#ana replies
anasartdump · 4 months
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! it's the nice anon back again!!!!!! its been a while since i last sent you a message and i just wanted to reach out again and say hellooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! i hope everything is going well for you <3 i was thinking about your art on valentines day and how jake and neytiri would spend that day!!!!!!!! i love your art of them on the beach and it made me think of them having a beach date for valentines day and how suuuuuuuuuuuuper cute that would be!!!! so i came to your blog and stared at it for a very long time and thought about them being happy lolololoolol anyway just wanted to say hey and let you know that your art is still making me so happy <3
It's always a delight to see a message from you in my inbox 🥺🥺🥺
Awww 🥺🥺🥺 It warms up my heart that you remembered my art on Valentine's Day! 💖I wish I could have drawn something for it, but I'm still somewhat working through my creative block and also working in some other personal projects 😭😭 But it makes me happy that you remembered my Jaytiri art and came back to my blog to look into them 🥺🥺
For sure they would have a beach date! My friend @beautyofattolia and I were discussing how Jake would have taught Neytiri about Valentine's Day and other human traditions, since she taught him her own culture and traditions and imagined him taking her on her first Valentine's Day in Pandora while she is pregnant with Neteyam 🥺
Those are the headcanons she shared with me:
Jake is already a super romantic person and i feel like Valentine's in general is important to him (because he likes doing things for his partners, he's an action guy vs a word guy) and that is even more true with Neytiri since she is 1) his wife and 2) his soulmate she's obviously pregnant with Neteyam during their first ;
Valentine's so like i said above, he would want to go all out and plan the perfect day for her, especially since she would be coming out of the second trimester and getting more sore, tired, etc;
i think he would also be so excited to do all the "traditional" gifts for her since she has taught him so much about Na'vi culture and he would want to return the favor and teach her something good about human/American culture;
it would start with him bringing her breakfast to their marui so she doesn't have to get up (and of course lots of cuddles because he is that person);
he would also have gifts;
jewelry is traditional so this is where he would give her the necklace he's been working on (definitely with help from others). a necklace because he has 100000000% broken one of her previous ones and wants to give her one in return and also because he wants to finally give her something back after she gave him that choker he starts wearing during the Tree of Voices scene;
he would want to do candy/sweets because again that is a traditional gift. idk if he would try to steal candy from Hell's Gate or do her favorite Na'vi equivalent with help from Mo'at, probably both because he wants her to have the whole range also cuz pregnancy cravings;
i also think the tradition of stuffed animals is adorable and i think he would like it too and since the Na'vi make their own toys, it would also be something he spent time on to make for her. i like the idea of him making her a little palulukan toy because 1) she is Palulukan Makto and 2) that's what he calls her when they're being spicy 😂 😂;
plus it's an extra cute gift cuz it's something they could use for the new babies (they would know that Grace's Avatar was expecting at this point);
after giving her gifts and everything, he would be like "so women on Earth like to visit spas on Valentine's Day so we're gonna do something similar" and take her to the hot pools so she can relax (carrying a baby is a lot of work) and he would give her massages (although he's probably mediocre, it's the thought that counts) and just completely dote on her;
he would also be like "date night dinner on Valentine's is very important!" and have Mo'at pack them food for them and take her somewhere else on Bob. i like to think that maybe it's the spot from Way of Water? i like the thought of them having their date night spot. like obviously they visit other places too, but that's a favorite of theirs cuz let's be real, that view is AMAZING;
and then of course they would eat their food and he would have her favorite flowers to give her (the ones like she wore in her hair the night they mated 🥺 🥺);
the night ends with them having sex because of course it does 😂 😂 although probably a bit more gentle than usual due to the fact that she's fairly far along in her pregnancy
I hope my friend and I can work with this idea someday through RP, cause the RPs always help me get ideas for drawings since I love drawing the scenes I write together with friends!!! 💖💖
I really feel bad not posting anything for Valentine's Day though, I was working on something but my other projects ended up thwarting it, 😅 But we'll see I can finish it so I can post it here too!
