mechexecute260 · 4 years
I'm super curious! How many of you scrolling found Mech X-4 through Disney Plus? I love the activity my posts have been getting lately : )
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mechexecute260 · 4 years
Mech-X4 fans?
I’m not sure who’s still out there and active, but as I was going through my drives I found a little writing excerpt that never really fully developed into a fanfic. It’s from Harris’ point of view, while his mind wasn’t his own. I decided I might as well share it since we’re all in quarantine. I know I haven’t been active, but I hope you are all well! If you want to check out my more active sideblogs I’ll link them below: @grakiearts @allthenetflixoriginalcartoons @henrydangerismymiddlename @trollhunterz and my main @thechosenone260
Hope you enjoy this little blast from the past:
To say Harris knew exactly what was going on would be a lie. He could see, but it was like he was watching the world through a stranger, incapable of emotion, movement, or voice. A reality TV show that never shut off. A puppet to an unknown force. So he sat at the bottom of a dark empty pit, paralyzed within himself. But when he saw the person that was no longer himself grab a blaster, aiming it at the technopath's back- his heart hurt. But that wasn't possible; it wasn't his anymore.    
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mechexecute260 · 5 years
Rewatching Mech X-4...
This show was the bomb. Literally every time I watch it, it never fails to deliver. The friendships, the bros, the battles....ugh Disney take notes and make another show like this! 
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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LOOK WE HIT 100!! 
@peanutryan @mechexecute260 @jadyn-themechhead @breanadaveport-mendel
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Mech-X4 Week 2018
@spyder-incorporated and I would like to officially announce the prompts and the dates for Mech-X4 week, a week to add more fanfics, fan art and even fan videos to the collection, and spread the word about this wonderful show so that hopefully we can gather enough interest that once the actors are finished completing the projects they are potentially working on post season 2, that the fandom as a whole can override Disney’s stupid, careless decisions so that we can get a season 3, and hopefully an extended version of the season 2 finale with the deleted scene containing the return of Leo added back in.
Mech-X4 week will run November 11th-17th, which this year the dates ran perfectly because the first three episode of Mech-X4 ever aired on November 11th-13th in 2016!
There will be one main prompt each day, as well a bonus prompt, which as this is the first time we are running Mech-X4 week, the bonus prompts will just be the name of a character and not a detailed prompt. 
You can either write another separate piece for the bonus round, or incorporate that character into the main piece (well one of the prompts literally has a character name in it, but I digres
The main prompts are as follows: 
November 11th: Monster Hunting
November 12th: Medbay Moment
November 13th: Sick Day
November 14th: Leo’s Time Being Captured*
November 15th: Embarrassing Crafts (such as Mark’s embroidery, or maybe Harris loves to knit)
November 16th: Sleepover Shenanigans
November 17th: Free Day
Andnow, last but not least;
The Bonus Round:
November 11th: Ryan
November 12th: Harris
November 13th: Spyder
November 14th: Leo**
November 15th: Mark
November 16th: Veracity
November 17th: Team As Family (instead of have one of the villains as a character)
 if anyone would be triggered by writing about Leo’s actual time being captured, those of you can just write about how Leo’s time being captured affected him/the aftermath, or just about Leo himself.
**Leo is also one of my favorite favorite characters ever and my favorite Mech-X4 Character (Spyder is a close second), I even named a rat after him!
I will also be making a Mech-X4 forum for Mech-X4 week to make it easier to have a larger, fandom-wide discussion without everyone having to reblog each other.
Again, if you don’t write fanfiction or don’t feel comfortable writing it for this fandom or the prompt, you can always draw something or make a fan video or even just contribute a headcanon thread.
On another note, anyone who wants to help me plan the Mech-X4 week(s) for next year can private message me their email so that we could talk about our ideas without being barred by the fact that on both fanfiction(.)net and tumblr you can only private message with one person at a time, and archive of our own doesn’t have any form of private messaging, and if I don’t even facebook friends people I know half the time, why would I want to facebook friend internet people?
@peanutryan  @insect-a-shark @mechexecute260 @dankspyderx  @author-of-fanfiction @supergrossrich @lovelytonys @tyrus-trash @goldenavenger02 
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Harris and Veracity fanfics?.
