ceci-hay · 8 years
Week 5!
As predicted, certain aspects are taking longer than others. We are now on draft 4 of our script, with most likely more changes to come! Its been harder then I thought writing a mystery/Thriller for a 3 minute film but am definitely enjoying the challenge! 
Although the story still needs ironing out, certain aspects have been given the go! As we know who the characters are and the sets (Circuses are a pretty simple concept luckily!) we have started on the designs!!! Our wonderful character designer Jen Bristow has come up with some brilliant designs for the Mime, and I've just given the go ahead for the turn around! Hopefully next week our Modeler Niall Snook will create a clay model, to then be passed onto our CG modelers and Riggers!
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I went into the studio today to do some light tests with Catherine Donnelly. Here we played around with 3 point lighting. From this, next week ill be assigning some of my team to have a go recreating the lighting but with sample sets and CG characters, experimenting with the HDR. 
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ceci-hay · 8 years
Week 3
Well, its been a bumpy few weeks getting into  production but we are finally nailing out the style, story and pipeline! Its been particularly challenging wrapping my head around the film now being 3D/CG animated as when I wrote and visualized the story it was all for the purpose of Stop Motion. However now that the characters are going to be CG its opened up the story a lot more, Which is both good and bad! 
With my creative team, we have settled on a style for the film, based both on some other short films, and my original designs. ‘Roommate wanted, Dead or Alive’ is a a stop motion and CG hybrid and is acting as a big influence on our production and design front. 
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Its been particularly difficult to both Write, Direct and Produce the film, but am finally putting my crew together. I've been working with Sam Stainer on the script, our course expert on classic Hollywood cinema. Hes been amazing to work with, really helped get Film Noir aspect of the film across but with the understanding of our silly clowns! Tim Lewis has also joined me as a co-Director! Im hoping to learn to take a step back from Directing and focus on the Producing side of things, Tim has a good grasp on the Stop Motion and CG aspect of things, and alongside our ‘Technical adviser’ (For use of a better credit) George, the film is coming along nicely! 
With the help of George, weve put together our Pipeline and started a Gant chart to get us going. From working on Hairniverous, Iv learnt to let things be a bit more flexible at the beginning of the production as i'm sure plenty will change as we go through the Pre Production. This has really helped to figure out who we need for our team, where ill be scouting out the last of the crew and to start handing out some R&D!
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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After a vigorous pitch in front of the panel im pleased to announce my film has gotten through! However... with a catch.
My original pitch was for a stop motion, however to accommodate everyones skills on the course, as well as make a ‘do-able’ film (with the resources we have here at Falmouth) i've been challenged with the task of producing a 3D animated film against Stop motion backplates! As I want to produce the lecturers are challenging me with this hefty task. The idea came out after my ‘skills pitch’, where I talked about my experience working at Jelly Fish Pictures working on Floogals, a 3D animation with Live action back plates. I then Produced ‘Hairniverous’ last year, a Stop Motion and 2D hybrid. 
The mix of mediums makes for a interesting and challenging pipeline, something by the end of the year I hope will have grasped! It will definitely bring up some challenges but hopefully with some good organising, my amazing crew and inspiring lecturers here at Falmouth ill be able to have this finished and polished in the next coming months!
For more information on the Pitches and other amazing projects happening at Falmouth this year check our this blog!!!
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Couple of character designs for a stop motion im considering for next year... Clown detectives`!!!! 
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Some quick sketches for concept art im working on for a possible film idea for next year! 
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Some designs iv been working on for my Live Brief project, Pen to Paper. We are going with a paper and ink feel, but am experimenting with a bit of colour for some of the elements. 
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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More concept art for pre-production
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Throwing around some designs and ideas for a film idea for next year, Spent hours trying to get this right! And still not there!
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Some designs for my Pre-Production work, gone with a more graphic design feel, rather then the sketchy pastel style my concept art is.
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Little experiment with light and dark for the timelapse. Only rough, the night scene definitely needs attention! but the sun effect and shadow work nicely with the style :)
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Some concept art iv been working on for my Pre Production (Cutea-Working title). Its coming along nicely I think, just working out the story and techniques, and having a play around with some ideas :)
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ceci-hay · 8 years
Floogals has officially started screening on Sprout TV (every day at 8 AM and 8 PM ET!!!) And it looks amazing! And what a brilliant theme song. It was such a privilege working in the studio and set for it and to see it be such a success! Now that iv started my Pre Production module and planning my 3rd year film, i taking some big influences from the show as I loved the feel and aesthetic of it, in particular the colour and cinematography. 
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Final model for one of my stop motion puppets made in Polymorph and Femo. Made to scale and colour. 
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Final character designs for my preproduction unit. Based on Mary Blairs ‘its a small world’ designs for Disney. I have given the characters a very rounded shape in both the head and body, overly large in comparison to the small eyes.  Next I will make a model, to then creat the final stop motion puppet.
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ceci-hay · 8 years
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Concept art for my PreProduction unit, based on my photography around brixton. Inspired by Mary Blairs used of textures, colour and light
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ceci-hay · 9 years
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My Photography: Brixton Village
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