cdriens · 3 years
“That’s not what the song is about, though,” objected Adrien as the TikTok compilation went on. “The lyrics are literally, ‘I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare.’ Why are these people smiling? The song is not about your fond memories as a kid. This is about childhood angst.” He couldn’t believe that he actually reached a point in life where he missed those weird emo kids from school. They certainly understood the song better than these shiny, happy TikTokers. + @cassiehqs​
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cdriens · 3 years
“yeah, man. and i really need it.” adrien was having his scheduled mental breakdown early, it seemed. “i’ve been so stressed out about...” well, he was generally stressed out about a lot of things. but last night was a specific kind of work-related beast. “i was up all night looking at ergonomic mouses on amazon.” with a shake of his head, he said, “the mouse at my office broke and... i don’t know why i got so stressed looking for a new mouse. like my patients’ life or death depends on me finding the best ergonomic mouse i can afford.” putting a hand to his temple, he also shared, “it’s also boiling in my office because of all the machinery. it’s like 100 degrees in there. i'm about to do at least one biopsy today, but i don’t know how i can if i’m suffering from hyperthermia while i perform the tests.” he took a deep breath. “coffee, though... yeah. coffee.” he chose a very stressful profession, but he stuck with it for a reason. he liked to help those in need.
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location: the southern bean coffee shop
starter: open @mapleviewstarters​
with an hour to spare before his shift began, graham decided to stop at the southern bean to get a cup of coffee. the shop offered flavors of the day, something he seemed to prefer over the keurig that was in the break room at work. the surgeon lived on caffeine and it helped him survive the long nights at the hospital. after thanking the barista and throwing a tip in the jar, he headed over to the station designated to add whatever you may like to your drink. graham added a couple of packets of sugar as well as some cream, making sure to mix everything together with a stirring rod before bringing the cup up to his lips. ahhh. the perfect cup of coffee. as soon as he turned to head to a nearby table, a customer nearby ran into him, resulting in the coffee dropping to the floor. a look of annoyance flashed briefly on his face before he realized that the person standing in front of him seemed apologetic enough. he could always get another coffee. “it’s fine. really.” there was coffee running down the front of his scrubs, but thankfully he had a spare change of clothes in the locker at work. “it’s just coffee, right? good thing this place has a ton of it available.”
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cdriens · 3 years
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“I’m alright,” said Adrien with an amused look. “It was just a little bump. Trust me, it would take a lot more than that to break my bones.” It was an obvious reference to the hospital uniform he wore, bespeaking a certain expertise in what and what didn’t break bones. Fascination was written on his face when he saw the kid, his eyes darting between parent and child. “Ah, sorry. I just have a child of my own incoming, and so I can’t help being curious about young parents with young children. Kind of like I’m taking notes on how to be.”
Location: Farmer’s Find Market
Open to: All @mapleviewstarters​
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“Alright my love, what do you see that looks good, hmm?” Isabella hummed to her daughter, who was currently being held on her hip. “Should we get some apples? Ooh, or some strawberries?” The 3 year old excitedly pointed out the small red fruit, causing the blonde to chuckle. “Strawberries it is then,” She turned towards the stall and, without thinking or looking, bumped into someone with an ‘oof’. “I’m so sorry!” Isabella quickly apologized, brown eyes wide as they finally landed on the other person. “You’d think at my age I’d know better than to move without looking first.” She joked. “We teach that to our kids and yet I’m the worst at following that. Are you alright?”
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cdriens · 3 years
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adrien often finds himself idly massaging parts of his body, such as the temples of his head. it’s an instinctive act that night — his headaches have abated considerably since he’s had an excuse to stay home more. as he lies in the bed with his very pregnant girlfriend, he decides that she could probably use the massage more. “hey, babe,” he says softly. “are you awake?” + @deadflwcrs​
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cdriens · 3 years
sms ➤ ezra
Ezra: not to be dramtic or anything but liek
Ezra: im alone at home and im pretty fuckin sure i just saw a goddamn ghost
Ezra: i keep hearing noises but pax aint home
Adrien: there's nothing i can do rip dude
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cdriens · 3 years
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A shooting star… that’s what he is – lighting up the night sky; exciting and amazing. But what is he really? They burn out, you know. They turn into useless lumps. Trust me.
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cdriens · 3 years
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task five: character survey
full name: adrien ryerson
nickname(s): “menace to society,” “boomer,” “most dashing doctor at mapleview health center,” “annoying”
birthday: august 20, 1990
zodiac sign: leo
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: heterosexual
birthplace: mapleview
length of time living in mapleview: all his life
occupation: radiologist
relationship status: happily dating his girlfriend and soon-to-be-wife, sienna carlson! ( @deadflwcrs )
hair color: brown
eye color: green
height: 5′10″
tattoos/piercings: none
birthmarks/scars: that distinctive eyebrow scar! (backstory: he was cutting off his bangs when he realized they looked stupid sometime in 2003, and accidentally snipped off a bit of his eyebrow. but he likes to claim that he got it when he once very bravely jumped to save an old man from being hit by a car.)
other notable features: chiselled square jawline, athletic build, dimples when he smiles/is mad
mother: sherylle ryerson
father: johnny ryerson
siblings: a whopping ten... ( bella being one of his favorites! )
children: one! soon!
