celestialdusks · 9 months
Tag the OC that always has a weapon on them
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celestialdusks · 11 months
Hello lovely! I was wondering if u had any face claims for any of the ROs. 👀
Hello! I actually don’t, but if you’re after their vibe then I’ll link the Pinterest board to the ros -> here.
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celestialdusks · 11 months
Omggg thank you anon 😭🤣
I have been reading ducks too I’m so sorry 😅😭😆
It’s okay! We all love some celestialducks
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celestialdusks · 11 months
Not an ask, just wanted to share some love! I discovered this IF a while ago and it's soo good, I've been replaying it. I love your writing style and I've been swooning over R.
Also, my daft ass has only just realised I've been misreading your tumblr name as celestial ducks - I hope that brings a smile to you as much as it has me. 😂😂
Ahh, thank you so much!! I regularly check this blog even though I’m not the most active on here, I always think about my little gang members!
So happy you like R too, they’re my first enemies/rivals to lovers route I’ve written and I love that.
That also made me smile a lot haha
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celestialdusks · 1 year
Love this!! Is this IF one you continue to work on? or has Golden been put forefront in the mean time; putting this on hiatus?
Hello! So glad you enjoy this IF, this was always more of a side project, so it's just updated whenever. I wouldn't say hiatus, but Golden is definitely in the front of my mind.
I still love thinking about these characters and responding to asks though!
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celestialdusks · 1 year
Hello mila! Omg I love this wip sm fjdjd! I was wondering if each of the ros could have a superpower what would they choose and why? And if it's not too much of a spoiler how did they end up getting involved in gangs? 👀
Hello! Thanks so much! And sure, I’ll answer both your questions, I expect that you’ll be able to explore the ros’ reasonings for joining a gang more in game.
Power / reasons for joining a gang:
Shiloh’s power would be super speed / they had a bit of a rebel phase, would regularly pick fights with the wrong (and sometimes right!) people (<- who you may or may not meet in game) until it was getting way too frequent, then Nia and Daryl offered them a home and a family they always wished for.
I think R and magic would be a cool mix (<- they can learn from P <3 ) / believe it or not, the same way R got involved in gangs is the same way you meet them in gang, through kidnapping. It’s thought that R stole something precious from a small organisation (very illegal!), so R planned to form/join a gang and take them down… whether they actually stole anything, they’ll never tell
L’s would be mind-reading, even though they’re confident as heck, they secretly care about what people think of them / L grew up in a hole full of love, but not much else in terms of materialistic stuff. Getting into the whole gang set up was because desperate times called for desperate measures, they sort of wish they never did, but… they got to meet your gang member so maybe it was worth it.
C’s power would be invisibility, like the true introvert they are / Not really involved with gangs, their father is, C usually stay away from that stuff. Piper’s their step-sibling that they hate so C getting involved in all this stuff is literally because they met your gang member and the others
T’s power would be time travel so they could travel back to a time when they were truly, 100% happy… a time with your gang member maybe / T has rather good hacking skills, and on the news, it was reported that a gang in London was involved in online hacking. So, to test out their skills, T hacked into that gang’s database (for fun) and planted a virus. Nia and Daryl vowed to find out who the hack was, and then they found T— they started off good and then it went south.
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celestialdusks · 1 year
Hey Mila!!! Hope you're doing okay ^^ if you have the time could I ask for some relationship/crush facts with C? 👉👈😳
C's never really fallen for someone before. Sure, there are crushes every now and then that they've always kept to themselves, but when they end up crushing on your gang member it's a bit like a 'oh... oh!!' moment.
C finds that thinking about your gang member in the crushing stage (and any stage after that) super comforting.
Quality time & words of affirmation are their love languages.
Loves falling asleep next to your gang member, it means they're both safe and present and their arms around each other.
Smiling into kisses.
Lazy morning kisses.
Warm hands & warm hugs.
C thinking and muttering, "God, I'm so in love with you."
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celestialdusks · 1 year
what would u say the main theme of the story is? <33
Ooo, a few:
Found family
Love & friendship
Power/overthrowing power
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celestialdusks · 1 year
At first, I couldn't figure out who would be the best to romance for my gang member (I know that romance isn't necessary to the story etc etc I just prefer it). I thought maybe Shiloh, but after seeing how popular they are I wanted to give another ro a shot. Then it was maybe T, because that dynamic is really compelling. But then the scenario of my intimidating and very socially awkward character trying to flirt with C and failing miserably because they're coming off as rude is too funny. I have to go with C. There's no other option after that.
C is literally my comfort character, and I'm super happy that people are such a fan of them even though they were barely shown in the demo. They're so sweet, and soft, and awkward — so like, yeah, your gang member should shower them with love.
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celestialdusks · 2 years
Hi! I just found the demo awhile ago and I'm in love!! I'm sorry if this has been asked (tumblr search engine my beloathed) but how old are the characters? I can't find the information but I could have missed it
Hello! So glad you’re a fan of the demo <3 no worries, the ros don’t really have a set age so imagine them how you want
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celestialdusks · 2 years
I am not a pro at video editing by any means necessary. I remember you saying you haven't been having that great of a time lately, so I just wanted to share a little thing I made for my MC as a way to try and make your day a little better even if it's just by a tiny bit. I made a mini edit for my MC Sebastian, he's Chinese-Colombian and he's sarcastic, flirty and loves to tease people, specially his rival R. Zayed. I hope you like it and I hope you have a great day love. <33👉👈
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celestialdusks · 2 years
what inspired the title for BDSI?
