chaoslifeforme · 14 hours
Wait what's a buildings fire evacuation plan if you aren't supposed to use the elevator to get down
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chaoslifeforme · 4 days
the genius of megamind (beyond the obvious genius ofc) is that it's superman parody actually presents a genuinely unsettling depiction of the "hero" that I like wayyy better than "what if superman was evil" or "what if superman was wrong"... it's "what if superman didn't care"
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chaoslifeforme · 4 days
Reblogging this again because I played the game a bunch more times, and as much as I love the characters I'm not at all convinced they can survive without the group mum.
I feel like Arshem leaving might also doom them (if he ever could). If he ever left them, it might be great for him, but the rest of them... They may not be the best people but the thought of leving them to fend for themselves hurts.
Ugh the there are just so many great moral dilemmas in this game.
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it's so true they are all idiots and they all are disasters but after the group mom offered me his therapist info because I was acting a bit weird (and hey, if you need help then get it! no shame!) then yeah I am literally convinced the only way this group is alive is because he has no mean bones in his body.
(I have only just gotten past the first witch and the twinks hate me but understandable have a nice day, boys... but honestly Arshem CONTINUES to remain the healthiest despite going through the roughest imo.)
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chaoslifeforme · 4 days
Moon Moon, leave that boulder alone!
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brb trying this
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chaoslifeforme · 11 days
Very oblivious
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chaoslifeforme · 13 days
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You guys cannot understand how hype I am to finally have a canonically nonbinary character in ESO who isn't 1) a daedra 2) a spirit or 3) dead. And as an actual companion with a real storyline? 😭
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chaoslifeforme · 1 month
Being a young adult is so strange. You enter a coffee shop. The 20 year old girl waiting behind you cried all night because she just came to a new city for university and she feels so alone. That 27 year old guy over there works a job he is overqualified for, he lives with his parents and wants to move out but doesn't know what to do about it. That one 24 year old dude already has a car, a house, and a job waiting for him once he graduates thanks to his dad's connections. The 26 year old barista couldn't complete his higher education because he has to work and take care of his family. The 28 year old girl sitting next to you has no friends to go out with so she is texting her mother. That couple (both 25 years old) are married and the girl is pregnant. The 29 year old writing something on her laptop has realized that she chose the wrong major so she is trying to start all over. We are not alone in this, but we are actually so alone. Do you feel me
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chaoslifeforme · 1 month
I got 1 task done today. I emptied the big trash can in my bedroom. That's one less fork to deal with.
I have severe executive dysfunction. I've been dealing with it by having myself do one small task a day. So far it's helped a lot. By doing it this way my brain doesn't freak out trying to tackle everything at once.
I got my inspiration for it from this Donald Duck comic:
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chaoslifeforme · 1 month
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*Myshka is left safely at camp before any trips to the Hells
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chaoslifeforme · 1 month
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My fellow leftists, do NOT give in to defeatism.
Things are already turning around.
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
It’s insane to me that Dragon Age 2 is sandwiched in between two WAY HUGER and WAY MORE SUCCESSFUL games about more traditional fantasy protagonists facing off against world ending threats and winning and it’s this…weird, raw, personal tragedy about how no matter what you do, you can’t always stop crisis and disaster from occurring. Like The Hero or Ferelden, no matter who they were, wants to stop a Blight. The Inquisitor wants to repair the sky. And Hawke, like, wants to make some money, hang around their friends, and keep their family and their adoptive city safe. And they can’t even fucking do that, so unlike the heroes before and after them. You spend seven years in Kirkwall until the game says, “yeah, no matter what, the prejudices and traumas and hurts of this world are Too Much for one person to stop them. The world changes, wars roll over the land, you cannot stop history, Hawke. You tried. You failed.” And then you just sit there, sixteen years old, listening to “I’m Not Calling You A Liar” and you’re like….well, I guess I really wasn’t a hero. Damn. I love it.
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
“Why is snoop dogg at the Olympics-“
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
Here's an adult cartoon that actually looks good, is well-written, queer, actually funny and actually knows how to black code characters (and bonus: as far as we know, it's not written by a major racist!)
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
The fact that some people really had and continue to have an issue with Aang not wanting to kill a man is like. Wow.
Like people like to compare him with Yangchen being willing to put the world before her beliefs as an Air Nomad. But you don't take into consideration that her case was completely different to Aang. Not only was he was 12 years old. He was the last Airbender. The last of the Air Nomads, the last of a civilization and culture that was known for being pacifists and believing every single life was sacred. If Yangchen puts the world first, there are lots of other Air Nomads. But if Aang lets go of his beliefs, who is gonna carry on with them? There was no one else but him who could. His whole culture was wiped out by Sozin, and now, he had to wipe out the last of his culture himself by killing the grandson of that same guy? Let them even take that from him?
I believe that if there hadn't been another choice, Aang would've done what was necessary for the world and would've killed Ozai. But there was another option. He could both fulfill his duty to the world as the Avatar and he could continue to honor his own beliefs and culture as the last Airbender. And I'm glad he could.
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
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