centinela-minor · 8 months
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centinela-minor · 8 months
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centinela-minor · 2 years
Everything okay, Centinela?
R szw urmrhsvw nb hgfwb olmt ztl...yfg vevibgsrmt rh wvhgzyrorarmt. ̶̤͆D̴̡̿s̷̻̈́b̴̰̃.̶̱̔.̴̨͑.̴̖̀?̵̳̂
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centinela-minor · 2 years
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“Something is wrong…”
//Thought a glitchy multiverse announcement would be cool. No I’m not telling you what it is, but you can decipher when that something is coming :)//
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centinela-minor · 2 years
//Been thinking about this for a bit and I've decided I'll be bringing this blog back from the dead, after a few modifications. So yay be on the lookout for that//
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centinela-minor · 2 years
Alright, heads up everyone. Screw the one shots. The blog @centinela-minor is officially closed for asks public, and private rps. As for any future mentions of her in my blog...yeah obviously. She's my fav oc rn. But she won't be brought up as much. Anyway that's it. Bye.
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centinela-minor · 2 years
Greetings. The multiverse study has concluded. Please refrain from interacting with this account.
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centinela-minor · 2 years
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Finally. My new Centinela Minor drawing is done! With procreate :D
Not an ad, I’m just really excited to have the new software and all its perks
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centinela-minor · 2 years
Second of (insert number here) one shots of Centinela Minor and her past. Here we go! Gonna put all the parts under the #centinela’s story tag for convenience uwu
Centinela: A. B. C. D... - This was the first stellar cycle of my existence. While my sire was reluctant, I was eventually returned to the medbay for further testing. An agreement was struck; one hour of testing. Once a decacycle. No more, no less. I was shown cards with letters of our alphabetical system, and was required to identify them verbally. I was cooperative. However my knowledge was by then beyond words. When I was created, I could speak fluent sentences within the hour; I simply chose not to speak. I did not want to startle the scientists, like I did with the nurse who tended to the sparklings. Though, I was getting bored of this test rather quickly.
Eventually the scientists stopped showing the cards, and huddled with eachother, whispering something related to a change of plans. I looked over to the left of the brightly lit room I was in, to a glass window where behind were more scientists. One of them seemed to be the head of the operation. The mech was...quite serious. Almost emotionless. A red frame, with dark grey accents. His aqua faceplate bared a yellow visor, which he adjusted upon noticing I was looking up at him. That was when the scientists returned their attention to me.
Scientist: Centinela. - One of them began, speaking at a tone used for children that I almost found condescending. - We're gonna try something different, okay? We got some new cards we want to show you, and you're going to identify what the image on tha card is. Do you understand? - I nodded, though was upset that the testing was to continue.
I longed to return home and be with my brother. He was a...simple sparkling. Not nearly as intelligent as I. However, he was always quite touch starved, and enjoyed cuddling with me. I didn't mind it; it was nice to recieve such attention from a bot who barely had a grasp on what was going on around him... The scientists proceeded to show me the cards they wanted to. Only these were not new cards; they were the same alphabetical characters, but in different order. I understood rather quickly what was going on. They were trying to see if I truly knew the characters, and was not simply repeating sounds. I rolled my optics at the situation, but complied and identified the letters.
Centinela: X, D, Z, A, B, H, L... - I continued for about 30 nanokliks before I huffed, loosing my patience. I had promised myself I wouldn't speak in sentences, but I was anxious to get home, and I wanted to make it clear. - How much more of these tests are to be done? - I said impatiently. The scientists stared at me in silence with wide optics. I knew in that moment I had given them the information they were waiting for, and it was too late to take it all back. I continued to speak to them, trying for my first real conversation. Not even my creators knew I could speak in the way I could. I didn't want to worry them. - There is only 25 cycles left until I am to depart. Perhaps we could move on to a more advanced test.
XX: Do as she says. - The red scientists from behind the window spoke into the microphone, in a monotonous voice. The others nodded as they put away the cards and moved on to a presentation. The lights were dimmed and the presentation was projected to the wall in front of me. The red scientist seemed to have taken over the study from there. He was the only one speaking from then on. - Miss Centinela, can you identify the image in front of you? - I looked at the projected image and, though I hadn't yet seen it, I recognized what I was looking at immediately.
