chenchuuu · 2 years
I already got jujusute bd but I can't even understand japanese 😂 thank God I think the dialogue 80-90% just like in the manga.
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chenchuuu · 2 years
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Draco Malfoy
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chenchuuu · 2 years
He is so hot and for whattttt
Aemond’s sapphire eye reveal
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chenchuuu · 2 years
Spy x Family LN Translation: Anya's Nature Class (Part 1)
Please note I translated from a Vietnamese TL (I can't read JP but I can understand Vietnamese l o l) Thank you Thanh & Yanbaka... Source Link
Part 2 >>
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"There's a nature class?"
As the mug of cocoa lands on the table, Yor blinks brightly. Anya takes the mug and cheerily says,
"Next Friday, I get to go camping!"
The little girl whips out the school's flyer as she speaks.
"Hehe, you look very excited, don't you?"
"This is the first time Anya gets to go on an overnight trip for school!"
Initially Yor was happy, but after hearing that Anya would be staying past the school time, she begins to worry.
"You'll be staying out until the next day?"
Yor's surprised expression fades, as she recedes into her thoughts, allowing Anya to peer inside…
Anya Forger is "Test Subject 007" from a secret organization. She has the ability to read minds of those nearby.
"Anya's only 6 years old. This is the first time she'll be far from home. Having to camp on a mountain might be difficult… It might be best if I teach her how to catch and execute prey, and also, how to scare away bears…"
As Yor was thinking, a visual depiction also followed in Anya's mind. First, kill, then butcher deers with a sharp knife close at hand. Anya was scared imagining the specifics of the "tomato festival" (bloodbath), and felt a chill run over her.
Mama's way of camping seems a little off.
Anya's "Mama" is Yor Forger, a beautiful, gentle lady who works at the Town Hall in Berlint, the capital of Ostania. In reality, she is an assassin by the name of "Thorn Princess." Hunting creatures for Yor is a breeze, but for her child…
"Let's see. You'll have to prepare a very sharp knife, and a rope long and thick enough to capture creatures… Once you catch them, you'll have to learn how to tie them up. As for setting traps…"
Yor mutters to herself.
"I see. It's called a nature class, but it's really just a hunting class. In that case…"
Sitting to the left of Anya and enjoying his morning coffee, Papa Loid Forger gently asks:
"Excuse me, Yor, could I see the pamphlet for a moment?"
"Ah, of course."
Loid - a psychiatrist at a Berlint hospital, is a calm and well-spoken man who can always put others at ease. In reality, he is a spy for the West, currently working in the East during the cold war period between the two countries, code name "Twilight."
Loid doesn't know his wife is an assassin, and Yor also doesn't know her husband is a spy. The only one who knows their real identities is little Anya, as she has a superpower. However, the "husband and wife" have no clue she can read others' minds.
And so, they both stepped into a fake marriage agreement. It has to be said, Anya has no real ties with them, either. Loid had lied to Yor that Anya was his child, and that his wife had died.
As you can see, while the Forger family may seem normal on the outside, they're more complicated - they each hide a secret from each other for the sake of "world peace."
"The trip is two days and one night. The kids will be sleeping in tents. But it looks like the tents will have beds, tables, sofas, carpets, lighting, toilets, and even bathrooms…"
Loid speaks as he calmly flips through the pamphlet.
"Oh my, camping nowadays has all these conveniences?"
"Eden Academy never fails to innovate compared to other schools."
Loid smiles looking at Yor, whose eyes are widened in surprise by this "camping" style.
Eden Academy, which Anya is enrolled in, is one of the most prestigious schools in the East. Each student is from a rich family, of which many are important political figures. The forest the children are preparing to camp in is also owned by the school, to protect students from kidnapping attempts. Furthermore, each class has different study times; teachers are devoted to small class sizes; and finally, the nighttime security is impeccable.
"The weather looks favorable, and it'll be a good opportunity for her. These days, educating children goes beyond just classroom lectures, doesn't it?"
"That's true. Then, my heart is at ease."
After hearing Loid explain in detail, Yor let out a sigh of relief. She enters the kitchen with a smile:
"I'll grab some sweets for us to eat!"
Loid's eyes were focused on reading the rest of the pamphlet, and then he turned to Anya.
"… The nature class will have a few group activities like cooking and stargazing, so you should do your best to listen to the teacher, and get along with your friends, okay?"
Anya replied determinedly. Loid seemed pleased with her demeanor.
"Very good! By camping in the wilderness together, it'll help you and your friends move beyond any quarrels and form bonds with each other."
"Remember, you have to try your best to get along with your friends, all right?"
Papa always says that.
Behind the smile and insistence of her father were the calculated plans of a spy, which Anya easily saw through.
Loid was tasked with a mission from the West's intelligence service (WISE), currently called Operation Strix. The point was to monitor the activities of Desmond, one dangerous figure suspected to disrupt the peace between the two countries.
To reach Desmond, who is very cautious and hardly appears in public, Loid has to be able to attend an event at Eden, where the man's sons are studying. To do that, he'll appear as a parent of a bright student. Plan A that Loid pprepared was to adopt Anya, enroll her in Eden, and encourage her to become an "Imperial Scholar." However, Anya's scores suck, so it's hard to persevere with this plan. Due to that, Loid devised a Plan B: let Anya and Desmond's second son, Damian, become close friends, and from there the families will gradually meet. Unfortunately, from the very first day of school, Anya began fighting with Damian. And thus, Plan B is also riddled with problems.
