christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Teen vogue came thru lmao! this is a great piece!
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier: comics vs. movie
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/30/18)
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Against the Grain - Cowboys, Class Struggle, and the West
Anews - Episode 56: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Law - The Case of the Legal Eagles
Around the Empire - Trump’s War Cabinet feat Tom Luongo
Building the Second Realm - Lessons From Organized Crime
Burning Cop Car - #13 goes out to all the women and gender non-conforming peeps peeps out there fighting patriarchy
Cato Daily - It’s Bolton Time
Cato Events - Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Daina Berry Explains How Black Slaves were the Human Gold That Built American Empire
Declarations - Is Human Rights a Fable? (with Professor Samuel Moyn)
Deconstructed - Will John Bolton Get Us All Killed?
Democracy Now! - Freed Whistleblower Chelsea Manning on Iraq, Prison & Running for Senate
The Dig - No Human Being Is Illegal with Mae Ngai
Discourse Collective - Your Job Is Killing You
Double Down - Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico?
Economics Detective - Universities, Adjuncts, and Public Choice with Phil Magness
EconTalk - Edward Glaeser on Joblessness and the War on Work
Exploration -  The Legacy of Stephen Hawking
Felony Friday - A Mother Spent a Decade in Prison for an Introduction
The Final Straw - “This Armed Occupation Needs to Stop Before It’s Too Late”: Yousef Natsha on his new documentary ‘Hebron’
Foreign Policy Focus - The Syrian War Goes On
Free Man Beyond the Wall - Scott Horton on the True Story of the Oklahoma City Bombing
Free Thoughts - Understanding Common Law (with John Hasnas)
The Guillotine - Brazil, Austin Bombings, John Bolton, and US Imperialism
Hayek Program - "The Value of Rationally Reconstructing James Buchanan's Work" with Richard Wagner and Jayme Lemke
Historical Controversies - Harpers Ferry, Part 3: The Defeat
The Hotwire - #24: Sacramento against killer cops—#DefendAfrin actions—Anti-G7 mobilizing in Quebec
IGDCAST - Charlottesville Organizing 7 Months After Unite the Right
Intercepted - Donald Trump’s ’Stache Infection
Kudzu Commune - The Worst President Ever
Last Born In The Wilderness - Designing Regenerative Cultures: An Incomplete Conversation w/ Daniel Christian Wahl
Letters and Politics - America’s Political Tribalism
The Libertarian Angle - Free Banking and Bitcoin feat. Larry White
Liberty Chronicles - The People’s Governor
Loud & Clear - No Laughing Matter: Russiagate Hysteria Deepens Grave Diplomatic Crisis
The Magnificast - Gettin Friendly w/ Katherine and Hye Sung from the Friendly Fire Collective
Mises Weekends - Jim Bovard on Why Washington Never Learns
Neighbor Science - Capital as Power 1: Why CasP/What is Capital?
Our Hen House - Rachel McCrystal and Charles Camosy on  why sanctuaries matter and the moral status and treatment of non-human animals
Part of the Problem - Stephan Kinsella on how the court systems could work without government and why intellectual property isn't real
Pivot To Asia - Yemeni History 101
Political Gingervitis - David Roediger and John Holmwood on racism and the welfare state
Political Research Digest - Are Red and Blue States Making Red and Blue Policies?
Radical Underground - Anti-Patriarchal Black Metal with Margaret Killjoy
Ralph Nader Radio Hour - Iraq: Fifteen-Year Criminal War of Aggression
The Rebel Beat - LAL – From the Underground to the Frontlines
Rising Up With Sonali - How Racial Discrimination In Home Loans Persists
School Sucks - #ENOUGH – With Thaddeus Russell
The Scott Horton Show - Jonathan Schwarz on the history and lies of the Iraq War
Seasons of the Bitch - Our Bodies, Ourselves, Our Capitalism
So to Speak - Is there a campus free speech crisis?
Srsly Wrong - Wrongtown
Tech Policy - FDA, Free Speech and E-Cigarettes
This Is Hell! - Wage of Consent: Detention, deportation and the new state extremism. / The death of Marielle Franco and the life of Afro-diasporic radicalism. / Advancing Native American food sovereignty. / Global struggle, global action / How Amazon swallowed the economy. / Putting the Dalai Lama on mute for a lil bit.
The Tom Woods Show - Death by Regulation: The Truth About the FDA w/ Dr. Mary Ruwart
Unregistered - Marvin Mutch spent 41 years in San Quentin State Prison for the murder of 13-year-old Cassie Riley, a crime he maintains he did not commit
UpFront - Political Prisoners, the Shooting of Stephon Clark, and Urban Shield
The Vegan Vanguard - Factory Farms and Environmental Racism
Vegan Warrior Princess Attack! - How to Practice Anti-Consumerist Veganism, with Andy Tabar
Who Shaves the Barber? - Timothy Williamson: Vagueness
Words & Numbers - Is Moderation the Next Big Thing in American Politics?
