#support: dimitri
aegisshielded · 10 months
Will Jazzercise Make Me Ripped || Dimitri & Felix
A new exercise craze has taken over the continents and has now infiltrated Fodlan’s borders. A group of people claiming to be professional instructors are hosting a class promoting ‘The Askr’ along with other various aerobic, high-energy exercises to keep one warm! If the new wave and synth pop beats don’t get you moving, then maybe the brightly-colored leotards, headbands and legwarmers will grab your attention. (Or maybe you’re just there for the cute men and women in said leotards). [Grants Heavy Armor +1]
Now, do not mistake Felix’s presence in the aerobics class for anything other than a simple desire to improve his athletic skills. Had the irascible Blue Lions student known that the class would be a complete eyesore of bright colors and headache of upbeat music, Felix never would have set a single foot within a hundred yards of the damned class. 
Unfortunately, he is now here and subject to enduring the onslaught of positive energy emanating from the instructors running the class. They even insist that everyone participating in the class be dressed accordingly, meaning that everyone should be wearing the ridiculous leotards, legwarmers, and headbands they don. Getting a feral cat into a cold bath is easier than trying to get Felix to wear the leotard, so the instructors settle on just letting him get by with the headband and legwarmers. With his usual attire sans vest and the provided accessories from the instructors, Felix grumbles as he stands among the small crowd of other students in attendance for the class. 
When his amber gaze spots a sickeningly familiar head of blond hair, Felix curls his lip back in clear disgust and approaches his House Leader. “What the hell are you doing here, Boar?”
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nohrslittleflower · 4 months
topic: lady edelgard (and other esteemed leaders).
"O-oh, this is - I'm not sure this is the right - ?" Dimitri twisted about in his seat, ready to flag down whoever might have mistakenly left such a card on their table. It must have been a placecard, meant for Edelgard or someone on her behalf, but as he looked around the room, he found he could not find either sight of the Imperial heir nor anyone from her court.
Sheepishly, he turned back to his new partner - another princess, from another foreign country (Goddess, this really did feel like soirees in Fhirdiad, didn't it, to be presented with princess after princess?) - and he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, they must have, um, provided us with the wrong...card..."
He trailed off in a flutter of awkwardness, but met her eye with an attempt at a smile - it was fine, he thought, he could still play the charming prince.
"After all, I couldn't imagine they truly want us to talk about prominent political figures, considering, erm, that we are...them. It wouldn't be in good form to discuss someone else for a first conversation, I think."
‘Lady Edelgard’…? Why does that sound familiar? Elise squints down at the card, face scrunched up in concentration as she tries to remember. Edelgard… Lady… …leader… hmm…
She’s snapped out of it just before the answer reaches her by the person sitting beside her now. He seems uncomfortable. Weird. She wonders what that’s about, she’s having a great time so far.
Elise returns the awkward smile with her usual bright one, nodding in agreement and flipping the card over so the text couldn’t even be seen anymore. Maybe that’ll make him feel better? “That’s okay! I don’t really know who that is anyway, don’t think I’ve ever met her. Though if she’s someone political, I guess that makes sense. I don’t really pay a lot of attention to that kinda stuff.” She probably should though.
A little disappointing, honestly. If this ‘Edelgard’ is important enough to the organizers to be a topic all on her own, she’s probably super nice! Or she’s the worst. Political people always seem to be one of the two, in her experience. 
“These are just suggestions anyway, right? I’m sure they won’t get mad if we talk about something else if we don’t like the topic! This is supposed to be fun, after all!”
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melusinezephyr · 1 year
Dimitri stood on the battlefield looking around to spot the members of his house. They were all out there fighting for his house so he had to do his best to uphold their faith in Blue Lions. Shaking his head, Dimitri faced down his opponent and readied his weapon to attack. Roll d20: 17! Hit! Damage: -1.5HP [Dimitri: 5/5HP] Zephia stood a good few paces away. Wanting to launch a surprise attack, Dimitri threw a javelin at her, the smaller lance arching through the sky, grazing her side.
Zephia takes no liking to mock battles such as this one, such paltry things could never be considered useful, not to the students and not to her. Serving Lord Sombron meant always seeing the real thing, never given a chance to hold back.
