chainsawdigestion ยท 1 day
Libra Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by @musicah0lic
The brightest star in the Libra constellation is Zubeneschamali or Beta Librae. The second brightest stars are Alpha Librae, also called Zubenelgenubi ("southern claw"), a binary star located 77 light-years from Earth โ€Šand Gamma Librae, an orange giant.
Itโ€™s known in Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu (the "scales" or "balance"), or alternatively as the Claws of the Scorpion. It was also seen as the Scorpion's Claws in ancient Greece.
Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 26 days
Virgo Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by @musicah0lic
The Virgo constellation is the second largest constellation in the night sky. Its brightest star is Spica, whose name means "ear of grain." Virgo contains 11 Messier objects, only a few that can be seen with the naked eye.
In Greek mythology, Virgo is associated with Persephone. In Ancient Syria, Virgo takes after Atargatis, the corn goddess.
Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 2 months
Leo Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic Animation by @chainsawdigestion
The Leo constellation is one of the most prominent in the night sky, being the 12th largest and also equatorial, it can be seen from almost everywhere on Earth. Its brightest star is the blue-white Regulus or "Alpha Leonisโ€ and can be found just under the lionโ€™s mane.
In Greek mythology, Leo is associated with Hercules and the Nemean lion. In ancient Egypt the appearance of the Leo constellation corresponded to the annual flooding of the Nile, which brought much needed irrigation for the year.
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 3 months
Cancer Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Cancer constellationโ€™s most luminous star is Al Tarf, or Beta Cancri, an orange K-type giant. It marks the crabโ€™s southern hind foot, named in Arabic for โ€œthe endโ€. The Beehive Cluster can be seen with a telescope and contains over 1000 stars.
In Greek mythology, Cancer is associated with Hercules and his step-mother Hera. Also known as โ€œGate of Menโ€, it was believed to be the portal through which souls descended from Heaven to populate the bodies of newborns.
Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 3 months
Gemini Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Gemini constellation is identified by the stars Castor and Pollux, named after the Greek mythological twins. It is the radiant point of the Geminid meteor shower, visible in winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
Gemini is one of the original constellations cataloged by Ptolemy in the 2nd century. In other ancient astrological traditions, the twins are represented by goats, peacocks, or Remus and Romulus.
Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 5 months
Taurus Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Taurus constellation is identified by the star Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, situated as the โ€œeyeโ€ of the bull. The constellation contains the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters, and the Hyades, the two nearest open star clusters to Earth.
Taurus was first cataloged by the Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy in the 2nd century CE. In Greek mythology, the constellation is associated with Zeus.
Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 5 months
Aries Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Aries constellation is identified by three low-magnitude stars Alpha, Beta and Gamma Arietis. These represent the horns of the ram. Musca, the Fly, is located above and has been incorporated into Aries in modern charts.
In Greek mythology, the Ram gave rise to the legend of Jason and the Argonauts and their search for the golden fleece.
Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 7 months
Pisces Season. Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand. Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Pisces constellation contains no prominent stars. The brightest star, Alpha Piscium, is the point where the cords joining the two fish are knotted together. It is one of the earliest zodiac signs on record appearing as far back as c.โ€‰2300 BC in Egypt. In Greek mythology, Pisces is associated with Aphrodite. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac.
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chainsawdigestion ยท 8 months
Aquarius Season Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. c.1824 Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand. Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic The Aquarius constellation contains a rare yellow supergiant known as beta Aquarii, also known as Sadalsuud, as well as the Helix Nebula. In ancient Egypt, Aquarius is often seen holding the Norma Nilotica, a rod for measuring the depth of the Nile River. In Greek mythology, Aquarius is associated with Ganymede, the water bearer. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac
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chainsawdigestion ยท 9 months
Happy winter solstice โ„๏ธ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ”ฅ
**Card stock and construction paper animated on glass multiplane**
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chainsawdigestion ยท 1 year
Happy Spoopy Season! Here's the old cat and mouse routine...
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chainsawdigestion ยท 1 year
Love is a blind drunk flying piggy
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chainsawdigestion ยท 1 year
card stock duck puppet and construction paper props make for a very lucky day
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chainsawdigestion ยท 2 years
Happy Lunar New Year!
Be sure to stop and smell/chomp the flowers!
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chainsawdigestion ยท 9 years
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chainsawdigestion ยท 9 years
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chainsawdigestion ยท 9 years
Escape is not Freedom- Winterย Sweet a metal puppet with a severe stomach ache finds relief in this music video from Chicago band, Escape is not Freedom
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