chubby-teddybear · 1 year
What’s your type?
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… Anger….
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chubby-teddybear · 1 year
Rules were meant to be broken… trailer
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless x reader
Summary :  While on the hunt for gold and blood he finds something more rare than any Jewel
Warning: mention of sexual assault, normal Viking behavior (ivar the boneless as a whole)
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Y/n’s point of view
It’s always the same thing. every. single. day. I have sat on this bed thinking the same things wishing for the same things. my mother, to leave, to have a different father, and to no longer be a princess…
Wessex, the place I call home even though it hasn’t been my home for quite sometime. At least not since mother got murdered by a man that I’d soon learn was a pagan. After mother died father turned cold but it only got worse as the men from afar started attacking us or rather the churches and if we’re being honest I also became cold in away. But how was I not to? father told me who I were to marry, a man that was twice my age the day mother passed. He couldn’t wait? He couldn’t find a younger suitor? He couldn’t ask for your approval? Ha who am I kidding a man let alone a king caring about what a women has to say what a jo-
“ your-r grace?” Came from behind your now open door, it was one of the many maids that flowed though this castle. I wanted to be annoyed that she came in without knocking… but at this point I was so tired of this place that I no longer felt the need to correct her or anyone else for that matter.
“ yes?” I ask without taking my eye off what I was currently looking at. “ the king says y-you have be-en up here to l-long… ma’am” she almost … whimpered? Am I truly that scary to be around? I begin to let my mind wander with ideas of to why I scare her so.
“ Do I scare you?” As I turn towards her I ask a little to loudly but try to correct it by offering a smile. This clearly shocks this poor woman. Has no one smiled at her before? As I look at her I was a waiting a response weak and scared but was meet with a rather confident one.
“No ma’am, but I did just began to serve you and the king just merrily yesterday and I need this to support my child your grace, so the last thing I want to to is offend you my grace .” She says while making eye contact and to be quit Frank it was nice to see another’s eyes. And though I hate to agree with the rat bastard I call my father I have been locked away up here for sometime. I take a dramatically deep breath and with a look the screams tiredness “ Too long he says?” And I am meet with not a verbal answer but rather a simple nod. I push my self off the bed I currently was sitting on and walk towards the maid, I didn’t realize just how small she was. She looked almost like a child. “ your name?” I ask and I almost laughed at the sight, this women looking up at me with her neck cranked so far it looked uncomfortable. “ Annie, ma’am” I quite liked her name it fit her now as I look at her, she was small in both height and weight, green eyes and brown hair she was in fact a beautiful girl.
“ Well Annie I think we shall go on a walk”. I didn’t bother waiting for a response and continued on down the mountain of stairs that lies ahead of me.
“What’s wrong cripple don’t feel like eating?” Laughed Sigurd as he looked at his younger brother Ivar who seemed to be uncharacteristically quiet. Hearing this Hushed those around the two brothers, which included ivar, Sigurd, Ubbe, and lastly Hvitserk
“Enough” said Ubbe in that of a weary and warning tone out of fear for his brothers rage and how easy it can become deadly.
“ you know Sigurd you words might just angry me any other day but not today my brother”. Ivar spoke in a almost dream likeness
“ And why is that?” Sigurd asked in a tone that clearly showed he was aggravated that he did not get the response he was looking for.
“ The boats shall be ready for the raids by morning” Ivar spoke now earning the eyes of all the brothers and as for Ivar while he spoke a maniacal grin began to spread across his face from ear to ear as he thoughts of those he will come to destroy… The Christians.
We were in the thick part of the woods now close to the place my mother once showed me, a river with the clearest water I have ever seen it was amazing. I felt close to my mother when I’d come here it was both a curse and a blessing, I missed her greatly and wanted to think about her but the more I did the anger I got. Why was no one there to help her? Where were her guards? Question like that plagued me for sometime after her death.
“Ma’am? We are going quite far are we not?” Asked Annie she wasn’t asking to see if I wanted to turn back and go back to the castle for my safety. No she asked out of fear for herself, since the men that we have grown to call heathens first attack our lands, everyone in the surrounding kingdoms have begun to become weary of leaving without an ample amount of protection, I don’t blame them for it because I to am scared of those men, but those men have taken enough from me, they took my mother, and now they are trying to take away the only place I can truly breath?…
Sorry it’s short! Should I make this series?
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chubby-teddybear · 1 year
Characters I’m writing/imagine(s)for…
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Ivar The Boneless
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Teen wolf
Stiles .S
Jasper hale
Emmett Cullen
Embry call
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
The Punisher
Billy Russo
Frank Castle
Matt Murdock (Dare Devil)
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chubby-teddybear · 1 year
“He is just misunderstood, he’s just a big ‘old teddy bear 🧸
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