As the such, the wound that is inflicted upon her by the javelin seems just as inconsequential as anything else in this farce. Sure, it is far from feeling painless, and she is not Griss, her dear boy who would like the pain, but she has lived far many more years than the Blue Lion boy before her, and has felt far worse pain in her time.
Zephia is attacked with Javelin! Roll 1d20: 17! Hit! | Zephia HP: 4.5/6
She shakes her head, sighing all the while. This poor boy, he didn't know what he had coming to him.
"Oh, sweetheart, you call that an attack?!" She taunts him as the spell in her hands bubbles, an unfamiliar magic and way of using it, but something she is still far more experienced in than this boy could ever be in any weapon he uses.
"You are simply but a... child. Do your worst, I will not be defeated so easily." She smirks as she fires off the spell, quite glad to be able to get some of her more... sinister energy out on such things like this. It only made it all the easier to keep pretending she could be as pure and innocent as anyone else at the academy.
Zephia counterattacks using Miasma! Roll 1d20+2: 7! Hit! | -1.5 Damage
Turn 2 Initiation:
Zephia attacks using Miasma! Roll 1d20+2: 13! Hit! | -1.5 Damage
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higaneion · 1 year
the adventure of the unspeakable story / weekend 4
Split off once more, Lilina finds herself in some room that is familiar in some way—some place she’s visited earlier in the dream maybe, only a tad bit more unsettling be it from height or the grim scene they had seen just days prior. By her side Dimitri and Emil. She knew little of either, but she was sure they would be valuable companions on their shared journey. She passes a glance over at them. Asking if Dimitri was alright would be redundant as he looked worse for wear. 
          “Well, it is in our best interest to rest up here while we can, we don’t know what lies ahead of us.” She offers Dimitri a small smile meant to be kind, but she can feel herself grimacing on the inside at his current condition. Perhaps Emil would be kind enough to lend them aid while they have a moment before the chaos.
          In this moment of peace, the conversation she had listened in on before they had set out sat with her. To lose a child... Stumbling was quite the word for it as she recalled the memory to be much more gruesome than that. But she supposes it could serve as some cruel metaphor for how quickly childhood innocence was thrown aside. Literary devices aside, she knew well how it felt to lose someone dear at a young age. Death was inevitable, but despite knowing this, the pain never truly goes away.
          As if musing to herself, she says aloud just before they begin their descent, “I wonder if we’ve been looking at this in the wrong way. Maybe she just needs time to heal. Or I wonder if there’s anything we may do to alleviate her grief.”
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constancevonnuvelle · 2 years
"Constance..." The prince approached carefully, not wanting to accidentally spook the mage. "...I will not ask you if everything is okay, because I highly doubt it is...I feel the same way, after all. Instead I wish to ask...how are you holding up?" He sat next to her. After being knocked unconscious and thinking he was dead, Dimitri had no idea about what happened in the battlefield- nothing good, it seemed.
"...I am truly, truly awful at this. I wish I could have done more for all of you. Falling so quickly...it ashames me." Dimitri shakes his head slightly- focus, focus. "But whatever happened in the battle after I was out cold...it was not your fault, okay? I am sure that you did your very best, and for that I am proud of y-...well yes, proud of you, as your teammate and perhaps...friend, if you allow me to use that word." A small, reassuring smile. The pain he could see in her eyes- it was familiar, far too familiar. "We are all here for you, okay? You are not alone in this."
Until her name had brought her out of it, all Constance could do is sit there as the events replayed in her mind. Had she really forgotten it was all an illusion so easily? As much as she felt it was wrong to think, she did sort of appreciate that no one was there to see her outburst. 
“Oh! Your High- Prince- uh, aha.. D-Dimitri…!” Constance made an attempt to straighten her posture as much as she could in the presence of the crown prince, very confused. Is she supposed to use formalities? Of course she should, it is the Prince! She needs to make the best impression on every important figure she can if she wishes to regain her title! WHY IS SHE THINKING ABOUT HER TITLE NOW?
The image of Dimitri trying to play the banjo in the middle of battle reappears in her mind, calming her internal crisis a bit. Yeah, that Dimitri didn’t really need formalities, why should this one? It’s probably fine. Constance gives up on the whole posture thing once she reaches a conclusion. She’s too tired for that.
