cherrylite17 · 7 months
23.5 ep1 (spoilers but not really)
GMMtv is here to save the day once again!!! kinda,,,
I mean, in relation to my last post... I really haven't watched many shows (BL or not) since I made that post since I'm finding that they're having trouble keeping my attention.
but here we are!!! I.... can't say I love the show (I mean, one episode means nothing) but I really really really like it... to be completely transparent, there is a part of it that feels... off to me? Maybe its because I'm getting old (im not that old but im like... graduating university) but the highschool storyline just feels so.... idk... not for me? like i want to see more university age characters? But yay for teen romance!
Anyway, another thing that felt... off? was the pacing... kind of. It was weird. like, I know it is the first episode but so many parts of the episode felt like i was missing some information from previous episodes? if that makes any sense?
anyway, real notes on the show
i am a big fan of Aylin, i think her character is so silly goofy!
i am not a big fan of the fact that ongsa did not correct sun on the fact that she is a girl (on the ig chats) because it's just foreshadowing for a cliche that i dont really like (silly goofy misunderstanding that could be solved before it even happens but leads to them breaking up)
ONGSA IS ME! LITERALLY ME! SHE REACTED THE SAME WAY I DID WHEN THE PERSON I LIKED MESSAGED ME BACK! we are the same (i think everyone is the same though lets be honest)
i am... not sure how i feel about gemfourth not being in the show anymore, I think I am happy because i feel like if they were in the show it would end up focusing on the more than milklove and i need to see more women!!!!
anyways, thats all until episode 2 where i will hopefully have actual formatted thoughts :3
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cherrylite17 · 10 months
2023 - A year of "meh" BLs
Honestly, I think that my title says it all.
Maybe I am alone in this but i really think that 2023 was a really meh year in terms of BLs.... I looked back at my MDL watchlist and I only have 10 shows/movies that i watched that aired this year. (That's compared to my 20+ that aired last year, most of which I watched last year...) Looking back, the only show(s) i remember well is only friends... (I would add moonlight chicken but I genuinely do not remember much about it aside from the gemFourth arc, also im not gonna talk about msp because technically that aired last year :P)
Maybe I'm alone in this but i really feel like most shows this year just weren't hitting as hard as they usually do? (i mean, i looked at my dropped list and there are 5 BLs there that aired this year, so even if i didn't drop them I'd still have watched less than last year).
It sucks because i really did want to finish hidden agenda, dangerous romance, and a boss and a babe but i literally could not bring myself to finish them... I got so close to the end for all of them tooo.... it just felt like,,,,, all of these shows could have been ended in 8 episodes.
which brings me to my next point, i wish that BL production companies (i'm looking at you specifically gmmtv) wouldn't be so scared of making shows shorter than 12 episodes... like sometimes we don't need all that... Like i know that they (probably) have a formula but its actually starting to get on my nerves a little bit (a lot). Like why should i watch a show (*cough* gmmtv bl *cough*) all the way through when i know that every time i can accurately predict the last three episodes with a 95% accuracy
(someone looks at someone else (holds hands, hugs, calls on the phone, straight up just looks), they get mad at each other because "we've been dating for 5 minutes and you told me that you've loved me for the past semester but now that we are together you are 100% cheating on me and NO i will NOT listen to an explanation because i dont want to be wrong" (which, maybe i'm in the wrong for thinking this is silly, i've never actually been in a relationship :P, but even then, im not necessarily saying its silly, just that this is always what happens), they break up, they dont talk, they get back together (unsatisfyingly because...), they are still not able to communicate)
Maybe its just a slow year? anyone else noticing this?
I really wanted to post more opinions on shows i was watching (i like spilling my mind out somewhere) but like, the only one i had thoughts on was moonlight chicken and a few story lines from our skyy 2...
Anyways, heres to hoping that 23.5 is actually good when it comes out 💀 (and vampire project! but tbh honest to be honest i dont have high hopes for it after that trailer/pilot :( which sucks cuz i love boun and prem)
(AND YES, i know the year is not over, i mean, we got msp in december last year so who knows)
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
My School President 12 (SPOILERS)
this account is now a Tinn’s Mom FAN PAGE.
any and every bad thing i have said about her i take back. 
she really redeemed herself this episode. like not only did she not push tinn to tell her that him and gun are together when she could see that he was scared but she also just kinda girlbossed this whole episode. 
like imagine a student punches you (surprised at who it was that threw the punch*) and instead of the student getting in trouble the principal gets mad at you. What a queen honestly. she went off. “my son can like whoever he wants”???? damn right he can!!!
