charredstarling · 3 months
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Animals of the Apocalypse
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charredstarling · 3 months
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charredstarling · 3 months
Fenrir: Ulf or Vargr?
(Or, I spend too much time analyzing poetic language) When looking at various writings from around the periods of the eddas, we notice something interesting when it comes to wolves specifically. There are several kennings that are used to describe them in writings. Among this is the word "vargr", which (as opposed to ulfr) carries a rather negative connotation. Vargr, whether originally or as language adapted, has the connotation of a law breaker, outcast, predator, or evil person. This being said, it would make sense for Fenrir, who is set to devour Odin to be referred to with this word, right? Wrong. Over the past week or so, I've dug through just about every written reference I can find to Fenrir and, when referring to him explicitly, he is almost always referred to as a variation of Ulfr. In fact he is referred to as: Fenris Fenrir Fenrisúlfr/Fenrisulfa Freki /Freka Ulf/Ulfr/Ulfgi/Ulfinn/Ulfsins/Ulfinum/Ulfrinn Valdyri Megi Hveðrungs Vitnis/Vitni Hróðvitnis And even in kennings for others he is almost always used with either Ulf, Vitni, Fenrir/Fenris, or Hróðvitnis (though a special shout out to Gleipnir's Mouthful as a kenning). Which shows a fairly neutral tone when writing about him. This being said, for such a monster he really isn't portrayed as one, even when devouring Odin and being slain by Vidarr. (Note: I will say, when leading up to him devouring Odin, the words Freki and Freka are used. Freki, being Odin's wolf, being used as a kenning for Fenrir seems oddly appropriate, especially considering that while Odin gives Freki the food he does not eat, he will give himself as "food" for Fenrir to "eat" in that moment. I like the poetic irony). Connotations aside, this is probably due to poetic language being easier to flow with Ulf in a lot of ways, but I still think it's interesting considering the way that a chunk of modern heathens speak about Fenrir in particular. This all being said I can find one certain reference to Fenrir being referred to as a varg and one potential reference. Þórsdrápa 5: "And the ones accustomed to walking went to the sea of the battle-wolf of the splendid sky-shield" Here's a very explicit reference where "gunnvargs" is used to refer to Fenrir as the wolf who battles the sun (splendid sky shield). The second is in Voluspa 39: "There Nithhogg sucked | the blood of the slain, And the wolf tore men; | would you know yet more?" This reference is a bit more ambiguous to me. Is Fenrir bound at this time? Is he let lose in Nastrond? Is it even Fenrir that's being referred to at all, or potentially Garmr? In Voluspa 40, we also hear of the mother of Fenrir's children in the Ironwood, is he also in the Ironwood at this time? I think there's a lot of questions that will go unanswered in this regard. I know there's a tendency to try a pigeonhole different entities into the same box, as I can't count the times I've seen Fenrir=Garmr=Hati=Skoll because there can apparently only be one wolf, but in this case I don't think this is happened. I think it's something that will stay kind of ambiguous. It could be Fenrir, or Garmr, or a secret third canine who we've never heard of. I do think it would be interesting if it was Fenrir, as Nastrond punishes murderers and oath-breakers and we know that Fenrir is definitely not a fan of people who break oaths. All in all, I think in understanding how The Wolf is referred to in writing, we can hope to reflect and understand him more in general. Whether he is ulfr, vargr, vitnis, or valdyri he still is someone to respect and honor in our own ways. Hail to He Who is the Greatest of Wolves, hail to Fenrir!
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charredstarling · 3 months
A prayer for Fenrir in times of hardship: Fenrir Hrodvitnir Beloved Son of the Ironwood He of the Deepest Betrayal I call to you In night dark as you fur let me find safety Greatest of Wolves Protect me Guide me as you have and allow me to find warmth in the cold Devourer Prevent the harm that may come to me And shield me from that which has cut through me Like the sword Greatest of Wolves Let the chains that surround me unbind Let the sword remove itself from my mouth Let hope flow through me once again Like the river From your maw
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charredstarling · 3 months
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Fenrir is a wolf in Norse mythology, who is one of the sons of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. In Norse mythology, Fenrir is the wolf that is fated to devastate the world during Ragnarok. He is a powerful and dangerous creature, whose strength is surpassed only by Odin. In some versions of the story of Ragnarok, he is fated to be the one who kills Odin during the war of the Gods.