I’ll try to whip something up this weekend! Friendship one-shots? orrrr?
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Honestly, when I heard she was joining the team, I was like....ok cool fine-- as long as she doesn't permanently replace anyone. But then I realized she wasn't just a Harris 2.0, she added so so so much to the team and it's dynamic so yes let's all appreciate her <3
we really don’t appreciate Veracity enough tbh
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Today’s a great day to remember to appreciate Mark Walker
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Can we please take a moment to appreciate this…. its kinda funny and awesome! Courtesy of random stuff that pops up in my youtube….
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Yeaaahh… this is all I could do @peanutryan not so much creative or long but I’m still learning how to use the editing app I have.
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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“We’re family.”
This scene. I mean, Mark’s role in all this is insane. We always think about how awful it is for Ryan, making this choice and losing his best friend. But Mark is also making a huge decision and acting on it. He knows 3 tranquilizers could kill Harris. He knows he could kill Harris. He went from a high school jock to the oldest member/brother of a team of heroes. This isn’t a foul or a side out. This is someone’s life! Like dang, son...
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Live thoughts from the finale:
(Unedited and written the first time I watched it so I apologize XD)
waiiiit we already saw this part? OH dang he’s got PTSD protect HIM.
“Sometimes you have to hurt people” 
Grace is the best mom. That extra long hug though. 
Ryan is insane with power. And he wears a corset. 
I love da banter. 
Grey is looking lovely today...the gorilla fur really brings out her giant yellow eyes.
Oh dayum Ryan just blocked that head shot. With his mind. PLASMA AXE. 
Poor Mark can’t high five (well he could he just lazy)
Mark is such a good brother. I love it. RYAN DON’T CRY. you AREN’T SELFISH YOU’RE A KID.  I’m GOING TO CRY.
dON’T KILL HARRIS. but I mean maybe.
Ok so Spyder fell off a roof and that’s how he got injured that bad? I’m calling it. 
It’s all good Marks fineeeeee
Part 2 coming soon.
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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I’m a sophomore....
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
It is pretty dark, but I found it interesting! Except Ryan is a drug dealer? lol I only watched half of it! 
1. have you heard that nathaniel and raymond are in a facebook show together called five points (hayley kiyoko and madeline pettis are also part of the main cast so i'm kinda intrigued) and 2. d'you think you'll try watching it
*reads question* *immediately searches it up*
Ooooo I don’t know, this show seems really interesting and intense.. I am not sure if I’d watch it or not though cuz I’m not really into shows that are too intense or dark. Maybe one day. Have you seen it? If so, how was it? Did you like it? 
Pearce Joza and Alyssa Jirrels just finished acting in a short film called “Under the Lights.” Which is about epilepsy and bringing awareness to it. 
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
*eternally grateful* I LOVE THIS. Honestly I’m actually pained that there’s not another season BECAUSE of SPYDER. I needed some more background, some more info. He was such a fascinating character and THIS IS ALL WE GET. It’s infuriating, but I know we got some good character moments.
Spyder Topic Season 1
Ok, so we all know Spyder to be the comic relief character in the show (even though we all know he deserves way more than that) P.S. This took way longer than I thought it would cuz I had to restart after accidentally deleting it instead of saving it to my drafts and then unreliable wifi while on vacation = big delay sry…
ANYWAY here is a list of all the times he suggested that he’s led a different life before becoming friends with Harris and Ryan during season 1 // the ultimate Spyder angst post
Btw this post is like 3 miles long so if your reading this on mobile.. I’m sorry.
Keep reading
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Theory: In the episode that focuses on how Ryan and Harris became friends they see Spyder in what is essentially a full body cast, and it is also revealed on the show that he goes to therapy. but what if whatever event made him be in the full body cast gave him PTSD and that is why he is in therapy and why he is so calm all the time?
I like this theory! I wish we had a definite answer, but it’s also so fun to guess! I actually have a new theory, based on the last episode. Spyder says he wants to learn how to fall off a roof properly from Jackie Chan, so maybe that’s how he ended up in all those casts? Was he hopping roofs, running from someone? I don’t know, just something fun to think about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I like your more serious approach! I mean, how the heck do you get that injured...
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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“You have to take me down.”
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