also when the whole gym was silent after gun and tinn basically said they were together and she was just like “why are you guys silent???” 
anyways this episode was so cute and i’m so happy with how this show ended (condolences to pat having to be around all those couples)
*im surprised because the whole episode leading up to the punch jorn kept talking about how upset he was that he joined the council and for what?? to help tinn get gun?? i was certain that he would witness the punch and then tell the principal what actually happened because i knew he’d turn around but i did not expect him to be the one to throw that punch 
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
My School President 11 (spoilers)
FIRST OF ALL, Chinzhilla losing was pretty predictable ngl. I did kinda hate how they dragged out the loss over two episodes (expected) but then also made them winning just a dream... like the actual loss didnt feel as satisfyingly sad (for me) anymore. Like at that point i was like... over it..... 8|
the hike up the mountain to go back to the shrine they made their wishes at... devastating, crying, sobbing, shaking, screaming 
win looking gun dead in the eyes and saying “its all your fault”.
also who the fuck brought my poor boy yo into the argument. MAN WAS JUST FUCKING STANDING THERE AND THEN SOMEONE WAS LIKE “actually it was Yo’s fault”... like?????????!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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(and then we have fucking uhhhh tinns mom being all up in his business going to guns moms store to ask gun about tinn like damn lady maybe dont go through your sons phone ????/ idk (though tbf it wasnt her fault that he has gun saved with a <3))
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us episode 12
posting this earlier than i normally do so some minor spoilers ahead i suppose :)
honestly, I didn’t write much down as I wanted to actually watch this episode without pausing (another reason for me posting this today so i don’t forget my thoughts (of which i have few))
I am so happy that Team got to talk to his aunt. That conversation was much needed. I mean, last time they saw eachother, she didn't say much to him which really just lead him to believe that she still was mad with him. I can't believe they had me nearly crying like 5 minutes in because of it as well :3
all the couples got a happy ending! though i will admit there were things that didn't happen in this episode that i wish they did (like team telling his parents that they were together even though they already knew because listen i love me a good emotional coming out to parents scene so i can live vicariously through that and pretend their parents comforting them are my parents accepting me as well even though i'd never come out to my parents)
like literally, all the couples got a happy ending. i dont just mean with eachother but like, manow got a role, prince's manager was more accepting, waan and tul... waan and tul... waan and tul... :3 they are all happy.
not a note on the show or the episode but the OST. around the 42-ish minute mark, when they were on the beach, there was piano playing in the background. and my mind, like so quickly, was like "holy shit, this is luckiest boy. i know that song when i hear it i love this song i cant believe they're using it here omgomgomgomg" but still i was like ehhh maybe i just like the song so much that im projecting and its not actually luckiest boy and they just had piano and then... it was luckiest boy (actually sobbing i love that song)
final note: i initially didn't understand why Team was like "hey win im gonna challenge you to swimming".. i was like.,,,, really?? all this for that??? and then i realized holy shit this is fucking so emotional. Last time Team challenged someone he loved to swimming competition, that person died... like literally they died. this part (him challenging win) while at first kinda confusing, is i think among the most emotional parts of the show. like this is where all the growth leads. he finally forgave himself, he finally trusts himself and the person he loves. like he is idk it just hit a little different once i realized that it was meant to be symbolic of all this growth
but yeah... Between us is finally over. any final thoughts? no absolutely not. As much as i loved the show i do feel that the rewatch value is kinda low (though tbf i did just finish it so of course im not going to want to rewatch it)
not that anyone really cares but i dont think there will be a series for a while where i am posting my thoughts as i watch it (though i may occasionally comment on my school president or never let me go as i watch them and other shows i already watched if i decide to rewatch or completely non-bl related shows (i still havent watched the last episode of show me the money 11 and i already know im going to have too many thoughts on that )) but for now, thats been me and my thoughts >:) thanks to all who read them lol
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
between us episode 11
i cant believe they ruined it ;-; (not actually)
me when team handed win the guitar: 8|
me when win started playing it and singing: 
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we have gone so far without singing or instrument playing why in the second last episode whyyyyy. like i wanted their issues resolved early in the episode but damn i never even imagined that it would be resolved by win singing a song. AND THEN TEAM DID THE SAME THING??? LIKE THEY HAD SUCH A MOMENT, TEARS, SOBBING, SAYING THAT YOU WISH YOU KNEW MORE ABOUT THE PERSON YOU LOVE AND YOU FEEL BAD THAT YOU DONT AND YOU FEEL BAD THAT THEY GIVE UP WHO THEY ARE TO HELP YOU AND THEN YOU SING A MF SONG WHYYYYY
lemme just clarify, i think that some shows can do music, and can do it well honestly it just.... even though team played his guitar for win in the novel, it just doesn't fit in here not when we are 11 episodes in, no guitar has been played, and yall are emotional af rn..,, like this is NOT THE TIME MY FRIENDS
anywayssssss bee really just yelled at prince’s manager like that... he ate and left no (0) crumbs go bee!! wahoo!!!