Appearance: Fenrir is a giant wolf who is the son of the God Loki and the giantess Angrboda. He is said to be a monstrous and destructive force of nature, and he is a major figure in the story of Ragnarok, which is the ultimate battle between the Gods and the forces of destruction. His appearance varies depending on the source, but he typically is described as being a huge, black wolf that is full of wrath and fury.
Personality: he is described as being a mighty and fierce wolf, full of rage and fury. He seeks revenge and destruction against the Gods, and he is said to be a major threat to the world during Ragnarok, the final battle between the Gods and the forces of destruction. His personality is characterized by anger and rage, and he is known for being destructive and unpredictable.
Symbols: winter, yew, chains, fire, the Underworld, fire, the bind rune, ravens, and the moon
Pursuer of: Ragnarök
Culture: Norse
Plants and trees: wolf's-bane, mistletoe, and yew
Crystals: black obsidian, red jasper, smoky quartz, black onyx, amethyst, clear quartz, and black tourmaline
Animals: wolves, snakes, and ravens
Incense: frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood, and patchouli
Colours: black, dark grey, red, brown, and green
Numbers: 3 and 17
Zodiacs: Aries and Scorpio (not official)
Tarot: The Devil, The Chariot, Strength, and The Tower,
Planets: Mars and Venus
Days: Tuesday, Friday, Yule, Samhain, and a full moon
Parents: Loki and Angrboða
Siblings: Jörmungandr, Hel, Váli, Narfi, and Sleipnir (Odin’s horse)
Partner: Angrboða (his mother…)
Children: Sköll and Hati
• Rage and destruction: Fenrir is the consummate destroyer, bringing chaos and disaster where he goes.
• The underworld and the twilight: Fenrir dwells in the underworld, the realm between life and death.
• Blood and brutality: Fenrir is a bloodthirsty creature who craves the destruction of all in his path.
• Nature and wolves: Fenrir is closely associated with nature and wolves, as his wild nature and savage powers are seen as a reflection of the untamed wilderness.
• The end of the world: Fenrir is said to be the bringer of Ragnarok, the end of the world and the destruction of all things.
• Transformation and renewal: Fenrir's role as a destroyer and his connection to the underworld represent a cyclical view of death and rebirth, and he is seen as a necessary part of the cycle of destruction and renewal.
• Instinct and survival: Fenrir is known for his raw nature and instincts. He is a primal force of nature, and his destructive powers are rooted in his instinct for survival.
• Name: Fenrir is named after the Norse word fenrr, which means "destroyer."
• Role: Fenrir is a giant wolf that is said to be the enemy of Odin and the other gods.
• Origin: he was born from the marriage of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, and is also the brother of Jörmungandr and Hel.
• Description: described as a giant wolf with iron fangs and a burning mouth, who is bound by the chains Gleipnir and is destined to kill Odin and unleash Ragnarok.
• Connections: he is connected to the Norse Goddess Skadi, as Skadi was the one charged with tying up Fenrir with the chains Gleipnir.
• Relationship with Odin: Fenrir and Odin have a complicated relationship, as Fenrir is destined to kill Odin but Odin also provides food to Fenrir.
• Relationship with Jörmungandr: Fenrir Is said to be the father of the snake Jörmungandr and the half-sister of Hel, making him the grandfather of the world-serpent.
Start by setting out an altar and dedicating it to Fenrir. This can be as simple or elaborate as you like, but it's important to have a specific space reserved solely for him. Offer a prayer to him, and make sure to be genuine and sincere. Show humility and appreciation for his wisdom and guidance. Leave an offering that is meaningful to you, such as a piece of jewelry, food, or drink. Make it genuine and personal. Meditate on his energy and try to connect with his presence. Read up on his myths and legends, or research his associations and symbols, and finally, be mindful of your behaviour and ensure that you are acting with respect and reverence toward him.
To begin, you can address him by name and say something like: 
“Great Fenrir, guardian of the underworld, destroyer of all things, I call upon you to guide me in this journey of self-discovery and transformation. I seek your protection, insight, and guidance as I walk my own path.”
“I thank you for your presence and guiding hand, Great Fenrir, I give thanks and praise for your wisdom and protection. Hail Fenrir.”
If your request to work with Fenrir has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• A sensation of warmth, protection, or guidance that you feel around you.
• Experiencing a boost in intuition or creativity.
