chaoticlove97 · 5 months
Ominis should've been the Heir of Slytherin
Since I finished the game, I was thinking about it. Ominis is a Gaunt, he is a direct descendent of Slytherin, he is blind so the Basilisk wouldn't be able to kill or petrify him.
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I believe whole heartedly if his family wouldn't have done to him what they did, he would've been the one to open the chamber of secrets.
Well since that has been in my mind, I ended up sketching out a picture of if Ominis opened the chamber and released the Basilisk
I hope you all like it
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
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I was playing Peace, Death and look who I seen. @therealjacksepticeye it really surprised me to see you in the game. I couldn't stop laughing. It was a great surprise. 😄😄😄
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by a human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Jack’s relatable moods
The sock
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The “are you shitting me?”
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The everyday life
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The standard for everyone
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
He'͘͟͠s ̨͠co̧͡͠͝m҉́i͏̶n̢͘͢͡͞͠g͟
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Anti is the Puppet master after all. He could very easily be pulling the strings here
Anyway, I only woke up to tell you that I dreamed of Marvin and he was really fucking pissed at us.
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
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I was just wanting to add to this because his eyes are different colors here and I think that it is Anti who is making today's meme video, posing to be @therealjacksepticeye or Marvin. Anti is fighting back against Marvin. He's trying to mimic Marvin.
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PLAY THE PART - Layers of Fear 2 || @therealjacksepticeye ↳ Part 1 | 5.28.19
Many people have a theory that this is Marvin in the video’s thumbnail..and I agree. We’ve haven’t see Anti with eyeliner before, so why now? He wants to blend in so why make a noticeable change? However, out of the others, Marvin would be the one to wear it. Like @huffletrax mentioned… he is a magician, a performer…this draws you more to his eyes instead of his magic/act seeing how it’s done. 
I take the expression as the start of a warning from Marvin to Anti that HE is HERE. Anti has Chase, Schneep, Jack, and JJ …Marvin is angry. He has been away for a while & I am sure in that time he learned some wicked magic/spells. lol He’s stronger now and is ready to face Anti. No glitches in the playthru, but hint drops of the others. When there are no glitches and it’s Anti he makes sure he has our undivided attention. Not really the case here…just a ‘normal’ video. Just like how it sounds like the Observation titles are a convo/hints…this is Marvin making his appearance known to Anti. 
It would be pretty sah-weet to have a showdown between Anti & Marvin showcasing their powers. **BONUS: Brown-eyed Anti with the mask. Kinda hard to tell but Marvin has heterochromia eyes. His right eye is split brown (upper) and blue (lower) ...*headcanon idea/theory* Anti’s eyes have been glitching brown because he hasn’t gotten the hang of mimicking them yet. 
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
I love this!!!
(No) Strings on Me
Considered saving this for Anti’s anniversary (antiversary?) tomorrow, but I have a feeling I’m going to need time to scream about whatever Mark’s doing tomorrow, so you get this a day early. Also, yes, I know there are things to scream about now, but I started writing this way before the 5th and I wasn’t going to leave it undone just because Mark’s being a lil bitch.
Based on a theory of mine and some asks that are now super buried in my blog. I think one was from @lum1natrix? and the other was an Anti ask blog I’m really sorry.
Warnings: blood, strangulation, torture, implied minor character death. What can I say, I like my glitch bitch real evil.
“Thank you guys and I’ll see all you dudes in the next video!”
As he completes his outro, Jack feels his smile is about to falter for a second, but something inside him grabs and pulls and it’s wrong, to feel his body moving without his say, but more than that it hurts. Like hooks digging into his flesh, yanking the corners of his mouth up. For half a second he swears he tastes blood dripping into his mouth, but he catches a glimpse of himself in his camera and he looks just as happy and energetic as the fans have come to expect. No blood. No pain. Just a very loud Irishman with green hair.
The strings pull and tug, and his hands move on their own, shutting down the recording and sending it off for editing. He can feel them, around his wrists, his knuckles, his elbows, every joint and muscle. White hot pain radiates up his arms as they cut into his skin, carving deeper into the half healed wounds left from previous encounters. Sometimes, sometimes, he is free to move on his own, but always within boundaries. Always with limitations.
Sometimes he’s not given a choice at all.
He wants to scream, both from the pain and from sheer maddening frustration. But as the thought crosses his mind, the cord around his throat tightens, cutting off any possibility of sound. Cutting off air.
