lets go celebrate Louis's birthday," Perrie smiled. Niall went over to Theo, "you be good for Nanna," Niall started. Niall kissed Theo's forehead, "daddy loves you," he smiled. I couldn't help, but smile big at Niall. I went over to Theo and kissed his cheek, "love you my little man," I smiled. Niall kissed the side of my head, "thank you for everything," he whispered.
On our way to Louis's I messaged Harry about Niall freaking out. I got nothing back, however when we got out of the car. Harry tackled Niall for a hug, "you told him Lil?" Niall asked. I nodded my head, "I had to. Just in case you came on to me," I say. Niall laughed, "Louis would have killed me if I came onto you," Niall pointed out. I quickly got in the house to see Louis.
Once I saw him in the kitchen with Liam. I ran up to him and jumped on him. Louis quickly caught me before I wrapped my legs around him. I kissed him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "well hello to you too babe," Louis smiled. I kissed him lightly, "happy birthday party," I say. Louis kissed my nose, "what did you get me?" he wondered. I kissed him, "something, but you not getting it until your birthday," I tell him.
"Your no fun," he pouted. Liam coughed loudly, "hey Liam," I smiled. I looked at him, "why don't you go jump Soph?" I smiled. Liam laughed a little bit, "ok I get it. You want some alone time, but that's what Lou bedroom for," Liam smiled back. Louis started walking, "thanks for the tip," Louis says. Harry and Niall came in, "Harry Lou and Lil were up to no good in front of me," Liam whined.
"Were not," I pouted. Louis kissed my cheek, "Lilly Belle was just saying hello," Louis smirked. Harry shook his head, "I really don't care," he says. Both me and Louis smiled before we both stuck up our middle finger at Liam. Liam laughed as he left the kitchen, "so Niall what's this thing about you coming on to Lilly Belle?" Louis questioned. Niall turned white, "um I just freaked out and it was the first thing that came into my head," Niall mumbled.
"Ni it's alright," Louis reassured him. Zayn and Perrie walked in, "Lil you don't need to be carried around like a little kid," Perrie tells me. I shrugged my shoulders as I was trying to work out if she was telling me off, "I'll carry my girlfriend if I want to," Louis slightly snapped. Perrie rolled her eyes, "hey can we have that talk now?" I asked Louis to distract him.
Louis carried me all the way up to his room before throwing me onto his bed. He hovered over me, "why does Perrie have the shits with us?" Louis wondered. I kissed his nose, "I don't know," I say. Louis kissed me, "well she needs to stop," he tells me. I pushed him onto his back, "your getting nothing until later," I tell him. Louis pouted, "but it's my birthday," he says. I kissed him, "no it's your party," I pointed out. Louis ran his hands up my thighs, "but still it's all about me," he smiled.
"I don't care. You'll get some later," I tell him. I stopped his hands getting higher, "your so unfair," Louis whispered. I smiled as I kissed him, "if you wait until later. I'll let you do anything to me," I promised. Louis smiled big, "do you really mean anything?" he questioned. I bit my lip as I nodded my head, "I can wait until later now and I'm not telling you what I want," he smirked.
We joined everyone downstairs in the kitchen, "that was quick," Liam smiled. I nodded my head, "he couldn't get it up," I joked. Louis acted offended, "I can always get it up," he tells everyone. They all looked at him, "Lilly Belle wouldn't let me get it up," he added. I looked down as I shook my head, "good, because we going to start partying now," Sophia say.
Well went into the dinning room to play beer pong with a twist. On my team was Niall, Liam and Zayn since we diced to split the couples up. Louis had Harry, Sophia and Perrie and Gemma sat out to keep the teams even, "the last time we played this Lil was a virgin. This is going to be fun," Niall smiled. I pushed him a little as Harry threw the ball. It missed Liam cup, "just remember Lil normally don't miss the cup," Liam say as I picked up the ball. I threw the ball and it landed in Perrie cup, "who do you want to fuck out of everyone part from Zayn?" I asked.
"you Lil," Perrie replied. She drank her drink in one go before moving away from the table. Louis just stared at me as Sophia threw the ball. It landed in Niall's, "the kinkiest thing you and Harry ever done?" Sophia smirked. Niall went bright red in the face, "I don't think I can say since his sisters are in the room," Niall pointed out. Liam covered my ears as Sophia covered Gemma's, so we couldn't hear anything.
When Niall finished telling everyone what happened they uncovered my and Gemma's ear. They all just smiled at us, "I don't want to know," I tell them. Liam threw the ball and missed Louis cup. Louis threw the ball and it went straight into Zayn cup, "do you like Perrie loud or quite when you have sex?" Louis questioned him. Zayn drank his drink as he smiled, "it depends what I'm doing to her. I like a mixture of both," he says. Louis nodded his head as I threw the ball. It landed in Sophia cup, "how many times has Liam made you cum in one sitting?" I wondered.