• Having thoughts or ideas that seem to come from a higher power or a divine source.
• Feeling inspired to explore new paths or ways of thinking.
• Seeing signs or coincidences that seem to be connected to Fenrir's energy or a reminder of his presence.
• Having an increased interest in nature, wolves, survival, or self-reliance.
• Having dreams or visions involving Fenrir that seem significant and meaningful.
• Seeing or feeling connections between things that would normally seem unrelated.
• Feeling like you are being guided or led to certain places or experiences.
• Having a sense of deja vu, as if you have been in this situation before, or that it is familiar in some way.
• Feeling a sense of peace, calm, or harmony around you, as if you are being protected or supported.
If your request to work with Fenrir has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• You don't feel any kind of positive or uplifting presence or energy around you.
• You may have difficulty reaching a state of calm or meditation when praying to him.
• You may not experience any synchronicities or coincidences that relate to Fenrir's energy.
• You may not feel any increase in feelings like guidance, protection, or insight.
• You might have more difficulty reaching a deep connection with Fenrir's energy or receiving signs or messages from him.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Tobacco
• Bread
• Incense
• Booze: wine, beer, mead, and other alcoholic beverages.
• Fruit
• Crystals
• Music
• Bones
• Things associated with wolves: raw meat, animal skins, and wolf teeth, fur, claws.
• Plants
• Water
• Metals like platinum and gems
• Swords
• Blood
• Fire
• Rituals: following a specific pattern or structure to honor and connect with Fenrir's energy and presence.
• Dress up in neutral, dark colours.
• Leave out offerings of meat and bone.
• Listen to music. (He seems to like metal and rock music, if not norse pagan chants like Loki, so far but it could be different for other followers)
• Eat meat (ethically sourced, of course)
• Spend some alone time in a quiet place or set a time in the day to just revel in the quiet.
• Feel and then release: Fenrir in his core is primal. He is a wolf and he responds to his natural instinct and emotions. Followers of Fenrir are asked to learn how to feel even if it is what others call negative emotions such as fear, anger, pain, sadness, etc.
• Master your rage: rage is a primal emotion that Fenrir rules on. It is chaotic. Keyword here is chaotic. He asks his followers to be angry but the hitch is that they reign in their anger and not let it loose.
• Light a candle to his name.
• Burn earthly incense like sandalwood.
• Toast to his name when you drink.
• Talk to him through meditation.
• Choose your battles wisely. Sometimes not all battles can be fought, some are best won by walking away from them.
• Forgive but do not forget.
• Respect others even if they have wronged you (unless they do not deserve the respect to be merited).
• Always keep your promises.
• Honour him and his family.
• Live life to the fullest. Do not shackle yourself with ideals and whatnot. The sky’s the limit.
• Adopt a furry friend or wolf: there are wolf centres and sanctuaries that allow people to adopt wolves (like be a friend or be a sponsor) to help with the protection of these creatures.
• Studying the history, mythology, and legends associated with Fenrir, as a way to gain a deeper understanding and connection to him.
• Creating symbols or icons related to Fenrir, such as drawing or painting images of him, composing poetry or writing about him, or carving his symbol into wood or stones.
Consuming offerings given to Fenrir is not recommended because he is a powerful being of destruction and the underworld. His energies are not compatible with human consumption, as he is not aligned with the human energy of life and death but rather the energy of destruction. Consuming offerings given to Fenrir may disrupt the connection with the deity and cause an imbalance in energy. It is always better to avoid consuming offerings given to Fenrir.
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charredstarling · 3 months
🐺 Subtle Fenrir Worship 🐾
Practice patience and compassion towards yourself
Spend time with any pets you have, especially dogs; play with them, walk them, give them a bath, etc.
Leave a dog treat or bone on your windowsill overnight for Fenrir (please keep your window closed if predators are in your area!!!)
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Volunteer at an animal or homeless shelter
Engage in random acts of kindness; hold the door for someone, buy someone in need a warm meal, offer to help someone carry stuff, etc.
Support animal/homeless shelters, environmental preservation organizations, or any cause you're passionate about
Have a stuffed animal wolf or snake (snake for his brother c:)
Have imagery of wolves, breaking chains, swords (broken swords especially), or the sun/moon, especially being chased by wolves (Sköll & Hati are said to be his children)
Fall asleep/meditate to the howling of wolves or sounds of the forest
Eat meat that you enjoy; get some good protein in your diet in general
Take a walk/hike in the woods or nature
Learn about healthy coping skills for stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
Make your space comfortable; make it your own!