Centinela: It is Cybertron, our home planet.
XX: Do you know where in Cybertron do you live? - He asked curiously.
Centinela: I live in Tarn, my birthplace. It is in the most central area of our planet, and neighbors Vos. - The mech nodded.
XX: That is correct. The next slide was then projected. Can you identify this image? - It was the red insignia I had seen multiple times every day on almost every bot since I had been created. Few bots did not bare it, my carrier being one of them. And neither myself or my brother did, due to our age. A sparkling has an exposed spark chamber. Until it is sealed, which occurs during the course of childhood, we cannot be marked with it. I nodded upon recognizing the symbol.
Centinela: It is the Autobot insignia, which represents one of the two factions that were created in our society.
XX: Mm. And what is the second one? - I hummed quietly.
Centinela: Mm. I believe they are the Decepticons. Though, admittedly, I know little about them. The history logs have been edited too much in terms of information about the faction. - The scientist blinked and adjusted his visor, seemingly intrigued.
XX: And how do you know the history logs have been edited? - He asked, simultaneously taking out a datapad and stylus to write with.
Centinela: The written telling of the history of our society clearly favors one side of the story- the Autobots. The descriptions for Decepticons use hateful terms and terms of resentment that are not supposed to be found in something that is to catalog history in an unbiased way. And the most important piece of evidence- the fact that almost the entirety of Cybertron is composed of Autobots. Any others do not belong to any faction, and are often looked down upon. This all leads me to believe that our history has been tampered with. My question is why? - The mech remained silent at my question, seemingly stunned at the vastness of my knowledge. It didn't phase me; I was learning more by the second, and without a learning limit, I craved knowledge. I felt it calling to me. The red scientist then cleared his throat and responded simply.
XX: Would you like to know, miss Centinela? If you would like, I can teach you. - My optics sparkled with excitement. A genuine chance to learn from another advanced mind? I felt that it was exactly what I needed in such a crucial stage of development. But before I could respond, my sire came in the room.
Sire: This is a testing facility, not a school, Perceptor. - I had finally learned the mech's designation. Perceptor...I knew little about him, but he was clearly interested in my mind. - The hour is up, sir. I'll be taking my daughter home now.
Perceptor: Warden Minor... - He began adjusting his visor upon calling my sire by his name. - I understand the terms of our agreement. However, miss Centinela exhibits an intellect far more advanced than the average sparkling, perhaps even the average adult Cybertronian. She needs guidance if her mind is to be used for the greater good.
Warden: Is that what we’re calling it? - He responded with a furrowed brow. - Not to be rude, sir, but you and I have completely different interpretations of the greater good. Especially after my…recent endeavors with the affected side of “the greater good”.
Perceptor: I understand your relationship with miss Armada Six has affected your judgement. However-
Warden: Affected my judgement? - My sire responded angrily. - Affected to you, perhaps, but I know what my daughter needs, because she is my daughter. I don’t need corrupt veterans like you telling me what purpose she has in your twisted mind. She’s only a child! And if you had the slightest bit of empathy in you, you’d understand that. - He then gently took me in his arms and nodded respectfully to Perceptor, before focusing his attention on me. - C’mon, baby girl. Let’s go home. - I looked up at him somberly, now having a desire to understand my own mind through the scientist, despite whatever corruption it may exhibit.
Centinela: Why can’t I learn from Perceptor, Daddy? - I asked him innocently, trying to understand this sudden protectiveness my sire developed.
Warden: Well, sweetie, because you’re a baby. And babies learn first from Mum and Daddy. Okay? Don’t worry; we’re gonna make sure you learn all you need to. Now let’s go home- Mum is waiting.
I nodded and allowed him to take me home, a bit more understanding that my father simply wanted a common childhood for myself, though part of me knew that experience was the beginning of bots wanting to exploit my mind for their own agendas…
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centinela-minor · 2 years
Good morning afternoon and/or evening, everyone. I am putting up this...difficult announcement that may not necessarily shock people, but it's a very big deal to me.
In the near future, my roleplay blog @centinela-minor will no longer be used.