Either way, your messages always fill me with joy, even if I haven't been posting art these days, it's nice to know you're always there to support me 💖💙💖🥰 Thank you once more for all the positivity and support!!!
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sorekcals · 1 year
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Did these two videos before bed and it rlly didn’t feel that long, I hope I feel sore tomorrow so I can know if I did it right also it’s rlly bugging me that idk my weight so on friday I’m gonna order a scale
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Happy Birthday!❤🎂😊
thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
hope you’re having an amazing day!! <3
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anawrites3 · 5 months
Jaydick, but Dick gives Jason a big mommy kink
It was a joke, at first.
The first time it happened they were in the Cave, having just came back from the patrol. The night was considered a huge success because for all the bullshit that managed to happen in the span of those few hours anyone barely got hurt at all.
Instead, everyone was fucking exhausted. Jason’s fingers were still slightly shaking as he fastened the last bandage around his arm, not to mention the way his eyes kept slipping shut. Boy, was he grateful he didn’t get hit in the head that day because he didn’t think he’d be able to stay up, even if he would have concussion.
That’s why he was planning on crashing in the Manor. Bruce was there too, obviously, but Jason was too tired to worry about that asshole right then. He was going to throw himself onto one of the beds in guests’ bedrooms and sleep for as long as his body needed him to.
He said a quick goodnight to Alfred who wished him a good rest with a smile. He didn’t say a word earlier when Jason announced he’d be staying the night and Jason in turn didn’t comment on the fact that a bedroom for him was already prepared. Jason was too tired to deal with that right then – and he’d have other excuses not to later – so he saluted to the rest of the clan, before starting towards the stairs.
That’s when it happened the first time.
“Hit the shower before you go to sleep, Jay.” Dick called after him. He was sitting in the medical area of the Cave, stripped down to just his underwear so Alfred could stitch up the cut on his calf. “You’ll feel less like shit when you wake up.”
“Master Dick-” Alfred chastised.
Jason rolled his eyes but found he wasn’t actually annoyed. His relationship with Dick was… better, now. Way better than what he expected they’d ever had, especially with everything Jason did before. But here they were. Jason wasn’t going to complain.
“Sure, mom!” He called back.
Dick just smiled.
The next time it happened, Jason didn’t think too much of it either.
He was in the middle of baking when Dick broke into one of his safehouses – the one that was currently serving Jason as home and the one that Dick absolutely shouldn’t know about – and started talking to him about a case he needed help with. Jason decided to actually play nice and help him out, even if he was kind of annoyed that Dick found him.
If anything else he could at least be certain that the big bird won’t blab the location of it to Bruce.
And… then there was that whole thing of him feeling… something about the fact Dick turned to Jason when he actually needed help. Not to Babs, not to Tim. Not to the rest of the birds and bats. Him.
Yeah, he wasn’t gonna think too hard about that.
On the other hand though, Jason was in the middle of baking. And he always got bitchy when he got interrupted while doing something in the kitchen – and Dick freaking knew that. It never stopped him, of course, not even from trying to steal the dough or popping a bit of chocolate into his mouth whenever he thought Jason wasn’t watching.
Jason was less annoyed about that than he thought he’d be, too. Huh. Yeah, not touching that one right now either.
“Oh yeah, come to mama.” Dick said, reaching for one of the cookies as soon as Jason placed the tray on the counter in front of him.
Jason cocked an eyebrow at that.
“Mama?” He teased with a grin. “Wouldn’t you be more of a daddy or something?”
Dick moaned around the cookie in his mouth, “I can be whatever you want me to be, as long as I’ll get to eat more of these.”
And then-
“It’s not one of Bruce’s galas, Dick, I don’t have to look like I just walked out of the fashion magazine.” Jason rolled his eyes.
