AU where people age until they reach 18 and then stop aging until they meet their soul mate so they can grow old together.
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tolkien go
go outside. go on an adventure. find some people living in forests. watch your friends die. come home a changed person after witnessing the horrors of war. 
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I wish there was a way to kill yourself and see how everyone who you knew reacts, and then depending on that choose whether to stay dead or not. If that were the case I’d kill myself right this second. 
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your fave is problematic: charles xavier
nerdy pickup lines 
doesnt believe in mutant supremacy even though he’s a goddamn geneticist 
dressed like an old man even when he was in his twenties
leaves his socks on the bathroom floor and forgets about them bc his feet “dont get cold anymore” and then he sticks his icicle toes up against me and laughs when i jump out of bed
looks good both with hair and bald he is literally the get u a man who can do both meme 
wont let me call him “professor sex” in front of Republicans anymore 
undermines my authority with the brotherhood with his monthly “how is erik doing” calls  
bribes my minions with gift baskets
basically a sugar daddy but refuses to admit it  
fundamentally opposes me on major political issues 
so cute i dont care that he opposes me on major political issues
visited me in prison and made jokes about conjugal visits 
flirts with everyone but me 
apparently was flirting with me for twenty years but he’s very bad at it 
my children probably like him more than me because of that time he hosted sesame street 
his hands are really small compared to mine and everytime he holds my hand im afraid im gonna crush him 
the most powerful being on the planet and he also looks like that what the fuck 
 doesnt know how much things cost because hes disgustingly rich 
“how much could a banana cost erik? 5 dollars?”
still mad at me for kidnapping him during his speech at the UN even though it was fucking 1987 charles let it go
could easily take over the world and doesn’t because of “morals” 
all that goodness in such a fragile body is terrifying 
blanket thief
talks in his sleep about me and distracts me because then i have to stay up to hear what he says 
eyes are Too Blue 
smiles at me like im a nice person and then i have to be one 
still as beautiful as he was in 1962
 stole my heart
far too good for me  
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people think i have my future planned but the reality is i’m hoping Starfleet is happening sooner rather than later
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Why do people feel you need to have had something dreadful happen in your life for you to be depressed, why cant they understand that there isn't always one moment in which you know your life has changed. Depression can creep up and you don’t realise. It can cause you to slowly feel numbness from the world, a constant feeling of emptiness and loneliness even when you’re surrounded by friends/family. It can start anytime in your life.
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A bowling date, a museum date, a zoo date, a park date, an “eat all our favorite foods” in one day date, a “let’s go to the mall buy some clothes and hit up a lounge later” date, let’s chill and play video games date, we “can cook a meal together and kiss and make out” date.
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The fact that you’re still here proves your incredible strength. It doesn’t matter if you cry or have a breakdown every day. You are deserving of life. I love you and I’m proud of you. 
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That side of depression
Why do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore? Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell, when you cry, when you cut, when you take drugs, when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room, with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill, and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it’s horrible because you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. 
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When it’s over, leave. Don’t continue watering a dead flower.
stuff that took me a while to understand #3  (via archettypes)
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Agents of SHIELD cast for TVLINE.
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Friendship goals 
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The voice of reason, Rosa Diaz. 
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I haven’t had much to say about the Ghostbusters reboot other than I love the costuming and I’m going to see it twice. 
I have to say what’s in my black fat girl feelings right now. 
I’m a little surprised that throughout all the discussions about the reboot and the sexism that no-one has spotlighted how the entertainment industry’s beauty standards and the male gaze plays into the Ghostbusters reboot mess? 
They’re not only mad because it’s women. They’re mad about not being able to jerk it to The New Ghostbusters lineup. They’re mad because their expectations of getting at least one hypersexualized, female protagonist wasn’t met– not even one sexy secretary. That’s rough, buddy. 
Let’s be oh so real here: if it were Megan Fox, Zooey Deschanel, Cameron Diaz, and Jennifer Lawrence in the Ghostbusters reboot, we wouldn’t be having as much of a problem. McCarthy, Wiig, Jones and McKinnon in this movie are not funny-hot, like Cameron Diaz dorky dancing in a pair of underoos in Charlie’s Angels.  They’re just funny and serving you soft-butch, wild-butch, nerd-chic and (albeit a little too stereotypical) cut-a-bitch realness and it’s a problem for these assholes.
This Ghostbusters reaction falls into the same category as men who treat women poorly simply because they don’t find them attractive/fuckable/worth their time.
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The fans of John Cho are called…(x)
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This is what I do on snapchat :(
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