#between us ep 7
liyazaki · 2 years
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are you afraid? not at all.
BETWEEN US | EP. 7 [2022-2023]
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thebroccolination · 2 years
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New Kink Level Unlocked: Exhibitionism 2.0
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neo-neos · 2 years
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Consent king even when extremely horny in public bathroom
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27vampyresinhermind · 2 years
Damn it!!!! So is the Kanchanaburi trip the turning point for all the relationships? That’s when Dean and Pharm level up. Is that when Win and Team are finally gonna admit their feelings to each other instead of just everyone around them!?!?!? At this point, the alphabet gang knows more about Team’s feelings for Win than Win does and he asked him point blank!
Also, Win used the alphabet gang’s government names lmao!!! He’s like ‘I’ll call you whatever I want and you need to fucking answer’ and those three are just like ‘yes sir’. They learn pretty quick there’s certain things only Team can get away with.
Shit Team’s gonna meet the parents and Win’s introduction just adds to Team’s insecurities about their relationship. Win, if you leave it up to him to define the relationship, you’ll be married with a child and Team is still gonna be like “does he really like me? I bet he marries everyone to make them feel better. I’m not his special husband or anything.” Bitch you better fucking CLAIM him for the world and him to see so there’s no more questioning!!!!!!! Team is adorable but we’ve long established that the boy is no genius. You gotta spell it out for him, and then prolly spell it again because he’s not good at spelling.
Team instantly going into fight mode with those homophobes had me squealing. Like, he’s so protective of Pharm and knows that it would hurt Pharm’s feelings so he was ready to throw down. He won’t fight for himself but if it’s for people he cares about, he will cut a bitch.
Manaow, you’re doing great sweetie! Pruek is there for you cheering for you every step of the way! Damn, only straight dude in the series and girl got him eating out of the palm of her hand and she doesn’t even realize it!!! They’re so cute!!!
Bee was gonna throw hands at that Tum dude! So can we assume that the show Prince is in is a BL? So Prince is gonna be expected to do fanservice with his costar when the show airs? Their story is so cute, I just want the smol beans to be happy.
Waan is trying to piece things together and Tul is over there just stealing his puzzle pieces to keep him from seeing the whole picture! Bro! I know he said he didn’t want to meet in real life but that ship has so obviously sailed off the edge of the horizon you can’t see it anymore. There’s a fight that’s gonna happen when that all comes to light but I feel like it’s gonna end with a kiss because Tul just seems like the kind of dude to make out in the middle of an argument. He gives off those vibes.
Wiew is a literal ray of sunshine and he is collecting big brothers like Pokémon! Team, you have two owners now. I don’t make the rules. Win, if you fuck this up and make Wiew lose his new big brother, you’ll suffer the wrath of the sunshine child. And considering he has no fear running up the death stairs in fucking slippers, you should be scared!
Yet another NC scene we’ve been robbed of!!! And a bar bathroom NC scene at that!!! Not fair!!!!!!!
Whoa….I didn’t think I was gonna ramble this much about the ep. This kind of just became a stream of consciousness post about the ep. Sorry not sorry!
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hanyoongs · 2 years
Also we need to talk about how absolutely batshit scared Win is to openly feel and show and talk about his feelings like... When ABC-gang were talking about admitting your feelings to the person you love, and Win had a very very clear realization that this might be something he should do, his first instinct was to... Fuck in the bathroom? At the bar... God... At the bar
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Between Us episode 7 Spoiler
Stuck between "Thats how you end an episode" and "How dare you end an episode like that"
Content rights reserved to Studio Wabi Sabi, iQIYI, and lazysheep
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woper123 · 2 years
My man waan felt betrayed by his own brother for leaving him with tul
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live-from-flaturn · 2 years
Between Us Episode 7 has me fucked up (in a good way).
this episode was so fucking tightly scripted, I cannot even begin to unload my joy... and I have a Master’s in English Literary Analysis. So here is a bulleted list of things that made me scream:
Win fucking sprinting to wake Team up and comfort him in the dorm hallway, zero regard for his image. 
The reassurance Team offers Win about feeling safe when they’re together. 
WinTeam taking care of each other (”go shower”/”go to sleep”) because this is an equal playing field, baybee
good gods the number of forehead kisses
Team, Pharm, and Wiew bonding montage
Bee and Prince being fucking adorable as per usual (and Bee’s first instinct being to fight the shitty manager, not blow Prince off/ignore him)
Like... They really went there. They stared into the camera and said “Hey fucknuts, have you considered how unhealthy this kind of shit is for your cast?” ugh I am so giddy. 
WINTEAM HOMOPHOBIA DISCUSSION and Win asking if Team would be able to handle that kind of talk if they started dating
Bee and Prince’s largest hurdle being used to put things into perspective for WinTeam
Win, King of Consent in the Gay Bar Bathroom
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I can't be the only one to be OBSESSED about the episode 7 preview..!!!
No, I can't be.
I refuse to admit.
Win said it's upto him. Him as in Team.
Waan's maybe onto Tul.
This is what I get for skipping UWMA and diving into this series with sooooooo little knowledge on things.
Do I like it? No.
But, do I deserve it? Probably
Will this impact on my ability to restrain myself from watching this series and preparing for my finals? Absolutely
My self restraint is in gutter. Bye.
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nappingislife · 2 years
win went down on team in that bathroom cubicle and i will not be convinced otherwise.
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liyazaki · 2 years
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I'll always be there for you.