Dick ignored him as if he didn’t even open his mouth, making sure his sleeves were rolled up evenly.
They were getting ready for an uncover mission or – more precisely – Jason was. Dick was spending this one in the Cave as his eyes and Bruce was going to keep watch from the roof of neighboring building, ready to drop in if anything got too out of hand. Jason was the one going in this time, simply because their target haven’t seen him before.
Jason hated the fact that Bruce was going to be his support. Not like he could do much about it, with Dick still healing his injuries and Tim being away but still.
“It won’t hurt. You need to stand out.” Dick smiled. “Besides, I don’t get to see you in a suit very often. I need to take advantage of the opportunity.”
“Sure.” He drawled sarcastically but allowed Dick to fuss over him a few minutes longer.
It was true though, Jason couldn’t remember the last time he was actually wearing a suit. Not as nice as this, anyway, a grey three-piece that hugged his frame like a second skin would. It didn’t feel that alien – his gear was very fitting too so that part at least was familiar.
It’s the way Dick kept glancing at him that felt… new. Different from the way he was looking at Jason before but Jason couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“Alright.” Dick hummed and Jason breathed out because that meant he was finally done dolling him up. “Now, be a good boy and don’t punch people’s teeth in before we get what we need, yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Jason huffed. It’s not like he wasn’t good at undercover stuff. He didn’t like it and he definitely thought that Dick was way better at it, yeah, but it didn’t mean he would ever make such a rookie move. Even if he really wanted to, at times. “Not my first rodeo, remember? You really don’t have to mom me so much.”
“Mm.” Dick started adjusting his tie. “Then be a good boy for mommy and play nice.”
If anyone would ever ask about it, Jason would say he didn’t say anything back simply because he didn’t want to. Or that that was when Bruce walked in and told them it was time to move out.
When Jason will think back to it, he’ll remember the way he opened and closed his mouth a few times. The way his cheeks stung with the force of his blush. The way Dick ran his hands over the lapels of his jacket to smooth them out, slowly.
“Off you go then.” He murmured, looking at Jason from under his eyelashes and Jason still couldn’t know if Dick did that on purpose or not but he knew that it worked very well.
He lowered his chin in a sharp nod and Dick smiled, and then Jason was on the way to the club.
He couldn’t quite focus for the rest of the night. They got what they needed, no outside help from the Bat required, and Dick sent him a big happy smile when he came back to the Cave but Jason couldn’t stop thinking about what happened before.
He wondered if Dick was aware of what he was doing. He wondered if he was doing it on purpose.
So. Maybe Jason had the slightest idea on how did it come to this-
“Mommy, please.” he breathed out, half a moan and half a whine.
Dick shushed him with a fond smile, peppering kisses across Jason’s jaw and cheeks. He was a solid familiar weight on Jason’s lap, pinning him firmly down to the mattress even when everything Jason wanted to do was to buck his hips, rub himself against Dick’s tanned stomach. Just enough to get some friction, just a little bit of pleasure Dick took away from him again because he was insistent to drag it out this time.
“Such a good boy, Jay.” Dick murmured against his skin, hand so close to where Jason needed it to be before sliding away again, higher and higher so it could settle on his stomach. “Just a little more, baby. Then you’ll get to fuck mommy the way you want to.”
“Please-” He gasped, fingers digging into Dick’s waist. How easy would it be to pull him closer, to slip between those cheeks… “Please, I need you-”
“Shh.” Dick gently cupped his jaw and lifted his head to press their lips together better. He kissed Jason slowly and filthy, slipping his tongue between his lips as soon as Jason parted them to gasp. He chased the sugary taste of cookies they had earlier, the one Jason barely finished making before Dick started pressing against him. “You have me, Jay. I’m right here.”
And it was the truth, wasn’t it? Jason had him, in a way no one else ever could. Dick Grayson, body and soul, all of that belonged to him now.