Young Voices - Alexander McCobin and “conscious capitalism”
Zero Squared - Capitalism and Call Out
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/23/18)
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Against the Grain - Our Political Future on a Heating Planet
Anarchist News - Episode 55: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Voices - Canadian Olympic Gold Medalist Meagan Duhamel on Vegan Athleticism and Rescuing Dogs in South Korea, with Humane Society International
B(A)DNews - March 2018: Angry voices from around the world
Beyond Prisons - Pen Pals: communicating with incarcerated people
By Any Means Necessary - US Continues to Fuel Yemen War; Why Toys "R" Us Failed
Cato Daily - Trump’s Disappointing Approach to Opioids
Cato Events - Directorate S: The CIA and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan
The Chauncey DeVega Show - The Racial Wealth Gap is a Threat to American Prosperity
Clear and Present Danger - The Caliphate
Connected & Disaffected - Countering Hate ft. Jason Carmel
The Corbett Report - 5 Privacies You Didn’t Know You Lost
Declarations - Do Borders Hide or Reveal Rights? (With Dr Monica Moreno Figueroa)
The Dig - MLK, Political Philosopher. With Tommie Shelby and Brandon Terry
Discourse Collective - Culture - Red Star Wars Part II
Economic Rockstar - David Zetland on Climate Change and Water Civilization
EconTalk - Beth Redbird on Licensing
Felony Friday - College Student Gets Jail Time for Selling a Couple Adderall
The Final Straw - Expropriations and Internal Exile: Ray Luc Levasseur on Tom Manning, SCAR, and the Ohio 7
Flashpoints - Colin Powell’s Half Century Mass Murder Record
Foreign Policy Focus - The Heroism of Ahed Tamimi
Free Thoughts - Forensics, Pseudoscience and Criminal Injustice (with Radley Balko and Tucker Carrington)
Freethought Radio - Black Nonbelievers with with Mandisa Thomas
The Gaytheist Manifesto - Demolish Your Shame
Historical Controversies - Harpers Ferry, Part 2: The Attack
The Hotwire - #23: Historic school walkouts—Alt-right unravels—Solidarity with anarchists in Russia
IGDCAST - This Declining American Life: On the Shifting Terrain of Empire
Intercepted - Legacy of Blood — the 55-Year U.S. War Against Iraqis
Kite Line - Carceral Repression Vs. Community Resilience
Knowing Animals - Pigs with Brett Mizelle
Kudzu Commune - Harriet Tubman is Cooler Than You
Last Born In The Wilderness - Deep In The Medicine: Ayahuasca Calling w/ Zack Reinhart
Letters & Politics - A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower
Liberty Chronicles - The Most Important Election Ever
The Lockdown - The End of Policing
Loud & Clear - US Senate Votes to Continue Funding Saudi Campaign in Yemen
The Magnificast - Anarchy and Christianity Redux
Notorious Women - Two .38s And a Shotgun
NovaraFM - Notes From Below: No Politics Without Inquiry!
Part of the Problem - Scott Horton on recent changes in the Trump administration, war in North Korea, Syria or Iran, and Waco.
Power Problems - Here Comes the New Russia, Same as the Old Russia
Radio Free Acton - Tech & Work: The effect of technology on farming; Upstream on ‘The Rending and the Nest’
Restart - Afrotech Fest and Afrofuturism
Rising Up With Sonali - The Case Against Sugar
School Sucks - Blake Boles (Part 1) – Unschool Adventures
The Scott Horton Show - Christian Appy on the 50th Anniversary of the My Lai Massacre
Season of the Bitch - Religion And The Left, Part 2
Secret Feminist Agenda - Fighting All the Scary Bad Guys in Video Games With Clare Mulcahy
Short Circuit - 089: a group homes for the disabled, a 20-year permitting process to build two houses, and graveyard access
So to Speak - Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
Solecast - Cindy Milstein on Rebellious Mourning
Stuff Your Mom Never Told You - How Clinic Escorts Work
Symptomatic Redness - The DSA Redux
This Is Hell! - Rights Reserved: Privilege, denial and the conversation about race. / Radical women unite in Zapatista territory. / Walls, Democrats and other borders to humane immigration policy. / Why rights discourse fails to deliver justice. / On the grim labor of fitness.
The Tom Woods Show - Debate: Bob Murphy and Dylan Moore on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
Unregistered - Dar Williams, musician and author
Vegan Warrior Princess Attack! - Returned Ex-Vegans
Who Shaves the Barber? - Michael Huemer: Ethical Intuitionism
Words & Numbers - Federal Spending Is Out of Control
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
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‘Black Panther’ Cast photographed by Dennis Leupold for Essence Magazine March 2018 Issue.
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/16/18)
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Against the Grain - Struggles Across Borders
All The Best - Stick Your Bipartisanship up Your Arse
Anews - Episode 54: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Voices - Holistic Vegan Veterinarian, Vegan Dog Food, and Bee Population Decline
Beltway Banthas - Nazis, Communists, Fascists, and Star Wars
By Any Means Necessary - Tillerson Fired, Pompeo to State Dept, Torture Advocate to Head CIA
Cato Connects - NAFTA and the Trump Tariffs
Cato Daily - The Abolition of Slavery and Libertarian Thought
Cato Events - The Political Spectrum: The Tumultuous Liberation of Wireless Technology, from Herbert Hoover to the Smartphone
Chapo Trap House - Spice World feat. Jacob Bacharach
The Chauncey DeVega Show - CIA Veteran Melvin Goodman on the Perils of the Trump Administration
Connected & Dissected - What Women Want? ft. Sophie Yates Lu  
Conversations with Tyler - Chris Blattman on Development, Conflict, and Doing What’s Interesting
Delete Your Account - Geohell: the contradiction between economic productivity and ecological sustainability
The Dig - West Virginia and Labor after Janus with Sarah Jaffe and Gabriel Winant
Discourse Collective - Theory - Proudhon Part I
Economic Rockstar - Vernon Smith Bonus Episode (Previously Unreleased)
Economics Detective - Prohibition, Arkansas, and Bootleggers and Baptists with Jeremy Horpedahl
EconTalk - Arnold Kling on Economics for the 21st Century
Felony Fridays - Freedom is the Answer to Addiction says Steven Slate
The Final Straw - FSB Is The Real Terrorist: Intl Solidarity with Russian anarchists & antifa
Flashpoints - War, Journalism & Whistleblowers
Foreign Policy Focus - Everyone Says Russia Did It
Free Thoughts - Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man (with Timothy Sandefur)
Friendly Anarchism - Affinity, Cognitive Euphony, And Acting From Good Faith with Isaac  
The Gaytheist Manifesto - Journalism and Community Building w/ Zack Ford of Think Progress
The Guillotine - Turkey, Syria, Alabama Medicaid, Big Pharma Price Fixing, and ICE
Historical Controversies - Harpers Ferry, Part 1: The Plan 
The Hotwire - #22: Int’l Women’s Day actions—#DefendAfrin solidarity—WV teachers’ strike ends
IGDCAST - Vermont to Seattle: From the Black Bloc to the Picket Line
Indigo Radio - Psychiatric Survivors and The Mental Health Care System
Intercepted - The Lyin', the Rich, and the Warmongers
Kite Line - State Violence Against Women of Color
Knowing Animals - Critical Animal Studies with Carol Gigliotti
Labour Wave Revolution Radio - Wages for Housework and #MeToo w/ Silvia Federici
Last Born in the Wilderness - Caliban And The Witch: The Body In The Transition To Capitalism w/ Silvia Federici
Letters and Politics - The Secret Military History of the Internet
The Libertarian Angle - Reject Foreign Interventionism
The Libertarian Christian - Getting Control of the Gun Debate with Trevor Burrus 
Liberty Chronicles - The Canada Conspiracy
Loud & Clear - Anti-Russia Crusade Intensifies: Trump & Britain Order New Sanctions
Macro Musings - Noah Smith on Immigration Economics
Mercatus Policy Download - Dodd-Frank Reform: 'Crapo Bill' and Beyond
Mises Weekends - Michael Boldin Makes the Case Against Jeff Sessions
Neighbor Science - The House of Mouse's War on Netflix
Notorious Women - And The Outlaw On The Train
NovaraFM - Russia: Democracy, Oligarchy, Repression
Political Research Digest - Are Americans Becoming Tribal, with Identity Politics Trumping All?