"just two times," she smiled before she drank her drink. All the boys looked at Liam, "only two?" Louis questioned. Liam slowly nodded his head and Louis covered Harry's ears, "I made Lilly Belle cum four times in about fifteen minutes," Louis tells everyone. Louis uncovered Harry's ears, "don't want to know," Harry quickly tells everyone. We all nodded at him as he threw the ball. It just missed Liam cup. Liam threw the ball and it also missed. I picked up the ball and threw it into Harry cup, "I'm going to let Liam ask this while I block my ears," I say. I quickly blocked my ears as Liam asked Harry a question.
When they were done I un covered my ears as Louis took his shot. He got it in Liam cup, "the night that you caught Niall and Harry. Did you get turned on by it?" Louis wondered. Liam looked at Niall and Harry, "surprisingly yes that I will admit that I had to wank after it," Liam confessed. Louis smirked as he slowly nodded his head. Niall and Harry were surprised as they whispered in each others ears, "how about we make the last round fun? since we know Lil not going to miss," Zayn suggested.
"and how do you plan on doing that?" Niall wondered. Zayn handed Louis another ball, "you throw at the same time," Zayn started. Niall stopped him from continuing, "but what if they both get it in? Who gets to ask the question?" Niall questioned. Zayn smiled at him, "we do. Plus, they know all their dirty secrets since they do them together," Zayn pointed out. Louis and I both nodded our heads, "just please think of Harry," Louis joked.
"do we have too?" Niall smiled. I laughed a little bit before Louis and I threw the balls at the same time. I closed my eyes, "both win," Perrie says. I opened my eyes to see the ball in my drink, "I'm going for a smoke while you ask your question," Harry tells us. He quickly left the room as everyone grouped together to work out what they wanted to ask me and Louis. I stood next to Louis with my drink, "I'm scared," I whispered to him. Louis put his arm around me, "I wouldn't be," he reassured me.
"ok we got one," Sophia says as they all looked at us. Louis grip around me got tighter, "how kinky are you two and how kinky do you want to be?" Gemma asked us. I straight away looked at Louis, "we are getting there. Well put it this way nothing off limits," Louis tells them. They all nodded their heads, "but what have you done?" Niall wondered. Louis bit his bottom lip, "not telling," he says.
"oh please just tell us," Niall pouted. Louis shook his head, "I've gaged him and his spanked me," I admitted. Everyone was shocked, "well I'm going to join Harry for a smoke," I smiled. I drank my drink before I went outside.
Harry was standing next to the pool, so I joined him, "where's everyone?" Harry asked. I looked around to see them talking to Louis, "I think their questioning Louis," I smiled. I got a smoke out and lit it up, "poor boy," Harry teased. I laughed a little bit, "nah he should be alright," I say. It looked like Harry was thinking about something, "what you thinking about?" I wondered.
"just how tonight will go with Niall and me. I'm worried that Niall going to freak out when he doesn't need to," Harry confessed. I put my head on Harry's shoulder, "his already had one freak out, but I do think he will be alright to night," I reassured Harry. Harry smiled at me, "I hope you are right," he says. I gave him a small nod, "oh by the way. Niall got dressed in front of me and all I can say is not bad," I tell him. Harry quickly looked at me, "not bad? His fantastic," Harry tells me. I slowly nodded my head, "he could have a bigger arse," I teased.
"his arse is perfect to me and there is nothing you can say to change my mind," Harry tells me. I smiled at him, "I know, but just so you know Louis has the best arse out of everyone," I say. Harry laughed a little bit, "you know we could fight all night who's got the better arse, but in the end. We are going to choose our men, so there's no point," Harry pointed out. I nodded in agreement, "what are you two talking about?" we heard Niall asked. We looked to see everyone by the back door, "just that Flower saw you naked," Harry smirked. I knew he said that since Louis was next to Niall, "why did my girlfriend see you naked?" Louis questioned.
"I got dressed in front of her, but she could have left the room," Niall defended himself. Louis looked at me, "I couldn't leave him. He had a freak out about coming here tonight. So I stayed with him," I explained. Louis nodded his head, "at least he didn't see you naked," Louis smiled. Louis and Niall came over to me and Harry, "so party starts in an hour," Louis says. Me and Harry didn't reply we just turned the boys around, "I told you that Louis has the better arse," I say.
"no Niall does," Harry tells me. I knew the boys thought Harry and I were crazy, but we were having fun. I grabbed Louis bottom, "I have something to grab onto," I smirked. Harry did the same to Niall, "same," Harry smirked back. The boys turned their heads to look at us, "I've seen both naked and Louis's is way better," I tell him. Harry shook his head, "so have I and Niall's is way better," Harry smiled.
