chemiicalpriincess · 6 years
my 2019 challenge:
this year i am challenging myself, my friends, family, and anyone that will listen to reduce our waste. recycling isn’t going to cut it, so here are a few tips that i am going to start and continue implementing in my lifestyle:
1. banishing single-use plastics
this means; plastic bags, straws, plastic water bottles, plastic cutlery, Styrofoam containers, to-go coffee containers, etc.
plastic water bottles, probably cost you around $1.50 a bottle, but there are pretty inexpensive (~$9 for a nice reusable water bottle, or, less than a week’s worth of plastic water bottles)
for most drinks, straws are not a necessity, so when you go out to eat, you can simply request that your waiter/waitress not bring any. or there are plenty of reusable options, like stainless steel straws (tons of options here) and speaking of restaurants, if you have leftovers, bring your own tupperware instead of styrofoam.
travel coffee mugs are also pretty cheap, and you or one of your friends might already have a few that aren’t being used. plus, some coffee shops will give you a discount on your coffee for bringing your own mug.
plastic bags. most of us collect tons of plastic bags after shopping. this creates tons of waste. instead bring your own bags when you go shopping. leave yourself a note so you don’t forget to grab them before shopping.
finally, there are tons of other things, like plastic wrap that can be replaced with beeswax wrap, zip lock bags that can be replaced with reusable snack bags, and much more. i challenge you to reduce what you can.
2. composting
i, personally, live in an apartment, so composting is not something i can feasibly do. however, the university i attend has an agriculture department with a compost pile and they welcome everyone’s compostables, so i collect all of my food scraps and freeze them until the end of the week when i am able to drop them off. if you can start your own compost pile, i encourage it, but if you can’t, check out if there are any near you. here is a source that lists some, but not all, composting facilities based on zip code. but, i’d also recommend checking community gardens out to see if they have one. here is a list of all sorts of things that can be composted.
3. reducing electricity consumption
i often times get into the bad habit of letting my phone, laptop charge over night, when really, these items only need a few hours to charge. leaving them overnight is not only tough on the device because it kills battery life, but also it is still eating electricity. so, i’m going to break this bad habit and charge only during the day and unplug when things are charge, along with unplugging all electronics when not in use/open windows and blinds rather than turning on lights.
this may sound trivial, but every small bit adds up, plus it’ll reduce your electricity bill. here’s a source that lists a few more ways of doing so.
4. cancel unnecessary mail
everyone hates junkmail, but we all receive it. this wastes paper and energy to deliever said mail. but there are several ways to cancel junk mail. paperkarma is a really neat phone app that allows you to take an image of the junkmail and they’ll remove you from the mailing list. here are more sources on that.
these are just a few, relatively straightforward things that you can do to cut down on waste. i’ll add a few more if you’d like more of a challenge (here, here, & here) a bunch overlap, but i like the differing styles of organization. And if you aren’t convinced already on why we should reduce our waste, here is an great source.
if you are already doing all of these things, good on you, i encourage you to spread these practices to others you know. change happens with every person. this is all in effort to be kinder to the planet that we share, not only with other humans, but every other living creature. be kind to each other and the earth.
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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Honey Lemon in Baymax Returns 1/?
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
selective activity notice
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So my muse for Honey Lemon & Heather Davis have been fading. I’ve decided that it’s best that I put them both on selective activity for the time being. This means I’m only going to write pre-plotted threads. This includes ones I already have going that I plotted out & future ones. This post is basically a plotting call, so if you’re interested in plotting out a thread with me, like this post and I’ll IM you. (I’m going to reblog this post to Heather’s blog to so like for her on that blog). 
I also wanted to thank you all for your patience with me. I’ve been on and off of this blog so many times over the course of 2 years and I’m touched so many of you still follow me. I will keep this blog up and hopefully the muse will strike me again once the semester is over (& then I’ll put up a proper appreciation post for all of you cuties!). That being said, if any of you just want to chat, I’ll still be lurking here & you can also find me at @xcallmepidge or I’d be tickled pink if you checked out the group roleplay I’ve worked hard on skybournerp. Anyways, I love you all and hope the holidays are treating you kindly. Thank you for your patience!