Radio Rothbard - Manufacturing Jobs Are Overrated
Radical People - Dr Jocelynne Scutt - Violence in the Family P1
Restart Radio - Repairing in school and Apple’s “zero waste”
Revolutionary Left Radio - Rev Left Radio in Dialogue with Liberalism
Rising Up with Sonali - New CIA Director Oversaw Torture of Dozens Under Bush
Rustbelt Abolition Radio - Out but not free: Surviving after Women’s Prison
School Sucks - Dr. Bryan Caplan – Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
The Scott Horton Show - Tim Shorrock on Negotiating with North Korea
Seasons of the Bitch - Religion And The Left, Part 2
Secret Feminist Agenda - Knowing Your Limits
Serious Inquiries Only - Rise of the Nones! with Kristi Winters
So To Speak - Gallup/Knight survey sheds light on changing student attitudes about free speech
SrslyWrong - Conspiracy Theories
Stuff Mom Never Told You - What Homelessness Looks Like For Women
This is Hell! - Soletairiat: Women and the work of building Black Power. / Janus v. AFSCME / The FBI's new identity weapon is aimed straight at Black activists. / The self is capital / Americans are ready for socialism. / Winston Churchill reads that dumb Atlantic article in the voice of Mrs. Doubtfire.
Trendstorm - Arms Race 2.0: Is Armageddon Right Around the Corner?
The Vegan Vanguard - #MeToo and the Threat of Carceral Feminism
Who Shaves the Barber? - Michael Huemer: Skepticism and Direct Realism
Words & Numbers - Death for Dealing... Really?
Working Class History - The Angry Brigade, part 2
Young Voices - How to incentivize better policing
Zero Squared - Chomsky Responds
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/9/18)
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Against the Grain - Noam Chomsky on the Media
The Anews Podcast - Episode 53: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Voices - Vegan Mom and Food Reporter Erin Ireland, and lawyer Anna Pippus on The Ethics of Eating Your Companion Animal
Audio Report - Teachers’ Strike Enters Second Week
The Bearded Vegans - Veganism In An Oppressive World w/ Julia Feliz-Brueck
Bi Any Means - Secular Women Work with Stephanie Zvan
By Any Means Necessary - What Gun Rights Do Blacks Have? ACLU Sues Kansas Over Voting Rights
Cato Daily - Criminal Immigrants in Texas
Cato Digital - Free Women, Free Markets, Free World
Cato Events - Qualified Immunity: The Supreme Court’s Unlawful Assault on Civil Rights and Police Accountability
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Donald Trump is the Leader of a Political Cult
Clear And Present Danger - Expert Opinion – Paul Cartledge: the concepts of free speech and democracy in Athens
Connected & Disaffected - Women's Day ft. Women in Business, Tech, Media & Advocacy
Criminal (In)justice - When Police Know and Look the Other Way
Dangerous History - A Modern-Day Grunt’s Perspective, Part 3
Danthropology - The End of Policing with Alex Vitale
Declarations - #Weapons4HumanRights: Are "Rights" Used to Regulate Killing? (With Christof Heyns)
Delete Your Account - Taking the Mask Off: a conversation with Ali Abunimah, co-founder and editor of The Electronic Intifada
The Dig - Gun Culture and Masculinity in an Age of Decline with Jennifer Carlson
Digital Toaster - The News Has Always Been Exactly This Fake w/ Adam Johnson
Discourse Collective - Janus and Labor Unions
EconTalk - Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Rationality, Risk, and Skin in the Game
Fault Lines - Analyzing the Power of AIPAC and the Israel Lobby
Felony Fridays - Gun Rights, Gun Fights and the 2nd Amendment with Salvatore DeGennaro
Final Straw - Tree-Sitting To Stop Mountain Valley Pipeline
Foreign Policy Focus - The Deadly Afghan Opium Crop with Will Porter
Free Thoughts - Why Cops Are Unaccountable? (with Jay Schweikert and Clark Neily)
Future Grind - William Gillis on Anarcho-Transhumanism
The Gaytheist Manifesto - Building A Better Movement
Hard Knock Radio - In Conversation with Noam Chomsky
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 6: William Walker vs. Cornelius Vanderbilt
The Hotwire - #21: Lansing protests fascists—teachers’ strike grows & spreads—3 cheers for anarchy
IGDCAST - Zeskind on the History & Threat of the Revolutionary Right
The Indicator - A Child Prodigy, A Nervous Breakdown, and The Discovery of Romantic Poetry: Tyler Cowen on John Stuart Mill
Indigo Radio - Immigration Struggles
Intercepted - Covert History, Revolutionary Hip-Hop, and the Politics of Empire
Kite Line - Reflections in Defiance: Kites From Florida, Indiana, and Greece
Knowing Animals - Hearing and Smelling Animals in Literature with Sune Borkfelt
Last Born in the Wilderness - War, Art, & The Hardships That Shape Our Lives w/ Milica Popovic
Letters and Politics - Emma Goldman: Love, Feminism, Revolution, Anarchism, and Free Speech
The Libertarian Angle - Trump’s Tariff Folly
Liberty Chronicles - Make America Young Again
Lions of Liberty - Gene Epstein on the “Fiscal Time Bomb” of U.S. Debt And Trump’s Disastrous Budget
The Lockdown - Justice in Films
Loud & Clear - Partners in Crime: US and UK Help Lead Saudi Military Operation in Yemen
The Magnificast -  Philosophy and Revolt
Neighbor Science - The Firmest Episode Yet
Notorious Women - A Bandit Queen And A Woman Chief
Open Source - Books Not Bars: Rethinking Prison Education in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Pivot To Asia - The United States in Syria
Power Problems - Yemen: One War or Three?