Slightly spoilery, maybe? But, when all the ros and your gang members will be doing a bit of sneaking around and meeting and this usually happens at nighttime. So, yeah, we meet before dusk sets in.
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celestialdusks · 2 years
Tryin to wait patiently for next update (I did like the Golden update).
Glad you liked the Golden update! And as for a Before Dusk Sets In update, I hope I can get one to you in a few months time <3
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celestialdusks · 2 years
mila hi hello again zhjssksk if you’re still doing the spotify ask, can i please ask for 23 with shiloh? thank you <33
We’re breathing heavy, but we’re movin’ slow
Hope I never wake from my best mistake
Come Down When You’re Ready — TENDER
Shiloh lets out a short breath. They swallow hard and look to the side. This bed isn’t theirs, it’s yours. And Shiloh remembers the night, you were beside them, kissing each other in a way that best friends certainly don’t.
“Oh, fuck,” they mumble before pushing the duvet off of their legs. They can hear you in the kitchen, when Shiloh reaches there, they lean on the doorframe before clearing their throat.
You whip your head around and give them a small nod. “Morning.”
“Hm, hey,” they utter back. You’ve stayed at each other’s apartments before, stayed the night in each other’s beds whilst the other would take the sofa — this shouldn’t be awkward. “I was going to make you breakfast, but you beat me to it.”
You shrug your shoulders a little. “I didn’t mind, I woke up early anyway.”
Shiloh moves to the kitchen island, bites their bottom lip as their eyes flit over you before they groan. “I can’t take this awkwardness between us.”
You grab a plate from the cupboard. “Who said anything about things being awkward?”
“You’re barely looking at me,” Shiloh says with a frown.
“I’m just hungry.”
“That’s bullshit,” Shiloh counters before they swiftly move to stand in front of you. Their eyes shimmer slightly. “If I’ve ruined stuff between us…” they trail off.
“I didn’t say you had.” You put the plate aside and look at Shiloh, really look at them. “But you have to be honest with me, do you think what happened last night was a mistake?”
Shiloh shakes their head. “Never.”
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celestialdusks · 2 years
Milaaa, hello again! ♥️
Hope you don’t mind little old me, bothering you again with the Spotify wrapped ask! 🤭
May I ask #92 for Shiloh or R? (pick whoever fits the song better)
Thank you so much! Lots of love 😘♥️
If you want, we'll help tonight to split its seams
Give the bruises out like gifts
White Teeth Teens — Lorde
R groans before releasing a short, but annoyed breath. "I will..."
Your eyes roll as you expect an insult to fall from their lips. "You will what?" you interject.
R's gaze narrows at you, you're sure they're now thinking twice the amount of insults they originally came up with. "I will help you." Those words surprise you.
You're standing there with your mouth ajar, you blink rapidly, and begin to wonder whether you actually heard the R Zayed offer their help to you.
"You'll what?"
R scoffs and steps past you. "I'm not saying it again. Besides, you can't possibly think that you have the skill set to take out a whole gang on your own, do you?"
Your lips purse together. "That's the only reason you're doing this?"
They look you up and down, and what you'd think is slight detest in their eyes is anything but. "Me working with you. What other reason is there for me to do that?"
But recently it feels like the two of you working together is a common thing.
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celestialdusks · 2 years
(not sure if this is just limited to the Golden ROs, just ignore this ask if so! but in the case that it's not-)
my favorite number 20 for my favorite person Shiloh <3
lots of love to you, your characters and your writing!
I know you’ve seen a lot of things,
That’s why we get along so well, my darling
Sometimes (Blackwood) — gigi
There’s blood on your hands. Literal blood. It looks like it’s set a little, stained your fingernails, and for a moment, deep red is the only you see.
“Hey,” Shiloh whispers as they shrug off their jacket once you step into their apartment. “C’mere.”
You’re still in a slight daze, but you oblige, and let them lead you towards the bathroom. They flick the light on, turn on the tap, let the water run until it turns warm and that’s when they take your hands.
That snaps you out of your racing thoughts, the way Shiloh’s fingers loop over yours and gently soothe you. You look up at them.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” they assure you. Shiloh takes a bar of soap, rubs it over their hand before all the bubbles are over both of yours. They take so much care in the delicate action before they wash off all the blood for you.
“You saved a life.” Shiloh turns off the tap and takes your face in their hands and looks at you lovingly. “I’m not going to let you beat yourself up for doing the right thing, okay?”
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celestialdusks · 2 years
hello beautifu since i kind of struggle with imagining what characters look like solely based off descriptions l i was wondering if you had any fcs for any of the ros. im in love with this series. its alright if you dont, aha i jsut have a silly brain. Lots of love and have an amazing day :,))
Hello! You don’t have a silly brain at all. I don’t have face claims for any of the ros, it’s not the same but I have a Pinterest board (<- I’ll link it) with a looks section for all the ros so hopefully that’ll help you out with visually the ros! <3
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