certifiedcatgirl · 1 day
what an actual policewoman looks like vs what a sexualised adult costume of a policewoman looks like:
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and now take a guess as to which of these two little girl's halloween costumes are modelled after
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they're not making costumes to give girls the chance to see themselves as their idols, they make costumes to groom girls into being sexualised for the rest of their lives
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certifiedcatgirl · 1 day
Habit shift #18 - Trim your nails
- practical actions that can be taken to fight internalized misogyny
Why: Hands are one of our primary tool of action and interaction with the world. We can grab, grip, sort, tap, press, heave, mix with our fingers. Without hands it’s hard to paint, embroider, make bread, knit, wash ourselves, masturbate, write, turn the pages of books, serve tea, cut a cake, sand a desk, make a soup, play the piano, close a door, open a window, fix a sink, pet a cat, braid a friend’s hair, hold someone’s hand. And all those actions are made harder if we have to worry about a manicure. Long nails are easy to break, and when broken are painful; so in order to avoid such a situation, we renounce; to climbing trees, to fixing things; we dodge all the things that could lead to damage to nails. We contort our lives so that the varnish holds longer, so that we don’t nick it. The media shows us all the time these powerful, successful women, with their towering heels and long nails. See? You can have both: success and long nails (but the immigrant underpaid maid is hidden in the closet). Who benefits from women having long and coloured impractical nails? Men. Because then women are dependent on them to fix things, and to provide the finances to hire help. Because then women are spending their money on another useless item of damaging chemicals to hide behind, and who owns those societies which produce nail polish? Because then women give up and renounce and once you’ve let the habit of not doing things it’s complicated to start to do again. Long nails and nail polish teach women that they only have to be passive and decorative. It’s hard to make a fist with long nails.
How: Cut your nails short. Don’t buy nail polish. It’s full of toxic chemicals anyway. Save your money for food to foster your energy, for classes to learn new skills, save it to be financially independent. Reacquaint yourself with the feeling of a closed fist, feel the strength in your forearms. Use your hands with abandon and little care. You no longer have to worry you’ll break a nail or have to redo your manicure. You need to be able to use your hands.
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certifiedcatgirl · 1 day
rare man W
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certifiedcatgirl · 1 day
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certifiedcatgirl · 1 day
"fake rape claims ruin men's lives!" I wished so, and I wished real ones ruin their life too
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certifiedcatgirl · 1 day
#i just can't imagine how awful and misogynist that tw account may be
Just a reminder that any religions preaching about forgiveness, mercy, gods light… read the terms and conditions! That shit doesn’t apply to women :
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When people tried to defend her:
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Christian men love salvation for their sins, they’ll even absolve pedophiles and rapists, but the second an onlyfans girl shows up for redemption, their true nature is revealed.
Im not even being hyperbolic, there’s been multiple instances this last year of onlyfans models trying to rebrand and join the Jesus freak crowd, and Christian men lost their fucking minds. The same men who gleefully allow domestic abusers and sexual predators free clearance into their flock with a warm embrace, shut the door real quick on women whose worst crimes were having sex before marriage
Islam, Christianity, Judaism… all for and by men, not us!
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certifiedcatgirl · 2 days
Stop hating your womb and making caricatures of your female anatomy being an angry or evil thing that only wants you to be pregnant or bring you pain and start hating:
• The medical industry for ignoring women’s pain and suffering for generations, not putting the same effort into researching the female body as it does male bodies, often acting as though women are simply small men
• Men in history who mass-slaughtered female medical practitioners and midwives, calling their research into women’s health witchcraft
• Capitalism and a male-orientated workforce and education system that fails to consider and factor women’s needs into it’s demand
• Patriarchal disgust for women’s bodies and their functions
• The sexualisation and shame of female bodies to the point where young women cannot seek help for their issues from caregivers/doctors/parents without fear and embarrassment
Yes, periods are inconvenient and often painful, but before you get frustrated with your body, demonising and blaming it, realise it would not be the way it is if not for a mass-scale medical and scientific negligence of women’s issues. Your body does not hate you- patriarchy does. Aim your energy and efforts there.
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certifiedcatgirl · 2 days
Almost a year ago I got my "dream job" of working at Sephora. I had already began reading a lot of rad fem literature by the time I got there.
10 years ago I would have loved it but by the time I was working there I was already aware of the dystopian nightmare it really is.
It was one thing to help someone find a basic skin care routine to calm their skin but when we had to push certain products.
To make the sales goals you had to look at a woman's face and slowly ask and press them on their flaws and suggest the magic product that would help them.
I did it for one day, I killed it on the sales floor. I could not sleep that night and had already began drafting my resignation letter.
When I grew up, drag full face glam was popular but now it was the "no makeup, clean girl" look and I had to help girl find foundations that would hide their flaws.