Tie your hands together with string, and cut or break it as a symbolic breaking of chains
Sing a song, play an instrument, or listen to music in the evening or night (like a wolf howling its song)
Write poetry/stories about wolves, nature, chains, loneliness, friendship, or other themes within Fenrir's myth
Light fire or bonfire at night; sit in front of the fire and simply be at rest for awhile
Go camping; sleep under the stars out in nature
Drink something relaxing that you enjoy or mead; raise a glass to Fenrir
Learn a new survival skill; something that would be useful out in the wild
Allow yourself to feel your feelings; cry, shake, scream - whatever you need to do
Find a healthy outlet for your emotions; drawing, boxing, crafting, writing, etc.
Learn about self-defense; learn how to protect yourself (including weapon use if needed)
Try using your pet as a grounding presence; pet them, focus on their soft fur or smooth scales or fluffy feathers, notice how they feel calm and safe and let that tell you that you can be calm and safe as well, etc.
Ground yourself within nature; try to meditate there if you can
Stand up for yourself; practice being vocal about your discomfort or upset
Assert your boundaries; learn what your boundaries are; know that not all of them need to be spoken - they can be silent
Find healthy outlets for your emotions; boxing, dancing, drawing, writing, singing, etc.
Practice healthy conflict resolution skills; learn what healthy conflict resolution looks like
Spend time with your loved ones
Do something nice for your loved ones; cook them a meal, give them a gift, watch their favorite movie together, etc.
Cook a good meal for someone in need, especially one that's really filling
Engage in activities you're passionate about
Learn about your local flora and fauna
Go foraging (SAFELY!!!! RESEARCH FIRST!!!!)
Make a list of goals that you'd like to achieve - long-term and short-term; celebrate any progress you make towards these goals
Celebrate your accomplishments, big and small (making your bed, getting out of bed, eating breakfast, taking a shower, etc.)
For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Fenrir! I hope you found it useful. I'll likely add more to it later on. Take care, y'all!
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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charredstarling · 3 months
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Phobos & Deimos Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
Irish Deities:
Subtle Brigid Worship - created by @psychopomp-recital
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I may have to make extra posts due to the fact that you can only have 100 links per post.
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charredstarling · 3 months
Things that have helped me feel closer to my deities:
Praying before their altars (bonus points if you write your own)
Read books other than their myths (books you think they’d enjoy themselves)
Meditating with them
Learn about magickal subjects related to them
Dedicate a journal for notes and document experiences you have with that deity (including moments where they’ve assisted you and any divination conversations you’ve had with them)
Listen to their messages and follow through with them
Light incense that reminds you of them
Find artwork that feels like that deity and hang, print or save them
Divination Methods (Runes, Tarot, Pendulums, Bone Throwing, etc.)
Watch content on different subjects they’re related to (documentaries on death, relationships, crime, etc.)
Dedicate, care, and/or name pets, plants, plushies, etc to them
Learn not just their pantheon and myths but the culture that influenced them
Wear jewelry dedicated to them (bonus if you have that deity enchant them with protection)
Share meals with them
Thinking of them in passing (like “hey that thing reminds me of *insert deity*”)
Talk casually at their altars and give them an itinerary of your day
Define your relationship with that deity and refer to them accordingly (if its a more formal/in reverence, use a formal title. if it’s warm/personal, use an affectionate name.)
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charredstarling · 3 months
Witchy Self-Care
*pulls out draft from over a year ago* ENJOY
Hi! this is a list of witchy self-care things you can do. Most of these are pretty basic on account that i wrote this ages ago but they definitely still work. Anyways, I hope these help :)
Do the dishes and dedicate it to your house spirit (if you have one) or a deity (if you're religious)
sweep/mop your floor in the shape of sigils
add rosemary (or rosemary water/essential oils) to the water you mop with to set an intention of cleansing
taking ritual a bath/shower
cleansing your energy. it's so basic but I forget more than i'd like to admit
dedicating time to yourself. it's just as important as dedicating time to your deities/other spirits
light shadow work or going to therapy. bettering your mental health also betters your spiritual.
go outside and ground yourself
take a nap (less witchy, more, I love naps. rest is important)
work out/stretch and dedicate it to an entity
do some gratitude
take 5 minutes to just sit and turn off your devices. you can use this time for anything, just take a second to get off screens and connect with the world around you
meditate. if you can't sit still long enough to meditate, just focus on taking 3 deep breathes
when you wash your face, draw sigils on your face with the cleanser and moisturiser
^do the same as above but with your body wash and when you wash your hair
say some affirmations/manifestations while brushing your teeth
just check in with yourself and see how you're feeling spiritually, psychically and emotionally. sometimes we don't actually know how we're feeling until we sit down and actually ask ourselves.