"I'll just like to point out Lou. That your girlfriend been checking me out," Niall tells him. Louis quickly turned around, "well I also like to point out that your boyfriend been checking me out," Louis says. Niall and Louis looked at me and Harry, "you two explain yourselves," they both demanded. Harry and I quickly runaway before they could grab us. We ran behind Gemma, "protect us," Harry tells her. Gemma shook her head, "no. You both done wrong and now you need to punished," she smirked. Harry grabbed me and we ran inside.
We hid in Louis wardrobe, "you know his going to look for us in here," I pointed out. Harry shrugged his shoulders, "their going to find us no matter what," Harry whispered. I laughed a little bit, "what do you think they will do to us?" I wondered. Harry shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know, but I hope Niall shows his dominant side," Harry smirked. I shook my head, "I thought you shared that," I remembered. Harry shrugged his shoulders, "when Niall tops his always gentle. I like it hard and rough sometimes," Harry admitted. I knew this conversation should be making me feel awkward, but it wasn't, "do you ever get that feeling?" Harry asked me. I nodded my head, "sometimes Louis is the girl more than me," I tell him.
"well to me that's a good thing, but to you might not be. I'm just happy that Louis taking it slow with you. I don't want you in the world of fifty shades or porn," he started. I laughed, "fifty shades is nothing compared to other erotic novels that I have read. It's soft porn," I interrupted. Harry raised an eyebrow at me, "and when did you start reading them?" he asked. I smiled at him, "since Gemma gave them to me," I replied. Harry smiled as he shook his head, "that explains the kink talk," I heard Louis say. Harry and I quickly turned our heads to see Louis and Niall standing in the doorway, "how long have you been standing there?" Harry questioned.
"long enough to know that you want me rougher," Niall smirked. Harry went bright red, "and that my girl reads porn books," Louis also smirked. I bit my lip, "so most of it," I smiled. Louis and Niall nodded their heads, "but I'm more surprised that you two actually had this conversation. Are you two drunk already?" Niall wondered. Harry and I both shook our heads no, "well part from you two having a bonding moment. We haven't forgot what you two did," Louis smiled.
"but in my defence. Niall did it right in front of me and I have only seen you and Liam naked in my whole life. I don't count Harry since we were little," I pleaded. Louis gave me a small nod, "and my defence is when I checked Louis out. It was before you Niall. I haven't done it since," Harry says. Niall laughed a little bit, "don't need to lie to me hunny. I seen you doing it. As long as you don't touch. I really don't care, because I know your coming home to me," Niall tells him. Harry hugged Niall before they started walking out of Louis room, "use the bathroom, so it be easier to clean up!" Louis shouted.
"will do!" Niall shouted back. Louis shut his bedroom door, "people be here in half an hour," I say. Louis smirked as he nodded his head, "and Josh is here," Louis tells me. I was about to walk out of the room, but Louis stopped me before I could even move. He pushed me against his draws, "don't forget you need to be punished," he smirked. I kissed his chin, "and I told you that you're not get any until later. If you still want that deal," I reminded him. Louis bit his bottom lip, "I want both and I will get both," he tells me. I slowly got down to my knees, "if that's what you want," I say. I undid his jeans, "but you're only getting my mouth," I added. Louis smirked big at me, "and that's all I need babe," he tells me.
After I gave Louis a head job in his wardrobe. We went down stairs to find everyone in the kitchen, "Josh," I smiled as I hugged him. He hugged me back, "where Harry and Niall?" Josh questioned. I looked at Louis, "in the bathroom," Louis smiled. Josh laughed a bit, "what did Niall do?" He questioned. Louis shook his head, "Harry the one in trouble," Louis says. Josh raised an eyebrow at him, "oh really. I have never seen Niall's naughty side," Josh smirked.
We all sat in the lounge room talking as we waited for Harry and Niall. When they came down I saw pain in Harry's face and a worried look on Niall's face. They sat down with us and Niall grabbed Harry's hand, "you alright?" Sophia asked Harry. Harry nodded his head, "I'm fantastic," he smiled. We all nodded our heads, "well we better get this party started. People will be here in any minute," Liam pointed out.
We all got up part from Harry and Niall to get the house ready. I lost Louis straight away when people started coming. I stayed with Josh and Gemma in the kitchen, "you'll get your man soon," Gemma reassured me. I shrugged my shoulders, "I got him for the night. Plus, I never party with you two," I say. Josh smirked at me as Niall came into the kitchen, "shots Niall?" Josh asked him. Niall nodded his head, "hey Ni don't worry about Harry. I have seen him do the same to you," Gemma tells him. Niall nodded his head as Josh set up three shots each, "it's just I never done it to him. I don't like to see Harry in pain," Niall admitted.
"just enjoy the rest of the night or you bring Harry down," Josh tells him. Niall gave him a small nod, "so we have three shots each and the fastest one wins," Josh explained to us. Niall and I straight away groaned, "that was a bad hangover," Niall reminded me. I nodded my head as I remember Niall's birthday party, "but you won," I pointed out. Niall nodded his head, "well let's do this," Gemma says.