“Then do something about it already.” He demanded breathlessly as soon as Dick allowed him to speak again. “Prove it to me.”
Dick lowered his hand onto Jason’s thigh in a sharp slap that had Jason moaning again.
“That’s not very nice, baby. And you were doing so good.” Dick shook his head. “Only good boys get rewards, remember?”
“Sorry, mommy.” Jason whispered but he couldn’t stop his hips from moving anymore, trying to fuck into air.
“Mm, that’s better.” Calloused fingers slid down his stomach to finally, finally wrap around his cock. It was already so wet, both from saliva and precome that slid down the shaft from the head and Jason threw his head back with a loud whimper. How happy he was that those walls were sound-proof. “I forgive you, sweetheart. Now fuck me.”
And Jason didn’t need to be told twice.
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nosensedit · 10 months
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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friendsyoyo · 5 months
gettin intuitive
psychic headcanon babble for the mother 1 crew (aka just ninten and ana) because i figure someone out there is interested
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i preface this with the knowledge that MOTHER 1 has the most mentions of PSI in the narrative out of the three games (mother 3 can be semi-debated). that ALSO BEING SAID, these are children and i don’t think they have god tier abilities. this ain’t the x-men—in fact the closest kid you got to Jean Grey is 11 years old. so this is just for fun
moves-wise: i love you ninten but you suck compared to everyone else. in fact, he doesn’t like that people are much better at PSI than him (especially not some girl he just met!). maybe he goes through a phase where he tries to improve, but it’s just not in his nature (or attention span) to do so. that being said, everyone’s cooked without him thanks to his prowess in assist PSI. sure, he can’t light people on fire, but he can make sure your next frying pan swing hurts bad. the added benefit of escaping into the fourth dimension is something that makes him very unique (or in teddy's words, "a one-trick pony") and makes him brag a bit, because what is ninten if not prideful? it’s not too bad though, because it’s dorky! there’s a childish glee to it, like a kid doing a cartwheel in front of his parents. even lloyd admits it makes ninten look lame, but “he’s not one to talk” either. like ana, he does possess telepathy, but this is the one ability i hc him to surpass her in. i really do think that with given time, he could be a very strong telepath! i think of telepathy as a spectrum rather than “transmitter and receiver” because the characters do portray differing levels of what they can do; basic communication with animals being on the lower end to near omnipotence on the highest extreme. ninten is no god for sure, but based on what we see in the game and novels, he “receives” more than he “transmits,” which can lead to very disorienting conversations. it’s an added level of hyper-vigilance he must deal with, but at least it's helpful in combat and against police officers. i wouldn’t say it’s textbook telepathy angst, but more like “can you shut the fuck up right now im trying to think” when no one has uttered a word in the past 2 minutes. too much at once leads to snappy responses, unintentionally looking daggers at someone, and unbridled rage when fighting lamps. he's best left alone in times like this. he gets tuckered out easily, bc thinkin's a lot of work. world's eepiest boy after massive boss fights
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like i said, she ain’t jean grey. buuuut, if i had to rank the most powerful psychics in the mother series, she’d be third to kumatora + her family and giegue. she is very disciplined in everything she does, only using it in dire or noble situations like her parents taught her to. in the game, she has a very good relationship with both her parents and religion, which is unlike many headcanons i tend to see.
they were both very involved, which led to her having near perfect control at such a young age. her father would preach about the responsibility she carries (because, yknow, great power) while her mother would find the best way to not let her skills go unmanaged. she starts off with precise telekinesis, fast healing LifeUp β, and manageable telepathy, but when she’s away from home and begins to learn more intense and formidable abilities, ana feels completely lost and shocked to her core. she hates violence, especially when she must enact it herself. with each new power she awakens, she feels a sense of betrayal towards her parents, wondering if she is straying from their teachings. worst of all, she fears over reliance on them the way ninten is (teleporting like it's no ones business). therefore, ana is very psychically repressed and mentally limits herself from the use of offensive PSI outside of battle.
she eventually realizes that although she didn't choose to be born with these abilities, they are a part of her and "God's plan." as long as there is someone to protect, she finds solace in being able to use them for the greater good.