If anyone has any more to add please comment. I'll add them to the list (with credit of course)
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charredstarling · 3 months
Tip of the day:
Make little charms for your deities so you can keep them in your pocket.
Usually when something weird happens around me I put my hand in my pocket and I'm like chat is this real
*I don't call my deities chat guys
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charredstarling · 3 months
for people who light candles for their deities, what do you usually do? let the candle be lit for a few hours, or blow it out right after finishing a prayer or offering? or both/neither? and for what you do, why?
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charredstarling · 3 months
Aphrodite : Introductory post
Αφροδιτη [Venus] War Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Procreation
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Epithets: ⟡ Ourania - Heavenly ⟡ Pandemos - Common to All ⟡ Areia - of ares, Warlike ⟡ Hoplismene - Armed ⟡ Symmakhia - Ally (In Love) ⟡ Kypris - Of Cyprus ⟡ Philomeides - Laughter-Loving ⟡ Aphrogenia - Foam-born ⟡ Khysee - Golden ⟡ Pothon Meter - Mother of Desire
Domains: ⟡ love ⟡ Sex & procreation ⟡ Seduction ⟡ Beauty ⟡ Pleasure ⟡ War
Devotional acts: ⟡ Give compliments! ⟡ Create a skincare and bodycare routine ⟡ Collect pretty things ⟡ listen to music that makes you feel good, dance to it if you are able ⟡ have a dedicated chapstick, gloss, lip tint or lipstick!
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Symbol: ⟡ Dove ; Apple ; Myrtle-wreath ; Flower
Color: ⟡ Pink ✧ Red ✧ Blue ✧ Green ✧ White ✧ Gold
Metal: ⟡ (upg) bronze
Crystals & stones: ⟡ Garnet ✧ Ruby ✧ Rose Quartz ✧ Pearls ✧ Diamond ✧ Sapphire ✧ Aquamarine
Fruits,Vegetables,Flowers,Herbs: ✧ Rose ✧ Anemone ✧ Apple ✧ Daffofil ✧ Myrtle ✧ Myrrh ✧ Lettuce ✧ Pomegranate
Animal: ✧ Hare ✧ Turtle - dove ✧ Sparrow ✧ Goose ✧ Swan
Incense: ✧ Frankincense ⟡ Rose ⟡ Myrrh ⟡ Vanilla ⟡ Cinnamon ⟡ Cypress ⟡ Jasmine
Food & Drinks: ✧ Pink ⟡ Red ⟡ Blue ⟡ Green ⟡ White ⟡ Gold
Day, Season, Time of Day: ✧ Venus ; Friday
Tarot: ✧ The Empress ✧ The Star ✧ The Lovers
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charredstarling · 6 months
Your deities love you. They understand you. They understand when you are overwhelmed with internal challenges that seem insurmountable. They will still be there for you when you come out of the other side. They will listen to you and validate your feelings and help you understand something if you’re having trouble.
You are not ruined. There is no difficulty that is permanent. You will be able to do whatever you need to do to see the sunshine again.
Drink some water. Maybe eat a food. Be a little silly. Know that you are loved so deeply.
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charredstarling · 6 months
Just some shadow work
Why do you hold grudges: Because if i let go, i have to reckon with what happened. if they arnt really as terrible as i thought then theres a chance that it wasnt their fault that i was hurt. it also calls into question the abusers that i do not forgive, what if they arnt that bad either? and that train of thought had led me right back into the arms of those who hurt me on multiple occasions. Its safer to hate a select few than to doubt the validity of my trauma.
