cathybird0714 · 4 days
Hey love your art-style and your fanarts ❤️❤️!! Do you take requests??
thank u for liking my works!!🥰🥰and yes I do!I'm new to tumblr, and then I see other artists doing requests, which leads me to be eager to try this:D
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cathybird0714 · 5 days
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Commission for Charlie, about Sam accidentally becoming a golden retriever because of the curse
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cathybird0714 · 8 days
This is the birthday animation I created for Sam on his birthday this year💚
If anyone is curious about the Chinese lyrics, I'll include english here.↓
I read your letter last week Your handwritten letter I wanted to reply to you last week But I don't have a pen If you're okay, this is from ancient times to the present Regulations left by people All unauthorized paper and pens All of them are dangerous But who can understand me The repeated sadness I have something to say Don't misunderstand me I can't control it either I can only make you suffer Once I can Tie the bed sheets tightly Open the window again in the middle of the night Bungee jumping Please hurry up Don't let the ruthless elasticity Gently lift me Bring back I read your letter last week I miss you too
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cathybird0714 · 8 days
ok I love this concept so I drew this
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when it comes to genderswap Sam and Dean, I think John would’ve NEVER let his girls cut their hair like pixie cut short because it’s “not girl-like” just like how he enforced the macho mindset on his boys and THEN once he died Dean went a week before he said “screw it” and got a pixie cut
All I’m saying is John would’ve been way more protective of Sam and Dean if they were girls. I think
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cathybird0714 · 20 days
Commission for Charlie, about Sam accidentally becoming a golden retriever because of the curse
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cathybird0714 · 22 days
so dean selling his soul in "all hell breaks loose" probably already makes you insane, but it should shred you like cheese and here's why:
it's established in season 1 that sam wants out--after they find azazel and kill him, sam's done. he tells dean this outright in 1x16 "shadow".
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dean's not happy about it, obviously, but dean never argues with him outright. he asks sam to stay, and sam says no, and dean stops trying to argue. we get kicked-puppy dean, but dean's accepted this for the most part.
even in season two when things start to go sideways, sam doesn't really change this plan. sam's focus tilts more on being "saved," and it's implied that he'll be free when azazel dies--there's that endpoint again, when sam can be normal, "when it's over." when it's over, sam is done with hunting.
most importantly, sam doesn't tell dean that the endpoint has changed, doesn't even hint at it. going into AHBL, dean believes that sam has come with an endpoint, and that it's here if they kill yellow eyes.
after the deal's been struck and yellow eyes is dead, dean doesn't plan on telling sam anything. not only does he not plan on telling sam how they got him back, he's not planning on telling him how long the contract is, sam wheedles it out of him because dean's not very good at lying to him.
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that means, that when dean sells his soul in AHBLP2, dean is selling his eternal, mortal soul for a year with sam that he is not expecting to see.
sam is going to spend dean's year in california, with friends that sam's long-since fallen out of contact with, (some of which think he and his brother have been on a crime spree bc of 1x6 "skin") safe and as far away from dean as his legs can carry him--or, sam's just fucking off away from the life to god knows where, and dean's letting sam go because sam asked him to. not letting him die, never letting him die, but letting him go.
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dean in the season two finale is telling sam, "i love you, so i am making my death anonymous. i love you so much that i will die alone."
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the intense, silent devotion of making a sacrifice anonymous, of surrendering the right you have to your own death, of accepting an eternity of literal torture so sam can exist--that's it, just exist--away from dean but alive somewhere.
anyway, i'm chewing my leg off, have a nice wincest wednesday
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cathybird0714 · 24 days
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Imagination about S5E14.
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cathybird0714 · 1 month
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cathybird0714 · 1 month
A conversation after the first time
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cathybird0714 · 1 month
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cathybird0714 · 1 month
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cathybird0714 · 1 month
Hmmm maybe it's not just a headcanon
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i've always had a headcanon that half the reason sam HAD to go to stanford was bc he realized he was in love with dean. and he had to get away before he did something abt it
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cathybird0714 · 1 month
any song can be a samdean song if you are mentally ill enough
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cathybird0714 · 2 months
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How would we get by? With stolen credit cards? Eating diner food drenched in saturated fats? Sharing a crap motel room every night?
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cathybird0714 · 2 months
I was just wondering but have you finished the show spn?
I have seen the end of season 13, but now because of my studies, progress is stagnating. I will finish it when I am free.
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cathybird0714 · 2 months
I love your art so much. Can I ask you which spn character is the most fun for you to draw? Your style for them is so cute.
Thank you for your love! The most fun... Ummm, in fact, no matter who I draw, the process is not fun. Because I need to find a balance between "looking like the actor themself" , "proper comic exaggeration" and "good-looking painting", so I often modify the details of faces countless times, sometimes the more I modify it, the more I collapses 🤣, so the most fun time is when I animalize them... Because at this time, you can boldly draw all the features without considering subtle differences, and the most important is animalization is very cute
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cathybird0714 · 2 months
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There are some spn fans went to Comic-Con specifically to get my crafts, so I drew a little watercolor picture for each of them
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