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
selective activity notice
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So my muse for Honey Lemon & Heather Davis have been fading. I’ve decided that it’s best that I put them both on selective activity for the time being. This means I’m only going to write pre-plotted threads. This includes ones I already have going that I plotted out & future ones. This post is basically a plotting call, so if you’re interested in plotting out a thread with me, like this post and I’ll IM you. (I’m going to reblog this post to Heather’s blog to so like for her on that blog). 
I also wanted to thank you all for your patience with me. I’ve been on and off of this blog so many times over the course of 2 years and I’m touched so many of you still follow me. I will keep this blog up and hopefully the muse will strike me again once the semester is over (& then I’ll put up a proper appreciation post for all of you cuties!). That being said, if any of you just want to chat, I’ll still be lurking here & you can also find me at @xcallmepidge or I’d be tickled pink if you checked out the group roleplay I’ve worked hard on skybournerp. Anyways, I love you all and hope the holidays are treating you kindly. Thank you for your patience!
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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sorry i haven’t really been active on this account. i’m in my last semester of college & i currently have a ton of papers to write, so it makes writing for fun not so fun. so i promise i’m not ignoring you all, i’m just waaay to busy with school. hopefully i’ll have some time this weekend. if not i know i’ll be around over thanksgiving break! so until then this blog will be on semi-hiatus. i’ll still be around, just not posting. if any of my mutuals want to talk you can add me on discord: jackie#8684 , just let me know who you are!
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
two word starters
“ please don’t ”
“ i’m sorry ”
“ trust me ”
“ fuck off ”
“ don’t go ”
“ please stay ”
“ i tried ”
“ you’re wrong ”
“ you’re right ”
“ i know ”
“ don’t run ”
“ go away ”
“ don’t stop ”
“ it’s hard ”
“ don’t cry ”
“ we can’t ”
“ calm down ”
“ i’m scared ”
“ make me ”
“ wanna bet ? ”
“ run away ”
“ don’t look ”
“ i promise ”
“ try harder ”
“ believe me ”
“ don’t move ”
“ you’re mean ”
“ i’m cold ”
“ you’re beautiful ”
“ hold me ”
“ let me ”
“ come here ”
“ shut up ”
“ fuck off ”
“ it’s complicated ”
“ you’re okay ” 
“ wake up ! “
“ you’re on “
“ i’m pregnant “
“ you’re sick “
“ how long ? “
“ what happened ? “
“ stop it “
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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independent / selective / private adored by aj      
as   the  princess   grows   older  ,   she’ll   realize   the   bad   guy   will   not   always   wear   a   black   cape   and   he’s   not   easy   to   spot   ;     ’   he’s   really   funny  ,     he   makes   you   laugh   ,       and   he   has   perfect   hair.   ’
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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                            Whenever things are going rather happily                            It turns out life is just playing a trick on me               It’s slightly shameful to admit the t r u t h, I end up in tears                            And so begins the same old melancholy
                                 I miss when life was just simplicity                         And misery wasn’t always chasing after me                      It’s pretty obvious now, I should’ve left my regret                                 But I held onto it so f o o l i s h l y
                                                                                                      art cred ( x x x )                                                                                                          lyric cred ( x )                                                                                lovingly drop kicked by: cam                                                                       !!PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG!!
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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                                            WITCHES BREW
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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sorry i haven’t really been active on this account. i’m in my last semester of college & i currently have a ton of papers to write, so it makes writing for fun not so fun. so i promise i’m not ignoring you all, i’m just waaay to busy with school. hopefully i’ll have some time this weekend. if not i know i’ll be around over thanksgiving break! so until then this blog will be on semi-hiatus. i’ll still be around, just not posting. if any of my mutuals want to talk you can add me on discord: jackie#8684 , just let me know who you are!