When we all had our three shots in front of Josh counted down from three. As he said go we all grabbed a shot and drank them one after each other, "done!" Niall and I shouted at the same time. We looked at each other before we hugged, "oh my god I won," I smiled. We looked at Josh and Gemma, "what are you going to make us do?" Josh asked. I whispered in Niall's ear, "we want you two to snog," Niall smirked. Josh and Gemma were shocked before they looked at each other, "just don't fall for me," Gemma joked. Josh placed Gemma face between his hand before he kissed her. Niall took a picture of them kissing and sent it to our group. However, they were still kissing, "do we tell them to stop?" Niall whispered in my ear.
"I don't know," I whispered back. Josh picked Gemma up and put her on the kitchen counter. That made me and Niall quickly get out of there, "I'm not telling Harry that," Niall say. I nodded my head, "tell me what?" we heard Harry question. Harry stood right next to us, so we just turned him to see Gemma and Josh making out, "how did the fuck did that happen?" Harry wondered. Niall and I both pointed at each other, "we won at shots and dared them to kiss, but we didn't think this would happen. Why is this happening? I thought Josh liked that girl from Italy," I rambled.
"maybe it was a cover up since I asked him if he liked Gem. He told me no, but I never believed him. I've seen they way they look at each other," Harry tells me. I nodded my head, "well there's my girlfriend, but what are you guy looking at?" Louis wondered as he stood next to me. He looked at Gemma and Josh, "wow I never saw that coming," Louis whispered. I wrapped my arm around him, "it's mine and Niall's fault," I say. Louis kissed the top of my head, "how is it yours and Niall's fault?" Louis asked.
After explained to Louis we had a smoke outside without Harry and Niall, "so we never made a big thing about us getting back together," Louis pointed out. I nodded my head, "but I really don't care. They probably think we got together to help our friends," I say. Louis agreed with me, "plus I get to do this," Louis smiled. He kissed me, "what was stopping you before?" I teased. Louis kissed my nose, "Niall and yes I'm sticking to that," he smiled. I shook my head, "can't blame him for everything," I say.
"well Harry going to blame you and Niall for Gemma and Josh getting together," Louis tells me. I nodded my head, "but he will get over it. Like he got over us," I say. Louis nodded his head, "you really ran back to that bitch," we heard Amy spat. We turned around to see her with her group, "well you can't let love go," Louis tells her. Amy rolled her eyes, "like you have a future with her. You will get board of the same thing over and over again," Amy says. Louis started laughing, "I don't think I ever will. The whole time we were apart I was thinking about her. You don't know us and I would really like if you fuck off," Louis smiled.
"why don't you?" Amy snapped. Everyone started laughing, "because I live here and I really like for you to leave my house. Your making a fool of yourself," Louis tells her. Amy stormed out of there, "when will that ever end?" I sighed. Louis wrapped his arm around me, "hopefully soon, but we know it's when we finish school," he replied.
After Amy left Louis and I went back inside and I lost Louis straight away. I found Perrie and Sophia dancing, so I went to join them. They were happy to see me, "you got away from Louis," Sophia smiled. I nodded my head, "then let's party!" Perrie yelled. I could tell that Perrie was already drunk, "yes lets party," I laughed. Perrie started grinding against me until Sophia moved me to the other side of her. Perrie didn't look happy with her, so she left us. I looked at Sophia, "what is up with her?" I wondered. Sophia shrugged her shoulders, "she snapped at me when we first got here," I started.
"yeah Liam told me about that. He thinks Perrie might be jealous of you and Lou. He also told me that Perrie not happy with Zayn since he hasn't thought about marriage with her," Sophia explained. I grabbed Sophia, so we could go somewhere more private.
We went to Louis's room and sat on his lounge, "ok where were we? Oh has Perrie snapped at you?" I asked. Sophia nodded her head, "when we were in dance. Leeroy complemented me on getting a dance move, but told Perrie she need to work on it. Perrie got snappy at me," Sophia replied. I remembered that, "what have we done?" I wondered. Louis's bedroom door opened and in came Niall, "what are you girls doing in here? The party out there," Niall questioned.
"talking. Come join us," I smiled. Niall sat down between Sophia and I, "we have a question for you," Sophia started. Niall looked back and forward between me and Sophia, "it's about Perrie," Sophia continued. Niall looked down, "you noticed it to," Niall says. He looked at me, "I'm worried about her obsession with you Lil. I think she would leave Zayn if you gave her the chance. I just wonder why she doing this now," Niall admitted.
"I don't want to sound like a bitch, but maybe she wants attention. Think about before me and Lil came along she was the only girl in the group," Sophia explained. Niall and I thought for a second, "it makes sense. Her and Zayn were the only known couple and now we all have someone. She not special anymore," Niall tells us. Sophia agreed with him, "I know I should feel bad since I've known her for a long-time, but she being a bitch about it. If she can't be happy for her friends being happy. Then she needs to step back," Niall added.