also the whole waan thing... i dont even wanna think about it. like i understand him being mad at tul but that mad??? my guy wtf??? like you’re the one who told him all your secrets he never forced you to say anything.... also listen, waan can do whatever he wants to do but i hate how easy he was to forgive his father like you know that he would not have apologized to waan if he didn't end up in the hospital
anyways i can’t believe the show is almost over... after waiting years (literal) for this .... sigh 
manow deserves the world im so happy that she gets her happy ending 
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 10
oops, so yeah, maybe ep 11 is coming out in 3 days... maybe i don’t care though and im posing my ep 10 thoughts now. and boy did i have too many... way too many in fact, that i think i am going to forego some of it for space sake.
teams parents knew win when they were on the phone with him??? they were like?? hold on a minute??? ur that guy right?? so cute :) Also, team's mother (i think it was, i dont remember if it was his father or mother but whatever) knowing that team likes win :3 the way she said.... yall mfs see this?? our son does NOT let people touch his car... this is love
win saying "shouldn't you sleep? don't you have class early tomorrow?" like that hit me because the day after i was watching it i had an 8:30 am class and i definitely went to sleep far too late :/
here is where the too many thoughts come in... I know it is episode 10 and people are frustrated about them not being "official" yet but honestly... Hearing team agree with pharm when he said "you already love him right?" was so cute lolol. but anyways, back to the official part.
I feel like both win and team have such complex trauma surrounding love that this show could end with them never being "official" and i would still be happy with that ending. As someone who also has a complex relationship with love/being loved (albeit i don't have traumas surrounding love) i feel like far too many people are treating this relationship as too black or white. It isn't and shouldn't be. Like, they are working through such complex emotions. It has taken 10 episodes for them to even accept they have feelings for eachother... real feelings. And now, we saw how ep 10 ended, Team will be pushed right back to the beginning. Like, Win loves Team, we know that he does. He knows that he does. But he still has trouble saying it out loud. Now, Team is going to think about how Win probably doesn't love him (though, based on the preview for the next episode, i'm sure this conflict will be resolved quite quick). I really don't know if i see a confession in the next episode. like it just feels like if it does happen next episode, then it will be rushed (within the confines of the context of this episode) and then what? that leaves one episode? Like honestly,,,, HONESTLY i would not be surprised if this series does not end with them being "official". anyways the last little bit probably didnt make sense... thats where most of my thoughts were but i didnt know how to put it all together. :)
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 8
wah these episodes are being released so timely. This week was christmasy and the preview for next weekend seemed to be new years related... speaking of the preview i am not excited to see team cry but whatever i guess... thoughts on ep8 lolol
we got it. we got the scene. the namesake of the show... the hemp rope scene. Not gonna lie, twas quite cute hehe.
IDK if its just becasue i have no experience in relationships (even though i'm pretty sure i'm the same age as win ;-;) but how on gods green earth do you hear someone say they usually tutor people for free but for you they want to just kiss your forehead and yet you're still going to sit there talking about how you dont think he likes you and he doesn't treat you any different??? like what?? i could understand if they were like,,, friendly to eachother and nothing much else and he was not sure but they literally spend every single day AND night with eachother like??? wdym he doesnt treat you any different than anyone else... but whatever
i, as usual, am enjoying the side couples but im starting to get to the point where i just want more winteam. don't get me wrong, i dont want less side couples, just more winteam
as i have mentioned before, i almost always absolutely despise the sound effects in these shows but i am a sucker for that blinking sound effect that played when win opened the door as team was about to leave (near the end of the episode) and i was not expecting that at all lol
finally, one point that i have seen a lot of people bring up that i must agree with, the past few episodes have been fairly "the same". Like obviously, each episode has had a different "main theme" (trauma, confessions but not really, coming to terms with the fact that you love someone) but the overall bulk of each episode is just wake up, go to school, talk in win and/or teams room, sleep, repeat... which sucks a little bit but to be fair... what else can they really do in a show that shows itself as a university life show? its not like uwma where they both literally died and i feel like a lot of the winteam conflict revolves around things that occur at the school so idk
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 6&7
hello :) not that anyone was wondering but i’ve been super busy with school (semester is ending so ive been studying for exams lol) so i put off watching ep 6 and 7 to study... Honestly i wasn’t supposed to watch them at all today either but i gave in lol 
anyways my thoughts plus some minor spoilers ahead as per usual lol
i was vibing watching episode 6 and ya know,,, having a good old time when all of a sudden... hold on?? i recognize that voice??? is that??? boy sompob??? and yes, yes it was. they got him on the ost wahoo!!! now, either he has been on the ost and i just keep missing it or this is the first time they used his song so far? either way, i love him and i am happy they got him singing again for this series
something i remembered from the novel, which i was hoping they would explain more or completely skip over it in the show (they didnt) was why in the FUCK do students have such easy access to the CCTV footage... like how the hell was dean just able to “delete the footage“ without having to do some like major convincing to a staff member?? even then why the hell would they let him delete the footage without looking into it or reporting it like????
