choster33 · 5 days
Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 5 Reaction
I have done this for the first four episodes, so I will do this four the next four episodes. I am super excited to watch the last four and am very excited to see all the Polin love and drama! Here we go!
I love the Bridgertons warm reception to Penelope, but was expecting some shock, but it's like they all already kind of knew! And them being so happy it's Penelope is so cute! Eliose is justified in her actions here, I totally get her, Penelope is still keeping secrets from him and knows it will devastate him.
Where I don't understand Eloise is that if she was such close friends with Penelope and paid enough attention to her, she would have picked up Penelope's crush on Colin. Show Eloise sort of irritates me in that she is very self centered and likes to hear herself talk, but doesn't really listen to others.
Queen Charlotte, I think has reasons to be upset with Lady Whistledown. LW has been right about a lot of things, but sometimes she could be sharp and call the Queen and the court out, which is tantamount to treason. LW has been blinded by the power she wields to thinking she has as much power as the queen, but the queen has infinitely more money, power, and might than a writer, so she should have been more careful.
I love me some Kanthony, yes! I've been missing them in the past episodes and now they're back! They're going to have a baby and I want to shout out loud like Anthony did. So so cute! I want to see as much Polin in future seasons!
Eloise, Eloise. I get the anger and confusion, but to question your entire relationship? I hate this rift between them that is not in the books and hope for a reconciliation, but I hate this. Peneloise is a hallmark friendship and super cute. The writers better reconcile them!
I like that the Bridgerton brothers aren't objecting Penelope or making fun of her or anything and just focusing on how swiftly the relationship is moving. Anthony is becoming wise in his years and his marriage to Kate and him telling Colin to tell Penelope how he feels is gold coming from a man forced into marriage in the books.
Portia Featherington, ugh. I love to hate this woman! I think the actress eats up her scenes and she is so infuriating. I totally understand Penelope's lack of enthusiasm for speaking to her mother or engaging with her, it's been a steady stream of neglect and abuse from the Featheringtons all her life.
Fancy on the neighbor boy? Shut up, Portia! He loves her! I would see her side due to Penelope's spinsterhood, but Portia has always overlooked Penelope which is why she is the way she is. And the Bridgertons treated you harshly because of Portia's awful schemes regarding Marina that she knew and cosigned. They were awful and should be chastised. And her entrapping him is rich when Portia had all her schemes in the past.
Come through, Colin! Yes, I predicted that Portia would get a telling off moment and here it is! You go, Colin! The Bridgerton boys are so gentlemanly and chivalrous. This is giving me Anthony telling off the Sheffield- Sharmas and I'm here for it.
Oooooh, mirror scene, mirror scene! I have seen pictures from this scene and had some spoilers and now it's here! Colin is so in love and so cute for this. Penelope is so broken and traumatized she doesn't realize her amazingness and beauty! But Colin sees it and wants her to see herself as he sees her. Yes, yes, yes!
This is so passionate and hot! More of this please! I love how Colin keeps making Penelope look at herself and see her beauty. I also love that this is in the light and the day where nothing can hide. They are also portraying first time sex really well, he is so gentle with her!
I love how into it and focused on her he is which is such a contrast to how he was with the prostitutes. He is so into her pleasure that he is so pleased to make her feel good. Love that for him.
More Kanthony! I'm here for it, they are soooo cute! I love seeing Kate and Anthony and hope that they are here season after season. I love seeing the entire family together.
Love Francesca and John as well. They are going to get married soon I can feel it. I would normally think that they are moving too fast, but I like them so much that I don't care. I think the actors portraying them really do a good job of showing who the characters are and they're undeniable chemistry with each other that them getting together is a foregone conclusion at this point.
I love Kate and think she is a great Lady Bridgerton. I loved last season and am so glad she is figuring in the story still. I love her being a good big sister to Eloise. Kate is so intuitive and wise that this conversation makes sense to happen and I love how Eloise actually listens to her.
I love Varley she is so funny and amusing to me. She is so loyal to the Featheringtons. I hope that we don't have another Featherington scandal to contend with. Portia, keep it together.
Luke Newton is sooo hot! Yummy! And so is Nicola! Perfect breasts indeed!
I saw this coming in a way about the queen. She is pissed at Lady Whistledown and I get that LW is weak right now because she is distracted by falling in love with Colin. The Queen is not wrong, this would be the perfect time to pounce. I like the change from Lady Danbury issuing the challenge to the Queen in the show because the Queen is far more invested in LW in the show and it shows how powerful LW is, even having the Queen as a rival or adversary and getting away with it. Plus it makes the reward and consequences bigger.
Tell him Penelope! She's not going to anytime soon I fear, but I wish she did!
Eloise took Kate's advice and is talking to Colin. This is funny because even in the book Penelope finds it odd that Penelope and Colin got together and was sad she was losing a friend, so I see her reaction here and get it. Especially being at odds currently with Penelope. But I get Colin, too. Eloise loved Penelope and did think of her as a sister.
Ugh, Lord Greer. Poor Cressida. Matches like these were more the norm during this time and it's good that Bridgerton is going here. Love stories like the Bridgertons are the rare stories for the time.
Ha! The look on Penelope's face when Portia steps in! Like what have you done with my mother? I'm glad Portia is changing her tune, but it is hilarious because she has allowed such trauma to be done and said to Penelope over the years. Featheringtons support one another, lol.
