cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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DID SOMEBODY CALL FOR BLOOD MAGIC  because he knows nothing about blood magic but he wants to spill some
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
@stxllarxclipsx / cont .
          ❝  THAT SOUNDS DUMB, who cares what happens to someone when they’re dead? ❞
IS WHAT  henry says first, e’er without a filter in sight between his brain and his mouth. he was no stranger to the idea that most people respected their dead & had their bodies sent back home, should they fall in battle. to some extent, he even supposed it made sense, but moreover does it make less than that; a waste, it feels more like. chrom is the leader though, henry can only shrug and take his word for what it was─an order.
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          ❝  but, whatever you say, chrom! guess i’ll have to wait to get the goodies elsewhere then. ❞
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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         ❝ EVERY TIME  you feel your heart beat, remember that it’s your skeleton getting closer to hatching. ❞
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
    “Henry? For heaven’s sake, what are you doing on the ground? This isn’t a place to lie down and take a nap.”
     No response. He must be deeply asleep at this point. Just how tired was he that he slept out in the open like this, right in the middle of the path? Even stranger that he barely moved… Or did he at all? 
     Oh Gods. Did it finally happen? Did his rash behaviour permanently wipe that smile off his face?
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     “H… Henry? If this is your idea of a joke, I’m not laughing. Get up right this instant!“
OH, there is a voice to break the silence, and it’s not a ghost of the past either! he knows the owner, knows the quiver of her chord & pins her identity without needing to open his eyes.
          ❝ HEYA, maribelle...! ❞
RIGHT─OF COURSE─whatever has the mage sprawled out like a corpse? his rash behavior ( that vacant craving for a vice he’s unable to obtain )  would key into what ails him, if it were the cause this time around. no, what had him lain limp & still reluctant to move beyond a weak wave of his hand was that steady thrum of agony in his head. lon’qu is either considerably stronger than he looks, or henry simply was too easy to toss like a sack of potatoes. either way─the splitting migraine he is left with does him no such favor in so much as getting to an appropriate place to rest. 
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          ❝  nahhh, i just tried to walk to my tent and ended up collapsing. guess i really did hit my head too hard earlier. think i might got a concussion, doc? my head feels like it’s gonna explode!  ❞
JOKES; of course he makes light of his plight, nary an ounce of concern or regard to how his humor poorly settles with any of the others in this army. henry makes the effort to sit himself upright, slender fingers wrapped ‘round his knees as he wobbles & struggles to remain seated. against all odds, does he still manage a laugh, weak as it were. is there anything that could keep an eerie smile from twisting at his lips? perhaps not even death or severe injury could deter that lackadaisical demeanor of his.
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
Though, I'm making sure as I'm a bit confused. The in character posts with no tags are the open ones, right?
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if they’re not specifically assigned to a person either by the tags or an @, then they’re pretty much open game. doesn’t matter what the topic is with henry, he’ll chatter at just about anyone.
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
HE IS  lying on the ground. not even moving in the slightest. is he asleep? is he dead? he sure hopes it’s the latter.
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                   what will you do?
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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ALSO, before i forget...! consider this an inbox call! like this post if you want a random henry in your inbox!
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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WOW, 6am already? way past my bedtime. i’ll ruin my sleep schedule at this rate─so! that said! i’m off to bed!
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
"Ugh, stop smiling. It's putting me in a bad mood." - Tharja!
          ❝ ──NO CAN DO, tharja! not when you’re over here being a sour sally! ❞
IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE, driving that chipper cheer from the mage’s being. when set side by side with tharja, henry truly appears to be her polar opposite. in what way… well, that depended entirely on who you asked. she tries hard to cast him aside, to leave him behind and to have him once more resume whatever macabre activity it is he does whilst alone─but henry is attentive like none other. trained too well; e’er eager to please, so long as it also suited him. but perhaps there was more to that──? even he didn’t know.
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          ❝  c’mon, tharja. lighten up once in a while! oh─i know, i know! we can find a dead boar, and reanimate it to scare the heck outta people around camp! ❞
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
“hey ende how do you rp henry so well”
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you will never learn the truth.
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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i’ve had this blog for one day and it’s already in tatters
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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... HE MIGHT  actually die like this. he can’t get off the ground. everything is spinning too much. send help.
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
Suplexes Henry
WHOOPS, there he goes! henry hardly weighs more than his collection of crow feathers; an easy motion is all it takes for the swordsman to lift him from his feet. look how high up he is! ah, but such splendor is short-lived, as with only the skill & finesse of lon’qu’s is henry firmly acquainted with the ground. a bitter flavor would flood his mouth with the impact, vision would swim & he would rightfully be dazed where he lay. it takes henry several minutes to register what had transpired─he hardly felt a thing!
HE WAITS  for the world to stop spinning & yet it does not fully cease. the world above the mage does not quite stop blurring no matter how much he try to blink it away. symptoms of which he struggles to piece together, but with a stretch of time does henry conclude he has successfully been given a concussion. 
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          ❝ ─WHOA… awesome…! ❞
IT IS FAR  from easy to speak. words slur together by way of a tongue recently familiarized with his teeth & the taint of blood certainly causes some length of distraction. crimson gaze tries to center on the form of lon’qu above─alas, he cannot make sense of the blob he sees, and favors closing his eyes instead. the thrum of pain begins to set in against the base of his skull, henry can only let out a weak & shaken laugh in response ‘fore he remarks:
          ❝  hey, lon’qu… do that again! i think if you try harder you might actually kill me.  ❞
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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absolutely forgot to open my ask box. whoops.
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
musketeersofhope replied to your post:           ❝ HEY, who wants to see a really cool...
AH, SOMEONE  who wants to see his trick! wonderful! henry claps hands together,  glee spread ‘cross pale features quite unlike hose smiles before. what does this morbid mage have up his rotten sleeve, and what thereof calls for any brand of his magic without those distastefully delightful fancies of his? all revealed in good time, rest assured. let it be known, henry is no stranger to the mysterious mystic ways of magic. he does not need tome in hand nor any amount of bizarre trinkets he has collected over the years. all he needs to do is reach behind him with a practiced motion, ‘neath his dark shroud which lay so formally upon his shoulders. words leave those lips which are e’er twisted upward in a  devil’s smile, words of unknown origin & unknown meaning. an inhale, a furrow of the brow & with loud declaration does henry say:
                                ❝ ─KA-BOOM! ❞
AS IF BY  the sounding of his voice alone, whatever spell it is that he had cast had worked. giddy, ever perpetually caught in a state of joy, does henry pull his hand out from behind his back & with it... there is nothing in his hand. it is as empty as it started, but upon the reveal... 
                                   it was left pointed downward as an okay hand sign.
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          ❝  gotchya. ❞
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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          ❝ HEY, who wants to see a really cool magic trick? ❞
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cawsdeath-blog · 6 years
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          ❝ AND THIS──this is my severed thumb collection! pretty neat, huh? ❞
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