I Packaged the game
Anyone can play the game, download this Windows file and play it.
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Project file of the game
Drive link to the game
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Final flythrough of the game. This is for the purpose of the submission. I included the credits to Aod.
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Final Play through video compiled with audio.
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Adding background ambiance and music to the game.
I think now it's possible to include music to the game play through, as I am going to have to edit the video to give credits to Aod.
I found a video on YouTube which gives the real feeling to the game.
I found another sound effect when object is collected the sound plays. I have it recorded in my laptop, I got the sound from a website.
It's called zapslat.
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Editing the videos in Da Vinci resolve.
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Just recorded the game playthrough. I just added to the mission objective to press "Q" to collect object.
Only thing that's a bit weird is when the player goes near the last object, before collecting it the game stops, because I added a collision sphere near the object so when the player overlaps with it that blueprint reads it as an object collected.
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Here is is the final flythrough of the game. I just finished building lighting in the game.
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Adding a game quit blueprint to the game
I made a few changes to the blueprint to quit the game. When the player collects all the objects and when going closer to the last object, the game quits.
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To this part I made a few more changes.
I added an object like shown in the video above, I turned off the visibility and scaled the collision sphere up so the player over layers with it to trigger the action.
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I added the same moving effect to images to the leaves. I love it even better now. I felt like the grass was moving fast at some point, but as the player is running around the game level that won't be much noticeable.
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I also made this small bush like thing in blender and UV mapped as shown. I manually rotated and positioned and scaled each fern leaf.
But the problem was it was too dark to see the plant. I have to fix this in the material nodes area.
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Destroying Objects in UE4
I think I found the solution to my problem. Working on many objects being collected in the game.
Bad luck for me. I thought this would be the one to save my game. I watched more videos but none of them showed me what I wanted, it was such an easy blueprint. I want the player to collect/ destroy the object when it overlays with the collision box and presses "Q" which is the same key I gave for the collectable objects blueprint as well.
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Here was my attempt to make the interaction. But I didn't know how to add some nodes that was shown in the video because they didn't show how that achieved it, I kind of gave up for that time.
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Tutorial to making bushes
At first I wanted the use the leaves as bush. But I guess the tree truck looked better with this leaves animation.
I really like how the leaves move in this tree. I later gave the background tree images this same effect and also for the leaves of the 3d model trees around the game level, I gave the same leaves texture as this tree but it didn't go quite right, I will take it down. I had this giant duplicated a couple of times around in the middle of the game.
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This is how I made the leaves tot the tree. Quite a network of nodes.
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Using trigger box for models
So I want to get rid of the assets in the game when "Q" is pressed. I thought maybe add a trigger for it to work.
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Adding a countdown timer to the game
I added a countdown timer for the game play. The game runs for 2 minutes and the game quits if the player doesn't collect all 5 objects.
Here is the game play with the count down timer displaying on the screen. Wait and see what happens next.
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I will have to add description to the end screen.
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Texture leaves for plants and bushes to the game.
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I drew did a few more leave textures for plants to add to the game. I used the artists art style to draw them out, the crayon and thin pencil lines.
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Here they are. I will make the models and add these as textures.
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Concept art of the game | Reference images
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Found some images to draw out the concept of the gameplay.
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I included a few changes to the collectible objects. The objects that needs to be collected are all the same. I was trying to find a way to add the other objects to the blueprint. I tried to use a trigger collision box but I didn't work because there was no such thing in the UE I was working on.
I also rebuilt the light of the game.
______________________________________________________________Also I showed the blueprints to our lecturer and she said that I am supposed to have all the wet works in the game level blueprint. I've been having all these blueprints separately, hence why the game doesn't quit when the player collects all the 5 objects. I did as she said. Had all the nodes in the game level blueprint and it worked.
I also added collision box around the trees so that the player wont be able to wander off the game. And she also said no sound, so I didn't focus on that.
This is the video I watched on how to get a trigger box. I wanted to have one near the object so that when the player presses "Q" when inside the collision box the collected objects increases and the actual object will get collected, and to the blueprint of the collectable object I will have the visibility turned off so that object can't be seen.
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I asked my friend to record me running through the game. It still is incomplete. But the game looks alright so far with me.
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