"anyway we should be getting back to the party," I tell them. Niall shook his head, "I don't want too," he mumbled. I raised an eyebrow, "and why not?" I questioned. Niall crossed his arms, "people are looking at me funny," he says. I grabbed his hands, "you listen here Niall James Horan. You go back out there and be happy. Don't care about other people. Just care about you and what you want," I tell him. Niall kissed my nose, "whoa Niall that's my girlfriend," I heard Louis say. We all looked at him standing at the door, "well when I walked in Lil and Soph were making out. I had to pull them apart," Niall lied.
"you don't pull them apart. You call me and Liam," Louis smiled. Louis came over to us and pulled me up from the lounge. He sat down before pulling me onto his lap, "and I know that's not true. Lilly Belle's lip would be red and she would have blushed when you said it," Louis pointed out. I kissed Louis cheek, "like I can make her blush right now," Louis started. I looked at him to not say another word, "when you were fucking Harry. Lil was giving me a head job in my wardrobe," Louis smirked. I tried not to blush, but I knew I was, "oh god your right," Sophia teased.
"only a head job?" Niall questioned. Louis nodded his head, "well she made a deal with me that if I wait. I get to do anything to her," Louis tells him. Niall smiled big, "careful Lil. His up for anything," Niall warned me. Louis shook his head, "I'm not that sick," Louis laughed a little bit. I got off of Louis lap, "well I'm going back to the party," I tell them. Sophia got up, "yes I think we need shots," she smiled. Louis bit his bottom lip, "maybe some body shots," he says. I shook my head, "I think I've had my limits of drinks," I tell him. Louis got up as Sophia pulled Niall out of the room, "it's eleven. I want my cake in half an hour. Then I want people to be out of here before one," Louis demanded.
"Why?" I wondered. Louis grabbed my hips, "because you wouldn't believe what I got planed for us," he replied. He kissed me lightly as I was trying to work out were this dominant side came from, "it's alright. I'm not going to go all kinky on you with master and slave," he reassured me. I kissed him lightly, "I might like that," I flirted. Louis turned around, "piggy back?" he asked. I jumped on his back without any worry. I learnt with Louis that if I say no, because I was afraid of my weight he would just pick me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my legs, "no protest?" he questioned. I shook my head, "you need the work out," I teased. I kissed his neck before we left his room.
When we got downstairs everyone was still partying, "can we kick people out right now?" I whispered into his ear. Louis quickly nodded his head until he noticed something. I looked were he was looking and my eyes met with Ashton friends Michael, Luke and Calum. My grip on Louis got tighter, "hey babe don't worry. I just think it's them," Louis reassured me. I loosen my grip, "how about we go say hi," Louis tells me.
When we got close to them. I got off of Louis back, "before you say anything. Ashton not here," Luke tells us. Louis nodded his head as he wrapped an arm around me, "we haven't spoke to him after what he did to Lilly. Hell I decked him," Michael says. Louis dug his fingers into me, "but we're here to have a good time. Unless you want us to leave?" Luke wondered. Louis shook his head, "you guys can stay. Just no stripping off to nothing," Louis says. Michael laughed, "I can't make promises. Those shots were dangerous," he smiled. I smiled back, "but is it true that Harry and Niall are together?" Calum wondered.
"they are. Do you have a problem with that?" I questioned. Calum and the others shook their heads, "just surprised that's all," Calum says. Luke quickly pulled Louis from me and walked down the hall, "can I ask what that's about?" I asked. Michael smirked at me, "Luke got a message from May about coming tonight. That's why we are really here. I also came, because I heard that you and Louis broke up. However, looks like your together again," Michael admitted. I nodded my head trying not to make eye contact with him. Calum started laughing, "his alright Lilly. He knew he had no chance with you. You're in love with Louis," Calum smiled.
"guys," I heard Harry say. He had Niall next to him as they looked around, "his not here," I tell them. Harry nodded his head, "so what brings you here?" Harry asked. I looked where Louis and Luke went, "Luke came here for May and Michael came here for Lilly," Calum tells them. Harry glared at Michael, "big brother step down. I know she still with Lou," Michael reassured him. I shook my head, "Harry younger than me by about thirteen days," I inform them. They started laughing, "so Harry is the little brother," Calum teased.
"yes I am, but I am the big brother," Harry tells them. I noticed Niall looking at Michael like he wanted to say something, "they know Niall," I say. Niall looked down at the ground, "and buddy if your worried about the kiss on your birthday. Don't be. I'm bi," Michael reassured him. Niall smiled a little bit, "mine," Harry playfully snapped as he wrapped both of his arms around Niall. Louis came back with Luke, "just the person I want to talk to," Luke smiled. Harry and Niall were confused, "Niall I want to ask you if I could ask May out?" Luke wondered. Niall looked at Harry, "she still has her boyfriend, but go for it," Niall smiled.
