chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Adeline’s words.
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Interesting reference, but definitely accurate. Kudos to her.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Great. You’re cute, checking with the wife and all that. 
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Yeah, between regular staff, guest spots and myself, there’s never any reason for us to close. 
It’s about not leaving her at home with the boys unexpectedly, or when she can’t handle it.
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Fair enough.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
The very short version…fuck this, do you drink? Come for a beer with me, I seriously wanna hear this shit cos like…this is the kinda shit you just can’t make up. 
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That’s cool, AJ’s is literally shut 3 days of the year.
Rarely, but I do, yes. I think I can manage that, still should probably check with the wife, though, so I’ll let you know. 
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Good to know.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Ziv can sit down and be quiet. Photography is more than point and shoot, Colly. It’s all about composition and lighting and a tonne of other shit I don’t know about. Sacrifices are made when creating art, Ziv don’t being able to see being the sacrifice this time. I’m so getting my ass kicked when they read this but Ziv, sit down, be quiet, I’ll kiss it better later. 
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As for you, baby girl, think about it. Even if it’s something you do as a hobby, you really do capture some truly beautiful photos. 
You are, and I will laugh when they do it.
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I just like capturing moments, it’s not really anything else I can see me doing all that often. I like being active. I don’t know, photography doesn’t fit that.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
I needed to, being at home all day was driving me insane. Dani’s been busy working on her album, Eli is at day care, and I was left to my own devices and I was just driving myself insane. I figured now would be a good time to get back into it part time before Eli starts school later this year. I kinda wish that I’d had this free time when he was smaller though, I would’ve loved having that extra time with him and not worrying about how I was going to pay the bills. 
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I feel you, believe me. This is the longest I’ve been without a job since, well, I started working... So now I have no idea what to do with myself. Like, even with caring for the boys it’s just not the same as properly working.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
@rosyoconnor​ replied to your post: ↳ INSTAGRAM: @CHAOTICPEPPERMINTSCOLLY​ UPLOADED A...
Maybe you should take up photography professionally, baby. You certainly have an eye for it.
Ziv would disagree. It took us entirely too long to get this shot and they couldn’t see for like... 5 minutes after.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
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i keep getting told off for taking entirely too many pictures and then not posting them so... here, have this one of @zivkohen​ from... who even knows how long ago now.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Guess who’s decided to open her books again? That’s right, Maya Winters is back in business with very limited spaces. If anyone is looking for a personal trainer drop me a message but do it quick before some of my old clients who are with new trainers find out because I’ve heard a few would gladly come back. 
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So if you’re after those buns of steel or just want a helping hand with getting fit, I’ve got four spaces open. I will only be training within the city, sorry guys, no more travelling for me, I plan on spending the next few months making the most with Eli before he starts school. I’m more than willing to offer a little guidance with dietary needs, what foods are good for you, which ones aren’t, what guilty pleasures you should still allow yourself, etc. but I will no longer be offering meal planning as part of my services, that said, I do have a colleague who is more than happy to help with any meal plans should you want them. 
That’s really good, that you’re getting back to work. I wish I could... I’m starting to lose my mind.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
In just a few days Sugarland will start our US tour. The pressure is on and I can feel the anxiety set in. What surprised me the most is the outpouring of love and support! Because due to completely sold out arena’s, we have added more shows to a few cities. New York, Boston, Huston, and Louisiana now have two shows instead of one. How on earth is this my life?
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How is tour going, Flora?!
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
That’s the short version? 
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Dude, I need your ass in my chair so I can hear the full version! Like my books are pretty chock but I will make space to get your ass in here so I can hear this. 
Yeah, the very short version, at that.
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I still have to figure out just how I want to get it done, but as soon as I figure it out, I’ll let you know.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
I get it. I was too powerful, so the gods weakened me like Hades trying to turn Herc mortal at the beginning of Hercules.
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Uh... yeah, basically.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
I have no idea what ‘nerfed’ means in this context. Adeline thinks it’s “a video game thing”? 
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She would be right. In video games, particularly MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) like Overwatch, Smite, DOTA, or League of Legends, a character, or an item, will be “nerfed” because it’s too powerful.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
You have my blessing that no one asked for.
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Good to know?
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Lucky for me I had my Marmee right next door. I dropped my little ones off regularly once they were weened. So I could get the long list of things done, glad you have someone there to give you a hand.
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Living that American dream.
Having Ziv around has been really awesome, honestly.
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That’s good.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
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Yeah... and that’s just the short version.
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
You met while she was pregnant and she’s still breastfeeding, is she breast feeding toddlers or you guys on the fast track through life? And the partner is a new development. Jesus, man, can we turn your life into a TV show? Cos I’d actually watch the shit out of it! 
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We met in July. Married in September, in Vegas (on purpose) because my twin sister and the circus troupe I was born into were out there. The boys were born in November. All of which was long distance until after the boys were born, by the way. Then our partner came into the relationship in early February. It really would make for fun tv, wouldn’t it?
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chaoticdrcolleen · 5 years
Awesome, let me know when you wanna come down and I’ll dedicate a spot for you. Twins? Yikes. You’re shitting me? Poly? Consider me jel. So let me get this straight, Irish Catholic, Pagan and Jewish…I feel like this should be followed with ‘walk into a bar’. Fuck, I love my job. 
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I certainly will. Yep, they’re a handful but they’re worth it. It’s a new development, but it’s a good one. My wife was pregnant when I met her and she’s still breast feeding so we haven’t been to a bar yet. Eventually, however, I’m sure it’ll happen.
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