chipsiii · 4 years
Just in case you were wondering, I’m still not back. I’ll let you know when I am.
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chipsiii · 4 years
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chipsiii · 4 years
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chipsiii · 5 years
The dinosaur doom band I play guitar for just put out a teaser for our first song. Check it out and I can promise the band will only kinda try to eat you. https://www.facebook.com/455832167884194/posts/1805356679598396/?vh=e&d=n
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chipsiii · 5 years
I will be the god of a new world
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the power i hold is immeasurable
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chipsiii · 5 years
I will next time we get fries
“I feel like I’m at build-a-bear, except I’m the bear and the stuffing is french fries.”
-my brother, at a rest stop McDonald’s
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chipsiii · 5 years
You madman
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I like living life on the edge.
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chipsiii · 5 years
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chipsiii · 5 years
I left the military because it was a hostile work environment
Title, if you want one
Go ahead, type a post
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chipsiii · 5 years
Well um uh hmm
You’re younger than me
Hah gotem
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chipsiii · 5 years
Even with that it was still a wild ride
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chipsiii · 5 years
If you evict homeless mothers from a vacant house with armed police while refusing to negotiate and dropping bible verses you are straight up evil
“The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office last Tuesday chose to carry out the eviction of mothers with a presence as though they were ready to invade a small country. There was a violence to the moment disproportionate to the purpose.
Spokesperson Ray Kelly publicly claimed in post-operation press conference that the response wasn’t “militarized” because, hey, they’re not the military. But the roll-in of a tank-like “ballistic vehicle” accompanied by soldier-esque officers decked out in camo with assault rifles didn’t exactly give off the local law “protect and serve” vibe.
They showed up at 5:15am under the cover of still dark skies and used a battering ram to bust through the doors mothers and supporters had barricaded in anticipation of what a judge put in play Friday when he ruled against Dominique Walker — and the Moms 4 Housing collective by extension — in a claim to right of possession. Although Walker was not there at the time of the eviction, two other mothers and at least one supporter were arrested and released from Santa Rita Jail later in the day.
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“They were given five days to vacate. They refused. They stuck to the negotiation route instead, hoping the property owner, Wedgewood Inc., would come to the table and sell the home to the Oakland Community Land Trust that would ensure it remained affordable housing the mothers could continue to live in.
The company not only declined to negotiate a sale, but they chose a self-righteous path, citing biblical “thou shalt not steal” verse. I’m pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t have been too keen on some rich, callous assholes putting hardworking mothers and their children out on the street, and using his name to do so.
Moms 4 Housing never threatened violence, but they were clear they would resist until the bitter end with peaceful resistance. They themselves moved the children from the house in days leading up to the eviction, just to be on the safe side.
Hundreds of people showed up Monday night to support them and to share their own stories of housing nightmares. The sheriff’s office claimed that among the supporters who lined the Magnolia Street sidewalk were people who had previously been involved in violent protests throughout the Bay Area, necessitating the need for the aggressive and highly armed approach.
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“When Dominique Walker and Sameerah Karim “broke into” a vacant house on Magnolia Street, they were breaking out of the fear and desperation a homeless, working mother fears every single damn day. They were breaking down walls that a rigged system has built up to prevent them from living a decent life, walls that put that safety and security their children need just out of reach.
They were tired of walking the line and getting nowhere, and they were frustrated seeing house after house sit empty as they struggled to find beds for the night. They’d had enough, for themselves, for their children and for the countless other working homeless and nearly homeless rent-burdened locals who are being pushed aside and pushed out of cities they call home.
So, yes, they broke in and took over a house they didn’t own. On Nov. 18, they took matters into their own hands, as any mom worth her salt would absolutely do in their position, and gave their babies somewhere safe to sleep that night.”
read more: brokeassstuart, 17.01.2020.  and: “examining wedgewood: a look at the home-flipping giant in battle with homeless mothers.” nbcbayarea, 06.01.2020. 
moms4housing is essentially a continuation of OCCUPY WALL STREET. 
homes for the 99%, not to be controlled by some national or multinational corporation. 
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chipsiii · 5 years
How the hell do you remember this dude? You were 2
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chipsiii · 5 years
I just went through my messages marking spam and a lot of them addressed me as depraved boy. This is my sidekick name now. Chips is only my mild mannered alter ego.
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chipsiii · 5 years
I may or may not be back
If I am, it’s mostly to make @olddaydreams suffer through my cursed takes and dad jokes. Watch out my dude. Or not. Up to you.
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chipsiii · 5 years
Title, if you want one
Go ahead, type a post
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chipsiii · 5 years
I’m about to buy a new car so this is a B I G M O O D
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