BETWEEN US | EP. 7 [2022-2023]
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thebroccolination · 2 years
Wonder if you can give your thoughts?! Loved ep 7, but the last scene confused me a little. YES, love that we had that in the bathroom but also why did Win do that? Especially After comments of affirmations and CLEAR communication, he decides to use actions instead? Is it Because he has decided Team is the one that has to decide who/what they are? Did he think Team was running away? And this is the only way Win thinks he can make Team stay?
What do you think it was for? I have probably missed something incredibly obvious so please enlighten me 😅
Greetings, Anon!
I think the conversation at the table put Win on his back foot, so to speak, because I don't think he has the answers yet, and I think he's frustrated with himself and the situation he's in.
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He's kind of disassociating a bit there.
What I love about this episode is that they're definitely making progress, but in a very oblique way that skirts saying anything definite about what they are to each other. They have opportunity after opportunity, but they keep talking around it.
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Team lies about being fine, and Win doesn't believe him.
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The kiss on the forehead is so tender, but he won't say he loves him and worries about him. All he can do is apologize.
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Then Win directly asks Team if he cares for him, and Team confirms that he does, but he's not, y'know, totally enthusiastic about or comfortable with admitting to it yet.
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And when Win asks if Team's afraid of homophobic reactions to the two of them, Team says he's not afraid of anything as long as he's with Win. But Win doesn't say they're dating, Team doesn't say it either. He's genuinely concerned about Dean and Pharm, but Win knows he's worried about himself and Win, too.
They're not clueless thanks to their whole conversation about this the night before Team nearly drowned, but I think the trauma of Team nearly dying has Win struggling to regain the footing he had before. Hence why he has three flashbacks in the shower.
So they've moved forward, but there are still areas where they're both hesitant. Win knows he's committed at this point, but he also knows he's further along than Team. He wants Team to meet him halfway. He won't chase him or force him.
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[Unless it's to the dunking booth.]
So my raw take on it right now is that Win seems to be reacting instead of organically acting on his own. I don't think he would have started anything in the bathroom if Air Conditioner hadn't been quite so enthusiastic about berating Bee. They unknowingly hit their every sore spot because the narrative is delightfully cruel.
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I think Win just wanted to feel like he was in control again, and sex is a comfort zone of sorts for both of them. I think Team was game for it because Win is gorgeous, sex is simple and distracting, and they don't have to solve any challenging, abstract emotional quandaries if they're making out and panting into each other's mouths.
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One kiss and the conversation that made both of them so uncomfortable is left behind.
Everything in this series is so GOOD. \o/
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neo-neos · 2 years
Win is tired of Tul teasing him about being in love
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So he's setting him up with his brother
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 6&7
hello :) not that anyone was wondering but i’ve been super busy with school (semester is ending so ive been studying for exams lol) so i put off watching ep 6 and 7 to study... Honestly i wasn’t supposed to watch them at all today either but i gave in lol 
anyways my thoughts plus some minor spoilers ahead as per usual lol
i was vibing watching episode 6 and ya know,,, having a good old time when all of a sudden... hold on?? i recognize that voice??? is that??? boy sompob??? and yes, yes it was. they got him on the ost wahoo!!! now, either he has been on the ost and i just keep missing it or this is the first time they used his song so far? either way, i love him and i am happy they got him singing again for this series
something i remembered from the novel, which i was hoping they would explain more or completely skip over it in the show (they didnt) was why in the FUCK do students have such easy access to the CCTV footage... like how the hell was dean just able to “delete the footage“ without having to do some like major convincing to a staff member?? even then why the hell would they let him delete the footage without looking into it or reporting it like????
the actual audible gasp that came out of me when bee leaned into prince after the swim meet tryout thing. like i never have audible reactions when im watching shows but that straight up caught me off guard 
also waan putting 2 and 2 together and being like “wait a minute why do i recognize your voice” (finally) to tul. and then tul has the audacity to speak in a lower voice LOL.. like on one hand, i fully understand not recognizing someone’s voice if thats all you hear online and then you (without knowing it is them) meet them in person. but i was really expecting him to know right away and just not mention it (it is a show after all, i was expecting some drama lol)... but nope, seems like he was oblivious 
finally, the speech win gave to team about the homophobes.... listen i say this as a queer person, win should have 100% let team punch them... saying to “ignore it” or “who cares, they dont value us”.. feels so??? idk like on one hand, i would never wanna get into a situation with a debate lord homophobe but like, completely ignoring it?? or being like “well dean knows but he doesnt care so neither do i and neither should you” like???? i know damn well that if i hear someone talking homophobic rhetoric about one of my friends i would care about that (and i would hope that if a friend heard someone talking that kinda stuff about me they would care too) like i understand not putting yourself in an unsafe situation and i also understand that the speech was directly from the novel but please give the gays a win, let team punch the homophobes !!!!!
anyways thats all
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hanyoongs · 2 years
So many................. So many THOUGHTS. First and foremost......... AT THE BAR?!??!??! Oh my god..... At the fucking bar....... The scream I let out. Besides that I am a sucker for all the hints and little signs that were dropped this episode about Win and Team’s relationship possibly taking it a step further??? The utter hesitance and uncertainty in their eyes. But at the bar...... Really at the bar I’m afraid.....
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"In Lust" Win will be the death of me
Just.. look at his stare.
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Forever stan Our Consent King
Content Rights reserved to Studio Wabi Sabi, iQIYI, and lazysheep
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