“I guess I’m a pretty good person, or I at least try to be,” he tried to treat people the best way he could, tried to treat them with respect and kindness, unless they gave him a reason not to. There were some pretty bad people in the world, and he wouldn’t just let them treat him or someone else, in a bad way. Being kind doesn’t equate to being a pushover, “I have gotten into a few fights, not everyone enjoys when you step in when they’re treating someone badly,” he got beaten up in a few of those fights, but he didn’t regret it, “Oh, really? So you’re saying you would be up for hanging out when I’m not needing assistance?”
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“That’s all we can really do, you know? As long as you’re trying, I don’t see why anyone can really fault you.” It was interesting, the deepness of the conversation that they were having amidst such an otherwise normal moment. “Oh, well, those kinds of fights are different.” Chesney cleared her throat and lowered her gaze, making herself focus on cleaning his hand. “Of course I would, Amelio. Why wouldn’t I? I figured we were friends.” 
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There was something incredibly sexy about the way Matt lifted his finger to his own mouth, Chesney realized as she watched him do it. Her mouth fell open about half an inch as her breathing hitched, already feeling a stirring deep inside for more of him. When he tilted her chin up and kissed her, Chesney met his kiss hungrily. She slipped her tongue along his lips in an effort to get even more of his taste on her own lips. Fingernails dragged along his scalp as she slid her hand back into his hair. The redhead could only hope that Matt knew just how appreciative she was, and that he had every bit of permission to do a whole lot more of what he’d just done.
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Chesney came a little closer to him and took his tie in her petite hand and something about that motion had Matthew’s breath catching in his throat. “Yeah?”  He said softly, biting his bottom lip and glancing around to see if anyone was even paying all that much attention to them. He hadn’t come here with a date tonight so there was no one waiting on him and he knew that Chesney was good for a little bit of fun. He had no one to be loyal to and no reason not to enjoy the redhead so he smiled and slid his hand into her, tugging her towards the hallway that would lead them to the bathroom. “Unless your date’s gonna miss you if you’re gone for too long?”
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There was no stifling the giggle that slipped from Chesney’s lips when Matt took her hand and pulled her toward the hallway. Matthew Prescott was the kind of guy Chesney’s father would hate, and honestly, Chesney normally wouldn’t even be involved with a guy like this. But Matt was here in Madison, and she’d gotten involved with him, in a completely unemotional and purely physical way that she’d never experienced with someone before. It was really refreshing in a sense, and it gave her a rush just thinking about what might happen tonight. Pulling on him enough to stop, Chesney pushed Matt against the wall of the hallway by putting her hands on his waist. “Don’t worry about anyone but us right now, okay? I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I just want you to touch me, Matt.” Looking up at him with a playful smile, she leaned up onto her toes and kissed him. 
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Jealously was an uncomfortable emotion to live with. As hard as it was to believe Bree had never been in a situation where the toxic green eyed monster need ever make an appearance. She didn’t grow attached to any past or current romantic escapades, her primary objective was always based in physical pleasures and whatever platonic companionship blossomed from it. She never cared if her lovers got outside attention, in fact she encouraged them to seek out indulgence in others. It was all about the experience, nothing more. But that was the issue with being in love. There was nothing casual about it. Bree heard that love was meant to be kind and patient, selfless in its intentions. But she wasn’t sure she agreed. 
The only thing coming to terms with the magnitude of her feelings for Chesney inspired was a relentless streak of possessiveness. She didn’t juts want experiences with Chesney, she wanted her everything. She wanted to claim every speck of her lovely soul and disallow anyone else the privileged. Least of all Roman McGregor. Surely there was nothing selfless about that. Envy, what wretched vile thing. Chesney had every right to give her time to whomever she pleased, Bree may not like it but she had to live with it. 