the actual audible gasp that came out of me when bee leaned into prince after the swim meet tryout thing. like i never have audible reactions when im watching shows but that straight up caught me off guard 
also waan putting 2 and 2 together and being like “wait a minute why do i recognize your voice” (finally) to tul. and then tul has the audacity to speak in a lower voice LOL.. like on one hand, i fully understand not recognizing someone’s voice if thats all you hear online and then you (without knowing it is them) meet them in person. but i was really expecting him to know right away and just not mention it (it is a show after all, i was expecting some drama lol)... but nope, seems like he was oblivious 
finally, the speech win gave to team about the homophobes.... listen i say this as a queer person, win should have 100% let team punch them... saying to “ignore it” or “who cares, they dont value us”.. feels so??? idk like on one hand, i would never wanna get into a situation with a debate lord homophobe but like, completely ignoring it?? or being like “well dean knows but he doesnt care so neither do i and neither should you” like???? i know damn well that if i hear someone talking homophobic rhetoric about one of my friends i would care about that (and i would hope that if a friend heard someone talking that kinda stuff about me they would care too) like i understand not putting yourself in an unsafe situation and i also understand that the speech was directly from the novel but please give the gays a win, let team punch the homophobes !!!!!
anyways thats all
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 4
im just gonna dive into it because this time i actually have smth potentially insightful lol
1. I know that Team getting those drinks in his locker is one big ad and i shouldnt read too much into it buuuuuutttttt,,,, from what little i know about flowers, i am pretty sure that the flower on the package of the drink is a chamomile flower. and nowwww from what little i know about different teas, chamomile actually helps you sleep. So I’d like to think that the choice of flavour was intentional as we are assuming that Win gave him the drink and we know that Win knows that Team has trouble sleeping (we also know, if you watch the actual ad portion, that there is a second flavour at least so,,,) Is it actually intentional, probably not, but still if it was I think its a nice touch. <3
2. I thought i’d hate abc+prince but im actually liking that group right now. I think theyre at a good level of not too many scenes but not too little. :)
3. The motorcycle the motorcycle the motorcycle. I am convinced that Win asking Team to trust him was more symbolic than just “trust me to drive this bike safe” Also, when Tul heard Team talking about being on the bike and he just looked at Win like “??? i thought no one gets to ride the bike???” AND THEN WIN TOLD TEAM THAT NO ONE ELSE GETS TO RIDE THE BIKE
4. the convo between Team and Pharm was so cute.... Pharm knows you like Win man theres no more hiding it ajdahdagdhjadghj I’m happy that there was no angst like the episode preview made me think there would be and instead it was just them both realizing “Fuck i think i love him” :3
(just a side: the side story was adorable “id give them cold water”, gets given a drink which win calls cold water, doesn’t realize it right away heheheheheh hes so cute (both of them))
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep3
ep 3, head empty, no thoughts :)
So first off, Team skipping class because he was scared to be confronted by Win is literally the most relatable thing ever. Especially when Team later said “He’s not my father, nor my mother, why should I be afraid of him”. Like Team dearest, the audience can see right through that. 
Also, I really liked that this episode seemed to (at least in the beginning half) slow down the story. We we’re given the chance to actually explore characters and their stories rather than a bunch of information being thrown at you left and right. I enjoyed that because I would much rather have a bunch of slower episodes spread through the show over a bunch of slow episodes at the end.
Even though the novel progressed quite fast, I wasn’t looking forward to watching them pad out the show to twelve episodes, so I think I am not alone in saying that I would rather have a bunch of slower episodes evenly spread. 