Now while this appears to be a very sudden decision, it has actually been something I've been thinking about doing for months, and after some reflection, I've decided that I will no longer be role-playing there. For those who haven't seen them, I've been writing one shots about Centinela's life. I decided once the final one is written, titled New Horizons, the blog will no longer be in use. When will that one be posted? I don't know. But likely soon.
Now here's a couple Q&As for anyone who follows this blog
Are you deleting the blog?
No. While I won't be using Centinela's blog, I treasure too many memories to delete it. It will be more of an archive ig.
If you treasure the memories, why are you gonna stop using it?
Bc I'm no longer happy with this blog. It only gives me sadness to use it, and whenever something I make makes me feel not good, I find it best just to close that chapter and start a new one. Maybe that's the coward's way out, but it works for me so.
Will you still do pm roleplay with Centinela?
Publicly, I've decided not to roleplay anymore. As for private roleplay, I'm sorta in an in between yes and no state. It's gonna be on hold for now, but I'll have a definitive answer within the coming days.
Can asks about Centinela still be sent to your main?
I'm all for it. I don't have any problem with Centinela related asks. In fact I'd be happy to recieve them.
Will your other rp blogs be shut down?
For now, no. My other rp blogs will still be open, so fire away with your starters and asks there.
Is there a chance Centinela's blog will return?
Too soon to say for sure, but hey life's full of possibilities.
Anyway that's all I have for the announcement. I know a lot of you probably don't care or maybe haven't even heard of the blog. But it meant a lot to me and I'm very sad to let it go. But I know this is for the best. In the long run...I will be happier. Thank you all who supported Centinela and roleplayed with her. A special thanks to @perytonpred for not only getting me into longer rp threads, but for being the one who got me to open up to roleplay again. Something I thought I would never do again... I'm very deeply sorry for any inconvenience bc of this, but for now my decision is final. If you guys have any questions about Centinela's blog or just wanna chat, my ask box and pms are always open. Stay safe everyone ❤️
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centinela-minor · 2 years
The first of many one shots detailing Centinela's (and Sentinel's) life story in the Twinsies AU! Here we go!
It was a strange experience, coming online. I remember blackness. Nothingness. I didn't exist and yet...I did. Then suddenly there was a bright light, and I awoke in a strange new world. Well, new because I had just been birthed. But this world had existed for billions of stellar cycles. I could not see; only hear myriad voices, with the squeaks and cries of my brother with them. It was cold, and the servos that held me were rubbery and strange. Then suddenly I was held by warm and gentle servos, despite the scratches from possibly many battles, and the quiet happy laugh of a femme- my carrier. I was pressed against her chassis, hearing the ethereal humming of her spark. And I felt my brother's warmth next to me. That is when I opened my optics. I couldn't open them by much at the time, and my vision was hazy, but I could vaguely see the bot who accompanied my carrier- my sire. He named my brother after our grandfather, Sentinel. And I was named Centinela, his counterpart, his second half...his twin.
I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my helm, and cried at the pain. The burning became more intense with every second, and I could hear my creators repeatedly ask what was going on as my brother cried. The rubbery servos, whom I identified as medics, took me back and placed me on a soft berth, when a loud pop was heard within my helm, followed by a hiss. The pain subsided immediately after. I had apparently burnt out an essential part in Cybertronian development- the learning limit. As the name implies, a learning limit allows a Cybertronian to learn a certain amount of information, thus creating different levels of intelligence. With mine gone I felt...free. I opened my optics widely immediately, and I could see the world clearly. The medics were staring at me. At least 4 pairs of blue and green optics staring at me. One stood out to me, since he held a conversation with my sire. He was an older mech, and his frame was white, with some red accents in the form of sections of his body painted such color, like the servos and the peds. He has a crest that had seemingly been broken. His optics were blue as well, and appeared just as surprised as the rest of the bots attending me.
XX: What's happening to her, doc? What's wrong with my daughter?! - My sire asked desperately to the stranger. His frame was cyan, and he wore a visor. Above his visor, on his forhelm, was this strange red symbol I hadn't seen before. The rest of the bots seem to have one too.