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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  Shiro knew his decision to be proven less favorable the moment the woman stepped into sight. Briefly, his expression was a mirror image of the one he had startled, but it shortly settled into determination and he rose from his chair to undo the mess he’d caused. 
  His hand landed on the woman’s shoulder, with the hope it could offer some calming effect. “I’m so sorry,” the man apologized, his platinum eyes cast with guilt. His smile was restricted with embarrassment as he added, “to be honest, I came to see you. It’s no trouble, but it seems like I caused some myself. Don’t let me disturb you any more than I already have,” he requested, making a gesture towards the work space. “Please, continue. I’ll take care of the mess.”
  After wiping off and tidying the woman’s thermos, Shiro returned it to her, and seated himself at her side. “There. I can’t believe I thought that could have turned out well,” he admitted, amusement tugging at his lips. Now that Shiro looked at the woman, it was clear that the workspace was work of her hand. She fit into it seamlessly, like a figure into a painting, and Shiro felt silent appreciation at the realization, perhaps admiration. 
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  “I left these here for you,” he said after some conversation, gesturing at the iced coffee and tea he’d brought. “And now I’m glad I did, although I feel like it doesn’t make up for the mess I caused.” He felt a formless pull towards the woman, had felt it when he’d stared at her number in his contact list, felt it now in a difficulty averting his eyes from her. “Maybe I could offer you a coffee. Any place you want.”
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『     Aiko was soon able to catch her breath and slow her heart. Ever since becoming a part of Big Hero Six, she was on edge more frequently. She knew now the dangers lurking around the corner. But Shiro didn’t seem like a threat. But what if he was? What if this was his plan?
          The hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her anxious thoughts. “You came to see me?” she repeated out of confusion. But it only took her half a minute to realize the implication and the slightest blush dusted her cheeks. However she did get back to her work space to finish writing up her lab report. After this week, she’d be free from some of the stress for a little while. But for now she needed to focus intently. “No, no, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting to see someone in the building this late. And I haven’t slept much in the last few days, so I’m a little on edge.”  What time even was it now? It had to be near midnight by now. “What’s got you up so late?”
           It also took her a moment to notice the gifts he’d left for her. Which was surprising, considering she’d been silently mourning the loss of her coffee. But that was over now, since it had been replaced. She smiled warmly at him. “That was so sweet of you. Thank you.” She knew now why it was so easy for her to get over freaking about his sudden appearance (relatively speaking). He reminded her a lot of Tadashi. Just showing up with gifts, the warm smile. His name was even Takashi.
           “Next week all of this insanity will be over for me, so I could take you out for some coffee. I know the greatest place too.”        』
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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“That’s the gist of it, yeah!” Hunk chuckled at her, and you can dress up as anything you want!“ Hunk pondered on why he didn’t like candy corn. He just found it to be gross, “Not sure why. I’m sure there are people who like it.”
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『      Aiko nodded contemplatively. Human festivities fascinated her. Of course the Alteans had their customs as well, but they did not seem as fun in comparison. “What do you usually dress as?” she asked, quirking her head to the side. Anything seemed far too broad. “Thank you for entertaining all of my questions, Hunk. I just love hearing about all of the customs back on Earth. The pumpkin carving Pidge mentioned sounds so destructive but fun.”          』
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergarten”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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I’ve noticed that many people aren’t totally familiar with the world of Big Hero 6, so I’ve put together this list of things to keep in mind when writing in that setting! I’ll add to this periodically, but feel free to reblog/like for reference!
Based on these images, which show a poster advertising the 95th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, the current year is 2032. The GG was completed in 1937, and the 75th anniversary was celebrated in real life in 2012.
“San Francisco” does not exist in Big Hero 6. It’s San Fransokyo. 
According to the Big Hero 6 art book, San Fransokyo’s backstory is that the Japanese helped rebuild the city after the 1906 earthquake to make it safer in the event of future earthquakes, and the city was named San Fransokyo in their honor.
