chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
As the air clears, Ophelia takes a deep breath. The noxious fumes had made her unable to focus or behave in her normal mannerisms, letting her team take the lead. However, as she finally regains clarity of mind, she takes note of their situation. They are still outnumbered by the children, but it is not as dire as she thought it would be. The worst part is by far the toxic fumes that choke the air out of their lungs.
Having fully reoriented herself, Ophelia nods once at her comrade in arms. "Verily, I shall do so! Leave all to me!" She begins to condense the magic around her, but she feels a shift in the landscape. Something is very wrong and it breaks her focus. "Whatever could be happening?" The illusion around her shifts and her focus is no longer on the battle but what lies ahead.
She blinks once and no more are they in the bunker. Or at least she presumes it is still the same group. She cannot know for certain as all she sees is the darkness of night all around her. The previous battle was over, but it was clear a new one was beginning.
Happy pride!
{ TOA arena summer 2024 || Team 7 ~ Bronze round }
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
Lapis's movements still portray her as the threat she is, reminding Ophelia that all it took was one bad encounter with a sword to bring her or any of her boon companions down. Even still, Ophelia had confidence that they could still win. They clearly were as of this moment.
Making sure at least one pew was between her and Lapis, she began aiming for her again. The bow shook in her hands, but as the moments passed and she breathed, it shook less. It was still unnerving for her to fight one she knew, but this was good practice in case she ever had to again. In case the worst happened and they were drug into a war. "Stars of Fate, be my guide, fly straight and true!"
The bow stilled as she took one final calming breath. Then she let it fly.
Ophelia 10/10HP hits Mighty Flower 8/10HP with Magic Bow! [Roll: 15; -2.5] Mighty Flower 5.5/10HPMighty Flower5.5/10HP cannot counterattack!
Once again, it hits. While not as perfect of a hit as against the previous foe, a hit is still a hit. It would certainly have to do.
"She is weakened, but another will have to claim the glory of taking her down! At least she is weakened!" No, it totally wasn't because she didn't have the heart to do so herself.
Next: @old-scalebag
(leaning over to my grandpa) you have to kill this clown right fucking now
(team 7 - gold round)
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
Everything seemed to have worked out fine as Marni rushes back into battle, only to immediately be struck again. Ophelia wants to be frustrated at the futility of this battle, but frustration will not win this fight. No, strategy will. And her comrade Andrei seems to have an idea. She follows his gaze to where he suggests she go. It's dangerous, but who else but a chosen heroine to go into such dangers? "I shall do it. But if not me, then who? Never fret, I shall certainly fell our foe! That is a heroine's duty after all!"
Approaching the spot, she does her best to not let her nerves show. This was a pivotal moment in the battle, she could not fail! She takes two arrows from the illusory quiver. When the shield falls from their foe's hands, she doesn't even hesitate to loose an arrow. "Arrows of a Thousand Winds, strike true!"
Ophelia 10/10HP attacks Mighty King 10/10HP with Magic Bow. Point-Blank Volley activates! [Roll: 11 + 4 = 15, 12 + 4 = 16; -5.5, -5.5] Aegis roll: 2, 9. Aegis does not activate either time! Mighty King 0/10HP
She doesn't even wait to see if the first hit before she looses the second. When she finally looks over, she sees that she has struck true both times. Their foe stumbles back, having been struck in the chest twice. She was no archer by trade, but here, in this illusion, she had done it.
Mighty King has been defeated!
"Our foe is felled! Tis time to unleash all our might upon our final foe! Stand with me as we claim our assured victory!" It still unsettled her that it used the face and body of one she knew, she had to remind herself it was either an illusion, or barring that, defeating her would regain her senses. That was Ophelia's hope. It had to be or else they would fail.
Next: @machiot, @ulircursed
(leaning over to my grandpa) you have to kill this clown right fucking now
(team 7 - gold round)
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
At this point in the fight, it is hard not to grow attached to your companions as they now were. As such, when a teammate defeated a foe, she cheered, but when Marni went down, she was already throwing her weapons and staves to the ground and running as fast as her dress would allow. She did not need to be told once to aid and provide comfort to her, much less twice.
As she approaches Marni, she goes pale at the sight of the blood. It was a sight Ophelia had once wished to never see again after the war, but here she was. This time she would not be helpless! She would at least try to help! It was now her actions from earlier hit her. She had no staff to help heal. She found her hands frustrated going to her dress instead. A hero's vestments were sacred, but wasn't saving a life even more so?
