cha0scl0wn · 5 years
Internally, Jack knew that the lantern being gone wasn't exactly the best news he had received that day. Externally, however, he was a little angry about the 'primping' comment, his hold on the spray can soon launching the thing across the room at speed as both items collided in his brain. His gaze shifted between the empty space on the vanity and Mary. He wasn't keen on the idea of him having to do most of the work, though, the more he thought, the more he figured that he was probably the first person Mary had contacted, obviously since he was not only the most qualified to do so, but also the best person to ask... Though... the concept of him being at the front of the herald group heading to bust the head of whoever had the lantern was quite appealing.
Jack's herald based history was a little... Sketchy at best, not remembering much of it, though, he wondered if it was for the better, definitely remembering how tiring it was the last time. Though, he guessed he owed the old lantern light a favour for the various little things. The power, the chaos, those sorts of little things.
He shifted in place for a few more moments, deep in thought before he reeled back slowly, a long, overly dramatic sigh coming from him. "Fiiiiine. I'll get the others. I guess." He leant against the border of the vanity mirror as he continued, "I'll get Lassie and Champion and The Littlest Hobo on the case, too. I'm sure they'll get the bad guys and find the lantern so the day will be saved and I can go back to my... Fine tuning." He gave her a look, seemingly still offended by Mary's comment. "It takes a lot to make me look this good, you know. Gotta keep on top of it, like you would know."
Closed starter with @cha0scl0wn
To say the least, Mary had been...bored. There wasn’t much to do on a winter’s night, at least, until she heard the whispers in the wind that something was very, very wrong. They were mostly unintelligible, but there was one thing she could make out: “Lantern...stolen...sold....” That was all she needed to hear in order to make sense of it. The lantern of Adaru had been stolen, and sold off to someone, somewhere in the world. Granted, there was still time until the end of the next twenty year cycle, but, without the lantern, there was no way to unleash the waiting god inside. She had to warn his five Heralds, his greatest forces for terror, and spur them into action.
The easiest to track down was Chaos. The clown had so many mirrors in his circus tent, it was no wonder she could find him so quickly. She rapped and tapped at the mirror with her long, sharp fingernails, only to see that she was in the mirror behind him. She turned, and quickly moved to the next mirror. Of course, with her luck, it was a hand mirror locked in a suitcase. She moved again, and again, until she could get to the closest one to the Herald of Chaos, Jack the Clown, and she stood before him.
“Jack!” She cried out, “I need to talk to you, this is urgent!”
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cha0scl0wn · 5 years
I think I don't know that? I can't help being busy with ... Other things.
Though next time I would appreciate you not nearly burning the place down. I think I held myself back pretty well but I don't think my patience can stretch that far, babe.
;o )
“Hello handsome” (Chancey)
Hey babe. Guess you found me on this weird little website, huh? >;o )
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cha0scl0wn · 5 years
I absolutely could. Not that I'd want to hide from you for too long, anyway, considering what happened last time I left you alone.
“Hello handsome” (Chancey)
Hey babe. Guess you found me on this weird little website, huh? >;o )
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cha0scl0wn · 5 years
“Hello handsome” (Chancey)
Hey babe. Guess you found me on this weird little website, huh? >;o )
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cha0scl0wn · 5 years
Jack had been hearing the tapping for some time, becoming increasingly aggravated by the repeated rap-tap-tapping from what seemed to be coming from nearby, the continued tap-rap-tapping that had pulled him from his distraction of fixing his hair, a can of spray nearly being thrown at the source of the intesnely annoying noise until it stopped. He glared at the empty mirror for a moment before the tapping moved elsewhere, his gaze steadily following it like a cat eyeing up its prey just before it pounces.
Admittedly, Mary's sudden appearance in the vanity mirror took the clown by surprise, a small jump causing the can of spray to fall to the floor. Jack took a short moment to compose himself before giving her a small, absolutey-not-surprised smile, a low, slightly relieved chuckle escaping him as he picked up the can, placing it back down before leaning against the vanity. "You could have picked a better mirror. I'm a little. Busy with this one." He murmured, "But I can multitask. Go ahead, tell me what's so important you had to bug me through all my mirrors." He smirked slowly, going back to attempting to fix the few stray curls that had escaped his hair, seemingly unfazed by the urgency in Mary's voice.
Closed starter with @cha0scl0wn
To say the least, Mary had been...bored. There wasn’t much to do on a winter’s night, at least, until she heard the whispers in the wind that something was very, very wrong. They were mostly unintelligible, but there was one thing she could make out: “Lantern...stolen...sold....” That was all she needed to hear in order to make sense of it. The lantern of Adaru had been stolen, and sold off to someone, somewhere in the world. Granted, there was still time until the end of the next twenty year cycle, but, without the lantern, there was no way to unleash the waiting god inside. She had to warn his five Heralds, his greatest forces for terror, and spur them into action.
The easiest to track down was Chaos. The clown had so many mirrors in his circus tent, it was no wonder she could find him so quickly. She rapped and tapped at the mirror with her long, sharp fingernails, only to see that she was in the mirror behind him. She turned, and quickly moved to the next mirror. Of course, with her luck, it was a hand mirror locked in a suitcase. She moved again, and again, until she could get to the closest one to the Herald of Chaos, Jack the Clown, and she stood before him.
“Jack!” She cried out, “I need to talk to you, this is urgent!”
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cha0scl0wn · 5 years
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I think I could possibly manage a little time to talk to some adoring maniacs. Just a little. >;o )
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