"thanks," Luke smiled back. Luke ran off, "well I'm going to find a poor soul that go home with me," Michael says. He walked off, "I'm going to make sure he doesn't find one," Calum tells us. I laughed at him as he followed Michael, "lets do the cake now," Louis says. I nodded my head, "and I didn't make it. We brought it," I tell him. Louis pouted, "that's not fair. Niall got a made one," he pointed out. I kissed him, "I'll make you one on you actually birthday," I tell him. Louis smiled as he kissed me, "so does that mean your coming with me to mums?" he wondered. I nodded my head as I kissed him, "you know that's the first time you asked me?" I asked.
"no. Really?" Louis questioned himself. I nodded my head, "well babe do you want to come to my mum's with me for my birthday?" Louis asked me. I nodded my head, "I just need to be home, so I can spend Christmas with mum," I tell him. Louis nodded his head as Niall was confused, "mum? You want to spend Christmas with that bitch," Niall questioned. Harry acted offended, "my mum not a bitch," Harry says. Niall was shocked, "when did you start calling Anne mum?" he wondered.
"In my head for a little bit, but the first time I'm going to say it to her is on Christmas," I tell him. Niall smiled big, "I'm so glad that I'm going to be there," he says. Harry kissed Niall's cheek, "it's going to be a great Christmas this year," I whispered. Louis kissed the side of my head, "can we do cake now?" Louis asked. We all nodded our heads before walked to the kitchen.
After we got Louis cake we all stood in the dining room with the rest of the group. Harry and I stood on each side of Louis, "I want to thank everyone coming. I also want to thank my family which are these guys near me," Louis started as he pointed to the others. They all smiled at him, "I want to thank Harry, because without him. I wouldn't be here," Louis continued. Harry hugged Louis tight, "but I got the best early birthday and Christmas present. I got my wonderful beautiful girlfriend back. Those weeks without her was torturer for the both of us. I love you and I will never leave you again," Louis smiled. I kissed him as everyone clapped, "Happy birthday Lou!" Harry shouted. Louis blew his candles out as Harry and I looked at each other. At the same time, me and Harry pushed Louis head into the cake. Everyone laughed and I gave Harry a high five, "that's not nice you two," Niall tells us.
"we know," I smiled. Louis looked at Harry before he looked at me. I saw a smirk come across his face, but before I could run. Louis grabbed me and rubbed his face all over mine. My whole face was covered in cake, "this brings back memories of whip cream," I remembered. Louis smiled as he kissed me, "that was a good morning," he says. Louis licked up the side of my face and I did the same to him, "fuck," Louis swore. I knew Louis wished people weren't here, so he could do naughty things to me, "better go clean up," I smirked.
We went into the bathroom, "clean me up babe," Louis smiled. I got a wash cloth, but Louis stopped me, "no with you tongue," he smirked. I bit my bottom lip, "if I do. I know that you'll get hard and," I started. Louis kissed me to stop, "I won't get hard. I'm waiting until later," he tells me. Louis played with my hands, "I want to relive that morning," he whispered. I licked his nose and he smiled as he scrunched up his nose. Louis stopped me before continuing, "take turns," he says.
After we licked all the cake off each others faces. I was turned on, but Louis was already washing his face. I just stood there looking at him until he turned around to me. He smirked at me, "come here babe and let me get you cleaned up," he says. He pulled me closer, so our bodies touched. He slowly washed my face as he also took my makeup off. He was smiling as he was doing it, "all done," he tells me. He kissed me lightly, "lets finish this party, so we can have our own," he whispered on my lips.
We joined the party again to see people already leaving. I noticed Luke with his arm around May, "I hope he knows what his in for," Louis says. I nodded my head, "she good person. Just wants to go wild," I smiled. Louis agreed with me as we walked into the kitchen, "I hate to be mean, but I'm going to run off and do something for a little bit. I'll come and get you when I'm ready," he tells me. I gave him a small nod, "ready for what?" I wondered. Louis shook his head, "I hate when you do this to me," I whispered. Louis kissed me before he ran off to leave me there.
In about thirty minutes me and the others managed to get everyone out of the house. We all started cleaning up without Louis, "so where your boyfriend?" Gemma asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "he getting ready for something," I replied. Gemma smiled big at me, "I think I know what's he doing," she says. I sighed, "at least someone does," I mumbled. Gemma playfully pushed me, "you'll like it," she tells me.
Gemma and I kept cleaning for a bit together until Harry joined us, "I wanna talk to you Gem," Harry started. Gemma looked at him, "yes. Josh and I are together, but we only been together for a couple of weeks," Gemma tells him. I held back my smile, "why don't people tell me anything anymore?" Harry whispered. I put my hand on his shoulder, "because do you really want to know that where I had Louis dick?" I joked.