I love the matriarchs loving on Penelope! Penelope is such a smart and exceptional woman, she is Lady Whistledown for goodness sakes. So I'm glad that all these other brilliant women see it too.
I don't really like Lord Anderson, that much but I don't know if it's my gut reaction or Lady Danbury's stink eye. I trust Lady Danbury so there's some drama happening here between them and until I know, I don't like him. His smile seems fake.
Eloise is not wrong here, she's not making it about herself or being childish. She is giving Penelope time to tell Colin and also speaks of how Colin would be upset knowing that Eloise knew. It's going to make Penelope lose her mind to give her a deadline like that, but here we go.
I wasn't sure where they were going with a conflicted Penelope and Eloise, but I'm kind of liking the drama. This is a relationship we've seen since Season 1, episode 1 and we're invested in this friendship. So to see Eloise so bitter and disappointed is juicy. She is right, Penelope is hiding something and it will hurt Colin.
I love that the game Charades reveals that Eloise and Penelope are the group's intellectual giants. They are best friends and one of them is Lady Whistledown and so I love that for them. They are so brilliant, no wonder that they are best friends and that they are wallflowers, they are miles intellectually from others.
Oof, Cressida is becoming desperate! I think this is going to be a turn from which there is no return. I was getting to have sympathy for her and was enjoying the friendship between her and Eloise, but now I think her desperation is going to drive her to a bad path. Plus, why is she attacking Eloise? Eloise is smarter than her, and has found out who LW is and is just not telling anyone about it. Eloise is trying to be a good friend and trying to get Cressida down a bad path.
Poor Penelope, she must be feeling so stressed and panicked right now. I like this episode for the pacing and the drama. Tick tock is right. There is so much going on. Baby announcement. Cressida's news. Penelope's fainting.
I knew from the books that Cressida was going to come forward and I like how the show is framing it as an act of desperation. I still don't like the decision to come forward as Lady Whistledown, but this feels more complex than in the books, where Cressida is just a hateful cow.
Well, I loved this episode it had sexy Polin in it as well as lots of drama. She still hasn't told Colin and that reveal is going to be filled with drama. I hope for more passionate scenes and for more drama for the next episodes along with a glorious reunification with Eloise.
Season 3 has been so good so far. The perfect blend of romance, humor, suspense, and drama. Lots of fan service. I am satisfied!
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choster33 · 8 days
Bridgerton Part 2 predictions
I haven't gotten Part 2 yet and I am eagerly waiting until tomorrow. Before I get it I just want to put down my predictions for Part 2 before I am spoiled and the story goes in a completely different direction. I want to look back on this to see just how wrong or right I got.
Firstly, I think that no one is going to really be surprised about Polin except for maybe the Featheringtons who thought Penelope would die a spinster. I hope that Colin takes Penelope away, has words with Portia, and they just jet out of there. The less Featherington involvement the better I say. If Portia stays involved, she's going to cause some drama or have bad relationship advice or something. I hope Penelope has a stand up for herself, you never treated me right moment.
Secondly, I think the major plot and drama is going to involve Eloise in Part 2. We have been spoiled with her threatening to reveal Penelope and I think the past seasons have been leading to their showdown or major makeup and reconciliation. One of the things I hate about the book to tv switch is what they did to Peneloise and their relationship, but if it's for a reason and the drama in Part 2 is well written and pays off, I will change my mind. I really want them to be friends again and if it takes Lady Whistledown being shut down or revealed to do it then so be it.
Thirdly, I want more Kanthony and more Francesca and John. There was a bunch of Kanthony in episode 1 but it petered out and John and Francesca are super cute. I will get to see more of them and I am happy about that. Also, I wouldn't mind a Edwina/Prince cameo or reference- I want to know they are doing well!
Fourthly, I really don't care for Lord Anderson, so they better make him more interesting in Part 2 or have that storyline peter out because snooze. Don't waste Violet Bridgerton on a lame match, better make it a spicy one!
Lastly, and I know this one will come true is that there will be lots of cute and sexy Polin moments that will make me squeal with delight. I am loving this season and love the two mains, the friends to lovers story, etc. There will be kisses and hugs and fighting and making up and cuteness and emotion and everything and I can't wait!!!
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choster33 · 8 days
Nicola Coughlan is a Queen!
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Damn girl! I love Bridgerton, Derry Girls, etc and you are giving on the red carpet! I can't wait to watch part 2 of Bridgerton Season 3. You are funny, sassy, confident, and a woman of the times. Love me some Nicola!
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choster33 · 12 days
Bridgerton S3 Episode 4 Reaction
So I finally watched the last episode of Part 1 and it was everything I wanted it to be! It was so steamy and full of Colin angst. I am going to write and react about what I saw so if you want to read on!
First off, the rest of the Featheringtons are trash. They're hilarious, but horrible sisters and mother to Penelope. I will one day write an essay about the trauma that Pen has gone through and etc. because ugh. Now on to Lord Debling who is adorable with his plant present.
Yes a nod to Penelope sitting at that settee and enjoying the view of Bridgerton House aka where her love Colin is at. I think she isn't leading Lord Debling on here, she genuinely is getting tired of being in the corner, playing what if and ready for a real relationship. She's not in love with Lord Debling, but ready to accept something real over her years of fantasizing over Colin for nothing.