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Bree let Chesney’s assurance quell her displeasure, she shouldn’t even have brought it up. “Good” she breathed out, vowing to not sully this moment any further. She wanted to say he didn’t deserve her, but truthfully neither did she. They walked in silence for several minutes, but there was no need to fill it with useless ramblings. The air was thick with everything they wanted to confess but couldn’t. Eventually Bree steered them towards a bench, needing relief for her aching feet. “Tell me something love, say I asked you to this shingdig, Would you have come with me?” her gaze slide carefully towards her face, searching for a reaction. “And I don’t mean as friends” 
Chesney stayed looped around Bree’s waist as they walked, feeling herself inching closer to sleepiness with each passing moment. Something about the drunkenness mixed with the magic of the night air put her in just the right mood for drooping eyelids and slower breathing. When they finally found a bench, she felt like she should warn Bree of how tired she was, but Ches decided against it. Instead, she waited for the inevitable yawn that would work as a warning label. Bree’s question came with little detail, not nearly enough for Chesney to make sense of it. Resting her head on Bree’s shoulder, Chesney waited a beat before responding. “What do you mean, Breezy? Of course I’d come with you.” She didn’t have to think twice about her answer, well beyond the point of courageous thanks to the alcohol in her system. If anything, she was more confused about what Bree was asking her, but the redhead’s mind was clouded with the heavy blanket of sleep that was quickly approaching.
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“You think so highly of me,” he gave her a small smile, he may not agree that he made plenty of people laugh, but he did think that he was good at making them smile. He had heard a few times, that he was great at comforting someone, and taking their mind off whatever was bothering them, “Maybe I could do boxing, people have said it helps with the reflexes and balance, and also wouldn’t be bad to know how to fight,” he got into a few fights, and most of the time, he could only get out of it, without being beaten up, when the other guy knew less than he did, “But then you will see less of me, you sure that you want that?” he teased her, knowing that they could see each other, outside of the hospital.
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“I do, and I don’t see why I shouldn’t,” she said with a nod. Chesney always saw the very best in people, even the ones who didn’t see it in themselves. She was determined that there was good in everyone, it just took longer to find it in certain people than it did others.” She jerked her head back up to meet his gaze, brows lifting. “And why do you need to know how to fight? Nobody better be tryin’ to fight you.” Smiling at his teasing comment, Ches scrunched her face as she pretended to consider it. “Come on, you know I am always glad to see you.” 
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“What can we say,” he shrugged his shoulders, a smile spreading across his lips. “A politician mother and a cop father? It was bound to happen to at least one of us,” he teased her, “Consider yourself noticed,” Noah winked at her, “Me? Hiding? I haven’t done any such thing,” he chuckled at his own words, shaking his head slowly. “Besides the clinic bein’ backed up busy and takin’ the girls out on some hikes, I’ve mostly been hiding out at. home.” At least part of that was due to having been stuck in an elevator with Addison not that long ago. 
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“Honestly, I’m amazed the two of you haven’t taken the entire state of Georgia by storm yet. Just runnin’ around breakin’ hearts and blessin’ all of us with your good looks.” Chesney couldn’t help but try and read more into Noah’s words, wondering if he really was hiding out on purpose, like maybe trying to avoid something. She’d known him her entire life, he was like her brother. She could read him pretty well most days. “Yeah? Well, let me know next time you go for a hike, I’d love to join you.”
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The curved edge of the curb tilted rapidly in her view. Kennedy’s hands planted on the ground to stabilize the dreamscape like mirage. Chesney was sitting here before her. This wasn’t some kind of trick to her eyes. Kennedy couldn’t fight the smile that curled up on her lips at the juxtaposition between at the wonderfully saturated colored of red locks that radiated against the pallid indigo sky that crept quickly across the horizon. “Don’t be coy. You know who.” She hummed playfully. Sucking in a deep breath, she nodded in agreement. Who am I to say no to royalty? 
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“Kennedy Kelley at your service.” 
“Did you bump your head when you fell, darlin’?” Chesney’s brows furrowed together even more, her eyes looking up to scan Kennedy’s head for any signs of a major hit. She wasn’t sure who the woman was talking about, but that was lower on her list of concerns than checking on her. “Okay,” she said, gingerly taking one of Kennedy’s hands in her own and looking over her arm. “Oh, Kennedy Kelley! That’s right, you’re pretty new in town, right? You work at the movie theater, don’t ya?” 