"fuck no!" Harry yelled. Gemma and I laughed at him, "this is why we don't tell you things," I pointed out. Harry smiled as he shook his head, "before I forget. Gem can I call Anne mum?" I asked her. Gemma nodded her head, "of course," she tells me. I hugged her, "thank you," I smiled. I felt a hand on my back, "so cleaning done," I heard Louis say. I turned around and jumped on him. Louis caught me, "ok I think someone missed me," Louis smiled.
"nah. I think she wants to know what you got planed," Gemma smirked. Louis laughed a little bit, "I don't need to know any of this," Harry says. He started walking away, "oh and thanks for your help Lou," Harry said sarcastically. Louis waved him off as he still had a hold of me, "have fun you two," Gemma tells us. Louis and I gave her a small nod, "so you ready?" Louis wondered. I nodded my head as I noticed Louis had a jacket on, "been ready since the bathroom," I tell him. Louis kissed my nose as he wrapped his jacket around me, "night everyone. No one in my room, my sister room or Troy's room. If I found anyone in them. I will hurt you," Louis tells them.
Louis carried me to his backyard all the way to his treehouse. I looked up to see there was light up there, "how much I love holding you. I don't think I got the skills to climb up the ladder while holding you," Louis says. I let my legs drop to the floor as Louis hands ran up my back, "so we're staying here?" I questioned. Louis nodded his head before he pushed me to the ladder, "just climb up and see what I have done," he tells me.
When I got to the top of the ladder with Louis close behind me. I looked into the treehouse to see it candles everywhere. Louis covered the floor in a mattress with blanket and pillows. I could hear and feel a heater going, "welcome back to my treehouse," Louis started. He started covering the windows and the door, "we will be staying the night," he continued. He finished covering the door before he stood in front of me, "what do you think?" He asked.
"it's very romantic," I smiled. I put my hands on his hips and Louis did the same, "I was going for that since everyone inside," Louis smiled. I kissed him, "I'm a lucky girl to get a man like you," I whispered. Louis kiss my forehead, "I'm the lucky one," he whispered back. I ran my hands up his chest to around his neck, "so what are we going to tonight?" I wondered. Louis kissed me, "anything that I want," he reminded me. I played with my bottom lip with my teeth, "you wish you never said that now?" Louis questioned.
"no. I trust you," I tell him. Louis moved his hands under my top and I pulled back since his hands were cold, "what's wrong?" he asked. He looked worried, "your hands are cold," I smiled. Louis rubbed his hands together to get them warm. He smiled at me as he put them back under my top. I didn't pull away this time, "better," I teased. Louis kissed my nose before he pushed me down onto the mattress. He hovered over me, "relax babe," he smirked. He kissed me, "lets just get warmed up first," he added. He ran a hand down my thigh, "I think I'm going to start with undressing you," he says. He moved down to my feet and took my shoes and socks off. He ran his hands up my legs to my hips. He moved his hands, so he could undo my jeans. He pulled them off leaving me in my top and knickers. Louis ran his hands up and down my thighs, "not cold?" he wondered.
"no," I whispered. Louis pushed my top up and kissed all over my stomach. I sat up, so he could take my top off. I grabbed the bottom of his top, "I let you have the top," he smiled. He took his jacket off and I pulled his top off. I ran my hands down his chest all the way to his hips. Louis grabbed my hands, "lay back," he tells me. I laid back down as Louis took his shoes and socks off. He laid right next to me on his side. He ran his fingers over my stomach, "I don't know what I want to do with you," he says.
"anything you want," I tell him. Louis kissed my shoulders, "even if I want to tie you up?" he questioned. I nodded my head, "what if I wanted to fuck you hard and rough?" he wondered. I nodded my head again, "I said anything baby," I reminded him. Louis moved away from me to grab something. He smirked as he held some rope up, "now are you hundred percent sure?" he asked. I felt butterflies in my stomach, "I'm sure," I smiled. Louis straddled my waist, "bra off first," he says. He pulled me up to take off my bra, but before I could kiss him. Louis pushed me back down, "remember I'm in charge," he smirked.
"oh this is going to be fun," I whispered. Louis tied my hands together before tying the rest of the rope to the treehouse. My hands were above my head and I couldn't move them. Louis ran his hands down my chest, "if you beg too much. I will gag you," he warned me. I nodded my head, "what you going to do to me?" I wondered. One of Louis fingers outlined my breast, "I know, but I'm not telling you," he smiled.
"I hate when you do this," I mumbled. Louis moved his finger to my nipple and went around in circles around it. I squeezed my thighs together as Louis kept going. He kissed me before he moved down. He kissed all over the top my chest and I really want to run my hands through his hair. He moved my legs apart before kneeling between them. Louis ran his hands up my thighs to all the way to under my breasts. He grabbed them gently, "always so soft," he whispered. He leant over me to put one of my nipples in his mouth. He sucked on my nipple really hard and I couldn't help but bend my legs around him. I just hated that he still had his jeans on, "please take your jeans off," I begged.