I agree with people who wrote that the scene that Colin is rereading his journal, he's going over what Penelope has read so that he knows what she read and enjoyed and what would be going through her mind. Lady Bridgerton for sure knows that Colin is in love with Penelope! She knows he's in love and he couldn't take his eyes off of Penelope. And she's no idiot, the boy is acting love sick and she can smell that a mile away.
Tillie Arnold is an amusement, but not endgame.
Is it just me or is Lord Anderson not that funny or charming? I don't mind him courting Violet or anything to do with his person, but I don't get it. Maybe I'm taking cues from Lady Danbury who is an impeccable judge of character, but I'm meh about him.
LOL! I love Queen Charlotte and Brimsley! The step another pace backwards comment was gold. "You read me too well."
Awww look at Francesca's little face! She likes John so much! They just get each other and the two actors portray that so well. The joy they have when together, the unspoken silences, and the chemistry they have is evident and I like them!
Lord Samadani is portrayed perfectly as well- he is handsome and dashing and everything that a traditional girl would have wanted. But not what Francesca wants.
Aw, poor Cressida. I never thought I would think or say that, but here we are. The writers have reframed her into a victim of the ton and has tried to free her from the trope of Mean Blonde Bitch.
Oh, Pen it's so obvious you're staring at Colin. Even Lord Debling can tell something's up. I really like Lord Debling, I think he's so cute! I know he's not endgame, but he's doing everything right so far. Asking her how he would secure her hand and putting out feelers of her reaction to a proposal.
Oho the infamous prostitute scene! Yes, he seems incredibly disinterested. Of course his enthusiasm is elsewhere it's with Penelope! I don't mind this scene so much because it just heightens Colin's disinterest with any woman except for Penelope.
Ha! I love how Francesca just accosted Lord Kilmartin! She knows what she wants and it's this man! They are so cute and awkward and adorable! Francesca wants love, but doesn't want to or know how to play games like Daphne did. They are the on the spectrum romance I didn't know I wanted or needed.
Ooh more Cressida backstory and it is grim. Her family and house are so cold. Yeesh. No wonder she is who she is and does what she does. Eloise is sweet to come by and check up on Cressida, she's a good friend. Her father seems like a pill.
I like the Mondrich's and understand them having class/adjustment issues about suddenly becoming part of the ton. It's good to have some contrast and real people part of the main story, but I also don't understand Will's determination to not see how it looks for him to be serving as bartender. With that act he seemingly doesn't understand the whole have/have not system the ton is based on. Wake up, Will!
These assholes. I never liked these puffed up men of the ton who parade about as rakes, but are more likely just assholes who've slept with a girl or two, who they've most likely had to pay. I'm not a prude or judgmental, but I am with Colin and would be sick of them too.
Penelope being wary of her engagement with Lord Debling makes sense. The girl has been in love with Colin Bridgerton for years and still is and so it would be hard for her to just throw that all away and go with Lord Debling, whom she is not in love with. She's not opposed to him, but also waiting for true love.
Ha! We get more love sick and pining Colin! It's sad to see him like this, but also sweet poetic justice for all the years Penelope was pining alone for him. Lady Bridgerton is such a good mother! She knows Colin like the back of her hand and I love the part where she talks about armor. She knows he's been playing a part lately and wants him to be his Cinnamon Roll self.
She knew exactly what she was doing when she mentions Penelope and getting a proposal! That minx! She's sharp and sly and knows exactly what to say to get a response from her children. Lol.
The ballet was gorgeous! That hair piece OMG it was stunning! I like the Queen, but no Francesca will not end up with Lord Samadani!
The ballet sequence is interesting because of Penelope's reaction to it. The ballet is a romance story and Penelope is wrapped up in it. Other people are admiring the artistry and appreciating the dancers, but Penelope is swept up in it. Which proves that a loveless marriage will not do for her.
See, back to Lord Anderson and I get why he would like Violet, but not why she would like him back. They are reading friends to me than late in life love match. I just don't see instant chemistry or anything.
Tillie is beautiful and amusing, but eventually Benedict is going to chafe at the hiding things and lack of romance. Clearly Tillie is her own woman and not needing a man, which will turn Benedict off eventually I believe.
I actually like the Cressida and Eloise relationship. What am I saying? But I do! I think it's cute. Cressida is in sore need of a friend to soften her and Eloise needs one that listens to her.
Yes! Colin thinking back to that one day and the glass and the looks and the comments about eyes. They were so close and comfortable with each other because they were friends before feelings and etc got in the way.
More Francesca and John and they are very cute. She's abrupt with him at first because she thinks he doesn't like her, but lights up when she sees his gesture. This man gets her to her very soul and it's very cute. Lemonade isn't going to cut it man! She has someone who reads her very soul! The queen's face lol!
Excuse me! Colin is here for a purpose, boys, out of the way!
Oof, you were being honest, but way to fumble the ball Lord Debling. He knows that Penelope loves romance and romance novels and couldn't throw her a bone about one day being in love. Maybe that's what it is and wasn't meant to be, but oof.
Here comes unhinged Colin and I love it! I have been spoiled by this from all over and here it is! Yes walking right up to a dancing couple like that quite scandalous! This is going to be good.