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i have so much more to say but it's 2:51 am and i feel like this post is a bit too long now. remember to hit that like button and subscribe
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marvelousjj · 11 months
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Ana wanted to get as far away form that place as she possibly could. She hadn't believed it was possible until he showed up. She remembered laying awake at night, praying he would show up, despite them saying she would never see him again. He had made it to the rooftop when they took her away from him...Perhaps he had gotten out. It ad turned out that he had, against all odds, her hopes and prayers had been answered.
She watched him kneel down, and instruct her to climb onto his back, and hang on. She nodded and did as he told her, clinging around his neck with a tight grip. It wasn't the first time she had done something like this when they needed to be quick. His legs were longer and she was easy to carry with her height.
Her eyes squinted shut while the Soldier took out what guards he could, but just as they had preached...chop off one head, and more will take it's place...
The Soldier was doing the best that he could, but even that was proving to not be good enough as they reached outside and closer to the gate. She hadn't been outside in six months, and despite it being in the middle of the night, there was a bright light that felt like it could blind her. She hid her eyes while she heard Russians shouting for him to put the child down.
She needed to do something they were completely surrounded and she knew that no matter how hard he fought, they wouldn't be making it out. She was tired, and even if she wasn't...It would take a lot out of her. But she had to try.
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Ana let go of her hold on him, letting herself fall down his back and into the cold mud. The agents raised their guns, telling her to go back inside, and they wouldn't hurt him. She knew that was a lie. The second they had her inside he would be shot on side, with as many bullets as it took to get the job done.
She shivered slightly, but looking up at a group of the agents, she stared them down for a second before nodding to side with her head, as if gesturing for them to move. As if on command, the men turned their necks until five snaps were heard, and they fell to the ground. While another group of agents advanced forward, she held her hand out to them, before raising her hand in the other direction. Her eyes squinted shut before the agents all went flying back in the opposite direction. Some survived, but most were killed by colliding with a cement wall, or being impaled into something.
Turning around to look at the Soldier, she was now bleeding out of her nose slightly. She let out a tired huff before her legs gave out and her eyes fluttered shut, bringing her down to the ground.
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evermoredeluxe · 7 months
God imagine how Ana Clara’s family must be feeling right now :(
it’s like 2am in brazil, i can’t imagine a situation where her family (and friends) aren’t scrambling. it’s just so extremely sad.
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izvmimi · 4 months
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sorry!! is this one better?
ngl i would fill out this version
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p4ppetsl4t · 3 months
need that one girl at school to tell me again that im "fluffy" and that she "hates being skinny" and would rather be "chubby and soft like me"
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petrichoraline · 11 months
For the honest answer ask game: what's the history of your blog? (this really just includes how/when you began blogging on tumblr, content, your interactions and your special moments on here etc; whatever you wish to prioritize for the ask in context).
honest hour question answered 3 days later <3 truly hope the wait was worth it love hahah
as someone who's gone through my archive already, you know i started out as a bts fan account in 2015. (my previous blog is not gonna be discussed for the simple reason that it's barely relevant to this one)
i believe i used to tag and organise my reblogs? there was a time where i cared enough and i loved srolling through my own blog, i stopped enjoying that when i became more involved w/ fandom on here and things weren't aesthetics based anymore. i don't like going through it that much now. i used to play around with themes, search for them, tweak colours and fonts for hours. after i returned years later there was an issue with the editor so now i can't change my theme at all and it sucks cause i just want to edit a few things.