"Nope," Louis smiled against me. I tried to grab him, but the rope stopped me, "oh babe. It be alright," Louis teased. He sucked on my other nipple and arched my back. Louis pushed me back down, "it's like I've never touched you," Louis says. His fingers played with my nipple, "it feels like I've never touched you," I whispered. Louis kissed me, "maybe soon," he smirked. Louis kissed from my chin to the tops of my knickers. He slowly pulled my knickers down and off, "now hold still," he tells me.
"I can't help it," I whined. Louis kissed each of my hips as he ran his fingers down the front of me. His fingers played between my legs as he watched me. I bit my lip, "relax babe," Louis cooed. He kissed down my stomach until he replaced his fingers with his tongue. He ran his his tongue up and down between my legs before he started sucking on my button. I moved my hips until Louis grabbed them to keep me still. He kept going and I could feel his finger play with my entrance. He slowly put his finger inside me before moving it around. I moaned at the pleasure he was giving me. He removed his finger from me, but put replaced them with two. He moved them in and out of me slowly, "baby faster," I groaned.
"But that's not what I want," he smiled as he looked at me. He moved his fingers even slower and I pulled on the rope to grab him, but couldn't. Louis laugh to himself a little bit, "your evil," I mumbled. Louis started moving his fingers fast as his other hand played with my button. Louis watched me as I came undone by his fingers. He kept going as I was riding my high.
After a little bit Louis stopped and sucked on his fingers, "one," he whispered. Louis took his jeans off with his boxers. He kneeled between my legs before he rubbed his member up and down me between my legs. Louis smirked at me as I pulled on the rope, "this must be more painful for you than me. I bet you miss me touching you," I smirked back.
"I do, but that's something I can live with," he teased. Louis leaned over and grabbed a condom. He slowly put it on himself and I couldn't help but watch him. Louis ran his hands up my thighs to my hips. I felt his member at my entrance, "this is going to be interesting," he says. He pulled my hips closer as his member entered me. We both moaned until he started moving in and out of me. His pace wasn't slow, but it wasn't fast. It was hard and hitting the right spot, "fuck," I puffed.
"I'm guessing you like this babe," Louis groaned. I nodded my head as I felt myself already about to cum again. I knew Louis knew since he hit the spot harder. He did it a couple more times until I came around him. He stopped as he watched me ride out my high, "two," he smiled. I didn't know why he was counting how many times that I've came already.
Louis made cum two more times, but he looked like he couldn't take anymore himself. He was getting harder and faster, "baby I don't know if I can take anymore," I tell him. Louis gave me a small nod, "next time together," he groaned. I nodded my head as Louis kept going. My whole body felt numb, but I could already feel myself about to cum again. Louis fingers played with my button and I came with him.
After Louis pulled out of me he removed the rope from my wrist. He threw the condom into a bin before laying down next to me. I rubbed my wrists, "let me have a look babe," Louis says. He took my wrists into his hands and kissed them. He ran his fingers over the marks the rope gave me, "pulled too much," he smirked. I rolled onto my side to look at him, "I did," I started. Louis wrapped an arm around me, "I just wanted to feel you underneath my fingertips," I admitted.
"I missed you scratching me," Louis says. I kissed him as I ran my fingers down his chest, "you're the one that tied me up," I pointed out. Louis kissed my forehead, "I know and it was worth it," he smiled. I placed my head on his chest, "yes it was," I whispered. I closed my eyes, "don't fall asleep yet babe. I need to blow out the candles, so we don't start a fire. You also need to get into bed properly," Louis tells me.
"But I'm comfy," I whined. Louis rolled me over before he got out of bed. He threw me my knickers and his top, "get dressed," he tells me. I slowly got dressed as he put his boxers on and blew out most of the candles. I got under the blankets as he moved a candle near us, "great party," Louis says. He got under the blankets with me, "great private party," I smiled. Louis pulled me close to him, "that it was," he smiled back.
"Just have one question for you," I started. Louis gave me a small nod for me to continue, "why did you make me cum five times? I thought that you'll make it all about you," I wondered. Louis kissed me lightly, "it was. I like to see you cum. You make the most beautiful amazing face and I love seeing it," he tells me. I hid my face under his chin since I knew that I was blushing, "and your hiding another face that I like to see," he teased.
"Shut up," I mumbled. I felt Louis shook his head, "what so bad that I think my girlfriend is beautiful all the time?" Louis questioned. I looked at him, "because I'm not used it still," I reminded him. Louis kissed me, "I know, but one day you'll give in," he smiled. Louis wrapped his arms around me tight as I closed my eyes. Louis kissed the top of my head, "goodnight master," I smirked. Louis laughed a little bit, "goodnight my slave," he says.
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