Eros and Psyche indeed! Cressida can be a cow at times, but she's right here. Everything she's putting out here is right. They are old friends, but something is going on between them and directly across the street of that window Penelope's obsessed with. She gives Lord Debling all the answers and clues to put the pieces together.
I feel for Penelope because she feels like Lord Debling is her one and only shot at a husband, but Lord Debling is not a fool and has figured out about her and Colin. He's not wrong and the two of them would not have been a good match, but I feel bad for Penelope.
Colin running down this carriage, yes very unhinged behavior indeed! The boy is lovestruck! Those eyes when he says he cannot leave her alone! They are so in love and the total opposite reaction we see from him with the prostitutes. He is all emotion, all heart on his sleeve and I love to see it.
They're getting it on, they're doing it! Eeek, squee, all the feels! That moment after they start kissing where they look at each other to see if this is real and yes, yes it is! Then they get back into it hot and heavy. He's going for more and she gives the nod of consent. Yes, let's do this Colin! I've been spoiled about the fingering but it is hot! Yes Go get it girl!
Aww that moment of laughter between the two so cute! I've seen other posts on this and it's a moment where they are two old friends and giggling together and that is the nature of their romance and relationship and I agree. It's utterly adorable.
Ok!!! Ugh now I know why so many people can't wait for part 2. Fortunately for me, it's only a couple more days and I can't wait!!!! We're going to have Lady Whistledown drama, Eloise drama, a lot of Polin sex, and a marriage! I can't wait I can't wait!
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choster33 · 22 days
Bridgerton S3 episode 3 reaction
So this is my reaction to Episode 3 of Bridgerton Season 3. I am doing this slowly so I don't burn myself out and can digest each episode. So far I am loving the show and know it's just going to get more juicy, so here goes. Spoilers ahead but most of y'all have seen it already.
Wow, they're starting on a sexy dream and it's super hot! I knew Colin was hooked from last episode's kiss and he is! He is thinking about Penelope and the kiss, we're going to get a lot of lovesick Colin and I am here for it!
Ok, so now with the family we are getting awkward trying to deny it but failing miserably Colin which is hilarious! He's such a cinnamon roll he won't be able to hide this for too much longer. He may have slept with some ladies, but he is no true rake or hider of his feelings.
Awww, we're getting a bit Peneloise! Love them as besties, and so so hope this means there is going to be a thaw and a path back to friendship. I think I would be somewhat upset as Eloise due to Penelope's lies and continuing as Lady Whistledown even if it hurts people even herself. But I get Penelope too in that LW offers her money, power, and a voice. It has become a part of who she is and she enjoys it. Perhaps if LW were to be revealed or gotten rid of, the two will be friends again.
The ton is full of bitches, geez what was Pen's crime? Being a bit pathetic? She doesn't fit the mold due to size and being a wallflower and they are so mean to her about it. Granted LW just labeled her as pathetic as well and they take cues from LW, but this was happening even before LW said anything. I'm going to live for her becoming Mrs. Colin Bridgerton and having a rising star as an in your face to all the haters!
Ok, the willow scene is everything I wanted it to be! It's gorgeous and the awkward Pen and Colin! They are friends and want to make sure that the other is happy. Even in lust, Colin doesn't push his way into Penelope's life or arms again and listens to her. So cute!
Aw, I ship Colin and Penelope, but I really like Lord Debling. I think that to spice up the drama they couldn't have put someone uninteresting in that place, they had to make him a viable suitor for Penelope and it's working for me. He's adorable and charming, Not endgame obviously but good for you Penelope! Flirt away with handsome vegetarian man!
The pastry scene! I was spoiled by pictures of this and it lives up to the hype! The expression on his face! He is going to have so many nasty thoughts about this moment lol! Oho! I so get the he bought the pastry to see how Pen's mouth tasted at that moment memes started, yes yes!
Ooh man of action Colin! So hot! But then we have Lord Debling coming over and protecting her! Ooh, get it Penelope! What a day! To see Colin's rippling arms like that and then to be wrapped around Lord Debling's arms! And the care he's putting into making sure she's ok! He's definitely in the running now!
I like Lady Tilley Arnold. I think she's an interesting addition to the show, she seems like an intelligent, capable woman. She might not be Benedict's endgame, but I think she will offer a lot of interesting scenes and banter. I think she will play the perfect foil to Sophie if the writers stick to that storyline. I like Tilley and she's interesting, but a little too forward and sure of herself for Benedict. I think Benedict wants someone he can sweep off her feet and live a romance with.
Ok, I really like Lord Debling, so sue me. He is honest, charming and understanding. He doesn't want her to be someone just for him and seems to like Penelope for being herself. We're rooting for Polin, but I like the writers here for making Lord Debling attractive and a viable second choice.
Colin is so falling for Penelope and now Violet definitely knows that he feels something for Penelope. Mama ain't no fool! And Lady Whistledown here is doing amazing writing here. The whole episode was full of innovations, nature, and technology and now we get the whole thesis of the episode. In that all innovations are a distraction and our greatest battle is within ourselves.
Colin was on the precipice of something, but couldn't put it into words. Penelope felt something and even gave him a chance, but that time delay was starting to get awkward. She had to go with Lord Debling. I don't think she was being cruel here or making Colin suffer, there was no other option besides she likes Lord Debling too at this point. I also like "Happier than ever" playing, I like that song and it is Pen's f you people, I can get a man if I wanted to moment.
