chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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I’ve missed you. So much.
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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“I dunno. It looks like it’d break off if I touched it.” The cub had to then bite his tongue to avoid snickering at the mental image of a bald human in front of him due to brittle hair. “How’s that s’pposed to be cool?”
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Ventus ran his fingers through his hair to show the inquisitive little cub. “See? It’s just hair- not brittle, or hard.” He beamed at the cub with a toothy grin. “I dunno... I think it is, and that’s really what matters, right?”
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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Hearing a young man, the Sage looks over and stares at the boy before slowly turning to face him. Who was this boy? He sure wasn’t familiar. “Ventus?” Well, the boy certainly was kind and generous. “I see.” Ventus was young, but, there was something about him. “There seems to be a problem with some generators downstairs water levels.  But there also seems to be some sort of creatures keeping my men from fixing the problem…” Does the boy honestly think he can help there? Still, who exactly was he?
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That... didn’t sound good. That sounded like the Unversed, and if they were down by the generators... they might be trying to shut down the whole city. They would throw the place into chaos, and feed on the negativity that wrought. Then there would be no end to them. “Right,” he nodded once, taking a couple more steps forward. He had to help out now, get those things out so they could get rid of them for good. “Where is the water level? I’ll take care of those things once and for all.”
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
"Why's your hair all spiky? Did your Mom use too much spit on it or something?"
“Huh? Oh, no, it’s just kinda like that. I don’t really do anything to it, so it just... I guess stays like that. It’s pretty cool right?”
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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“Wait... what’s going on in Radiant Garden?” Ventus interrupted without thinking, He wasn’t quite the master over his own mouth just yet, but maybe he could help this Ansem guy out. “My name’s Ventus, but you can call me Ven. Can I... help you somehow?”
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
@chamberedheart starter call
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“Oh…No wait…” Terra stepped back and frowned at the stacked wooden statues he accidentally bumped in to and knocked over. He looked at Ven, then back to the mess he tried to fix. “I think I did that wrong.”
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“Don’t worry Terra, we’ll just hafta tell Master Eraqus. He’ll help us fix it.” Ven looked at the pieces, splintered across the room- some broken in relatively simple ways, others... not so lucky. “Or Aqua- she can probably fix it, right?”
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
     His eyes shifted upward to gaze into Ventus’ blue hues. Someone wanted to give him a second chance? Who was that person? No, Vanitas knew the answer already. They were living inside of the boy who had repaired Ventus’ heart, this boy Sora was the one who saved him. Vanitas bit down on his lower lip and then glanced to his elbow. 
    Ventus was giving Vanitas a second chance, even if Vanitas didn’t feel he deserved it. He gawked at Ventus before nodding slowly. The raven feels something wet rolling down his cheeks and the raven haired boy reached up to feel the tears. He gasped and then looked to Ventus. “I-I’m cr-crying…”      
The blonde never questioned whether anyone deserved a second chance. Even Vanitas, who tried to coerce the both of them out of existence, deserved something more than being the antagonist in his story. There was so much that he, and Sora, could teach him about being true to yourself. He wanted to show Vanitas that he could be someone that he was happy with. That he could be whole, with or without Ventus.
“That happens sometimes,” he wipe beneath the dark haired boy’s eyes, brushing back the tears spilling over. “It’s part of it, of becoming yourself. Or, also being sad, and a lot of other things. It’s okay to cry, and it’s okay to be afraid. Or anxious. Or whatever you’re feeling.”
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
Who wants the most cheerful keybearer to ever hold a keyblade? 
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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✨ Send me a # plus a character! ✨
         no credit needed just don’t repost (only reblogs)
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
ventus but his armor has built in wheelies
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Thank You for this suggestion
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
He doesn't mind that Vanitas looked away. It didn't deter him from looking at the other wielder, either. He wanted to make sure he was going to be okay, that he wouldn't pull away and surround himself with the pain he must be feeling. Ventus already knew he'd stick around as long as Vanitas needed him. And if he didn't, he wouldn't push him.
"Even if we weren't, even if we had control of our own bodies..." He squeezed Vanitas' elbow gently, jsut enough pressure for him to know it was there. "Somebody believed in me once, enough to give me a second chance. You deserve one, too. A chance to just be you."
    Vanitas practically squirmed when he felt Ventus’ eyes gazing into his own, feeling uneasy with the other. This entire situation was bizarre for Vanitas because he was actually sitting here and not attacking the other keyblade wielder. The other’s smile put him on edge too. Fear enters his body as he quickly glances away from the wind wielder. 
