causeofdeathfans · 3 years
Hi! :) I am a moderator of r/CauseofDeath, the old iPhone narrative app game. I was wondering if I could make a post about reviving the subreddit r/CauseofDeath, since your page is dedicated to the game! If you have questions or need the link feel free to message me!
Hi @rachiverse! Sorry for being so late in responding to this, but yes, absolutely!
I assume this is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/causeofdeath/
If anyone following this blog is also on reddit, go check out the community there! :D
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causeofdeathfans · 3 years
Not sure if anyone's here anymore, but It's 2021 and I'm still very much in love with this game and its characters! I'm 100% on board with trying to revive the fandom :D
Hi! Hello! It’s 2021!!! I haven’t been here in forever, admittedly, but I was so happy to come back and find this in my askbox! I am so sorry that I am very very late in replying to this, but please know that I appreciate it more than words can say. Thank you for sending this message, and if by some miracle you do come back and get to read this, then I hope that wherever you are, you’re having an amazing day, anon <3 <3
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causeofdeathfans · 3 years
So uh... hi there! I'm alive! I actually haven't been on tumblr in FOREVER, so imagine my surprise when I randomly log in tonight and see a bunch of notifications on this blog?! I'm so surprised and happy to know that there are still Cause of Death fans out there finding this blog! Hello! Welcome!!
I also got a couple of new asks. I'm gonna be honest, those few notifs and asks are single-handedly reviving my interest in this old iPhone game... :') I don't know exactly how active I can be, but... yeah, still here! Still kicking! I'll get to the asks when I can, and now that I know there are still a bunch of us out there even in the year 2021 (?!) I think I'll check in more often from now on.
Thank you for the likes, follows, and messages while I've been gone! It was such a pleasant surprise, thank you for making my night <3 Appreciate you all!!
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causeofdeathfans · 5 years
Oh wow I just checked my drafts and I apparently drafted a post where I talked about my favorite CoD characters, volume, chapter, even villains. Hmmm should I post it before I start the liveblog and see if my opinions change afterward?
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causeofdeathfans · 5 years
First of all, welcome back! I missed seeing you on my dash! And second, liveblogging your Cause of Death rewatch would be everything! You should absolutely consider it! And if it isn't too stressful, I'd love to see you do more of the aesthetic boards if you have the time! I really liked them! I hope you're having a good day!
That’s so kind of you to say, thank you so much, anon!!!
I’m still thinking about how to go about it – it would probably be better to keep it all in one post so I don’t flood people’s dashes, right? So I might put up one post for each chapter. I’ll probably also add screenshots so you guys can see the best parts/the parts I’m reacting to? Or maybe I’ll post screenshots of the best scenes separately. I’m not sure yet!
Just thinking about rewatching makes me excited. I’ll be busy this week, but fingers crossed that I can get the first post up before the end of the year!
Also, I’m really happy to hear you liked my aesthetic boards!! I think I’m going to be prioritizing the liveblog, but if I ever find the time to do more aesthetic boards, I’ll definitely consider working on them, thanks in no small part to this ask.
I honestly have no idea how to express how happy this ask made me. Just know that you’ve made my week, anon! Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, too
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causeofdeathfans · 5 years
Quick update!
Hey, friends! So I have no idea if anyone is even still looking at this blog, but just in case: I wanted to apologize for dropping off the face of the Earth for a while there. Real life got very busy and stressful, and I had to take a break from Tumblr in general (not just this blog, because I love this blog!) to focus on all that stuff, as well as for the sake of my own mental health.
Fortunately, things have gotten better/more manageable lately, and I think I’m going to (finally!) have more free time again in the near future. I’ve really missed running this blog and hearing from fellow CoD fans who are still hanging around. So, a few things:
1. I have two unanswered asks in my askbox right now. I see them, and I promise I will get to them before the year ends. (That’s kind of a long while from now, I know, but again, I’ve still got limited free time atm :( I’m bummed about it, too.)
