monopersonalspace · 28 days
Preparing for a neurology exam is actual hell...
I use forest on and off, don't think it works for me that much, maybe someone has more tips or apps that could work more? I want to track my study time but I forget to plan those trees:D
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monopersonalspace · 3 months
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x-ray images, 1916-1931
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monopersonalspace · 1 year
Struggles in med school
Not sure where or how but I did read somewhere that blogging might help in collecting thoughts and help in general. So might as well give it a try.
I was very excited to start medical school but as the months go by I sometimes feel that there is never enough time for anything else except medical related things. This basically goes through my mental health and my grades were dropping. So I guess my study methods aren't enough and I need to change it up.
I really want this degree but sometimes it seems this degree doesn't want me. Time to change that.
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monopersonalspace · 2 years
First week of medical school is done. I only had a few lectures but I am certainly happy with my choice.
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It was actually super fun, I didn't expect my roommates and classmates to be nice but everyone seemed friendly and made all my bad thoughts go away. Did anyone else had people tell them that it is way too difficult or the competition between everyone is fierce, nobody shares notes and struggles?
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monopersonalspace · 2 years
It's a big surprise for me but I got into medical school. I was working hard to get in and it finally happened, time to go on a long journey.
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monopersonalspace · 2 years
Resources for DELF B2
I will be sharing some resources that helped me pass my DELF B2 exam.
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arte.tv is a great platform to listen and watch + it has subtitles in the language you're learning (has German, Polish, Italian, Spanish, French and English options).
Podcasts in general are a great way to learn a language. A few I listened were Français avec Fluidité, Autour de la question, Little Talk in Slow French. Of course, anything will work if you get to listen to the language. Available on Spotify.
Youtube Videos. Channels like Easy French are a great source to practice listening and pick up different words. I personally, made a whole different account so that everything would be in French. It would be great for you to find content that you like and watch it in your target language.
Some audiobooks
RTL news, podcasts
One of my favourite dictionaries is Reverso. It also has conjugations and a phone app.
If you're struggling with pronouncing or come across a new word Forvo is a website where natives say the word.
French has a lot of idioms and translations wary. Expressio.fr
RFI, reading news will help your vocabulary and topics in case you need to speak about them (it also has audio).
For books to read, you can find some french books on Project Gutenberg
eLearning French
Français Facile (might be difficult to go through the website).
If you're struggling with a specific topic in grammar, YouTube has a lot of great options if you just type in the keyword.
RFI has a small placement test.
DELF sample papers have a few tests in an old format and a new one.
Partajon different levels and listening, writing, speaking tasks.
France Education International offers past papers of DELF exams and other information to read in French.
To learn a language you have to immerse yourself no matter what. Personally, I didn't really focus on grammar after a while and tried to write as much (essays, descriptions, reviews, journaling) and talk (record voice memos, learn songs, create stories).
One of the best tips I got is to take a keyword and try to come up with a story based on that keyword (you should record yourself to see mistakes or what words you need to look up to) and try to progress the story every day for a few days.
Of course, if you still not confident to speak then write a journal every single day, just write anything that comes to mind and then you will notice what words you use the most and need in your daily life.
If you're learning for a test then do as many sample papers as you can, write a lot, speak a lot. A week before my exam at home I spoke purely in French to not forget it and feel a little bit more confident.
Don't be afraid to ask others for help. If you are not sure if you wrote something good you can ask people who know the language to review it or even go to a teacher. From mistakes you learn a lot, don't be afraid of them.
Good luck learning.
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