Why do you feel undeserving of love: because for most of my life i wasnt shown love unconditionally, i was only shown praise when i did my very best. otherwise i was yelled at or hurt because i wasnt doing good enough. even when i wasnt doing anything wrong i was punished, and i carry that with me today. i do not let myself feel loved unless i believe that i am doing the very best that i could be doing, and i rarely ever feel like i am doing good enough. i motivate myself by yelling and screaming and hurting myself because its what pushed me when i was younger, but now it doesnt do anything good for me. when i am shown love i feel confused and doubtful, because unconditional love feels fake to me.
How often do you lie to yourself: Every day from the second i wake up to the second i fall asleep. I say i am ok and that i feel fine and that i can handle all of this on my own and its a blatant lie and everyone around me knows it. i cant admit consistently that i am not capable of handling all of this on my own, and i also cannot ask for help because i feel unworthy of it. it is my job to handle all of this so that others dont have to. but that isnt fair to me, and i lie and say that its ok and that life isnt fair. i lie when i say i love myself and i lie when i say that im doing good because thats all surface level, i havent even started breaking down my old thought patterns yet. and i shouldnt have to alone because rebuilding oneself is a monumental feat. but in my mind i am a burden and i must do this alone, so that maybe someday someone will be able to tolerate me in full.
What emotions do you avoid feeling: anger. i never learned to process it properly and so no matter how justified it is i end up scaring myself out of feeling it. i worry that feeling angry means i will hurt people, because i was hurt when others were angry. thats when i was abused, when they were angry. and i fear that just the action of feeling that anger will unleash some hidden abusive monster inside of me and ill go around attacking everyone i see.
How can you face that feeling: sitting with it when i feel it. just letting it run through my system without trying to distract myself. letting my mind construct whatever arguments or insults it wants and ranting to friends until ive felt all i can feel for that moment.
How can you motivate yourself: by being gentle. i need to stop trying to use fear as a motivator and start using my passion as a motivator. and to do that i need to step away from fear, i need to be gentle with myself and forgiving of my misteps.
What has love taught you: that i am beautiful and kind and smart and amazing. and that i am compassionate and enjoyable and funny. love has taught me that i am not some horrible broken thing, that i am a person just like anyone else. love has taught me that i am deserving, and that people are kind and that they do care.
What has loss taught you: That life is something to cherish, and that no amount of time will feel like enough. and that sometimes its better to let go or to leave. and that some people arnt meant to stay, some people werent all that great in retrospect. loss has taught me to be scared of it, because to be abandoned is to lose. but loss has also taught me to greive, and to cry, and to scream. loss has taught me how to process things, how to feel. in some loss there is a relief, a comfort. in some there is an anger. loss has guided me
What are you hiding from others: that im actually just a scared animal thats wandering around hoping that i figure something out. that i am not actually all that wise, i am just hurt. that i am not all that in touch with myself and that its all a front to try and avoid the truth. the truth is that i am a wounded scared animal wandering around in a hostile world with no clue what i should be doing. i cannot tend to my wounds lest someone else notices they are there, and i cannot ask for help lest someone sees me as a pet or a project.
What can you learn from time: That i cannot stop it, i cannot make it slow, but i can rest. i can rest as long as i need. i cannot expect the world to stop spinning but i can expect others who live in this sea of time to be understanding. we are all here together in the same storm.
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charredstarling · 6 months
My guys in mythology and deity tags, you need to start recognizing AI generated images, I’m serious.
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charredstarling · 7 months
I’m sorry friends, but “just google it” is no longer viable advice. What are we even telling people to do anymore, go try to google useful info and the first three pages are just ads for products that might be the exact opposite of what the person is trying to find but The Algorithm thinks the words are related enough? And if it��s not ads it’s just sponsored websites filled with listicles, just pages and pages of “TOP FIFTEEN [thing you googled] IMAGINED AS DISNEY PRINCESSES” like… what are we even doing anymore, google? I can no longer use you as shorthand for people doing real and actual helpful research on their own.
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charredstarling · 7 months
Since there's somebody on this site insisting that Lilith should be considered open again, I'm just gonna mention that I have never seen an argument in favor of considering Lilith an open deity that didn't rely on a massive misunderstanding of ancient Mesopotamian beliefs, effectively blame Jews for patriarchy within Christianity, or appeal to fakelore from the Internet. Like if there's somebody out there who can make a compelling argument for why Lilith should be considered open without appealing to some kinda bullshit and is also Jewish I'd be happy to hear them out, but until such a person can give me a good reason to do otherwise, I'll be siding with the Jewish folks who considered Lilith closed.
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