“I am fine, thank you. You have no need to worry so much.” Constance forces out a weak laugh, hoping to lighten the conversation or provide some reassurance. Likely ineffective, considering the circumstances, but she tried. “We did not last for much longer than you did, I’m afraid. However, it was clearly an unfair battle for them if they required our likeness for any hope of victory! I say we take it as a compliment.”
Again, her words are delivered as brightly as she could manage. Far below how she usually sounded, but— ‘proud of you.’ Constance forgets how to breathe for a second, a tear coming to her eye as his words practically punch her in the feelings. Constance gasps, trying to regain all the air she abandoned coughing for a moment as though she choked on something, although that something was just her own words. If it were tea or some other drink, she probably would have died again.
“I-I am sorry, your highness—I mean, Dimitri. Yes, I believe that I, uh, friends if you would. Good? Ah, that sentence did not make sense, my apologies. I—uh—“ Constance sniffs, her hand raising to her eye as she attempts to wipe away the tears as quickly as possible. This is so embarrassing. “I am sorry, you just… you sounded exactly l-like my brother for a moment. I was, um, not prepared, aha…ha…” 
WHY DID SHE SAY THAT? It was true, but still! This is the worst way this conversation could have gone. Despite her efforts, the more tears she wiped away, the more that came. Stupid memories. Not. Helping.
“I am so sorry, aha, ignore me. The same goes to you as well. Please do not hesitate if you ever need anything from me, Constance von… N-Nu…velle… ahem. Sorry. Ahahaha!”
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wild-moss-art · 11 months
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this is how I feel when I play azure moon
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chirpsythismorning · 1 month
Say it’s likely there will be a Brokeback Mountain reference in s5 and nobody bats an eye.
Say it’s likely that the final byler fight will be inspired by this scene and society goes wild.
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koroart · 7 months
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“Try not to fall to your death, Your Majesty~”
A DimiYuri commission based off the Romeo & Juliet painting for @ursapolaris ! ✨
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priintaniere · 2 years
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once in a 💙🌕, i make space in my brain for these ships 🌹🐝
※ please do not repost my art ※  ➜ commission and ko-fi links in bio
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rorah · 1 year
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I have only drawn 3 or 4 kisses... in my life as an artist lol. Time to add another two. Kisses are hard to draw but practice makes it easier (?). Just your typical delusional making your faves characters kiss, no context needed for the first part. The following part tho...
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Is part of the brainworms A Closer Look by Ammeh had left on me. Check it out if you haven't >_>.
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aegisshielded · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 || 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 & 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐢
Despite his plethora of complaints the moment anyone suggested it to be true, Felix was--by default--Dimitri's keeper. It had been his brother's responsibility before his passing, and Rodrigue made no attempt to hide the pushing of that responsibility to Felix the moment Glenn was put to rest in the family tomb.
So imagine Felix's frustration when, upon his return to Garreg Mach, his training is interrupted by the gossip of fellow students mentioning a certain blond prince rushing to the infirmary upon return from some incomprehensible journey to another realm. Good gods above, he leaves for one season...
He doesn't stop his training early, but his duty compels him to leave the training sword and seek out the prince as soon as the sun sets. Felix assumes he will find Dimitri in his room--just beside his own--and he heads for the dorms, sweat cooling in the evening air as the sun disappears along the horizon. The closer he gets to the dorms, he faster his feet carry him, boots clicking along the paved walkway.
Before he knows it, he is standing in front of Dimitri's door, hand poised to knock. Felix mulls over what he wants to say, for once, before rapping his knuckles against the door wordlessly, waiting to confirm if Dimitri is really in there before he says anything. Best not to let the entire dormitory know he's checking up on the prince.
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cherishedboxart · 6 months
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"Listen, Dedue... Perhaps you consider me to be someone special. But I think the same of you. You are irreplaceable. Cherished."
Today is the 4th anniversary of me seeing the Dimidue A support for the first time <3
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sillyfairygarden · 1 year
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under the crimson moon (print link)
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demi-pixellated · 2 years
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Carried Away
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myebi · 1 year
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my sh0p closes tomorrow!! 🌷
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Vampire Academy s01e10: “You’ll be okay.”
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