Ripping the fabric, she began fastening bandages. It was the best she had in this moment of panic. Blood was on her hands, getting all over her, but she was surprisingly calm, as if something else had taken over. "Do not fret, for I shan't let you fall here! Come, Andrei, help me put these on to staunch the bleeding. Marni, you will be all right." She tried to keep her voice as soothing as it could possibly go, but some panic still entered it.
She lets Andrei say the words Marni probably desperately wants to hear before adding in her own. "Heroes only truly become legends when they die, but today is not that day for you! Your saga shall continue and be known by all! And should we clean the cape well enough, he shall never know you got blood on it at all! So please, stay with us." The last part comes out more like a plea than anything, but she hopes nobody will call her on it.
@machiot, @old-scalebag, @ulircursed
(leaning over to my grandpa) you have to kill this clown right fucking now
(team 7 - gold round)
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
The blinding light from the last arena fades and they're in a cathedral now? The architecture is beautiful, like something she'd see in her home country. The altar to dragons made it a nice touch, yet the comfort she felt was not shared by her companions. Each seemed unsettled by the place, as if it held unbearable memories.
However, she should not have left her guard down. People they knew, or at least one person she knew approached, flanked by 3 others. She had seen something like this before, back in Valla. People they knew could be consumed by the Silent Dragon's power, moving just like this. She felt a shiver run down her spine. It couldn't be the Silent Dragon however, as he was dead. She had been at the battle where he perished.
But these foes could be defeated, as her chosen compatriot clearly showed as his claws ripped through one. They could defeat these enemies and release them from whatever force consumed them. Yet still as she took her new bow, a slight tremor she could feel in her hands as she aimed at someone she knew. She had never had to attack someone she knew before. Yet as she pulled the string back to aim, she found it difficult with the tremor in her hands. "I will free you from the evils that bind you! Glimmering Arrow!"
Ophelia 10/10HP hits Frozen Mighty Flower7.5/10HP with Magic Bow. [Roll: 2 +0 = 2; -1HP +0.5 = -1.5HP].Mighty Flower6/10HP
She still hits her target, but even she can tell her shot nearly missed. Can she be the heroine she was meant to be? No, she couldn't let such thoughts consume her now. She needed to be present for her team. They couldn't stumble at the last moment.
Up next: @ulircursed @old-scalebag @machiot
(leaning over to my grandpa) you have to kill this clown right fucking now
(team 7 - gold round)
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
Ophelia is about to answer the question presented to her when she has to cover her ears quickly at the shriek of the monster in what should have been it's death throes. Yet it rises again. This should be impossible, yet here they stood. These illusions were extremely powerful, a kind of magic she could only dream of.
Her ears ring before a swath of healing magic engulfs her, reducing the ringing enough so she can hear again. Without thinking of her heroic mask, she rings out a quick "Thank you!"
Looking back at the monster, and getting back into character, she readies herself again. Seeing the Crack in the hide of the monster that her chosen compatriot had inflicted, she readies her weapon to strike. "O Steel of Seven, strike true! Star spear heaven strike!"
Ophelia 6/10HP critically hits, hit, hits, critically hits, and critically hits Eidolon named Night 14/15*HP with Wo Dao. Astra activates! [Roll: 11 - 2 = 9, 4 - 2 = 2, 7 - 2 = 5, 20 - 2 = 18, 17 - 2 = 15; 1.5 + 1 = 2.5, 0.5 + 1 = 1.5, 0.5 + 1 = 1.5, 1.5 + 1 = 2.5, 1.5 + 1 = 2.5] Eidolon named Night 3.5/15HP* Eidolon named Night 3.5/15HP** is Broken and cannot counterattack, and takes 1 damage from being Broken. Eidolon named Night 2.5/15HP** So Wills the King activates! Ophelia takes 1 damage. Ophelia 5/10HP Black Throne deactivates and all In The Moonless Air stacks are reset! 
She began hacking at the creature some hitting deeply, others not so much. The creature seemed weak now. "Perhaps this time we shall finish it off!"
Turning to her sky bound compatriot, she gestures to the creature. "Friend, I have left it wounded for you! Let us finish it once and for all!"
Up next: @ulircursed @old-scalebag @machiot
Don't Fear the Reaper || Team 7 Silver Round
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
When she feels the rush of healing magic, she turns to her familiar compatriot. "I thank thee! May this battle go ever in our favor!"
