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Publicists work hard to create comprehensive campaigns for your brand that educate, advocate, and encourage interaction with your industry. Use campaigns to highlight benefits of your products or services creating natural and easy editorial opportunities. For more information about Public Relations Strategy, give Chicago Buzz Marketing a call.
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Tip- Know your industries leaders and influencers. A trick we use at Chicago Buzz Marketing to make sure we stay on top of trends is to study and collaborate with our industries leaders and influencers. You can do this easily by following them on social media platforms, subscribing to their Youtube channels, blogs, and e-bast, and of course networking with them in person when possible. The more aware you are of what the top professionals in your industry are doing, the better chance you have of staying on top of the game and finding new market opportunities.
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Tip- Following up helps your business flourish. Many #business owners fall into the "build it and they will come" mentality. They make pretty branding, put up that tricked out website, push some social media, and then....well, nothing. They sit and wait and wonder why the sales are not rolling in. Follow up is part of the marketing process and a necessity to marketing effectiveness. What is the follow up plan for web inquires? Do you track your analytics in Google Suite? Are you updating that site with blogs and new educational content? Do you actively ask your clients and contacts to use and refer your social media posts and profiles? Do you respond personally to posts seeing action? Do you support your social media content with a professional campaign plan? If you said no to those questions than follow up is your issue, not bad marketing.
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Why is organic social media still important? With the changes in algorithms on many of our favorite #socialmedia platforms, it is easy to get discouraged. But don't lose hope! Your social platforms still play a huge role in your branding authority, SEO, sales cycle, and customer management. Explore the many benefits in this helpful article from our friends at Business 2 Community. 
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Tip- A good sales process makes for great marketing. We can not tell you how many times at Chicago Buzz Marketing we have sat down with business owners to discuss their marketing goals just to learn they do not have a sales process, sales funnel, or dedicated sales schedule. Understanding your #sales cycle and working those call to actions and follow up plans into your marketing is absolutely essential to seeing ROI from your marketing efforts. Do you need help developing a marketing plan that supports your sales process? Give us a #buzz.
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One of the main benefits of creating a strategic #marketingplan is the development and measurement of marketing goals. By formalizing what you want to achieve, what has to be done, what time it has to be done by, you can save valuable time and resources. If you need help setting goals for your marketing plan, give this user friendly article from CoSchedule a read. 
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Tip- Bee unique. Having a successful business is not about "bee-ting" the competition, but about trailblazing into markets and services your competition did not even consider. Focus your energy on the features of your brand, products, or customer service that make you different and clients will flock to you like bees to honey.
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Tip- One good plan is better than 10 good ideas. You know what really bugs us here at Chicago Buzz Marketing? Business owners without a plan. Your ideas are just ideas regardless how good they may be. How can you grow your business without a goal, a message, and a deadline?! If you want to #growyourbusiness, start with a plan. 
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How can you tell that your branding and logo are effective? There is far more to it than simply "liking" the design. Learn from the good and bad experiences of some of the worlds biggest companies in this helpful article from Bloghubspot.com. 
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Tip- A confused mind never trusts. You may think your content is the bees-knees; however, if you are not controlling your message, imagery, and varying your content most likely you are just confusing (or even aggravating) your target audience. Make sure your message is clear and you are not promoting too many services or activities within the same campaign. Do you need help creating your trust building marketing plan? Give the team at Chicago Buzz Marketing a #buzz at 630-550-7510.
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The Chicago Buzz Marketing Team is passionate about small and local business. We strive to bring consciousness back to the consumer through authentic and community-centric branding. Focusing on education, collaboration, and environmental sensitivity we not only help your brand stand out, but help you leave your community better than you found it. Learn more about our unique marketing style by visiting our website link below. 
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Tip- Focus on relationships not selling. The best way to stifle your business or campaign is to approach it with a sales mindset instead of a service mindset. Bee-lieve in your product or service and understand the itch it scratches. Provide your audience with education, resources, and that personal touch that let's them know why you are the answer. Keep your focus on building relationships with your audience and we guarantee you be making that honey!
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Tip- Your content is only as strong as your message. We get asked frequently at Chicago Buzz Marketing, "How did you grow your business so fast?!" We decided to share some of our #growyourbusiness hacks with the world to help YOU take your business from #budding to #buzzing too. Make sure to follow our social platforms through April to pick up some tips and tricks. We apologize in advance for the excessive use of Bee puns....#sorrynotsorry.
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Happy first day of Spring! In celebration, we wanted to share one of our favorite blogs from the Chicago Buzz Marketing website "Marketing is Like Farming." So as you are starting your seeds for your 2018 gardens, remember to plant some seeds in your marketing garden as well. Follow the link below to learn more. 
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Just a little taste of the fun our own Anna Marie had as a #panelexpert for the "How New Media and Social Strategies are Changing the PR Landscape" Luncheon hosted by the esteemed Publicity Club of Chicago. Thank you PCC for allowing us to share our knowledge and experiences.
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Online marketing encompasses many platforms including website, social media, and email promotions. What platforms are best for your business? What is the proper budget for these activities? How do you optimize them? Let the Chicago Buzz Marketing team help you develop an integrative plan to address all your online marketing needs.
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The team at Chicago Buzz Marketing is celebrating International Women's Day! We would like to send a special shout out to all our fellow women working in the business and entrepreneurship field. In honor of this day, we wanted to share our founder Anna Marie Imbordino's amazing feature from LadyBossBlogger. Learn more about our fearless leader and this excellent business blog for entrepreneurial women by clicking the link.
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