chaos-of-my-mind · 4 years
I have a request to make
So I am planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this year and in my book, one of the two main characters is non-binary.  I have looked at quite a few sources (nearly all of which have been saved to my drafting document) but I would really love some first person perspective.  I am not non-binary so I’m worried that I will not do this character that I love so dearly already justice or write them as well as I would like.  I’ve tried contacting friends to see if they’d be willing to help me, even just one brief meeting to help me plan out some of Aviar’s character or plot points I foresee myself struggling with. Unfortunately, they’ve either not responded or aren’t available to do so.  If you or someone you know is non-binary and wouldn’t mind chatting with me, even just over Tumblr messages, for a little bit, I would truly and immensely appreciate it.  At this point, as NaNoWriMo draws closer, I worry that I won’t be able to write them at all because I feel ill-equipped to do so and could really use the help.  Thank you for your time.
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chaos-of-my-mind · 4 years
I am looking for a very specific Adrienette fic where Adrien gets a motorcycle in exchange for promoting the brand or something and he starts giving Marinette rides.  I know it has at least two parts but I can’t find it and this is driving me nuts! It’s really good and I need to know if more has been written! Please help, let me know if you know what this fic is called or send me the link! If you’re the author of this fic, hi, I love your work!
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
Mini rant below, you’ve been warned
I’m going to try and keep spoilers out of this so I don’t ruin anything for you if you have not finished the show yet as I am wont to forget to put the spoilers tag (or any tags) on a post. I might make very specific references but keep them as vague as I can but spoiler warning just in case.  But also, apologies if my ranting sounds nonsensical or vague.
I don’t wish to offend anyone, I just want to voice my thoughts.  Overall, I enjoy the show and likely will watch a second season if they make one but there’s just some things I want to get off my chest.
Okay, so I just watched The Letter for the King and I have a lot of thoughts.
I’m just gonna talk about the first four episodes because I have a lot of thoughts on these episodes and it gonna be reeeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy long as is.
First of all, right off the bat, this is a seriously loose adaption of a Dutch novel that I looked at the wiki page for and sounds a fair sight better than this show.
The show as a concept is fascinating and the diversity is a welcome change from the usual primarily white cast we tend to see. Certain plot lines were wonderful.
Tiuri is an amazing and refreshing main character.  I was kind of expecting him to be angsty or something but he wasn’t. He has a good heart and caring spirit.  He believes strongly in doing what is right and is unwavering in his belief.  He is also... just about the only character I like.
I liked the Abbott and Ristridin and Ardanwen but Tiuri was really the only character I cared what happened to them.
Costume design is absolutely incredible, I’ve always had a soft spot for this style, especially the dresses.  The intricate details of the clothing is fascinating to me, especially now after having taken a class in costume design.
Sets and locations? Wonderful.  Some of the locations they shot at for these first four episodes are beautiful.  The monastery in the third episode is almost delightfully unsettling with its flickering shadows and the raging storm outside.
Out of the first four episodes, third is my favorite.  Mostly because of the scenes in the monastery, particularly the one with Tiuri and the Abbott.
I don’t have much to say regarding the Queen, I appreciate that she rules on her own without question but she didn’t really have much of a presence (at least IMO) in the first few episodes.
The score is absolutely beautiful.  I love the score for this show. I really wish it was on Spotify. Anyone else listen to movie and TV scores while studying or is that just a me thing?
No offense to anyone else, this is simply my opinion and since none of my friends watch the show and ranting to my wall offers little catharsis, I’m venting here. We’re getting into my issues now.
Anyway, I CANNOT stand Lavinia.  She’s absolutely, one hundred percent my least favorite character.  Yes I understand and acknowledge that this is a loose adaptation from the book but though she shows up in the book, she is nowhere near as prominent a character.
I don’t want to be mean and I am all for powerful female roles but Lavinia, in my mind at least, really didn’t add much to the story.
She kind of felt like when shows add a character just for comic relief and they offer nothing else to the show, you know?
I think it’s her greed that bothers me the most.  Yes, I understand her not wanting to be forced to marry but her plans and actions feel a little too selfish for me.
Tiuri is trying to fulfill the Black Knight’s last request even when it means great personal loss for him and all Lavinia talks about money.  Maybe this changes in later episodes, but right now she’s wearing on my last nerve.
I get being cautious and skeptical but then there’s being obnoxious.  She’s introduced as someone who will do whatever to get what they want with little regard for what happens to others.  There are six episodes in the season, I’m 3/4s of the way done and I still can’t stand this character.
The other would be knights have their faults but they’ve still grown on me to some degree. Except Arman, he’s a snot. But I still like him better than Lavinia.