Turning back to their foe, Ophelia readies her weapon again. The light of the healing magic illuminated the monster for but a moment, showing her where it was. She would hit it better this time. Taking a moment to steel herself, she breathes. In. Out. Then she strikes. "Steel of Seven Swords!"
Ophelia 10/10HP critically hits Eidolon named Night 6.5/15HP** with Wo Dao [Roll: 15; -3] Eidolon named Night 3.5/15HP** Pursuit roll: 5. Pursuit does not activate! Eidolon named Night 3.5/15HP** is Broken and cannot counterattack, and takes 1 damage from being Broken. Eidolon named Night 2.5/15HP** So Wills the King activates! Ophelia takes 1 damage. Ophelia 9/10HP Black Throne deactivates and all In The Moonless Air stacks are reset!
Her strike is true, and based on the shriek the monster lets out, it hurts a lot. Based on her readings, a strike like this would severely wound if not kill a human, but they are facing no human. That much is obvious. Yet it seems to at least be weakening. They can win this. She could have tried to pursue this further, but the monster cloaks itself in darkness and she no longer knows where it is.
That is, until she feels the pain again from it striking her. It's more startling than truly painful this time around, but there are higher priorities right now. "Worry not for me! Focus all your attentions on someone who needs it more!" Like their chosen compatriot. "The battle is not going as well for our chosen friend! Please heal him first before fretting over me!"
She tries looking for the healer of the group, but sees nothing apart from the silhouette of their foe, high and imposing and wreathed in the blackness of night that not even her eyes, adjusted to Nohr's perpetual darkness, can see well through. Yet she calls out to her final companion.
"It grows ever weaker! I believe we may be able to finish it off with great quickness!"
Don't Fear the Reaper || Team 7 Silver Round
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
When the arena ceased its disorienting shift, darkness surrounded them. Reaching for a familiar tome to be ready for any enemies that they may come across, Ophelia instead found her hand on the handle of a sword. "My tomes! Have all of your weapons been swapped as well? What sort of treachery is this, that we are forced to use such new weapons against our very wills! I will track down the culprit, or my name is not Ophelia Dusk! ...Once we take care of this that is." She turned to her team, comforted to at least be with the same faces as she had before.
A chill runs up her spine at an entity approaching. Drawing the weapon of, if she had to guess, Hoshidan make, she circled the entity, and it's focus seems to be elsewhere.
Ophelia 10/10HP hits Eidolon named Night 15/15HP** with Wo Dao [Roll: 2; -0.5] Eidolon named Night 14.5/15HP** Pursuit roll: 2. Pursuit does not activate! Eidolon named Night 14.5/15HP** is Broken and cannot counterattack, and takes 1 damage from being Broken. Eidolon named Night 13.5/15HP**So Wills the King activates! Ophelia takes 1 damage. Ophelia 9/10HP
Despite never handling a sword before in her life, it's like a part of her already knows what to do. Her opening comes quickly, but in the dark she doesn't see it and only lands a glancing blow at the entity, not even enough to draw attention. Or so she initially thinks before she is stricken. It doesn't hurt much, but it's just enough to draw her attention that it is there. "It uses the very darkness we are engulfed in to attack us! Be wary, one and all! We are in treacherous territory!"
Just what had she signed herself up for by agreeing to this?
Up next: @old-scalebag, @machiot,@ulircursed
Don't Fear the Reaper || Team 7 Silver Round
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
Don't Fear the Reaper || Team 7 Silver Round
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
The battle as of this moment seemed to be moving in their favor as the air remains clear with the thurible. However, more enemies rounded the corner. One like the initial defeated enemy rounded the corner, but unlike the initial enemy was not defeated in one blow, comes upon them. It seemed non-hostile for now, but yet they must fight their way through to escape.
Steeling herself with a breath, Ophelia takes the hint her draconic teammate is giving. Another tome is brought from within her robes. This one will be able to heal her, or so she was told. "Make mine enemies strength my own and show no mercy to those who oppose us! Ophelia Dusk will now show thy true nature! Begone!"