This means it’s been over 100 years since the city was renamed. People will legitimately be confused if you say “San Francisco” in reference to the city.
Seriously, don’t.
Everything is named San Fransokyo, even things that usually have “San Francisco” in the name. For example, it’s the Port of San Fransokyo, not the Port of San Francisco; City of San Fransokyo Police Department, not City of San Francisco Police Department.
Other notable name changes: 
Fisherman’s Wharf >> Ryoshi Wharf. 
Angel Island >> Akuma Island.
And speaking of Akuma Island, it’s not a state park. It’s the home of the facilities for Krei’s teleportation experiment, and it was quarantined following the experiment’s failure. You cannot visit it by ferry or go on a tour. 
Signs/displays/billboards in San Fransokyo are written in Japanese just as often as English. If your character can’t read/understand both, it’s realistic to assume they’d have some difficulty or feel like they’re out of their element.
Krei Tech Industries is basically the equivalent of Microsoft or Apple. It’s a tech giant; if your character has a computer, it’s likely a Krei Tech model.
There are vending machines everywhere.
There are trolleys/cable cars that run in the middle of the road in some places (the official name is the San Fransokyo Municipal Railway). If it’s anything like San Francisco, those are more of a tourist attraction than a legitimate means of public transportation. Locals will likely use the actual trains (the equivalent of the subway/metro) if they need to get somewhere, not the cable cars.
Here is a list of streets that are canonically in San Fransokyo. 
Anyone that’s been in San Fransokyo for a while will have heard of the Big Heroes. Their true identities have not been revealed to the public, so it’s realistic for your character to be curious about that.
It doesn’t really snow at all in San Fransokyo. It’s in the same geological location as San Francisco, and snow hasn’t accumulated significantly there since 1976. Even then, there was only about an inch on the ground.
Foggy or overcast weather is not entirely uncommon, though. Temperatures (in Fahrenheit) are usually in the 60s and 70s in summer, or the 40s and 50s in winter.
San Fransokyo Institute of Technology (SFIT), the school Hiro and his friends go to, is like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It’s a very competitive school and not just anyone will get accepted. 
If you’re looking for where Hiro is on campus, it’s the Ito Ishioka Robotics Lab.
As illustrated by the botfight scene at the beginning of the movie, there are crime circles and illegal activities taking place in back alleys and the like. Things could end up very badly for a character that gets caught up in that stuff, or that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The major newspaper is the San Fransokyo Tribune. 
As for television news channels, Aunt Cass has the TV in the café tuned to Action 7 News. 
The (American) football team is called the Emperors. 
The basketball team is the Golden State Samurai
I believe the baseball team is the Ninjas, but that’s just my guess based off the banner above Tadashi’s bed.
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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“Wait, you did what?!”
@chemiicalpriincess / ♡‘d canon dialogue
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『       “I may have turned everything in your lab space pink.” There was a sheepish grin on her face. The explosion had been awesome. But now everything in Moa’s space was pink as the chemical had taken much quicker effect than planned.         』
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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I like to think that Gogo actually really loves hugs and emotional intimacy in general, only, just with certain people, making those outside her circle of trust to believe she’s ‘closed off’, when really she’s just particular about who she’s intimate with for example, her Tol Girlfriend :>
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chemiicalpriincess · 7 years
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                        well rebecca, you’ve done it now. you’ve gotten everything you said you wanted. so take a moment, and take a breath, after today, you’ll start fresh, and finally i’ll be…the hero of my own story.
                                                               HOME. GUIDELINES. ABOUT.
do you like musicals? do you like feminist comedies? good. if you follow rebecca bunch from the cw’s crazy ex girlfriend, you’re in for spontaneous musical numbers which are all in her head, feminism galore and probably lots of crying about how underrated crazy ex girlfriend is. 
                                                       independent. semi-selective. written by vicky. 
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