so it started of as a bts fanblog, then i started rb-ing other kpop stuff, maybe afterwards i started sharing gifsets from movies and series i liked? as for fandom, i had a good amount of mutuals - accidentally became one with a girl from my country, we went out once and it was very nice <3 procrastinated and lost track fo tag games back then too lmaoo i felt a lot of dissatisfaction over it so i try to do everything now with my current fandom :)
back then is when i started reading fanfiction - i believe my first imagine was a taegi one where v was an artist and yoongi a photographer lol i stumbled upon it on the dash randomly and i got introduced to ao3 a bit after
iirc for the following years after i'd stopped stanning bts, i used to come back either relatively often or once in a blue moon - in the beginning i was just enjoying wtv my dash was offering me or seeking out specific stuff, then i started using it as a tracklist of what shows i've watched haha, no tags, just rb after finishing a show.
i started engaging with fandom around the release of episode 5 of kinnporsche, i read a bunch of posts on here, then tms2 came around and i got even more into reading people's takes..at some point i started talking to people i guess hahah i don't even know when i started trying to put out content, so to say, i just know i was doing screenshot posts short before i found myself pushed to attempt gifs and that was after big dragon had just finished airing.
then i started my giffing journey. had support from @gillianthecat whom i loved giffing paulnice for. honestly that and the discussions we had were such an important part of me having fun with this site and keeping it up. and @joyladagang, my self-proclaimed #1 hype woman, made me feel super welcome. then i got even more moots, at some point i started reaching out or actively reciprocating others attempts at getting closer (though i had been active in discussions before that, i just mean i got a bit braver and started acting more familiar with everyone (esp w/ ppl i got closer to through @joyladagang like @cankersoregirl, @feralmuskyscentedhoepran, @loserlesbianongsa etc.)
i'm grateful to a lot of people on here, truly. it's not supposed to be a shoutout post so i won't be tagging any more people (esp since i would have to tag everyone who follows me plus a bunch of people i follow which..it's a bit much) but i'm genuinely thankful for each person that enjoys my rants, gifs, theories or wtv the things i post classify as, whether they found a post by accident or follow the blog. and i'm grateful to the creators i follow, and i'm happy to talk to so many sweet, smart and funny individuals on various topics daily.
so this is where my blog is at right now - trying to do a bit of everything and talking a bit with everyone. my issue, tbh, is i'm trying a bit too hard to satisfy everyone which sounds ridiculous but i am a bit of a people pleaser at times so it checks out lol
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anasartdump · 5 months
omggggggggggg im known as the nice anon?!?!?!?!?! that makes me so haaaaaaaaaaaappy!!!!!!! thank you for being so sweet and welcoming!!!!! im kind of shy and reaching out to people isn't something i normally do but i couldn't help it since your art is probababy some of the best i've ever seen for a fandom that i love as much as avatar!!!!!!!!!! i agree that jake and neytiri need some happyness after what happened to them and having babies would help with that!!!!!!! they seem like such great parents that i imagine them loving any and all kids they have sooooooooooo much <3 dont worry about my other request about the date night if you don't have any ideas!!!!!!! it was just a suggestion and i love your stuff anyway!!!!!! thats cool that you rp with youre friend though!!!!!! if you draw more stuff of them i will be here to love it all!!!!!!!!!! your the best!!!!!!! <3
Yeeeeeees! You're the nice anon XD
Hey, I'm kind of shy too so I get you! But sometimes reaching out is totally worth it, as this is how I met most of my friends (including @beautyofattolia my friend who helps give me ideas for stuff XD)
I'm really glad you liked my art so much you felt the need to reach out, thank you!!!
I'm really glad you liked my art so much you felt the need to reach out, thank you!!! 🥺🥺😭😭 Not many people do and sometimes it kinda unmotivates me, I love seeing what people think of my drawings since they take so long to do, depending on the one, so seeing people actually enjoy them and have amazing things to say about them is a huge motivater to keep me making art for the fandom 💙💖 So thank you for reaching out, it means a lot to me 💖💖💖
Yeah for sure! They're amazing parents and the babies are a nice way to make them happy after all the bad things that happened to them.