Reason - 50 Years of Reason with Robert W. Poole
Restart Radio - Elinor Ostrom and the commons w/ Derek Wall
Revolutionary Left Radio - Cuba Today: The Question of Markets, Reform, and the Future of Cuba
Rising Up With Sonali - White Supremacist Violence Surges Thanks to Trump
The Scott Horton Show - Rose Massett previews her upcoming documentary “Refugee Is Not My Name”
Season of the Bitch - Religion And The Left, Part One
Serious Inquiries Only - Lawrence Krauss Responds To Allegations
Solecast - Efrim Manuel Manuck of Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Sovryn Tech - The Vicious Circle
Street Fight Radio - Striking Gets The Goods
subMedia - Campus Resistance to the Alt-Right
Subversion - Rojava, Italy, Brisbane, with Love.
TechFreedom - Women in Tech
TFN - Fun Control in the United Snakes
This Is Hell! - Road To Joy: The economics of educational apartheid, A strike report from West Virginia, On the radical potential of collective joy, Thoughts on #MeToo, Twitter speech and space for dissenting voices, If we can ever band together and eat the rich
Unregistered - Michael Malice
UpFront - Joy DeGruy on Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Plus: Over 400 Years of Traditional African-American Healing
Vegan Warrior Princesses Attack! - Talking Asexuality with Molly Woodstock from Gender Reveal Podcast
Who Shaves the Barber? - Daniel Howard: Philosophical Novels and Relativism
The Whorecast - A Conversation With Sovereign Syre Plus #STOPSESTA
Words & Numbers - Tariffs Hurt Everyone, So Why Have Them?
Working Class History - The Angry Brigade, part 1
Young Voices - Real talk on merit-based immigration
Zero Squared - Thaddeus Russell against Rationalism
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/2/18)
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100 Words Or Less - Chris #2 from Anti-Flag
Against the Grain - The History of Classical Anarchism
Anews - 52: what has occurred in the last week in the wide world of anarchism
Animal Law - Harvard’s Animal Law and Policy Program
ATB - Ben Bradley’s Political Eulogy
Audio Report - Tree Sit Resists Mountain Valley Pipeline in Appalachia
The Bearded Vegans - Dog Meat and Hero Cows: Using Speciesist News Stories To Our Advantage
Bi Any Means - Psychiatric Abuse with Caleb Orion
Biskeptical - #MeToo in the Atheist Movement
By Any Means Necessary - 'An American Execution' and Trump's Destruction of the EPA
Cato Daily - The Case against Qualified Immunity
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Is the "Black Panther" Movie Disrespectful to Black Americans?
Clear and Present Danger - The Age of Persecution
Conversations with Tyler - Robin Hanson on Signaling and Self-Deception
The Corbett Report - The Weaponization of Social Media
Dangerous History - Talking National Security Cinema with Tom Secker
Delete Your Account - Dirty Water: interview with incarcerated environmental activist Bryant Arroyo
The Dig - Glenn Greenwald: Surveillance Hypocrisy Amid Russiagate Mania
Discourse Collective - Current Events - Lee Atwater Part II
Economic Rockstar - Eric Lonergan on the Philosophy of Money (Part 1)
EconTalk - Elizabeth Anderson on Worker Rights and Private Government
Felony Friday – The Felon Firefighter
The Final Straw - “Between the Bullet and the Lie”: Kristian Williams on George Orwell
Foreign Policy Focus - Why the UN is Horrible
Free Man Beyond The Wall - What Do You Do, When the Police Show Up at Your Door…and They Intend to Kill You?: interview with Dan Gifford on Waco
Free Thoughts - Is the DEA Trippin’? (with Rick Doblin)
Friendly Anarchism - No Nazis In Knox, Heckling Cops, and Mental Fortitude with Molly
The Gaytheist Manifesto - What Does it Mean to be a Man?
The Guillotine - Mass Shootings, Gun Control, Afrin, and Nazi Terrorism
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 5: President William Walker
The Hotwire - #20: West Virginia teachers strike—Student walkouts everywhere—Youth liberation NOW!
IGDcast - Mutual Aid Disaster Relief on Building Dual Power & Upcoming Tour
Indigo Radio - Our Children "In Custody": Foster Care and the Vermont Eugenics Movement
Kite Line - Conscious in Confinement
Knowing Animals - Evil in Nature with Oscar Horta
Labour Wave Revolution Radio - On Air: West Virginia Teachers' Strike and Hazel Daniels from the Coalition of Graduate Employees
Liberty Chronicles - Rumps and Buffaloes
Macro Musings - Brink Lindsey and Steven Teles on Rent-Seeking and the Twin Melees Afflicting the U.S. Economy
The Magnificast - Gettin' Charismatic w Vincent Lloyd
Neighbor Science - Peeter da Bo$$ and A$$alt Ryfle rap about the new$
Our Hen House - Carol Adams and Bill Crain on exploitative history of the hamburger, sexual and physical violence in the animal rights movement, and recent arrest for civil disobedience while protesting the New Jersey Bear Hunt.
Peaceful Anarchism - Mary J Ruwart – Author of Healing Our World, The Compassion of Libertarianism
Polite Conversations - The intersection of Religion & Tech
Political Research Digest - Do Americans Implicitly Trust Government, Despite our Public Anger?
Primo Nutmeg - Mark Stewart, libertarian-leaning Democrat running for Governor of Connecticut in 2018
Radical Underground - Long Live International Solidarity!
Radio Rothbard - Lack of Police Accountability Shows the "Social Contract" Isn't Working
Reason - Kurt Loder on Why the Oscars Always Suck but Movies Are Great
Revolutionary Left Radio - Black Rose Anarchist Federation: Revolutionary Organizing
School Sucks - Dropping Out of College, Why and How (Derek Magill, Part One)
The Scott Horton Show - Surviving Branch Davidian David Thibodeau recalls the Waco Massacre 25 years later
Serious Inquiries Only - Lawrence Krauss Accused of Sexual Misconduct; Interview with Monette Richards
Srlsy Wrong - School Shootings Are Bad
Symptomatic Redness - Marxism and Religion
This Is Hell! - Human / Nature: Women and the work of building of Black nationalism / On time, trauma and the climate storm to come / Inside America's growing, doomed White nationalist movement / A history of Millennials and neoliberalism / I could never shoot enough Wayne LaPierres
Tech Freedom - How Should Congress Address Online Sex Trafficking?