Xx: I dunno. - The medic responded softly, seemingly still processing everything. - But we'll find out. Let's get a helm scan going!
And so I was taken from my creators and brother, and sent to a room to be tested. It was a strange experience. I did not feel ill. Testing felt unnecessary. But this became the first hours of my life. It was entertaining at first; watching the medics prepare their machinery. Eventually, however, I was taken to a room with other sparklings, including my brother. A nursery. By then I noticed just how different I was from my brother. He was much bigger than I, and seemingly deformed. His chinplate was unusually large. Perhaps that is the defect they saw in me. Upon examining my frame, however, I did not find any defects, apart from my size. I was much smaller than all the sparklings there. That was another key difference: I could see. My brother could not even partially open his optics. He remained silent the whole time he was next to me. Until when he was hungry, then he'd start fussing.
At one point, my brother had been fussing for a few minutes, and no one had come to attend him. It was annoying; could the medics not see he was hungry? Did they even want to feed him? I didn't understand why the treatment felt so...different. eventually a nurse came in and started tending the other sparklings. They all squeaked upon any action the bot made, but I was different. The moment her optics locked with mine, I succeeded in my first attempt at language.
Centinela: Food. - I said. Startled, the nurse gasped and ran out of the room. It was then apparent to me why I was perhaps being tested so much. I had no learning limit, therefore I was intelligent. Far beyond the limits of what was normal for my age. The nurse then returned with the medic whom I saw upon my birth, and he began to ask me different questions.
Xx: Hi, Centinela. Do ya know where you are? - "In a medbay", I thought. I did not want to startle everyone again, however, so I remained silent and nodded. - Do you know who that is? - The medic continued as he gestured my brother, who was finally being fed by the nurse. I nodded a second time, a bit more at ease that my brother was being tended to. - Did you say something to the nurse? Can you say it again? - I hesitated in that moment, but I felt compelled to answer verbally that time. I cannot explain it. I simply nodded slowly and responded with a more...proper version of what I said to the nurse.
Centinela: Nutrition. - The medic's optics became wide as he turned to the nurse and ordered her to call a specialist. But it was in that very moment my sire rushed in the medbay. He was agitated, and demanded that both my brother and I be taken "home". After much arguing, I was taken home, and I never saw that red and white medic again.
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centinela-minor · 2 years
As of right now, all roleplay accounts are on hold until further notice. I will not discuss the reasonings for this. But please note that one of these accounts may be permanently shut down in the future. I apologize for the inconvenience
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centinela-minor · 2 years
"....someone is recording the past and I don't know who..."
Come to me?
(I'm being self indulgent for a bit bc I'm...honestly tired of waiting for the attention. SO read or don't read, idc. This is for me. Fic takes place after @tfa-defection-au )
It had been a long, long day in Fortress Maximus. Another multiverse study had concluded as Centinela turned off the monitor and rubbed her optics. Ever since Shockwave 1.2e had returned to his home dimension, other parts of the multiverse had experienced different forms of glitches and anomalies that, while not life threatening, needed Centinela's guidance to manage. At first, she would travel between dimensions herself. But she was worried about Shockwave, and wanted to be close to him. After all, he'd just been brought to a world where there is peace between Autobots and Decepticons, and he had been pardoned of his crimes after completing the required legal proceedings to live in Centinela's Cybertron as a civilian. But the 'cons he considered his friends had yet to be released from prison, due to their own stubbornness, and he missed them dearly. Centinela, being now his selected mate, wanted to comfort him in this troubling time...if only she could get a moment alone with him...
Unfortunately, finding time to chat with the bot who leads the entire cycle of obtaining and distributing intelligence and being constantly monitored by guards for suspicious behavior was difficult. Especially so if you're the bot who leads the entire guild dedicated to the scientific progression of Cybertron, and the program that promotes Autobot and Decepticon coexistence and peace. Finding time was always a struggle. But this time, Centinela had planned for this. It was soon to be Shockwave's break time, and she had spent the entire night working while off-duty, just to have the rest of the afternoon free for him. It was tiring, and she had hardly slept at all, but to see him now was going to be worth it.