Their flaws were either
1. Natural human function of the largest organ we have
2. Cover up the damage they were continuing to do with all the latest products.
I pleaded with parents to not buy little girls skin care than I knew would destroy their skin barriers. But isn't that the point? So when they grow up they need products to help cover up or heal the damage they have caused.
They paid so little I couldn't even afford most of the products in the store even with my discount.
We would have to clap when told we made the company billions of dollars in profits.
It really pushed home the oppressive costume that is "femininity".
I have a lot more to say but I'm droning now.
But I have to say I understand now why people do not want to engage with radical feminism because it "ruins" everything. Everywhere you look you realize the psyops being ran to keep woman consuming and enjoying their bonds.
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certifiedcatgirl · 2 days
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certifiedcatgirl · 2 days
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certifiedcatgirl · 4 days
of course men are protectors. protectors of sex offenders, domestic abusers, rapists and the status quo
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certifiedcatgirl · 4 days
Why does there need to be validation?
If you like to wear makeup? Okay but it's not feminist to do so.
If you like to shave? Okay but it's not feminist.
Everytime a woman speaks on how these things are damaging to women as a class you always get people whining and crying about their individual choices.
This isn't even talking about why no one takes even a second to question why they want to shave, and why do they want to wear makeup.
If everything is feminist than nothing is.
It was a psyop to make feminism lose it's teeth and the people who've read an ounce of theory are "terfs" and "swerfs".
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certifiedcatgirl · 11 days
and they believe in the "dating coach" that will guide them in their transformation to an alpha male and also charge them $70 per class
men mock women for their astrology passion and then they will believe that a woman ate an apple and it’s her fault that we suffer now.
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certifiedcatgirl · 11 days
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the classical: men bringing up their issues when talking about women issues.
the "bear or man" trend made me realize how much work there is left to do. saying that every man is potentially dangerous for a woman is not saying that every single one of them is dangerous. is saying that the numbers of men who commit acts of violence against humans are so frighteninly high that women have to be careful in every single space they share with men.
and cases like Gisele Pellicot's and Junko Furuta's made women realize that these dangerous men who are willing to do these atrocities to you walk free in the street every day. they made us realize that for every 10 men Gisele's husband would ask to participate in her rape only 3 would say no. Junko's abusers also picked men from the street to commit the crimes they were doing to her. So there's not only these dangerous men outside, there are countless men who will not say a single word to authorities or relatives in order to stop what these women been through.
Million of sexual abuse survivors have to see and live together with their abusers because they are part of the family. Others have to see them at work because they are in a powerful position. And others have to see them living their life without consequences because men are not willing to break the patriarchal pact: they don't get away from their abuser friends, they don't see the problem in spending time with men they know are violent or misogynistic. Is not that they don't know the systematic violence and oppression women face every day, they live in the same world as us. they just don't care because is not something that affects them.
Men will keep on hanging with an abuser or a misogynist if the dude makes them laugh and have a good time. Men are socialized to not express emotion, to solve conflicts through violence or pretending it never happened, to accommodate their behavior in order to be part of a group. That plays a big part in why male suicide rates are so high.
the system (patriarchy and gender) men have set up is so fuckep up, and they only start to care when it affects them. but instead of doing some critical thinking, introspection, and growing, they choose to blame women and feminism for their problems.
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certifiedcatgirl · 13 days
I feel most of the women often come as 'rigid'', 'uninterested' , 'rude' to men because we're literally SCARED. So so scared. Every woman I know shares her location before going on a date, or meeting someone. She takes this RISK. This is too much pressure to put on women. To be aware all the time. To be careful. To share locations. We literally act "polite" to men we want to rip to shreds because disagreeing with a hateful man gets you killed. It happens everyday.
How under all this pressure are we supposed to be ourselves and act the way we truly are? There is no safe space, hence no personality. This is why women need community. This is why I value female friendships and sisterhood more than any romantic relationship. A romantic partner won't fill your void, true friendships and a safe space will.
This is exactly why men pit woman againts woman. This is why women weren't allowed out of the house since centuries. They knew we'd be too powerful with a community.
I'm the most myself around my female friends because I can hold her hand and kiss her on the cheek and it wouldn't mean I was asking for it. She wouldn't force me or grope me. I would 100000% feel more myself with a masc woman than an actual man. I'd kiss her because I feel safe. I know she won't kill me. I know she doesn't fetishize me. Chances are she knows how to treat me better than a man can.
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certifiedcatgirl · 15 days
they start to worry about porn brain rotting an entire generation and pushing objectifying ideas onto people only when it affects them and their ideology. we been sayind that porn is harmful for women and other groups and we are called "swerfs" or "conservative". they should take things like this as an oportunity to think critically
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certifiedcatgirl · 17 days
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Don't cry, we'll erase your porn. Don't kill yourself, we'll protect you. We'll fight for you.
ağlama, senin pornonu sileriz. kendini öldürme, seni koruyacağız. senin için savaşacağız
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