chogiweol · 5 years
I've decided to stop creating content on here, I'm no longer satisfied or get any high out of it anymore and I don't believe it's worth it to put time and energy while the rest of the world is going on. I started relying so much on how many notes my posts got, not realizing that it was taking away from my real life. I may or may not post every so often, but for now I'm only here to talk to my one friend. The same goes for my other blog @petrichan ...Thank you for all the love :)
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chogiweol · 5 years
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"Well, we made it to the top, haven't we?" Chanyeol sunk into the chair, reclined back. This was just another one of those nights, after druken spills. He was just tired. "I made it to my peak and now there's nowhere else for me to go except down. Slowly, slowly, I decline in popularity. People won't love me forever, you know.." his rigid breathing started to calm, like an ocean after a storm, "once they stop believing.." he pushed the air out of his lungs and swallowed his pride. "You're proud of me now but in time you'll see me as a degenerate, it always happens like that. We're at the top, but once we fall I'll be nothing but a hole in the ground, y/n."
Chanyeol let a few tears slip from the corners of his eyes, not bothering to wipe away the sensation of water on his skin, water in his throat pulling him in, a guilty pleasure. "You'll never understand it, y/n. You'd never understand it." His muscles began to melt into the threads of his chair, fibers meshing with fibers they shouldn't know. "We're better off this way." Park Chanyeol spoke to the walls surrounding him, trying his hardest not to look at the ghosts in his room.
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chogiweol · 5 years
motivation? what's that? .... oh... no, i was thinkinf abt the sauce
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chogiweol · 5 years
I srsly thought I offended you so much I wanted the earth to swallow me whole omg😭😭 Ilysm♥️♥️
It's very hard to offend me, I'm a very cynical and sarcastic person, stuff like the post I originally made just makes me giggle
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chogiweol · 5 years
Is this the same anon?
If not, you don't have to worry or feel bad, I just found it funny, I'm not hurt at all, I still love you.
If it is the same anon as the last inbox; don't worry, angel! I'm okay
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chogiweol · 5 years
I'm the anon that sent the request I'm so sorryy I should have said something more about it but my stupid ass brain couldn't bother to actually say something nice😭😭😭 I am so sorry I feel do bad rn😭😭
Hunny, it's not your fault. I'm not actually upset by it, it was just funny to me and the post I made only made me laugh, don't feel bad at all. I'm busy today but once I get home and settled in, I'll try to finish as many requests as I can
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chogiweol · 5 years
yesterday was fanfic writer's appreciation day and all i got was a single request
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chogiweol · 5 years
especially when the creator is going through hell in their lives, losing motivation and value in doing the things they loved and made them happy..the reblogs and recognition ends up being motivation, but few people actually end up reblogging/leaving comments/interacting with the creator..which just makes it harder to put out new and exciting content. yet, people still get mad when their requests aren't done, or don't respect the content creator when they ask for time or just a tiny bit of understanding.
Y'all: ugh I wish fandom content creators would post more 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Also y'all when someone posts fanart/fanfic/edits/etc:
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chogiweol · 5 years
reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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chogiweol · 5 years
"you are beautiful, wonderful, and loved - you are you, and that’s more than enough. take care of yourself, you mean so much to me and i love you!" send this to 8 people to show them how much you appreciate them being in your life, let's spread some love💜🌷
thank you, i love you!
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chogiweol · 5 years
i love you all so much, too
i rlly needed this reminder sksk
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chogiweol · 5 years
Well idk the circunstances but if quitting your job and leaving a shitty boyfriend behind makes you happy than hell yeah girl we here for you!!
i quit my job because my supervisor's boss was always on my ass and would constantly degrade me (she made me take 7 competency tests in front of everyone to "make sure" i knew what i was doing) and my relationship was starting to become the biggest source of stress + hurt in my life so i had to leave.
it's been hard but when i get messages like this it really motivates me so thank you!!! i'm really thankful for this, anon. i appreciate you and all of your support means so much ♡
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chogiweol · 5 years
wow i adore u, thank u ♡
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if you’re reading this, i’m putting a thought out into the world for you. a hope that whatever’s worrying you works out in your favor, that a happy moment comes your way, and that you have a heartwarming reason to smile tonight
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chogiweol · 5 years
I was the anon that requested kyungsoo smut, sorry about that, because i read your guidelines and it says you dont write smut, but i found your post for requests under smut blog. So please just ignore that request
I really appreciate that you came back and apologized, that was very kind of you so thank you :) and it's okay, you can request something else though!
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chogiweol · 5 years
requests are open!
I quite my job and left my shitty boyfriend with a month left of summer vacation so request all you want <3
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chogiweol · 5 years
Please do bf!chanyeol too!!
bf!chanyeol for ?????
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chogiweol · 5 years
can i get a baekhyun fluff (college!au or any au you prefer ehehe) where he finds out the reader has this HUGE and INTENSE crush on him
so within the continuation we got to your part of the request when they find out they have a giant crush on each other and it got a little sad so i'm going to write a third, fluffy part to conclude it :)
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