Unregistered - Janet Capron: Author of the memoir Blue Money, which chronicles her time as a prostitute in New York City in the early 1970s
The Vegan Vanguard - Universal Basic Income: Panacea or Dystopia?
Women’s Liberation Radio News - Analysis of Rape Culture & #METOO Movement
Who Shaves the Barber? - David Rosenthal: Consciousness
The Whorecast - Rep. Elizabeth Edwards and SWOP’s Leslee Petersen on Studying Decrim in New Hampshire
Words & Numbers - Why Don't We Insure Guns Like We Insure Cars?
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (2/23/18)
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Against Everyone - Thaddeus Russell or The Invisible Hand (Job)
Against the Grain - Inequality’s Impact on Health
Anews - Episode 5: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Voices - Beautiful Africa: Vegan Nigerian Cuisine and World Pangolin Day
ARZone - Total Liberation ~ Mary Lawrence
Beyond Prisons - The Year of Du Bois feat. Dr. Tony Monteiro
Bi Any Means - Queer Disbelief with Camille Beredjick
Burning Cop Car - #12
By Any Means Necessary - Should the Baltimore Police Department Disband? DC Cops Sued for Collusion
Cato Daily - The Right to Try Unapproved Drugs and the Prohibition of Truth in Marketing
Chapo Trap House - Executive Producer feat. Richard Wolff
The Chauncey DeVega Show - "Black Panther" and Questions of Diversity and Representation in Comic Books and Graphic Novels
Dangerous History - “I was killed.”: The Not-So-Civil War Part 10
Delete Your Account - Collective Responsibility
The Dig - It’s Iron Stache
Discourse Collective - Culture: Red Star Wars Part I
Economic Rockstar - Sarah Skwire on the Sensibility of Literature for Economic Thinking
Economics Detective - EconTalk, Intellectual Honesty, and Adam Smith with Russ Roberts
The Final Straw - Whammo!: MOVE9 Parole; Addicted to Screens; Anarcho-Syndicalism in Kosovo
Foreign Policy Focus - Yemen Cheat Sheet
Free Thoughts - The Pope’s Politics
The Gaytheist Manifesto - Are Gamers All Terrible People?
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 4: War in Nicaragua
The Hotwire - #19: Florida School Shooting & Gun Control—Koreatown Against ICE Raids—TN Antifascism
Iconosass - What Happens in Vegas Goes on My Podcast Two Months Later
IGDCAST - Keep PUSHing: Building on the #OperationPUSH Demands
Indigo Radio - US Military Bases with David Vine
Intercepted - RussiaMania — Glenn Greenwald vs. James Risen
Kite Line - The Long History of Black Radicalism on the Inside, Part Two
Knowing Animals - The Absurdity of Dairy with Jody Emel
The Lara-Murphy Show - Orwell, Yield Curve, and New Book
Last Born In The Wilderness - Death Spiral: Grappling With The Implications Of Global Climate Disruption w/ Dahr Jamail
The Libertarian Angle - The Case Against Education
Liberty Chronicles - Candlelight Conspiracy
Liberty On The Air - Sex Workers Outreach Project
Lions of Liberty - Shining a Light on the Con Game that is the Drug War with Brian Saady
The Lockdown - the Myth of Rehabilitation
Macro Musings - George Selgin on Fed Floors, Corridors, and Interest on Excess Reserves
The Magnificast - Church Stuff, Jesus Stuff, and Huey P. Newton
Mises Weekends - Michael Malice on North Korea's "Economy"
Neighbor Science - Biotech in agriculture (X.7)
#NovaraFM - Czech M8? Smears, Media & the Left
Poplitical - Representation in Film with filmmaker Marissa Gallardo
Power Problems - The Nuclear Posture Review: Pushing All the Wrong Buttons?
Progressive Podcast Australia - Veganism is Revolutionary
Radio Rothbard - Security Works at Disney — But Can't Work at a Public School?
Radical People - Hold My Beer: Eamon speaks with Marcus, an American man who travelled to Syria to fight as an international member of the Kurdish YPG
Rationally Speaking - Bryan Caplan on "The Case Against Education"
Reason - Are Libertarian Responses to Mass Shootings Persuasive?
The Rebel Beat - Burn Down Babylon with Maddie Ruthless and The Far East
Revolutionary Left Radio - Community Armed Self-Defense: Setting Sights on Liberation
The Scott Horton Show - Stephanie Savell on the Costs and Abuses of War
Short Circuit - 088: Anonymous political speech, a post-SWAT raid building inspection, and license plate scanners.
Secret Feminist Agenda - Capitalism & Colonialism is Killing Us All with Alicia Elliott
So to Speak - The Great Firewall of China
Solecast - Medicinal Herb Garden 101 w/ Stephanie Syson
Srsly Wrong - Rise and Grind: The Story of Old Man Wrong
Street Fight Radio - Fatal Vision
This Is Hell! - Polis Scanner: On struggle and solidarity in Appalachia / Missile diplomacy / SpaceXpropriation / On the rise and fall of the liberal order / US influence in Brazil's judicial revolt / Jeff Dorchen does not review his own movie
Who Shaves the Barber? - David Rosenthal: Mental Qualities
Words & Numbers - Is College Really for All?