He can’t breath.
Keep reading
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Pardon the spam – I thought I’d bring attention to a really impressive looking game on Kickstarter that’s currently having trouble hitting its goal. Short version: Lunafon: Tales of the Moon Oak is a hand-painted Metroidvania inspired by Welsh folklore where you play as a magic cat. That’s like four of my major interests in one sentence, and I have a sneaking suspicion that’s true for a lot of folks following this blog, too!
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
I got it this time haha 😄😄😄
Discord Server
Hey y’all! (Yeehaw)
So I made a Discord server finally! I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but wanted to make sure it went well and was set up well. I like using all of my social medias but it’s sometimes hard to get feedback and suggestions from people since I can’t filter stuff well, so Discord is a great option. 
I’m only opening it for 30 mins for now to make sure it doesn’t break from too many people joining. As soon as we figure things out and stuff doesn’t collapse on itself we’ll open it up to more and more people over the week. The mods did a WONDERFUL job customising it and making it work well but stuff will likely go wrong at first as we figure it out. I hope you understand, I’m not trying to be unfair or anything, I just wanna make sure it doesn’t break haha. It’s not perfect right now so please be patient as we work out the kinks, when we get it sorted we’ll open it up more and more. 
Anyway, HAVE AT IT!!
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Haha. I never get a notification for this post in specific and I always miss it. Do it again please @therealjacksepticeye
Discord Server
Hey y’all! (Yeehaw)
So I made a Discord server finally! I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but wanted to make sure it went well and was set up well. I like using all of my social medias but it’s sometimes hard to get feedback and suggestions from people since I can’t filter stuff well, so Discord is a great option. 
I’m only opening it for 30 mins for now to make sure it doesn’t break from too many people joining. As soon as we figure things out and stuff doesn’t collapse on itself we’ll open it up to more and more people over the week. The mods did a WONDERFUL job customising it and making it work well but stuff will likely go wrong at first as we figure it out. I hope you understand, I’m not trying to be unfair or anything, I just wanna make sure it doesn’t break haha. It’s not perfect right now so please be patient as we work out the kinks, when we get it sorted we’ll open it up more and more. 
Anyway, HAVE AT IT!!
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Things I’m still not over
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
This is from @markiplier video the other day and the distorted audio when it was reversed sounded to me like it said "your soul's inside". And if it does say that, does that mean that Darkiplier/Damien didn't force us out of our body when he took control??? What do you all hear?
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
@vrenikins I completely agree with you. Especially with the recent video where he had glitches behind him, hands showing up behind his head (as though 'someone' os reaching out to grab him), and there being a shadow in the background (some people say the shadow looks like someone hanging or someone dragging something). I believe he's planning something big, but I don't think it's going to happen soon.
While my theorist senses are tingling...
I don’t know if this has been mentioned by anyone else before, but I kinda noticed that in a few videos recently, Sean’s… (affectionately of course) poking fun at us folks who see ego stuff everywhere? The examples that come to mind are That Backwards Message from not long ago, ‘no, it’s not Anti!’ from the video where he played Glitchphobia, mentioning how folks on Tumblr would automatically think ‘Chase Brody’ in the JSEFHV episode with the car called Chase… stuff like that!
And all that’s totally fine and well and not out of the ordinary…
The thing about the last two examples I gave is… he said ‘no, it’s not Anti!’ but then the video had glitches in the facecam very soon after, and he jokingly told us Tumblr folks to put our fingers down when ‘Chase’ was mentioned but then proceeded to give us a Chase Brody picture later that same day… almost as though he’s throwing us off trails, but also dropping things on those trails at the same time…
What if maybe something big actually is coming pretty soon, but he’s trying to convince us that it’s not? Like, lull us into a false sense of security… and then, when something does happen, it’ll hit so much harder, be more unexpected.
(Please bear in mind this is just a silly train of thought from a lil’ fan with too much free time; I’m probably not right, and it’s fine if I’m not, it’s just fun to think about!)
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
That's so strange. I had a dream similar to that, my mind kept screaming 'he's coming' and 'always watching'
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W a k e   u p .
(Hand on my heart, this was a dream I had last night. And I spent all day trying to recreate it as accurately as I can remember.) 
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Hey @therealjacksepticeye what is this? Didn't think I'd see it did you? Haha. I caught it though. 😂😂😂
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chaoticlove97 · 5 years
Haha XD
Jack pls 😂
(From Jack’s instagram story)
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