OK, so not as juicy an episode as ep 2 so far in that they are still in the will they won't they stage of things, but I think that's ok. For friends to lovers and these Bridgerton seasons, I think the slow burn is for the best before we get the sex all the time episodes. We got a lot of pining Colin in this episode and I loved it! He's so cute when he's all jealous and wondering what Penelope's doing.
Can't wait for the final episode, I know it's super juicy!
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choster33 · 24 days
Go watch Audra McDonald at the Palladium!
She is amazing and the show is free from PBS right now!
I have loved her for years and this show is good. If you are a fan of show tunes and singing and Audra, please go check it out!
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choster33 · 26 days
Yes, all of this. Written so beautifully to describe something so beautiful, Love.
"Colin didn't do enough to earn/deserve Penelope!"
but that's the rub, isn't it? he didn't have to. that's why people are so mad. He didn't have to, and he never had to
Because what this season proves is that love isn't about what we deserve. That love cannot be earned. Viewing love in such light makes it conditional- a matter of transaction. That if we simply do enough, if we humble ourselves, if we are ground down to humility, surely we will be cared for. That love can be a matter of groveling, or suffering, is antithetical to what it truly is. It is such an incredibly puritanical, highly Catholic perspective on it. That Colin has fallen from grace with what he said at the end of Season 2, and thus must now repent. Must have adequate penance.
Who determines what would have been enough, in such circumstances? What would be enough from such a puritanical viewpoint to garner forgiveness? When Colin had history of being soft and tender with Penelope- writing her letters, complimenting her, finding her in ballrooms, laughing at her jokes and making her laugh in turn, defending her- would it truly appease us to have the shape of their lovestory form around the skin of suffering? Of coming to hands and knees in a plead for mercy?
Penelope informs that she's hurt by his comments, and Colin sought to soothe that pain without her demanding it of him. That is love. Penelope reveals the ache of being unwanted and how it affects her self worth, and Colin says 'I will help you see yourself the way I see you', because he has always found her wonderful. That is love. Colin comes to Penelope and reveals that he appreciates her, that he does not want to lose her, and requests a chance to prove that, and she not only accepts, but finds relief in doing so. That's love. Penelope feels braver because Colin thinks she already is. That's love. Colin feels unseen but Penelope sees him. That's love. Penelope asks Colin to kiss her with no expectations of more, and he tenderly touches her face and dreams and dreams and dreams of that moment where she put her heart in his hands. That's love. Colin runs after her carriage and has no idea she harbors affection for him when he spills his own heart open, asking her to choose him, and when she says they're friends, he backs off. That's love. Penelope says she wants to be more than friends, and they fall headfirst into each other. That's love. Colin asks Penelope for her permission to provide pleasure for her, and in doing so, finds pleasure himself. That's love, that's love, that's love.
It has never been about 'deserving'. It has only ever been about opening themselves up to the possibility. Colin and Penelope said: I know you're scared, I know it's scary, but it's worth it. I adore you. Take my hand. Stand with me in corners and have a good time. Crack silly jokes with me. Let's eat cake. Walk with me. Talk to me of matters so foolish, it would make you blush to do so with someone else, I want to listen. I accept you. I see you. Love is not owed, earned- but given. Shared freely. Without expectation. Without condition. With an open hand and heart.
They said: You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
Nicola was right. Season 3 is about romance.
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choster33 · 28 days
Gambit- X-men 97's Romantic Hero
I love Gambit and after watching X-men 97 I'm sure that he's a lot of people's favorite right now. After watching and rewatching, season 1 I think that the writers have set him up as the Romantic Hero which is not just that he's a main part of a love triangle which he is but Romantic in the Byronic literary archetype way of "possessing the qualities of being larger than life, enjoying suffering, being isolated from society, being always haunted by an unseeingly unidentified sin and is known for being quite cynical" according to Brainly.com. Not to mention having a long suffering love interest!
He is not in the series for a lot of time, but his arc through episode 5 and the impact that he has throughout the whole show is monumental. He begins with a splash looking hot in his iconic pink crop top. I mean, there are very few people who would make this look good and he really does. He also comes off as way more interesting than Scott who bores me to tears. I sometimes skip Scott and Jean stuff to be quite honest and that comes from Remy being a good guy, but not boring. He has a sense of humor, a sense of adventure, and an all around down to earth personality. He is a strong fighter and loyal X-men, but even from the beginning he is seen as charming, funny and right. There is less of a threat after Xavier's death and Scott, Bishop and Ororo did have it handled.
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Then we get to the club and Gambit is the ultimate lover in that he pairs up with Rogue and then proceeds to look at her lovingly whilst telling her what any worthwhile man would do to be with her. Swoon.
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Then we have episode 2 where Rogue and Magneto reestablish their connection. We may cheer Rogue for being able to touch someone, but look at Gambit's hurt and sad eyes. Long suffering relationship indeed. Romantic heroes seem to love suffering and what is more painful and self inflicted than falling in love with someone who can't touch, but also is full of insecurities about love and commitment. I love Rogue, but she's afraid of love and terrified of hurting someone else which shows in how she handles relationships.