Zero Squared - How to Read a History Book
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (2/16/18)
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Against the Grain - The Rise of Internet Radio
Anews - Episode 50: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
B(A)DNews - January 2018: Angry Voices From Around the World
Belabored (Dissent) - Thinking Outside the Box  
Bi Any Means - Yelling at the Atheist Community with Larry Yellingman
By Any Means Necessary - What South Africa Will Be Post-Zuma; The Economics of 'Black Panther'
Cato Connects -  The Nunes Memo, Surveillance, and Secret Courts
Cato Daily -  Lives of the Necromancers with Anthony Comegna
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Yascha Mounk on the Rise of Trump and the Decline of Western Democracies
Citizen Radio - California police worked with Neo-Nazis to pursue “anti-racist” activists; Reading proficiency among 3rd-graders dropped nearly 75% in Flint schools affected by water crisis
Chapo Trap House - The United States of Care Lords feat. Dino Guastella
Clear and Present Danger - Liberty or License: Free Speech in Ancient Rome
Conversations with Tyler - Matt Levine Live at Bloomberg HQ
Delete Your Account - #OperationPush
The Dig -  Aziz Rana: The Cold War’s Late Demise
EconTalk - Bryan Caplan on the Case Against Education
Electric Libertyland - The Military Industrial Congress
Felony Fridays - 13 Years in Prison for $500 Worth of Drugs
The Final Straw - Keep Loxicha Free!: A Conversation With Bruno Renero-Hannan About Political Imprisonment and Indigenous Resistance in Oaxaca
Foreign Policy Focus - Syrian Civil War: Iran V. Israel
Free Man Beyond the Wall - CJ Killmer of the “Dangerous History Podcast”
Free Thoughts - The Case Against Education
Friendly Anarchism - By What Authority Doest Thou These Things - Unfinished
From Alpha To Omega - Dialectical Materialism
Giving the Mic to the Wrong Person - Douglas Lain from Zero Books on Kill All Normies, Zizek, and Posadists
The Guillotine - Nazi Watch, Baltimore Pigs, Korean Reunification, and Dems. Vs. Dreamers
Hayek Program - "Elinor Ostrom: An Intellectual Biography" Book Panel
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 3: The Republic of Nicaragua
The Hotwire - Toxic Waste in STL—Labor Struggles in the Techno Age—A Rant on Love
IGDCAST - Eye of the Troll Storm: Tariq Khan on far-Right Outrage Engine
Intercepted - America's Distribution of Violence
Knowing Animals - Burger with Carol J Adams
Last Born In The Wilderness - Collective Trauma: Moving Through It w/ Patrick Dougherty
Lectures in History - 1880s American Anarchist Movement
The Libertarian Angle - The Korea Olympics Brouhaha
Liberty Chronicles - What’s a Loco-Foco?
Liberty Under Attack - A Lodging of Wayfaring Crypto-Anarchists with Paul Rosenberg
Life After God - Religious Abuse and the Problem of Forgiveness
The Magnificast - Popesplaining w Kaya Oakes
MilLiberty - Theodore Roosevelt’s Dishonorable Legacy
Neighbor Science - Alien Mask
Novara Media - The Straight White Man Who‘s Upset He Can’t Go to Labour’s Equalities Conference Does Not Exist
#NovaraFM - Taking It Back: Public Ownership in the 21st Century
Philosophers In Space - Using the USS Callister episode of Black Mirror to talk about The Experience Machine by Nozick
Political Research Digest - The Resistance: Who Is Protesting Trump and Are They Changing Public Views?
Punk Rock and Politics - Interview with Kids on Bridges about President Trump, Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn
Radio Dispatch - The Weight of Heroism on Chelsea Manning
Reason - Did We Get the Tea Party Wrong?
Revolutionary Left Radio - The Politics of Friedrich Nietzsche: German Idealism, Nazism, and Freud
Rustbelt Abolition Radio - Dispatches from Zapatista Territory
School Sucks - Peter Gray: Foundations of Self-Directed Education / School's Impact On Creativity and Critical Thinking / A Future of Self-Directed Education
The Scott Horton Show - Andy Worthington on Trump’s plans for Guantanamo and the rehabilitation of George W. Bush
Short Circuit - 087: Non-neutral forensics in DUI cases, felon re-enfranchisement, and the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s single director model
Season of the Bitch - VaLeNtInEs DaY
Serious Inquiries Only - Getting Satanic with Jex Blackmore
Srsly Wrong - Economic Inequality
Street Fight Radio - Walk That Walk
Tech Policy - What is Cybersecurity, and How Can it Affect the Winter Olympics?
This Is Hell! - Incogito: On consciousness in the physical world, Andrew Cuomo's resistance, No Olympics, Why the internet was always spying on you, Police raids and the work of sex work, and Living with normal problems and apocalypse problems in Puerto Rico
Unregistered - Angela Nagle, author of Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right
Vegan Vangaurd - Should Domesticated Animals Go Extinct? A Radical Vegan Perspective
VersoBooks - "Made in USA" : Anna Feigenbaum Discusses Tear Gas
The Vonu Podcast - Financial Independence – Unjobbing & Freelancing
Who Shaves the Barber? - Catarina Dutilh Novaes: Logic as Social Practice
Words & Numbers - Has Uber Become Part of the System It Fought Against?
Zero Squared - Applied Philosophy
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (2/9/18)
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Against the Grain - Oil Extraction and the Treatment of Women
Anews Podcast - Episode 49: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.
Animal Voices - Celebrating Black History Month 2018
Audio Report - Burgerville Workers Union Finish Three Day Strike
Bi Any Means - Bisexual Activism with Miles Joyner
By Any Means Necessary - NFL Fans Riot, Destroy Property; 'Killing Gaza' Documentary Discussed
Cato Daily - Bad Math on Counterinsurgency
Cato Events - You May Be a Sex Offender if...
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Bandy Lee Continues to Warn the World About Donald Trump's Mental Health
Citizen Radio - Very special Fuck You, ICE episode: ICE was at the Super Bowl for some reason; ICE deports Palestinian man living in U.S. for 40 years, arrests Kansas chemistry instructor who was taking his daughter to school
Declarations - Can Human Rights Solve the Palestinian Question? (With Dr Ruba Salih & Odette Murray)
Delete Your Account - The Vampire Castle: new media, celebrity and branding on the left, and call-out culture
The Dig - Frances Fox Piven: Movements Still Matter
Discourse Collective - Theory: Godwin Part III
Economic Rockstar - Barry Eichengreen on the Importance of Economic History, the IMF and Reserve Currencies
EconTalk - Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay on the Enemies of Modernity
The Ex-Worker - Anarchists in the Trump Era, Year One—2017 in Review, Part III
The Final Straw - Şoreş Ronahi on Turkish assaults on Afrin Canton, Rojava, Syria
Foreign Policy Focus - War Propaganda with Trey Weaver
Free Thoughts - Contracts and Cryptography
Felony Friday - Federal Prosecutors Gone Wild!