Ophelia 9/10HP hits Hetero-Sapien B 4/8HP with Nosferatu at melee range. [Roll: 12 + 6 - 2 = 16; -2] Hetero-Sapien B 2/8HP Ophelia 9/10HP heals back +2HP! Ophelia 10/10HP Hetero-Sapien B 2/8HP cannot counterattack! Poison Strike activates! Hetero-Sapien takes 1 damage. Hetero-Sapien B 1/8HP
It still does not attack back, even as she approaches it closely to see from where she can strike best. The fact it does not defend itself unnerves her more than she can possibly say. Even the Vallites protected themselves if possible, and those were naught but puppets on a string. These are even lesser than that.
However as she turns to her compatriot, she knows her foe is almost dead. This fact can be exploited. "Come friend! We must make haste and defeat this foe! Alone, I was not powerful enough, but together, perhaps we might yet be! Come, lend me your aid!"
Next: @ulircursed
Happy pride!
{ TOA arena summer 2024 || Team 7 ~ Bronze round }
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chosenoneofdusk · 3 months
Giggles and shadows that did not seem entirely human followed the group into the bunker. Ophelia had not looked behind her when running initially, but as the shadows closed in she regretted her lack of earlier action. Unlike many of her classmates, she had seen true combat. She had lived a war. She should know to at least look at her enemy, if they could even be seen.
But there was no time to wallow in self pity. The people she had been teamed up with were relying on her to be the heroine of this story! She could not disappoint! Steeling herself she faced the enemy and watched as one of her teammates turned into an actual dragon and decimated the first one to turn the corner. "Incredible! I had figured you were among the chosen by the mark upon your head, but to see such power up close is... Moving!"
She'd love to discuss it more, but there would be time for that in the future. For now, two humanoids approached almost like dolls on invisible strings. Or like Valla's soldiers, her mind unhelpfully offers. They were human in form but the smiles were too wide, the movements uncanny. She didn't need her teammates goading to know she didn't want them to stick around. Steeling herself, she gave a reassuring smile to her teammates. "Fret not, for I, the heroine of this story, shall deliver us from the hands of this evil!" One enemy pulled out bells, the other a shell necklace. Focusing on the one who had pulled out bells, she pulled the first of her tomes from her robes. She walks to it, analyzing the best area to strike. "I shall now demonstrate once and for all why one should never mess with the forces of justice! Take this, my secret technique! Luminary Uppercut!"
 Ophelia 10/10HP hits “Good Child” A 6/6HP with Luna at melee range. [Roll: 10 + 6 - 2 = 14; -1.5] “Good Child” A 4.5/6HP
Ophelia feels proud of herself for all she's able to do, but only for just a moment before the "child's" head turns towards her and the smile is trained upon her.
“Good Child” A 4.5/6HP counterattacks with Silver Bells [Roll: 12; -1] Ophelia 9/10HP Ophelia 9/10HP has been inflicted with -2 Luck for next combat instance! Poison Strike activates! “Good Child” A takes 1 damage. “Good Child” A 3.5/6HP
Ophelia barely has time to let out a cry of surprise at the sudden pain that should not be there from an illusion before the thing is upon her again, striking again! But she recovers faster the second time, striking with her magic yet again! "Come, O Legionnaires of Light!"
“Good Child” A 3.5/6HP hits Ophelia 9/10HP with Cockleshells. [Roll: 15; -1] Ophelia 8/10HP Ophelia 8/10HP counterattacks with Luna at melee range. [Roll: 3 + 6 - 2 = 7; -1.5] “Good Child” A 2/6HP Ophelia 8/10HP is no longer afflicted with -2 Luck. Poison Strike activates! “Good Child” A takes 1 damage. “Good Child” A 1/6HP
She can tell the creature is barely hanging on to life at this point. As much as she'd love to finish it off herself, she cannot take all the glory. She must leave some for the rest of the team, as no true hero is a glory hog. She looks to her draconic teammate. "Come, let us join together as a team to annihilate these evils and deliver justice unto this world!"
Next: @old-scalebag
Happy pride!
{ TOA arena summer 2024 || Team 7 ~ Bronze round }
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ]
She had been advised that the best way to participate in the game was to make her efforts a secret, but she did not see the fun in that. One would imagine part of the joy of an experience such as this was seeing the confusion of the target as they puzzled out what had just happened.
"Ophelia, hold still." That is all the warning Mitama gives out. She pulls the note from it's little stack and swiftly sticks the adhesive side to Ophelia's forehead before her friend can stop her. Mitama laughs, wiggling her fingers in the place of a wave as she continues walking. "Enjoy!"