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Mon dieu, it's freaky Rogueneto telling him what he tells himself, his deepest fears. A good Romantic hero always has demons and haunted by past sins and who is more haunted by his past than Gambit. I have to say here that some people might be thinking who is more tortured than Magneto, but I disagree. Magneto has a dark past, but he thinks he's right. Whereas Gambit is wracked with guilt and feelings of not being worthy of being called a X-man and being Rogue's man. He grew up a Cajun swamp rat from a Thieves guild raised by thieves, assassins and other nefarious people and lived most of his life as a thief. What makes him interesting is the tortured guilt and modesty that Gambit has.
He goes to Genosha because he's jealous and wants to make sure that there is nothing going on between Rogue and Magneto. Magneto even says as much. He wasn't even meant to be there and might have been safe on Earth, but we know what happened to him tragically. Plus we see how he is not cowed by Magneto and willing to ask questions no one else is willing to ask. Another reason why Magneto is not the Romantic hero, is that he is mutant MVP in this show, the heir to the X-mansion and the X-men, asked to be king of Genosha, and etc. where Romantic heroes are on the fringes of society like Gambit, who is a hero as a X-man but not wanting fame, glory, or power like Magneto.
Kurt is so observant and sees instantly the connection the two have and calls Gambit out on being theatrical. Gambit calls himself a scoundrel and yet again dismisses the possibility of a happy ending for himself. Then we get that iconic line of "There is no love without sin. Love is best measured in what we forgive." Gambit again falls into the Romantic hero trope of thinking he is too low for love, but isn't going to necessarily change his ways, just accepts that he is on the fringes of society and all that entails. One of the things I love about Romy is their understanding about one another. They both have murky pasts and are filled with self loathing and self doubt. They are strong attractive X-men but they are best friends because they GET each other.
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Oof, the breakup scene. How more Romantic and tortured was this? He showed how amazing a man he was by patiently listening to her tell her story and then at the end not blowing up at her or making her feel like shit, but just wanting the truth from her and showing how much it hurt him. He played the Swamp Rat, because a lot of that was a game, a way for her to feel OK with keeping him at arm's length, dangling on a string, never fully letting him in because intimacy was too scary.
It's scenes like this that make me wonder if they have touched before even accidentally because Gambit as a character is so self loathing that if she touched him even by accident, she is holding so much of that loathing in her which may be something contributing to her doubts. A part of comic!Rogue leaving Gambit in Antarctica was because she absorbed him and was filled with self loathing.
He is such a gentleman that he even kisses her hand and agrees to be friends. And granted that the Magneto and Rogue dance was hot, but that must have been torture for Gambit. Then our Byronic hero becomes a man of action and hot damn we get James Bond level action and heroics. He shows his strength and does whatever is necessary to save his lady. Despite his differences with Magneto, he doesn't petulantly sulk but does what is required of him because he is a hero at the end of the day. He is brave and selfless and chivalrous. He is giving old school knight chivalry here and I'm here for it.
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Then my heart breaks as does every other viewer at the death scene and the "can't feel you" line. It's very soap opera-y and dramatic to kill him after breaking his heart, but here we are. Rogue is the long suffering love interest and most Romantic stories don't necessarily have a happy ending. He wasn't even meant to be in Genosha and because of love and circumstance ended up dying tragically as the ultimate hero. He died a hero's death dying to save thousands, but more importantly to save the love of his life.
In later episodes, his death is a catalyst for Rogue taking action and even turning darker. Her love for Gambit shows more when he is gone and is going to be a fundamental chapter in her life. One that might make her think twice about being commitment phobic and using her abilities as an excuse not to feel intimacy and how wrong she got it with Gambit. It was love, true love and she didn't see it until she was too late.
This may just be a chapter in their story and we may have more drama and angst with Deathbit in Season 2, but even dead Gambit was the troubled Romantic lead that made X-men 97 work and be so interesting. Episode 5 was my favorite and probably the best episode next to the finale and that's due to Gambit. We relate to him and feel deeply in his pain, self loathing, jealousy, and love of Rogue. I find Magneto interesting and Rogueneto is fun to read and write about, but Romy is the OTP and Gambit is Lancelot.
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choster33 · 30 days
Bridgerton Season 3 ep 2 Reaction
Again, I am going at this slowly and probably going to be spoiled mercilessly until June but I am watching one episode a week until June. So here is my reaction to Episode 2. Spoilers ahead.
Ok, so I've been spoiled by references to this already. But Colin and the whores. So right now I don't feel any way about this because Colin is over age and single. He is back from Europe and has had the influence of Anthony and Benedict before him. He is not cheating on anyone here and having fun especially because he can. He has the money and the freedom to do it. He is not deflowering virgins and lying to women or mistreating them, he is getting in practice.
Now back to Polin. Ok the discussion about the first meeting is SO CUTE! He brings it up which shows how much of it he remembers and shows that it is important to him, not some insignificant thing. I would be melting! "Because we were children" indeed. The best love starts with friendship and there is no better friends than the ones you have as little children! You are your purest selves! Even Rae the housemaid thinks there's something going on! Plus I love the ease Penelope feels around Colin and that they are friends. Yes!