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Noah: At least until Bree comes along ;)
Noah: She apparently is the better Danvers sibling
Chesney: I plead the fifth, I'm not startin' an argument I can't win!
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“Goodness, then just imagine which parents try to win by lurin’ their kids into poison ivy bushes.” She laughed though, because the image in her head was hilarious. Madison never ceased to amuse her. “Chesney! If you have a vanilla sex life I’ve got some more teaching for you.” Nisa snorted a bit, “Makes ya change your mind when you realize it, I remember bein’ a teen who couldn’t wait to move away.”
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“I swear, people actually would and that’s the worst part.” Ches shook her head, rolling her eyes at the thought. Parents around here were pretty diverse, but she knew at least one family would do their best to sway the outcome in their favor. “Okay, I never said I was disappointed with it bein’ vanilla. Maybe I like it that way.” She didn’t. But Chesney Ragsdale wasn’t about to admit that out loud. “Besides, unless I’m shackin’ up with Levi Maddox, I don’t think I’ll ever achieve your level of greatness, Nis.” She understood where Nisa stood, but the redhead hadn’t held those feelings at any point in her life. She’d been dragged off to Atlanta as a kid and spent every single day waiting to come home to Madison. It got even worse after her mom’s passing, too, and Madison was probably where she’d stay forever. “I don’t know, I spent most of my teenage years fightin’ to get back.” 
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Roman turned his head to look down at her head against his arm, pressing his lips together as her head tilted up to look at him. Sometimes he wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t pushed her to give up on him like everyone else usually did. He cleared his throat, nodding as he turned his head to look back at the bar, watching the lady as she put the glasses down in front of them. He picked his up with his free hand and brought the drink to his lips, taking a long sip of it, tilting his head back. He put the glass down and looked over at her, clearing his throat. “Can I ask you somethin’?”
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Chesney knew Roman was a good guy. She’d always seen him that way, and she’d wanted to believe that they could work things out back when they were together. It just got to be too hard after everything, and college felt like the clean break she thought they both deserved. The thing was, she harbored a lot of guilt for how she’d handled it, and it was one of those things that she would do differently if she had the chance. When the drinks arrived, she took a small sip of hers but didn’t pull her hand away from his arm. Turning her gaze back to his face, Ches smiled at him softly, nodding. “Anything, Ro, you know that.” 
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So beautiful! 😍😍
P.S. give me the credits please!🙏🏻
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To the Birthday Peach, you Fox!
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“Happy Birthday!” Bree jumped from behind a wall of bright red balloons, just a small portion of the several dozens floating aimlessly along the ceiling. In her time Bree had occasionally been accused of being dramatic. In fact, it was kind of her thing. She liked to leave an impression, she liked to dazzle. Today of all days warranted every bit of her conspicuous expertise. It was Chez’s birthday after all. So naturally, she sprang out of bed just as the sun was peeking over the horizon and snuck into Chesney’s house to set up her surprise. She did have a key. "I am officially stealing you for the day. You, me, mimosas and all the cupcakes you can stand. Sounds spectacular don’t it" 
To the only woman to ever hold my heart, in more ways than one. Happy Birthday love xx
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NOAH: Happy Birthday, punk!
NOAH: If you aren't too busy let me take you out for dinner and drinks this weekend.
Chesney: Thank you, dork!
Chesney: I'm never too busy for a Danvers.
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Happy Birthday to the beautiful @chesneyrags​ !
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Behind the scenes of Madelaine Petsch for SHEIN.
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Chesney met Matt’s quiet moan with one of her own as his finger entered her. Her back arched at his motion, fingers gripping his hair tightly again as her other hand shifted from the counter up to the bottom of the cabinet that she now had her head resting against. Chesney was embarrassed at how quickly she was coming undone for him, but not enough to actually care. More than anything, she didn’t want this to stop. If sex had ever felt this good, she couldn’t remember, and all she wanted was to ride this wave as long as she could. “Matthew,” she gasped out into the otherwise quiet kitchen, her hips twitching further toward him. “Fuck, I’m...” trailing off as the orgasm he’d been teasing her with finally crashed over her. Chesney’s mouth clamped shut as the sensation rippled throughout her body, holding back the instinct to call out his name.
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