    “That’s…That’s because we don’t have any other place to go…” They were in someone’s heart after all. A little boy’s heart. Vanitas bit down on his lower lip. “Wh-Why? Why do you want to help me…?” 
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
Naughty or nice?
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"What?! I made the nice list! Alright!"
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
Ventus hummed softly. "Fruits are good. I like them, too." He was actually kind of glad to be here, experiencing this with Vanitas. At least, maybe helping a little. It was nice, in a way, not to antagonize one another.
He leaned down enough to meet Vanitas' eyes, staring into the deep amber hues for a long moment. His arm moved, fingers curling around an elbow silently. He stood there, hunched over and looking at the other for a long moment. After a while, he smiled, not his wide, toothy grin he usually wore. This one was softer, as if worried his excitement might scare him away.
"I'll help you with that, too," Ventus finally whispered. "I'm here for you, Vani. Right here. I'm not goin' anywhere."
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     At least Ventus felt positive about him controlling his own destiny. No, for Vanitas, he felt absolutely terrified. He watches Ventus, feeling his bubbly excitement as Vanitas confessed what he liked to do. Ventus wanted him to keep going and talk about what he liked and disliked. “Umm…”
    He then sat down in the sand and looked up at Ventus. “I…like vegetables…and fruit. I hate…I hate…”
    He glanced down at the ground and wrapped his arms around himself. Vanitas hugs himself. “I hate myself….” 
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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        “Be…myself?” Problem was, Vanitas had no idea who that was. Who was Vanitas? He was Xehanort’s apprentice, he was the progenitor of the Unversed, he was once the Darkness that resided inside of Ventus. That’s how he was defined by the people around him. Yet, he was reduced down to a quiet child.
       Vanitas closed his eyes. Was there something that was his? A sound of a woman’s voice entered his mind and that made Vanitas open his eyes and blink. “I…I like to sing…and books.”
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“Yeah! It’s not easy at first, but I know you can do it!” He was actually already impressed with Vanitas, and his willingness to try to become his own person. “If you can control the Unversed, you can control your own destiny. I know you can!” 
Proud. That was the name of this new feeling, and he couldn’t deny that he was. His smile only grew once Vanitas spoke again, and he bounced eagerly on his feet. “Okay! So, you like to sing, and you like to read. Anything else? Maybe something you hate, or something you wanna be, someday. When we have another chance.” 
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
Sappy RP Meme 💛
🌻 Have your muse confess their love (asker choice if it’s to the other muse or just out loud)
🍀 Have your muse practice pickup lines alone (maybe someone will over hear ;) )
🍂 Have your muse invite someone to dinner somewhere nice and calm, maybe where it’s just the two of you
💐 Have your muse praise and adore someone else
🌜 Have your muse act completely off the norm because someone changed their life
🌛 Have your muse act too normal to hide they like someone
🌙 Have your muse stargaze with someone they hold dear
✏ Have your muse read aloud love letters they wrote (Bonus: it’s letters from their partner as well)
💍 Have your muse propose!!
⚠ Have your muse take a risk and ask someone they like out
🎹 Have your muse serenade someone (or vice versa; asker serenades your muse)
🍵Have your muse ramble about someone they deeply care for.
🎁 Have your muse give their interest a gift! (or vice versa; asker gives you a gift)
🌷 Say the most sappiest, cliche pickup line you can (asker or muse)
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chamberedheart-blog · 6 years
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       Amber hues shifted to look down at the hand that was pressed up against his chest. Ventus’ words rang true, yet, Vanitas was having a difficult time processing the other’s words. He had grown up thinking that he was Ventus, that he would be reunited with Ventus so the all pain would stop. Now, it was never going to happen. 
       “I’m me…” He stated as he looked back to Ventus. “Not…you. I’m not you. I’m Vanitas, not Ventus.”
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Bright blues shined up at the darker haired young man, watching him with his usual child-like awe. It was like watching a light click behind his amber eyes, his understanding catching up with Ven’s words. It was kind of amazing, and he couldn’t help the eager smile that rose up his lips. He wanted to see Vani become his own person, rather than something someone else made him.
“Exactly! You’re not me, and I’m sure you, the real you, is gonna be someone to be proud of.” Ventus practically beamed, and his hand dropped to clasp his own. “You just gotta let yourself be... well, Vanitas.”
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