christieandcarly · 5 years
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When you find a sweet fur for next to nothing at a thrift store, you wear it out - heatwave be damned!
Ric Flair wore fur coats in the summer, who am I to do any different?
Look like fire, feel like fire, sweat like a pig!
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Christie’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Ric Flair” - Killer Mike
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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Stay cool out there, friends. Just not TOO cool.
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Carly’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Cold Canadian Waters” - Rhonda Stamp
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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Finally enjoying some vacation time. If y’all need anything - too bad! Gone swimmin’
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Christie’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Human Cannonball” - Butthole Surfers
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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Be it a fire escape, balcony, patio or rooftop, know that if you look up and see  me - I was probably just goofing on everything about you to whomever I’m with. 
Please don’t take too much offence, I dress like a really poor & tired 12 year  old.
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Christie’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Fire Escape” -  Fastball
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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Every time I eat a Popsicle I sing the 90s Popsicle Pete jingle in my head. This is because my brain is broken and I  have trouble  separating old television from reality.
The Original Cool
This makes me great for Trivia Nights, lousy for everything else, but should because amusing again when I get old and go senile.
Happy Summer Everyone!
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Carly’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Popsicle” - Jan & Dean
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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A #waybackwednesday post remembering our favourite artist, @stanzietooth last solo show at @generalhardware.
Gorgeous  art  from top to bottom!
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Carly’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Art School Wannabe” - Sorority Noise
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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When a coworker (you only marginally like) invites  you to a birthday party, make sure it’s THEIR birthday and not a joint party for her 3 cats.
Also, make sure she doesn’t live in The Beaches because it will take for-freakin-ever to get there.
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Carly’s Music Pick of the Week!
“Cat Lady” - Fouk
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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Not pictured are 3 more mystery bruises all of brilliant colour, 2 infected ingrown hairs from sloppy leg shaving, and a partridge in a pear tree.
The line for potential suitors starts over there, fellas!
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christieandcarly · 5 years
Christie’s Music Pick of the Week!
“California Girls” - David Lee Roth
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christieandcarly · 5 years
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My use of “look at that hipster doofus” all the time comes from driving down Queen West with a friend. We saw a guy in a wrinkled shirt and porkpie hat shuffling down the street and said “hey, look at that hipster doofus over there”!  After saying that, we passed him and realized it was Ron Sexsmith! I miss seeing him roam the street of Toronto.
That has very little to do with this post, but that’s all I’ve got at the moment.
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