chaserpucey · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy NPC Starter's ( 1 / ? )
I bet Durmstrang students don't have to put up this this kind of stupidity.
Haven't we enough chaos without Peeves?
It you singe my robes -
Pleasant bit of magic, isn't it?
Why, you cheeky little charmgrinder.
Next time it shrieks I shall bake the thing.
Would you mind putting me back down.
You call that an attack?
Perhaps you might set me down, moonmind!
Isn't a broom good enough?
Oh, I'm just out and about. Riding a Graphorn.'
Riding a Hippogriff's all well and good till it throws you.
When is _ going to learn to stay away from the Restricted Section?
Striking up a friendship with , are we?
Why would you want to spend so much time with ? Do you feel sorry for him?
I'm still struggling with antidotes. Startling to me that so many of them use Mandrakes. I'll be sure never to go into that line of work.
That reminds me, did say we could borrow the book overnight, or that we'd get detention if we had it out overnight?
The people I feel sorry for are the ones who don't receive any owls, poor things. Have you seen their little faces at the table?
If anyone needs help with an essay or assignment, I don't mind lending a hand. I wrote two inches for Binns yesterday while I was eating my lunch.
That poor first-year trying to get into the Gryffindor common room. I swear the Fat Lady was having them on. Poor thing had to wait till next day.
Someone was trying to come up with some sort of pepper hex the other day.
I like to keep a bit of Wiggenweld Potion under my bed. Not naming names, but someone's bought a few too many tricks from Zonko's.
Try working with a wand that's been passed down from three unruly sisters.
Well, my father naturally assumed I'd be a strong Seeker, just like him.
Thank Merlin Quidditch was cancelled.
I took my copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi to Herbology and I left it in the greenhouse, by the Mandrake seedlings. _ was horrified I didn't have it for class. Said I need to get my priorities straight.
What's the point of even learning about Herbology if we can't get ourselves into some trouble with Gillyweed?
If I haven't personally met a mermaid by the end of term, I can tell you, I shan't be happy.
Any of you know where I can find some Leaping Toadstools?
Did you get your Bitterroot from Pippin's? Or did you pick it yourself? I'm desperately in need of some.
I heard some chatter near the girls' lavatory about Boomslang skin. Do you think they're looking to brew a Polyjuice Potion?
I suppose I'd be curious about a Beautification Potion. What? Not for me, moonmind. For a friend of mine.
Don't be stupid. How do you look at a rock and say, 'Oh, I think I'll drink that.'?
Those French don't even hold their wands right so I don't know what they're teaching at Beauxbatons.
Almost makes you want to send them one just to give them a thrill.
Me? I'm dripping with owls.
Is there anywhere in Hogwarts you haven't explored?
I thought I was a good duellist, but I wouldn't dare cross you.. .
It was brilliant how you defeated _ in that duel.
Where did you and run off to?
Almost got me expelled, that did.
My father used to say that I looked part Erumpent. It's not funny.
If I Transfigure my poor toad into a goblet one more time, I think he's going to insist he stay that way.
Professor _ going to quiz us on rare water beasts next week.
Can't wait to tell _ I actually saw a Kelpie in Ireland over the summer.
Don't know why the common rooms all have secret ways of entering. Who wants to go into someone else's common room anyway? We were sorted for a reason.
Someone's parent sent homemade Cauldron Cakes and they shared them in the common room. Think they mistook salt for sugar, mind you. Half-eaten cakes everywhere for days, there were.
Our dorm's atrocious. I do wish people would clean up after themselves once in a while
A Bundimun destroyed my homework last night.
If I didn't know better, I'd say they were raised by trolls.
I was distracted by Peeves and ran face-first into _ the other day. Our books went flying. Think it made Peeves' entire week.
_ caught me making faces behind his back. It was awful – not to mention losing so many house points.
I need to get some dragon-hide gloves for Herbology. I refuse to handle Chinese Chomping Cabbages with bare hands.
Going to harvest some knotgrass from the greenhouses today. Did you know that it's used in Polyjuice Potion?
I'd like to open a shop in Hogsmeade myself one day.
I'd wager it was something to do with their time as an Auror.
Every time she pretends not to see me in the halls, I cast at her with a Trip Jinx.
I was trapped on the Grand Staircase for an hour the other day waiting for it to move.
My friends and I like to spend our evenings watching the sun set from the Quidditch pitch.
That’s all the pitch is good for this year, sadly.
Have you been to the Owlery lately? House-elves have fallen a bit behind in the cleaning this week.
I heard an ex-Auror lives in a hamlet outside of Hogsmeade. Think I'd want a quiet life too after years fighting Dark Wizards.
I'd like to retire to Hogsmeade one day. Open a pub. Bore future Hogwarts pupils with tales of my childhood.
Any news about the dragon near Pitt-Upon-Ford? Be enough to make me move, to be honest.
I met some of my best friends in Flying. Nothing creates a bond like thinking you're all about to die.
_ promised me his old broomstick once he's saved up for a new one.
I practised doing a loop-the-loop on my broom all summer.
I miss going to matches.
Cheering everyone on was magnificent fun.
The Chudley Cannons are going to be unbeatable next season; you just wait and see.
_ glanced at me the other day in the Great Hall. I spit out my breakfast. Not sure it sent the right message.
I used to write to my parents every week. Now I can't remember the last time I sent them an owl.
Wish I'd brought a pet owl to school.
So many letters arrive every day and none of them is ever for me.
I rather enjoy Transfiguration myself. The complexity – the precise nature of it; truly something to be admired.
Professor _ is a marvellous teacher. Never requires us to write more inches of parchment on a topic than necessary.
If I can just stop vanishing my notes when practising Evanesco, I think I can get an O on my Transfiguration O.W.L. this year.
Wish I had your skill. I'm like a drowned Billywig at Crossed Wands, I am.
Just curious, were you born with a broom?
Oh, you shouldn't be using that sort of magic. You'll get into a lot of trouble for that
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