2. I don’t know if I’ll be continuing the character aesthetic boards. (If you haven’t seen these, I posted one for Natara and one for Amy last year.) They were fun to do, and I think I have Jeremy’s and Kai’s unfinished ones lying around in my files somewhere. So let me know if you’d like to see more of these, because I’m on the fence about continuing/finishing them.
3. I’ve lost my copy of the game (the phone it was on no longer works! I am very sad about this!!!), but I do have recordings and there’s that full playlist up on Youtube (the link is in a post in my FAQ tag, for the curious!), so I’m thinking of doing a full “rewatch” of the game soon, once my schedule frees up. And I’m strongly leaning toward liveblogging it here. But again, not sure if there’s still any interest in that, so... let me know if you’d like to hear my thoughts, or even if you’d like to rewatch/replay at the same time? I mean, I’m down for yelling into the void, but interacting with other fans as I do so would be pretty nice.
Please let me know if any of you are still out there! Please let me know if you have any thoughts or opinions on any of this! I have to run, but one last thing: if you’re still hanging around, I want you to know that I appreciate you a lot. Thank you <3
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causeofdeathfans · 5 years
full respect for your cause of death url/description in our holy year of 2019
I WOULD DIE FOR YOU i miss my babies…. I still play it,,,, and i just payed like $200 to legally change my name to Malachi……. I AM GOING TO CRY.
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
Argh, sorry, @anon, I’ve been so busy - it’s been hard to find free time, and I wanna take time to really think about it and give you a good answer, not just a half-baked one. I promise I’m not ignoring you, I just want to come up with a more thoughtful response. Thank you for your patience, and sorry about making you wait a little longer!!
@anon I see your ask and will find time to answer it this weekend! Thank you for the question!! <3
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
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Part 2/5
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
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Part 3/5
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
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Part 4/5
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
@anon I see your ask and will find time to answer it this weekend! Thank you for the question!! <3
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
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Part 5/5
My favorite COD moment. This is just so beautiful. How does one write this? Geez.
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
hey there, i know u don’t have a lot of free time, but is it okay for someone to message you to talk about CoD?? if not i totally understand, i just haven’t had anyone to talk with in years about it. hope your march is going well!!
Hi! Absolutely!!! I would love it if people messaged me, even if it’s out of the blue! Just go ahead, I would really love to talk about CoD with other people, too. I feel your struggle, anon. I haven’t had anyone to talk about it with, either (excluding the lovely anons I get on this blog from time to time).
Seriously, please keep your asks and messages coming, I would love to talk to more people about this great game (even though I’m honestly overdue for a replay/rewatch, HAHA, I’m starting to forget some of the details).
I hope your March is going well, too, anon!
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causeofdeathfans · 6 years
If you could have lunch with just ONE CoD character, who would it be? (Also, what are some things you'd ask them/talk about?)
Anon this is such a difficult question.
Hm. Okay. Let’s go through the protagonists (because I’m definitely not having lunch with any of the serial killers, no way). I love Mal, as a character, but I think we wouldn’t have a lot to talk about? I don’t seem to have that much in common with him. Same for Blaise and Jeremy, actually. Jeremy would be gracious about it, but I think the conversation would be awkward with Blaise, haha.
Amy would be a joy to talk to. I feel like we could just talk about cats and show each other cat videos and that would be enough. I love Amy.
Having lunch with Kai would be hilarious. I just know it. The conversation would be all over the place. We’d also probably get into a hostage situation or something, you know how Kai is, he’s a magnet for trouble (see: Kai Hard).
Buuut if I had to pick just one CoD character to have lunch with, I’d pick Natara. The whole conversation would probably just be me asking her tons of questions while she secretly psychoanalyzes me (I wouldn’t mind, it’s a small price to pay to have a conversation with the Natara Williams). I’d pick her brain about profiling, about what it’s like working in law enforcement, and of course about what it’s like working with the other characters. We’re both nerds. I think - I would hope? - that we’d get along.
(Amy and Kai, though. I would also love to have lunch with Amy and Kai. Preferably at the same time. That would be hilarious.)
Thank you for the ask, anon! This was fun to answer :D
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