Giving the Mic to the Wrong Person - Douglas Lain from Zero Books on Kill All Normies, Zizek, and Posadists
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 2: Nicaragua Conquered
The Hotwire - ZAD interview—anarcho-syndicalism isn’t for losers—anti-pope actions in Chile
Iconosass - He's Just Not That Into You Pt. 2
Intercepted - Memo and Memoer — The Bipartisan Love Affair With Mass Surveillance
Knowing Animals - Animal Rights in Palestine and Israel with Esther Alloun
Labour Wave Revolution Radio - Stopping Fascism Today w/ Shane Burley and Alexander Reid Ross
Last Born In The Wilderness - Bright Green Lies: Dispelling The Myths Of Sustainable Energy w/ Derrick Jensen
Liberty Chronicles - The Age of William Leggett Part 2
Liberty Under Attack - War is Mass Murder with Scott Horton
The Lockdown - Containing Gender
The Magnificast - Remembering Lived Lives w Michael Jimenez
Mises Weekends - Mark Thornton: Is the Bust Here?
#NovaraFM - A Century of Suffrage?
Political Gingervitis - Tony Monteiro and Glen Ford on Trump and The Resistance
Political Research Digest - Congressional Primaries: How the Parties Fight Insurgents
Polyrical - MLK | The Cranberries
Primo Nutmeg - Ron Paul
Punk Rock and Politics - Interview with Daniel Roy Baron about homelessness in the US and how the private prison industry profits off this epidemic and what we can do to help these people in need
Radio Dispatch - The Risk of Fascism in Economic Turmoil
Radical Underground - Let Them Eat Sand with Sole
Reason - The Libertarianism of Frederick Douglass
Revolutionary Left Radio - The Philosophy of Murray Bookchin: An Interview with Debbie Bookchin
The Scott Horton Show - Eric Margolis on America’s permanent presence in Syria
Season of the Bitch - What is Organizing?
Serious Inquiries Only - Jaclyn Friedman on Yes Means Yes, Feminism, and Sexual Liberation
So to Speak - University of Alaska President Emeritus Mark Hamilton
Srsly Wrong - Totalitarian Blue-Haired College Kids
Street Fight Radio - Strict Compliance Or Strict Defiance
Stuff Mom Never Told You - This Black History Month, Don't Forget About the Women!
This Is Hell! - Trigger Discipline: The power, and promise, of Black and Brown history in America, how women find a place - and power - on the far right, the corporate capture of intersectionality, history of guns in America, from the other side of the barrel, Donald Trump is finishing the job Ronald Reagan started, and notes on luxury from John Lennon's fancy piano.
The Tom Woods Show - Noam Chomsky: The Good and the Bad
The Vonu Podcast - Exercising Liberty – How to Utilize Legal Interstices Effectively
Words & Numbers - Why Does Government Keep Expanding?
Zero Squared - Class Consciousness
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (2/2/18)
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Against the Grain - Cities and Climate Change
All The Best - “No One Cares That You’ve Left the Labour Party”
Anews Podcast - Episode 48: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Voices - A Unique Perspective on Veganism from a Former Hunter, and Exposing Australia’s Cruelty Toward Kangaroos
Audio Report - San Francisco Rallies for Afrin as Solidarity Demonstrations Spread
Beltway Banthas - The People’s Star Wars feat. Entertainment Weekly’s Anthony Breznican
Building the Second Realm - The Second Realm Vs. Agorism and Vonu
By Any Means Necessary - HBCUs on the Rise; Prisoner Movements; War Escalates in Yemen
Cato Daily - The Vast Powers of Customs and Border Protection
Cato Events - The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money feat. Bryan Caplan
The Chauncey DeVega Show - America's Elites Will Survive a Nuclear War and You Will Die
Citizen Radio - SOTU: Trump claps a lot for himself; Horrifying story about a couple taking a homeless addict’s baby; Trump skips over his racist history of dealing with immigration
Clear and Present Danger - Who Wishes to Speak?
Conversations with Tyler - Charles C. Mann on Shaping Tomorrow’s World and the Limits to Growth
Danthropology - scott crow: Armed Community Defense
Delete Your Account - Your Boss Sucks
The Dig - Building an American Empire with Paul Frymer
Discourse Collective - Stirner Episode 2
Economic Rockstar - Jeffrey Miron on Libertarianism, Drug Legalization and Genghis Khan
Economics Detective - The Welfare State, Markets, and Social Insurance with Sam Hammond
EconTalk - Marian Goodell on Burning Man
Felony Friday - Dealing with the Criminalization of an Unimaginable Tragedy
The Final Straw - Jalil Muntaqim on Revolution, Spirituality & more + Remembering Le Guin
Foreign Policy Focus - Another War in Yemen
Free Thoughts - How the Media Really Works
Friendly Anarchism - Antifascist Zones, Creative Strategies, and Openness with German Antifa
The Gaytheist Manifesto - Can a Universal Basic Income Work? feat. Michael Howard
The Guillotine - Defend Afrin, Rojava, Prison Resistance, and ICE Deportations
Hardcore History - (Blitz) Painfotainment
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 1: William Walker’s First Failure
Iconosass (MK Lords) - Breaking The Rules Pt. 1
IGDCAST - “The Center Can’t Hold”: Building Power from Below
Intercepted - The NFL's Violent Ballet
Kite Line - The Past Isn’t Passed: Cycles of Violence and Exploitation
Last Born In The Wilderness - Unproductive Conversations: Pillow Talk (Under The Identity, Our True Role) / Will Humans Subsist Through Abrupt Climate Change?
The Libertarian Angle - Free Trade and Minimum Wage feat. Don Boudreaux 
Liberty Chronicles - The Age of William Leggett Part 1
The Magnificast - Catholic Worker
Mises Weekends - Daniel McAdams on the Real Cost of "Defense"
Neighbor Science - Capitalism, Hierarchy, and Energy
#NovaraFM - Faultlines: Liz Fekete on Racism, Europe and the New Right
Overdue - The Dispossessed, by Ursula K. Le Guin
Political Gingervitis - Mike Araujo, Vijay Prashad, and Noel Ignatiev
Primo Nutmeg - Susan Clark (Slow Democracy)
Protecting Animals - Martin Dingle Wall, actor, producer and writer
Radical People - Charlie FoxTrot, a young man from Britain who travelled to Syria to fight with the Kurds against ISIS in Raqqa
Radical Underground - Voodoo and Time Travel with Kincee BabyFace Pearlis
Radio Dispatch - The State Of The Union Is Bad
Reason - The State Has Been One of the Largest Perpetrators of Gender Inequality and Violence feat. Kat Murti
Revolutionary Left Radio - Prison Abolitionism: Abolitionist Feminism and the Anarchist Black Cross
School Sucks - What’s Between You and Your Goals?