Also, ABC gang being scared of Win and dropping Team TWICE might have actually been the funniest thing to come out of this show thus far. I actually liked how it played out lol. Also, there was only like ONE sound effect!!! This is proof that BLs can do funny things without sound effects!! (And then they turned around and played like a million sound effects through the rest of the episode *sigh*) 
Anyways, no deep thoughts this time around lol (But aside, now that I have seen people mention Wins roots I cant help but notice it in every scene lol. Also, whoever decided that Win needs to have his hair tied back is criminal, Boun looks SO DAMN FINE with his hair down)
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us episode 2
WAHAHAH wahwahw hhhhhhhh
Okay so basically, within the first 10 minutes I liked this episode a bit more than episode 1. (Not to say that either of these episodes have blown me out of the water yet but was still good) Something I noticed about the show, at least right now, is that it is very “turn your brain off and just watch it”, as were most shows back in 2019, which I kinda like, especially coming out of the eclipse and kp, I don’t think I can do another show right now that requires me to think. But yes, my shallow thoughts, here we come!
1. I LOVE MANOW. Her character so far is so funny, and its nice to see her on screen and not just be an advert for makeup (I swear in uwma i had to skip so many manow scenes because they were basically ads for makeup which was so boring) BUT SHES ACTUALLY A PERSON NOW!! She actually seems like such a funny character so far! I do feel bad for her though for not getting cast as a character in the play... It was nice also to see Pruek remember these details about their previous conversations! Also, when Manow + team and pharm were sitting at the table and team mentioned that he knew that she talked to pruek and instead of being like “...omg no what do you mean” she straight up just blurted out everything that happened... Its nice to see her be happy about things :))))))  
2. TEAM did NOT put up a fight at ALL when win was trying to get into his room. It was actually kinda pathetic how little he was trying to push him out. (I know that he is probably doing that on purpose because he likes him) But then win asked why team was so caught up over the fact that he just showed up at his apartment??? Im not gonna lie, no matter how much i like someone, if they just show up at my house, especially when they shouldnt technically know where i live, i would be pretty off put as well. But whatever lol... the fact that team kept calling win hia win and also the smile after win left was enough for me to know that he’s already past the point of just “curiosity”. At least in my opinion I think its possible that team has a little crush already on win :3 
Also this is something I didn’t bring up last time because it is an actual interpretation of something that is happening and also I wasn’t sure how close to the book that the show was going to follow but after seeing episode 2, I’m pretty confident in bringing this point up
3. As @respectthepetty has said, win is blue, team is red... Notice something that team has that is blue, (besides literally everything)?
His tie. (yeah its blue, it looks navy to me though i guess it could look also kinda black?)
In the novel, no matter how many times manow and pharm help team, he can’t tie his tie for the life of him. It’s once he starts to trust win more, and win helps him tie it that he struggles with it less. You could see in the show already that he nearly forgot it (in the first episode i think) and in this episode it wasn’t tied properly once. I’m not one for making predictions because i hate being wrong but something is telling me that we are going to see teams tie being tied properly in a few episodes time when they begin to trust each other more and have a deeper emotional relationship.
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
between us ep1 takes :)
hey tumblr lol... its been a long time since i have used this website and will be my first time actually making a post so you must forgive me if it is bad :)
Let’s talk “between us”
First things first, between us has a lot to live up to. I almost feel bad for studio wabisabi on this one. They released between us 3(?) years after uwma so many people (myself included) have been waiting a long time. Plus, between uwma and now, shows like not me, bad buddy, the eclipse, and many other insanely good shows have been released. This isn’t 2019 anymore and standards are way higher now than ever before.
When the episode started, I was immediately launched back to 2019, maybe it was the editing choices or something else but the episode felt like it belonged in 2019. That’s not to say it was bad, in fact i thought it was ok, it just definitely is keeping touch with the choices made in 2019 BLs.
but anyways, my brain is super empty so i can offer no deep interpretations or good takes so here is some thoughts i had.
1. People were saying there was too much focus on deanPharm. I disagree, while there was a good amount of them I think that the relationships between dean/win and pharm/team are too important in the beginning story for them to not include a fair amount of scenes with them. Though i do hope that the deanpharm scenes stays to a minimum going forward since we already saw their story.
2. I saw someone else saying that the consent scene was too long?? Like?? be fr friend, the consent scene was not too long. Win asked very important questions (though not directly) like if he was drunk and single and if he knew who he was with and what was going to happen (though he should have asked how old team was too 😭)
3. i feel bad for team for stepping on a shell(?? or however he cut his foot) even sun anyone??
anyways, i’m pretty excited for the show (especially diving into the complexities of win and team) because even if it isn’t all that good i can just pretend it's 2019 and it will automatically be 10x better (god the standards for shows then was so much lower for me)
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