I feel like I need to say this has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with the way she is written. 
I get that by taking the basic plot of the book and the character names from the book means you have to say it’s an adaptation but seriously? I don’t really understand why they chose to take a (from what I gathered from the wiki page as this is based off a Dutch novel I have no access to) very minor character and have them be a main character.
Honestly, I feel like all she does so far is complain, talk about money and snark.  She has some interesting storylines that are brought up briefly but none of them have been fleshed out or furthered yet.  Maybe if they went into these plot points, I’d be more okay with her but as it stands, she just doesn’t seem essential to the plot.
Now onto the would be soldiers.  I don’t really understand why Piak is with them or how he managed to get away to follow them (not really a spoiler, happens within like the first or second episode).  I know it’s medieval or middle ages but you’re telling me no one is at all watching this ten year old boy even slightly? Also, why isn’t anyone concerned about whether his parents know where he is?
This may seem nitpicky but other shows, movies or books have been based on the plot of a kid going missing.
I don’t find their plot wholely necessary, feels kinda like filler fodder to me but I also have ADHD and get distracted/bored rather fast.  Foldo, I like. Jussipo, I like. Piak, I like. Arman, meh. Iona, definitely the most competent of the group, don’t know if I trust her.
She feels like she’d be an interesting villain.  She has that vibe, especially when they were with the Red Riders, kind of reminded me of that seagull meme/picture:
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this one?  She seems very cutthroat, tough.  She’s a really interesting character but I don’t feel like she’s being given the time or character development she deserves (again only four episodes in but six episodes total so I’m not optimistic).
She’s clever and I like her fine, I just think they’re wasting time that could be spent on giving her more depth on filler scenes or Lavinia talking about money (again). I really don’t like Lavinia. Sorry.
Also, is Viridian the villain? I don’t think saying that’s a spoiler (it’s mentioned in the trailer or the first episode I think) but sorry if it is. He literally does nothing.
He does something horrible in maybe the first ten minutes of the show and then nothing.  He stands in a tent and talks about prophecy and whatever, his soldiers are better villains than he is, at least they’re actively doing something!
Also, he looks just enough like some other actor that it’s all I can think about when he’s onscreen, it’s very distracting.  I think it’s Max Lloyd-Jones he looks like but I’m not completely sure.
Hopefully he actually does something in the next two episodes because so far, I don’t see the point in showing him onscreen at all.
The thing that bugs me most is that while I know the plot is progressing and things are happening, it feels like nothing’s happening.  The plot feels kinda aimless and vague and it’s just slower than I would prefer it to be progressing.  The trailer I watched made it seem action packed and all that but it really... isn’t.
It gets so close to something happening and then the show’s like ‘Just kidding, they’re an ally’ or ‘Nevermind, it’s someone else’ or ‘Ooo, coincidental thing happened and we got away!’
It’s super annoying.  That’s about everything I can think of. *sigh* I feel better now.
Thanks for reading.
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
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same energy 
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
‘Frankenstein was the doctor’ first of all that little bitch was a college dropout so don’t you ‘doctor’ me
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
I need a full book of this au stat!
au where ursa takes the kids and runs and goes to the south pole because idgaf and then she meets single mom kya whos husband tragically died in battle and they become fridged mom powercouple and also we have one set of siblings who have to go and save the avatar
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
i love talking animal movies where there are human villains who have a pet that is, unbeknownst to them, also a villain
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
Spoken in Square today
God is a woman
Jesus is a hedgehog
Sonic is the Bible
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
send me “have you evers” and I can only reply with “yes” or “no”
Entertain meeee
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
funny how men have made women feel like liking tall guys is a crime when they only want women with 20 inch waists and 80 inch booties and enough makeup to not be ugly but not enough makeup for it to be creative and a good job but not a job that pays more than theirs and opinions but not ones that are more informed than theirs and legs that are always perfectly shaven and vaginas that are perfectly waxed and women that are sexually confident but not dominant and 
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
Both World Wars were started because of Austria. WW1 started because an Austiran was shot. WW2 started because an Austrian wasn’t.
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
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what was this movie even 
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
Zillenial things
Being young enough for Minecraft but too old for Fortnite
Being alive for 9/11 but not remembering it at all cuz you were like 2
Seeing reruns of 90s shows when you were really little but being to young to really remember them
Feeling betrayed by Butch Hartman
Listening to the bops of ~2009-2012 in middle school gym class
Growing up through the transition from clunky PCs for nerds and flip phones to smartphones and sleek and easy laptops
Being called a millenial by baby boomers and Gen Z by millenials
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chaos-of-my-mind · 5 years
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high school musical (2006) // midsommar (2019)
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