chaddiex · 8 years
Have you ever felt like you have no idea what is happening in your life or what direction you should head or where you are going? Maybe that’s a good thing. You wouldn’t want to mindlessly wander to your destination without ever questioning if that was where you intended to head. Maybe that feeling is a reminder to check your priorities, maybe it’s a warning that you have been distracted for too long. I don’t think people get that feeling when they are too wrapped up in the little things, I don’t think they really think that far in advance. I would rather have this occasional feeling than be numbed to it by continual distractions. Whenever we face trials we should consider ourselves blessed. Trials promote perseverance, and perseverance when it has finished its work produces character and maturity and hope.
(via zacheway)
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chaddiex · 8 years
I am so loyal, that even if we break up your secrets are still safe with me.
(via barbiegierl)
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chaddiex · 8 years
You're not worth it.
"If he really loves you, he won't cheat on you" Meeting you changed my life. For an almost 3 year relationship, I can say that it was the best thing that happened in my life. You love me, I love you, feelings are mutual. Our relationship wasn't perfect : Arguments, Jealousy, Painful words that made ourselves strong. What i love the most about you is being with yourself, you're kind and you always make me happy. I love the way you laugh at my nonsense jokes and the way you tell me that I'm unique and beautiful. I love the way you make me smile, i love it when we stay up late watching movies, the way you look at me and the way you respect me.  Halfway in our relationship, God destined us to separate our ways. You had to leave Cebu for Mnl because we both believe that you can pursue your dreams there. I was there to support you and encouraged you to be better and do your best. I cried because i dont want you to go. You cried because you don't want to leave but we told ourselves that everything's gonna be fine..  After few months of staying there, everything was indeed fine. Texting, chatting , video call was our daily routine despite of your hectic schedule. You dint fail to make happy and i was really happy . I felt sadness while thinking when will i see you again, kiss you again and hug you again. But suddenly, everything was like a magic! I noticed that you're different, i noticed that something's going on. My instinct says that there's something happening. I tried asking you but you denied. I was thinking that you're cheating on me but i have to keep on my mind that I trust you and this is normal of being far away with each other. But BANG! I was right. You lied. You cheated. I believed you. I trusted you. Everything changed. I've experienced sadness and it hurts finding out that the person i thought i was going to spend my life had betrayed and hurt me. i keep on asking but all you can say is SORRY, so useless. You cant change on what had happened in just your simple sorry.. You made me believe that we can fight the distance together. I cried for days, but thank god for giving me such a funny colleagues, it lessen my sadness. It was very hard for me. You gave me an unacceptable reasons. I'm being matured and trying to fix everything but then i realized that there are certain things that we cant change on how they used to be. I hate you and i will never understand why you did this to me but i promise to search for an answer. I love you. I never cared anyone as I do for you. i fought for you but i realized that I'm fighting a losing battle. To the person i love and cheated on me,  THANK-YOU. thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything. I appreciate everything you did to me. Thank you for encouraging me to do better. Thank you for believing in me and thank you for hurting me because i realized that its time to love myself more and this made me strong.  I'll be focusing in my work , and I hope you too. Please keep your promise that you'll do good and never stop on chasing your dreams. You may feel bad right now because of what you did to me, you asked for an apology but sorry i cant accept it now. One day, ill forget everything you did, one day ill accept everything and accept your Sorry and forget that you hurt me but sorry, not this time. And maybe someday, i will realize that someone's better is coming because i believe that life has a happy endings. I even think that he's just there, waiting for me and maybe thanking you for helping, too.  Yes, you made a mistake. Yes i love you, but it doesn't mean i'll forgive you. Ps. Im okay now. Everything's fine.  Hey you. Karma is a bitch. You got serve what you deserve.JUST WAIT AND BE CAREFUL.
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chaddiex · 12 years
I’m tired of being in an awful place doing things that suck with people that I hate. >.
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