cecaelian · 3 years
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                          we were wrong from the start !! 
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cecaelian · 3 years
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                          we were wrong from the start !! 
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cecaelian · 3 years
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cecaelian · 3 years
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note :  to  find  your  second  and  third  arcana  scroll  down  your  results  page  to  view  your  answers  and  totals,  to  the  right  you  will  be  able  to  click  on  other  result  pages  to  find  the  descriptions  for  your  second  and  third  arcanas.
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Only  courage  in  the  face  of  doubt  can  lead  one  to  the  answer.
The  Emperor  symbolizes  the  desire  to  control  one's  surroundings,  and  its  appearance  could  suggest  that  one  is  trying  too  hard  to  achieve  this,  possibly  causing  trouble  for  others;  some  elements  in  life  are  just  not  controllable.  Often  times,  you  are  troubled  by  something  very  personal,  and  you  don't  know  how  to  deal  with  it.
Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.
The Magician is associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power (more specifically, the power to harness one's talents). You prefer being the right-hand men of someone you are close to or you look up to. A tragedy in your life must have shaped you unto who you are right now and how you live your life. You prefer dynamic and theatrical situations rather than solemn and quiet paces of life. A downside in your character is that you may possibly be perverted most of the time and easily fall in love or have crushes on other people you admire.
One  of  life's  greatest  blessings  is  the  freedom  to  pursue  one's  goals.
The  Chariot  Arcana  is  a  symbol  of  victory,  conquest,  self-assertion,  control,  war  and  command.  You  are  typically  a  very  driven  individual,  who  has  a  personal  goal  that  you  aim  to  achieve  at  any  cost.  It  is  not  uncommon  for  Chariot  characters  to  be  short-tempered  or  aggressive.
tagged  by :  @tiderider​  
tagging :    @shardfated​ and anyone else who wants to​
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cecaelian · 3 years
happy birthday to Uma!
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" thanks, it is the best day of the year after all. "
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cecaelian · 3 years
it’s straight up been almost six months since i’ve done any roleplaying here but it’s uma’s birthday tomorrow!!! and that is worth a mention before i disappear again. 
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cecaelian · 3 years
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ah little kraken, bold are you. restless sailor, dauntless fighter, lower your sword, let me see your shield. ah, of course, they are but the same object. oh wave-tossed ruffian, lend me some of your mettle would you? you have been struck by the sharpest of spears yet you still stand here proudly. but off your guard, elsewhere of the battlefield, you will find your spirit can parch others. your words are but weapons crafted from your soul. little lion, sheathe your claws, or the ones you love the most will suffer. you do not have to be strong all the time love, there's nothing wrong with being soft. vulnerability is not weakness, and if it were, what's wrong with that? strength is not always your greatest tool, your heart is good. put down excalibur, and use your words. you'll find they will carry you much farther. not everything in life is a battle.
TAGGED BY :  @shardfated​
TAGGING: anyone tbh. 
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cecaelian · 3 years
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so with F L O U R on my hands
i'll show them all how goddamned H A P P Y i am!
indie selective descendants oc written by vic
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cecaelian · 3 years
mothers and daughters existing as wretched mirrors of each other: i am all you could have been and you are all i might be.
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cecaelian · 3 years
I'm my mother's child call me a woman made horror
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cecaelian · 3 years
will write a full post in the future maybe? (don’t hold me to that) but uma’s gg au is exactly like her modern au except ursula was never caught. 
basically ursula is a very rich, very high powered lawyer- except she never actually passed the bar and has cheated and paid her way into the legal system, she makes her money off working on contracts. so uma is going to constance on that money. 
ursula keeps tight control on her money, uma, like obie, is something of an activist. 
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cecaelian · 3 years
Perfectionism is very addictive because it is very seductive. It’s so great to think ‘There’s a way I can do things where I can never be held in judgment by other people, that I can totally escape criticism.’ But it doesn’t work.
Brené Brown, The Power of Vulnerability (via fyp-psychology)
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cecaelian · 3 years
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chibi tiny tales descendants - queen of mean/huma edition !!!
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cecaelian · 3 years
🕶 🎊
send me (the mun) a symbol or two!
🕶 I just want to know everything about your muse, but I don’t want to seem clingy/nosy
🎊 Sometimes you just make me so happy I don’t know what to do. Oops.
minnie please.
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cecaelian · 3 years
Mun Communication meme;; These are meant to start a conversation, please don’t use this as an excuse for hate!
💖 Your muse is someone I generally/already ship with mine but I want to get to know your portrayal
💦 I’m afraid I’ll break one of your rules! [be sure to specify/feel free to ask more about it]
🧪 I want to RP a sensitive topic with you/your muse and I’m not sure how you’d feel about it.
📌 Your reply is stuck in my drafts but I’d like to start something new (or talk about it first)
🍕 There’s something I need to know about your portrayal/muse before I write with you
❔ I’m not in the mood for big things at the moment, asks are just easier for me
🌹 My muse is getting attached to yours since following you (interactions or not) and I need to tell you how they feel
🍰 I have a cute idea for our muses, how do we make it happen?
🕶 I just want to know everything about your muse, but I don’t want to seem clingy/nosy
🥐 You almost broke my rules(or you did and I didn’t tell you), could you please refrain from doing [thing] ?
💫 I can’t keep up with your blog/shenanigans/etc. but I love what you’re doing! 
⏰ You RP lots of time sensitive things and I’m either busy or feel I’m too late. Maybe we can do something less so?
💢 tumblr messed with my ability to reply (app crash, technical difficulties, etc.) and I’m just so mad/I’m having technical difficulties
🌌 I’m actually in the mood to write an AU of my muse in your fandom/verse instead of canon/my main! Any tips or ideas?
🎨 You RP subjects I’m inexperienced with, but want to get better! Help!
🎊 Sometimes you just make me so happy I don’t know what to do. Oops.
🧵 In our current thread/your writing, I’d like you to write about/describe [specify thing]
🎶 I really tend to space off sometimes and do my own thing, it’s not you!
🌟 You’re very good at writing a certain subject and I just want to see more of it
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cecaelian · 3 years
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cecaelian · 3 years
i have feelings for u. not telling u which ones.
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