Another purifier, but definitely one of the more dangerous. The tall man was probably quite stern, the look in his four eyes made that quite clear. Examining his attire, the bat caught Vinnulus' eye from how it was marred with various remains from.. he chose not to dwell on the subject for too long.
"I'm Vinnulus, a sort of traveling musician. You?"
Even while introducing himself, he couldn't tear his eyes off of the 'well-loved' weapon. 
          Crimson eyes, set deep in pale sockets, narrowed as their owner looked at this stranger. The Batter let the end of his weapon rest on the ground.
          “ And who are you. “
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The fact that she even sung along at the end reassured him that his performance was satisfactory. Getting more than just regular amounts of recognition for his talents always felt like a bit too much.
"It's nothing special, really. I just don't have much to do other than this.. for the most part. Anyone could learn to play eventually, though. You could too, if you wanted."
He just didn't really see his skills as being particularly amazing, or was instead just trying to be modest.
The Puppeteer had to admit. She was impressed. It was like a polka cover of Owl City. She couldn’t even help but sing along, towards the end.
When he finishes, she’s practically beaming, giving him a small ovation.
"Holy shit, dude. How— how do you even do that? Hand-eye coordination stuff. I’ve tried before, but I just can’t quite…yeah. I’m gonna guess you’ve practiced for about a small eternity." She hoped she didn’t sound like a turkey. It was simply a deep appreciation for music. How dreary the world would be, without it.
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No, no, no, not this again. He couldn't bear to even try to continue being honest with him- this guy obviously had a heart of glass, too. The last thing he wanted was to hurt his feelings even more than they already were. 
Well, if he was going to try to make up for what he said, he could be comforting about it. Seeing the tears that were about to once again overflow in the glass man's eyes, he wipes them away and cups his fragile and chipped visage for only a moment.
"If I actually do know you, I don't remember. But memory can be faulty, I suppose." he pauses, trying to find a way to soften his response. "I'm not trying to trick you here. But there's a lot of things I forget- especially important things."
Verita smiled as he felt the man pat him on the back, exhaling in relief.
Nuzzling further into the embrace, his smile widened at the comforting warmth of the man’s chest. 
Then, he was drawn away from that warmth, a choked sob coming from his chest in surprise. Turning his wide, watery gaze up at the traveler, his expression twisted into one of confusion. He reached an arm up to clear his gaze of tears, even as a new wave of them threatened to spill back over.
"What..what do you mean? Is this another one of your jokes?" He asked, his quiet voice shaking slightly. 
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((bring me active threads and a juice box pls))
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"Ah, I'm glad you understand."
Vinnulus puts the money in his bag and turns, still looking back but ready to go on his way.
"I'm very grateful for this, but I'm a very busy person! Thank you, and au revoir!"
And he away he went. 
Ghost: Nah, I do get what do you mean. But don’t worry, I ain’t lying at you.
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((i have another off oc rp blog now go look, pls rp with her ))
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"I mean like, uh.. I just presume that other people are trying to scam me."
Vinnulus pauses, looking around anxiously.
"It makes sense- really! I'm just not good at explaining it." 
Ghost: Makes a lot of fuckin’ sense. Lots of it.
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"I don't want to think of it like that, really. It's just that I, er.."
Hm, how to phrase this.
"..I assume that others think like I do, I suppose.." 
Ghost: Holy fuck, you’re paranoid.
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Send a '★' for my muse to say a secret they haven't told anybody.
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"I wasn't trying to accuse you! It can just be a bit..  difficult to remind myself that not everyone is out to get me."
That.. came out as a lot more paranoid than he intended.. 
Ghost: Something? Why the fuck would I get something? I’m not my brother.
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  ||Tagged by: triplerunningpunches
Tag 5 of your friends/people you want to be friends with and make them fill in this form! For the mun only!
Name: case/287
Birthday: july 11
Sexuality: asexual aromantic 
Height: 5'3
Blogs: dis, claytonmiddleinitialpuppington, candiedcecilia
Mun FC: 
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Tagging : shovelingxcorpsesjustanotherelsen incursu mistersockpuppet glassfactories
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"I don't know, you might be trying to get something out of me. Sorry, aha.. "
He was quite suspicious of others, no matter the situation.
"..You didn't do anything to imply that, though!
Ghost: Of fuckin’ course I mean it? Why the fuck would I lie to you?
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hm.. i dont think he really has had enough interaction with people to hold anyone important? like, he just assumes that he wont encounter people more than 3-4 times and really doesn't think that there will be any emotional connection with people. Ehh.png
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Oh, okay, touched by a ghost. There was always a first time for everything.
"You, uh.. you really think so? It sort of come naturally but I've never run into someone I could compare my skills to."
Ghost: You deserve that shit after the show you’ve put. [He pats the accordion player in the back.]
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He essentially shoves his accordion back in the bag, zipping and closing it rapidly and tossing it back over his shoulder. He then proceeds to take the Credits very slowly, concentrating on it as if it would evaporate into thin air if he took his eyes away for a moment.
"Oh- oh my god. Oh my god, I. Thank you so much."
He was actually trembling, this was the most anyone had ever willingly given him. He had plenty now- why bother scamming people? 
[The trio is silent while the accordion player plays the song. Ghost’s scowl softens, then goes to a smirk. When the song finishes, he hands over a wad of cash.]
Ghost: Here, fifty grand. You can count on it. Fifty fuckin’ grand.
Bad: [Blinks and shrugs. Can’t do much about it, just watch the player’s reaction.]
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Okay, she'd almost let it drop- almost. 
"..Depends, I guess. What are you thinking of buying?"
"Well… Alright, I suppose." She gave him a small smile.  "Well… what if I bought something?"
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5000. 5000 oh my god. 
"A-alright. Of course, uh.."
Vinnulus rushes to get Montmarte out of his bag, setting it down quickly. He was almost shaking from how much was rushing through his mind at the moment because this was.. this was a lot. This was just.. so much. 
He decides on a quick, familiar song filled with feeling. He plays it to the best of his ability.
Ghost: Accordion? Then can you play a fuckin’ tune? I’m interested. Play some and I’ll pay you five grand.
[The Batter and Bad Batter look at each other.]
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