Colin talking to Penelope about going abroad and finding himself is surprising and refreshing. In the books, a major plot point was Colin chafing at the Bridgerton name and wanting to be known and admired for himself which leads to Penelope encouraging Colin's writing. I wonder if they will ever include Colin writing in the show and am curious about that. But I'm not mad that show!Colin is more at peace and one with himself in the show than the books, it makes him more grounded and by the time they get together Penelope will be getting whole, mature Colin. "Living for the estimation of others is a trap, once you break free, the world opens up." Swoon!
Bridgerton drawing room! Colin listens to her. He asked her where she was most comfortable and uses that information. This is the kind of stuff that makes me love friends to lovers. Whether there is sex involved or not, this is the one person who actually knows you, who actually cares about your wants and needs. He's not doing anything nefarious or even self serving, he is just being her friend. Yes! This is also one of the reasons I've always liked Colin, he is a cinnamon roll sweetheart who truly is a good friend which makes Penelope's crush on him a healthy choice.
OMG! The eyes bit! Yes, Penelope yes! See, she loves the kindness in Colin and she was vulnerable, even he needed a drink then! Ooh they put in the journal reading and hand cutting scene from the books! Yes, it was one of the scenes I loved! He is angry at her for seeing something so intimate, but he also is super close physically to her as well as a type of freedom that someone has seen his most intimate thoughts.
Ooh, hand twitching, he's definitely thinking of Penelope! Eloise is not wrong here, they are single and often unchaperoned, if they are really playing friends and leading to nothing it does not look right, but we know better! Aww, Polin laughing together! Yes, that is a horse joke! One thing I love about Polin is their mutual sense of humor at puns, jokes etc. They are both word nerds at heart and I love it.
Featheringtons and the lack of sex knowledge is a hoot! They are not my favorite people and side story, but I did cackle at that. Aww, I;m glad that Bridgerton is putting people in wheelchairs in the show! Yes and he's not a joke or anything, good for them! And Colin isn't judgmental or disapproving, score!
Ooof, damn you meddling mamas and gossiping bitches leave Penelope alone! And I am proud and clinging to the writers allowing Cressida to be a fully fleshed out person and not just a villain for not starting the gossip. Ooh, yes though on Colin defending Pen so heartily even to his own sister.
I knew Cressida wasn't the culprit! Yes, the writers are really trying to make Cressida a rounded out character and worthy of forgiveness or at least some understanding. I wonder what they are going to do for her as the season progresses... I think it might be a good look to turn things on its head and to put out the message that no one is irredeemable and etc.
The scene of Penelope at the window is so sad, even her mother doesn't believe she will get a husband and she was forced to write as Lady Whistledown about how pathetic she is. She herself knows how the game is played and how courtship works and this is not the way to get a husband, she's definitely in some deep darkness right now.
Then we get Colin coming over to check in on Pen! Ohh, she asked for a kiss! They started and now they are really going for it! Yeehaw! Squee! Omg! SO hot. The look in his eyes afterwards! Oh! I see where Colin is the prince being awakened by the kiss! Pen is like bye thanks for the kiss and it probably meant nothing to you so I won't make a thing out of it. And he is all I did it to be kind to my friend but it feels so good and right and HOT damn what am I feeling?? Yes, yes, yes!
I can't wait for the next two episodes! I'm living for this!
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choster33 · 1 month
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If you’re a fan of the show you should really check out Xmen 97 comics it’s like a precursor to the show. Dazzler is in it as well as the Nasty boys and Sabretooth and Mr Sinister.
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choster33 · 1 month
X-Bridgerton men 97 fandom crazy week
I want to get a feel for who like me is a Bridgerton and X-men fan and went absolutely crazy this week. I mean I am on cloud 9 and feel like the Fandom Gods really wanted to please me this week. I watched each show on their premier release dates and they were the highlight of my week.
I can see why I'm a fan of both in that they are both colorful worlds that have romance, humor, drama, and interesting storylines in them as well as saying something about the bigger world and about life, love and politics. So how about you guys? Bridgerton? X-men? Both like me and went absolutely bananas?
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choster33 · 1 month
The Music of Xmen 97
So one of the things I LOVED about the finale was the music. The Newton brothers did the damn thing and the Tolerance is Extinction suite is a masterpiece. The whole choral piece when the X-men is dealing with the asteroid falling is epic! Here is a clip of the suite. Go Newton Brothers, go!
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choster33 · 1 month
Bridgerton season 3 ep 1 reaction
First off, I'm super excited that it's Premiere day! I have been waiting months for this so I'm very happy to have new Bridgerton in my life. I am going into this season very excited because we the viewers are so invested in the Colin Penelope storyline from Season 1. We could smell that friends to lovers storyline a mile away and it's book canon and now here for our viewing pleasure! And talk about a glowup- Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan are gorgeous!!! (Spoilers ahead!)
So, pressing play and immersing myself back in the world- it looks beautiful and the music is still sublime. I think the Francesca storyline is going to be very interesting this season and I'm glad that they are doing right by Francesca especially if they plan on centering a future season on her. She is the perfect antidote to Eloise in that she is composed and above the drama. I read somewhere else that she's emo and I think that's apt. She's very cerebral I think and I can't wait to see what makes her tick in the coming episodes and seasons. I like that she's kind of a mystery.
Colin is here and he looks HOT! Giving us gratuitous topless shots, yes, yes, yes! He's always been a favorite of mine because even in Season 1 and babyfaced, he was so charming. He is still the charmer and I love that this year is all about him! He's out here flirting with all the other girls, but he's still such a cinnamon roll that you can't help but rooting for him.