The Scott Horton Show - MSF’s Ghassan Abou Chaar updates the situation in Yemen
Season of the Bitch - Radical Writers
Secret Feminist Agenda - On Being Seen
Serious Inquiries Only - What Happens When We Accidentally Decriminalize Prostitution?
Short Circuit - 086: A seven-year jail stint awaiting trial, out-of-state voting, and the ban on out-of-state gun sales
sub.Media - Student Struggles
This Is Hell! - Connectivity Error: How private equity swallowed public pensions, On indigenous feminism and the Women's Movement, Bipartisanship, Depression, anxiety and the social crisis of disconnection, White supremacy, and On justice, good tomatoes in January, and other faraway dreams.
The Tom Woods Show - Lysander Spooner: The Evolution of a Radical Libertarian
Trouble - Learning to Resist
Unregistered - Elisa Albert author of After Birth
The Vegan Vanguard - A Laminated Blueprint on How to End Capitalism
The Vonu Podcast - How to Exorcise Those Collectivist Spooks
Words & Numbers - America Relies on Immigrants
Young Voices - Trump considers nationalizing 5G network
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (1/26/18)
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Against the Grain - Policing in a Time of Austerity
Anews - Episode 47: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
ARZone - Total Liberation Interview ~ Saryta Rodriguez
Audio Report (IGD) - Officials Threaten Prisoners with Solitary & Gang Status in Response to #OperationPUSH
B(A)D News - January 2018: Angry voices from around the world 
BadChristian - Jaclyn Friedman, Sexual Liberation Activist
Belabored - Planning for a Post-Trump Future, with Rachel Cohen
Bi Any Means - Atheism and Asexuality with Emily Karp
Biskeptical - Shithole Skeptics
By Any Means Necessary - Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors; Government to Re-Open
Cato Daily - That Memo, the Deep State, and the FISA Court
Cato Events - Libertarian Lessons from Burning Man
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Carol Anderson Explains White Rage and the Rise of Donald Trump
Citizen Radio - Get Out’s enduring legacy, Rachel Morrison becomes first woman ever nominated for Best Cinematography; Democrats sell out Dreamers; Mueller probe zeroes in on Trump’s inner circle
Dangerous History - A Modern-Day Grunt’s Perspective, Part 2
The Dig - The Militant 70s Labor Movement You Never Heard of with Lane Windham
Economic Rockstar - Eugene Fama on the Efficient Market Hypothesis, the Feds Fund Rate, Bitcoin and Daily Routines
EconTalk - John Ioannidis on Statistical Significance, Economics, and Replication
The Ex-Worker - Support, Healing, and Redefining Resistance—2017 in Review, Part II
The Final Straw - Mutual Aid in Caguas (PR) & La ZAD Wins?
Foreign Policy Focus - Tillerson’s Losing Policy with Will Porter
Free Thoughts - Choose Your Own Government (Tom W. Bell)
The Gaytheist Manifesto - Addiction and Recovery with Trav Mamone
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Cuba, Part 2
IGDCAST -  “They Are Their Own Gravediggers”: Abby Martin on War, Bannonism, Russia, and Beyond
Intercepted - First They Came For the Immigrants
Knowing Animals - Animal Politics and Policy with Peter Chen
Last Born In The Wilderness - Radical Mycology: The Radical Potential Of Fungi w/ Peter McCoy
The Libertarian Angle - Shutdown Circus and Trump's Tariff
Liberty Chronicles - Everything is Freemasons!
Liberty Under Attack - Building the Second Realm #5: The Philosophy and Culture of the Second Realm
The Lockdown - ‘Tools and Windows’: Books for Prisoners
Loud & Clear - Daniel Ellsberg Speaks on "Doomsday Machine" and Nuclear War Dangers
Macro Musings - Jesse Eisinger on the Financial Crisis and the Department of Justice
The Magnificast - Christian Complicity (and some Zizek) w Marika Rose
MilLiberty - Monopolies, Government, and the Free Market
Polite Conversations - PC Panel: Contrapoints & Hbomberguy on 'Engaging the Other Side'
Punk Rock and Politics - Interview with guitarist, vocalist Trevor from the band Choice Not Chance
Radio Dispatch - Crackdowns on Sex Work in NOLA
Reason - "Micro-Schools" Might Be the Next Big Education Thing
The Rebel Beat - A People’s History Through Song
Revolutionary Left Radio - The Black Panther Party
School Sucks - School Is A Choice: A Conversation With A Real Public School Teacher
The Scott Horton Show -  Kelley B. Vlahos on Trump’s neocons
Season of the Bitch - Leftism And The Law
Serious Inquiries Only - Panel Discussion on Aziz Ansari
So to Speak - Professor Randall Kennedy on ‘The Forgotten Origins of the Constitution on Campus’
Srsly Wrong - Post Scarcity
This is Hell! - Robbermade: The growing far right edges of Europe, how neoliberalism cut a line through the working class, the roots of Iran's protest wave, a 50-point plan for corporate rule, & race, science and Christian thought.
The Tom Woods Show - Down With State Licensing
Unregistered - Michael Boldin (TAC)
Vegan Police - Veganism Is Under Attack, About That Meme, and more
Who Shaves the Barber -  Amie Thomasson: Objections to Easy Ontology
Yakkin With Nick - Renegade History with Thaddeus Russell
Young Voices - Lessons Learned from Rosa Maria Paya on Cuba & Democracy
Zero Books - Writing Sound
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
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Paul Simonon from The Clash
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
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501st Legion: Vader’s Fist VS Space Cockroaches
Star Wars and Alien fan art by Guillem H. Pongiluppi
All art from this series by Guillem H. Pongiluppi on my tumblr [here]
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