With a soft sigh, Centinela stood from her desk, and exited her office, locking the room with her keycard. She placed the card, which had a magnetic surface, on her hip, where it stayed, and would beep loudly if anyone that wasn't her tried to take it. She walked down the halls in her tired state, gently rubbing her face with a soft moan. Her frame desperately begged her for at least a nap, but she was too stubborn to allow it. The halls were long and a calming white color, with few bots walking around, but all of drastically different frames. It gave her some pride to see it, red and blue optics meeting each other, and coexisting. But miss Centinela was on a mission, and she was determined to see it through to the end.
Finally, she arrived at the Intelligence Division, and was in front of the door to Shockwave's office. Cliffjumper had given her the okay to go in; he was still in there, working. With a nervous breath, Centinela knocked twice, and entered the room. This was the first time she had seen him at work in about 2 weeks. They would date, of course, but Centinela longed to see him more often, and unbeknownst to her...he did too. He was the same as the last time they saw eachother. Longarm Prime, sitting behind his desk, typing on the computer, a coffee mug by his right hand, and a datapad with writting and a pen on it by his left. He had been multitasking, it seemed. When the blue femme shut the door behind her, it clicked softly, which alerted the mech. His gaze rose up from the computer, changing from seriousness and professionalism, to surprise and flusteredness.
Shockwave: Centinela... -He said softly, a breath of relief escaping him as the femme smiled.
Centinela: Shockwave. - She chuckled quietly, raising her arms, open for a hug as her smile grew, and her cheeks began to glow pink. - Come to me?
Shockwave wasted no time. He stood upon hearing her say that, slowly making his way around the desk as he allowed his frame to change color and grow in size. Gentle claws picked up the little Autobot, and pressed her close to his rumbling chassis. She could hear his spark jump with excitement, so so happy to see her at this time when he was so burried in thought. Gently, he set her down again, holding her servos with the tips of his claws, carefully to not cut her with how sharp they are.
Centinela: I missed you. -Centinela chuckled, looking up into his optic lovingly.
Shockwave: As I you. - The deer mech returned the chuckle. - How are you here now? Shouldn't you be working?
Centinela: Shouldn't you be on your break?
Shockwave: Mm... - Shockwave sighed deeply. - It has been difficult to work, with all that I have been thinking of... - She knew it. Something was up, and needed to be said. Centinela then gently kissed his claws, and looked back up at him.
Centinela: What troubles you, my dear?
Shockwave: ...I am ever grateful that I have been returned to my home dimension. - He began sadly. - But my friends...they are imprisoned. They do not wish to take part in your program. I do not blame them. It is too much paperwork and loopholes. Who designed it to be as such?
Centinela: ....the Council before I had came to lead the Ministry of Science, unfortunately. - Centinela sighed, glancing away. - It was never my intention for it to be this way...and I cannot change it because the Council still has a say in what changes in my program. It will only truly be mine once I have lead the Ministry of Science for a million stellar cycles.
Shockwave: Oh dear... - Shockwave sighed, gently stroking her cheek and having her look back at him. - I am sorry, beloved. I hadn't known.
Centinela: It's not your fault, dearest. I wish I could help you see your friends be free, pardoned, and coexisting with Autobots. But it's out of my servos for now. The Council needs to ensure every Decepticon is properly reformed when they return to a civil life here, so I doubt any changes will be made.
Shockwave: ...."reformed". - Shockwave said softly, an idea formulating in his mind. - Dear Starlight...I do believe I have the answer to this predicament. I will create a new faction to compliment your program. - Centinela's optics widened in surprise and intrigue. A new faction? She was curious indeed.
Centinela: A new faction? What would it be about?
Shockwave: Just as you showed kindness in my adaptation from one dimension to another, I will create a program and a faction that will show kindness to those who wish to adapt from a time of war, to a time of peace. They needn't give up their original faction if they so wish, but any crimes of their past will be forgotten...provided they can prove they truly wish to return to Cybertron, and make the changes necessary for it. - And almost all Decepticons do. - They must prove that they are willing to reform their original thoughts of the Autobots, the Decepticons, and the war, and open to a new area. An era of peace.
Centinela: Shockwave... - Centinela chuckled quietly. - It sounds perfect.
