chain-of-corruption · 10 years
This girl certainly was bothersome. Her ego seemed to be a lot larger than he was expecting. Either that or she just had a thick skull and couldn't tell he was being sarcastic. Hearing her voice made him glance back down at the bodies. "I do not. The only Noxian faces I remember had the exact same lifeless eyes. The only few alive Noxians I've seen have been in the League. I don't let soldiers live long enough to see their animated faces." He said bluntly, looking back over at her. "Do you have business with me, Demacian?"
all they did has pushed me higher (totf/quinn)
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chain-of-corruption · 10 years
"It seems everyone is returning. Glad to see the halls so full yet again."
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chain-of-corruption · 10 years
...But he didn't even... Varus shook his head lightly and glanced back over to Quinn. "Faces. I know this might sound weird, but I enjoy seeing their faces after battle. It both soothes me and haunts me." The white haired man walked over to one of the bodies, pulling off the tags of a single soldier. "If you had not arrived here it would have taken me a bit longer to get rid of this fleet. So I thank you for saving my time."
all they did has pushed me higher (totf/quinn)
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chain-of-corruption · 10 years
Varus set his blank white eyes on the woman in front of him. Was she joking? Lucky she was here? He didn't need her. He wasn't here to help Demacia at all. It wasn't political. He knew for a fact that he could murder any and all Noxian that got in his way. With or without help. The archer let out a sigh and lowered his bow, still clenching the grip tightly. "I suppose I should thank you for the assistance." He said plainly, looking around at the bodies.
all they did has pushed me higher (totf/quinn)
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chain-of-corruption · 10 years
"Hmm. The halls have been rather empty recently. I wonder where everyone went."
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
There it was, the son thing again. Varus wrapped his arms around her, returning her hug. "I've been...alright, I suppose." He looked down at her cheerful face, Lulu was always so happy and full of joy. It was refreshing to him.
Varus crouched down to match Lulu's eyesight. "Hello, dear Lulu. How have you been?" He tilted his head slightly, smiling as much as the corruption would allow him to.
"Mr. Varus!"Lulu ran happily to hug him."I’ve been very well.What about you,son?How have you been?"
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
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we’re a duo, don’t forget it
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
Varus didn't even need to be told what to do. He was already up and shooting an arrow in the time that she called out to him. Killing was now second nature to him. If you had stuck him in this position during his teen years, he wouldn't have been as honed into the battlefield. But after being chosen as one of the top archers in Ionia, his head sort of just snapped into it. He had one job. Destroy anyone that gets in his way.
The archer gripped his bow lightly, even in a time of emergency, and fired off arrow after arrow. None of them missing their target. He turned and shot a few at her side of the group, hoping it would clear them out faster. "Come on. We need to get this done now!" He snapped at her as he made it over to her side, bow still drawn.
all they did has pushed me higher (totf/quinn)
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
all they did has pushed me higher (TotF open)
Varus' white eyes scanned over the scenery as he gripped his bow tightly. Everything had gone to shit all of a sudden. And it was all because of Noxus. As usual. And he wasn't about to let them just run around and do whatever they wanted. Noxus had already invaded and destroyed countless villages in Ionia. What was next? A Piltover invasion? Bandle City? Or more destruction of his home. No. He wasn't going to stand for any of this. He was going to fight. Fight and destroy the ones that destroyed him. The white haired archer had chosen to side with Demacia in this war. He was donning their armor and uniform. Anything to get into the fray. At the moment, he was one of the military's greatest archers. Single arrows killing long distance targets. He was a bit of an urban legend to most of the lower Demacian troops. But he wasn't a myth. He was more than real. After all, he was able to hold a temple from an army of Noxians singlehandedly. The archer let out a huff and sat down, still watching for any sort of movement or suspicious activity. Playing watch dog was nothing new to him. And he took it very seriously. After all He was defending a nation now.
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
"Yes. It is, isn’t it. Nothing has been able to remove it off of me." He laughed slightly to himself as he watched her attempt to help him out. "It happened not to long ago when Noxians attacked my small, peaceful village in Ionia. It’s a bit of a long and unhappy story."
"Greetings." Leona said, offering her hand towards the archer. "I do not believe we've met. I'm Leona. You are?"
Varus gave her hand a nice, solid shake. “Varus. I’m one of the marksmen you support. It’s nice to meet you.” It was hard to sound like he was enjoying himself with the warped tone to his voice. He just hoped she understood.
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
we don't care what they say. we will be here all day. we'll stay here 'till it's over. 'till the world's out of sight. we will stand. we will fight. it's not over 'till it's over. as i fell to the ocean floor, feeling light through an open door, saw myself rise with the water. they thought they could keep me down. hold their breath and watch me drown, but all they did has pushed me higher. we don't care what they say. we will be here all day. we'll stay here 'till it's over. 'till the world's out of sight. we will stand. we will fight. it's not over 'till it's over. through the lights in the rain. through the time and the pain. we'll stand, we'll never fall and then at the end of it all, we will win, we will chant. it's not over till it's over.
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
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varus- by jusduet
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
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Target Practice art by: (x)
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
"I don't know what I am, exactly." His pure white eyes matched hers as he began to speak. "I feel human. But at the same time..." He lifted his arm up to show Leona the darkness that was eating him.
"Greetings." Leona said, offering her hand towards the archer. "I do not believe we've met. I'm Leona. You are?"
Varus gave her hand a nice, solid shake. “Varus. I’m one of the marksmen you support. It’s nice to meet you.” It was hard to sound like he was enjoying himself with the warped tone to his voice. He just hoped she understood.
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
"Greetings." Leona said, offering her hand towards the archer. "I do not believe we've met. I'm Leona. You are?"
Varus gave her hand a nice, solid shake. “Varus. I’m one of the marksmen you support. It’s nice to meet you.” It was hard to sound like he was enjoying himself with the warped tone to his voice. He just hoped she understood.
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chain-of-corruption · 11 years
Sona saw the archer through her peripheral vision and decided that she should play a melody that said "Welcome, Varus" and dipped her head in respect.
Varus dipped his head back, forcing as much of a smile as his body would allow him. “Thank you Sona. It’s…nice to be here.”
0 notes
chain-of-corruption · 11 years
"Yeah. I get it. I wish I could have done more too. I seem to just get pushed around on the battle field a lot easier now." He huffed a little and looked over at his friend. "We can't take it so personally though. We win and we lose. None of these battles really mean much for you and I anyway."
Varus nodded in agreement. "You're right. Food does sounds like a good idea. I haven't been one to eat much since..." He stopped and looked at his arm. The living corruption on his body. The thing that was slowly taking him over. "But indeed. Food would be a good idea. Shall we go?"
we'll calmly walk away from the fray. (taric)
Taric still seemed a little put out. “I just wish I could’ve done more,” he mumbled, shifting his grip on his shield nervously. He always took losses very personally, especially when the early parts of the match were filled with him and his partner being pushed back hard. The fact that Varus didn’t blame him was comforting, but it only left more room for Taric to blame himself.
He shook his head, ridding himself of such dour thoughts, and straightened slightly. “Lingering in our loss will do us no good,” he said with a note of forced cheerfulness. “Would you like to get a meal? I have yet to eat dinner, and I for one am famished.”
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