Stars you admire / are a pale imitation / of your radiance.
[Pride Asks] - Accepting!
"Mitama?" For someone normally so loquacious, she finds the only word she can say is her friends name in a confused tone as the adhesive is attached to her forehead. If she had expected anything, it was to be surprise attacked in a flurry of silk. But to be boldly gotten in the day, just out in the open like this.... Her friend was no coward. "To brazenly attack a hero such as I in broad daylight is quite the feat of courage I must say!"
She waves her friend well, but takes off the note immediately. She has class to get to, and she doesn't need everyone to read what is a private comment on her way to class. However, upon arriving, she decided to read the note. Upon it was a haikyuu or however you pronounced those poems Mitama loved so much. The kindest one Ophelia had ever read for her anyways. A smile graced her lips as she put it with the rest of her things as a reminder that she was cared for, even when she doubted the stars really had chosen her. After class, she would have to do something for Mitama.
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
The stage had always called to Ophelia, and to have an assignment that finally showcased such strengths was a boon to her! But it had become clear to her that not all shared the zeal for the theater that she had. Especially her partner for such assignment. The assignment was to recreate the final battle where Seiros and her Elites destroyed Nemesis once and for all, yet despite being apparently descended from one such elite, her partner showed no fire at all. To be descended from such heroic lines…. Ophelia could only dream of such a thing!
It was when the teacher called a recess from the activity to regroup that Ophelia approached. “Dimitri, dost thou not feel the aching in thine blood? To demonstrate to all the heroism in thine line? This cannot be allowed to continue unaddressed! You are descended from heroes, are thou not? Why not let thy pride in thine family be known to all? Come! Face me! I shall show thou the pride one canst have in thine family! Face me and show to all thine war cry!” Sure, she was supposed to be playing the role of Saint Seiros, but if it meant getting her partner into the spirit, she could veer a little off script.
She circled him, occasionally poking at him with her fake weapon, trying clearly to get a rise from him, but doing nothing to explicitly endanger the other. An annoyance rather than a danger.
Actors, to Stage Left!
-> Heavy Armor +1
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
Actors, to Stage Left!
-> Heavy Armor +1
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
Making the traps that now sat unused had been no easy feat. When Ophelia first tried on her own to make them, she had been told they were not subtle enough, and seeing as these new ones were failing to catch the monsters they had been sent to catch, Ophelia was beginning to grow nervous. Not that she’d ever show it! They were far more cunning than anything she’d ever been sent to fight. 
“Caution may be yet well advised, but if we do not find these monsters first, they may yet corner us and give no respite. The caution we must first exercise is to not tarry lest we become the hunted ourselves! I do thoroughly believe we should make the first move rather than allow them to…. With all due respect.” The last part came on more as a point to remember she was still speaking to faculty and not to a peer, even though they came from the same army. Here they were not of the same rank and file.
do try not to make a mess, missus dusk
mission task: affluence (any skill+1)
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
She is following the lead of her Tiltwinder when she hears Shiro speak of Kiragi. There had been no talk of him earlier, so this is confusing to her. “What of Kiragi? Last I checked, he resided not within Fódlan but within Hoshido.” To be entirely honest, she hadn’t been fully paying attention to Shiro, more focused upon finding the Corvid Havocweaver. She knew it had to be around here somewhere! She would not have been led here if it was not here!
She sighs that she has to explain this for what she feels must be the fifth or so time. It’s a fight to keep her eyes from rolling. Shiro, while a good and reliable friend, was always rather dense when it came to the mystical arts. “A silver moon is when the moon is at her peak of power! The three days when she is at her fullest! But most especially the time when the moon has reached its own fullest potential! When it has come from new to full, that is a silver moon. Surely you have seen how it gleams?” 
The mine itself is dark and dreary and reminds her of many parts of Nohr. Her eyes adjust easily to the darkness and she can make out distinct shapes. Not quite enough to say she sees well, but she can see beyond them well enough.
At this point, she feels the tug of fate herself. It must be the Corvid Havocweaver! Speeding up her pace even further, she turns to her friend. “Shiro, Shiro make haste! I can feel its very pull upon my soul! We must be almost upon it!” And incredibly deep into the mine at this rate. Ophelia kept running, further ahead still into the mines, almost as if her feet were no longer her own and attached instead to her trusted gadget.
                    ☼         ( SHOWCASE / AXE +1! )
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
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