And with that, the Reform program and the Reformed faction was born, from the love, communication and understanding from what was once a forbidden love.
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centinela-minor · 2 years
"I hear there are worlds where all Autobots and Decepticons exist, but as aquatic organic creatures. I do wonder if there is one of myself...and my dear conjunx of course, hehe..."
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centinela-minor · 2 years
some  ideas  for  first  meeting  prompts  that  may  help  break  the  ice  between  characters .  feel  free  to  amend  contexts  &  roles  where  required !  violent  &  alcohol  related  prompts  present . 
[ BAR ]  :   for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  bar  [ DINER ]  :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  diner / restaurant   [ SAVE ] :  for  your  muse  to  step  in  to  save  my  muse  in  a  fight  [ FAKE ] :  for  your  muse  to  pretend  to  know  my  muse  in  public  to  save  them  from  a  difficult  encounter [ RUN ] :  for  your  muse  to  grab  my  muse’s  hand  and  tell  them  to  run  [ STEAL ]  :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  steal  from  my  muse  ( pickpocketing ,  in  their  home  etc  –  feel  free  to  specify  context ! ) [ STUDY ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  to  study / read   [ PICNIC ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  picnic  [ FIRST  DATE ] :  for  your  muse  to  meet  mine  for  a  first  date   [ BREAK  IN ] :  for  our  muses  to  break  in  somewhere  together  [ ATTACK ] :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  attack  mine  ( specify  context ! ) [ DANCE ] :  for  your  muse  to  invite  mine  to  dance  [ PAY ] :  for  your  muse  to  pay  for  my  muse’s  item(s)  ( specify  context ! ) [ TAXI ] :  for  our  muses  to  share  a  taxi  ride  somewhere [ CAR ] :  for  your  muse  to  jump  in  my  muse’s  car  and  tell  them  to  drive [ LOCKED  OUT ] :  for  your  muse  to  be  locked  out  of  their  apartment  &  to  ask  for  help  from  mine  [ DIY ] :  for  your  muse  to  ask  mine  for  help  with  diy  in  their  home  [ DARE ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  on  a  dare [ PATCH ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  mine  with  an  injury [ COMFORT ] :  for  your  muse  to  comfort  mine  [ SWIM ] :  for  your  muse  to  throw  mine  into  the  sea /  a  river /  pool  ( specify ! ) [ RESTRAINED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  tied  up  together  [ CRY ]  :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  crying   [ KIDNAP ] :  for  your  muse  to  kidnap  mine [ DRUNK ] :  for  your  muse  to  look  after  mine  while  drunk  [ ZOMBIE ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  in  a  zombie  attack  together  [ TRAPPED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  trapped  somewhere  together  ( stuck  in  a  storm ?  kidnapped  together ?  dodgy  lock  on  a  door ? )  [ WARN ] :  for  your  muse  to  warn  mine  of  incoming  danger [ COFFEE SHOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  coffee  shop  /  café [ WORK ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  train  mine  on  the  first  day  of  their  job  [ ROOMMATES ] :   for  your  muse  to  be  my  muse’s  roommate  ( feel  free  to  specify  whether  in  a  college  or  a  regular  setting ! ) [ BOOKSHOP ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  a  bookshop  [ EVENT ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  charity  event   [ FUNDRAISING ] :  for  our  muses  to  team  up  to  raise  money  for  charity  ( feel  free  to  specify  potential  ideas ! ) [ COMPETITORS ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  rivals  in  a  competition  [ KARAOKE ] :  for  our  muses  to  sing  karaoke  together  [ MUTUAL  FRIEND ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  through  a  mutual  friend [ STOOD  UP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  date  after  noticing  that  they  have  been  stood  up [ MISSION ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  on  a  mission  [ UNDERCOVER ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  while  undercover [ MUSUEM ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  museum  [ ABANDONED ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  an  abandoned  building  [ STARGAZING ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  while  stargazing  [ ROOFTOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  on  a  rooftop 
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centinela-minor · 2 years
"Ratchet. Why are you here?"
Calling all rps!
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centinela-minor · 2 years
"...where am I? I was doing a study and now I'm suddenly here"
Calling all rps!
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