I loved all your suggestions and I'm keeping them in mind for when I feel the motivation to draw Jaytiri again, dw! 💖 Yeah me and my friend rp Jaytiri on discord and it's how I get most of mt drawing ideas xD she's the best!!!
Thanks a lot for all your love and support and keep coming back to my inbox whenever you feel like! I love reading all your messages, they give me pure joy 💖💞💕💙💖
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sorekcals · 1 year
I’ve been sticking to my res + no overeating for 11 days!!!
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anawrites3 · 9 months
Ana seeing as Ive just finished reading the Captive Prince trilogy, Im iching for a sladick AU with a similar premise.
In the books they mention that slaves/pets are trained to take cock well before they lose their virginity.
If Dick was given to Slade (not a Prince, maybe a member of nobility? A slave trainer? Whatever role you like)...
Ahh that's great! I havent read it yet because I just cant put my hands on it, it's so expensive here :( and I dont think any libraries nearby have it haha
But I'm always all in for some slave/master dynamics 😏💕 so have a little story, I hope it's what you were thinking about!
Dick breathed out slowly in an attempt to calm down even just slightly, and his breath shook almost as badly as his hands did when he was shading his robe. Lord Slade Wilson, the man that was his master now, was sitting comfortably on the settee in front of him, watching Dick like a predator watches its prey. He was sprawled on the soft cushions with his legs spread comfortably, his pants untied and lowered just enough to uncover his erected cock.
The thin material of Dick's robe pooled around his feet and for a moment he allowed himself to just stand there, letting Slade's hungry gaze wander around his body. It's not like it was covering much in the first place but without it Dick suddenly felt much more vulnerable.
"Do you know what to do, boy?" Slade drawled in a low voice.
With those few words, he interrupted the silence that wasn't exactly comforting but still made the whole situation feel more surreal. As if it was just a distant dream or, more precisely, a nightmare. A few words, that's all it took Slade to made everything feel so much more real for Dick.
Dick shouldn't even be there. He was a prince, even after being betrayed and sold, even after being bought by men that "trained" pleasure slaves and... and after being forced to go through said training himself- he still was a prince of Gotham, the first son of king Bruce Wayne. He shouldn't be there, gifted to lord Wilson to be his slave and do everything the man wanted.
Still, what left his mouth was, "Yes, master."
Slade kept watching him. Dick looked back, his heart pounding against his ribcage, painfully aware of every inch of his naked body, still bruised from the last time his trainers punished him.
The man patted wordlessly at his thighs and Dick stepped closer, close enough to put his hands on Slade's shoulders and take a seat on his lap. Slade's hands seemed to be scorching hot when they found their place on Dick's waist and for a moment Dick was sure that they would leave marks on his skin with barely any touch. But no - it was just Dick who was cold, still not used to this realm's weather.
Slade traced his hipbone with his thumb.
"They told me no one touched you before." He mused. "Is that true?"
Dick lowered his gaze. He wet his lips with his tongue, hating how nervous he still got while talking about it after everything he already went through.
"Yes, master. I'm fully yours."
Slade's fingers dug into his skin as Dick got pulled closer to the man, so close that their chests were pressed together, Slade's cock rubbing against his stomach.
"But you still know what to do." Slade said, more a statement than a question.
Dick swallowed, "I've been trained well."
The settee whispered when Slade leaned back against it more comfortably. He continued watching Dick's every reaction, his every move. It wasn't how Dick imagined a lover would ever look at him.
But that was before. Now he was just a pleasure slave, property of his master.
"Show me then, little bird." Slade purred out, the corner of his lips twitching up in a smirk. "Let's see how good you are."
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nosensedit · 1 year
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Hi, can i ask you why in your opinion some people consider the moors a proper character in wuthering heights? Do you think the story would have been so different if it had been set in a different location?
I've wanted to sit on this for a bit to see if I changed my opinion/reaction, because I thought of an answer instantly. I'm going to be sincere, what I thought was "because people have not read enough (good) books".