Penelope's glow up. Penelope looks gorgeous! Nicola Coughlan is so pretty and she's really representing out here for the curvy and petite girls! She is still super awkward and will have to get over that and thus get assistance from Colin, but even Colin acknowledged how good she looks now. And I saw somewhere that her glow up was like the My Big Fat Greek Wedding makeover in that it was self-directed and desired and not based on revenge or whatever, which I love. She got a glow up, but it's for her. A little desperation for not wanting to stuck at home, but for her, for her future.
I think this season is going to be juicy because I like Lord Debling. He's not in the books and there is no book precedent or archetype that he is filling and I had no idea what to expect, but even in their brief exchange at the ball I like him. He seems to appreciate and admire Penelope right away which I love for Penelope. I know it's not endgame, but I think it's good for Penelope to have someone aside from Colin attracted to her. She has been a wallflower for so long that without another love interest, Colin would have things way too easy this season and that would be boring. Plus, is it wrong for me to think Lord Debling is pretty hot?
Cressida. Ok when I saw the Eloise and Cressida friendship pictures in the promos I hated it. I have been sort of Team Penelope lately because I think that Eloise of last season was a bit too tedious and strident, but I still hated the dissolution of the Pen-Eloise friendship and turning to CRESSIDA? But then that conversation with Cressida about being less frank and not being so mean to Penelope makes me kind of get it. I hope that Pen and Eloise make up, but I can get behind making Cressida a full fleshed out character instead of just a villain. It is so much more modern and girl power to move from predictable tropes of evil girl to one that acknowledges the past and can change. I'm only on ep 1 and watching slowly week by week so this might come back to bite me with a tiger not changing his stripes but for now I am going with it.
Last but not least, KANTHONY! Sooo much Kanthony! I loved Season 2 and I am so glad the actors chose to come back even if they are not the main characters. Even if they are just side characters giving us Kanthony happiness and sexiness all season, that is great for me and I'm here for it. They don't even need a storyline or conflict in my book, I just want to see them together giving me Kanthony cuteness.
I am going to see if they put any Colin angst in the season because I think that was really interesting in the books of him wanting to be seen or accomplished aside from just being a Bridgerton and Penelope and Colin coming together with their love of writing. We shall see how the season plays out!
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choster33 · 1 month
Some Cherik gold for the fans
I posted this year's ago, but it's time for a reblog throwback especially with how Cherik X-men 97 turned out to be! Magneto and Xavier Bromance!  So here's a vid of Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy singing a song that reflects the relationship of Erik and Charles of the X-men.  Michael starts singing "Two Little Boys" a Civil War era song by Theodore F. Morse.  
I think the song fits the relationship well with such lines like "Gaily they played each summer's day warrior's both of course", "when we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys.  And I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys."  I think that the idea of Charles and Xavier as little boys playing war games and then seeing that come into fruition as "long years passed and war came so fast" is so cool and interesting.  I wonder if the two men do ever look back at those past summer days when their horses were wooden and their weapons were toys.
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choster33 · 1 month
Thanks nerdiestnerd for reading my posts!
Today I woke up to a follower/reader liking a whole bunch of my posts! Posts that go all the way back to when I started posting years ago. Thanks so much! It fills me with such joy to see that something I wrote or posted intrigued you and then you took the time to read and like all those posts!
I stopped Tumblring a few years back and then a few weeks ago found my way back here and loving it! I am able to indulge in and go deep on my current loves and obsessions and connect with a worldwide network of like minded people. It is so great not howling into the wind, but being able to reach even one other person out in the world who reads what you wrote and likes it.
So here's to Tumblr, to its users, the Tumblr family! Here's to more connecting and sharing and giving the world more to see! I shall look forward to refreshing my feed and am happy to provide more content for my few, but appreciated followers!
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choster33 · 1 month
Really crazy predictions for X-men 97 Ep 10
Ok, I suspect none of these predictions to come true, but if even one thing did I would cackle and holler and be pleased as punch.
First, I predict that we're going to see an influx of the Avengers and other superheroes. Either way, this whole thing is going to get messy and there is no way that the Avengers are going to let worldwide lights out happen on their watch. Tony Stark will have some workarounds like Forge and is going around to his teammates to pick them up and fight. The finale is going to be a glorious who's who of Marvel characters. If even a few Marvel characters show up I will call this prediction a win and given the cameos that have already happened I think this is likely.
Secondly, Rogue is going to save the day or at least be integral in the world not collapsing. There is a possibility that the finale won't end in a win for the X-men, but I highly doubt that they will end it with civilization collapsing and so somehow the Earth is going to get unEMPed. I predict that Rogue is going to reluctantly (or willingly after what happened with Wolverine) take Magneto's powers and fly back to Earth and reverse what Magneto did.
Thirdly, I predict that the team might not win outright, but more or less come together. I predict that Rogue will see sense and come back to the X-men and will pave the way for the team to forgive Roberto as well. It was a crazy time and all should be forgiven. She was a Villain that followed Mystique's orders and stole Carol Danvers' powers and memories and they forgave her and let her in the team, I don't see them holding a grudge against her for losing her head for 5 minutes.
This is only my crackpot theories, so feel free to not agree with me at all. LOL just putting them out there.
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choster33 · 1 month
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