pets: tbd.
mbti: esfp (se-fi-te-ni)
character archetype: the caregiver + the joker + the lover
enneagram: 7w8
moral alignment: chaotic good
coffee or tea: coffee
morning or evening: early morning
sweet or savory: savory
cake or pie: pie, especially when he makes them himself
cats or dogs: idk, they’re both adorable animals.
baths or showers: baths. he probably buys a ton of bath bombs. time for baths is a luxury for him, given his normally packed schedule as a health worker.
highest level of schooling: finished med school.
what they do to relax: he listens to music, posts lame memes in the radiologist hangout group he co-moderates on facebook, takes care of his loved ones, watches films, and... well, honestly, sometimes he also has sex to relax.
favorite season: summer
favorite places around mapleview: la belle vie restaurant, mapleview drive-in movie theater, blue ridge brewery, the mapleview gazebo.
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cdriens · 3 years
What time of day is your favorite?
“i like the early morning. the day is bright enough for you to see, but a subdued and lovely kind of bright, and the wind is crisp and cool. the world isn’t awake yet, but you can just walk and ruminate.”
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cdriens · 3 years
what's a song that always makes you smile?
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cdriens · 3 years
do you like hugs?
“yes, of course! i love hugs!”
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cdriens · 3 years
how would you describe your style?
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cdriens · 3 years
any worries about becoming a husband or dad?
“please don’t make me start having a mental breakdown again.”
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cdriens · 3 years
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cdriens · 3 years
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cdriens · 3 years
sms 📲  sienna 🥰
SIENNA: i honestly don't understand anything about suits but how's that going?? did u like any of the options shown to u so far??
SIENNA: a leprechaun????
SIENNA: ok do you need ME to go help you out? i know there's a whole silly tradition about not seeing each other but i won't allow my future husband to show up at our wedding looking like a leprechaun
ADRIEN: babe, will you still love me if i wear this to our wedding?
ADRIEN: [image attached: https://images.fun.co.uk/products/60433/2-1-146008/mens-leprechaun-suit-costume.jpg]
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cdriens · 3 years
Duncan looked around, hoping something in their surroundings would help him think of a song from the previous two years. The only thing that came to mind was that WAP song, but he wasn’t even sure who sang it nor did he know how it went since he’d never heard it. “I’m going to be honest with you, my guy,” he started, cringing at what he was about to say next, “I don’t listen to stuff from this century.” Duncan had been stuck on the same Talking Heads album for the past couple of months and– “Oh! I know!” He snapped his fingers as he sat up straighter, suddenly thinking of a suggestion that possibly fit the criteria. “Father of the Bride by Vampire Weekend! I don’t know if it was released 2019 or 2018, but the album has a song called 2021 so it counts regardless,” he said, sitting back in his chair with a proud look on his face.
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Duncan looked around, hoping something in their surroundings would help him think of a song from the previous two years. The only thing that came to mind was that WAP song, but he wasn’t even sure who sang it nor did he know how it went since he’d never heard it. “I’m going to be honest with you, my guy,” he started, cringing at what he was about to say next, “I don’t listen to stuff from this century.” Duncan had been stuck on the same Talking Heads album for the past couple of months and– “Oh! I know!” He snapped his fingers as he sat up straighter, suddenly thinking of a suggestion that possibly fit the criteria. “Father of the Bride by Vampire Weekend! I don’t know if it was released 2019 or 2018, but the album has a song called 2021 so it counts regardless,” he said, sitting back in his chair with a proud look on his face.
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Adrien typed in “2021 by vampire weekend” into his YouTube search bar. As the song played, he thought hard of a polite way to say he found it excruciatingly boring, but the faces he couldn’t help making probably gave his opinions away. He took out his headphones. “Man, don’t you know any more... fun music? Like, music you could party to? Something like Anderson .Paak, or that song that’s like... ‘Like a G6, like a G6 / Now we’re feeling so fly like a G6′?” Okay, so at least Anderson .Paak was still an active musician with new hits, but Adrien tended to listen to his older stuff, anyway.  
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cdriens · 3 years
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“oh dude, i was waiting for this moment, you’ve missed out on so much good music” she pulls out her phone and pulls up spotify, “i don’t even know where to start, what about KPOP?! no i think that’d be a little much” bella pauses for a moment, thinking. “how about we start with billie eilish, she’s SUPER cool and she’s only like nineteen years old” she looks down at her phone, getting up her billie eillish playlist, “remind me who mattybraps is again? wasn’t he that kid that did like kidz bop covers of justin bieber songs”.
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“i’ve listened to some kpop songs. ‘dynamite,’ yeah, that’s pretty good,” says adrien. “but the fans are really passionate. i don’t think i’m going to ‘stan’ anyone yet, i don’t think i’d have the energy.” he mentions idly, “i think i went on a date with that jessica jung girl once when i was in california. she was nice. really pretty. but she had to go back to korea because she was in that girls’ generation group or whatever.” as the blonde moves on to another topic, he remarks, “i’ve also seen that billie eilish kid. her hair reminds me too much of scene kids i knew back in high school.” he shrugs. “and i don’t know what exactly mattybraps does, but i don’t like it.” the man huffs. “perhaps my music tastes really will remain ancient.”
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