I'm not entirely sure why people consider the moors a proper character because I don't think it works as one at all. I imagine a big part of the reason why is the appeal of the aesthetic and how powerful an impact it has had culturally and even in general in the collective imaginary, but I don't think that's exclusively due to Wuthering Heights. Trying to dig more, I'd say it's because of the importance it has for the characters, emotionally, narratively and symbolically. And, digging even more, I imagine it's due to the metaphysical bond and even ontological identification between moors and characters some people read into it.
Most if not all of these characteristics are typical of significant settings in books, though. They don't necessarily confer the settings the title of "character". And, as much abstract personality as they may have, in my opinion the moors are lacking something to be comfortable calling them so. In Wuthering Heights I'd say the house itself, Wuthering Heights, feels more like a character to me than the moors. Still, I'd say even then there's a certain something missing.
As much character or importance in ambience setting Bly Manor has in The turn of the screw, I don't think one could freely say it's a character on itself; that's sort of the situation with the moors in Wuthering Heights, I think. In comparison, Comala in Pedro Páramo, Hill House in The haunting of Hill House, Macondo in One hundred years of solitude or Vetusta in La Regenta, to name a few, feel a lot more like characters. They are books in which the settings themselves feel fleshed out with care, thoroughly developed like a character, and they even read as having a certain will of their own, as actively participating in the narrative at times. The moors in Wuthering Heights don't work that way. And it's not a bad thing. They don't have to, that's not their role.
Now, on the question about whether I think the story would be so different if set in some other location... I think the answer is both yes and no? Of course the book would never have been exactly the same had it taken place somewhere else, and the heather and in general the description of wildlife and vegetation are symbolically meaningful. But also, I didn't have a clear image of what the moors were when I first read the book. I imagined something infertile, isolated and cold, but that's it, and it worked. I didn't know how the English moors were at all.
I do think the isolation aspect is necessary to make Wuthering Heights, and I'd say perhaps even the cold and generally bad weather, but it's also true in a similarish way Pedro Páramo works with a place that is very hot. Ultimately it's up to the writer, and it will work if it's well written and well waved alongside the other parts forming the book. Wuthering Heights was waved with the moors in mind specifically, and it works. Would the story in abstract be much different if set somewhere else? Not necessarily, probably not, but it wouldn't be exactly Wuthering Heights, just as it wouldn't be if one were to change any other of its characteristics.
#The stormy windy weather works very well with Cathy's moods specifically for example but I don't think we see her be influenced or changed#by the weather the way Ana's mood is influenced by the rain in La Regenta for example. Which doesn't make the moody weather less important#It has symbolic and aesthetic aspect and in art that's very important on its own#Is the weather/wildlife/vegetation/setting important in Wuthering Heights? Yes of course#Could one set a similar story somewhere else and still be able to convey a similar effect and mood? Also yes. There are examples#I think I've talked about this before with both @faintingheroine and @13eyond13. About the importance of the setting in Wuthering Heights#and how other similar stories could be set in some other very different places. Or how despite the setting being very particular#in Wuthering Heights the story works and is very popular in other very different and at times faraway countries (such as Japan for example)#because more than the specificity of the moors the setting depends on the infertility perhaps‚ the mood it sets#and how it works with the narrative and characters‚ and mainly the isolation#One can easily translate that into something relevant to their own place and culture so to speak#I didn't want to include this (and some other things haha) in my reply to avoid making it longer still‚ but here it is just in case#Also there's an idealisation of Wuthering Heights in certain particular aspects‚which is something I talk about often with @faintingheroine#I think that too plays a role in making people consider the moors a proper character on its own#The topic is very interesting and this was fun to think about. Thanks for the question!#I hope my reply was articulated enough. I've been awake for thirty hours. I'll try to remember to come back later and give a look though#I talk too much#Wuthering Heights
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