"If Anya can get along with Damian even in the slightest…"
Paired with that thought, Loid imagines a scene where Anya and Damien become close, the two of them smiling brightly at each other with strong camaraderie.
"Papa, just leave it to me."
"Anya will try her best."
"Ah, wonderful. Do your best, okay?"
The peace between the East and West depends on you.
Carrying the weight of Loid's tasks and his belief in the "Best Friends" mission on her shoulders, Anya merrily sipped her beloved cocoa and cookies that Yor brought out.
The details of Anya's "Best Friends" mission is as follows:
-> Start talking with Sy-on boy.
-> "Anya, you are the coolest person ever. Be my friend."
-> Come visit his house and play together.
-> Papa goes with Anya.
-> Papa meets the final boss.
-> "Welcome to my family, Forger-san." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Desmond-san."
-> World peace.
"I'm genius!" - Anya while drinking cocoa, smiles proudly as she thinks of her plan.
Meanwhile, Bond, a dog adopted by the Forgers, sneaks closer to get a whiff of Anya's cocoa.
*sniff sniff*
"No, Bond, you can't have cocoa. It's very toxic for dogs."
Loid scolds his dog.
"I'll get some milk for you."
Loid was about to stand up from his chair, but Yor quickly got up.
"Ah, Loid, allow me…"
"No, allow me, Yor - just sit down and relax."
"Ah no, Loid, let me get it. You've been incredibly busy."
(Playing the roles of) a husband and wife who care deeply about each other, they both head toward the kitchen and vie for the privilege of grabbing the milk.
Papa, Mama, and even Bond…
Anya, who escaped from the organization, entered an orphanage, and was adopted and returned many times, ultimately was able to find a special place in her life.
If there is world peace, Loid, Yor, and Bond - they can all live a quiet and peaceful life together.
I really want to stay with them forever and ever.
While her parents are in the kitchen to get a drink for Bond, Anya places her tiny hand on her chest, quietly with resolve.
"Anya will do her best!"
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chenchuuu · 2 years
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chenchuuu · 2 years
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chenchuuu · 2 years
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Six Eyes
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chenchuuu · 4 years
Qihun Hikaru no Go Easter Eggs!
Qihun’s screenwriter 卓越泡沫 revealed some Easter eggs on his Weibo about about the show! View original post here 
Keep reading
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chenchuuu · 4 years
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Hikaru No Go | support
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chenchuuu · 4 years
Tag urself, Chuying is me XD
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Hikaru No Go
I just don’t want to owe him a favor.
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chenchuuu · 4 years
They shipped their own characters I am so done with them, they knew... XD
Hu Xianxu (Shi Guang): The two looked at each other for long while, MUA Hao Fushen (Yu Liang): MUA Hu Xianxu: Hahahahaha On screen text: When Yu Liang plays a bgm *wedding music* Hao Fushen: Dedicated music for Chinese festivities Hu Xianxu: Are you desperate to marry me? From the first time you meet me? Hao Fushen: Oh oh oh shhhhhh *hits him lightly* On screen text: Little embarrassing to say out loud
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chenchuuu · 4 years
This is just me or this scene alone gayer than both the manga and anime XD
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How did I end up here.
How did a random YouTube browsing session lead me to getting invested in Hikaru no Go.
I mean...yeah, it’s cute; yeah, it’s fun; yeah, I like the characters so far; yeah, I was shook seeing Ji Li in the show (Nie Huaisang is that you!?); yeah, I have some nostalgia with the original manga; yeah, I think go is intriguing and I looked into it a bit when writing a fanfic referencing xiangqi (Chinese chess) and weiqi (go) and exploring how they came from China; and yeah, this moment is pretty gay and made me squeal, but still... 😆
(Okay so maybe “我心里想的都是你” doesn’t carry the same homoeroticism in its native Chinese as it does in English since they translated it as “I always thought of you”—which is still pretty romantic but not as romantic—my Chinese isn’t good enough and I lack that native experience to say for sure. But it literally meaning “[Inside] my heart thought only of you” has me feeling some way. Also him saying “I’ve always been waiting for you” and that earlier scene where he wrote his number on Shi Guang’s hand!? IT’S CUTE OKAY 🥺)
I have a thesis and other projects to work on but all I want to do is binge Hikaru no Go HKGSJJFDHHF. HELP. THERE’S 36 EPISODES. IT’S 2:00 AM. AND YET I’M THINKING ABOUT THIS NOW...
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chenchuuu · 4 years
look at him seems preparing the go board right next to him for shi guang, even clean it as well XD lmao
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“Are we expecting another new member?”
“He should be joining soon.”
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chenchuuu · 4 years
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棋魂 Ep 36 | Yu Liang and Shi Guang proving to their senior just how much rapport/chemistry they have with each other 
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chenchuuu · 4 years
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chenchuuu · 4 years
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“Thank you for the past nine years.” 
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chenchuuu · 4 years
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Shi Guang rooming with his childhood friend + rival Yu Liang 
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